Notes on indian petroluem industry 2009

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Transcript of Notes on indian petroluem industry 2009




Final Report

Prepared for the Competition Commission of India

January 2009

Indicus Analytics

New Delhi


Team Members Ashok Desai Laveesh Bhandari Ramrao Mundhe Maj. General Bhupindra Yadav

Special Thanks to Experts at the Competition Commission of India Payal Malik



I Introduction............................................................................................................................... 1

II Refinery Technology and Products .......................................................................................... 3

III Global Oil Industry .................................................................................................................... 5

IV Indian Oil Industry .................................................................................................................... 9

V Competition in Exploration ..................................................................................................... 14

VI Competition in user Industries................................................................................................ 18

VII Competition in Refining Industry ............................................................................................ 20

VIII Competition in Gas Industry................................................................................................... 21

IX Conclusion.............................................................................................................................. 22

Data Appendix ............................................................................................................................... 25

Petroluem Statistics .............................................................................................................................. 25 A. At a Glance................................................................................................................... 25 B. Production .................................................................................................................... 27 C. Consumption ................................................................................................................ 34 D. Imports ........................................................................................................................ 39 E. Exports ........................................................................................................................ 40 F. Sales and Marketshares .............................................................................................. 42 G. Prices ........................................................................................................................... 45 H. Subsidies...................................................................................................................... 51 I. Financials ..................................................................................................................... 52


I Introduction This paper is about the Indian petroleum refining industry. But this industry is extremely open; trade flows are large compared to production. And there is considerable overlap between oil production and refining internationally, and to some extent in India. So we begin with a brief discussion of the international petroleum industry and its components – refining being one of them.

Petroleum is extracted from underground reserves; then it is cracked or “refined” into end products for various uses. The petroleum industry thus has two parts: an oil exploration and production industry upstream and a refinery industry downstream. Most oil producers also own refineries. But the reverse is not true; a high proportion of oil is sold to refinery companies that do not produce crude oil.

Sedimentary rocks in which hydrocarbons are trapped often hold gas, sometimes in association with crude oil and sometimes alone. It consists mostly of methane, which is lighter than air and toxic. It therefore requires airtight tanks for storage and similarly leak-proof pipes or trucks for transport, which raise its capital costs. Associated gas was flared in early years of the industry; it is still flared at remote or minor wells where the cost of its collection and transport would be high, or often reinjected into the oilfield to maintain pressure which forces oil up to the surface. But where the quantities are large enough, natural gas is mined and traded. It is mainly used as an industrial, domestic and vehicular fuel.

Motor vehicles run almost exclusively on petrol and high-speed diesel oil, both fuels derived from mineral oil – although they can be modified to run on certain biofuels. Vehicles are so widely dispersed that they require an extensive distribution system for these two refinery products. As motor vehicle use has spread across the world, it has brought along with it petrol pumps, logistics, storage and supply of fuels. There is thus a third part of the petroleum industry downstream from refineries which distributes the products. It is owned by refineries in most countries. But this is not inevitable. Some countries have distribution chains that are independent of producers and refiners; and in countries which do not have refineries, distribution is undertaken by either local or foreign oil companies.

Oil has collected in pools and seeps for thousands of years. The Chinese are recorded as having extracted oil from wells 800 feet deep through bamboo pipes in 347; they used it to evaporate brine and make salt. American Indians used to put it to medicinal uses. Persians, Macedonians and Egyptians used tars to waterproof ships. Babylonians used asphalt in the eighth century to construct the city’s walls, towers and roads. But the easily available oil was not put to any mass use because the crude itself was not a good fuel; it gave out much soot and smoke. A distillation process using a retort was invented by Rhazes (Muhammad ibn Zakariya Razi) in Persia in the 9th century; liquid heated in it vapourized, passed through a curved spout and condensed in another container. The process could be used to make kerosene; but it was more often used to make alcohol and essence of flowers for perfume. It was a batch process, its fuel consumption was high, and it was not equally efficient at distilling kerosene from all crudes.

A more efficient and reliable distillation process came out of a series of inventions after 1846. The last invention was the invention of oil fractionation in 1854 by Benjamin Silliman, a professor of science in Yale. It used a vertical column which separated components more efficiently, and which could be used continuously.

Oil was first produced in Titusville, Pennsylvania (USA) in 1859 by one Edwin L Drake, who refined it into kerosene, which was then used as an illuminant. Electricity did not emerge as an illuminant till the Edison Electric Light Company was founded in 1878. Well into the 20th century, kerosene, gas and electricity continued to compete as illuminants. Whilst the use of gas as an illuminant has virtually disappeared, a large population, especially in India, continues to use kerosene as illuminant.


The invention of the motor car by Karl Friedrich Benz in 1885 created a market for petrol, a new refined product (petrol is called Benzin in Germany, but is not named after Karl Benz). In 1898, Rudolf Diesel invented an engine in which oil was ignited by compression; the diesel engine he invented came to power larger vehicles, principally trucks and buses. Diesel engines used a different fuel, which was named diesel oil. After this, the production and use of motor vehicles spread rapidly in the United States, especially after 1908 when Henry Ford began mass manufacture of his Model T; and petroleum and diesel oil became the most important refined products, first in the US and progressively across the world.

However, only a certain proportion of crude oil can be converted into motor fuels. The demand for kerosene, the original distillate extracted from crude oil, has gone down with the spread of electricity. So other refined products have been developed, and non-vehicular uses developed for them. Some of the products differ little from motor fuels; for instance, naphtha, extensively used to make nitrogenous fertilizers and chemicals, is little different from petrol; and jet fuel is very similar to kerosene. Thus, refineries find markets for their products in many industries other than motor transport (Appendix-table C4).

The Industry in India

India imports three-quarters of the crude it refines (Appendix-table D1). It exports refinery products (Appendix-table E2); its net exports are roughly ten per cent of production. The government operates an elaborate set of cross-subsidies to insulate domestic from international prices; such cross-subsidies have serious effects on the finances of the Indian companies (Appendix-table I2) involved, and influence competition amongst them. The oil companies, both public and private, are so large a part of the economy that the cross-subsidy regime cannot be sustained in all circumstances; sooner or later, the government has to bring domestic prices closer to international prices. Hence the state of competition in the international market and international prices are important for the domestic market.

In Section II, which follows, we give an introduction to refinery technology, products, and the markets they serve. In Section III, we briefly describe the global exploration, production and refining industries. In Section IV, we describe the Indian market structure in terms of the companies operating in it, their products and markets. In Sections V, VI, VII and VIII, we outline the market structure in exploration and production, user industries, refining and gas respectively. In Section IX, we turn to the major barriers to competition and to the steps that need to be taken if greater competition is to be introduced in the domestic market for refined products.


II Refinery Technology and Products This section provides a brief overview of the technology and production process. An understanding of these issues is critical as it helps understand industry structure.

Crude oil is a liquid mixture of hydrocarbons – chemical compounds consisting roughly of six parts of carbon and one of hydrogen, both of which are fuels; it generally also carries small quantities of sulphur, salts, metals, oxygen and nitrogen. It was formed from organic remains accumulated undersea and eventually trapped in sedimentary rocks; these rocks are where crude oil exploration is concentrated. Generally the oil is compressed, and gushes out if a pipe is pushed into an oil-bearing trap. But as it is extracted, the pressure diminishes, and it is often artificially reinforced by injection of air or water into the reservoir to push up the oil.

Crude oil contains hydrocarbons that vary in their boiling point; refining is a process in which crude oil is heated in a vacuum until it evaporates and then allowed to rise up a column. Different hydrocarbons liquefy at different temperatures and can be collected at various heights in the distillation column.

In the basic refinery process, crude is heated to 600ºC by injection of superheated steam and pumped in at the bottom of a vertical distillation column. As the vapour rises up the column, it cools. The column has trays at various heights with holes. As the vapour cools, fractions with different boiling points liquefy, collect in the trays and are drained off; products with high boiling points rise to the top, while products with low boiling points collect on lower trays. The principal products, with their approximate boiling points, are petroleum gas (20ºC), naphtha (40ºC), petrol (70ºC), kerosene and jet fuel (120ºC), diesel (200ºC), lubricant (300ºC), and furnace oil (370ºC); solid petroleum coke collects at the bottom after the liquid fractions are removed.

The proportions in which these products come out vary to an extent with the crude; crudes are classified as light or heavy according to the proportion of light products. But the balance of demand and supply for the products is such that the prices of furnace oil are much lower than those of light products such as petrol, kerosene and diesel oil. In August 2008, international prices of residual fuel oil ranged from $2.29 to $2.48 a gallon; the corresponding range was $2.68-3.05 for petrol, $3.06-$3.29 for diesel oil, and $3.18-$3.38 for jet fuel. So other technologies are employed to crack, alter or recombine molecules and make lighter hydrocarbons from residual fuel oil.

The principal products obtained from the primary refining and cracking processes are (see Appendix - table B5 and C1 for product-wise production and consumption):

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), mostly a combination of butane and propane. It is heavier than air, and liquefies under pressure. It is used as a household cooking fuel, refrigerant, and vehicular fuel; 4 million vehicles are estimated to be powered by LPG in the world.

Petrol is used to fuel internal combustion engines, mainly vehicular. Its early use as a killer of lice and their eggs has completely disappeared.

Naphtha is used to make additives for high-octane petrol, and to make polymeric plastics and urea, a nitrogenous fertilizer.

Aviation turbine fuel (ATF) is the fuel used in propeller planes. It is akin to petrol.

Kerosene, also known as paraffin, is used as an illuminant and cooking fuel in India and other poor countries, and as a space heating fuel in industrial countries.

Jet fuel, used in jet planes, is closely akin to kerosene.

High-speed diesel oil is used in engines running at 750 revolutions per minute (rpm) or more. It is mostly used in diesel-powered vehicles

Light diesel oil is used in diesel engines running at lower speed – mainly irrigation pumps and generation sets.


Furnace oil is made by diluting residual fuel oil from refining with middle distillates such as diesel oil. It is used in boilers, bunkers, heaters, furnaces, or as fertilizer feedstock. Low-sulphur heavy stock (LSHS) is a variant of furnace oil.

Lubricating oil consists of greases and viscous oils used to lubricate moving parts in industry, automobiles, railway engines and carriages and marine engines.

Paraffin wax is used as an electrical insulator, for heat storage and in thermostats.

Asphalt is a black thermoplastic product that is used to make roads and sometimes for waterproofing. It is similar to tar, which is made from coal. Asphalt is also found in natural form; it was used to waterproof Egyptian mummies.

Petroleum coke is mostly used as fuel, but is also used to make electrodes and dry cell batteries.

Some petrochemicals are produced in large enough bulk to take a significant proportion of refinery products: the world consumed 345 million tons of hydrocarbons in 2004 to make 310 million tons of petrochemicals. Most of the hydrocarbons are first turned into one of three intermediates - ethylene, propylene and aromatics – before being converted to other products. Of the latter, plastics accounted for 225 million tons, and fibres for 38 million tons; solvents, detergents and synthetic rubber accounted for most of the rest.


III Global Oil Industry In the early years of the industry, oil or gas seeped out of the earth in many places; elsewhere it was discovered by accident while drilling for water. But such easy discoveries are long gone. Undiscovered oil is all underground, and oil exploration today uses considerable instrumentation – gravimeters, magnetometers, seismic reflectors and refractors – and stratigraphy, which is essentially correlation of available geological data. The data obtained are correlated to guess the location of rock formations and identify those that are most likely to contain hydrocarbons. Then rigs are used to drill into those formations. Drilling costs much more than geological tests; so oil companies invest heavily in geological investigation.

Oil production requires drilling a well into land or seabed. Land usually belongs to someone; if it is not privately owned, it belongs to the government. Similarly, maritime countries claim ownership of the continental shelves along their coastlines. If someone wants to explore for oil, he has to get permission to drill. If he finds oil, he will normally want first right of exploitation. So it is normal for explorers to make an agreement with the owner, called a concession, which lays down the rights of the concessionaire and the payments he would make for them. In the early years, when oil developments were small, it was generally enough to get a concession from a private owner or a number of neighbours. In the US, there were large unoccupied areas where companies could drill without anybody’s permission.

But as oil is came to be extracted from deeper formations, investment went up, and exploration passed into the hands of companies which could raise capital. Also, a large area of concession became necessary to avoid disputes with neighbouring concessionaires. Such large areas required the intervention of governments. In the early concessions, governments played the role of landlords, and generally levied a royalty per barrel of oil extracted. For instance, the Shah of Persia gave a concession in 1901 to William D’Arcy, a rich Englishman, to prospect for oil in most of Iran for 60 years, for which he was promised £20,000 in cash, £20,000 in shares of the oil company and 16 per cent of profits. Standard Oil of California negotiated a concession with the King of Saudi Arabia in 1933.


Table 1: Top twenty countries by oil consumption, 2007

GDP PPP Consn Output Exports Imports Refining capacity

Reserves Energy intensity Country

$trn2005 Million barrels per day Trillion barrels Mbd/$trn

USA 13.8 20.7 7.6 1 13.2 17 22 1.5

China 7 6.5 3.6 0.4 3.2 5.8 16 0.9

Japan 4.2 5.6 0.1 0.1 5.4 4.5 1.3

Germany 2.8 2.7 0.2 2.1 2.3 1.0

Russia 2.1 2.5 9.4 7 0.1 5.4 74 1.2

India 3.1 2.3 0.8 0.4 2.1 2.5 6 0.7

Canada 1.2 2.1 3.1 1.6 1 2 179 1.8

South Korea 1.2 2.1 0.6 2.3 2.6 1.8

Brazil 1.8 2 1.6 0.3 0.4 1.9 12 1.1

France 2 2 0.7 0.5 1.9 2 1.0

Mexico 1.3 1.9 3.4 1.8 0.2 1.5 12 1.5

Italy 1.8 1.8 0.1 0.5 2.2 2.3 1.0

Saudi Arabia 0.6 1.8 9.5 7.9 2.1 263 3.0

United Kingdom 2.1 1.8 2.1 1.5 1.1 1.8 5 0.9

Spain 1.4 1.6 0.3 0.1 1.6 1.4 1.1

Iran 0.8 1.5 4 2.5 1.6 133 1.9

Indonesia 0.8 1.2 1.1 0.5 0.4 1.1 5 1.5

Netherlands 0.6 0.9 0.1 1.4 2.3 1.2 1.5

Thailand 0.5 0.9 0.2 0.9 1.8

Australia 0.7 0.9 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.7 1.3

The rest 15.4 19.4 32.1 20.3 7.7 8.3 1.3

World 65.2 82.2 80.5 48.5 47.7 68.9 1.3

Std deviation/Mean 1.32 1.42 1.80 1.89 1.23 1.12 1.33 0.36 Sources: Oil: GDP PPP: World Bank

These concession agreements gave a relatively small share of the profits to the governments of oil-producing countries. But over the years, they either took shares in the concessionaire companies or nationalized them. By 2007, 77 per cent of oil production was in governments’ hands; their share of reserves would be even higher, since the industries of countries with the largest reserves are all nationalized.

Table 1 gives production, consumption, trade and reserves of the top 20 consumers of oil. The figures are not entirely accurate, but they are good enough for the broad conclusions we seek. The 20 countries account for three-quarters of global consumption; the remaining 186 countries account for only a quarter. The US accounts for a quarter and the next five countries for the next quarter.

These twenty countries also account for three-quarters of the world’s GDP (at purchasing power parity; that is, calculated at the same prices for all countries). It would thus seem that income is a major determinant of oil consumption. It is, but oil intensity is equally important. The last column shows oil consumption per unit of GDP. It tends to be high in oil-producing countries, especially if they have extreme climates like Saudi Arabia, Iran and Canada. It is low in developing countries like India and China. Amongst industrial countries, some like Britain, France and Germany have brought down oil intensity considerably. Many countries tried to increase energy efficiency after the first oil crisis of 1973; some did so more effectively than others.

