Notes and Reflections

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Reflections of life

Transcript of Notes and Reflections

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First I want to thank T. Hidalgo, who helped me in editing,

selection and compilation of my articles published in a scattered

fashion for my friends on my website, likewise all my friends

that somehow led me to research and adaptation of many

issues of regional interest, and the spiritual world, our reality

and Hispanic culture and form part of this book, whose lucid

comments and contributions played a role in the form and

content of "Notes and Reflections." Without it, and other

anonymous contributors, none of this would have been possible.

Also I have to thank many friends throughout my last year

encouraged me to write on various topics of political and

economic given my professional training as an economist,

originating in a third world country, but play a key role in the

world business of one of the most stable economies in the world

and paradise for immigrants.

I want to thank my readers and reviewers for their comments

and presentation of views contrary to mine, because they learn

that absolute truth does not exist and the last word has not yet

been told.

I have spent many hours reading, analysis and adjustment of

many notes that have prospered in recent times with my mate

and Editor T. Hidalgo, who had the dedication and patience to

design this first edition and compilation of notes and reflections

that I wish to share with my friends and I appreciate that too.

Human beings are infinitely complex, and you can spend a

lifetime watching people without understanding it completely.

It is therefore crucial to start learning now.









I also wish to thank all the authors I have not had the pleasure

of knowing personally, but I have drawn on their knowledge

and experiences and who provided me their virtual libraries.

A book like this depends largely on the research material

available, the confidence and trust of my colleagues and

tenacity deposited by this server, and I spent many very

pleasant days exploring its unique collections.

My parents, Norma and Joaquin, deserve thanks for their

infinite patience and support in my education. Thanks I'm here

for you.

And I must not forget the well-deserved tribute to my wife, who

accompanied me during the long days put into it to write this


Finally, all those people in my life so skillfully used the game of

"personal power" to make me good days, but also to

manipulate me, torture me and cause me pain over the years, I

tell them not to keep grudges and I thank you for inspiring me

to write "Notes and Reflections."

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo

























23. ! LEARN! 48




27. "LIVE OR SURVIVE" - An issue of Economics for Life 56









36. LET YOUR SOUL FLY ... 73




Contents of Notes










48. STONE 94













61. MOTHER´S DAY 117

62. ! WATER PUMP! 119










72. A CERTAIN AGE! 136

73. NO WORDS! 138

74. THE ECHO! 139







By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo·


The flexibility in humans is the ability to adapt quickly to

circumstances, times and other human beings, by changing our

daily habits, in some cases recognizing our mistakes and

correcting some of our attitudes and views, for better coexistence

and understanding with others.

Being flexible does not mean letting go and being lenient with

everything and everyone.

Learning to listen and watch carefully what is happening around us, is the starting point to take the

best of every circumstance and put aside everything that objectively it is not convenient.

The flexibility enhances our willingness to reach common understandings and enrich the

views of others, so the parties involved are complementary and mutually benefit.

Perhaps one of the factors that help flexibility is the adaptation, we must do everything possible to

find in every place and circumstance, the right balance to reconcile our personal style, customs,

habits and way of acting with others, to be more productive, improve communication and build

lasting relationships.

In this sense we can say that another factor that must accompany these adaptive processes is

humility, because to achieve the flexibility that we demand of ourselves, humility is very important

to recognize that our approach is not always the best and are always subject to making mistakes

or making a bad decision.

We could say in summary, that a flexible person is that one not only adapts to the social and

technological changes, but also promotes, in the hectic world in which we move daily, everyday

adapts to innovations in technology information and communication, the development of new

ways to preserve the environment, not to inherit a polluted platena future generations and we

must learn to adapt to these rapid advances of the civilized world.

Also learn to be flexible in trying to change human relationships, friends and partner

relationships, we are flexible in social circles in which we move, accepting and learning

not to impose our standards, but by sharing viewpoints points lead us to encounter, as it

is with the flexibility to learn and live a healthy spiritual life.

Respect the different criteria, thoughts and actuares of those around us, does not mean that if

they are wrong or induce us to commit acts at odds with our values and the we should tolerate, but


to be able to listen and reason with them in a flexible way not shared points and exchange of

thoughts, may agree that we are obligated to act consistent with our beliefs and to accept the

criticism that lead to change in the way we behave, to accept social development and scientific and

technological advances that we live day by day.

I want to close with a comparison: "You have to be flexible like bamboo, no matter how you

bend the winds to be touched, its poles once they have borne their embistes, remain upright, its

flexibility has allowed them to evolve to adapt to changes of nature and always look majestic

beauty and versatility. "

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo.

Whenever I travel in my car for track or road and see someone

asking for help in a deserted place, I think twice before stopping

the march.

Sometimes help can cost you your life, you never know what kind

of person is requesting it and if it is actually a real need and not a

ruse to rob you, this is a typical situation in our Hispanic culture,

but also in the minds of disturbed crazy Americans who appear

daily in the news as serial murderers.

However, sometimes it does not mean you make a crime of omission to check out and leave his

fate to a defenseless creature that has no alternative but to ask for help or call your attention to

the way it is in imminent danger.

Paradoxically, a lot has happened, that after helping someone feel much peace in our hearts, it is

as if our inner self say, "congratulations, you did it right, here were your guardian angels so that

nothing happened"; however, when the rush of our routine work does not allow us to stop the

march, arriving at our destination we also feel an inner voice that says, "and if something

happened to that poor child, elderly or woman who desperately asking you detuvieses along the

way, be responsible if something happened?, why do not I stop? "And our conscience torments us

for a while, until we again hooked into the routine of life.

This is just to introduce a little on the subject, how are you stories are repeated daily on

the planet, I have spent many times and I sincerely not regret having helped people in

very difficult circumstances, but this cost me, some economic consequences and labor. !

But I am satisfied!

Some time ago, in other latitudes of the planet and traveling to my work, a few months after

acquiring a new car, going at a moderate speed, as I usually leave early to avoid excessive traffic in

large cities. Suddenly I felt a loud knock on the left door of my car, it made me stop up and down I

saw a rock of considerable size had buried his body in the door of my new favorites and also had

the broken the glass.

I felt a great frustration, since I am very careful with my stuff and my car is my loyal companion

that takes me wherever I want to go and therefore at that time, was like receiving a blow on my

body. I got in and pulled over, to search for those responsibles.


I took a Deep breath, and then to my surprise I saw only a child, a little and ragged and frightened

girl and when she saw my face distorted, I took her by the shoulders and instinctively I let go to feel

helpless, but I cried out with great anger and said:

Why you threw that rock, do you think you do to my car, how will you pay me money

that dent?

Enraged, I continued berating the frightened child.

This is a new car and you threw that rock is going to cost you dearly!

Why did you do that, no education taught you, your mother and father have told you that

you respect the property of others?

- Please, sir, please, sobbed the child.

! I'm sorry, it was not my intention! Did not know what to do, 'said the boy.

- I threw the rock because no one stopped, many hours that I hope God will hear my voice and

you have appeared.

Tears rolled down her cheeks, pointing to the other street.

My father stumbled and fell down and I can not lift, I am very small and I cannot load it, I'm very


Sobbing and with a look I will never forget asked me.

Can you please help me sit in his wheelchair?, There has been a big hit and weighs a lot to me

alone ... I am so small!

Ashamed and dismayed by what they looked at my eyes, grabbed the child by the hand and

crossed the street, his father got invalid by the aftermath of a war that did not belong and I sat

back in his battered wheelchair, took out my handkerchief to clean the wounds that had been done

and after seeing that she was fine, started to leave, but not before thanking God for being able to

internally help this man, who had continued on the floor, had died hopelessly insolation and

"desolation by the inhumanity of man."

The small boy thanked me with a smile of those who can not describe, the kind that can not be


God bless you sir and thank you very much for what he did for us, my father is my only

companion, my mother left us and I help him to live without it I would die too, 'he said.

I stood for a moment watching the departing child laboriously pushing a heavy wheelchair

carrying his father, until they arrived at a makeshift home, but had been there at that time

certainly would have died abandoned and the great thing about all this is that day had taken a


solitary road alternative to get my work alive, as the highways were jammed in midsummer, when

in these latitudes the sun heats up.

After that I made a decision:

I have not repaired the car door, I have remained broken, to remember that you need not go

through life so fast that up with a good reach your destination, with new experience with every

kilometer you travel, so the next time someone needs you, no need to call my attention to another


Friends, God always sends signals, prevents contact us and whispering in his soul and heart, we go

on a mission, but sometimes we hear that term, because our games are immersed in technology,

cellular hands-free stereo music and stress that we in the thinking of how to solve your daily

problems and sometimes do not perceive the landscape of "every morning".This is where God

throws the rock of life, for us to pay attention and let us help fulfill its original plan of the process of

creation of mankind.

God tells us: Help your neighbor and next line leads us to think that today I am for you, but

tomorrow you may also be for me to support me to continue fulfilling the mission God has given



You choose:



Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo.

A long time ago in the rugged and remote nature reserves in Northern

Nicaragua, known as "The Tisey", Department of Estelí, there was a small

town, with the passing of the years had been settled and become "The

Village of San Antonio of Pavia or Estelí.”

For illustration of my readers, researchers have concluded that the city's name derives from the Nahuatl

ilzetl 'Obsidian' (Black Stone), and how misumalpa li, 'river water', which would be "River of obsidian or black

stone River ", another translation of the Nahuatlname is ix 'eye, face, front', telli 'flat, valley, field' ie 'eye

over the valley' or 'What you have in front of the eye' is also has translated this expression as' What comes

from the eye (eye of water) and spread over the valley.

According to Alejandro Dávila Bolaños, linguist and historian, Estelí comes from a word bilingual. Eztlili,

translated from Nahuatl as eztli 'blood' and the word Matagalpa as li 'water, river' or 'Big Sky' and in recent

times also known as "River of Red Jasper Stone."

My grandfather said and sometimes I heard from my mother, who at the top of the mountains of Tisey, a

humble couple had a son unequaled genius, that being illiterate discovered the secret of ancient Egyptian

culture, Mayans, Aztecs and Incas and always lived as a hermit on top of a mountain and marvel created for

humanity, his own pictorial culture narrates the birth and development of the Valley in the early twentieth


His name is Alberto Hidalgo, best known for the world, and foreign nationals who go to their caves, as


My grandparents told me, who according to history, near the year 1920s, a young man newly arrived in

town, with many feeling beautiful and vigor to conquer, was at the center of Estelí Park and proclaimed that

he had the heart more beautiful in the city .

Said the proud young man, which those who were considered pure and good may appreciate it, but that bad

(people) that harbored grudges could not make a comment. How Christ's rebuke to those who wanted to

stone Mary Magdalene, to throw the first stone who feel free from sin.

• A large crowd gathered around him and all admired his heart was perfect, because not seen any scratches,

(but no one could see anything), but neither wanted to go through bad people who were his pair.

This story is compared to that of the courtiers and scammers Tailors "The Emperor's Suit" with her clothes

invisible, only the pure in heart can see that it was pure gold in their rich robes, while his crooks did walk

naked through the village, only a small child could say that the Emperor was naked and he realized how

wicked his heart was full of vanity and greed, which had been laid bare by this little child, pure heart.


When asked again if the young man watched his heart how beautiful it was, the crow responded:

"! Yeahhhh !” All........ Claimed it was the most beautiful heart they had ever seen.

To be admired, the young man felt prouder and prouder still to have achieved its purpose to impress a poor

population with the claim that only the pure of heart and good will could watch the sky, taking advantage of

the ignorance of parishioners and peasants who were in place and with greater fervor have said the most

beautiful heart of the whole vast place.

Suddenly an old man - this was Albertito-approached and said:

How can you say that young presumptuous, if your heart is not even, not one bit as beautiful as mine?

Ahhhhhhhhh - We heard an expression of amazement.

The crowd and the young men looked to the old man as if they were watching the heart of him.

But the truth is that while the old man's heart beating strongly, was covered with scar sand even had places

where pieces were missing significant and these had been replaced by others who did not fit in their contours

of the site were broken, then edges were and irregular margins around.

Moreover, there were places with holes, where fragments were missing deep.

The look of people -prisoners overcame the fear of being as ignorant because they had not seen any beautiful

heart in the young and much less the old heart of Albertito- but hey understood the message and the lesson

he intended to give the old man to a boy proud.

The towns people thought in his mind - How can he say his heart is more beautiful if it I saw old man living

on the mountain in the middle of nowhere?

The young man looked to head to feet and he could imagine what would be his heart given the condition of

the ragged clothes and without any gesture of humility laughed.

Poor old man, how can you compare your heart with mine? ... My heart is perfect, and yours is a set of

patches and scars, ruts and potholes that denote only pain.

True, said Albertito, your heart looks perfect, I do what I can see, I sought my soul is not corrupted by greed,

selfishness and vanity and so, I never would get involved with you ...have a heart that will burst any time and

you cannot join any piece.

The old man continued: each scar there on my own, represents a person, an animal, a flower

which gave all my love.

God told me to share love that my parents told me on the mountain, so I told the priest of the shrine and the

brother of the mission, so, I pulled pieces of my heart to give to each one of those who have loved.

And it's so wonderful to keep the commandments of the Lord, people whom I offered him a piece of mine,

in turn, I have gifted a piece of his which I have put in place to deliver it was opened.


And the old man, addressing the people said:

Brothers of San Pedro my dear, as you can see, those who have the ability to understand, gave me the parts

were not equal, the edges were uneven, twisted forms, but eventually joined by some of its banks by

connection, the which I'm glad, because I own them remember the love we shared.

Said the old man:

There were opportunities, which gave a piece of my heart to someone, but I was not reciprocated, I did not

care about that person, because I am poor and humble man and did not offer me a little of his heart to

return, but that does not care, God gave me the mountain and people come down there for a piece of my

noble heart.

Your youth, your pride and vanity does not allow you to see that for these reasons my heart is imperfect in

form, but perfect to keep loving, hence the gaps left -to love is to risk-, but despite the pain that I caused

those wounds , having been open, I remember that I love and nurture the hope that someday, perhaps will

return and fill the void left in my heart and if do not return, I remember where they deserve to, but not that I

will lose my ability to love.

Now do you understand what is truly perfect and have a beautiful heart?

The town is silent, the young man remained silent and rivers of tears ran down her cheeks.

The "La Villa de San Antonio de Pavia Estelí or" waiting for the outcome of the debate between a wise old

man and a proud young heart.

The youth repented and recognizing the futility of his words, he wanted to impress a population,

approached the old man tore a piece of his beautiful young heart and offered it.

Albertito, dear hermit of San Antonio of Pavia, from Tisey Mountains, received him and placed him

in his turn drew a healthy chunk of his old and battered heart and he covered the open wound of

young , in an act of total love, just as Jesus gave his life for us on the cross.

The piece of the old heart of Albertito settled, but not perfect ... not having been torn pieces identical on

both, you could see the edges, there was no comparison in that piece was the largest since its size is not

meant as gave love, but the wonderful shows detachment something of yours as an act of love.

