Notre Dame Scholastic€¦ ·  · 2015-06-25Notre Dame, 4; Michigan, 2, 491 Chancery, ... Wm. R....

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Transcript of Notre Dame Scholastic€¦ ·  · 2015-06-25Notre Dame, 4; Michigan, 2, 491 Chancery, ... Wm. R....












\ / E dreams of my boj'hood, how much I regret you !

• Unfaded your memory dwells in mj- breast;

Though sad and deserted, I ne'er can forget you :

Your pleasures may still be in fancy possess'd.

'ijiTyu-'r-yi^ ^^pmmMmM4^M^mmsmmMmm^:m^ss^: mMmmmmm w

^^1,!^ CONTENTS.- . : - ; ; - 1 93999 - — — — I

PROSE Aaron Burr, A Sketch of _ _ - 283 Baseball: Michigan, 15; Notre Dame, 2, . 604 ~ ^^; Adams,William Taylor—"Oliver Optic," 316 " Notre Dame, 5; South Bend,'4, 628 ,.-S Address by Archbishop Riordan, An - 138 Basketball: Steiner, 10; 0'Shaughnessy,6, 292 - ;<; Adrian (Pope), The Bull of - - 598 " ' First Regiment, 35; N. D., 8, 323 ^ .-•ly^:':^:• Aher the Show.—Frank R. Ward, - 160 " Clybornes, 19; Notre Dame, 13,343 , .: Afzkar Flower-Pots, The — Fra^ik W. " Notre Dame, 16; Rush M., 13, 36b : c >£

O'Malley, - - - - - 76 Beatrice (Cenci) Justly Condemned.^- . . | Alienage, Religion and - .- ~ - 185 Michael M. Oswald, - - 465 - - j ! * Alumni, The Coming of the Chicago - 14 Benefit of Clergy.—Louis T. Weadock, - 206 = :•= America.—Her Destiny - - - 552 Beyond Bounds.— William F. SkeeJian, - 427 ; 3 '^ Another War-Time Chaplain, - - 388 Bill's Treasure-Trove.—Theodore V. Wat- ; . Another War-Time Memorial of Father terson, - - - - - -301' . • ..'

Corby, - - - - - 319 Black Feet Circus-Poster.—Frank W. . : ) Anson at Notre Dame, - - - - 373 O'Malley,- - - - ' - - 224 .7 3'7:-Anthony's Midnight Attack,—George A. Blennerhassett (Harman), The History of 513 , ; S^l

Barthel, - - - - - 367 Blue Back Spelling Book, The—Emmett "\ }P Archbishop Ireland at Notre Dame, - 402, -* A.Corley, - - - - 552 ;fe Archishop Ireland's Address, - - 417 Boat Club, The B,anquet of the - - 147 ,: i Are Athletics a Help or a Hindrance in * Boat Races, The - - - - 9 , L£

College Work? - - -~ - 545 Books and Magazines, 17, 65, 79, 97, 129, 149 ^.'iC}^^ Armed Neutrality at Sea, Origin of - 523 161,177,193,233,285 7 - ^ ^ Ascension Thursday, - - - 555 ^ 303. 317» 369.432,505 -". \ J 1 ; As Others See Us, - - - - 510 '537,569 j ; " ^ Athletics, - - - - - - 52 Bound Friends.—Raymo?id G. O'Malley, - 582 : C i Athletics at Notre Dame. — Michael M. Boyle, Rev. James _ _ _ _ 524. V V V; -

Powers, - - - - - 330 Bro. Augustus—Our Pioneer, - - 179 --V-;^ Athletics, — Are They a Help or a Hin- Broken Wo\in,The—John F. Fennessey, 232 A ""ij

drance in College Work? - - 545 Brovvnson, Orestes A. - - .. - 481- "v.. * At Hotel d'Haney, - - , - - u Bfownson, Philip Van Dyke—The Death of 462 - /T- l} Authority, Liberty and - - - 445 Buck's Fatal Plunge.—Frank Maloy, -,, 431 . irHS