The top 20 countries produce three-fifths of the world’s oil. This is because the biggest consumers include most of the biggest producers – Saudi Arabia, Russia, the US, Canada, Mexico, Iran and Indonesia: oil producers tend to consume relatively more oil. Naturally, they are oil exporters as well. That is why the top 20 consumers account for three-fifths of the world’s oil exports.


But being the largest consumers, they account for five-sixths of the world’s oil imports. And they account for seven-eighths of the world’s refining capacity. Oil refineries are more often sited close to consumption centres; so consuming countries have a larger share of refining capacity than of oil production. The ratio of standard deviation to mean confirms these conclusions. Production and exports vary most across the 20 countries. Consumption varies much less, and variability of imports is even less; the variability of both is comparable to the variability of GDP at purchasing power parity. Refining capacity has the least variability, and is most evenly spread across the countries. (Variability of reserves is also low; but this is because nine of the 20 countries have reserves close to zero.)

Table 2: Top twenty countries by natural gas consumption, 2006

World Natural Gas Production, Most Recent Annual Estimates, 2006 (Trillion cubic feet)

Country Output Wasted Reinjected Marketed Dry gas Imports Exports Consn

United States 23.5 0.1 3.3 19.4 18.5 4.2 0.7 21.7

Russia 23.2 0.0 0.0 23.2 23.2 1.8 8.4 16.6

Iran 6.0 0.4 1.1 4.4 3.8 0.2 0.2 3.8

Germany 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.7 3.3 0.4 3.5

Canada 7.8 0.1 0.5 7.2 6.5 0.3 3.6 3.3

Japan 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 3.1 0.0 3.2

United Kingdom 3.0 0.1 0.0 3.0 2.8 0.7 0.4 3.2

Italy 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.4 2.7 0.0 3.0

Saudi Arabia 3.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 2.6 0.0 0.0 2.6

Ukraine 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.7 1.9 0.0 2.6

Mexico 1.8 0.1 0.0 1.7 1.7 0.4 0.0 2.2

China 2.1 0.0 0.0 2.1 2.1 0.0 0.1 2.0

Uzbekistan 2.2 0.0 0.0 2.2 2.2 0.0 0.4 1.8

France 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 1.8 0.0 1.8

Netherlands 2.7 0.0 0.0 2.7 2.7 0.9 1.9 1.7

UAE 2.6 0.0 0.6 1.9 1.7 0.0 0.3 1.5

Argentina 1.8 0.0 0.0 1.8 1.6 0.1 0.2 1.5

India 1.1 0.0 0.0 1.1 1.1 0.3 0.0 1.4

Thailand 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.9 0.3 0.0 1.2

Spain 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.2 0.0 1.2

All others 44.0 2.5 8.7 32.8 30.5 9.3 14.9 24.8

World Total 127.8 3.4 14.3 109.3 104.0 32.6 31.6 104.4 Source: US Energy Information Administration

Table 2 summarizes production, consumption and trade in natural gas for 2006. Incidentally, a barrel of oil has the energy equivalent of 6000 cubic feet of gas; so the 2006 global gas consumption of 104.4 trillion cft of gas comes is equivalent to 47.7 million barrels per day of oil – more than half the oil consumption given in Table 1. As will be seen, 2.7 per cent of the gas was flared or vented, and 11.1 per cent was reinjected into oilfields. The remaining 109.3 tcft contained other gases besides methane, liquid hydrocarbons and water; its methane equivalent was 104 tcft. Gas production and consumption show similar concentration to oil. One major difference is that Russia is the foremost producer, consumer and exporter of gas. West European countries are large importers; they import gas from Norway and the Netherlands, which extract North Sea gas offshore, as well as from Russia.

World gas reserves on 1 January 2005 were 180 trillion cubic meters or 6300 trillion cubic feet; 70 trcm or 39 per cent of them were offshore. Two-thirds of them belonged to three countries – Russia (26 per cent), Iran (15 per cent) and Qatar (14 per cent). Apart from natural gas, there are estimated to be 100-260 trcm of coal-bed methane, 402-442 trcm of tight gas (gas trapped in


dense sands), 42-45 trcm of shale gas and 13,000-24,000 trcm of hydrates (methane trapped in frozen water molecules)1 .

These, in brief, are the production and market structures with which the Indian oil industry is necessarily connected because of its dependence on imports of crude as well as refined products. Oil production is extremely unequally distributed. Oil importing countries have to get oil from producers since the international wholesale market is not large enough to supply large consumers. Oil production is extremely unequally distributed, and oil exports even more so. The only countries with sizeable surpluses of oil are those in the Middle East – Saudi Arabia, Iran, Kuwait, Bahrain, and when its oil production facilities are restored, Iraq – and Russia. North Sea Oil, extracted by Norway, Britain and Netherlands, is mostly consumed within Western Europe; and Canadian and Mexican oil goes to the US.

There is no single market in oil. There are three types of oil distribution arrangements. First, there are oil markets in the US and Western Europe where common crudes of those regions are traded. Here the pricing is competitive, although some of the suppliers’ market share is large. Next, considerable quantities of oil are sold through contracts of varying lengths. Prices would normally not vary in the life of these contracts, but they would in the long run take market prices as the benchmark. Many contracts provide for revision of prices depending on a change in international market conditions. Finally, a certain proportion of oil is allocated by governments at prices of their choice; these prices may or may not be aligned to international market prices.

India, like all big oil consumers, has enough refining capacity (Appendix-table B4). But since the output pattern of refineries seldom matches domestic consumption patterns, there have to be some exports and imports of refined products. As will be explained later, policy-induced distortions force export of some refined products for which there is a market in India – even some that are imported (Appendix- tables D2 & E2). And India has the choice of importing refined products instead of crude. So there are both imports and exports of refined products.

1 Armelle Saniere (2006): Gas reserves, discoveries and production. Panorama 2006. Institut Francaise du Petrole, Reuil-Malmaison, France.


IV Indian Oil Industry As in the US, China and Iran, oil seeped out of the soil in India as well; British travelers in Assam reported such pools from 1825 onwards. Once fractionation technology was proved in the US, industrial refining of oil became feasible. Assam Railways & Trading Company Limited was registered in London in 1881 to exploit Assam’s natural resources. It struck oil in exploitable volume near Digboi in 1889; at that point it transferred its oil interests to a separate company, Assam Oil Company. AOC built a refinery in Digboi in 1901. AOC was taken over in 1917 by Burmah Oil Company, which later became Burmah Shell and then Shell. Expanded and modernized a number of times, the Digboi refinery continues to function till today.

In 1938, AOC took a prospecting licence for 6,290 square miles in Assam. it ceded the concession after the War started in 1939, and resumed it in 1947. AOC struck oil in Naharkotia in 1953. By that time, however, the government of India had become paranoid about foreign ownership of business; there was a long standoff between it and AOC over the exploitation of the new oilfield. Finally in 1959, AOC and the government set up Oil India Limited, a 67:33 joint venture, to exploit the Naharkotiya oilfield; in 1961 it became a 50:50 joint venture.

Apart from the small refinery in Digboi, India did not produce refinery products when it became independent in 1947; it depended almost entirely on imports, mostly from Anglo-Iranian Oil Company’s refinery in Abadan. Three companies sold the products through their distribution networks – Burmah Shell, Standard Vacuum and Caltex (now merged into Shell, Exxon and Chevron respectively). Burmah Shell was the largest, with an almost 50 per cent share of the market.

In December 1953, the Indian government entered a 25:75 joint venture with Standard Vacuum for survey of 10,000 square miles in West Bengal. The company did some gravimetric and seismic surveys, and drilled seven holes. It found some gas in some which it considered non-commercial; it did not find any oil. The general impression was that Standard Vacuum put little effort into prospecting in West Bengal. This could have been due to the incentive structure. Standard Vacuum had access to cheap crude from the Gulf; if it found oil in India, the government would force it to exploit it. Its cost was likely to be higher, and the company would either have earned lower profit margins or the government would have had to protect domestic refining; Standard Vacuum would have had to negotiate the level of protection.

The negotiations between Standard Vacuum and the government on the refinery threw up a large number of issues, many of which are relevant to the policy context today.2 The following are important.

1. The company wanted a guarantee against nationalization for 30 years, later reduced to 25.

2. It wanted freedom to import crude. The implication was that it did not want to be forced to use domestic oil or oil that the government negotiated access to.

3. It wanted freedom to distribute its refinery products. It wanted to use its own distribution network to sell the products, and did not want to be forced to distribute through other networks, government’s or otherwise. Price fixing is anterior to distribution; the company also did not want price control. It would price its refined products at landed cost of imports (including duty). Import parity would be with Mexican oil and products, not Middle Eastern. Import parity was understood to place a ceiling on prices.

2 A detailed if rather partisan summary of the negotiations between the government and the oil companies – principally Standard Vacuum – is given in H N Kaul , K D Malviya and the Evolution of Indian Oil, Allied Publishers, Delhi.


4. It wanted free access to foreign exchange for all practical purposes – crude, freight, equipment, services, dividend remittance, including crude and services bought from its foreign operations – to be valued at international prices.

5. It wanted no import duty to be charged on crude and on equipment not produced in India. There was an import duty on diesel oil; wharfage rates too were such as to give some protection. The company wanted that these levels of protection would not be reduced. It wanted an import duty on petrol equal to the excise duty plus 12 Paise per imperial gallon. Import duties applicable to the company should be no lower than those applicable to its competitors.

6. The tankers that brought in crude should be allowed to be used for coastal distribution of refinery products.

7. There should be no restrictions on local borrowings for equipment, construction and inventories.

8. Its capital investment would be given 10 per cent straight-line depreciation in the calculation of income tax.

9. The company wanted exemption of the Industrial Development and Regulation Act of 1951, which gave the government the authority to control industrial production, expansion and diversification. The government agreed; but Shell and Caltex did not get this assurance.

The government also wanted a number of things.

1. It wanted Standard Vacuum to set up a local subsidiary to build and run the refiner. Standard Vacuum was against it for three reasons: (1) The subsidiary would be subject to income tax; (2) it would have to pay sales tax on whatever refined products it sold to the distribution company; and (3) if the government placed controls on dividend payments, the subsidiary would be subjected to them. But eventually it did agree to set up a subsidiary. The government wanted the local subsidiary to issue shares to local shareholders; it issued a quarter of its capital of $6 million to them in preference shares. The other two companies issued non-voting shares to local shareholders.

2. Should India discover oil, the government wanted the Company to promise to use it in preference to imports. The company agreed; price was unspecified.

3. The government reserved the right to impose and vary excise duties, but promised to maintain the existing differentials between excise and import duties. In other words, if it imposed or increased an excise duty, it would increase import duty by at least that much.

4. The government wanted the company to train and employ Indians.

5. The government had agreed at independence to continue pooling dollars with the Commonwealth; at the same time, the British government owed it a large debt, termed sterling reserves, for supplies during the War. So it wanted Standard Vacuum to buy crude and other importables from the Sterling Area as far as possible. The company agreed, since AIOC, the company that produced oil in Iran and Kuwait, was British and would accept Pounds.

6. In the event of the government acquiring tankers, it wanted the company to use them in preference to other tankers. The company agreed, subject to the use of its own tankers and prior contractual commitments.

7. The government wanted the company to give priority to local purchases over imports; the company agreed.

The negotiations continued for three years, but no agreement emerged. The oil companies prevaricated. The government suspected that the oil companies were happy with the import of refined products from Abadan refinery, which they sold in India at certain and high profits. But after Iran nationalized the Abadan refinery in May 1951, India looked a safer country to operate


in. In November, Standard Vacuum signed an agreement with the government to set up a refinery. Burmah Shell and Caltex followed in the next two years. Esso’s 25,000 bpd refinery was inaugurated in Bombay in 1954, Burmah Oil Company’s 30,000 bpd refinery went onstream in Bombay in 1955, and Caltex’s 10,000 bpd refinery went up in Vizagapatam in 1957.

The government was frustrated with the experience of negotiations with the three oil companies. In the 1950s, the government took a number of steps to reduce dependence on foreign oil companies. In 1956, it set up Oil and Natural Gas Commission to explore for oil, and brought in Soviet and Rumanian rigs and crews to prospect for oil. The two areas chosen were the Cambay area in Gujarat and the Jawalapuri-Janaur area in what is now Himachal Pradesh. The Soviet crew considered Gujarat more promising, and drilled there first. The first well was spudded on 25 July 1958; on 24 September it struck oil under 150 atm pressure at 7000 feet. Further exploratory drilling led to the discovery of Ankleshwar and Kalol oilfields in 1960, and suggested that the oil-bearing strata extended offshore to what came to be known as Bombay High. Oil from this area was the foundation of ONGC’s emergence as an oil producer. Gas too was found in and off Gujarat, both associated and non-associated.

In 1984, the government separated ONGC’s gas business and gave it to a separate subsidiary, Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL). GAIL built a pipeline from Hazira on the Gujarat coast to Delhi, and supplied gas to government-owned power stations and fertilizer plants on the way. It also set up joint ventures with government oil companies and state governments to supply gas to Bombay and Delhi for transport and domestic fuel, and to Andhra Pradesh for transport. In 1987 it set up Petronet, a joint venture with three other government oil companies, to import LNG from Qatar. Pricing and distribution of public sector gas are entirely decided by the government; there is no element of market in this area.3

The Soviet surveys had shown the oil-bearing structures of Gujarat extending into the sea in 1964-67, but the Soviets did not have the technology for offshore exploration or production. In 1974, a Japanese survey ship leased by ONGC discovered the prolific Bombay High offshore field. It has been the mainstay of ONGC’s business since then.

Once oil was discovered in Gujarat, the government had to think about how to exploit it. In 1958, it set up Indian Refineries to set up refineries. In 1959, it set up Indian Oil Company to undertake distribution. The two were later merged into Indian Oil Corporation. IOC was given a monopoly of imports of refinery products; with that, it soon overtook the three foreign companies in distribution. Thus the foundations of the government-owned oil industry were in place by 1961.

A 2mtpa refinery to process Gujarat crude was built with Soviet help in Koyali, Gujarat in 1966. But Gujarat crude could not meet the growing national demand. So in the 1960s, the government took to building coastal refineries in joint ventures with foreign companies. The 2.5 mtpa Cochin refinery came up in 1966 with investment from Phillips Petroleum, the 2.5 mtpa Madras refinery went on-stream in 1969 with participation from AMOCO and National Iranian Oil Company, and the lubricants plant of Lubrizol India came up in Bombay in 1969 with participation of Esso.4

In 1960, US President Dwight Eisenhower introduced oil import quotas favouring Mexico and Canada and discriminating against Middle Eastern producers and Venezuela. This upset the latter. In September 1960, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Venezuela got together to “coordinate” policies and formed the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. The organization was just a talking club for ten years. But in 1970, OPEC resolved to raise its members’ share of oil revenue to 55 per cent, and began negotiations with oil companies to effect the increase. There followed a spate of measures by which Middle Eastern oil producing countries nationalized or imposed revenue shares on oil producing companies, or cancelled concessions. Oil concessions were nationalized by Algeria in 1971, Iraq in 1972 and Kuwait in 1976-77. Libya nationalized a number of oilfields held by foreign companies between 1971 and 1976, and took an 85 per cent share onshore and an 81 per cent share in the oilfields of others. 3 Cf Mike Jackson (2005): Natural gas sector reform in India: case study of a hybrid market design. Stanford Program on Energy and Sustainable Development. Working Paper 43, July. 4 C S Venkataratnam and Anil Verma, Challenge of Change, Allied Publishers, Delhi 1997.


(Iran had nationalized the British-owned Anglo-Iranian Oil Company in March 1951.) The Saudi King threatened Arabian American Oil Company (Aramco) with nationalization with 1950 and got a half-share in profits. He acquired a 25 per cent share in Aramco in 1973, increased it to 60 per cent in 1974, and took full ownership of the company in 1980. Kuwait nationalized its oil industry in 1975, Bahrain took a majority share in its concessionaire oil company in 1980.