The young man looked carefully and saw that his heart was not perfect, but looked much more beautiful

than before, because the old man's love flowing inside.

This beautiful story marked my life, because I understood the meaning of true love, the love of God. He sent

His son to die for us for the forgiveness of our sins, to great and selfless love of parents and children,

brothers, the pure love of adolescents and young people who look upon its opposite, the path to their

destination for a family when there are real feelings, the love of friends who are always at our side when we

need them and to give love to our enemies, to transmit the teachings of the Lord.

"Let your heart remains pure as children and when you give love and starts a piece of your heart to offer

it, do not expect anything in return, because you will be rewarded with the kingdom of heaven".

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo




By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo.

How easy would that someone told us whenever we need to do

and how to live our lives and that those instructions were always


“It would be easy, yet extremely boring”.

Many times we think human beings need therapy, because we hope someone will tell us which

way to go or how to lead our lives, we do not realize that the answers should emerge from deep


This is why therapy should focus exactly on this point lead us to the depths of our subconscious,

where are stored all the answers.

Such responses are derived both from the lessons learned through experiences over many

lifetimes, as well as the purpose for the future that would translate as: "Our mission in life."

Each person is a unique, special and wonderful, but best of all, each person is the holder of

all responses, which are nicely stored inside each individual.

Thus, some therapies, including regression therapy (past life), which should only be treated by

professionals, because it can fall into the hands of charlatans mercantilists are excellent for

answers to many situations in our lives that do not know how to explain, its causes and effects, the

mental blocks that keep us from the responses in a conscious, since each individual has stored in

his subconscious, all the answers they give direction, purpose and meaning to life.

However before making a decision that you stand in front of truths you would not know or

remember again, you have a thorough examination within yourself and dedicate yourself a

moment of reflection with a small list of what you check you cannot explain yourself , your

attitudes, feelings and motivations in life ... not advise friends / as readers.

Life is perfect in all its dimensions, with the good and bad.

All the experiences we live give us lessons, which undoubtedly will help us deal with future

situations and successfully circumvent.


Moreover, all the experiences we have faced (and face in the future) over the course of our lives,

have been those that are necessary for our growth, our evolution as finite beings and mortals on

the planet, but infinite and immortal for our legacies.

There are no coincidences superficial but causal effects and behavioral guidelines, therefore, every

situation we face, plays an important role for the future of our lives.

That is why we must draw all possible lessons from each situation and each day we learn and we

are better human beings with ourselves and with our neighbors.

If you face any doubt about which way to go, as I suggested before, take some time and we sat

down to think, we arrive at the precise answer, without waiting for someone to tell us to do.

We may ask some advice, but we must be able to be independent and follow that road that looks

more suited to our individual needs, while appropriate for general purposes we have set for the


That's the beauty and fun of life, learning to know and learn to recognize our capabilities, which is

more than having the ability to connect with the depths of each one of us and love us as we are,

without neglecting the desire to improve every day.



Milán Ernesto Hidalgo




By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo.

I think we all know the saying:

Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?

For those not familiar with it, I commented that generally applies to cases that appear to be part of

a vicious circle in which we do not know what the cause and which effect, and therefore, leave us

not knowing where to begin to solve them.

From my personal experience and others I could see this is the case of Success and Happiness.

But to understand, we must first accept and adopt a definition for these concepts, and which in

itself is very subjective and have had so many meanings in history.

For simplicity, I will use a definition that to me is very accurate and easy to remember and be

aware at all times, and which in turn includes two concepts at once:

! Success is having what you want, while Happiness is wanting what you having!

At first glance it seems a very simplistic statement, but if we look for a moment we're going to

realize how true and deep it is.

! Success is having what you want!

It means nothing less than achieves goals, achieve goals, and fulfill our dreams.


! Happiness wants what you have!

That is, accept the things I do not like that at the moment we cannot change (which does not mean

resignation to them), and enjoy it if we like.

By definition then, the success has to do with the future, while Happiness has to do with this.



Because for most of us these two things are hard to achieve on its own, the task seems to become

more difficult and complex if we think they are real at the same time.


But the reality is that not, since both are part of the same “System” and we cannot separate them.

The proof is that while everyone wants to be happy today, we also have dreams and desires we

want to see come true in the future.

A person who seeks only the future success and strives to work day and night to achieve its

objectives, does not enjoy the present, and therefore is not happy in the now.

On the other hand, those who focus only on this can have some happiness today, but his life is to

realize dreams and expectations, and therefore do not improve and grow as human beings.

While there are many theories about where we should focus, I think any of those things should be

set aside because, as I said before, make up a single system:

The system of "ultimate meaning of our lives and the purpose of our existence"

We humans need to be happy today, but we also need to have a mission, a destiny.

And this is where the real dilemma is revealed, that refers to the example of which we spoke at

first about who comes first the chicken or the egg?

Which comes first, Success or Happiness? That is, where do I start?

What should I prioritize?

The conclusion I reached is as follows:

1) First is "Happiness".

2) "Success"paves the way to happiness.

Happiness is life is today, now, at this very moment.

We do not know how it will be the future, even if there will be a future, therefore, first of all we

must try to enjoy the present moment as if it were the last of our lives.

In addition, the future success would not be viable if we are not happy with what we are doing

today, as it depends heavily on us to do things with joy, and positive thrust.

Finally, Success is something we should look only once we have managed to be happy with our

current situation.

This means that there is a way to achieve happiness, but to increase it further to improve and

grow as individuals in the process and giving it a greater meaning and significance to our lives.

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo.

With the new "FASHION WORLD" of meetings and reunions, a

group of professionals, all winners in their respective careers,

got together to visit and reunite with an old and wise teacher.

Soon the conversation began to get interesting, with varied topics, but everyone agreed

complaints about endless! Stress! Which they both work and life in general.

The teacher offered coffee to all, went to the kitchen and soon returned with a large coffee and

a tray with a selection of cups of the most eclectic in number than those present of porcelain,

plastic, glass, some simple and cheap, others decorated, some faces, other really exquisite ...

He calmly told them to choose a cup and serve a bit of freshly brewed coffee.

When they had done, the old master cleared his throat and calmly and patiently addressed the


- You may have noticed that all looked pretty cups are finished first and were few of the simpler

and cheaper, this was the result I expected, what is natural, because everyone prefers the best for

himself. Then the teacher said:

That's really the cause of many problems of this new age of information and communication era of

rapid change, rapid responses and spiritual isolation, which ultimately leads to what you all have

concluded today, have not found complete happiness despite the success of the product! Stress!

The learned professor continued:

I them assure you that the cup they not added to coffee quality. Indeed the only disguises or

coated cup that is poured into it and drink it. "What you wanted was coffee, not the cup, but

instinctively looked for the best."

All drew a surprised expression on their faces, had dominated the instinct, and began to look the

other cups of each other. Those who were carried away by the outward appearance which

immediately took considered best, who did not do it first took shape with which it was falling and

the end, the plastic and the cheapest were left in the pan.

The teacher pleased to see his group of pupils, really impressed with the lesson learned continued:

"Now think about this and record it in your mind as a standard that will serve them in making

decisions throughout their lives and many cups of coffee to be enjoyed "

"Life" is coffee. The work, money, status, etc.., are mere cups, which give "shape and support to

life" and the type of cup we have before us, not define, nor change really "quality of life"we carry.


Often, by concentrating only on the cup (seen as a metaphor for life) would say, that the impact

causes us "outside the container" does not let us enjoy "the coffee they want." So guys (smiled the

wise teacher): "Stress Out" ... "Enjoy your coffee"

The lesson learned from this encounter tells us that:

The happiest people is not what is best of all, but what does his best with what you have and know

to decide for a better quality of life forever.

So remember it my dear readers:

Let us live simply.

Let us have peace.

Let us love and act generously.

Let us be wise, supportive and caring.

God will do the rest.

One more thing to remember:-helping our wise teacher what they would advise their pupils-

"The richest person is not having more for coming first in choosing" the cup "... but you need

less because they always knew to be guided by the quality of the content of what you take from

life and not by appearances.”

Finally ...


Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo.

There was once an island where all feelings lived: Happiness,

Sadness and many more, including the Love.

One day, they were warning the residents that the island would


All feeling rushed to leave the island, got into their boats and was

preparing to leave, but Love was left because he wanted to stay a little longer with the island he

loved so much, before they sink.

When at last, was almost drowned, Love began to ask for help.

That came

Wealth and Love said: Wealth, take me with you! I cannot, there is much gold and silver in

my boat, I have no space for you, said wealth.

Love asked for help to Vanity, who also came from: Vanity, please help me! I cannot help,

Love, you're all wet and you're going to ruin my new boat.

Then, Love asked for help to Sadness: Sadness, let me go with you? Oh Love, I am so sad I'd

rather go alone.

Joy also spent, but she was so happy that neither heard the love call.

Desperate, Love began to mourn, that's when a voice cried:

Come, Love, I'll take you.

It was an old man, and Love was so happy that he forgot to ask her name.

Upon reaching land, he asked the Wisdom:

Wisdom, who is the old man brought me here? Wisdom said,

It is Time.

Time? But, why only time I would bring?

Wisdom said,

“ Because only Time is capable of helping and understanding to Love”.

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo




By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo.

The origin of what today is known as Valentine's Day, Valentine's

or Love and Friendship, is, as one of the legends, the story of a

Roman priest.

This priest was tortured in the third century. C. for performing

marriages between young soldiers, which had been banned by the

Emperor Claudius II, who believed that single men made better

soldiers than married.

Another version says that Valentine was imprisoned for helping

Christians escape at the time when religion was outlawed in the

Roman Empire, and soon after died.

While in prison, according to a variant of this version, the

character in question fell in love with the daughter of one of the

guards of the prison and before he died, he wrote a letter

confessing his love and saying goodbye as! You’re Valentine!

But there is another legend that says that the

origins of Valentine's Day go way back at the

time of the Greeks and the festival of


This event, one of the most important to the

Romans, it happened around February 15,

marked the beginning of spring and was

associated with youth, courtship and fertility


A book written by Frank Staff in 1969 on Valentine's story suggests that the Church, trying to

eradicate pagan beliefs, used the story of the martyr Valentine, who supposedly died on Feb. 14 to

replace the celebration of Lupercalia.

The author argues that the first written references to Valentine's Day began to appear around the

fifteenth century, in 1684. At that time begin to see text that referred to a Valentine's gifts she

gave to another.


The celebration became popular in England, France, USA and Germany.

The date was first used to express affection for friends and family, not just between lovers.

There are even some cards with a somewhat acid tone, known as:

! Vinegar Valentines!.

For example this:

! Not be bitter if no one home with you, try to live as women, and do not show your


But best of all friends / as, is there a feeling involved, LOVE!


Milán Ernesto Hidalgo




By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo.

Would you give opportunity to the person who left you for

another and now wants to return to your life?

When someone truly loves you, although there are many problems in the relationship, seek a

thousand answers before you finish.

Who loves not give up easily and fight until there is no choice. If someone left you and broke your

heart to pieces without a good reason, really do not want; do not pick up those pieces...! Throw

them OUT!!

I think there are five reasonable solutions (and insurmountable) why someone deserves to be

abandoned, even if there is still love.

A husband / wife, lover, or happens to be boyfriend / girlfriend, you can zoom out quite rightly if


1 - You were an adulteress or adulterer and put the horns without consideration.

2 - You were addicted to drugs, alcohol or any kind of vices.

3 - He/ She hurt you verbally or physically (! Unforgivable is the side - there are no gender!)

4 - Your laziness and bad money management home shattered economy.

5 - He / She suffered from excessive and unfounded jealousy turned his life into hell.

When these conditions exist! If you really want to be a martyrdom to live with that one!

So: That person deserves to be abandoned.

"But be careful," those who return with their tails between their legs when the experiment did not

work they do out of interest, because they see that you are better off when social or economic lived

in the infernal marriage or relationship, "clear" were people who wanted more insatiable and you

never good enough to meet expectations ... Do not believe them, are dangerous people.

Now what?, Let convince you to return with that person again?, Do you dare to harm

someone else, whom you have begun a new life ... just because your ex back repentant?


! ! Watch out who you want to return, after having dropped like hot potato, getting no good

reason for his removal as excuses reasons as:

! Oh, my love, forgive, that I was confused...!

! When I left without telling me she needed space, but now I realize that my world was

you! (How ridiculous, really stupid, please ... when you give someone you withdraw from

your face, no excuses)

! That person is seduced me and made me walk away from you ... I filled in the time, but

not what I expected, I prefer you!

! I still love you...!

These are some! Cheap excuses! Some ex want to make us believe again enjoy the good that had,

after! Messed up! -To-knee, and gave other flocks for life, think that you have in their hands and

return to them with just a glance or a pretty face.

Here no matter how much you beg and cry: "Listen carefully to your heart, but also to your right"

... those tears friend only! Are crocodile tears!

When someone really loves us, if we really wanted, but had failed to adapt to community life of

the marriage or relationship, our weaknesses and of themselves - and you do not give you any of

the five reasons why I have listed before - was not justified to leave us hanging or even a divorce

"If you return to that person, is liable to deceive him again ... and with more experience of life You


Friends if you are someone who went through something like this: "Do not let your heart soften,

they do not deserve it ..."

You know them well and know that you never gave standing for treason and put your soul into

that relationship and that person will like you threw a newspaper yesterday ... No justification ...

Go your way and not look back.

In relationships and matters of the heart, I do not believe in that saying that! Any past was better!

That applies to the rapid changes of the modern world, for many yearn for the simplicity of the

above processes, lessons learned from our parents and especially in human relationships, where

prevailing morals and values ... That statement is not applicable to past negative experiences, or

the fleeting moments of passion and happiness senses with whom you broke my heart!

"You still have many beautiful things to live, you should not waste time with someone who was

not able to give you the value you deserve"

Think about it ... Not acting on instinct, or pity, not even deserve.

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo





By Milán Ernesto Hidalgo.

I have a Priest friend, who one day we reunited told me that he

was preparing a sermon on the ten commandments. Without

thinking much and because I left the soul I said him:

! Hey, I invite you then add it three important points that we need

in our life the us humans!

- He was amazed at my enthusiasm on the subject and explained my opinion:

The Ten Commandments are a perfect rule but need a little guidance for daily living.

They contain the basic and sacred rules of coexistence and respect such as:

Do not kill,

Do not steal,

Do not commit adultery., Etc.

Guide you to live in order, respect, love of neighbor, but do not aim at as forestall a

misunderstanding happens, a broken heart and even a tragedy.

Many conflicts occur not follow three additional rules, which have the advantage of precautions

and solutions to situations in which we are constantly entangled.

! The Priest my friend listened intently, took a notebook and finishes my dissertation hugged me

and told me excitedly: Milan're right, it will be part of my sermon!

