"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution" Theodosius Dobzhansky (1900-1975)

Post on 13-Dec-2015

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Transcript of "Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution" Theodosius Dobzhansky (1900-1975)

  • Slide 1

"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution" Theodosius Dobzhansky (1900-1975) Slide 2 Genomes of living organisms sequenced between 1995 and 2002 eubacteria eukaryote Archaea Slide 3 Molecular search for the Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA) Life appeared on the Earth 3.5 to 3.8 x 109 years ago, soon after the planet was formed (Archean sedimentary rocks). The first phyla that emerge in the tree of life based on rRNA sequences are hyper- thermophylic. This led to the hypothesis that the last universal common ancestor (LUCA) and possibly the original living organism was hyperthermophylic. What was the nature of such a primordial form? How did the transition from this first form of life of all extant biological species take place? What was the LUCA gene content? The computationally- and experimentally-derived (random gene-knockouts) minimal gene-set might be as low as 250-300 genes. The present estimate suggest that LUCA genome could have only 500-600 genes. "All the organic beings that have ever lived on this Earth may be descended from some single primordial form" Charles Darwin: "Origin of Species" Slide 4 Late-Archaean biosphere acc. Nisbet i Sleep (2001) Salt-loving archaea Hadean S-processing archaea Methanogens (hyperthermophile) Methanogens (lower T) A R C H A E A B A C T E R I A High-T fermenters and hydrogen users Anoxygenic green photosynthesizers Anoxygenic S photosynthesizers and other purple bacteria Cyanobacteria (oxybenic photosynthesizers) LUCA CO 2 SO 4 CH 4 H2SH2S Hyperthermophiles Sulphate reducers Fermenters Methanogens Mesophiles Holdfast H2H2 Water Earliest Archaean Mid-early Archaean Earliest Archaean Mid-early Archaean Hyperthermophile biofilms and mats Slide 5 Tree and timescale of life acc. S. B. Hedges, 2002 Eubacteria (Bacteria) Eukaryotes (Eukarya) Archaebacteria (Archaea) CyApPlAnFu PsAm Mi Eu 0 1 2 3 4 Billion years ago Last common ancestor Origin of life Eubacteria (Bacteria) Eukaryotes (Eukarya) Archaebacteria (Archaea) 0 1 2 3 4 Billion years ago Last common ancestor Origin of life CyApPlAn, Fu Ps Mi Eu? Am? 1.0 D. melanogaster 1.15 C. elegans 1.55 A. thaliana, S. cerevisiae 2.6 E. coli, 3.8 Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum An early 1990s view The 2002 view Slide 6 Understanding basic mechanisms of genetic diversity It is estimated that there are now recognized at least 1.5 million living species of all organisms on the Earth. There were many more from the beginning of timescale of life. The basic mechanisms shaping the evolution of living species are: exon-shuffling, polyploidy, segmental duplication of eukaryotic chromosomes, horizontal gene transfer (HGT), symbiotic and mutualistic associations. Slide 7 Exon shuffling: An example of ancestral triosephosphate isomerase (2) Progenote acc. W. Gilbert et al. (1986) 1500 1000500 Millions of years ago Human (6) Rabbit Chicken (6) Fish Maize (8) Budding yeast (0) Aspergillus (5) E. coli (0) B. stearothermophilus (0) C. An evolutionary tree from AA sequence Slide 8 Exon shuffling: An example of ancestral triosephosphate isomerase (1) Three dimentional structure of the enzyme with: coils -helices, arrows -sheets acc. W. Gilbert et al. (1986) 13 cys 14 asn met 13 38 glu glu 38 78 ser ser 78 107 glu 108 phe glu 107 phe 108 glu 107 leu 108 glu 132 glu 133 asp 152 152 glu trp 169 gln 180 ala 181 183 glu 184 val gly 210 210 gly 237 lys 238 pro phe 240 COOH NH 2 B. Comparison of proteins sequences of maize, chicken and the fungus Aspergillus A. COOH NH 2 Slide 9 Segmentally duplicated regions in the Arabidopsis genome Individual chromosomes are presented as horizontal grey bars. Coloured bands connect corresponding duplicated segments. Duplicated segments in reversed orientation are connected with twisted coloured bands. Slide 10 Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) and