After the 1967 war between Israel and Palestine, Arab members of OPEC formed Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries. Israel defeated Egypt and Syria in the Yom Kippur war in 1973. Enraged, OPEC raised the price of its crude from $3 to $12 a barrel, and made it effective by cutting supply. After this, oil producing countries realized that they could raise their revenue by raising the price of their crude. So they started increasing prices without coordination.

While the nationalizations of the 1970s did not immediately disrupt the relationships between oil producing countries and their licensee foreign companies, they introduced extreme uncertainty in the companies’ business environment. Their attempts to cope with this uncertainty changed the world oil industry in three major ways.

1. The companies began to explore for oil in more difficult environments such as the North Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and the Caspian Sea. Exploration in these fields was more expensive. So smaller companies failed or were bought up; the industry got more concentrated.

2. The governments of the US and Britain did not control oil produced in their jurisdictions in the way the Middle Eastern oil producers did. So oil produced in Texas, Gulf of Mexico and the North Sea began to be traded on commodity markets. For the first time, an open market in crude emerged. Quotations for crude such as Brent

3. Till the 1970s, refineries were tailored to a single crude source, and generally produced a limited set of products. The uncertainty of crude supply led refiners to design or modify refineries to take a broader variety of crudes and make a greater range of products. Not all refineries did; refineries are quite durable, and many refineries remained unchanged. Many closed down. But catalytic cracking technology developed to make refining more flexible.5

As oil producing countries increased their share of profits and oil at the expense of foreign oil companies, the oil supplies they controlled went up and those of oil companies went down. In the circumstances, the main reason for having foreign oil companies operate refineries in India – namely, their access to crude – disappeared. In 1976, India nationalized the three refineries owned by Shell, Caltex and Esso. In 1981, the government bought out Burmah Oil’s 50 per cent stake in Assam Oil Company. With the nationalizations, the entire Indian oil industry passed into government hands, and came to be run as a part of the government.

In 1977, the government introduced an Administered Price Mechanism, to be operated by an Oil Coordinating Committee. The ministry of petroleum fixed so-called retention prices designed to give oil producers 15 per cent and refiners 12 per cent on their net worth. And it set administered prices at which products were sold to consumers. The difference between the revenue and dues of an oil company went its account with OCC. So overall, the price level was cost-plus; but the government could cross-subsidize individual products at will.

It was the oil companies’ practice to construct their own petrol pumps and give them to dealers to run. Under the private companies, dealerships were given to trusted associates, and they became a part of the companies. After nationalization, the government decided to set up a fairer system. In 1983 it set up four Oil Selection Boards; each board had a retired judge and one other member. An SC/ST member was added in 1993. Oil pumps made good profits with little investment on the part of the dealer and at low risk. So many more people wanted pumps than could get them, and recommendations and corruption were rampant in their allocation. In January

5 Jerome Davis, The Changing World of Oil: An Analysis of Corporate Change and Adaptation. Ashgate, London, pp 1-10.


1996, a PIL led to a court enquiry, which revealed that the personal assistant of Satish Sharma, the petroleum minister, got oil companies to give pumps to relatives and friends of politicians, and charged others money. The same scandal continued under the ensuing BJP government, and blew up in 2002; Prime Minister Vajpayee cancelled all the 3850 allotments made in the previous two years. There has been no public scandal since then, but that does not necessarily mean that the system works any better now.


V Competition in Exploration From 1979 onwards, the ministry of Petroleum began to invite international bids for exploration and development from time to time. Nine rounds of bidding were held till 1997; 32 blocks were awarded for exploration and 30 for development. In 1997 they produced 3 mtpa of crude and 7 mcmd of gas. But since refining and distribution were government monopolies (Appendix-table B1), the licensees had to sell their oil and gas to the government. Negotiations with the government were protracted and involved each time. So the rounds attracted little international interest. In the meanwhile, the government monopolies could not increase production and refining capacity to keep up with demand (Appendix-table A2). Between 1985-86 and 1995-96, the import ratio went up from 31 to 44 per cent for crude and from 7 to 27 per cent for refined products.

The policy of government ownership and control of oil was a part of a socialist approach which applied to all economic policies. These policies became discredited when a serious balance of payments problem arose in 1989-91; a new government elected in 1991 overhauled many of the policies. It appointed two committees in 1994-95: one under the chairmanship of U Sunderarajan was asked to examine replacing administered by market-determined prices, and a strategic planning group on restructuring of the oil industry (R Group) was asked to look at the structure and organization of the industry. The story of which of their recommendations influenced policy and how far is convoluted; but the government made the following major policy changes.

Fig 1 Oil output and imports











1972-73 1976-77 1980-81 1984-85 1988-89 1992-93 1996-97 2000-01 2004-05


on to


Crude output Crude imports Product output Product imports

The government announced a New Exploration Licensing Policy in 1997, which differed from the old one in the following respects.6

1 Bidders were to compete on cost recovery – they could ask for up to 100 per cent – and on their share of profit petroleum.

2 They were free to sell their share of the oil to anyone within the country.

6 R K Narang, Ardhendu Sen and Leela Srivastava, Background paper: Issues in deregulation of oil and gas. In Leela Srivastava and S K Sarkar, Transition to a Liberalized Environment: Experiences and issues in Liberalization, Teri Press 1999, pp 411-426.


3 Conditions regarding minimum expenditure, required partnership with government oil companies, and signature, discovery and production bonuses were scrapped.

4 Tax provisions were defined, and their stability promised. There would be a 7-year income tax holiday, exemption from customs duty on exploration and drilling equipment, royalty was fixed at 10 per cent except for onshore crude which would pay 12.5 per cent, 5 per cent royalty on discoveries in water deeper than 400 meters, and development expenditure could be amortized over 10 years.

5 The licence could be assigned to third parties under conditions.

6 A Conciliation and Arbitration Act passed in 1996, based on the model set by United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, would apply to disputes.

7 Bidders were required to give the Directorate of Hydrocarbons, which was set up in 1993, the results of their surveys; in case they abandoned the concession, the results would become available to subsequent bidders.

Under the New Exploration Licensing Policy, six rounds were held and 162 production-sharing licences were given till 1 April 2007, against 28 before the introduction of NELP. Of the licences, 77 per cent were offshore, and 53 per cent were to government companies. The sedimentary area explored went up from 50 per cent in 1995-96 to 85 per cent in 2006-07 of the total 3.14 square kilometers (1.79 million onshore and up to 400 meters offshore, 1.35 million deep-water beyond 400 meters). Well explored area went up from 15 to 20 per cent, poorly explored area from 17 to 21 per cent, and area being explored from 18 to 44 per cent. These figures suggest that many licensees were sitting on concessions because they did not see a satisfactory path to profitable exploitation of discoveries, or were negotiating such a path.

A seventh round of NELP was opened on 1 April 2008. In July, six multinational companies (Chevron and Conoco-Philips of the US, Britain's BG (British Gas) and BP (British Petroleum), Canada's Niko and Anglo-Dutch Shell) wrote to the government to say that they would not bid if the regulatory framework remained uncertain and the government did not adhere to contractual arrangements. Instances of such were (1) the Enron affair, in which Maharashtra government reneged on a contractual obligation to buy electricity at a fixed price (it was saved from litigation by Enron’s liquidation on account of fraud committed by the company in its home country, US), (2) the government’s taking away the contractual right of the owners of the Panna-Mukta fields – Reliance, British Gas and ONGC – to sell gas, and forcing them to sell it to GAIL at a price of its choosing to GAIL (the exploration contracts embodied freedom of sale and pricing), and (3) DGH’s renegotiation of conditions embodied in the model production sharing contracts issued at the time of announcement of earlier rounds after bidders had invested money and found oil or gas. The companies were also of the view that DGH, which was supposed to be a regulator, acted more like an arm of the government. The government did not respond to the six companies’ concerns; consequently, they did not take part in the bids.

In the event, of the 57 blocks on offer, 12 received no bids, and 19 received only one bid. Of the 45 winning bids, one was rejected by Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, resulting in 44 production sharing contracts. ONGC and its associates got 20 concessions. Thus, the round confirmed a decline in interest amongst international companies, especially experienced ones.

There is a more general disincentive to bidding in the fact that the bidders have to sell their production in India, which remains a market dominated by government companies; it is thus impossible to be sure that the concessionaire would get an internationally comparable price for his output. This is particularly obvious in the case of Cairn Energy, which bought a block in Rajasthan from Shell in 2002 and soon struck oil. The find in Barmer was far from the sea. It could be sold to Indian Oil Coorporation, but negotiations have not borne fruit till now. The crude is waxy, and difficult to transport. Cairn has been drilling more exploration wells and raising its estimate of reserves. Now it is planning to lay a heated pipeline to Salaya and export the crude.


Table 2: Oil and Gas Reserves on 1st April 2007


ONGC OIL Others Total

Oil 4603 815 629 6047

Gas 1820 290 838 2948

Oil in place 6423 1105 1467 8995

Oil 1313 243 172 1727

Gas 982 151 511 1645

Ultimate reserves 2295 394 683 3372 Source: Directorate of Hydrocarbons

It is also probably true of Reliance, which first struck oil in Krishna-Godavari basin offshore, and later gas as well. In 2006, Niko Resources whom Reliance had called in as consultant estimated gas reserves at 1 trillion cbm. Reliance tried to sell the gas to power utilities on the south and east coast, but failed to reach agreement over the price. The power utilities are owned by state governments and make heavy losses. So their ability to pay is in doubt.

Thus, private entry was allowed in oil exploration and production in the 1980s, and private firms have discovered substantial oil and gas resources. But none has used them to enter domestic refining and distribution. This is because deregulation of the downstream industries has not kept pace with that of exploration.

Exploration and production costs vary enormously according to the location and depth of hydrocarbons and the size of reserves. There is a suggestion that the absence of competition makes it possible for the oil concessionaires to take bribes from suppliers of equipment and services in return of overpayments and. to overestimate investment costs. The chief safeguard against this possibility is The Directorate of Hydrocarbons, whose block management committee approves all field development plans. When it awards E&P contracts, it looks at both costs and at the technological capacity of the applicant and his ability and willingness to save time, do a thorough exploration and bring reserves into production. Besides its own expertise, its comparison of competing bids would help it make a judgment on individual proposals. The expertise it acquires in evaluating bids should give it capacity to supervise PSUs’ activities also. It is authorized to hire outside experts and consultants when necessary.

A suspicion that ONGC’s costs had been padded arose in 2006. In April 2007, the allegation that Reliance Industries padded costs was made by the Communist Party of India (Marxist). ONGC pointed out that DeGolyer and McNaughton, an outside consultant, did a third-party audit of all its projects. Reliance got a third-party audit done by Gafney, Cline and Associates when the original discoveries were made, but was asked to get a new audit done.

There are two other authorities that check the proposed costs of public enterprises. They would be approved by the parent ministry. It does not have the expertise to make an informed examination; but that does not prevent it from examining the costs. It is also within its purview to take the help of international experts. The other is the Comptroller and Auditor General. He only makes an ex post examination long after the costs are incurred. He reports to Parliament, which can make the government take action on his report. Parliament committees obtain a reply to CAG’s findings from the government, but there is no further action. Thus the safeguards within the government against overstatement of costs are not very effective.

What is crucial here is that there should be multiple competitors for concessions. This requires expertise in formulating invitations for exploration contracts. From the fact that most exploration contracts have gone to a handful of Indian companies – mostly government, some private – it can be inferred that there is little competition for them. The reasons are also clear: that the government restricts the discoverer’s right to sell any oil or gas he finds in the world market, and that the dominance of public sector undertakings in the domestic refining industry makes it


impossible for a discoverer to get a fair market price for his oil. Hence if there is padding of costs, it is due to the restraints on competition placed by the government of India.


VI Competition in user Industries A major entry barrier into oil refining and gas is lack of competition in major markets for refined products. Government dominance of user industries and the losses it forces them to make limit their capacity to pay internationally comparable prices. Some of the user firms also suffer from endemic liquidity problems on account of their poor profitability, and delay payments for feedstock. Two such industries are important: electricity, which in other countries is an important market for gas and furnace oil, and fertilizer, whose preferred feedstocks are gas and naphtha. Overstatement of costs is not very effective.

The electricity industry is dominated by electricity boards, which are essentially departments of state governments and have no operational freedom. The prices they charge are decided by the governments, and are fixed at unremunerative levels. As a result, they depend for investment funds on state governments, which are themselves in no great financial shape. Owing to their unprofitability, they are often short of liquidity and delay paying suppliers of fuel. Till 2004, they had run up enormous debts to coal and oil companies. Then the central government forced state governments to settle the debts as part of more general financial strengthening. The centre has the power and influence to force state governments to pay. Private companies would not be able to do so. Hence the electricity boards remain unpromising customers for gas or furnace oil produced by private companies.

The centre tried to break this impasse by passing the Regulatory Commissions Act in 1998. It appointed a Central Electricity Regulatory Commission and persuaded a number of states to set up then own ERCs. It also passed a new Electricity Act in 2002 which envisaged introduction of competition from the private sector. Under its persuasion, a number of states corporatized their electricity boards and separated generation and distribution. But despite all this activity, electricity pricing practices did not change. Electricity boards continued to be financially weak and hence poor customers for hydrocarbon products. As long as they remain unable or unwilling to pay, enterprises of the central government, in gas, oil and electricity, will have an advantage in collecting their dues from state electricity boards as against any private competitors that may come up.

The fertilizer industry produces nitrogenous, phosphatic, compound and mixed fertilizers. Of these, only nitrogenous fertilizers require hydrocarbon feedstocks; the normal feedstocks are gas and naphtha, which are first converted to ammonia and then into its compounds. Phosphatic and complex fertilizers were decontrolled in 1992, and nitrogenous fertilizers with low nitrogen content in 1994. But urea, which constitutes 85 per cent of nitrogenous fertilizer consumption, remains under control. It is administered by the Fertilizer Industry Coordination Committee, which is constituted entirely of central government secretaries except for two representatives of private plants.

FICC operates a retention price scheme. It collects output and cost figures from all plants, adds 12 per cent return on capital, and thereby arrives at the total realization required. It divides the realization by the nitrogen output to get nitrogen price, which is then used to derive the prices of various fertilizers. The difference between the prices and the costs is given to plants as subsidy or taken away as tax. A similar exercise is done to calculate total transport costs to the farmer, which are then so distributed between plants that farm gate price of urea is the same across the country.

While input costs rose, the ministry of fertilizers has hesitated to raise prices. The result is that it is paying an enormous fertilizer subsidy. To keep the subsidy down, it has endeavoured to keep input prices as low as possible. This is one reason why the government has tried to commandeer gas supplies from private producers and reneged on the freedom of pricing promised to them.

The domination of the electricity and the fertilizer industries by the central and state governments, the losses they make and the consequent pressure to keep input prices low make the two industries unattractive as customers. This is not so material to public enterprises whose losses are borne by the government, but their ability to bear losses gives them an advantage against


power plants, and discourages private investment in hydrocarbons. Unless electricity and fertilizer markets are decontrolled, this handicap of private hydrocarbon firms cannot be removed.


VII Competition in Refining Industry Refinery licences were given to the Birla group (jointly with Hindustan Petroleum Corporation, a subsidiary of IOC) in 1988, the Essar group in 1993, and Reliance Industries in 1996. The Birlas’ Mangalore refinery was ready by 1999; it could not be started because HPC, whom the Birla group had taken in as partner for its access to market, refused to lift the products. Finally the Birla group sold off its 37.38 per cent stake to ONGC in 2003. The first phase of the Reliance refinery in Jamnagar was ready in 1999. Although Reliance got a licence for petrol pumps in 2002, it has sold only a small proportion of its petrol and diesel output through pumps; it has exported the bulk. In 2007, it sought and got 100% EOU status. It gave Reliance duty-free access to crude provided it balanced its total imports and exports. The Ruias’ Vadinar refinery went onstream in November 2006. The delays were partly due to their legendary lack of finance; but they were also not in a hurry because they could not work out a feasible marketing strategy. Distribution has handicapped growth of private refining, and hence emergence of competition.