Here is my dissertation:

In all modesty and respect, I told my priest friend, that I consider the three guides complement

the Ten Commandments.

First: Thou shalt not take words spoken against you, as a personal ... (Even if you felt

that was expressed in that spirit for your interpolating) - There are words that can be

taken offensively, but these were not in that spirit, your heart will be filled with hatred,

anger or resentment and will not have peace until we forgive and forget.

Second: Whatever they say, not about whom you are, but what they are.


If someone tells you! You are an ignorant! It does not concern you, but your perception of life. If

you take it personal, you may think you are ignorant. Maybe even ask yourself: How do you know?

Is it obvious how ignorant I am?

If you take things personal, you will agree with anything you say, but do not take it that way, they

will stay with the desire to offend you and you with one less worry on the head.

Third: Do not be assuming anything as true of a mere guess - when you suppose, are

imagining or inferring that something is true without any evidence to prove that you can

imagine is real, that is called conjecture and until you check the dilucides and, should not

judge or terminate a case that never began.

- Most of the assumptions are wrong - and the worst is that we act as if they were true.

! I think Fulanito hates me! And thinking that, you're looking across (slang).

! That job is not going to give me! And have not even gone to apply.

Assumptions rather than help to reason, in most cases put you to plot your mind.

You will not make others to guess your thoughts. No one is a wizard to know your feelings and if

not clearly expressed, others never will learn. Clarify your thoughts and feelings always want to

stop a situation when you commit.

Men and women are wrong if they think:

! He should know that to me I do not like! She should know that this is not a serious relationship!

My head does not believe in my abilities and would not let me even begin! My mother prefers my

brother so...!

Do not waste your life on assumptions, speaking in front, but speaks the truth.

Speech -! Or at least send a message to whoever is receiving false signals and I assure you that

your life will appreciate a new horizon!

Remember! Clear accounts, love, friendship and professionalism!

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo.

The first day our professor at the University, Ricardo Cruz,

appeared and asked us get to know someone who did not know


I stood up and looked around me, when a gentle hand touched

my shoulder ...

I turned around and came across an old lady whose wrinkled smile

lit up her entire being.

Hi, handsome.

My name is Rosa.

I have 75 years.

Do you I can give you a hug?

I laughed with enthusiasm and answered! Sure you can!

She gave me a big hug. I asked.

Why are you at the University at a young age (parody), so innocent? ...

Laughing, she replied;

Looking to find a rich husband, get married, have 2 kids and then retire and travel.

I mean is, I said. - I wanted to know what had motivated her to tackle this challenge at her age -

She said, always dreamed of having a college education and now I'm getting ...

After class we walked to the building of the association of students and share a coffee.

We became friends right away.

Every day for six months we were leaving class together and talk nonstop.

I loved listening to this! She was a “Time Machine”!

She shared her wisdom and experience with me.


During that year, Rose became very popular in the University, made friends wherever she went.

She loved to dress up and she reveled in the attention he received from other students, he spent a

great time.

At the end of the semester we invited Rose to a picnic.

I will never forget what she taught us that opportunity.

After being introduced in our country night, when he began to pronounce his words he had

prepared beforehand, he fell down the road where he had his notes.

Frustrated and a little embarrassed leaned over him and said simply: Sorry to be so nervous. I gave

up beer for Lent and !Whisky this is killing me!

I will not be able to get my speech back in order, so let me just tell you what I know.

As we laughed she cleared her throat and began:

! Do not stop playing because we are old, we grow old because we stop playing!.

There are only a few secrets to staying young, being happy and successful:

We need to laugh and find humor every day.

We have to have an ideal.

When we lose sight of our dreams, you die.

There are so many people walking around who are dead and do not even know it. There is a

difference between growing older and growing.

If you are 19 years old and stay in bed for a whole year without doing anything productive, you

will turn 19. If I have 75 years and stay in bed for a year without doing anything I have 76.

We can all grow old. Do not take any talent or skills for it. The important thing is to grow up by

always finding opportunity in change.

"I do not regret anything."

The elderly usually do not have regrets for what we did but what we did. The only people who

fear death are those with no goals in life, do not produce, fit the circumstances, do not aspire to

and further enhance those with regrets ...

After that day, the time spent ... Rosa finished his studies ...

One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in his sleep.


Over two hundred university students attended the funeral to pay tribute to the wonderful

woman who taught by example, it's never too late to become all that you want to be, if you're

aware that it can be if it is part Your Life Plan ...

Do not forget my dear friends that:


Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo.


Achieving a goal requires a new attitude, which is necessary to

discard all ideas and beliefs that are in opposition to the new

idea, there is no doubt that this work is difficult, and then we

experience a lot of opposition on the mental plane.

All we are is the product of habit; this is the main reason why it is

so complex changes of any kind.

The power of the mind seeks to drag us into the same experiences, which is why humans

experience forces that oppose their goals and objectives.

To achieve a lifetime of satisfaction is essential to know and be able to use the laws

governing the universe and the creation of reality.

Many of the great mysteries of humanity have been handled by select groups to which access is

difficult, however, there is a strong desire to see beyond the obvious, and that way we can find the

answers that allow us to have an abundant life.

True happiness can only be achieved by finding your life mission, this means understanding the

spiritual forces and use them for your benefit, this seamless integration is explained in detail in the

book "The Secret Power of Goals" by Andrew Corentt, reading this book will allow a complete

understanding of the powers of his mind and how they are used to program your conscious desires,

the techniques shown in this book will free you from all guilt.

To defeat the resistance to change is needed to create a new self-image, this requires an orderly

and systematic, which is clearly shown in the book "The Secret Power of Goals", if you do not take

control of his life most likely, your life becomes very unsatisfactory.

To set ourselves new goals and pursue dreams we are talking about a priority in our

lives, for that reason we must seek the answers that lead us to the beautiful freedom to

get what we want.

To succeed in life just that internally we see, and then it is time to open our souls to the beauty and

our creative ability to give us the best of this material plane.

Let´s us do it friends, we hope to achieve the goals.

In this 2012 we will achieve.

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo.

Imagine that there is a bank that each morning credited your

account the amount of 86,400.00.

Do not drag your balance every day, but every night deletes any

amount of your balance that you used during that day.

What if fate gave you that option?

Draw out every penny? ... ! Of course!

Each of us has such a bank. His name is "TIME".

Each morning this bank credited you 86.400 seconds.

Every evening the bank deletes and gives as lost whatever of this credit has not invested in a good

purpose. This bank does not carry balances or allow overdrafts.

Each day it opens a new account.

Each night it burns the balance of the day.

If you use your day's deposits the loss is yours.

You cannot turn back.

There is no turn’s deposit account tomorrow. You must live in the present with today's deposits.

Invest so that you can get the best of health, happiness and success. The clock is ticking. Make the

most of the day.

To realize the value of one year, ask a student who lost his year of study.

To realize the value of a month ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.

To realize the value of one week, ask the editor of a weekly magazine.

To realize the value of one hour, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.

To realize the value of a second, ask a person who missed the plane that was "my case."

To realize the value of a second, ask a person by a hair (mm) avoided an accident.

To realize the value of one millisecond, ask the person who won a gold medal in the



Treasure every moment you live. And treasure it more if you shared it with someone special, special

enough to spend your time.

Remember that time waits for no one.

Yesterday is a history

Tomorrow is mystery.

Today is a gift from our friend TIME ... so your time is called this, live with passion this day.

Now, answer the question yourself:

What if fate gave you the option of crediting your Bank in 86.400 seconds of life?


Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milán Ernesto Hidalgo.

In recent days I have found that many people are having

problems because they could not forget his past, always being

reminded, as if every day is take out the memory lane and look

for the album not to forget his past good or how bad was his life

years ago or even yesterday.

It is true, that man is easier to remember the past to start thinking about the future, it takes a long

projecting into the future because we begin to see our past and present and do not believe that our

life can change, or conformistamente, we can change but that will come when God wills.

I have good news, "you are a new creation". Therefore, if anyone is in Christ and believe

in God, is a new creation. 2 Cor. 5:17

The old has gone, has become new ... So, the other news is that "God is a rewarder of

those who seek Him". Hebrews 11:6.

In fact, without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to God must

believe that He exists and rewards those who seek it, those who believe and put his words into


So today you can change your mind and build your future.

God always wants the best for you.

Perhaps today you are facing a disappointment in your marriage, you are having problems with

your children, going through a financial problem or illness, a labor problem, you feel the world is

running out and not know what to do, you've tried so many times and in many ways but nothing is

resolved, you think and you question: I go to church, I pray, fasting, offered or tithe, but I do not

see God at work in my life.

We lose much of our lives because we don´t see our future; we've been so busy with our thoughts

in the past that do not enjoy the present.

They are the eyes of the past that are guiding your mind, is the reasoning or questioning what

often prevents you reach the promised land.

Do not let the past steal your future. Be who you are, be yourself.

There is a tale by argentinian writer Jorge Bucay that says:

"A King went to his garden and discovered that their trees, shrubs and flowers were dying”.


The Oak said he was dying because it could be as high as the Pine.

Turning to the pine, found him down because he could not give Grapes and the Vine.

And the vine is dying because it could blossom as the rose.

The rose was crying for not being strong and solid as the oak.

Then he found a plant, a flowering carnation and fresher than ever.

The king asked: How do you grow as healthy in the midst of this garden withered and


The flower said: Maybe it's because I always assumed that when you planted carnations wanted. If

you had wanted an Oak, which had planted them.

At that point I said, I try to be Clavel of the best you can and here I am the most beautiful and

beautiful in your garden Carnation. "

So sometimes comes to pass in our lives, we can be in our own dissatisfactions marchitándonos in

our complaints, in the absurd comparisons with others, or search the cause of all our misfortunes.

! If I were!! If I had! If my life were! If my spouse or such person change! If only I had done such a

thing! O! If I had not done that...!

Stop living an uncertain future and start living what God designed for us.

I invite them to do the following exercise:

How do you see yourself in 2012? And in 2014? And in 2019? What is missing do to you make it?

What emotions are manifested in your mind to see you making each of the things you set out?

Think about it, build it with concrete action now.

Now your future starts from today and not tomorrow.

Remember that the past is history that has value as a source of education to build on the positive

values and learn from mistakes not to avoid repeating them.

Because God in his wisdom, does not allow us to go back and much less change it.

The past should not remember ... each time you do you get away from your future.

! God gave us some of their creative power to give us first the ability to imagine how things

would be and then work capacity to realize what we can imagine!.


Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo.

Another year gone!

At year's end should take stock of the 365 days to see what was

done with this year.

It should also pay all the debts you have with the Supreme Self

and others.

I look out the window of my apartment and look back at this long road I've traveled throughout

the year.

If anything I can see is that every day this past year was full of love for God.

But, beside the many benefits of God, is the sad story of ingratitude and mediocrity toward that

great friend, so I must admit that ...

I am indebted to Him.

So my first word at the end of the year is! Thank you Lord for another year of life have

given me!.

So the second word has to be! Forgive me Lord! For all the mistakes, all the mediocrities. ! I

know you'll forgive me!

There is a third and fourth word that I say, Give me a big year for him a great task, Help me

this coming year be better, that makes me feel that life is worth living!

That slogan! Happy New Year! Do not stay in an irony, a cliché, but a reality for which we work.

I also want at the end of the year, come to terms with my neighbor, I get bad thoughts in my mind,

start up and dispose of bitterness, hatred, resentment toward my brothers.

I want to say that I have no ill feelings toward any human being

It is time to apologize to all those I hurt along the way, annoyed, slighted.

Those who were entitled to expect an answer and gave it to those who needed an

encouraging word and stayed with her.

To those who found those lying in the road of life, desperate, sad, empty of God and of

hope, and I passed because I was in a hurry. ! I want to apologize!

I want to sleep alone last night of the year and wake up with the renewed soul to undertake this

new day that begins next year.

It is important to remember that this year starts, will be what everyone does with it.


Will be the best or the worst?

Is one of many, neither good nor bad, quite the opposite?



Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo.

It was Christmas Eve.

An angel appeared to a wealthy family and told the owner of the

house, I bring you good news;

Tonight the Lord Jesus will come to visit your home.

The lady was excited and never thought possible in your home this

miracle happen.

He tried to prepare an excellent dinner for Jesus. He ordered

chicken, canned and imported wine.

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

In the doorway appeared a badly dressed woman, her face pale and suffered a swollen belly

pregnancy is advanced.

Lady, does not have any work for me?

I am pregnant and I have much need of work.

- But this is no time to bother?

Check back soon, said the hostess. Now I'm busy with dinner for an important visit.

Soon after, a man covered in grease, knocked on the door.

Madam, my truck has been wrecked here in the corner.

Any chance you would not have a tool box that I can borrow?

The lady was busy cleaning the crystal glasses and porcelain plates, was very angry;

Do you think my house is a garage?

Where have you seen people bother you?

Please do not mess my entry with those filthy feet.

The hostess continued to prepare dinner, opened cans of caviar, champagne placed in the

refrigerator, the winery chose the best fine wines, prepared some little cocktails etc., Etc.

Meanwhile someone outside clapped his hands. Jesus will come now, she thought excited and

his heart racing went to open the door.


But was not Jesus. It was a ragged boy of the street.

Madam give me a plate of food.

How I'll give you food if we have not dined? Come back tomorrow, because tonight I am very busy.

In the end, dinner was ready.

All excited waiting for the illustrious visit. But the hours passed and Jesus did not appear.

Tired of waiting began to take the little cocktails, which soon began to impact on empty stomachs

and the dream did forget the chickens and prepared dishes.

The next morning, on waking, found the lady with a great anger against the Angel. And she said:

An Angel can lie? She shouted angrily ...

I prepared everything with care, waited all night and Jesus did not appear.

Why an Angel would make me this joke?

It was not me who lied, it was you who had no eyes to see nor ears to hear what

Jesus demanded of you, said the Angel.

“ Jesus was here three times, in the person of the pregnant woman, in the person of the truck

and the hungry child”.

The Angel continued, "You were not able to recognize and welcome him into your home ... Jesus

did not want a dinner, Jesus wanted to know his goodness and that opportunity has been wasted

by looking down upon his fellow believing them less important, when all We are children of one

Father, who with love ...”

Do not feel sad lady! Said Angel, when mistake and despise a human being does not share your

same condition, corrects, ask for forgiveness to yourself and never deny someone a piece of bread.

JESUS WANTS THIS CHRISTMAS: To share how much or how little you have with another human

being unless you have your ... BUT THAT IS NOT LESS IMPORTANT TO GOD!


Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo.

!Christmas is felt in the air you breathe!

I can almost taste the stuffed chicken and all the typical food of my


The most celebrated with great joy and rejoicing this Christmas


However, after the splendor of the lights, gifts and parties, many

people experience great sadness during these festivities.

There are many reasons why so many become depressed at this time.

Some because they are far from home and cannot celebrate with the family. Others become

depressed because they miss a loved one who died. There are also those who yearn sadness that

comes Christmas with their children when they were little. And of course, are those who say: This

season brings an overwhelming loneliness because I have a love one to share!