Bull of AAx'xzxi; The—Matthew A, Schu- (:. ./A^-<^^

Bach, John Sebastian - - - - 366 macher', - - - - - o ^ S - ^ ^ ' X ^ ^ Bachelor Girls, Concerning Two - 510,526 Biiried Box, The—Edward C. Brozm, - 597 . y lll^^ * Baccalaureate Sermon, - - - i Byerly (Mrs. Henrietta), The Death of 558 ; "J-vjS Band Concert, The - - - 237,474 . "" ". ' : ;?ia * Band Concerts, The - - - 2,15 Card from Father Corby, A - - 98: - - i ^ g * Band March, Grand - -- - - 7 Carrier, C. S. C , Rev. Joseph—Another - ; : ^ r-^^ Banquet of the Boatt:iub.—Z. C il^ ie., 147 War Time Chaplain, - - 388- , . ' , \ « B^seh3.\\.—Louis T. Weadock, 341, 435, 478, 525 Carroll (Rev. Thomas), The Death of - 5707. , .ys : -Baseball: Notre Dame, 15; South Bend, 3, 479 ^^^^ °^ Major Andre, The—John J. Daivd, ^7,2/. ;^77 .?::

. " Notre Dame, 4; Michigan, 2, 491 Chancery, The Province of - - 5 7347^ _;, ; ; | N. D., 12;" North western,, i, 507 Character of Falstaff, The—Wm. S. Murphy, %6z " ; j ; ;;f?

. " NotreDame, 5;JDePauw,^2, - 556' Charles A: D a n a . — K Z . i t / ^ - y^:!:436£ 7 7 ^ 7 . ^ " - Wisconsin!^5; Notre Dame, o, 558 Chateaubriand.-^^ .ff. i VZSiw ^Ma, -A- i : ^ ! ; !^ ' y

Notre Dame, 10; Indiana, i, - 573 Chat with;the Mechanical ;Engineefs^^A^ -': 1 / / 7 7 7 l ^ " South Bend, 9; Notre Dame, 5, ' } V . L . B . , ^ - . - " r ' ^ ^ ' X y : f ^ 771:111 ':; .-Notre Danie, 8; St. Viateur, 6, 587 ".. * Articles marked with a * will be found ]ii'th4!mn^^^777^>7M " Notre Danie, 12; Chicago, 9, 589 Scholastic''at the "end of the volume.-;^ - - y

tv Index.

Checked iwun, A—Edward C. Brown, Chicago Games, Notre Dame at the * Chief Justice Howard Honored, China, The Partition of - - -Christmas Story, h.—John J. Dowd, Chronograph, The—Thotnas A.Steiner, -Clancey (The Right Rev. Dr. John) at

Notre Dame, - - - -Clergy, Benefit of - - - -* Closing Exercises. at St. Edward's Hall, g

504 403

10 368 229 22

66 206

College Football.—yi?//^ JV. Eggcman, -* College Regatta, The -College Spirit.—L. T. JV., - - -Columbians XThe) and St. Patrick's Day, Columbian Banquet, The - -* Coming of the Chicago Alumni, The -* Commencement, - - - -Commencenient Oration.—Rl. Rev. Maurice

T. Burke, D.D., Commencement, The Fifty-Fourth "Commerce of Hearts." — Raymond G.

O'Malley, - - - - -Concerning Two Bachelor Girls, Concerts: Mozart, - - - -

Band - - - -" Spiering _ _ .

Conferring of Degrees, - - -* Congratulations on the "Daily Scho­

lastic, - - - - -Convenient Lamp Rack, A—Stewart Ale-

Donald, - - -Corby (Father) Dead, . - -Corby (Father), A Symposium on Corby (Father), The Funeral of Corby (Father),Tributes from the Press to 259 Corby (Father), Resolutions of Respect for 268 Corby (Father), Tributes of Respect to 275 Corby (Father), Another War-Time

Memorial of - - - - 319 Corpus Christi, - - _ - _ 603 Country Bumpkin, A—Francis J. F. Confer, 563 Course in Shop Work, The—Stewart Mc­

Donald, - - - -Crime, The Literature of -Crusades, Effect of the - -* Curiosity, A ^ - - .