On 1 April 2002, the government announced the abolition of the Administered Price Mechanism and of the Oil Coordination Committee which administered the price controls. It introduced direct subsidies on kerosene and LPG (Appendix-table H1), and raised taxes on petrol and domestic crude (Appendix-table G7). The petroleum ministry issued retail distribution licences to ONGC, GAIL, OIL, Reliance Industries, Mangalore Refineries, Essar Oil and Cairn Energy. Of the licensees, only Reliance and Essar opened a significant number of pumps (Appendix-table F3). Reliance set up pumps which were shopping centres at the same time. On the highways, they also offered food, accommodation and baths to truck drivers. They sold 410 kiloliters a month on the average in 2005-06, against public sector outlets which sold 140 kilolitres. So although they had only 1432 outlets out of the total 30,000, their share of retail sales was close to 14 per cent (Appendix-table F1).

Then, on 27 March 2007, Reliance applied for the status of a 100% export-oriented unit; it got that status in February 2008. In 2007-08, its exports came to 60 per cent of its sales. On 24 March 2008, Reliance announced that it was closing down all its petrol pumps. The reason was that the government was subsidizing petrol and diesel sold out of its companies’ pumps, but did not give the subsidies to private competitors. So retail sales were no longer profitable for Reliance. Essar did not take a public decision to close down pumps; it simply stopped regular supplies to its pumps. As Table 3 shows, its sales in 2007-08 were insignificant relatively to the market. Thus as from May 2008, retail sales of petrol and diesel oil are a government monopoly (Appendix- table F2); there is no competition.

One consequence of this lack of competition was the recurring shortage of diesel oil in Tamil Nadu between May and August 2008, when Reliance was exporting it at the same time. Reliance had no petrol pumps any more, so it could not have supplied the market. It could have sold diesel to public sector oil companies, but then it would have breached the conditions of its EOU status. The EOU category, introduced into the trade policy in the 1960s, has outlived its usefulness. While it is reasonable to exempt exports from domestic taxes, there is no reason to make that exemption conditional on minimum exports. It is not certain whether the segregation of exporters and domestic producers was useful when it was tried first; it has outlived its usefulness, and in the Tamil Nadu diesel crisis it proved counterproductive.


VIII Competition in Gas Industry Automotive fuels have to be reached to vehicle owners; hence oil refining companies cannot do without access to a marketing network. Gas, however, requires an expensive transport network in the form of pipelines; hence gas producers prefer to sell to as few consumers as possible, and prefer large buyers. Where gas has been available beyond industrial needs, it has been piped to households; but such domestic networks have been confined to cities. Unless pipelines of different suppliers get interconnected, there is no competition between them; each has a monopoly of supply to the customers connected to its pipeline. There is only one common carrier pipeline network in India. It has been built by Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation through two subsidiaries – Gujarat State Petronet, whose pipelines connect the cities of Gujarat, and Gujarat Gas, which lays retail connections within the cities.

It transports supplies from three sources to Bombay and cities of Gujarat: liquefied natural gas from Qatar that Petronet brings into Dahej, gas supplies from Gujarat Gas, a British Gas subsidiary, which in turn buys gas from ONGC and sells it across Gujarat, and GAIL’s sales in Gujarat.

GAIL was incorporated in 1984 to evacuate associated gas from ONGC’s Gujarat oilfields. Its most important gas pipeline is the Hazira-Vijaypur-Jagdishpur pipeline of GAIL which carries ONGC’s gas output from Gujarat to a series of power and fertilizer plants from the Gujarat coast to Punjab. As its gas supply ran short, it also started taking Petronet’s gas imports from Qatar.

Assam Gas Company, which is owned by the government of Assam, supplies gas to a fertilizer plant, a petrochemical plant, four power stations, 250 tea gardens, 400 industrial establishments and 20,000 domestic consumers.

Reliance, which found considerable gas offshore in the Krishna-Godavari field starting in 2003, has not laid pipelines to evacuate the gas because it has not yet finalized customers. As shown in Chapter VI above, the two industries that are major potential customers, electricity and fertilizers, are owned by the central and state governments. Most of the enterprises in them make losses which are financed by governments; it would be impossible for new private plants to compete with these plants. Since these markets are closed, the only feasible option for Reliance is to sell its output to GAIL at whatever price it can get, and let the government distribute it to plants of its choice.


IX Conclusion In 2007-08, India’s five largest companies in terms of sales were oil companies. Four out of five were owned by the government. The sales of the sixth – Essar Oil – were negligible. Reliance’s share of sales was 17 per cent of all the oil companies’ sales, but 60 per cent of its output was exported. So it does not require much analysis to conclude that the Indian oil industry is an oligopoly, and that it is dominated by government firms (Appendix-table F1). The retail market for petrol and diesel is almost entirely a government monopoly. This monopoly also affects exploration and production, for as we have seen, a number of companies that have struck oil or gas cannot find a domestic market because of the government’s monopoly of distribution. How can this situation be changed, and competition be introduced?

Table 3: India's oil companies' revenues, 2007-08

Company Rs billion Per cent

Indian Oil Corporation 2015 34.7

Reliance Industries 1112 19.2

Bharat Petroleum 972 16.8

Hindustan Petroleum 939 16.2

Oil and Natural Gas Corporation 755 13

Essar Oil 6 0.1 Total 5799 100

Source: Company annual accounts.

The domestic market is close to a monopoly. All hydrocarbon products are tradeable, although their transport costs vary greatly – highest for gas, lower for crude, and the more valuable a refined product, the lower proportionally are transport costs. So the most expeditious way of introducing competition is freeing imports. There cannot be competition in exploration and production if refining and distribution are concentrated; and there cannot be competition in refining unless crude is freely importable. Hence the first condition for a more competitive market is absence of restrictions on foreign trade.

The next condition is tax parity of imports and domestic production. This means that whatever domestic taxes are levied should be applicable to imports as well. Import duties may be levied; but unless there is a reason to protect exploration and production beyond the size to which they would grow without protection, crude imports should be duty-free, so that there is maximum incentive to invest in refining. There will inevitably be taxation of refined products, since some of them are considered inputs into luxuries (e g, aviation fuel and petrol), and are in fact sources of prolific revenue. Duties on domestic production must be matched by equal import duties, so that there is no discrimination in favour of exports.

Under competitive conditions, refining adds little value to crude. The tonnage of refined products comes to 90-95 per cent of the crude input; and the throughput of a refinery is so high in comparison to its capital costs that a low average profit margin gives a high rate of return. In 2007-08, a profit margin before tax of 16.7 per cent translated into a return on assets of 15.5 per cent for Reliance; for IOC, a margin of 3.9 per cent translated into a return on assets of 12.3 per cent. IOC was forced by the government to give huge subsidies on sales of petrol, diesel and kerosene (Appendix-table H1); on the other hand, its refineries are older and their historical cost per ton is lower. But even for a highly sophisticated refinery like that of Reliance, the capital-output ratio is close to one; for simpler refineries it would be much lower, and the return on capital would be higher than the margin. Typically, a refinery’s margin might be 10 per cent, and crude might account for 80-90 per cent of its costs. Since some refinery products are considered luxuries and others necessities, taxes on them will be different; and the average tax on refined product will be high. In the circumstances, the tax system can be simplified and competition in refining intensified by not taxing crude at all, and concentrating all taxation on refined products.


Finally, we come to entry restrictions. Here, the answer is different for exploration and production, and for refining. We shall deal first with exploration and production, but it should be borne in mind that the attractiveness of exploration is closely dependent on the ease of entry in refining and distribution.

It is difficult to conceive of completely free entry into exploration because it involves access to land which has to be approved and sometimes organized by the government. So some form of exploration licensing is unavoidable. The high proportion of concessions granted to ONGC would suggest otherwise, but there is no overt discrimination against foreign companies or exclusion of any companies other than on such self-evident criteria as minimum experience and minimum investment. The government’s insistence that discovered oil and gas must be used in India – its implicit export ban – reduces the potential value of finds and probably leads to fewer bids and lower revenue for the government; now that the balance of payments is no longer a policy problem, this domestic use requirement is outdated. We have argued above for duty-free imports of crude. In those circumstances, an export ban or insistence on domestic use makes even less sense.

So the only important variable in exploration and production would be taxation of production (exploration can obviously not be taxed). The customary form of taxation here is that the government tax a share of the oil produced – what is called profit oil. If profit oil is zero, the producing company takes all the oil that is produced, and the government gets nothing. The government must be very desperate to produce oil domestically before it takes zero profit oil. This is not the situation in India.

At the other extreme, profit oil can be 100 per cent. No oil company would agree to this unless the government paid all costs plus some profit. So this case really comes to the government exploring oil. Exploration does not necessarily imply production; a government may explore simply to get better knowledge of the country’s oil resources. The knowledge would reduce the risk in production, and would get the government better terms when it does decide to produce. At present, the government gives companies exploration licences with the condition that the data the concessionaires collect in the course of exploration must be given to the government; they are deposited with Directorate of Hydrocarbons. Given the fact that there is no urgency to produce, it would be a good idea to separate exploration and production; the government should invest simply in exploration and data collection. When it decides on production, it will then have ready data to sell to potential bidders; it will get more bids, and better terms.

So much for exploration. However, it is refining and distribution that require reforms to introduce competition. There is one precondition that is already satisfied and is therefore likely to be ignored: that product standards should be defined and enforced. Oil products are extremely differentiated; different uses require different specifications, some require tight specifications, and non-standardized products can be dangerous in some uses such as aviation. So standards have to be defined and enforced by the government.

Such standards will be correlated with the earlier-mentioned commodity taxes. In India, the extreme variation in tax rates creates powerful incentives to pass off a highly taxed product as a less taxed one, and more often, to adulterate products; for instance, it is common to mix divert subsidized kerosene and mix it with high-speed diesel oil. The solution adopted has been to put a dye in subsidized kerosene. That is an ineffective remedy, for the dye does not make kerosene less eligible for adulteration. The correct solution would be to have the same tax on close substitutes, and to subsidize the people intended directly.

There is one other condition that would need to be modified. When allowing private entry, the government has insisted that new entrants must set up a minimum proportion of pumps in ‘backward’ or ‘rural’ areas. Ideally, there should be no such condition; if the government wants more petrol pumps in certain areas, it must give them subsidies until they reach a certain minimum turnover. The government has a service tax; it can be applied to petrol pumps, and a cut-off point may be set below which there would be no tax.


It is possible to introduce competition in distribution alone, without any changes in refining. The first condition for it would be to abolish licensing of pumps. There is no argument for licensing except that captive pumps of oil companies have existed ever since they started selling petrol; there is a strong argument against licensing in India, that it creates rampant corruption, which reaches right up to the minister.

Second, there should be free imports of products. There should be no canalization of product imports, and no quantitative restrictions. But distribution requires considerable investment in storage, logistics and petrol pumps. If competition is not introduced in refining, the only competition can come from imports; it will not emerge unless new entrants are assured of continued access to imports for a long period. To ensure a level playing field, domestic tax rates and import duties should be identical, so that the tax burden is the same irrespective of the origin of supplies.

This is an argument that applies to all the policy changes suggested here, and not just to taxation. The oil production and distribution chain requires large capital investments whose life runs into decades. If the benefits of competition are to be reaped, the policy regime must be stable for decades, and must in advance be known to be stable. If the government is serious about competition, it must accept and announce self-restraint on its freedom to make and change policies.

Finally, transportation affects competition in an important way. For all hydrocarbons, pipelines are the cheapest medium of transport. Differentiation of refined products makes dedicated pipelines for them expensive, but even amongst them, petrol and diesel are consumed in large enough quantities to make piping economical. Currently, all pipelines in India are owned by gas or oil companies, and thus insulate them from competition. If all the pipelines were common carriers and carried oil, gas or products for all customers without discrimination at preannounced prices, refineries and gas-based plants would spread out more evenly across the country, and there would be greater competition amongst them. The case is similar to that of electricity, in which there cannot be competition for the final market unless a transmitter and distributor provides access from every generator to every consumer. One solution that was tried out was to decree that all companies that had pipelines would allocate a certain proportion of pipeline capacity for common carriage. As far as we know, this regulation was a dead letter from the start; there has been no common carriage in India. The best solution now would be to nationalize all existing pipelines and give them to a new company to run as a public utility on a cost-plus basis. The next best solution would be to give all the pipelines of state-owned companies to a common carrier. In gas in particular, competition cannot emerge in the absence of a common carrier.

The conclusions we have reached have implications for the Competition Commission. The oil industry has a regulator of sorts in Directorate General of Hydrocarbons. It provides expertise that the ministry lacks and buys such expertise as it does not have (or makes oil companies buy it). But it confines itself to technological issues and avoids the economic issues discussed above; and on policy it keeps close to the government and does not choose to take an independent view. This is where a role for the Competition Commission is inescapable. It is for the Competition Commission to decide at what level to frame its interventions. Quite a few of government obstructions to competition that are found in the oil industry are present in other industries as well; the Competition Commission would have to take a view on whether to take an industry-specific approach or to take up more general issues of policy. Either way, there is a role that only the Competition Commission can play.



Data Appendix

Petroleum Statistics

A. At a Glance

Table A1: Growth of Indian Petroleum Industry at a Glance

Item Unit 2000-

01 2001-

02 2002-

03 2003-

04 2004-

05 2005-

06 2006-07* 1. Reserves! (Balance Recoverable) (i) Crude Oil Mn. Tonne 703 732 741 733 739 786 756

(ii) Natural Gas Bn. Cub. Mtr. 760 763 751 854 923 1101 1090

2. Consumption (i) Crude Oil (in terms of refinery crude throughput) Mn. Tonne 103.44 107.27 112.56 121.84 127.12 130.11 146.55(ii) Petroleum Products (excluding RBF) Mn. Tonne 100.07 100.43 104.13 107.75 111.63 113.21 119.553. Production (i) Crude Oil Mn. Tonne 32.43 32.03 33.04 33.37 33.98 32.19 33.99(ii) Petroleum Products Mn. Tonne 95.61 100 104.14 113.4 118.23 119.75 135.264. Imports & Exports (i) Gross Imports (a) Qty : Crude Oil Mn. Tonne 74.1 78.71 81.99 90.43 95.86 99.41 110.86POL Products Mn. Tonne 9.27 7.01 6.74 7.9 8.87 11.68 16.97Total (a) Mn. Tonne 83.37 85.72 88.73 98.33 104.69 111.09 127.83(b) Value : Crude Oil Rs. Billion 659.32 603.97 761.95 835.28 1170.03 1717.02 2199.91POL Products Rs. Billion 120.93 72.49 82.06 96.77 148.88 255.75 403.89Total (b) Rs. Billion 780.25 676.46 844.01 932.05 1318.91 1972.77 2603.8Pol. Imports as per DGCI&S Rs. Billion 714.97 667.7 853.67 945.2 1340.94 1946.4 2582.59(ii) Exports (a) Qty POL Products Mn. Tonne 8.37 10.07 10.29 14.62 18.21 21.51 32.4(b) Value POL Products Rs. Billion 76.72 82.19 108.68 167.81 299.28 467.2 801.72(iii) Net Imports:


