Notes: Sections 4 & 5: “Bootlegging, Organized Crime, and a National Culture”

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Transcript of Notes: Sections 4 & 5: “Bootlegging, Organized Crime, and a National Culture”

Notes: Sections 4 & 5: “Bootlegging, Organized Crime, and a National


Prohibition -- The passing of the 18th amendment that made the production and sale of liquor illegal.

Bootlegging – making alcohol illegally. In the 1920’s, many different types of alcohol were made illegally.

Bootleggers -- Illegal makers of liquor during prohibition.

Speakeasies -- Places where illegal liquor

was sold.

Organized crime -- A result from the

prohibition of the 1920s.

Video: Gangsters & Prohibition

Al Capone – famous crime boss; made his money and power by bootlegging alcohol.

Video: Al Capone

Henry Ford -- His creation of the assembly line

marked the beginning of the modern era.

Charles Lindbergh -- He was the first man to fly non-stop

across the Atlantic and became a national hero.

Video: Charles Lindbergh

F. Scott Fitzgerald -- Famous American author who

criticized the greedy rich; wrote the Great Gatsby.

Scopes Trial -- This was a symbol of the battle of modernism and fundamentalism that existed during

the 1920s.

Shared Culture -- Term for commonalities in America that

resulted from the technological innovations of the 1920s.