334 '5

404 420 574

14 1,9

609 623

169 526 194

237. 474' 386

- 629


8 246 249 264

14 57

148 12

Daily Scholastic, The - - - - 622 Dana, Charles A. - - - - 436 Death, Life and ; - . - - .- - 129 Debate, The Sorin-Brownson Hall - 490 Defence of Football, A--/(7A« Z,.Ww//^», 331 Degrees, Conferring of - - - 629 Delayed Car, The—5*/./. O'Sullivan^ - 503 Deptartment of Drawing, The - ; - 20

Development in the Methods of Studying Law—Professor William Hoynes, A. M., LL. D.. - . - 201

Dickens, Recollections of - - - 175 Did They Know?—Frank f. F. Confer, n o Disagreeable Lover, The—Michael J. Mc-

Cormack, - - - - - 5 1 7 Distinguished Prelate at Notre Dame, A 66 Dividing Engine.—Eugene A. Delaney,

Julius A.Aice,- - - - 3 Doctor Zahm's Reception, - - - 302 " Dora," Tennyson's . - - Q5 Double Disappointment, K—Johyi F. Fen-

nessey, - - - - - - 339 Down on the Cimarron—Frank Maloy, 566 Drama, The Influence of the - - 616 Drawing, The Department of - - 20 Dream Pictures—Francis J. F. Confer, - 443

Easter Hymns—Thomas A. Medley, - 449 Easter—Raymojid G. O'Mallev, - - 448 Early Frontier Wedding, An—Thotnas A.

Medley, - - - ' - - 531 Editorials, i8, 34, 50, 66, 114, 130, 146, 162, 178

210, 234, 264, 286, 318, 340, 356, S70 - 386, 402, 416, 434, 458, 474, 490, 506

538, 554, 570, 584, 602, 622 Editors (Our) Past and Present, - - 611 * Editorials, - - - - - 2,6, 12 Effect of the Crusades.— JV. C. Mc- .

Donough, - - - - -Electrical Laboratory, - - _ Elements of Success.—Norivood R. Gibson, Elocution Contest, The - - - -Elocution at the University, End of May, The -Equipment of the Department of Physics,

The - - - - - -Essays in Little _ - _ ^^2, 553 Even Struggle, An—L. T JV., - - 100 Exceptional Woman, An—Arthur T.

Simpson, - 568 * Examinations, Senior - - - - 2 Exchanges, 37, 53, 85, loi, 117, 133, 149, 165

. 181, 197, 213, 231, 289, 304, 320 374, 389, 405, 422, 437, 460, 477

. 495. 509. 525, 5|i.- 557, 6p6 Exchange or Robbery?—Frank CShaugh-

nessy, - - - - - 208

Fable for Dreamers, A - - - - 62 Fable for Writers, A - 7 - 220 Fallen, The—/ohn f. Dpwd - - - 63 Falstaff, The Character of - - 572 Father Cleary's Lecture, -_ - - 342 Festival of the Music-Makers, The - 588 Fifty-Fourth Commencement, The : - 623


15 335 605

115 591



—-.•;-•; •'•'r.v.

Index, V

Finished Education, The—L.C.M.R. , -Fireside Hunting.—-John J. Dozud, -First Rush, The—Francis P. Drehcr, First Honor Awards, _ _ _ Football.—i:. T. W., Football, A Defence of - - -Football, College - . - -Football: Notre Dame, o; Rush Medical, o;

" Notre Dame, 4; DePauw, 0, " Notre Dame, 62; Chicago Dental

College, 0. - - -" University of Chicago, 34; Notre

Dame, 5, - - -" Notre Dame, 34; Michigan

Agricultural College, 6, " Notre Dame, 60; St. Viateur, 0,

* Formal Presentation of the Lsetare Medal, The . . . .

For Her Own True L.ove.—/o/in J. Dozvd, Founder's Day, _ _ . _ Four Lectures by Dr. Jas. Field Spalding, Friends, Bound * From the Seat of War, _ _ _ Funeral of Father Corby, The

48.9 299 349 630 116 331 334 100 130



194 198

5 144 98

302 582



Human Nature Always the Same, Hymns, Easter _ _ _ Hypatia, St. Cyril and

35 449 529

Galileo.—^The Truth about Him, - ^i,'/'/, 396 Galvonometer Scales.—Ralph L. Palmer, i G. A. R. Post, 569, Notre Dame's - 80 Garret Reveries.—M, - - - - 157 George Frederick Handel.—Francis F.