The common denominator for all those experienced! Christmas Blues! It is the absence or loss.

Christmas is to celebrate with our loved ones, and when we need someone to share it important

we are hopelessly despondent.

Do not let the blues stop you from enjoying this season, enjoy this beautiful season.

The most effective way to forget our sorrows is to feel good to others.

Make donations for the less fortunate.

Visit nursing homes and let them visit an orphanage or company of children and offer your help.

It is amazing how good you'll feel when you give a hand to those in need.

Remember that the true Christmas spirit is receiving ! But also giving !

And the most important thing this season is to practice gratitude.

Every night before going to bed, write down five blessings you have in your life why you should

be grateful and if you want to share, feel no pains to express them freely.

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo.

Christmas is the celebration in which most people give

themselves permission to be happy, Christmas makes December a

special month, Christmas makes December a month in which

people dare to dream, dare to laugh, others are given permission

to forget for a moment the problems, this is also an opportunity

for reflection.

Christmas month of December makes the month of reconciliation,

of union, solidarity, certainly makes this Christmas a special month,

despite living in a world convulsed.

December is the perfect opportunity to escape for a moment of tension, perfect opportunity to

experience some peace.

Sadly, Christmas has become a celebration where Jesus, who is the protagonist, has not been

invited, they have parties, it has the ninth, there are gifts, but fewer and fewer have is the Lord of

Christmas in the heart, celebrating their arrival in the world to save us.

The streets, the houses are filled with lights, but one who said, I am the light of the world! Is


Today in the world know that without Jesus in your heart, it will still be Christmas celebration that

lasts barely a month and then again sadness, anxiety, worry about the future, also returns despair.

What Christmas would be different having on our lives to Jesus, the Lord of Christmas, and then

the celebration became a celebration not only of a month, would become a celebration to last a


God wants us to this December in your life is a constant Christmas where peace, hope,

love and conviction of a secure future, fill your mind and heart forever.

Only, you have to invite your son Jesus to be your Lord and Savior of your life, so giving joy not only

for a month, but for the rest of your days.

Friends, I hope that with Jesus in our hearts we have a different Christmas, Christmas is not only

gifts, not only parties, Christmas is for reflection, which is only to remember and give support and

warmth, encouragement to the needy ... "Christmas is time to give than to receive."

That this Christmas keep in mind that Jesus gave everything for us, love for his father.


With abundance and scarcity, with health or without it, have a Merry Christmas, trusting God to

change our lives and that He is always with us, yet you get to know.

But one thing I want to share a desire with Jesus:

! I ask a great Christmas and 2012 to make major tasks and projects of kindness and benefit!.

Help us make this new year be better worth living. Make it a "Happy Year 2012"! ...

"That slogan: Happy New Year! Not stay in an irony, but a reality."

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo.

The sun and wind were arguing about which one was the

strongest. The wind was thought superior, able to bend

structures, the Sun said it was not necessary to use extreme

methods to yield to others and achieve your goals, needed only a

bit of intensity to get inside his mind ...

The discussion was long, because neither wanted to give

... a man watching her.

Seeing that the road advanced, agreed to try his hand against

the man.

You'll see - said the wind - just lie down on the man, tearing his clothes.

And he began to blow as he could.

But the more efforts made, the man pressed his cloak, growling against the wind, and kept


The angry wind, dumped rain and snow, but the man did not stop and carried his coat.

He realized the wind was not possible to rip the coat.

Smiled the sun showing between two clouds, the earth heated up, the man rejoiced in

the sweet heat, took off his coat and put it over your shoulder.

- You can see how easy that was? - Told the Sun to Wind -

He realizes that a ray of sunshine I gave the man a sense of goodness and kindness as you get

more than violence ...

Some human beings should think deeply about our actions before questioning


Many use violence, irony, aggression, sarcasm and ridicule to try to achieve their goals, but that

are jealous, envious of the happiness or otherwise.

But what we realize, most of the time, with these methods, the only unhappy one who plot, who

envy, who likewise corrodes the soul ... objectives of disrupting the lives of others are more difficult

to achieve.

When envy another smile is not enough to achieve peace of mind ...


Simply put, for instance, the place of others to check.

Do we prefer a smile or an insult? ...

Do we prefer a caress or a blow? ...

Do we prefer a tender word or a wry smile? ...

Think that others probably prefer the same as us ...

So we treat our neighbors in the same way you would like to be treated ...

Thus we see that everything will be better ...

That the world will be better ...

That life will be better ...





Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

Have you seen, if only in photos and postcards, that wonderful

sculpture in the Vatican called La Piedad?

When the Universal artwork depicting the Virgin Mary with

Jesus in her arms, was sculpted by the great Michelangelo

centuries ago, the sculptor said: La Piedad was already inside of

this huge marble stone, just had to throw away what was left to

show this magnificent work.

Miguel Angel also believed that all humans have within us, a

great piece of art that only need to bring it to sculpt the surface.

Just as the artist had to go piece by removing the original Marble many pieces left over to create La

Piedad, so it is with our lives, to make it a work of art that we want, maybe not as perfect as La

Piedad but very worthy and admirable, we must eliminate from our rock a bit of everything left

over and obscures its beauty.

And how many bad things abound in the life of each one of us and we discard them?

How to bring out our inner beauty?

First, we need to have the vision to detect just what is left over in our lives and the courage to get

out of it, those things left over can be objects, activities, behaviors or persons occupying part of you

in vain. making in your life, lose precious time and energy to keep you.

There are many things around us and do not let us fully shine.

Discard from our side forever, bad attitudes, bad relationships or bad friends that are all around us

making us shade, which does not allow the world to see our personal greatness.

We may have feelings of personal uncertainty do not let us get where we want, so that the people

we see, can notice through our eyes the preciousness that exists within us, as was La Piedad,

trapped in a rock.

And possibly that is the case in our lives ... carry excess baggage.

It's time we start then sculp inwardly, to throw away what is left over and we get rid of what we

carry weight on their backs and it is only an unnecessary burden.

Look inside yourself and look around you, analyze what gives meaning to your life and what

takes away peace, light, beauty and most importantly .. "Humanity".




Milán Ernesto Hidalgo

Liars everywhere exist in many types and colors.

First is the compulsive liar, he does it constantly and even

come to believe their own lies.

On the other hand there is the occasional liar, this is the

one they call on the phone and says: If I'm not here for me

We also have a professional liar, he lies with a purpose and

a calculated end.

And finally and perhaps gives the most grief is the liar who

does so appear.

These are those who are not telling the truth because they have an inferiority complex and fear of

being judged by others if they reveal their truth.

The latter type of liars, reminds me of Eastern legend, a beautiful and powerful Chinese Prince,

who brought all the village girls to choose between them in the future it would be his wife.

As a seed challenge given to each one and said to them should cultivate it with love, one that

brings the most beautiful flower in six months, will be chosen as my wife and future Empress of


Among the beautiful and sophisticated applicants was a humble and simple girl, who knew

chances of being selected were slim, but took it just to be near the Prince.

She planted the seed with great dedication, but not a sprig gushed.

The day came when each had to carry their flower, sweety was disappointed that was the only

empty pot and others showed that all fabulous flowers.

Her surprise was when the prince said to: ! To you I choose you as my wife. !

Nobody understood why, but the Prince concluded: “This girl was the only crop seed of the flower

of honesty”.

! All seeds were handed out false and sterile! ...

The liars of this story, trying to appear to be good cultivators of flowers, lost the opportunity to rule

a kingdom, appear to be what they were not the eyes of the man who sought, but the winner had

enough self-confidence to appear with truth, to accept that his seed had flowered and not pretend

to be someone else was.


You like this girl, you have a great value for who you are inside and not have to lie to pretend a

truth that belongs you.

Lies are like a snowball ... start as small pellets that shot go down and continue to grow as they

descend, crushing everything in its path.

Truth gives its own light, you shine and gives you peace of mind, as one passage:! The truth

always sets you free!

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



Milán Ernesto Hidalgo

Much has been speculated about the arrival of 2012, the

destruction of the world, the arrival of a cataclysm, the end of the

known world, and the beginning of a new order.

The truth is we should expect to know the truth of who they

think it will be and one of the most widespread predictions is that

at some point next year, the planets will align.

I'm not an astronomer, or scientist, or a medium, however, it seems common sense to think that if

it is a fact that everything in existence, reduced to a minimum, is unquestionably energy and these

energies interact, then, the planets are a huge source of energy independent, will line up as

predicted, making such training causes an interaction of different energies and generate a

magnetic reaction of unexpected dimensions ... then, I think that under these assumptions have!

Unpredictable effects! Product of this interaction of forces.

Now ... what those effects, that's the million dollar question ... do not believe you, my dear


For starters, humans are highly sensitive to these changes in energy in the environment, you

understand everything environment around us, family, friends, work environment, ecological and

psychological as noteworthy aspect.

Thus, worldwide social processes are being tremendously interesting, therefore, that it seems that

the human race is awakening from a long slumber.

More and more people are demanding their rights, are uniting across the planet, whether to ask

for fairer education, drastic changes of government and brutal psychotic extremes, respect for

human rights or to ask for more freedom of expression, name a few.

Humans are opening our minds to new changes, new and unexpected events, or, expected but

scientifically unproven.

So, conclusively, that leads us to think that before such unexpected eventualities, we must be able

to give explanations to the ever growing needs of achieving spiritual peace and fellowship with our

distant past, that is, with our experiences in previous lives, as they definitely are not covered by

conventional methods, and no doubt deeply affect us (who believe in it) in our present and future


! Embrace the arrival of a new spiritual era, where compassion, helping those in need, not take

advantage of people and situations, love and respect for others, whether a pattern of normal



This has begun to see with increasing intensity as we move rapidly to these eventualities, what

we call...! NEW ERA!

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo


23. ! LEARN!

Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

After a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a

hand and chaining a soul and you learn that love does not mean

having the security of being reciprocated in equal measure.

Begin to learn that kisses are not contracts, and presents are not


Learn, that with the same severity with which you judge, you will

also be tried and eventually convicted.

You will learn that no matter how many pieces your heart broke,

the world does not stop to fix it.

Learn, which is you who must cultivate his own garden and decorate your soul instead of waiting

for someone to bring you flowers.

You will begin to accept your defeats with your head up and look straight ahead, with the grace of

a woman and not with the sadness of a hungry child.

Learn to build all your roads today because tomorrow's ground is uncertain for the projects and

the future has a habit of falling into the void.

After a while you learn that the sun burns if you expose yourself too much.

Will accept even that good people could ever hurt you and you need to forgive.

Learn that talking can relieve the pain of soul.

Discover that takes years to build trust and only seconds to destroy it and you can also do things

you'll regret the rest of your life.

Learn that new friendships continue to grow despite the distance and that no matter what you

have, but who you have in life and that good friends are the family that we would like to choose.

Learn that we have to change friends if we are willing to accept that friends change.

Often find that you take lightly to people who matter most and that is why we always say to those

people that we love because we are never sure when the last time we see them.

Learn that the circumstances and environment around us influence us, but we are solely

responsible for what we do.


Begin to learn that we should not compare with others, except when we want to imitate them

to improve.

Discover what is time to become the person you want to be and that time is short.

Learn that no matter where you came, but where you're headed.

Learn that you control your actions, they will control you and to be flexible does not mean being

weak or not having distinct personality, because no matter how delicate and fragile a situation is,

there are always two sides.

Learn that heroes are the people who did what was necessary to face the consequences.

You learn that patience requires practice.

Find that sometimes the person you expect to kick you when you fall, it may be one of the few to

help you get up.

Mature has more to do with what you've learned from experience that with the years lived.

Learn that there is more to your parents in you than you think.

You learn that you should never tell a child their dreams are nonsense, because few things are as

humiliating and would be a tragedy if you believed, because he'll take away hope.

You will learn that when you feel anger, you deserve to have it, but that does not give you the

right to be cruel.

You'll discover that just because someone does not love you the way you want, does not mean

that love you with all you can, because there are people who love us, but do not know how to


It is not always enough to be forgiven by someone, sometimes you have to learn to forgive


! If I learned anything in life, it puts the lie against one who invents and that life is a continuous


! Dedicated to a friend that despite the wealth of experience in politics and militarism, has failed

to understand that even the roses bring thorns on its branches!.

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

The life of mankind is governed by two great mysteries,

two dilemmas, the mystery of our two mothers.

We were not born of a mother, but two mothers,

biological mothers and mother earth.

Ever, this great humanity seriously has wondered where

we came. How did we get the gift of life? Is our existence that made it possible?

All by the grace of these two great mysteries.

We were born of a woman's womb, which is our biological mother and left the skin of Mother


How easily we lose the border of love and respect, in the daily relationship with our mothers.

Our birth mother is someone so close, we sometimes seem a sister or a friend, an aunt. Or just

assume it is unconditional and that someone is there to help, period.

We had the luxury, at times, to confront it, disrespect or run her over.

Misunderstanding and abuse, is what has given us the body that gave us life.

She, who is the origin of everything and without its existence, nothing has happened.

To the extent that we became independent, we are gradually getting out of our lives.

The sentence our indifference, we now has New responsibilities

Or we have to live "Our lives"?

How easily we forget that part of us that depended for much of his protection.

Is that the law of life? And if so, who wrote that law?

Same happens with Mother Earth.

The mother of our mothers.

It is the body where it appears and develops our existence. It's everything from beginning to end.

There were born and here we return at the end of the cycle.

We never let go of it, thus obviate the hurt, the contaminate.


At what point it happened, do not know, but the great mass of humanity is unaware of its

existence indifferent.

Speaking of the Earth is a simple school issue.

Who prays to Mother Earth?

Who pays taxes?

Will mothers a minute each day in our thoughts?

Thinking about these two mysteries, is a starting point, to stop being that humanity banal, selfish

and ungrateful, that we have become and resume or discover (for many), the real meaning of

being able to love and revere our mothers.

"Its focus with the purest sense, able to give us the wisdom to love the rest of humanity and all

species sisters who have the same rights by being born of the same mother earth"

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

Remember the movie “DRACULA”?

Uyyy, what scared me that small bloodsucking Count pale,

shaking his gaze before nailing teeth into the neck of their

victims until they were dead?

While this was only fantasy film, I'll tell you something I

discovered after my years, vampires do exist...! But these do

not fly, are flesh and blood, and love to leave you without

power after you have sucked the emotions!

You know them, and maybe even have to put up with daily ...

Are those people who, thinking only of them, have no qualms about to ask what they need,

examples, tips, time or material things, taking up precious time in your life without worrying about

your feelings or needs. They live as if the world had been created just for them and others exist to

satisfy what they need it at certain times.

I call them "emotional vampires" because they feed on our feelings and survive your good

energy. You know who they are?

Is that person is called your friend, they will absorb hours on the phone telling you their

problems and asking for help, but do not ask , how are you?

