Nothing Real Can Be Threatened

Post on 02-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Nothing Real Can Be Threatened

Nothing real can be threatenedNothing unreal



Life is what happens to you

When you are planning something else

"You are here to enable the divine

purpose of the Universe to unfold.

That is how important you are!

Don’t quit when the tide is lowest,

For it’s just about to turn!

People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did,

but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Each moment that you’re happy

Is a gift to the rest of the world

If you tell me, I will listen

If you show me, I will see

If you let me experience, I will learn

In skating over thin ice,

safety is in our speed.

All things are connected.Whatever befalls the earth,

befalls the sons and daughters of the earth.

Man did not weave the web of life;

he is merely a strand in it.

Whatever he does to the web,he does to himself.