Dukeite - - - - - 484 George Parsons Lathrop.—Frank W.

O'Matley, - - - - - - 516 Good Medicine.—Francis J. F. Confer, 221 Gothic Architecture.— William F Sheehan, 142 Government and Civil Society.—Stephen J.

Bruecker, - - - - - 353 Grand Army Post, 599, Notre Dame's - 80 * Grand Band March, - - - - 7 Greek and Mathematics in Education.—

James J. Trahey, - - •' - 470 Greeting to Father General, - - 98 * Gymnasium, The New - ' - - 10

Habeas Corpus.—Francis J. F. Conjer, 345 Hamlet.—Patrick E. Reardon, - - - 73 Handel, George Frederick - - 484 Her Sacrifice.—Charles F. Ensign, - 547 History of Harman Blennerhassett, The

Shermapi Steele, - - - - 5 1 3 His First Game.—Charles M. Nieser, - 337 Homilies, Stray - - - - " 5 3 5 * Hotel d'Haney, - - - ' - n Hour of Suspense, An—John D. Landers, 520 Howard (Judge), A New Honor to -" - .19S * Howard (Chief Justice) Honored, - 10 How It Happened.—Beryiard Maloy, . - 383

Identity of a Name, The—Frank R. Ward, 487 Idyll, An—Edivard J. Mingey, - - 497 Importance of Philosophy, The—Paul J.

Ragan, - < -In a Chair Car.—Frank O'Shaughnessy, Incident in Boyville, An^John F. Daly, Influence of the Newspapers, The—Frank

Earle Hering, Influence of the Drama, The—William F.

Sheehan, - -In Memoriam, - - - - - 558, 570 In the Narrow Days.—Raymond G. O'Malley, 111

121 176 192



In the Falling Rain.—Frank R. Ward, In the South.—Thomas A. Medley, In the Sheeling.—Anthony Brogan, Irish History, A Retrospect in Is the Race Deteriorating?—X., -

127 143 381 412


Jackson (George W., Jr.,), The Death of 558 James Clarence Mangan.—/<?//« A. McNa-

viara, - - - - - - 89 Jefferson, Thomas - - - - ' 159 Jewett, Hal . _ - _ _ ^57 Jim's Legal Experience.— Wm. R. Miller, 488 John Sebastian Bach.—Francis F. Dukefte, 366 "John,. Do You Want a C^.ndle^'i"—James *'

/ . Irahey, - - - - - 384' John Sing Lee.—Frank R. Ward, - 500

Kid, The—Henry C. Stearns, Know the Law.—F. / . F. Confer,

47 309

* Lastare Medal, Formal Presentation of the 5 * Lsetare Medal Address, Lsetare Medal, Origin of the - - ' Ljetare Medal, The - - -• . -Lakes at Notre Dame, The Lamp Rack, A Convenient La Portiunciila, - - - -Last Letter, The—77/o;«a^ A. Medley,-Lathrop, George Parsons Latin-Americans at Notre Dame, The Laureate's Volume, A—T.J.J. -Law, Development in the Methods of

Studying - - . -Law, Know the - - - - - -Lectures: F. Marion Crawford's - _ -

William P. Breen's - -" Dr. James Field Spalding's " Father Cleary's - - -" Miss Eliza Allen Starr's ^ -

13 425: 410 387.

8 438 315 516;

19 432


309 178 277 362^

.342: 506:

Legal Profession, The—F. HenryiWurzer} 20^-

^^ = -v- i-. S J

vt Index.

445 129



Liber ty and Authori ty . — William F. Sheehan, - - - - -

Life and Dea th .—A. L. M. Life, Li terature and - - - -Light that Conies, The—Frank Earle

Heriiig, - - -List of Excellence, 151, 168, 408, 440, 544 Literature of Crime, The—Charles M. B.