Or the family that never gives you anything in return and if it does very little and not in


And if it is someone with whom you share every day as your partner, or wife, or husband,

boyfriend or girlfriend, who is only interested in their welfare, you suck live ... Then, "Yes

we're finished" ...

"It's time to show your fangs also the Vampire"

I'll give you the quickest and fastest in the world, are 2 characters, just say "NO".

Stand firm and learn to say the magic word and set it in your mind to help yourself to manifest an

attitude when facing a sucking feeling and mentally repeat "I will not allow you to follow me using"

That way no one else will continue taking advantage of your time, your kindness and your positive

energy, three priceless treasures of your life.

The good faith of your actions and your positivism, you should only share with people who are

willing to make it up the same way.


Do not spend it with those who do not deserve those without contributing in any way, use them

for their own benefit and leave you "Empty" as one of those poor victims of the old “Horror


Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milán Ernesto Hidalgo

Not only are beggars who walk the streets naked, and

asking for something to eat or drink because they are

hungry, thirsty or cold.

They come in many corners of the world, thousands of

beggars hiding.

Elegant, with a roof, bread and wine, but lacking in love and feeling empty inside.

Beggars of a hug, comfort, a kiss, a glance, the presence of a true friend or just a word of

loving reflection.

Beggars who are ashamed to admit that although they all matter, living in spiritual

poverty and feel fragile children.

Beggars that would give all they have to find true love, appreciation and esteem or within

their families find peace and warmth.

Beggars who fear to love again, because I have suffered enough, have been betrayed and

hurt, afraid to trust.

Exist many human beings and we have difficulty in expressing the need so great that we have to

feel really appreciated and valued.

Mothers who beg the attention of their children, grandparents forgotten, although children and

young people have everything, they feel abandoned by their parents.

Love and friendship should not be begging, they deserve dignity, was the legacy that all his

children "Lord God" have left us equally.

But still too many broken hearts, although outside look elegant and well dressed, really inside are


How many times have we passed on the beggars of love and does not even have we given? Simply,

"we have ignored"

How many times have we misjudged people who do what they do because they are hungry for

tenderness and affection and no one has given them?

Maybe you or I sometimes we felt lack of love and long for someone to love us so that we return

the illusion, achieving repair and strengthen our hearts.

But humans are so contradictory that "sometimes, we have someone that unconditionally loving is

on our side and turned it into a beggar of our love, as well ignore them".


It's those moments when we lost what we wanted more, or just have not found what you long for,

we feel so lonely and depressed that we lose the reason.

If this is your case, do that to change and be of those who are able to provide all appreciation,

affection, friendship and above all love, love our neighbor without distinction, our families, wives,

husbands, nature and all living beings on the planet, we manage to end that begging for affection,

with that "HUNGER OF LOVE", so we can build a better world and may peace finally reign in our


Milán Ernesto Hidalgo


27. "LIVE OR SURVIVE" - An issue of Economics for


By Milán Ernesto Hidalgo

A popular saying goes: "Life lasts three days and two have already


Time goes so fast around us that we only opportunity to "survive"

we are slaves to routine and spend all our days immersed in a sea

of problems and situations that trivial little free time we have left.

I have spent a few moments to remember when was the last time being in a meeting or simply

talking to someone you heard any comments to say something as simple as: "Yesterday I saw a

beautiful sunset," or, "I saw a group of birds fly south ", I still circling my brain and finally, I could

not even remember.

Think about it and I'm sure you'll agree that such comments are no longer easily heard.

Some will think at the moment, those are superficial comments and people who have nothing to

talk about that much better would be to discuss current issues as the economic crisis in the world

or the lack of moral values in business experienced by the society.

While these are issues of concern to all, we live 24 hours a day every day, it is also true that in the

world there are many more things worth seeing, but by choice or the same society we have

abstracted from them.

We live in a world which is more important to know how to shut the "Bag Exchange on Wall Street"

today, and morning our mother if we are lucky to have her still alive, or find out about all the

details of the cases more resonant on the environment victim of indiscriminate pollution caused by

man, to ask what may be the friend that I have time not seeing.

By that I mean, we've put people in the background, we have become frivolous and selfish, they

just care about what's in "our world" and any situation, person or thing that does not belong to

him, not we simply care.

We have forgotten that we are the people who move the world and not vice versa, we forgot the

"LIVE" to go only "survive" in a world ruled by chaos and complexity.

We quantified our time into money, we do not mind spending a few extra hours in our work to gain

a better position in the company and feel that so we can win the world, but we never realized that

in doing so we are losing something as big as "childhood of our children, share with your partner,

the opportunity to enjoy our parents or visiting a friend. "


The irony of this is that these things that nourish and ennoble human beings are free and only

cost us a little of our time.

In writing these words I've noticed is most valuable for me to spend 30 minutes talking

with my parents, who spent 3 hours trying to finish a project in any way see you tomorrow.

I have noticed that it's easier to pick up the phone and call my mother to ask about such

awoke today to discuss endlessly with my colleagues on the future of the economy.

I have noticed that it is more important for me to hear the dreams of my friends to do the

frivolities that go on television.

I've noticed things that make me feel "ALIVE".

I am convinced that we were born to "LIVE".

Look around and with so much greatness, all rely on:

Do you think forward "SURVIVING"? Do you think die working, playing to "save the economic crisis

the company of your employer," while losing your soul and love of those who trust in you and

choose you win the bet and the chances of success will be away?



Milán Ernesto Hidalgo




By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

The value of life of each ... "is determined by each."

Our existence is characterized by how we have behaved in

front of our peers, compared with animals or nature.

Also, our behavior is determined by our own world of

thoughts or feelings.

All this together becomes the characterization of our thinking that is all that has gradually given

who we are.

That is the human being and correspondingly also the soul.

The earthly life of a human being consists of both their personal recordings that are what he

thought and spoke of what he thinks and speaks, because everything is recorded and that

eventually we determined.

Over time the same way that the individual personality, which can also be called personal law,

that is adjusted and adapted to the individual.

This then is the personal value of human beings and that determines their behavior.

That's his personal career and that he calls "life".

The human being brand specific recordings, his career, he does in your body and soul.

It follows that the person has to learn or suffer on earth and then the soul in the afterlife.

That is the law of action and reaction, also called the law of sowing and harvesting, whereby

each reap what he has sown, and that calls man! YOUR LIFE!

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo




By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

The new Moravian Priest, newly assigned to their first ministry to

reopen a church in a village called Leymus along the Coco River,

arrived in early October excited about their first opportunity.

When the church was found that was very run down and needed

much repair work.

They set a goal of having everything ready in time for their first

service on Christmas Eve.

He worked hard, repairing pews, plastering walls, painting, etc..,

etc.... And by December 18 had almost completed the work in

anticipation of the goal set.

On December 19 a terrible tempest fell that hit the area for two days.

On day 21 the Moravian pastor went to the church.

His heart sank when he saw that water had leaked through the roof, causing a considerable area

is damaged, a loin cloth, about 20 feet by 8 fell off the front wall, leaving a gap that began as the

height of the head.

The Priest cleaned up the mess on the floor and not knowing what else to do but postpone the

Christmas Eve service, headed home.

On the way he noticed that a local convenience store was conducting a sale of the Free Market

rate for charitable purposes, and decided to enter.

One of the items was a beautiful tablecloth handmade, ivory colored with exquisite work, fine

colors and a flower embroidered on the center.

- It was just the right size to cover the hole in the front wall you bought it and headed back to


Already he had begun to rain.

An older woman running from the opposite direction trying to reach shelter from the rain.

The Moravian Priest invited her to wait in the church while the storm passed.

She sat in the pew and paid no attention to the Priest while he got a ladder, hooks etc., to put up

the tablecloth as a wall tapestry.


- The Priest could hardly believe how beautiful it looked and as covering the entire problem area.

Then he looked at the woman who was walking down from the center aisle.

His face was white as a sheet of paper ... Priest, where you get that tablecloth?

- The Priest explained.

The woman asked him to check the lower right corner to see if the initials, EBG were crocheted

into it there.

Yes, there they were.... These were the initials of the woman and she had made this tablecloth 30

years ago in Bismona Tara Miskito village on the Atlantic coast of a country.

- The woman could hardly believe it when the Priest told how he had obtained the tablecloth.

The woman explained that before the war she and her husband were well-to in Bismona.

When in a year's Christmas 82 soldiers came and forced them to leave.

Her husband was going to follow next week, but was captured, sent to prison and never saw him

again, nor his house, was a very sad story...! Really a Red Christmas!

- The Priest took her to his hut and gave him back the tablecloth, but she refused saying it was

the least I could do. He was very grateful.

! How wonderful the service was good night! The church was almost full.

The music and the spirit were great.

- At the end of the service, the pastor greeted everyone at the door and many said that was


An older man, the Priest did not know that outside the town, sat in one of the seats facing forward

and the Priest wondered why he was not going.

- The man asked where he got the tablecloth that was in the front wall because it was identical to

that his wife had made years ago in Bismona, before the war and how could there be two

tablecloths so much alike.

He told the Priest how the soldiers came and how he forced his wife to flee for her safety, and how

he was supposed to follow, but he was arrested and sent to prison.

... He never saw his wife or his home again all the 29 years.

The Priest listen carefully and ask him if he would carry with him for a ride that night.

They went to the hut where the pastor had taken the woman three days earlier.


He helped the man to enter the house where the woman was, touched a door and saw the most

beautiful Christmas gathering could have imagined in his Pastoral life.

The tablecloth in his church had been the architect of the re-encounter of the marriage after 29

years of forced separation.

! Everything happens in life for a reason!

Often what comes from a disaster in the end becomes a BLESSING...

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

The small details ... you can make a difference!

The fine arts student, had finished a picture, he said ... "Was


He called his teacher to me for evaluation and impatient waiting

for his approval.

He approached the teacher and noted the work carefully and

concentration for a while.

So she asked the student palette and brushes.

With great skill took a few strokes here and there.

When the teacher returned to the student paints the picture had changed dramatically.

The student was amazed. Before his eyes the work had gone from "Mediocre to Sublime."

- Almost reverently told the teacher:

How is it possible that with a few touches, simple details, the picture has changed so much?

The Master replied:

Is that in those little details are the Art.

If we see it slowly, we realize that everything in life "is details."

Great events dazzle us so much that sometimes prevent us from seeing those little miracles that

surround us every day.

A singing bird, a flower that opens, the kiss of a child in our cheek, loving words of our most dear,

are examples of small details that can do differently to join our existence.

All relationships - Family, Marriage, Dating and Friendship - are based on details.

No one expects that lifts the Atlantic Ocean for him, but probably yes, talk to him on his


No one will ask you climb Mount Everest to prove your friendship, but you visit for a few

minutes when you know you are sick.

Some people spend their time waiting for an opportunity, to demonstrate your love for

someone heroic.


The sad thing is that while waiting for that great occasion let pass many other modest but


You can go through life without a friend you never need to donate a kidney, but was left waiting

for the call you give them back.

It is sometimes thought that happiness is like winning the lottery, a majestic event of overnight

change a miserable life by that snapshot.

This is false; indeed happiness is based on little things in detail that season our daily existence. We

too easily fooled by the apparent simplicity of the everyday.

Do not ever underestimate the power of small things: a flower, a letter, a pat on the shoulder, a

word of encouragement or a few lines on a card.

All these may seem like much, but do not think they are negligible.

In moments of great joy or great pain become the cement that holds the bricks of the building we

call "Relationships".

The flower will wither, the words will probably be the wind, but the memory of both will long

remain in the minds and hearts of those who received them.

What do you expect then?

Write that letter, make that visit, and pick up the phone.

Do it now while the opportunity is still yours.

Do not procrastinate to seem insignificant.

In relationships there are little things, there are only those made and those that were left undone.

Know the difference between friendly analysis and destructive criticism.

Look at it the purpose of my words is to help you clear your mind, help or hurt you let off steam,

I assure you will know that all I want is to analyze at the bottom of your soul, you can bring

happiness to many with "SMALL DETAILS "...

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo




By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

A group of frogs was traveling through the forest, and

suddenly two of them fell into a deep pit.

All the other frogs gathered around the hole.

When they saw how deep the pit was, they told the

two frogs in the background that for practical purposes, be

taken for dead.

The two frogs ignored the comments of her friends and kept trying to jump out of the hole with all

his might.

The other frog continued to insist that their efforts would be useless.

Finally, one of the frogs took heed to what others were saying and gave up....

The frog collapsed and died.

The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could.

Again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop suffering and just preparing to die.

But the frog jumped with increasing force until it finally came out of the hole.

When he left, the other frogs asked him, did not you hear what I said?

The frog explained to them that she was deaf.

She thought that others were encouraging to do more to exit the hole.



The tongue has the power of life and death, but their interpretation depends on you.

A word of encouragement shared with someone who is down can help lift and end the day ... and if

they knew how to interpret could mean its flagging ...


A destructive word to someone that is discouraged, you may end up destroying it.


Anyone can speak words that rob others the spirit that leads them to keep fighting in the midst of

difficult times.

Let's be careful what we say! Especially if our intention is healthy ...

But above all with what we hear, not always pay attention, we use only what is good.

Let's talk about life, joy, and hope, all those who cross our path.

That's the power of words ...

Sometimes it is difficult to understand that an encouraging word can do so much good ...when you

want to tell someone for advice, watch your words are truly heard and interpreted ...

Not the same hearing to listen, or listen and interpret ... say what you mean with conviction and

interprets the advice you always give your favor, sees things in a positive way and float you to

your last breath ...

Do not you think?

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

Everyday when we wake up, life has prepared for us a great gift:

A new day.

Apparently it's the same gift every day, so we make the mistake of

not opening it with wonder and not be aware of all their hours to

impress us with its surprises.

This also happens to us when we got used to hearing from our spouse loves us we lowering

effect, "mistakenly" because we go from excitement to the routine.

Or the life that strives every day get signals, change their colors, change the flowers, to decorate

the sky, the air scent.

Our mind is without stimuli, and someone needs to point us in the sun or the sea, and say "look,"

to look, Or say "listen" to listen, or "smell" to feel a new aroma.

Someone has to take the task of reminding us that life is ahead, 24-hour, calling as wayward

children and accepting as prodigal sons, when we turn our attention to it, if only briefly.

We become blind to life, insensitive to beauty, with atrophied emotions, painfully distracted,

useless for this delight it is to live each day and breathe and see the dawn of a smile, or how other

eyes will dedicate their looks and how our heart and our lungs are bent on beating and breathing

despite our neglect and how the world does not give up and still life around and do not despair and

keep calling us with their cries that do not cross our dull ears.

Peace is waiting for us and we strive to despise.

Happiness would be our ally and not open our arms and hearts.

We strive to bad life, when we have the option of living well.

Then life, this magic and this delicacy, it becomes a waste.

And each one is to blame.

And do not be aware of every day, implies the highest penalty that can be applied to a crime:

"Having lost that day, which is unrecoverable."

