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PASTORAL OFFICES (mailing address) 1335 W. Harrison Chicago, IL 60607 Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Phone: (312) 243-7400 Fax: (312) 243-7614 Website: E-mail:


Sunday/Domingo 5:00 pm Notre Dame (Saturday/Sabado) 8:30 am Notre Dame 10:00 am Notre Dame 12:00 pm Notre Dame (Español) Weekdays/Entre Semana Notre Dame Chapel 1335 W. Harrison Monday thru Friday 6:30 am The Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii 1224 W. Lexington Wednesday 6:00 pm

��PARISH STAFF �Rev. Kevin W. Hays, Pastor �Rev. A. Paul Reicher, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Msgr. Patrick J. Pollard, Retired Most Rev. Alberto Rojas, Resident Rev. Msgr. John F. Canary, Resident Rev. Robert L. Tuzik, Resident Mrs. Carrie Novak, Principal Mr. Michael Ruzicki, Music Director Mrs. MaryAnn Milici, Office Manager


NIÑOS DE PAZ �1900 W. Taylor (312) 243-8186�

The Parish with Heart in the Heart of the City La Parroquia Con Corazon en el Corazon de la Ciudad

La Paroisse pleine de Coeur au Coeur de la ville

eighth Sunday in ordinary time

February 27, 2013

Welcome to Notre Dame de Chicago Parish Community. If you are

a visitor, we hope you have an enlightening worship experience. If you

are new to our area, we invite you to join our diverse faith community.

Notre Dame de chicago parish

1334 W. Flournoy

chicago, il 60607

May 20, 2018

� Today the Catholic Church in all parts of the world celebrates the Feast of Pentecost. In fulfillment of the Lord’s promise, the Church receives the gift of the Holy Spirit. Hardly two months had passed since the Resurrection and the believers were timid and fearful. They did not understand that God would never abandon the church. The Holy Spirit continues to give it guidance. Today’s feast is the commemoration of an historic event, yet another promise of God’s presence in the Church and a celebration of the Spirit who is with us, right here and right now. We can all remember the names of heroic, brave people who found an extraordinary strength. And we ask how did they do it? Where did they get they strength? It seems to have come from nowhere, like a gust of wind or the outbreak of a fire. Perhaps this is why these are two of the symbols for the Holy Spirit. With this force and this light, the Church both received and still receives the power to continue Christ’s work of evangelization. The Holy Spirit transformed the apostles, freed them from fear and removed their doubts, thus enabling them to continue the Lord’s mission. Having suffered – most of them, at a distance – the trauma of the Lord’s passion and death, a natural fear of suffering the same fate kept them locked up in prayer in the Upper Room. Then with wind and fire came the promised gift of the Holy Spirit, which transformed their lives and gave birth to the Church. The same Spirit guides us and encourages us to work to build the Church and bring society closer to God. Because of fear, the Apostles were found behind closed doors. Perhaps different fears have the same power to create a closed heart in us. Prayer kept them in contact with God so that the Holy Spirit could enter their lives. With prayer in our lives, the Holy Spirit can do again what was done at Pentecost, allowing us to grow in faith and seek new ways to serve others as Christ did. In this way our lives become even more a living example of the love of God in the world and a sign of the Risen Lord among us. The Holy Spirit is present and can act through us all as a new wind and a new fire in the world.

Fr. Kevin Hays

El día de hoy, la Iglesia Católica en todas partes del mundo celebra la Fiesta del Pentecostés. En cumplimiento de la promesa del Señor, la Iglesia recibe el don del Espíritu Santo. Solo dos meses se habían pasado desde la Resurrección y los creyentes andaban tímidos y temerosos. No entendían que jamás abandonara Dios a la Iglesia. El Espíritu Santo la sigue guiando. La fiesta de hoy es una conmemoración de un evento histórico, una promesa más aún de la presencia de Dios en la Iglesia y una celebración del Espíritu presente con nosotros, ahora y aquí mismo.

Fácilmente se puede recordarnos de los nombres de las personas heroicas y valientes quienes hallaron una fuerza extraordinaria. ¿Cómo lo hicieron? ¿De dónde provino la fuerza?

Parece que vino de nada, como una ráfaga de viento o un estallido fogoso. Quizás es por eso que estos dos elementos son símbolos para el Espíritu Santo. Con esta fuerza y esta luz la Iglesia recibió y todavía recibe el poder para continuar la obra de Cristo de la evangelización. El Espíritu Santo transformó a los apóstoles, librándolos del miedo y quitándoles sus dudas, así empoderándoles a continuar la misión de Cristo. Habiendo sufrido – aún la mayoría a la distancia – el trauma de la

pasión y la muerte del Señor, un temor a sufrir el mismo destino los tenía encerrados en oración en el aposento alto. Luego con el viento y el fuego, vino el don prometido del Espíritu Santo, transformándolos en el nacimiento de la Iglesia. El mismo Espíritu nos guía y nos anima en el trabajo de construir la Iglesia y llevar la sociedad más cerca de Dios. A causa del miedo, los apóstoles se encontraban atrás de puertas cerradas. Quizás hay diferentes miedos con el mismo poder de crear en nosotros un corazón cerrado. La oración mantenía a los apóstoles en contacto con Dios para que el Espíritu Santo pudiera entrar sus vidas. Con la oración en la vida nuestra, el Espíritu Santo es capaz de hacer de nuevo lo que hizo en el Pentecostés, permitiéndonos a crecer en la fe y buscar las maneras nuevas de servir a otros como lo hacía Cristo. En esta manera nuestras vidas llegan a ser un ejemplo mejor del amor de Dios en el mundo y un signo de la presencia del Señor Resucitado entre nosotros. El Espíritu Santo está presente y actúa por medio de nosotros en el mundo como un viento nuevo y un fuego nuevo.