Bryan, - - - - - ^7 Literature, Morality in - - - 593 Li terature and Life, - - - - 602 * Local News, - - - - 3, 7, 16 Locals I tems, 23, 38, 54, 70, 86, 102, 118, 134

150, 166, 182, 198, 214. 242, 290 306, 322, 342, 358, 375, 390, 406

423,438, 462,^478, 494. 511. 527 542, 559. 575. 592, 607

Mrs. Brandon's Portrait.— Tom J. Dillon, Muscle, Physiology of the Music a-nd Its Secrets.—Jesse William

Lantry, - - - - -

502 328


Major-General Rosecrans, - - -Major Andre, The Case of - -Mangan, James Clarence _ - -Many Tha t Knew, The—Frank R. Ward, Man, A Maid and He r Mother, A—F7-ank

W. GMalley, - •]-

Marion Crawford at Not re Dame, * March Concert, - - - -"Marmion ," - - - - - -Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day, The—

St. John 0'Sulliva7i, Mathematics in Education, Greek and -Mechanical Engineers, A Chat with the Medals, Prize - • -* Medal (Prize) List, - . - -Meeting of the Notre Dame University

Association of Chjcago, - 35, * Memorial of Fa ther Corby, Presenta­

tion of the - _ - -

Memorial Day, . - - -" Merchant of Venice," - -Messages of Sympathy—Death of Fa ther

Corby - - - -

Methods of Determining Specific Gravity.— Edward H. Pulskamp, - -

.Michelangelo Buonarotti , . - _ Military Company, Tha t -* Minims Athletes Honored, Miss Starr 's -Lecture.—A. O. M., Modern Euphranor , A - ^ Thos. B.Riilly, A. B. Modern Prodigal, A ^ ^ " . / ^ C -Montalembert.—-W^zV/zawz /*. Breen, A. M.,

- - ; - - - - -: 277,295; Moot-Court Work, . - , - - - -Moral i ty in. LiteratureT—y^rMarPP;\S/a<:^, Mozart Concert, The - - - -

. M r . A n s o n a t i N o t r e Daitie, , -> -* Mr. Powers': Success - - - ..


532 89


452 178


472 470

12 629



15 586




25 557

506 . 2 5 549

311 356 593 194

373 - .1

Newspapers, The Influence of the New Honor to Judge Howard, A New St. Joseph's Hall , The—/^ W. O'M, * New Gymnasium, The - - -Night and the Goblin—Frank R. Ward, " Night Off," A - - - - -Noble Life and Its Lesson, A—P.J. R., Notre Dame under the Snow, Notre Dame's G. A. R. Post, Notre Dame University Association of

Chicago, Meeting of the - 35, 603 Notre Dame, The Preservation of Natural

Scenery at - - - - 387 Notre Dame at the Chicago Games, - 403 Notre Dame's Firs t Paper,' - - 586 Novel, The Social Influence of the - 614 Nuisance, Wha t Constitutes a - -

61S 198 196 10

583 372 99 235 80


Obituary, - - - .37. 402, 558,'570 Of the Many.—Raymojid G. O'Malley, 500 Old Play and Players in New Places.—Pa7d

J. Ravan, - - - -' - 441 Old Students in New Times, - - 357 * Old Glory in Cuba, - - - - 9 OYwex O'^XXc.^James H. McGinnis, - 316 Olympic Games, The—Peter, E. Fallen, 336 On the Queen's Highway.—/^Z^;;/. Dozvd, 453 Optical Lever.—Stewaj-t McDonald, - 11 Oratory.—Jerome J. Crowley, - - 355 Oratorical Contest, The - - - - 588 Oration, Commencement - - 609 Orestes A. Brownson.—James J. Sanders, 481 Organic Cell, The— William W. Fitzpattick, yy Origin of the L^etare Medal, - - 425 Origin of Armed Neutral i ty at Sea, - 523 Otis (Colonel E lmer ) Death of - 37 * Our Bow, - - - - - - 2 * Our Bandmaster, - - - - - 7 Our Country's Destiny.—George H. Wilso?i, 552 Our Edi tors , Past and Present - - 116 Our .Moot-Court Work.—Joseph\_EUgar