(a) Qty : Crude Oil Mn. Tonne 74.1 78.71 81.99 90.43 95.86 99.41 110.86POL Products Mn. Tonne 0.9 -3.06 -3.55 -6.72 -9.83 -9.83 -15.43Total (a) Mn. Tonne 75 75.65 78.44 83.71 86.48 89.58 95.43(b) Value : Crude Oil Rs. Billion 659.32 603.97 761.95 835.28 1170.03 1717.02 2199.91POL Products Rs. Billion 44.21 -9.7 -26.62 -71.04 -150.4 -211.45 -397.83Total (b) Rs. Billion 703.53 594.27 735.33 764.24 1019.63 1505.57 1802.8(iv) Unit Value of Crude Oil Imports (Gross) Rs./MT 8898 7673 9293 9237 12206 17272 198445. India's Total Exports Rs. Billion 2035.71 2090.18 2551.37 2933.67 3618.79 4564.18 5716.426. Pol. Imports as % of India's Total Exports (i) Gross Imports % 38.3 32.4 33.1 31.8 36.4 43.2 45.5(ii) Net Imports % 34.6 28.4 28.8 26.1 28.2 33 31.57. Contribution of Oil Sector to Centre/State Resources (i) Royalty from Crude Oil Rs. Billion 22.72 24.86 30.67 31.74 42.71 50.6 N.A.(ii) Royalty from Gas Rs. Billion 6.08 6.59 7.78 8.54 8.29 9.81 N.A.(iii) Oil Development Cess Rs. Billion 27.28 28.78 50.91 51.43 52.48 50.07 70.34(iv) Excise & Custom Duties Rs. Billion 359.12 361.04 451.27 507.33 563.95 631.43 718.93(v) Sales Tax Rs. Billion 233.75 200.9 297.41 328.49 390 N.A. N.A.(vi) Dividend Rs. Billion 34.82 32.87 67.94 63.1 94.36 N.A. N.A.8. Natural Gas : (i) Gross Production

Bn. Cub. Mtr. 29.477 29.714 31.389 31.962 31.763 32.202 31.747

(ii) Utilisation Bn. Cub. Mtr. 27.86 28.037 29.963 30.906 30.775 31.325 30.791

Abbr: NA : Not Available. Note : * : Provisional. ! : As on 1st April of Initial year. Source: Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. Government of India, (downloaded from


Table A2: Company-wise Production, Consumption, Import and Export of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) in India



Refinery Fractionator Refinery

Total Particular Year


08 (Apr-

Dec 07) 1198 260 673 453 38 34 211 774 789 36 1992 57 --- 6515 2006-

07 1488 399 826 592 54 48 282 1020 1032 44 2653 17 --- 8454


2005-06 1354 407 739 466 47 50 275 1094 1042 48 2193 --- 7717


(Apr-Dec 07) 3976 --- 2192 2105 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 477 8750

2006-07 5098 --- 2780 2651

--- --- --- --- --- --- 9 --- 310 10848


2005-06 4832 --- 2613 2531

--- --- --- --- --- --- 47 --- 433 10456


(Apr-Dec 07) 1226 --- 111 171

--- --- --- --- --- ---

--- --- 477 1985 2006-

07 1558 --- 192 217 --- --- --- --- --- ---

--- --- 310 2278


2005-06 2233 --- 217 ---

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 433 2883


(Apr-Dec 07) 72 --- --- ---

--- --- --- --- --- ---

--- --- --- 72 2006-

07 86 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

26 0.1 112


2005-06 53 --- --- ---

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 53

Source: Rajya Sabha Unstarred Question No. 575, dated on 04.03.2008. (downloaded from

B. Production

Table B1: Refinery Crude Throughput and Production of Petroleum Products in India (‘000 Tonnes)

Year Crude Throughput Production


Sector/JVC Private Sector

Total Public

Sector/JVCPrivate Sector


1961-62 60 6524 6584 11 6184 6195 1965-66 1966 8267 10233 1733 7828 9561 1970-71 10820 7559 18379 9965 7145 17110 1975-76 17045 5238 22283 15895 4934 20829 1980-81 25333 503 25836 23646 477 24123 1985-86 42910 - 42910 39881 - 39881 1990-91 51772 - 51772 48562 - 48562 1991-92 51423 - 51423 48349 - 48349 1992-93 53482 - 53482 50359 - 50359 1993-94 54296 - 54296 51084 - 51084 1994-95 56534 - 56534 52927 - 52927


1995-96 58741 - 58741 55081 - 55081 1996-97 62870 - 62870 59005 - 59005 1997-98 65166 - 65166 61308 - 61308 1998-99 68538 - 68538 64544 - 64544 1999-00 74052 11912 85964 69144 10267 79411 2000-01 77411 26033 103444 72059 23555 95614 2001-02 77620 29654 107274 72462 27542 100004 2002-03 82015 30544 112559 76236 27904 104140 2003-04 89495 32345 121840 83397 30066 113463 2004-05 92808 34309 127117 86328 31905 118233 2005-06 96946 33163 130109 89793 29957 119750 2006-07* 108173 38378 146551 99714 35546 135260

Note: * : Provisional. Source: Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. Government of India, (downloaded from

Table B2: Refinery-wise Crude Run and Production of Petroleum Products in India -

Part I (in ‘000 tonnes)


Year AOD Mumbai Mumbai Visakh Guwahati Barauni Gujarat Haldia Mathura

1990-91 Total Production 540 6603 5506 3231 712 2206 8791 2608 7414

Crude Run 566 6957 5766 3464 783 2416 9334 2935 7808

1991-92 Total Production 524 6630 4496 3676 793 2060 8877 2791 7925

Crude Run 546 6940 4729 3920 856 2262 9379 3021 8231

1992-93 Total Production 623 6875 5619 4274 749 2097 9258 2810 7430

Crude Run 547 7233 5849 4527 815 2287 9780 3040 7843

1993-94 Total Production 535 6831 5774 4203 840 2051 8830 2878 8121

Crude Run 554 7203 6018 4448 910 2222 9434 3106 8518

1994-95 Total Production 509 7071 4913 4759 833 2039 9148 2998 8018

Crude Run 536 7506 5234 5014 884 2220 9888 3258 8377

1995-96 Total Production 537 7065 5674 4753 781 2129 9476 3168 7934

Crude Run 559 7460 5965 5037 839 2322 10167 3416 8332

1996-97 Total Production 453 7279 6238 4576 778 1720 9722 3189 7744

Crude Run 477 7640 6534 4847 848 1895 10352 3451 8113

1997-98 Total Production 479 7591 6053 2308 779 1989 10043 4445 8302

Crude Run 502 7996 6378 2467 856 2181 10694 4706 8565

1998-99 Total Production 524 8531 4955 3637 772 2017 10346 4432 8665


Crude Run 553 8878 5203 3861 836 2204 10935 4714 8909

1999-00 Total Production 564 8433 5702 4252 858 3177 10429 3797 7875

Crude Run 603 8907 6007 4555 914 3411 11109 4105 8125

2000-01 Total Production 651 8203 5189 5986 653 2889 11269 3502 6863

Crude Run 678 8683 5575 6405 707 3122 12006 3873 7133

2001-02 Total Production 640 8279 5229 6334 578 2625 11028 3601 7780

Crude Run 653 8744 5641 6706 656 2876 11697 4026 8031

2002-03 Total Production 577 8221 5660 6386 390 2637 11734 4031 7880

Crude Run 581 8711 6078 6851 458 2994 12434 4513 8207

2003-04 Total Production 584 8259 5707 7145 739 3815 12029 4112 7932

Crude Run 602 8757 6108 7591 891 4304 12758 4518 8248

2004-05 Total Production 636 8598 5725 7340 868 4563 11037 4971 6145

Crude Run 651 9138 6118 7825 1002 5082 11698 5418 6387

2005-06 Total Production 605 9627 5817 7515 750 5016 10839 4988 7463

Crude Run 615 10298 6248 7980 864 5553 11543 5502 7938

2006-07* Total Production 567 11234 6981 8782 726 4931 12142 5282 8425

Crude Run 586 12030 7419 9377 839 5469 12953 5836 8883

Source: Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. Government of India, (downloaded from

Table B3: Refinery-wise Crude Run and Production of Petroleum Products in India - Part II

(in ‘000 tonnes)


IOC Paniput


Cochin Manali Narimanam

BRPL Assam

NRL Numali-


MRPL Mangalore

ONGC Tatipaka

RPL Jam- nagar

EOL Vadi- nar


1990-91 Total Production - 4715 5279 - 957 - - - - - 48562

Crude Run - 5006 5698 - 1139 - - - - - 51772

1991-92 Total Production - 4554 5147 - 976 - - - - - 48349

Crude Run - 4846 5529 - 1164 - - - - - 51423

1992-93 Total Production - 4853 4927 - 944 - - - - - 50359

Crude Run - 5122 5323 - 1116 - - - - - 53482


1993-94 Total Production - 4568 5313 120 1020 - - - - - 51084

Crude Run - 4862 5728 126 1167 - - - - - 54296

1994-95 Total Production - 4803 6461 370 1005 - - - - - 52957

Crude Run - 5135 6921 382 1179 - - - - - 56534

1995-96 Total Production - 7010 5162 358 1011 - 23 - - - 55081

Crude Run - 7421 5599 370 1215 - 39 - - - 58741

1996-97 Total Production - 6890 6143 332 1306 - 2635 - - - 59005

Crude Run - 7293 6621 345 1542 - 2912 - - - 62870

1997-98 Total Production - 7312 6437 533 1485 - 3552 - - - 61308

Crude Run - 7729 6965 556 1718 - 3853 - - - 65166

1998-99 Total Production 1908 7304 5652 619 1445 - 3737 - - - 64544

Crude Run 2208 7770 6101 644 1653 - 4069 - - - 68538

1999-00 Total Production 3688 7826 5870 612 1665 186 4713 - 10267 - 79411

Crude Run 4153 7830 6377 636 1905 215 5200 - 11912 - 85964

2000-01 Total Production 5206 7039 5524 559 1353 1293 5879 - 23556 - 95614

Crude Run 5707 7520 6046 579 1488 1451 6438 - 26033 - 103444

2001-02 Total Production 5323 6398 5676 549 1314 2052 5043 13 27542 - 100004

Crude Run 5822 6797 6123 566 1475 2307 5487 13 29654 - 107274

2002-03 Total Production 5561 7063 5658 631 1352 1665 6699 91 27904 - 104140

Crude Run 6101 7580 6176 643 1463 1879 7253 93 30544 - 112559

2003-04 Total Production 5818 7419 5827 645 1963 1961 9352 90 30066 - 113463

Crude Run 6338 7854 6387 653 2126 2200 10069 91 32345 - 121840

2004-05 Total Production 5826 7387 7397 733 2118 1834 11059 92 31904 - 118233

Crude Run 6390 7924 8181 742 2311 2042 11809 93 34309 - 127117

2005-06 Total Production 5780 6456 8742 671 2246 1918 11268 92 29957 - 119750

Crude Run 6507 6939 9680 682 2356 2133 12014 93 33163 - 130109

2006-07* Total Production 8016 7237 8841 609 1932 2227 11689 93 34174 1372 135260

Crude Run 9435 7742 9784 618 2067 2504 12536 94 36616 1763 146551 Abbr for Part I and II: IOC : Indian Oil Corporation Limited. HPCL : Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited.


BPCL : Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited. AOD : Assam Oil Division. Note : * : Provisional. Source : Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Govt. of India. Abbr. : IOC : Indian Oil Corporation Limited. CPCL : Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited. BRPL : Bongaigaon Refinery & Petrochemicals Limited. NRL : Numaligarh Refineries Limited. MRPL : Mangalore Refinery & Petrochemicals Limited. ONGC : Oil & Natural Gas Commission/Corporation Limited. RPL : Reliance Petroleum Limited. KRL : Kochi Refineries Limited. CRL : Cochin Refineries Limited. Note : * : Provisional. Source : Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. Government of India, (downloaded from


Table B4: Petroleum Refining Capacity in India

(Million Tonne per Annum) Installed Capacity

Installed Capacity

Installed Capacity

Installed Capacity

Installed Capacity

Refinery Year of

Commiss- ioning

As on 01.04.2002

As on 01.04.2003

As on 01.04.2005

As on 01.04.2006

As on 01.04.2007

(A) Public Sector/JVC Refineries 87.668 89.97 94.37 99.47 105.47

I. IOC Refineries 38.15 39.95 41.35 41.35 47.35

1. IOC, Digboi 1901 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65

2. IOC, Guwahati 1962 1 1 1 1 1

3. IOC, Barauni 1964 4.2 6 6 6 6

4. IOC, Gujarat 1965 13.7 13.7 - - - 5. IOC, Koyali 1965 - - 13.7 13.7 13.7

6. IOC, Haldia 1974 4.6 4.6 6 6 6

7. IOC, Mathura 1982 8 8 8 8 8

8. IOC, Panipat 1998 6 6 6 6 12.00$ II. BPCL Refineries - - - - 19.5 19.5 1. BPCL, Mumbai 1955 6.9 6.9 6.9 12 12 2. KRL Kochi 1966 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5

III. HPCL Refineries 13 13 13 13 13

1. HPCL, Mumbai 1954 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 2. HPCL, Visakh 1657 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5

IV. CPCL, Refineries 7 7.5 10.5 10.5 10.5

1. CPCL, Manali 1969 6.5 6.5 9.5 9.5 9.5

2. CPCL, Narimanam 1993 0.5 1 1 1 1 V. BRPL, Bongaigaon 1979 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.35 VI. NRL, Numaligarh 1999 3 3 3 3 3 VII. ONGC, Tatipaka 2002 0.078 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 VIII. MRPL, Mangalore 1996 9.69 9.69 9.69 9.69 9.69 (B) Private Refinery 27 27 33 33 43.5 1. RPL, Jamnagar 1999 27 27 33 33 33 2. Essar Oil Ltd. Vadinar 2006 - - - @ 10.5

Grand Total

( A+B ) 114.668 116.97 127.37 132.47 148.97 Note : @ : Commissioned on 24.11.2006. $ : Increased installed capacity on 12 January, 2007. Abbr. : IOC : Indian Oil Corporation Limited. HPCL : Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited. BPCL : Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited. CPCL : Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited. KRL : Kochi Refineries Limited. BRPL : Bongaigaon Refinery & Petrochemicals Limited. MRPL : Mangalore Refinery & Petrochemicals Limited. ONGC : Oil & Natural Gas Commission/Corporation Limited. RPL : Reliance Petroleum Limited. NRL : Numaligarh Refineries Limited. JVC : Joint Venture Company. Source: Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. Government of India, (downloaded from


Table B5: Production of Petroleum Products in India ( ' 000 Tonne)

Products 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07* 2007-08* (a) From Crude Oil

I. Light Distillates of which 25048 26539 28619 31971 32865 32427 38104 40111LPG 4088 4778 4903 5348 5570 5525 6315 6732Mogas 8070 9699 10361 10999 11057 10502 12539 14167Naphtha 9908 9180 9650 11317 14100 14509 16660 16440SBPS/Hexane 93 84 82 89 81 98 79 -Others (LD) 2982 2882 3705 4307 2138 1891 2590 2772II. Middle Distillates of which 52445 54409 55937 60018 62509 64432 71225 76649Kerosene 8714 9681 10028 10187 9298 9078 8491 7794

ATF/RTF/Jet A-1 2513 2595 3053 4289 5201 6196 7805 9107HSD 39052 39899 40207 43316 45903 47572 53465 58361LDO 1481 1703 2079 1659 1546 923 803 671JBO 57 44 47 43 36 39 32 -MTO 214 212 243 242 226 212 187 -Others (MD) 685 531 570 567 561 663 661 716

III. Heavy Ends of which 18121 19056 19584 21474 23205 22891 25931 28170Furnance Oil 6479 7488 7529 8737 10560 10320 12325 12638

LSHS/HHS/RFO 4913 4739 4638 4635 4410 3985 3372 3167Total Fuel Oils 11392 12227 12167 13372 14780 14305 15697 -Lube Oils 684 651 684 666 646 677 825 881Bitumen 2721 2561 2941 3397 3349 3576 3891 4507Petroleum Coke 2473 2784 2659 2743 3162 3182 3779 4129Paraffin Wax 51 45 42 53 64 63 63 64Others Waxes 61 37 3 0 4 3 -2 -1Total Waxes 112 82 45 53 68 66 - -Others (HE) 739 751 1088 1243 1010 - - 2784

Total Production 95614 100004 104140 113463 118579 119750 135260 144930Crude Throughput 103444 107274 112559 121840 127116 130109 146551 -(b) From Natural Gas LPG 2045 2205 2370 2320 2240 2185 2093 2060

Abbr.: LPG : Liquefied Petroleum Gas. HSD : High Speed Diesel. LDO : Light Diesel Oil. ATF : Aviation Turbine Fuel. Note : LD : Includes Propylene, C-3, Propane, Hexane, Special Boiling Point Spirit, Benzene, Toluene, Petroleum Hydro Carbon Solvent, Natural Heptane, Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether, Poly Isobutine, PBFS and MEKFS. MD : Includes Mineral Turpentine Oil, JP-5, Linear Alkyl Benzene Feed Stock, Aromex, Jute Batching Oil, Solvent 1425, Low Sulphur Heavy Fuel HSD, DHCB and Special Kerosene. HE : Includes Carbon Black Feed Stock, Sulphur, Solar Oil, LARO and Extracts.