Padre Kevin Hays

Notre Dame de Chicago Parish 2 Pentecost Sunday

From the desk of the Pastor…... Del escritorio del Pastor…...

May 20, 2018 3 Notre Dame de Chicago Parish



























Notre Dame de Chicago Parish 4 Pentecost Sunday

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SCRIPTURE READINGS / LAS LECTURAS .���9��)���������0��:����0���;��0��+0��)0<:�=����)�*���*��*)���������0��;��*��������;��&��0��()�*��;��0��(>�*���*2�?�����;�����0���������7����9�����������*��;�;�����&>�9�������0��'�*)�>��*���0��4�����>�����0���������7�2�.0��

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Holy Spirit, fan into flame the gifts I received in my Baptism and Confirmation. I want to receive the fire of Your love as Your disciples did at Pentecost. Come with wonder and awe, with wisdom, understanding, and counsel, with courage and faith in You. Holy Spirit, may my actions witness to Your presence in my life. Help me to see the ways my strengths can serve others in their weakness. In all my interactions, I want to radiate love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Breathe new life into the world through me. Amen.

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From Award Winning Director





“This film masterfully shares the tenderness, humanity, and revolutionary thinking of Pope Francis. And shows that he is a man who practices what he preaches. Wim Wenders’ “Pope Francis - A MAN OF HIS WORD,” is intended to be a personal journey with Pope Francis as he sets out to present his work of reform and his answers to today’s global questions. From his deep concern for the poor to his involvement in environmental issues and social justice. Pope Francis engages the audience face-to-face in a way never seen before.

May 20, 2018 5 Notre Dame de Chicago Parish

MASS INTENTIONS Weekend of May 19/20 Pentecost Sunday 5:00 pm Francesco & Italia Antonini Felicitas Castañeda Joseph & Anna Cosentino Jose Manuel Lizarde Roselyn Panepinto 8:30 am Notre Dame Parishioners 10:00 am Notre Dame Parishioners 12:00 pm Aguirre & Contreras Families Felicitas Castañeda Angela Fernandez Hennigan & Glenn Families Jose Manuel Lizarde Monday, May 21—St. Christopher Magallanes 6:30 am Notre Dame Parishioners Tuesday, May 22—St. Rita of Cascia 6:30 am Notre Dame Parishioners Wednesday, May 23 6:30 am Felicitas Castañeda Thursday, May 24 6:30 am Notre Dame Parishioners Friday, May 25 Ss. Bede the Venerable, Gregory VII & Mary Magdalene de Pazzi

6:30 am Jose Manuel Lizarde Weekend of May 26/27 The Most Holy Trinity 5:00 pm Francesco & Italia Antonini Joseph & Anna Cosentino Saturnina Gonzales Dolores Micele Roselyn Panepinto Elena Uson 8:30 am Notre Dame Parishioners 10:00 am Aniela Dzoerlega 12:00 pm Notre Dame Parishioners


WE PRAY for the following parishioners or family members of parishioners who are ill or in need of prayer:

LITURGICAL DONATIONS Please pray in thanksgiving to God for our donors and their loved ones:

�� The gifts of Bread and Wine were donated for the month of May: �� Vito & Dolly Canzolino donated by Victor Canzolino & Kathy Stubblefield �

�� The Mary Altar candles are lit for the month of May:

�� Victor Santiago, Jr. donated by the Santiago Family �� In memory of the Barrera & Aguilar Families donated by the

Barrera Family

�� The Our Lady of Guadalupe Altar candles are lit for the month of May:

�� For our 2018 First Communicants

Talal Akaseh Mary Alvarez Duvere Bishop Joe Candella Nita Capitulo Michael Anthony Clark Morgan Grace Coghlin Channie Davis Mitchell Davis Maxine Del Mundo Lewis Ervin Nida Fermin Nathaniel Ferrer Esther Fidis Barbara Frye Timcke Alma Gabriel Alexander Gutierrez Bobby Harrell Whilmetta Harrell Elvira Homan Art Losacco Katharina Losacco Rich Mahoney Dr. Cesar Maniquis

Patricia Manno Steven Montgomery Tom Montgomery Ethan John Moon Emma Nemivant Anita Niezgoda Rey Nonato Darlene Peachton Bonifacio Racoma Fr. Paul Reicher Philip Rice, Sr. Rosemary Rice Joel Rivera Mary T. Rosales Maria Victoria San Luis Paul Sias John Soto Juanita & Paul Soto Patricia Soto Angelo Suranno Janice Wallace Delfin Wenceslao, Jr. Anna Whittinghill Richard Whittinghill

WE PRAY for all the deceased family members and friends of our parishioners and benefactors, especially:

Juan Buendia Antonio Del Mundo Rosemarie Lozano

WE PRAY for our loved ones serving in the Armed Forces.

WE PRAY for those affected by violence.

STEWARDSHIP Weekend of May 12/13: Actual Collection $2,483 Electronic giving $683 Total Collection $3,166 Budgeted Collection $4,100 Collection under budget $934

Year to date Actual Collection $187,009 Year to date Budgeted Collection $221,000 Year to date Collection Deficit $33,991 Catholic Charities: $1,250.85


Thank you for your continued generosity!!