Corby, - - - - - 356 Our Great Hero.—M. James McCormack, 565 Our P ioneer .—P.J .R . , - - - - 179 Our Soldier Boys in Camp, - . - 591 Our Track Team Wins the Indiana State

Meet.—F.E. ffering, - - - 555 Our Track Team's Brilliant Victory, 572

Partition of China, The—^/(g'^w^ A.Delaney, 368 Passing Cloud, A / . - . . . ^ i g "Pass ion F l o w e r s " : -, - - . - 432

i-ic'JS'r^-:z:;rii'^••ry.: ^ki.-<ftsSUi^H^^

Index. vtt

* Personal Mention, •» •> - 4, 8, 15 Personals, 23, 53, 86, 117, 133, 150, 166, 181

213, 289, 305, 321, 358, 374, 389. 405 422, 437, 461, 477. 494, 509, 541

575, 606 Philopatrian Entertainment, The - 475 Philosophy, The Importance of - - 121 Physics, The Equipment of the Depart­

ment of - - - - - 5 Physiology of Muscle.— William W.Fitz-

patnck, - - - - - 328 Pinkerton, Robert A. and Wm. A. - - 357 Place of -My Rural Sojourn, The—St. John

G Stdlivan, - - - - 520 Plautus, Titus Maccius - - - 287 Play and Players in New Places, The Old 441 Playing with Fate—Frank J. F. Confer, - 187 Poet's Year, The - - r - 404 Poetry, Popular . - - - 293 Popular Poetry.— William F. Sheehan, - 293 Portiuncula, La - - . - 438 * Powers' Success, - - - - - i Prejudice Removed, - - - 273 Premiums, - - - - - 6^1 * Preston (Professor Newton A.)—Our

Bandmaster, - - - - 7 * Presentation of the Memorial, - - 15 Preservation of Natural Scenery at Notre

Dame, The - - - - 387 President's Day, - - - - - 2 1 1 * Prize Medal List, The - - • - - 6 Prize Medals, - - - - - 629 "Progress, T h e " - - - - 579 Provmce of Chancery, The - - 347

Race (The)—Is It Deteriorating? - 539 Recollections of Dickens.—Ed. J. Mingey, 175 " Red Head."—Andreiv Savmion, - 44 * Red Letter Day at St. Edward's Hall, - 3 * Regatta, The College - - - 5,9 Rehearsal, The—Louis T. Weadock, _ - 484 Reinhard (Jacob), Death of - - 37 Religion and Alienage.—John Gillespie

Etving, - - - - - 185 Removal from the Bar.— Thomas M.Hoban, 209 Resolutions of the Faculty (Father Corby), 268 Resolutions of Respect (Father Corby), 268 Resolutions of Condolence, - - 306 Resolutions, - - - - - 358 Retrospect in Irish History, K—Jerome J.

Crowley, - - - - 412. Rev. James Boyle, - - - - 524 Revolution of Miss Lydia, The—Elmer J.

Mtirphy, - - - - 447 Roll of Honor, 40, 56, 72, 88, 120, 136, 152, 168

184, 260, 216, 292, 308, 324, 344, 392

Rosecrans, Major-General, 416

Savonarola—in Romola.—Hioiier M. Bennett, - - ~ - - 105

Schopenhauer: "The Vanity and Suffer­ing of Life."—Fra?ik Earle Hering, 325

Scholastic, The Daily - - - - - 622 Scott in "Marmion."—William F. Sheehan, 223 * Senior Examinations, - - - - 2 Sermon, Father Corby's Funeral.—Rev.

D. E. Hxidson, C. S. C, - - 247 Shades of Honor.—Edward J. Mingey, - 455 Shadows.—John J. Dowd, _ _ _ 429 Shop Work, The Course in - - - 14 Short Story, The—Edward J. Mingey, - 230 Sidney Lanier, Poet and Musician—Thos.

A. Medley, - - - - - 226 Sign That Failed, K—John J. Dowd, - 415 Sketch of Aaron Burr, h.~W. C. Mc-

Donough, - - - - - 283 Smithy, The—James H. McGinnis, - 384 Smoking-Room Story, K—Paul J. Ragan, 217 Socrates in Plato's "Crito,"—Michael M.