* : Provisional. Source : Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. Government of India, (downloaded from

Table B6: Production (Percentage) of Petroleum Products in India

Products 1991-

92 1995-

96 1996-

97 1997-

98 1998-

99 1999-0 2000-1 2001-2 2002-3 2003-4 2004-5 2005-6


Light Distillates 18.8 21.2 20.5 20 20.1 21.3 24.2 24.7 25.4 26.2 25.8 24.9 26 Middle Distillates 51.3 51 51.6 52.1 52.8 52.3 50.7 50.7 49.7 49.3 49.1 49.5 48.6 Total Fuel Oils 18.7 16.3 16.4 17 16.1 13.2 11 11.4 10.8 11 11.6 11 10.7

Lubes 0.8 1.1 1 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6

Bitumen 3.3 3.4 3.6 3.3 3.5 2.9 2.6 2.4 2.6 2.8 2.6 2.7 2.7

Others 1.1 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.8 3.2 3.4 3.4 3.3 3.4 3.3 3.8 Total Production 94 93.8 93.9 94.1 94.2 92.4 92.4 93.2 92.5 93.1 93 92 92.3 RBF & Losses/Inventories 6 6.2 6.1 5.9 5.8 7.6 7.6 6.8 7.5 6.9 7 8 7.7 Crude Run 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Abbr. : RBF : Refinery Boiler Fuel. Note : * : Provisional. Source: Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. Government of India (downloaded from

C. Consumption

Table C1: Consumption of Petroleum Products (Public/Private Sector) in India (in ‘000 tonnes)

Products 1997-98 1998-99 1999-0 2000-1 2001-2 2002-3 2003-4 2004-5 2005-6 2006-7

A. Public Sector

1. Light Distillates 15742 17958 20473 21770 22916 23567 25002 25317 24008 25350

LPG 4581 5041 6029 6613 7310 8143 9089 9967 9976 10530

Mogas 5182 5507 5909 6613 7011 7570 7895 8162 8254 8803

Naphtha 4716 6652 7970 8059 8128 7284 7329 6550 5155 5327

NGL 768 330 91 6 27 32 0 0 0 0

Others 495 428 474 479 440 538 689 638 623 690 2. Middle Distillates 49716 51686 54259 52854 50661 50555 50548 51919 50281 55189

SKO 9878 10599 10731 10714 10114 9707 9426 9395 9373 9412

ATF 2108 2112 2197 2249 2256 2269 2484 2811 3295 3982

HSDO 36071 37217 39287 37938 36515 36534 36875 38087 36308 40617

LDO 1235 1278 1512 1399 1202 1413 1181 1085 834 720

Others 424 480 532 554 574 632 582 541 471 458

3. Heavy Ends 14380 15122 15919 15362 15515 16002 16580 17357 17413 17401

Furnace Oil 6651 6767 6816 6371 7085 6941 7207 8055 8221 8186

LSHS/HHS 4323 4537 4763 4989 4531 4711 4633 4404 3907 3361

Lubes/Greases 835 885 915 797 819 938 816 779 892 878

Bitumen 2178 2412 2879 2618 2428 2847 3367 3318 3485 3818

Petroleum Coke 227 315 328 414 367 335 308 445 496 645


Paraffin Wax 28 36 53 43 45 41 41 60 55 67

Other Waxes 45 76 89 62 51 13 20 20 19 0

Others 93 94 76 68 189 176 188 277 277 446 Total (A) (Excl. RBF) 79838 84766 90651 89986 89092 90124 92130 94593 91702 97940

B. Private Sector

1. Light Distillates 2124 2573 4058 7544 6702 8188 9333 9887 9654 11726

LPG 222 311 392 403 418 208 216 278 480 319

MS 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 89 393 482

Naphtha/NGL 1874 2239 2831 3614 3600 4645 4539 7443 7039 8559

Benzene 0 23 33 8 0 0 0 0 0 0

Others 28 0 802 3519 2684 3335 4576 2077 1742 2366 2. Middle Distillates 1187 1644 1175 613 778 1510 1475 1987 4141 2406

SKO 1187 1644 1167 593 318 698 804 0 168 93

ATF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1

HSDO 0 0 8 20 31 110 199 1564 3883 2279

LDO 0 0 0 0 390 650 438 391 49 0

Others 0 0 0 0 39 52 34 32 40 33

3. Heavy Ends 1141 1579 1202 1931 3860 4304 4813 5167 7716 8677

Furnace Oil/LSHS 517 1206 874 1293 1366 1086 1105 1081 700 1071

Lubes/Greases 246 212 328 246 318 312 611 568 1189 1022

Bitumen 0 0 0 96 156 139 6 21 23 14

Petroleum Coke 0 78 0 34 1431 2228 2569 2684 4432 4796

CBFS 0 83 0 230 75 74 230 243 157 840

Others 378 0 0 32 514 465 292 570 1215 934

Total (B) 4452 5796 6435 10088 11340 14002 15621 17041 21511 22809

Total (A+B) 84290 90562 97086 100074 100432 104126 107751 111634 113213 120749#

Refinery Fuel 3514 3700 5544 6900 7273 7650 8240 8537 9141 10920

Grand Total 87804 94262 102630 106974 107705 111776 115991 120171 122354 131669 Abbr. : LPG : Liquified Petroleum Gas. Mogas : Motor Gasonline. NGL : Natural Gas Liquid. SKO : Superior Kerosene Oil. ATF : Aviation Turbine Fuel. HSDO : High Speed Diesel Oil. LDO : Light Diesel Oil. LSHS : Low Sulphur Heavy Stock. HHS : Hot Heavy Stock. CBFS : Carbon Black Feed Stock. Note : * : Provisional. # : Private consumption figures includes imports also. Source: Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. Government of India, (downloaded from


Table C2: Average Annual Compound Growth Rates of Consumption of Petroleum Products in India (Vth to Xth Plan)

(in %)

Product V Plan


VI Plan 1980-


VII Plan 1985-90

VIII Plan 1992-97

IX Plan 1997-02

X Plan 2002-


Liquid Petroleum Gas 8.7 18.4 18.9 10 12.6 8.2MS -0.1 6.9 10.9 6.8 7.2 7.3Naphtha 10.4 5.3 1.4 6.4 20.1 -3.5Others -1.7 1.2 14.2 7.2 38.7 NALight Distillates 5.6 7.2 8.3 7.5 15.3 NAATF 8.2 3.2 5.8 6.7 0.9 3.2SKO 3.7 9 6.7 3.9 0.5 0HSD 9.8 6.9 8.6 9.1 0.9 5.6LDO -1 -1.1 4.4 -3.5 5.4 0Others 0 0.2 3 8.8 5.2 NAMiddle Distillates 6.7 6.6 7.7 7.4 1 NALubes -2.3 3.2 6.9 1.7 2.3 4.7FO/LSHS 2.4 2.3 2.1 4.6 2.4 2.6Bitumen -2.4 -2.6 12.6 5.9 2.6 3Others 1.6 5.5 8.5 4.9 27.6 NAHeavy Ends 1.5 2 4 4.6 4.4 NATotal Sale 4.8 5.4 6.9 6.8 4.9 3.7

Note : * : Provisional. NA : Not Available. Growth rates are based on consumption excluding private parties’ imports. Source: Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Govt. of India , (downloaded from


Table C3: Per Capita Consumption of Selected Petroleum Products in India (in Kgs.)

Year Naphtha M.S. SKO HSDO LDO F.O.(Regular) LSHS/HHS India-Total@

Sales/ Consumption

1985-86 4.2 3 8.3 19.7 1.5 5 5.3 57.31986-87 4.2 3.2 8.6 20.6 1.5 4.9 5.5 59.31987-88 3.6 3.6 9.1 22.3 1.6 5.3 5 621988-89 4.3 3.9 9.8 23.8 1.8 5.8 4.9 63.71989-90 4.1 4.2 10 25.2 1.8 5.5 5.3 69.11990-91 4.1 4.2 10 25 1.8 5.3 5.4 68.41991-92 4.1 4.2 9.9 26.9 1.7 5.8 5 70.61992-93 4 4.2 10 28.7 1.7 6.2 4.7 72.91993-94 3.8 4.5 10.3 30.6 1.6 5.9 4.9 75.21994-95 4 4.9 10.6 33.4 1.6 6.9 4.8 81.11995-96 4 5.1 10.2 35.2 1.4 7.1 4.6 79.21996-97 4.4 5.2 9.6 36 1.3 7.1 4.7 86.21997-98 4.9 5.4 10.3 37.8 1.3 7 4.5 90.11998-99 6.4 5.7 10.9 38 1.3 6.7 4.7 92.21999-00 8.1 6 10.9 40 1.5 6.9 4.9 1022000-01 7.8 6.4 10.4 36.9 1.4 6.2 4.9 103.72001-02 7.9 6.8 9.8 35.6 1.6 8.2 4.4 97.82002-03 11.5 7.3 10.1 35.5 2 7.8 4.6 108.12003-04 7.1 7.7 9.2 35.9 1.1 7 4.5 112.92004-05 13.6 8 9.1 38.5 1.4 8.9 4.3 116.82005-06 11.1 7.9 8.7 36.7 0.8 8.1 3.6 111.72006-07* 11.3 8.2 8.4 37.9 0.6 8.2 3 115.5

@ : All India actual consumption of all products incl. Ref. Fuel & International Bunkers upto the year 1995-96. Later on total consumption includes imports from Pvt. Parties and Excluding RBF. * : Provisional. Source: Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. Government of India, (downloaded from

Table C4: Sector-wise (End Use) Consumption of Selected Petroleum Products in India

( ' 000 tonne)


Product Year Transport


Power Generatio

n Industry



Private Sales


1991-92 20282 346 110 1416 526 - 226801992-93 21726 388 108 1489 582 - 242931993-94 23059 494 115 1512 698 - 258781994-95 24742 621 229 1783 886 - 282611995-96 28034 789 167 2386 878 7 322611996-97 20276 6783 2284 3608 2068 - 350191997-98 20662 6891 2390 3843 2285 - 360711998-99 21367 6750 2576 4254 2270 - 372171999-00 22386 7593 2622 3890 2796 8 392952000-01 22197 7497 2596 3132 2516 20 379582001-02 21662 7227 2509 2687 2430 31 365462002-03 21832 7278 2497 2548 2379 110 366442003-04 21772 7210 2526 2442 2925 199 370742004-05 22505 7479 2769 2536 2798 1564 39651

High Speed

Diesel Oil

2005-06 21578 7015 2683 2446 2586 3816 40124



21611 7914 2894 5108 3091 2248 42866

1991-92 80 37 236 644 465 - 14621992-93 85 35 211 647 429 - 14071993-94 82 36 190 625 437 - 13701994-95 83 35 169 641 441 - 13691995-96 68 41 166 700 336 - 13111996-97 66 34 184 633 306 - 12231997-98 64 34 189 626 322 - 12351998-99 63 41 170 646 358 - 12781999-00 59 47 176 769 461 - 15122000-01 58 46 215 681 399 - 13992001-02 53 51 165 621 312 390 15922002-03 40 56 173 754 390 650 20632003-04 57 46 147 727 250 392 16192004-05 49 37 88 628 290 291 14762005-06 49 28 65 422 270 49 883

Light Diesel Oil


53 130 67 133 337 0 720

1991-92 343 164 527 3692 211 - 49371992-93 339 190 555 3962 227 - 52731993-94 405 186 490 3603 342 - 50261994-95 440 188 580 3944 685 - 58371995-96 321 214 720 4836 405 475 69711996-97 351 250 764 4691 478 660 71941997-98 315 274 549 4865 648 517 71681998-99 349 319 571 4824 704 1206 79731999-00 351 286 515 4901 763 874 76902000-01 318 276 481 4543 753 1293 76642001-02 308 322 551 5057 847 1366 84512002-03 263 376 488 4714 1100 1086 80272003-04 339 251 371 4364 1881 1105 83112004-05 251 ** 314 1743 5747 1099 9154

Furnace Oil


276 ** 254 973 5600 1083 8186

1990-91 13 49 1835 2605 22 - 45241991-92 22 29 1798 2335 81 - 42651992-93 10 35 1779 2122 48 - 39941993-94 12 40 1676 2366 72 - 41661994-95 2 27 1624 2258 141 - 40521995-96 3 32 1747 2246 161 @ 41891996-97 3 25 1634 2480 171 @ 43131997-98 3 21 1614 2482 203 @ 43231998-99 5 43 1297 2980 212 @ 45371999-00 7 27 1363 3036 330 @ 47632000-01 1 22 1657 2948 361 @ 49892001-02 - 21 1403 2735 372 @ 45312002-03 - 44 1639 2694 334 @ 47112003-04 - 5 1569 2263 796 @ 46332004-05 - - 1238 1453 1713 @ 44042005-06 0 0 560 1390 1957 @ 3907

Low Sulphur Heavy Stock

2006- 0 0 298 1358 1705 @ 3361


07(P) Abbr. : (P) : Provisional. Note : @ : LSHS sales through pvt. parties included in Furness Oil sales.