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

When I drive my car, it bothers me that whoever is with

me, tell me which way to stop me or tells me suddenly

"take care" ...

I am the driver.

I know because I do what I do. And the driver is the only one

who knows.

If I never tell me who wants to how to drive, "this is how accidents happen."

I heard that a man answered her friend, when it told him about his daughter driving a car, and

told him to accelerate to avoid a trailer. Her daughter made her case but failed to pass. The trailer

took the car.

Fortunately live to tell.

Like lightning, I compared the similarities it has this example with our lives.

Our car is called "Life" and the supreme being has been generous enough, to give everyone a "Own


We are all drivers of our own lives. Unfortunately many do not assume that responsibility.

And it's easier to blame others for our failures, to be responsible for our own decisions.

No one can hope to succeed in what you like with just a few attempts.

History is full of human beings who were fighting for their ideas, and after temporary failures, the


The feeling of freedom, to take over the wheel of your life, give you security and inner strength

that is priceless.

For a soldier, his pride are the wounds of war.

And for the business man, talk about their failures, before reaching the top.

Although the temporary defeats cause you pain ... when a thing of the past, will amuse you


It will give more value to your success.


When someone wants to kill your thoughts, do not listen, he does not know why you do what you

do not know your life as you know. He does not understand your dreams and motives.

Finally, he in his advice, what is projected.

Note that people who have been successful, first listen to themselves. What advice I can give?

There are 2 phrases that I love:

"Traveler there is no way, are made by walking"

And "Try hard enough" that is, keep trying until you succeed.

Remembering my life, I see that the activities that have been most successful are where I have

applied these 2 sentences, and add other ingredients; Hope.

In what I've been successful, there was always a moment where I had a failure so painful, that

opened before me two roads, go ahead despite not seem to make it, or resign.

By taking the path to move on ... "I did"

I confess I no longer believed in me. But I hoped so. And hope, my dreams became reality.

Also, there were times when I chose the path of resignation.

I apologized to myself a thousand excuses for why he had failed. But I keep thinking I could have

chosen another path and I could have succeeded.

We hope mixing with the persistence as well.

The life that is successful, is the fruit of hope and persistence combined.

Faith in the Supreme Being (God) has also been very important to me.

It has given me peace and serenity necessary, when it seems that my world turns heads.

I invite you to experience the thrill of driving the car of your life.



Milán Ernesto Hidalgo




By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

A young tourist was on the beaches of Montelimar and was

the first time I would go on a parachute pulled by a boat.

If you know the beach, you know that boaters provide that

service, which is that a parachute is tied by a rope to a boat.

Then the boat began its journey at sea, subject to the tourist

on the beach parachute harness. It runs with the parachute

on the beach for a while, until such time that the tourist off

the feet of the ground, the parachute rises to the sky and the

person next to it.

Imagine, the young man could not swim and had the following questions in your head:

What if the boat drags me to sea, before I raise the parachute?

What if once in the sky, I fall so high?

Despite the fear, decided to act and rely on the uncertainty. I knew it was a new experience and it

was natural to be afraid. But he also knew that life is just that, new experiences and had to be

open before it. He put on his harness, listened nervously to the latest information from the


"Ruuuuuum" was the sound engine of the boat began its journey to the sea. The young man

began to walk at first and then run as the speed increased. Then came the time when you had to

hit a jump to avoid falling into the sea "! Guuuuuuaaaaauuuuu! "I could not believe the parachute

went up and in seconds, was many feet above, watching the sea and the hotel from the beach and

a few huts, like toys. And felt peace.

"How exciting, I never thought it would be so easy and fun" ... (Thought) and enjoyed the

beautiful view from the sky.

What can we learn from this young man?

It is natural to be afraid of the unknown. Imagination creates a thousand and one ghosts but they

are that. Ghosts do not exist in reality, are self-created.

My question is: How many imaginary fears have accumulated during your life, you have avoided

experiencing new things and be happy?

"I've had many disappointments in life, I had many fears and I imagined things most of which

never happened to me."



If you look at your life in light of the past, discover that what you fear never happened and when it

happened, turned out to be a unique and enjoyable.

I invite you to look within ourselves, that we have avoided doing for a long time because of

those imaginary Ghosts do so. And who knows? Perhaps enjoy a beautiful view as the

protagonist of this story.

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo




By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo


Once upon a time a politician (from anywhere in the world) who,

hearing of the existence of a Director exceptional sent for him to be

his advisor.

Began to take political always with you and consult on every event

of importance in their meetings.

The main board advisor was always: "Everything that happens is always for the better"

- It was not long before the politician got tired of hearing the same thing over and over again.

- The political loved hunting.

One day while hunting, shot himself in the leg, seized his pain, he lived to his adviser, always

beside him to ask his opinion, and counsel responded as always: "Everything that happens is

always for the better ...”

He joined his courage to his pain, and ordered the prison for political adviser.

The next day, the politician arrived at the prison and asked the counselor he felt about being in jail.

The advisor replied as usual: "All that happens is always for the better ..."

This only further enraged and left the political counselor at the prison. A month later, the political

left to hunt again, but it was too far ahead of his companions and was captured by primitive men

of a hostile tribe.

The natives took him to their village to be sacrificed to their gods.

For their traditions, but were perfectly acceptable offerings to their gods and the politician

seemed a unique specimen.

The next day, when the natives came to take him to sacrifice, to inspect discovered the scar on his

leg and had to be rejected for slaughter.

He was released and went home as arrow-Realizing how right he had as his adviser told him,

"Everything that happens is always for the better ..."

The politician came to release the consultant who, hearing his adventures, told Politico that

whatever happened was always for the better, and really was for her sake, since being jailed had


saved his life ... and who was always by his side and as he had flaws, they had sacrificed in place of

the politician.


There are no coincidences, accidents or luck (good or bad).

Everything that happens has a purpose and always happens for the good of all involved.

As Ernesto Hidalgo once said "What does not kill me makes me stronger"

And as the saying goes "Every cloud has a silver lining."

The question for you is to focus, we will focus on "bad" happens to us and always associate it with

bad luck or you will seek and welcome you to the "good" which brings that event?...


But remember that "Everything that happens is always for the better ..."

"Every cloud has a silver lining."

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

When the road makes you uphill,


When things go wrong as sometimes happens,


When you do not get results, and adding up the



When you just want to smile and sigh,


When lucky, you is adverse, and no longer find strength to continue,


When you do not find comrades,


There are hands that hold yours ...

Believe and feel every minute of your life,

Let your soul "fly free" by the beautiful gardens of trust

Believe in something larger than go where our vision can not reach,

But if our hearts can feel.

Your soul wants to be free to give you strength and encouragement!

Try tirelessly .....

Always try.

Close your eyes for a few minutes and let your thoughts fly to places of peace and love.


We can not change the world, or remove all the pain of the earth,

Or have already solved all our problems,

But every minute we can see through the eyes of love everything.

If you think that everything is temporary, we will look fondly negative,

That leads you to the elevation and perfection, and then happily observe

The change from evil to good, from sadness into joy.

What makes us smile today were the things that made us mourn yesterday.

People are going, loves are lost in time, the problems are solved,

Even the sun goes down every night to be reborn the next day ....

Do not stand in the middle of the road because there ... Later, something big awaits you!

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

!Say always what you feel and do what you think!

If I knew that today was the last time I'll see you sleep, hug you

tightly and pray the Lord to be the guardian of your soul.

If I knew that this was the last time I see you walk out the door,

would give you a hug, a kiss and call you again to give you many


If I knew that this was the last time I hear your voice, record every one of your words to hear them

again and again indefinitely.

If I knew that these are the last minute I see you, I would say I love you and not foolishly assume

that you know.

They say that there is always a tomorrow and life gives us another opportunity to do things we do

not do better, but what if I'm wrong and today is all we have left, I'd rather not risk it and tell you

how much I love you and you'll never forget.

Tomorrow is not guaranteed to anyone, neither children nor young, nor do old, then, stop waiting

for it to arrive tomorrow.

Today may be the last time you see those you love. So do not wait, do what you have to do

already, tomorrow never comes, and surely regret this day you did not take time for a smile, a hug,

kiss your loved ones, and you were too busy to give to someone a last wish.

Keep those you love near you, tell them to their ears with all your heart how much you need them,

Love them and treat them well, tomato time to say:

! Sorry!! Excuse me!! Please!! Thanks!! I Love You! And all the loving words you know.

I do not say we no longer have a chance to say any more, just say what you feel and do what you

think! Acts, not keep it to yourself because no one will know you are a being capable of loving.


Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

Women, through you manifest your work every day with

this unique talent by your perception and sensitivity that

make every day a new horizon, your job is added to the

effort of the man who wishes to express his creative talent.

Without you it would not be possible to build the road to progress and prosperity, inherited what

no one else can inherit, sensitivity and grace of your being that given the magic touch to the daily

work has that something that makes tomorrow better.

As a partner you breath and strength, your softness and compression can be soothing to the

despair and frustration, you can share the joy and pride, you can understand the struggle to

achieve idealistic stars.

You know women who accompanied Walker in losses, and your comfort is balm to staunch

wounds at dawn again and the dreamer with a new spirit retry what you've always wanted to do,

you know accompany loneliness, share the triumph and the joy of living.

Women, is your body shop of a goldsmith, for God gave you the power to sculpt body and soul of a

new being to continue with his creation, which helps to live your tenderness, you have the power to

sow in the hearts and values are forging of love through your ability to forgive Mother.

Through time and history you have become inseparable from the social struggle and truth, you

hope for the triumph of justice and love, creator of nations, enter your name often anonymous, but

your fragrance always will be recorded in the forging of a higher world.

Woman, the beauty of your being amalgam in your body and spirit that only God could sow, so

that man with dignity you deserve and can achieve.


! Women with mission! Norma and Thelma Hidalgo!

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

! Testimony of unconditional love and unconditional

surrender of life!

An ancient legend, mythological Gods visited Earth creation

and each of the animals that lived in the forest was prepared

to make an offering.

The animals lined up to honor the gods and gave them a cow and

a big pitcher of milk, the wolf gave them a big piece of meat, bear

a huge honeycomb and so superlatively each sought to provide

what they considered was best.

The gods did their visit very pleased with the effort that each animal offered.

At nightfall, tired, came to the abode of the rabbit.

How great was his surprise to see this animal, sitting comfortably next to a bonfire waiting,

without offering any sight that would have prepared for them.

The Gods angry, he demanded: Do not you have anything for us?

Smiling Rabbit, in response, asked to be installed around a fire and to rest, as they had a surprise

and sincerely wanted to please them. Once the gods took their seats, the rabbit began his speech:

"It's an honor to have you here, I looked around the forest something that was worthy of you, but I

could find I was meaningless to the creators of humanity and all living things, but I thought that at

this time of the night must have been hungry and I want to thank you for giving me life and

allowing me to contemplate the wonders of his work.”

"We want to deliver the most valuable for me, my only offering, in recognition of the beauty of his

creation and jumped into the fire got to serve them food."

The Gods were astonished at his generosity and as a reward he was rescued from the flames and


!From now on little rabbit, you will live in the luminous face of the moon, for all those who

observe, remember that the main characteristic of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IS THE TOTAL


Since then, my dear reader if you (a) look carefully at the full moon, identify a rabbit in a position

to jump, reminding us that this image should be UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

How could you explain the Unconditional Love?


The answer will find it in its different manifestations, but Love, rather than limited, must be


- What actions you perform to show your love?

- What would you be able to do for the ones you love?

- Every day you see an opportunity to express your love to others?



Unfortunately our pettiness rationing leads to love.

If you give me, I give you, if you meet certain conditions, I will love you and if you're careful, I'll be

careful, if you take care of me, I care, if you're loving, I will be loving and so on .

And so consciously and unconsciously, we regulate what our mind and heart feels or should feel

the other person.

The highest expression of unconditional love is a mother, which regardless of the characteristics of

their children; She will love until the end of his days.

In contrast, the relationship is usually found where the highest expressions of conditional love.

When two people are united by physical attraction and there is no true love, always expect and

demand or 'to do what we consider to be ideal and so one lives and comes to "social love" to a

being that does not exist.

Thus, we find the most common expressions in circles of friends:

The love or would love if I could change, to be more friendly, polite, punctual, stop drinking,

smoking, etc.., Etc.

You get to love a ghost of "ought" is real but we cannot accept.

I invite friends and friends to identify the rabbit that appears on the face of the full moon light

and every time you want to remember what unconditional love is, remember the generosity of

the rabbit who offered his own life to demonstrate what can do when you learn to LOVE.

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

A legend of Arab origin, who were once two friends were traveling

through the desert and at some point hotly discussed the trip and

one of them slapped the other.

The offended friend, with nothing to say, took a stick and wrote in

the sand:


They continued on their journey through the desert and came to an oasis where bathing resolved.

The friend who had been slapped and hurt started drowning, being saved by friend offender.

When retrieving the friend saved breath, took a pen and wrote on a stone:


Intrigued friend, offender and savior, he asked:

Why then slaps you and you wrote in the sand hurt the offense and now you write on a stone that

I have saved?

Smiling and the friend replied calmly:

! When a friend offends us, we must write in the sand of memories what happened, where the

wind of forgetfulness and forgiveness and go take care of deleting the offense, on the other

hand, when a friend is involved in our lives and is responsible for something great happen to us,

we record it on the stone in memory of the heart, where no wind can erase everyone!.

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo




By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

! Aligning with our principles and values!

What is the reason why many times, people in society, we are

forced to act in certain ways by different life circumstances

(either family or simply social) and we give over our principles

and values, desires and feelings to "comply with social norms,"

or simply "what people will say"?


How often do things that really do not want to do?

How many times out of our mouth we do not want to pronounce words?

Or even, how many times we visit places you really do not want to go?

Although, living in society involves adapting to rules and implicit codes of conduct that must be

met to avoid chaos, which is necessary to live in an orderly and fair society, it is also true that

something very different, is having to live "chained" to social norms that only serve to stereotype,

isolate, or punish particular groups of people who do not follow "rules", whether they also "social

conventions" or too "trendy".

I mean the imposition of dress a certain way to "Fit" or to be "In"

I mean having to go to certain social events, but rather be at home enjoying family, or

simply relaxing.

I mean having to make efforts to change my car, to give a better picture of someone who

has achieved success.

I mean, having to pretend to be comfortable (a) when actually I'm not.

The society is governed by status symbols and classify them according to who is before us.

We would not be much happier and we would not feel much more free if we were owners do

whatever we wanted without considering "that say"?, But consistent with our own ethical and

moral values and principles instilled in our family within generation to generation?

We would not be much happier if we alineáramos with our inner being, in terms of following our

instincts, impulses, "grant us peace and certainty of freedom"?

Using introspection then I would say:


Working in this way would free me of guilt with myself (a) and would be easier to accept my

mistakes, if any commit-because we would have been true to ourselves, individually and be true to

my feelings and my beliefs , grounded in principles and values of what is right and what is

necessary to meet my earthly needs.