Oszmld, - - - - - igo Social Influence of the Novel, The—.

Edwa?'d J. Mingey, - - - 614 Society (Civil), Government and - 353 Soldier Boys in Camp, - - - 591 Some Props for a University Extension—

Charles M. B. Bryan, Litt. B., 'pj, - 16 Some Thoughts about the " Merchant."—

Walter B. Golden, - - - 41 Something New, - - - - - 180 Sorin-Brownson Hall Debate, The - 490 Sorin Hall's Opening, - - - - 147 Sorin, Father - - - - - gg Specific Gi-avity, Methods of Determining - 9 Spelling Book, The Blue Back - - 552 Spiering Concert, The - - _ ^g/ Statue of the Sacred Heart, The - - 584 Stars and Stripes Forever!—The ~' - 370 St. Bartholomew's Day, The Massacre of - 472 St. Cecilian's—" The Bell Ringer of St.

Paul 's ." - - - - T 212 St. Cyril and Hypatia.— Wm. T. Sheehan, - 529 St. Joseph's Hall, The New .- - - 196 St. Patrick's Day and the Columbians,

F. W. O'M., - - - - 420 * St. Edward's Hall, Red Letter Day at - 3 * St. Edward's Hall, Closing Exercises at - 9 Story of the Jungle, A—Frank E. ffeiing, gz StrdXe^.—Elmer,Jerame Mtirphy, — _-~ 125-Stray Homilies.—A. L. M. - - - 535 Students Enrolled for the Easter Term, 464 Students Registered for the Christmas .

Examinations j - - . - ._ 244

1 .

C 1 t

vnr Index.

Students Registered at the University, Founder's Day, 1898, - - 104

Students and Parents, - - - - 18 Study from Life, A—Edward J. Mingey, - 31 Success, Elements of - - - 335 Suggestion, A—M. O. S., - - - 115 Surprising Discovery, A—E. Phrem, - 281 Switch Board.—Frank H. Hesse, - - 6 Symposium on Father Corby, A - 249

Tuberculosis.—Jacob Roseiithal, " Two Days and one Night," Two Novels.—Edward J. Mingey,

153. 17^ 262

- 94

Telephone Relations.—Francis H. Dellone, Tennyson's "Dora."—Patrick J. Dwan, -That Military Company, - - -Their First Appearance, "The Moonstone," - - - - -They Were Boys K^2\x\.—Frank O'Shaugh-

?iessy. - - _ - -

Thomas Jefferson.—Charles M. Niezet, Tighe, Rev. D. A. - - - -Titus Maccius Plautus.—/. B. S., Told at Twilight.—John F. Fennessry, Told by the Q,Qx^ox2X.—John F. Fen?iessey, Track Athletics.—L. T. W., 320, 389, 459, 522 Track Meet.—Louis T. Weadock, - - 540 Track-Team's Brilliant Victory, Our 5*55, 572 Track Ream's Reception, The - - 593 TtQ&s, T\i&—Julius A. Nieuwland, - 126

Tributes iof Respect to Father Corby, 275 Tributes from the Press to Father Corby, 259 Troublesome Cigar, The—L. CM. R., 51 Truth about Galileo, The—Rev. J. B. Scheier,

C.S. C, - - - - • 377, 396

553 96



332 159 69

2S7 95


Unappreciated Power, An—Frank A. JVard, 401 University Extension, Some Props for a . 16 Upon Hearing Two Bells.—Frank Malay, 78

Valedictory, 1898.—Tkojvas A. Medley, 620 Varsity and What They Look Like, The—

, XYZ., - - : - - 237 * Veil of the Future Lifted, The - 14 Very Rev. William E. Corby, C. S. C , - 246 Vines.—Juluis A. Nieicwland, ~ - 159 * War, From the Seat of - - - 5i 9 Washington: Patriot and Statesman.—

Edward J. Mingey, - - - 363 Washington's Birthday, Celebration of 370 Washington—Our Great Hero, , - - 565 * Weather Indications, - - - - 5 What Constitues a Nuisance.—John W.