** : Included in Miscellaneous services. Breakup not available. Source : Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. Government of India, (downloaded from

D. Imports

Table D1: Net Import of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products by India

(Qty. ' 000 Tonnes, Value: Rs in Crore) Crude Oil Petroleum Products Total

Year Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value

1990-91 20699 6118.42 6012 3656.27 26711 9774.69 1991-92 23994 7820.05 6509 4003.62 30503 11823.67 1992-93 29247 10685.86 7564 4753.32 36811 15439.18 1993-94 30822 10688.52 8042 5532.62 38864 16221.14 1994-95 27349 10316.03 10697 5934.33 38046 16250.36 1995-96 27342 11517 16900 10745.87 44242 22262.87 1996-97 33906 18538.19 17103 13548.71 51009 32086.9 1997-98 34494 15872 20589 13043 55083 28915 1998-99 39808 14917 23052 11970 62860 26887 1999-00 57805 40028 15862 13488 73667 53516 2000-01 74097 65932 902 4421 74999 70353 2001-02 78706 60397 -3056 -970 75650 59427 2002-03 81989 76195 -3061 -2021 78928 74174 Note : * : Provisional. : # : MMT Source : Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. Government of India, (downloaded from

Table D2: Gross Import of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products in India

(Qty. ' 000 Tonnes, Value : Rs in Crore) 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08

Item Qty. Value Qty. Value Qty. Value Qty. Value

A. Crude Oil 95861 117003 99409 171702 110858 219991 121672 27699B. Petroleum Products I. Light Distillates 5391 9973 6074 14514 8651 23097 9462 29010LPG 2334 4413 2719 6579 2288 5782 2829 8563MS 233 501 485 1283 421 1326 326 1132Naphtha 2214 4029 2473 5735 5474 14870 5965 18401Propane/MTBE 610 1030 397 917 468 1119 342 914II. Middle Distillates 1027 2047 1615 3948 2344 6814 5424 17507ATF 3 14 2 11 2 17 3 20SKO 210 429 881 2214 1424 4250 2489 8324HSD 814 1604 732 1723 918 2547 2932 9163Others 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -III. Heavy Ends 2410 2868 3988 7113 5971 10478 7830 29926FO/LSHS 741 692 789 1099 986 1487 1241 2300Lubes/OthersHEI 1669 2176 3199 6014 4985 8991 6589 27627Total 8828 14888 11677 25575 16966 40389 22716 76443Grand Total 104689 131891 111086 197277 127824 260380 144388 349142

* : Provisional Note : HEI : Includes Bitumen, Lube Oil Base Stock,, Low Sulphur Waxy Residue,


Carbon Black feed Stock, Rubber Processing Oil and Paraffin Wax. Source : Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. Government of India, (downloaded from

Table D3: Quantum and Value of Crude Oil Imported by Public Sector Oil Refining Companies and Private Oil Refining Companies in India (Qty. : in Million Metric Tonne; Value : Rs. in Crore)


Imports by PSUs

Private Companies

Quantity Value Quantity Value 2005-06 69 123530 30.4 481722006-07 77.5 157689 34 613402007-08* 76.4 170824 34.6 72382

Source: Lok Sabha Starred Question No. 372, dated on 17.04.2008. (downloaded from E. Exports

Table E1: Export of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products from India (Qty. ' 000 Tonnes, Value : Rs in Crore)

Crude Oil Petroleum Products Total Year

Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value 1990-91 - - 2648 1003.94 2648 1003.941991-92 - - 2936 1214.65 2936 1214.651992-93 - - 3719 1606.28 3719 1606.281993-94 - - 4034 1508.81 4034 1508.811994-95 - - 3254 1587.36 3254 1587.361995-96 - - 3435 1831.98 3435 1831.981996-97 - - 3162 2084.78 3162 2084.781997-98 - - 2381 1266 2381 12661998-99 - - 720 306 720 3061999-00 - - 746 698 746 6982000-01 - - 8365 7672 8365 76722001-02 - - 10065 8219 10065 82192002-03 - - 10289 10868 10289 10868

2003-04 - - 14620 16781 14620 167812004-05 - - 18211 29928 18211 299282005-06 - - - - 21.51# 467202006-07* - - - - 32.39# 801722007-08* (April-Sept.) - - - - 19.90# 49981

Note : * : Provisional. : #: MMT Source : Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Govt. of India. (downloaded from


Table E2: Gross Export of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products from India (Quantity : ' 000 Tonne; Value : Rs. in Crore)

2000-01 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07* Item

Qty. Value Qty. Value Qty. Value Qty. Value Qty. Value Qty. Value Crude Oil Petroleum Products I. Light Distillates 4221 4935 4493 5475 5448 7100 6288 11512 7565 17032 12296 32647LPG 0 0 0 0 145 306 53 164 86 287MS 2336 3011 2979 4021 2897 5625 2273 5579 3696 10538Naphtha/ NGL 2882 3273 2067 2325 2176 2653 2926 5030 4996 10674 8308 21205TAME 137 220 90 139 83 117 0 0 10 25 0 0Reformate 0 0 210 309 320 551 233 590 206 617Mogas 1202 1442 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Others 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0II.Middle Distillates 1757 2046 3875 4337 7841 8713 9973 16690 11366 26152 15457 40883SKO 0 0 0 0 207 460 121 371 150 541HSD/LDO 1597 1872 3178 3547 6181 6763 7286 11782 8464 18798 11645 30045ATF 697 790 1660 1950 2480 4448 2781 6983 3662 10297Others 160 174 - - - - - - - - - -III. Heavy Ends 2387 691 1921 1056 1331 968 1950 1726 2576 3536 4641 6642FO/LSHS 508 320 1120 902 1310 928 1792 1517 1801 2246 3759 4988VGO/Lubes 1879 371 101 109 17 36 102 137 701 1205 295 600

Coke/Bitumen 0 0 700 45 4 4 56 72 74 84 587 1054Others 1879 371 - - - - - - - - - -Total 8365 7672 10289 10868 14620 16781 18211 29928 21507 46720 32394 80172

Abbr. : TAME : Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether. Note : * : Provisional. Source : Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Govt. of India. (downloaded from


Table E3: Petroleum Products Exported by PSUs and Private Companies from India

( in ‘000 Tonnes) (April 2004 to January 2005)

Products PSUs Private CompaniesPetrol 78 2286Naphtha 2250 125HSD 1004 4852Lubes/LOBs 1 0Fuel Oil 1405 0Vacuum Gas Oil 54 43AFT 906 1116SKO 0 11Reformate 307 0Bitumen 33 0Paraffin Wax 9 0

Source: Lok Sabha Starred Question No. 310, dated on 24.03.2005. (downloaded from

F. Sales and Marketshares Table F1: Sales/Consumption of Petroleum Products and Marketshare of Oil Companies in

India (Qty. ' 000 tonne)

Year % S/C I.O.C B. Shell/


Caltex/ HPCL@ (VMU)

IBP Others


Imports byPvt.

Parties Total

S/C 32362 10688 11047 - 2498 379 - 569741991-92 % 56.8 18.8 19.4 - 4.4 0.7 - 100.1

S/C 32906 11409 11511 - 2686 390 - 589021992-93 % 55.9 19.4 19.5 - 4.6 0.7 - 100.1

S/C 33501 12099 12011 - 2860 341 - 608121993-94 % 55.1 19.9 19.8 - 4.7 0.6 - 100.1

S/C 36359 13160 12588 - 2990 390 2027 675141994-95 % 53.9 19.5 18.6 - 4.4 0.6 3 100

S/C 39858 14763 14151 - 3273 473 2313 748311995-96 % 53.3 19.7 18.9 - 4.4 0.6 3.1 100

S/C 42054 15732 15460 - 3471 507 1944 791681996-97 % 53.1 19.9 19.5 - 4.4 0.6 2.5 100

S/C 43465 16356 16000 - 3597 420 4452 842901997-98 % 51.6 19.4 19 - 4.3 0.5 5.3 100

S/C 45489 17445 16249 - 3772 1811 5796 905621998-99 % 50.2 19.3 17.9 - 4.2 2 6.4 100

S/C 49391 18894 17497 - 4133 736 6435 970861999-00 % 50.9 19.5 18 - 4.3 0.8 6.6 100

S/C 47812 19368 17887 - 3959 960 10088 1000742000-01 % 47.8 19.4 17.9 - 4 1 10.1 100.2

S/C 47151 19047 17499 - 3747 1648 11340 1004322001-02 % 46.9 19 17.4 - 3.7 1.6 11.3 99.9

S/C 46336 19843 18228 - 3769 1948 14002 1041262002-03 % 44.5 19.1 17.5 - 3.6 1.9 13.4 100


S/C 46778 20297 18577 - 4162 2316 15621 1077512003-04 % 43.4 18.8 17.2 - 3.9 2.1 14.5 100

S/C 48018 20697 19091 - 4594 2193 17041 1115922004-05 % 43 18.5 17.1 - 4.2 2 15.3 100

S/C 46160 20477 18309 - 4316 2440 21511 1132132005-06 % 40.8 18.1 16.2 - 3.8 2.2 19 100

S/C 53425 22661 19698 - $ 2156 22809* 1207492006-07# % 44.2 18.8 16.3 - 1.8 18.9 100

S/C : Sales/Consumption. Note : @ : Included under Esso/HPCL from 1980-81 Onwards. : Consumption excludes RBF. # : Provisional $ : IBP has been merged with IOC. * : Private consumption figures includes imports also. Source: .Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Govt. of India. (downloaded from

Table F2: State/Company-wise Number of Retail Outlets of Petroleum Products in India

(As on 01.04.2008) (As on 01.04.2007) States/UTs

IOCL/AOD HPCL BPCL Total IOCL/AOD IBP HPCL BPCL TotalAndhra Pradesh 1391 753 706 2850 952 363 715 653 2683Arunachal Pradesh 46 0 1 47 39 2 0 1 42Assam 440 61 22 523 377 26 61 15 479Bihar 854 252 295 1401 551 223 227 282 1283Chhatisgarh 213 137 148 498 153 41 140 137 471Delhi 201 96 105 402 152 47 95 105 399Goa 21 31 39 91 18 3 31 37 89Gujarat 914 404 433 1751 645 240 393 423 1701Haryana 868 337 254 1459 585 224 307 238 1354Himachal Pradesh 158 63 52 273 124 28 62 50 264Jammu & Kashmir 175 99 90 364 154 10 96 88 348Jharkhand 338 163 148 649 239 67 158 145 609Karnataka 1113 524 519 2156 858 181 474 481 1994Kerala 761 466 381 1608 523 192 445 366 1526Madhya Pradesh 753 370 472 1595 602 91 350 444 1487Maharashtra 1194 887 1010 3091 913 211 864 970 2958Manipur 53 0 2 55 42 5 0 0 47Meghalaya 94 16 6 116 75 9 15 5 104Mizoram 19 2 0 21 15 0 2 0 17Nagaland 41 2 3 46 37 2 2 2 43Orissa 490 183 238 911 351 74 164 231 820Punjab 1436 633 544 2613 922 426 577 521 2446Rajasthan 1086 654 546 2286 886 131 624 506 2147Sikkim 14 3 11 28 12 2 3 10 27Tamil Nadu 1385 739 779 2904 1038 236 714 712 2700Tripura 38 0 0 38 36 1 0 0 37Uttar Pradesh 2346 916 916 4178 1728 481 870 890 3969


Uttaranchal 188 96 78 362 144 35 95 70 344West Bengal 903 389 408 1700 601 223 376 389 1589UTs Andaman & Nicobar 6 0 0 6 5 0 0 0 5Chandigarh 22 11 10 43 18 4 11 10 43Dadra & Nagar Haveli 7 3 1 11 7 0 3 1 11Daman & Diu 9 3 3 15 6 2 2 3 13Lakshadweep 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Pondicherry 49 36 18 103 33 10 33 15 91India 17627 8329 8238 34194 12841 3590 7909 7800 32140

Abbr. : IOCL/AOD : Indian Oil Corporation Limited/Assam Oil Division. IBP : IBP Co. Limited. HPCL : Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited. BPCL : Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited Source: .Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Govt. of India. (downloaded from

Table F3: Selected State-wise Number of Retail Outlets Set up by Private Oil Companies (Reliance, Essar and Numaligarh) in India

As on 31.12.2004

States/UTs M/s Reliance Industries


M/s Essar Oil


M/s Numaligarh Refinery Ltd.

No of R.Os 31.07.2007

Assam - - 1 21Gujarat 59 68 - -Rajasthan 27 16 - 10Madhya Pradesh 8 16 - -Meghalaya - - 4 13Chhatisgarh - - - -Maharashtra 33 66 - -Goa - - - -Karnataka 19 11 - -Andhra Pradesh 35 6 - 2Kerala 2 1 - -Tamil Nadu 20 7 - -Pondicherry - - - -West Bengal 10 - - 2Orissa 2 - - 1Bihar 1 - - 1Jharkhand 2 - - -Punjab 20 15 - -Haryana 6 14 - 8Delhi - - - 1Uttar Pradesh 30 10 - 6Nagaland - - - 2Manipur - - - 5Arunachal - - - 1



Uttaranchal - - - 1India 274 230 5 74

Source:Source : Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 2369, dated 17.03.2005 & Rajya Sabha Unstarred Question No. 5066, dated 10.05.2005. & Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 703, dated 16.08.2007. (downloaded from )

G. Prices

Table G1: Major City-wise Retail Selling Prices of Petrol and Diesel in India

(Rs./Litre) (As on 01.04.2007)

Major City Petrol Diesel North New Delhi 42.85 30.25 Chandigarh 44.09 30.63 Dehradun 44.58 32.7 Jaipur 46.49 33.07 Jammu 44.78 30.99 Lucknow 46.41 33.65 Shimla 45.68 31.38 Srinagar 46.11 31.92 East Kolkata 46.9 32.88 Agartala 42.87 30.4 Aizwal 42.69 30.27 Bhubaneshwar 44.55 33.5 Gangtok 45.67 33.24 Guwahati 45.52 31.39 Imphal 42.16 30.17 Itanagar 42.93 30.43 Kohima 43.31 30.48 Patna 46.48 32.97 Port Blair 37.84 29.22 Ranchi 43.96 33.01 Shillong 43.19 30.57 West Mumbai 48.41 34.96 Ahmedabad 47.74 35.21 Bhopal 46.99 34.8 Panjim 44.36 33.19 Raipur 44.82 34.13


South Chenni 47.48 33.31 Bangalore 50.62 35.25 Hyderabad 48.82 33.81 Pondicherry 41.52 31.47 Trivandum 46.04 33.73 Maximum Price Bangalore 50.62 35.25 Maximum Price Port Blair 37.84 29.22 Difference 12.78 6.03

Source : Rajya Sabha Unstarred Question No. 4392, dated 15.05.2007. (downloaded from )

Table G2: Consumer and Producer Prices of Natural Gas in India (Rs./ ' 000 Cubic Metre)

Consumer Prices Producer Prices

Effective Date

off-shore (Landfall

Point) and On-shore

For North Eastern States

Transportation Charges along HVJ Pipeline


ONGC (North Easter

n State)*

OIL (North Easter

n States)


Calorific Value


01.04.2002 2850 1700 1150 2116 1700 1900 1000001.07.2002 2850 1700 1150 2074 1700 1900 1000001.10.2002 2850 1700 1150 2118 1700 1900 1000001.01.2003 2850 1700 1150 2132 1700 1900 1000001.04.2003 2850 1700 1150 2206 1700 1900 1000001.07.2003 2850 1700 1150 2176 1700 1900 1000001.10.2003 2850 1700 1150 2240 1700 1900 1000001.01.2004 2850 1700 1150 2224 1700 1900 1000001.03.2004 2850 1700 1150 2224 1700 1900 1000001.04.2004 2850 1700 1150 2137 1700 1900 1000001.07.2004 2850 1700 1150 2176 1700 1900 1000001.09.2004 2850 1700 1150 2194 1700 1900 1000001.10.2004 2850 1700 1150 2120 1700 1900 1000001.01.2005 2850 1700 1150 2143 1700 1900 1000001.04.2005 2850 1700 1150 2384 1700 1900 1000001.07.2005 3200 1920 1150 3168 1920 3168 1000001.10.2005 3200 1920 1150 3137 1920 3137 1000001.01.2006 3200 1920 1150 3118 1920 3118 1000001.04.2006 3200 1920 1150 3200 1920 3200 1000001.04.2007 3200 1920 1150 3200 1920 3200 1000001.04.2008 3200 1920 1150 3200 1920 3200 10000

Abbr. : ONGC : Oil & Natural Gas Commission. OIL : Oil India Ltd. Note : * : w.e.f. 01.10.1997 gas price along HVJ Pipeline includes Rs. 1150 per 1000 SCM towards transportation charges. The transportation charges along HVJ pipeline are being increased by 1% for every 10% increase in CPI and are linked to the calorific value of Rs. 8500 K.Cal/SCM. 1 : The Consumer prices are exclusive of Royalty, Sales Tax and other Statutory Levies. Producer Prices are exclusive of Royalty. 2 : The discount of Rs. 400 per 1000 SCM was Applicable in case of gas price for North-Eastern States upto 30.09.1997 and at Rs. 300 per 1000 SCM


w.e.f. 01.10.1997 for ONGC had withdrawn this discount from Tripura w.e.f. 01.04.2002 and from Assam w.e.f October 2002. 3 : Other Than HVJ pipeline, GAIL/transporters are permitted to negotiate transportation charges with the consumers. 4 : W.e.f 1.7.2005, the price of natural gas has been revised for Power, Fertilizer Sector, small consumers having allication upto 0.05 MMSCMD and consumers drawing gas under supreme court orders vide pricing order dated 20.6.2005. The Revised price is Rs. 3200/MCM. 5 : W.e.f 01.10.1997 gas price along HVJ pipeline includes Rs. 1150 per 1000 SCM towards transportation charges. The transportation charges along HVJ pipeline are being increased by 1% for every 10% increase in CPI and are linked to the calorific value of 8500 K.Cal/SCM. 6 : Actual producer price of Oil & ONGC for sales in north-eastern region is Rs. 1700/MCM at 10000 Kcal/SCM. However, as per gas pricing order dt. 18th September 1997,for concessional price in the north-east ,Oil is to be compensated from the gas pool account at a producer price of Rs. 1900/MCM. The producer price of Oil increases by 1% for every 10% increase in CPI. Source: .Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Govt. of India. (downloaded from