the origin of species: lessons from bacteria In bacteria, HGT is widely recognized as the mechanism responsible for the widespread distribution of antibiotic resistance genes, gene clusters encoding biodegradative pathways, pathogenicity and symbiosis determinants. Massive HGT events occurred ~2 billion years ago, when the Earth changed from reducing to oxidizing atmosphere. Bacterial and viral DNA are constantly integrating in the chromosomes of plants and animals today by conjugation, transformation (T-DNA of A. tumefaciens), retroviruses and integrative viruses. Slide 11 Why are the genomes of endosymbiotic bacteria so stable? Bacterial genomes are continuously modified by the gain and loss of genes. HGT is one of the most important mechanisms of bacterial evolution. The comparative analysis of endosymbiotic bacterium Buchnera aphidicola (640 kb) has revealed high genome stability associated with the absence of chromosomal rearrangements and HGT events during the past 150 million years. The loss of genes involved in DNA uptake and recombination in the initial stages of endosymbiosis underlies this stability. By contrast, two strains of E. coli: K-12 and OH 157:H7 with only 4.5 Myr of divergence, exhibit genomes whose homology is interrupted by hundreds of DNA segments. Extensive loss of genes is a general attribute of the evolution of endosymbiotic bacteria. Genome stability of microsymbionts is responsible for its co-evolution with the eukaryotic hosts. This is not the case for facultative symbionts whose genomes are much larger (e.g. rhizobial species symbiotising with legume plants; 4.5 7.5 Mb). Slide 12 Nod gene activation BACTEROID N Fixation 2 NH 4 + N 2 Malate Sucrose HOST CELL GlutamineAsparagine Root hair cell Rhizobia Infection thread (invagination of root hair cell membrane) Symbiosome membrane Rhizobia enter the root cortex cell through the infection thread Matabolism of infected cells in a root nodule. Glutamine and asparagine are the main products of N 2 -fixation Symbiotic interaction between legume and nodule-forming rhizobia Infected cell Slide 13 Yellow lupine root nodule morphology Mature lupine root nodules (42 dpi) Cross section of lupine nodule (42 dpi) nodule cortex bacteroid tissue meristematic zone vascular bundle Slide 14 Primate phylogenetic relationship based on molecular and fossil record analyses Modern humans (Homo sapiens) and chimpanzees (Pan paniscus and Pan troglodytes) are located in the same genus (Homo) with a common ancestor living 4-6 Mya. A divergence 7-9 Mya is accepted for separation of gorilla (Gorilla) and Homo clade. An estimate of 14 Mya for the divergence of orangutan (Pongo) and African Apes. Gibbon lineage divergence took place about 18 Mya. The Old World monkeys (Cercopithecoidea) include many primate species with baboons (Papio), mandrills (Mandrillus) and Cercopitheques (Cercopithecus) mainly found in Africa as well as macaques (Macaca) predominant in Asia. Divergence for Hominoidea and Cerco- pithecoidea was estimed to 25 Mya. 65-85 50-60 35-45 25 18 14 7-9 4-6 0 Lemuriformes Lorisiformes Galago Tarsiiformes Tarsilus Platyrrhini Cebus Cercopithecinae Colobinae Macaca Hylobatidae Hylobates Symphalangus Pongidae Pongo Hominidae Gorilla Pan Homo Mya Cercopithecoidea Hominoidea Catarrhini Simiiformes Haplorhini Slide 15 Birth of "human-specific" genes important for primate evolution Humans and the Great African Apes share very similar chromosome structure and genomic sequence at the DNA level with 98.5-99% homology (chimpanzee). What makes us different at the genetic level from the closest relatives - Antropoids? A recent major breakthrough was identification of "human-specific" genes. Also, specific chromosomal regions have been mapped that display all the features of "gene nurseries" and could have played a major role in gene innovation and speciation during primate evolution. Two highly conserved human genes were identified (PRM2, histon-like protein essential to spermatogenesis and FOXP2-transcription factor involved in speech and language development) which were probably the selection targets in recent human evolution.