Eggeman, - - - " - 352 Why WeDidn ' t Call —Z. C J/. >?., - 385 " Woman in White," - - - - 94 " Wonder Worker of Padua," - - 180 Work of an Old Alumnus, The - - 69

Yellow Dog, A—Anthony Brogan, - 284 Yesterdays.—Elmer Jerome Mu7phy, - 217 * Young Athletes Honored, - - - 3 Yule-Logs and Embers.—Raymond G.

O'Mdlley, ~ - - - 219


POETRY. At Symtisc—Edward J. Mingey 481 In '61.—J. F. F.. 338

Beyond the Ken of Mdin.—Paul J. Ragan. .293 ]ason^nd Medea.—Afichael M, Oswald 601 Bitterness.—Elmer J. Murphy........... 1.441 : ,- -Burns.—Frank Earle Hering. 169 ^^^'^—Frank EarleHering 222

' Keats •'On a Grecian Urn."—F.E.E:. 57 Chiss Voem.—RaymondG:P'Malley:.^.....6og' ,

, ' , " •'• • '. - - Law.;—Paul J.,Ragan.., .• - . . . » . . . v . . .201 Dawn iindT\i\Y\^t:—Elmer J:Miirphy:.. .217 L\ie\yre2Lms^^Elme0:Murphy.:, ^ . . . . . . 2 5 D i s i l l u s i o n . - ^ ^ y ^ ; W . . . 89 Lifebf: a Wa^ve, T h e ^ ^ ^ ^ . . . . . ' . .93 • • • - : , . ; V ' ' 1, , ' . -. • .-Life..S6iig,The::^->4i 5"; ^ / . . . . . . . . . . . . . i • ^. 414 {Faith.--FrankEarle//ertng.i...:..:...: ..44<. ' : . . ; : } : F6reyer.~^M. .1..:.;:;............;..,.... 121 ^ Minor Ch6rd,'<A;^Pa2f/j^.,^^ . . . . . . . .345 ?./ ':"„:~; ;3 '•^••^i -•/•--;._:•• --•.-"••?'"-A'"--:."-i •.••>•"- "\=^'-:i-cMollie's "Music—^i-W^'O'^?/.: ' . . . . . , . . . . . ..^-zg Hidden;Genis -in Nature;4-J/^;?^ Os7mld.h:8 : M o c ) d s . ^ ^ ^ : J V ^ : . : > . / . . . . . . . . . . .v . .351

IniMemoriam.—***v.. ^ .^ir,;^ ltfm9ricik^^Eugen^.A,j[^^ r r. ^ K u u ^ e n c e f A b r b a a ^ ^ : Newmari.^r^;^;^^ . ; y . . , , v : . . 593

- - i>s - : .o^«

Index. zx

Nixies, The—Frank Earle Hering 325 Notre Dame.—Ninety-Seven: 309

Ode.—Frank Bade Hering 361 O Human Heart !-Oozy Smack, An-

-P.McE 553 -W.F. aM 334

Plains in Winter, The—S.J. O'S 347

Reflection.—Elmer/. Murphy. 441 Retrospection.—A. S. M .425 Rime of Life, A—M • - • I53 Robin.—Frank W. O'Malley 393 Ruth.—Frank Earle Hering 513

Searching.—A. L. M 365 Shadow Land 42 Song of the Thrush, The—/ . / . F 301

Sultan Nods, The—^. L.M... 185

Tears.—L. P. D : , i Thrush, The—F^ank Earle Hering • 445 Time Changes—^***., 105 To My Lamp.—L. P. D 414

Unending, The—E.J. Murphx 529 Varsity Verse, 31, 46, 62, 'J7,<^% n o , 126, 141

158, 174, 189, 228, 283, 300, 314 329, 383, 414, 430, 451. 470. 486

502, 518, 533, 551, 568, 596 Waiting.—Frank Earle Hering. 222 While Leaves are Turning.—/!/. U 97 When Prudence Spins.—CharlesF.Ensign..^^'^ Who Shall Say.—L. P. D .395 Winter.—/. F. Fennessey. 377 Young Year, The—WilliamF. Sheehan.. ...^6^


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