Table G3: Price Build-up of Selected Petroleum Products in Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and


(As on 01.04.2007) Item Delhi Kolkata Mumbai ChennaiHigh Speed Diesel (Rs./Kl) Storage Point Price 21675.54 21675.54 21675.54 21675.54State Surcharge 2 300 137 00 120BMC Surcharge 0 0 00 299 0 00Siding Charge 15.86 0 0 0

Rly/Ocean/Freight 102.68 21.93 0 0RPO Surcharge 21 21 21 21RPO Charge (Excisable) 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27Assessable Value adj. 16.91 0 0 00 0Assessable Value 21834.26 22018.74 22132.81 21816.81Basic Excise Duty 1310.06 1321.12 1327.97 1309.01Sub Total 23144.32 23339.86 23460.78 23125.82Assessable Value adj. -16.91 0 0 0FDZ Charges 44 44 44 44Additional Excise Duty 2000 2000 2000 2000Basic Excise Duty Amount 1250 1250 1250 1250Edn Cess 136.8 137.13 137.34 136.77Sub Total 26558.21 26771 26892.12 26556.59Delivery Charges Beyond FDZ 0 13.44 0 0RPO Price 26558.21 26794.44 26892.12 26556.59Sales Tax 3162.79 4555.05 7529.79 6222.21Dealer Commission 529 529 529 529Selling Price Rs./KI 30249.99 32878.49 34950.91 33307.8Selling Price Rs./Ltr 1.27 32.88 34.96 33.31Superior Kerosene Oil(Rs./KI) Ex-storage Point Price 7967 7967 7967 7967State Surcharge 0 62 4 113BMC Surcharge 0 0 62 0Siding Charges 6.12 0 0 0Rly/Ocean/Freight 52.51 19.37 0 0


Assessable Value 8025.63 8048.37 8033 8080Entry Tax Amount/TN rebate 0 0 0 -576Sates Tax 321.03 321.93 321.32 300.16Sub Total - Rs/KI 8346.65 8370.31 8354.32 7804.16Wholesales Margin 204 204 204 143Transport Charges 284.25 203.3 243 52.25Wholesales Price/KI 8834.9 8777.61 8801.32 7999.41Retailers Margin 180 176.45 208 360Leakage and other Expenses 0 205.18 38.26 30Retail Transportation 0 130 0 0Rounding off 75.1 0 2.42 0Selling Price Rs./KI 9090 9289.24 9050 8389.41Selling Price Rs./Ltr 9.09 9.29 9.05 8.39ATF (Domestic Airlines) Basic Price 24870 25410 24970 25240Inland Differential 570 0 0 0State Surcharge 2 1520 590 1032Freight 323.08 590.59 100 148.37Siding Charges 9.85 0 0 0Marketing Cost 1850 3100 1750 1650MSL Cost 206 206 206 206Assessable Value 27830.93 30826.59 27616 28276.37Excise Duty 2226.47 2466.13 2209.28 2262.11Education Cess @3% on ED 66.79 73.98 66.28 67.86Toll Tax 0 0 0 0Posted airfield price per KL (Exclusive of Sales Tax and other Levies) 30124.2 33366.7 29891.56 30606.35Furnace Oil (Rs./KI) Ex-storage Point Price 17050 16600 16900State Surcharge 105 191.6 375Notional Railway Freight 286.36 0 0Assessable Value 17441.36 16791.6 17275Excise duty + edu cess 2874.34 2767.26 2846.92Total inclusive of excise duty + edu cess 20315.7 19558.86 20121.92Sales Tax 812.63 2444.86 2515.24Total 21128.32 22003.71 22637.16Light Diesel Oil (Rs/KI) Ex-storage Point Price 21090 21090 21090 21090Stale Surcharge 25 370 121.28 455Notional Railway Freight 254.63 340 0 0Assessable Value 21369.63 21800 21211.28 21545Excise duty + edu cess 3521.72 3592.64 3495.62 3550.62Additional Levy alongwith cess 2575 2575 2575 2575Total Inclusive of Excise duty + edu cess 27466.35 27967.64 27281.9 27670.62Sales Tax 3433.29 4754.5 3410.24 6917.65Total 30899.64 32722.14 30692.14 34588.27

Note : Selling price for Superior Kerosene Oil is for Public Distribution System (PDS). Source: .Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Govt. of India. (downloaded from

Table G4: Wholesale Price Indices of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products in India


(Base: 1993-94=100)

(2000-2001 and 2002-2003 to 2007-2008) Products Weight (%) 2000-01 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08*Light Distillates LPG 1.83731 248.2 284 285.5 316 334.8 334.8 334.8Petrol 0.88815 154.2 163.4 178.7 203.5 231.1 254.8 242.3Naphtha 0.41885 294.7 256.5 315.6 432.1 530.4 615.9 694.4Middle Distillates Kerosene 0.68928 270.2 359.7 359.2 357.9 357.6 357.6 357.6Aviation Turbine Fuel 0.16953 144.2 135.7 149.3 174.1 228.7 262.6 272.7High Speed Diesel Oil 2.02034 228.8 273.5 300.4 360.4 430.4 468.2 451.6Light Diesel Oil 0.16015 232.2 233 284.6 366.3 445.3 491.1 491.2Heavy Ends Furnace Oil 0.49335 203.5 179.7 227.2 265.5 347.4 393.2 438.4Lubricating Oil 0.16367 142.6 154.7 163.8 189.3 194.5 248.8 275Bitumen 0.149 203.5 207.6 251.2 267.4 288 421.7 479All Commodities 100 156.7 166.8 180.3 189.5 197.2 210.4 215.7

Note : * : Provisional. Source: .Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Govt. of India. (downloaded from

Table G5: Duty Structure of Central Government on Petroleum Products in India

(As on November, 2007)

Items Basic


Central Excise Duty

Cess/Special Additional

Excise Duty

Crude 5% NilRs. 2500 per

tonne Rs.2 per litre+

Petrol (MS) 7.50% 6%+Rs. 5/litre Rs. 6 per litre

Diesel (HSD) 7.50%6%+Rs.

1.25/litre Rs. 2/litre LDO 10% 16%+Rs.2.5/litre - Naphtha 5% 16% - LPG domestic Nil Nil - LPG 5% 8% - SKO PDS Nil Nil - SKO 10% 16% - LNG 5% Nil - Other Products 10% 16% -

Source : Rajya Sabha Starred Question No. 77, dated on 20.11.2007. (downloaded from )


Table G6: Realisation of Excise and Custom Duties from Crude Oil and Petroleum Products in India

(Rs. in Crore) Actuals

Product 1990-91


2000-01 200-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07


Excise Duties Motor Spirit 1202 5018 5426 8501 11563 12575 13792 17554 18303 20102Kerosene Oil 255 249 725 699 1390 1700 1273 212 236 241Refined Diesel Oil 693 6769 8147 11028 10570 13470 14455 21773 24672 23848Diesel Oil (NES) 35 1233 1104 1179 1038 992 1246 505 389 306Furnace Oil 49 616 981 779 971 822 996 1756 1877 1985Pol. Products (NOS) 421 2715 3378 2878 3483 2906 3711 4623 4919 6313Petroleum Gases 66 359 1296 1542 2445 2552 2424 319 454 570Cess on crude oil 2757 3243 3606 2731 4501 5134 5248 5007 7034 6866Total 5478 20202 24663 29337 35961 40151 43145 51749 57884 60231Custom Duties Crude Petroleum 3145 6257 7794 4818 6820 7491 9761 7158 7583 9101Petroleum Products 920 6203 3455 1949 2346 3091 3489 4236 6426 9041Total 4065 12460 11249 6767 9166 10582 13250 11394 14009 18142Grand Total 9543 32662 35912 36104 45127 50733 56395 63143 71893 78373

Note : Figures Rounded to Nearest Crore. * : Provisional. Source : Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Govt. of India. (downloaded from

Table G7: Change Made in Central Excise and Custom Duty Structure of Crude and Petroleum Products in India

Item Crude Petrol Diesel SKO

(PDS) Domestic


Excise Duty 32%+ 16%+As on

01.03.2002 * Rs. 7 Per Litre Rs. 1 per litre 16% 16%30%+ 14%+As on

04.06.2002 * Rs. 7 per litre Rs. 1 per litre 16% 16%30%+ 14%+

As on 01.03.2003 * Rs. 7.50 per litre

Rs. 1.50 per litre 16% 16%

26%+ 11%+As on 16.06.2004 * Rs. 7.50 per litre

Rs. 1.50 per litre 16% 8%

23%+ 8%+As on 19.08.2004 * Rs. 7.50 per litre

Rs. 1.50 per litre 12% 8%

8%+ 16%+As on 01.03.2005 *

Rs. 13.00 per litre

Rs. 3.25 per litre Nil Nil

8%+ 16%+As on 01.03.2006 $

Rs. 13.00 per litre

Rs. 3.25 per litre Nil Nil

Customs Duty


As on 01.03.2002 10 20 20 Nil 10As on 01.03.2003 10 20 20 10 10As on 09.07.2004 10 20 20 10 10As on 19.08.2004 10 15 15 5 5As on 01.03.2005 5 10 10 Nil NilAs on 14.06.2006 5 7.5 7.5 Nil NilAs on 01.03.2007 5 7.5 7.5 Nil Nil

Note : With effect from 9.7.04, an additional levy of education cess @ 2% has been imposed. With effect from 1.3.2003 National Calamity Contingent Duty @ Rs. 50/MT levied on imported Crude and indigenous crude (Except PSC/NELP Crude Oil). * : Rs. 1800 pmt As Cess. $ : Rs. 2500 pmt As Cess. Source : Rajya Sabha Unstarred Question No. 145, dated on 25th July, 2006. & Rajya Sabha Starred Question No. 77, dated on 20.11.2007. (downloaded from )

H. Subsidies

Table H1: Subsidies on Major Petroleum Products in India (Rs. in Crore)

Product 2001-02 2002-



05 2005-06 2006-

07 2007-

08 Kerosene-Domestic use (PDS) 5310 3018 2018 979 976 969 511$(Rs/Litre) 4.05 2.45 1.63 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82HSD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0LPG-Packed-Domestic 5830 3691 2783 1468 1520 1572 830$(Rs/Cyl) 115.63 67.75 45.18 22.58 22.58 22.58 22.6Naphtha/FO/LSHS-Fertiliser use 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Bitumen-Packed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Paraffin Wax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Total 11140 6709 4801 2447 2496 2541 2700Abbr. : N.A. : Not Available. $ : Apr-Sep'07 (Estimated). Source : Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Govt. of India. (downloaded from

Table H2: Sector-wise Subsidies by Central Government in India

(Rs. in Crore) Sector 1991-92 1994-95 2001-2 2002-3 2003-4 2004-5 2005-6 2006-7 2007-08

I. Total Central Govt. Subsidies 12253 11854 31210 43533 44323 45957 475020 57125 69742Food 2850 5100 17499 24176 25181 25798 23077 24014 31546Other subsidies 9403 6754 13711 19357 19142 20159 24443 33111 38196II. Pol Products@ 4175 6560 11140 5225 6351 2957 2683 2699 2882III. Total Subsidy (I+II) 16428 18414 42350 --- --- --- --- --- ---


IV. Pol Subsidy as % of Total Subsidy 25.41 35.63 26.3 12 14.33 6.43 5.65 4.72 4.13

Abbr. : RE : Revised Estimate. Note : @ : These do not form part of Govt. Budget upto 2001-02. Source : Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Govt. of India. (downloaded from

I. Financials

Table I 1: Profit After Tax (PAT) of Oil PSUs in India (Rs. in Crore)

Company 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07

Upstream Oil Cos. ONGC 6197.88 10529.3 8664.4 12983.05 14430.78 15642.92IOCL - - - 4891 4915 7499BPCL - - - 965.8 291.65 1805.48HPCL - - - 1277.33 405.63 1571.17GAIL 1185.83 1639 1869.34 1954 2310 2387OIL 525.22 916.73 949.7 1061.68 1689.93 1639.99Sub Total 7908.93 13085.03 11483.44 23132.86 24042.99 30545.56Integrated Oil Cos. IOC 2884.66 6114.89 7004.82 4891.38 889.66* -HPC 787.98 1537.36 1903.94 1277.33 -1607.78* -BPC 849.83 1250.03 1694.57 965.8 -1658.60* -IBP 195.79 87.75 214.66 58.87 -520.83* -Sub Total 4718.26 8990.03 10817.99 7193.38 -2897.55* -Stand Alone Refineries KRL 68.77 456 555.09 842.12 220.60* -MRPL -492.48 -411.81 459.42 879.76 401.10* -NRL 122.98 174.63 214.95 409.15 273.65* -CPCL 63.71 302.89 400.05 596.97 451.70* -BRPL -198.61 178.45 303.74 478.3 144.11* -Sub Total -435.63 700.16 1933.25 3206.3 1491.16* -Total-PSU 12191.56 22775.22 24234.68 26398.34 13193.84* -

Source : Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Govt. of India. & Lok Sabha Starred Question No. 333, dated 06.09.2007. (downloaded from )

Table I2: Financial performance of petroleum refining companies in India

(in Rs Crore)

Sales Compensation to

employees PBDITA PAT Networth Company

Name Mar-06 Mar-07 Mar-06 Mar-07 Mar-06 Mar-07 Mar-06 Mar-07 Mar-06 Mar-07

Bharat Petroleum Corpn. Ltd. 85149.62 107452.27 881.61 1003.70 1447.80 4142.18 291.61 1805.38 9139.42 10273.53 Bongaigaon Refinery & Petrochemicals 6454.17 6565.14 112.63 142.89 314.98 328.96 174.76 184.98 871.64 974.80



Chennai Petroleum Corpn. Ltd. 25476.71 29425.54 96.82 150.63 1134.35 1306.88 480.96 565.27 2281.53 2637.74

Essar Oil Ltd. 649.27 475.77 18.32 12.32 -83.83 -45.33 -93.68 -67.49 2520.73 2805.74 H P C L-Mittal Energy Ltd. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 338.94 Hindustan Petroleum Corpn. Ltd. 77526.39 97647.13 695.62 731.23 1394.09 3522.89 405.55 1570.98 8735.62 9598.65 Indian Oil Corpn. Ltd. 199430.91 250380.17 1860.19 2620.86 9886.94 14617.69 4914.36 7498.56 29302.67 34857.29 Kochi Refineries Ltd. [Merged] Mangalore Refinery & Petrochemicals Ltd. 28242.86 32208.13 47.96 55.20 1190.91 1629.22 371.62 525.52 2395.34 2756.80 Nagarjuna Oil Corpn. Ltd. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 592.01 684.51 Numaligarh Refinery Ltd. 5809.64 7917.45 38.43 48.50 649.80 761.28 448.93 568.80 1691.33 2044.97 Petro Energy Products Co. India Ltd. Reliance Industries Ltd. 89124.46 118353.71 978.45 2094.05 14990.01 20532.13 9069.34 11943.91 49804.26 63967.13 Reliance Petroleum Ltd. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3150.00 13448.82

Source: Prowess CMIE