On the other hand, it would be more honest then we do something wrong when we thought was

the right thing to do or say to err on something that we were not even agree?

The above assumptions are based, obviously, in an act thinking about the welfare of society,

without hurting others or yourself. If we act otherwise, we would be transferring the thin line

between individual selfishness in general prosperity, in which my desires are more important than


To all my friends there are limits, extremes are never good. I encourage staff to look back

(introspection) and investigate within ourselves, about our true interests, feelings, principles and

values, to know exactly what to decide against a situation where the act or not act, would be in

contradiction with what we believe and what we fought for, or would act only to please others and

avoid what people say.

Many times a day do you think pass others concerned for You ...? Or, many of them ignore their

principles, wishes or feelings and do or say things just to follow pre-established social standards to

deliver an image to society and appear to be a person full of SUCCESS?

Unfortunately most people do we align with our principles and values at the time of acting or not

acting under specific circumstances, but just acting sometimes against them, to achieve status or

simply to maintain what has been achieved .

Once we do that insight to which I have invited you, we also exercise to align ourselves and let

ourselves be carried away by impulses, and mistake, because you always have the opportunity to

correct and align your convictions and beliefs.

The idea is to be honest with our values and principles, not to enter a race nonsense against us.

The rule and condition is not to harm anyone on the road and bear in mind that in addition to

acting ensuring the common good, we must act in accordance and alignment with our

"principles and values".

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo


When I was a kid I loved circuses and I liked all the attractions it

offered, was to see their animals.

Sure we spent all or most, to me, as other children and adults,

which most attracted our attention, was a particular animal, the


During the performance of the Circus, the huge beast to deploy its weight, size and enormous

strength, but after his performance and even a while before returning to the scene, the elephant

was bound only by a chain that held one of its legs to a small stake driven to the ground.

However, the stake was only a tiny piece of wood just buried a few inches in the ground ... why

not escapes the elephant?

And while the chain was thick and powerful, it seemed obvious that this animal, capable of

starting a tree by the roots with their own strength, could easily start and run the stake if they

propose it, tired of the abuse of their "trainers" that at the point of impact had sapped his strength

and will to fight. "Poor elephant," I thought more than once ...

The answer to the mystery of the conformity of the elephant is now evident, for whom we have

overcome the chain that bound us to a stake, the question of who are still tied up and see the

circus a beast under the will of a tiny What keeps tamer is tied to the elephant then? Why not run

away if a man bigger and more powerful than a lion?

These questions are answered clearly, but as a child, did not know how to explain the gentleness

of the beast against man. I asked some teachers for the mystery of the elephant, but the only

explanation I got was that the elephant escaped "because he was trained."

I did as a child then the obvious question, Yes is performing strung why?

Not remember receiving any coherent response. Eventually I forgot about the mystery of the

elephant and the stake ... and only remembered this concern for children, when I was with others

who had asked the same question.

But I grew up and the experience and fight for my goals to be someone in life gave me the answer.





I closed my eyes and imagined the little newborn subject to the stake. I'm sure that time the

elephant pushed, pulled and sweated trying to break. And despite all his efforts failed. The stake

was certainly very strong for him, I swear he fell asleep exhausted and the next day and tried again

and the other followed him, until one day he gave up....

The animal accepted his powerlessness and resigned to his fate.

This huge and powerful elephant, we see at the circus, does not escape because he believes-poor-


He has the record and memory of his helplessness, powerlessness felt that shortly after birth.

And worse, has become ever seriously questioned that record. Never ... Never tried to test his

strength again.

We live life believing! We cannot! We cannot achieve what we desire and intend, even before you

start, simply because once, when we were children (even as adults but little thought), we recorded

in our memory, once tried and could not ... know why? WHY WE LIKE THE ELEPHANT NOT FORGET

ANYTHING trained, the most meaningful characteristic IS YOUR MEMORY AND FIGHT FOR IT


We then what the elephant in our minds that we recorded negative memory: "I CAN ... I CANNOT


Most humans have grown bear that message that we set ourselves and never returned to try to

prove that self-worth and we can design new livelihood strategies that allow us to free ourselves

from that stake than a thorn in our hearts paralyzed.

We feel the shackles, chains we sound and look askance at the stake and confirm the stigma, CAN



! No live conditioned by the memory of other times, by the bonds of the past that allowed us to

grow and develop talent is innate in every human being and just keep being like the elephant, not

to forget that he stopped trying to be a wonderful and majestic creature that God created and

subjected to the slavery of his own being!

Your only way to know your worth, is to try everything new or project that you propose, putting in

the effort all you might, all your effort but above all, all your heart .....



Milán Ernesto Hidalgo




By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

You're a human being, you are my miracle. You are strong,

capable, intelligent and full of gifts and talents.

Count your gifts and talents. Get carried with them. See yourself.

Meet. Accept yourself. Cheer up.

Think that from this moment you can change your life for good. If you put your mind and you are

filled with enthusiasm and above all, if you realize all the happiness you can get just by wanting it.

You are my greatest creation, you are my miracle. Fear not starts a new life. Do not ever regret. Do

not complain. Do not torment yourself. Do not get depressed.

How can you fear if you're my miracle?

You are endowed with powers unknown to all creatures in the universe.

You're the One. Nobody is like you.

Only you are to accept the way of happiness and face it and continue moving forward. To the end.

Just because you're free.

With you is the power not to tie things. Things do not make happiness.

I made you perfect for that will take advantage of your ability and not to destroy you.

I gave you the power to think.

I gave you the power to imagine.

I gave you the power to love.

I gave you the power to create.

I gave you the power to determine.

I gave you the power to plan.

You say the power of choice.

You say the power of prayer.

I gave the domain to choose your own destiny using your will.

What have you done with these tremendous forces which gave you?


Never mind.

From now on, forget your past, using this power of choice wisely.

Choose love, rather than not to love.

Choose to laugh, rather than mourn.

Choose to create rather than destroy.

Choose to persevere rather than quit.

Choose to praise rather than criticize.

Choose to give, rather than against it.

Chooses to act, rather than deferred.

Choose grow, instead of getting stuck.

Choose, choose to bless rather than curse.

Choose, Choose LIFE.

It grows every day a little more optimism and defeat.

I am with you always. Call me, remember me.

Trafficking of becoming child, simple, innocent, generous giver, able to surprise and move your

ability to feel the wonder of man, for you know my love, you feel a tear, you can understand the


Do not forget you are my miracle. I want you happy, mercy, so that this world can get used to

laugh walk, if you learn to laugh.

And if you're my miracle, then use your gifts and your surrounding environment changes,

spreading hope and optimism not fear, for I am with you!!

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo




By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

So suddenly, after waiting for so long last night, on a day

like any other, I decided to succeed ...

I decided not to wait for opportunities, but I myself find


I decided to see every problem as an opportunity to find a


I decided to see each desert, and the opportunity to find an


I decided to see each day as a new chance at happiness.

Last night I discovered that my only rival was not only my own weakness and conscious of them,

overcome them and turn them into strengths, am the single best way to overcome it can thought

about my future.

I discovered that I was not the best of humans and perhaps never was, but I found that I have all

the potential to become that man that was there and could not find in me ...

Such was my state of unconsciousness, like a body without a soul, that I ceased to matter who

won or lost, but now all of a sudden, after waiting for so long, I decided that I care much to know

that I have decided to be better yesterday.

I learned that the hard part is not up to the top, but never get finished.

I learned that the best that I can win is to have the right to call someone! Friend!

I learned that love is more than just a state of infatuation.

Last night, I stopped being a reflection of my few triumphs past and I became my own light, though

faint, incipient, has begun to illuminate the present.

But I found something more important, that light is worthless if you're not going to light the way

for others ...

Last night I decided to change so many things...

I learned that dreams are just dreams, but targets the momentum of your spirit to achieve them.

Since last night, I do not sleep to rest.... now I sleep just to dream....


Dreaming renewed and conscious man who is born TODAY, dreaming about my future and the

welfare of those who have faith in me ... dream that this beautiful world that I can transform is

moved by the life force that only God can give and that life force is not nothing but LOVE.









Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo


The imperfection of human beings leads us always to be unhappy,

we always try to be someone else, when in fact we are completely

different and therein lies the root of the lack of personality of many



AGAINST THIS? That's why a mirror does not reflect an apple if you

put in front of a pear and this is something that would be good to


This useful object is present in many areas, is of great importance, can be found in various designs

and takes hard work that gives happiness or sadness, or activities, but still being used for many

functions, we have failed in the most important uses and this has been of great importance.

The view that the being that is before us in that reflection due to the effects of light and shadow, is

capable of achieving the objectives that you draw into your life and perfection leads to his likeness

to God and not in physical attributes they are products of their genetic heritage.

Think of beauty, is to think only in the vain use of an object born of ingenuity to find the same man

in his image the mission that God entrusted before birth in human form whenever we reflejáramos

in your glass.

The vanity has made use of this object is a dangerous tool because through this gadget is that

there are deviations from weak-minded, lacking a definite personality, abuse, and perverse

excesses and this can be considered harmful to public health .

Young people who do not really know what your purpose in life always with a comb in his hand in

the mirror, girls who want to be even thinner than they perceive their reflection, people have

become exact copies of a stereotype beauty and a long string of problems that have led many to

take drastic as suicide.

So I wanted to write it, because now is the time to realize that you're a great person, you are

worth, even though others do not believe, you have come away from your enterprising mind of God

and the help you gave intelligence and inner beauty.

For these main reasons that others do not let ruin your goals, never let anyone divert you from

your life plans because of a trivial mockery or criticism about your figure or the ephemeral physical

beauty, always smiling regardless of how dark is the day and feel that a storm is coming.


Do not forget that soon the sun will rise and again will shine, even on cloudy days the sun is always

up, ready to fill you with energy and warmth, just as God provided for.


Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

In a small and remote village, where poverty and scares them off

the heat overwhelms visitors is at its zenith when the sun king, was

an abandoned house.

One day, amid the overwhelming heat, a puppy looking for

shelter from the sun managed to get through a hole in a door of

the house.

Despite their thirst and fatigue, the dog slowly climbed the old wooden stairs, to finish up ran into

a door half open and slowly walked into the room and to his surprise, he realized that in that room

had 1000 dogs more watching so intently as he watched them.

The dog began to wag his tail and ears up slowly ... the 1000 dogs did the same, then smiled and

barked happily one of them.

The puppy was surprised to see that the 1000 dogs also barked happily smiled and kept pace with

him. He forgot thirst and fatigue and instead was happy to have been well received with the same

enthusiasm with which they greeted him, burst into the room and all they did with him, slept

happily and all puppies silent. That some time passed the puppy rested and prepared to march ...

When he left the room sat thinking to himself:

! That beautiful place and nice! I'll come more often to visit!

Later, another stray dog came to the same place and found himself entering the same room, but

unlike the first, this puppy to see the other 1000 fourth felt threatened because they were seeing in

an aggressive manner, then began to growl, obviously saw the 1000 dogs barked him too, scared,

decided to leave once ...

When the dog left the room thought the following:

! That awful place is this ... Never again will I go there!

But you must know my dear friends, that in the front of this house was an old sign that read:

! The house of a thousand mirrors!

"You are not responsible for the face you have, you are responsible for the side to put".

! All the faces in the world are MIRRORS!

Decide And carry on the inside face and will you show to the world. Be positive for yourself and

everyone will notice, bringing you back a look of faith and hope with the same enthusiasm that you

showed them ...


! Most beautiful things in life are not seen, nor touched, only felt with the HEART ... You are a

reflection of your soul!

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

Once, somewhere could be anywhere at a time that could be any

time, a beautiful garden, with apples, oranges, pears, and beautiful

roses, all happy and satisfied.

All was joy in the garden, except for a tree deeply sad.

The poor had a problem;

! I did not know who he was!

! What you need is concentration!,

He said the apple ...

! If you really try, you can have tasty apples!

Do you see how easy it is?

Do not listen, demanded the rose.

It is easier to have roses and

See how beautiful they are?

And the tree in despair, tried everything he suggested, and as could not be like others,

He felt increasingly frustrated.

One day he came into the garden owl, the wisest of birds, and at the desperation of the tree, he


Do not worry, your problem is not so bad, is the same as many beings on earth.

I will give you the solution.

Do not spend your life to be like others want to be.

Be yourself, know, and do, listen to your inner voice.

With that, the owl disappeared.


My inner voice ...?

To be myself ...?

¿Know Me ...?

He questioned the tree desperate, when suddenly, he realized.

And closing his eyes and ears, opened her heart and was finally able to listen to your inner voice


You'll never blocks because you're not an apple, or flourish every spring because you are not a


You are an OAK, and your destiny is to grow big and strong.

Provide shelter for birds, shade for travelers, beauty to the landscape ...

Have a mission "You have to fulfill."

And the tree was strong and confident and prepared to be all that for which it was intended.

So, soon filled the place where it was planted and was admired and respected by all.

And only then the garden was completely happy.

And you ... Are you letting the oak grow in you?

In life, we all have a destiny to fulfill, a space to fill.

Do not let anything or anyone stop you from knowing and sharing the wonderful essence of

your being.

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo


The distracted, stumbled on it.

The violent, used it as a projectile.

The emperor used it to build.

The farmer, tired, used it as a seat.

Drummond used it as inspiration.

David, he used to kill Goliath.

And Michelangelo took out a beautiful sculpture.

In all these cases the difference was not in stone but in man.

No vain stones in your way, most of the time, you can take to your own growth.

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo


A teacher of wisdom, walking in the woods with his faithful

disciple, when he saw the site away a poor appearance and

decided to make a brief visit there.

During the walk he told the learner on the importance of the visit,

also meeting people and learning opportunities that we have these


Arriving at the site found poverty, the people, a couple and three children, the wooden house,

dressed in dirty and ragged and barefoot.

Then he approached the gentleman, apparently the father and asked him

Here there are no job opportunities, and also trade points, how do you and your family to survive


The man calmly replied: My friend, we have a cow that gives us several liters of milk every day ... is

our only means of subsistence.

A part of the product we sell or exchange it for other foodstuffs in the neighboring town and with

the other party produce cheese, butter, cream for our consumption and this is how we are

surviving ...

The sage appreciated the information, looked at the place for a moment, then said goodbye and


Along the way, turned to his faithful disciple and ordered:

"Find the cow, take it to the cliff there in front and push the chasm"

The frightened young teacher and saw the question about the fact that the cow was the livelihood

of this family.

But noticed the absolute silence of the teacher, was to enforce the order.

"That pushed the cow over the cliff and saw her die"

That scene was seared into the memory of this young man for some years.


One day, the young man overwhelmed by guilt, he decided to leave everything I had learned and

return to that place and tell all the family, asking for forgiveness and help.

He did and as he approached the place looked all very nice, with flowering trees, all inhabited

house car in the garage and some children playing in the garden ...

The young man was sad and desperate imagining that humble family would have had to sell the

land to survive, quickened his pace and arriving there, he was greeted by a very nice gentleman.

The young man asked for the family who lived there to about four years, the man said, still living


Surprised and frightened the boy ran into the house and confirmed it was the same family who

visited some years to master.

He praised the site and asked the man (the owner of the cow):

How did you improve this place and change your life?

The excited man replied:

"We had a cow that fell off the cliff and died, from then on we felt the need to do other things and

develop other skills that we did not know we had, and so attain the success you envision your eyes


That teaching prettier ... !



Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

What is to blame and what is guilt?

Guilt implies for their definition, a standard reference to the

valuation of the standard, a value judgment, disapproval or blame

themselves, because of conduct that appears to be contrary to the

duty imposed by the standard.

Guilt, and disappointment at the standard of the duty imposed by it, does not mean to confuse the

illegality called objective with guilt, but the act itself of the offense committed.

Guilt is actively involved in the development of most social ills, and partakes of both concepts,

because it is, a negative feeling that social and moral demands reparation.

A person feels guilty when he failed to act on their expectations and their own values and that is

why you feel in need and unable to continue with their lives and continue to grow.

They feel guilt and need punishment because they look like the worst people committed to suffer

for what they have done, omitted or have said, without the ability to assess situations objectively,

and without realizing that whatever it was you who blame All they could do at that point in their


Who owns the truth is never wrong and always does the right thing? Who is the one that is free

from blame? None, however, they can continue living their normal lives after believing that they

are wrong, accept that they are not perfect, sometimes just do what they can, not what they think

they should have done, because that's all they could do under the circumstances.

Everyone has to love and respect yourself in order to love and respect others. For this reason has

the right to meet their physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual first, without prejudice to the

rights of others.

Anything that threatens the freedom to exercise these rights produce conflicts difficult to resolve

than produce guilt and the desire to project it on others, to avoid assuming that we are not perfect.

Whoever is responsible for his actions and does not need crutches occasionally to make decisions,

is accepted as is and forgive and forgive others as well who manipulated as an object.

Guilt allows us to justify our inaction, because if we assume the role of victim, that does not mean

we are liberated from the chains transfiriéndosela another, but we assume that it acts and make

necessary repairs to our lives or any third party concerned .


If we do this, we are taking the right step to eliminate that feeling of guilt, not to obliterate the

proceedings, but with the right to amend and continue in subjection to the social and legal

standards imposed on us by society as a whole.

Yes others do the same with us and transfer their own guilt and lack of responsibility to take

charge of their own lives and we do nothing to support them in regaining their confidence and to

rectify, not contribute to society not to expect from us ethical behavior or at least not to break

through the boundaries of morality.

But there is another kind of blame or guilt you pay without being part of that and the sins of

others are the product of plaintiff attitude of the family or relatives who are never satisfied and are

always demanding something else, like paying a tribute to exist or because of them that brought

the world without asking.

Taking control of our lives, there will be no blame or guilt, because we can discriminate extent of

our responsibility and where the other begins, and not be tied to emotional influences others.

That said, happiness is achieved when we feel that we are meeting our goals, but if we spend our

lives trying to get along with others, assuming their responsibilities, we are very unhappy and such

blame or guilt can not be extinguished from our lives and the drag and heavy chains to the end of

our days.

Those who abuse us emotionally, make us feel guilty for being happy simply have harbored in their

hearts a feeling that is worse than the same fault, "envy".

As an example of this disease, "moral", that's what happened to me with a person he was talking

to, who to ask as it was my life, I said that was better than ever, and I wondered, how could I feel

this way with the serious situation in our country and the problems facing poor people in these

days .... and so on as a reproach to my fortune and resentment for its ineffectiveness human to

become more successful ... and thought, "how much blame should load ... has not found a way to

release ... I will do something for him, I will write this note "...

That was my motivating to write a little about these feelings that destroy man and generate pain

and sadness in society. Basically, you want these kind of people, is the subjection of others to the

same fate as the self-condemnation and how he feels about the subject and not dare to live their

own life, "is jealous" which is worse than the guilt or feelings of guilt for not being able to do the


These people are not bad, are human beings with the potential to be good about themselves and

society, as were also created in the image and likeness of God, but have been conditioned by old

mandates and scheduled to be unhappy, not the society, where no doubt there are inequalities, but

for his lack of self esteem, inactivity and jealousy for the welfare achieved with great effort by the

other, feeling in their hearts that what they do "nobody has suffered like them" .


The misunderstood devotion is to believe that others deserve less than one and that's not true, the

others are our equals and have equal rights, you will only need to break this inequality gaps.

Being a martyr in these times of science and technology does not guarantee enter through the

front door to heaven and may we not be put to a step, because it is the latter, those who live their

life fully and without fault, who managed to release and correct those feelings, becoming better

people and therefore those who are faithful to themselves, are the first to enter the coveted realm.

So I decided long ago not to feel guilty about anything, or anyone envious and less about the

fate of others ... but yes, help others to overcome these negative values and grow every day to

be useful to his family and society .... So I take it as a "lifestyle"

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

Why are you crying mom? One child asked his


! Because I am woman! She answered.

! But I do not understand! Replied the boy.

His mother leaned toward him and holding him


And never understand.

Later the little boy asked his father;

why mom sometimes cries for no reason?

! All women always cry for no reason!

It was all that the father could answer.

The little boy grew up and became a grown man, still wondering why it was that women were


One day the boy becomes a man knelt and asked God;

! God: Why do women cry so easily?

And God said:

When I made the woman had to be something special.

I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world,

But at the same time soft enough to comfort those in need.

I gave her an immense inner strength that could withstand the pain of giving birth

and even the rejection that many times comes from her own children.

I gave her a hardness that allows you to go ahead and take care of your family

despite the age and fatigue without complaining even when others give up.


I gave her the sensitivity to love a child under any circumstances,

Even if your child has hurt a lot.

The same sensitivity that makes any sadness,

Child crying or pain is gone and that makes sharing the anxieties

and fears of adolescence and even adulthood ...

I gave her enough strength so that he could forgive her husband faults

and I molded one of her ribs so she could take care of your heart.

I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurt his wife

and sometimes you get tests to measure their strength and determination

to stay by his side anyway.

I gave her the real tears that spring from it alone

when you’re being needs to express more than words.

That's his only weakness ... tears apologize for mistakes

and the hardness of heart of humanity.

! Now I thank God for having created woman!

I thank God for my mother, my wife, my sisters, my daughters, my friends, my co-workers ...


AND ... those men who have women in their lives, they learn to value them and know them in

the dimension in which God created.

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

During a conversation, a man ask a woman this question:

What kind of man you're looking for?

She was silent a moment, looked into his eyes and asked;

Do you really want to know?

He said yes, and she began to say;

! As a woman of this age, I am in a position to ask a man

what I could not do alone!

I have a job and I pay all my bills.

I'll take care of my home without the help of a man, because I am financially independent and

responsible for my financial management.

My role is no longer being a housewife dependent on a man in that sense.

I am in a position to ask any man,

what can you bring in a woman?

The man stared at him.

Clearly thought she was referring to money.

She knew what he was thinking, he said;

! I am not referring to money. I need something more.

I need a man who is striving for perfection in all aspects of life!

He crossed his arms, leaned on the chair and staring asked him to explain.

She said:

I'm looking for someone who is striving for perfection mentally because I need to talk to, not just

need someone mentally.

I am looking for someone who is striving for spiritual perfection, because I need to share my faith in



I need a man who is striving for perfection financial, because although you do not need financial

help, need someone to coordinate the money into our lives.

I need a man to fight for their individuality, which has the freedom to leave to fly responsibly and

return to its nest, for enriching himself will have something wonderful to give me every day ...

I need a man sensitive enough to understand what I am going thru in my life as a woman, but

strong enough to encourage me and keep me down.

I'm looking for someone I can respect, based on the respect which he earn from the deal, the love

and admiration for what I give.

God made woman to be the companion of man. Not to be less or more, but what together forge a

life where the coexistence leads to happiness.

If a man so that's what I want.

When she finished speaking she met his eyes.

He looked very confused, stating questions.

He said! These asking a lot!


Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

I think both things are true.

Born leader and the made leader.

There are aspects of an individual's personality that are genetic and therefore in herited, such as

intelligence, temperament and other important skills.

There are also other qualities that can create or improve with training, work, entertainment and

experience, and learning, the child will be getting progressively until it becomes an adult and the

learning process involved with major elements of Also, the Parents, Educators and various

specialists and specific expertise in certain areas.

It is also very important the environment in which a person operates, and that will be decisive for

future training.

The real leader, begins to developed from childhood, and school, and you can see specific details of

the presence of children begin to display certain traits in his personality that leads them to practice

as early leaders in the respective groups with the people who live with or near them.

With this statement I am referring to those who are leaders in a particular moment in his life that

are certain age more strongly or more physical presence than others, those who base their

eventual leadership supported by the law of the strongest, that with evaporates over time and if

they have other virtues on which to build, they stop being leaders.

I think the leader is born with innate qualities that are the basis of what later can be transformed

into the development of leadership in a particular activity.

Then, the training makes the time go the natural base building and strengthening supported by a

highly qualified and a tremendous force of will.

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo




By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo


Factors such as measuring the level of business risk, measure the

effort made to do so, look for a specific goal within a given time

and know the real commitment that the employer is faced, are very

important issues.

One of the successes in the business world, due to a number of decisions taken so that in the worst

who takes risk, not cheesy or that it affected the level of acceptable risk for one who takes.

Measuring risk means, calculate the amount of loss that may arise in case you do not go as

planned as planned, for reasons beyond the control of those who planned it.

The loss can not only be economic, so is the time spent, and in the emotional side may also have

losses and may be worth more than economics, especially at family.

The effort must be reasonable and especially for the economy, albeit at greater risk, greater

opportunity, as they say, he who dares an egg does not have a chicken, but the risk that the eggs

may have many chickens or just run out of eggs .

In the world of family business especially when you start the business is likely to cause much

discomfort, wholly or in part in the household in case of loss, "the risks are greatest."

If you are compromising individual or collective personal wealth of the family, it is best to leave

windows open in case of loss, explaining that anyway business is risky, or else know engage in case

of partial or total loss of business.

The achievement of different goals may vary over time and if your goal is not achieved within the

required time you must rethink the fulfillment of goals.

Rarely goals are achieved in less time, "but cases are" ... in this case, take advantage of new goals

to start ...

The commitment is the factor that the employer must take into account, as there are different

types of commitments and these can be confusing to recommend this review really well which is

the motive which obliges it to achieve its objectives.


There are financial commitments or financial obligations are usually oblige employers to succeed.

There are commitments to employees who also may be mobile which compel you to act.

But there is one main engine is the one with the native and entrepreneur is to get ahead in any

business task proposed.

Continues to be cases of entrepreneurs who are committed to get ahead by belonging to a group

or class or trying to give you a better status to their families; EYE with that, perhaps being carried

away by illusions and objectivity business and instead is on the way back or loss.

Living the actual circumstances of the moment, no appearances and no shame is also a matter of

good business.

Remember that if you have any comments you can do.

Greetings from a friend who is helping you to be a great businessman.

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

Once being next to Jesus, I said, Brother, you write this for those

who need it. And I took dictation from this that today I give you...

! Hey Brother, can you remember me? I, Jesus Christ, that son of

God who gave His life for your soul, but more than that, I'm your

brother, which offers the light of the world, and guides you when

you sit in darkness!

! You know, since I'm in, I look at you constantly, you're always on my veil and you will never turn

away from me, even if you insist on leaving my flock, with all my infinite love and I'll pick you up

back to my father ... !

! Today I have been somewhat concerned ', you know, I know your heart, you've seen in what

distresses you and you have well, and today you are in this state of apparent tranquility, I tell you

something, me and my infinite love and with the tenderness that the father let me give you as my

beloved brother, I tell you what I saw in you and maybe you have so...!

! I've seen you work so hard to be in my favor, that you let yourself blind on several occasions and

in the meantime you stray from the path that I have checked...!

! If not look at me with that look of surprise, I know you think you've done everything you have

entrusted in your way, but remember that the excesses are bad for humans, because its

imperfection leads to drift easily. .. remember ... I told you: if someone asks you walk a mile, "go

with him two", but not you go with him to his fate, for he who does not let go the way of his

neighbor, makes it more do damage dependent and more vulnerable to the temptations of the


! I told you, whom if his son asks bread, will give a stone! But if you give him a stone, nor delights

with a banquet for you are your brother ', and as such is to protect you not spoil him, if you give

everything, that it will be when you have to get away, you will waste and he will not know how to

serve your neighbor. !

! I told you, healthy does not require the physician, but sick! but no doctor goes in search of the

patient, the patient is who in freedom choose to go to the doctor, who do not look you must help,

not cling to those who do not want to change, I know well who are the ones to which only you the

can help you let me send them, not look.!

Remember how I lived?


Always appreciated the human being, my brothers', but above all appreciate me I knew myself,

and it was not vanity that I set before the world as a child of God, but because in order to give

value to a neighbor, I must first give me courage myself!

! Do not misunderstand my words! The last shall be first!

! The last to understand, are the first to complain, but also the last to surrender are the first to see

the fruits of their achievements, do not give up, but do not want claudiques not eat the world in 6

days ... Do you understand?

I am with my heart, my conscience, my spirit is in you, find the answer in your heart, open to

solutions that will leave the world, my voice is in the air, my examples in nature, my comfort in the

breeze and the clouds that give you shelter from the sun that burns you, you're not alone, I speak

every day, is in you want to hear...!

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo




By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

! I do not want the best customers, I want the best employees,

because they will fill my business of the best clients of my market!

The War of the current market is not in the quality of the products

or the wide assortments.

The real war is in the ability to have a company to retain its customers, the plan need to ensure

that his client widely recommended in the pursuit of new prospects.

The cornerstone of these desires is the service, often misunderstood or poorly defined.

The service is currently in a flat, where the relationship is between the customer and front line

staff, the latter being understood as those who provide the service in direct and immediate

relationship with the customer.

For most of the writers for service, this is a task delegated to front line staff.

It is assumed that they bear the brunt of customer service.

This is an easy way to ignore the merits, without considering other elements of the service.

For Jan Carlson, the service is more complex and it developed a concept in which the interacting

elements involved in the process of Service. Devised to describe the service triangle.

The special feature of this concept is to develop the service as a whole, which is linked and acts

around the customer, maintaining symbiotic relationships between the various elements of the so-

called triangle of service, service strategy, personnel and systems.

Clearly, if there is no Service Strategy, designed for each particular company, and meeting the

specific needs of customers in the same, it is very difficult for all work.

Companies are very different in nature and like humans that compose it are peculiar.

There can not be generalized formulas applicable to all alike.

A strategy must consider objectives and specific targets for the service of each organization, and

define the logistics to support the people and systems that give the customer service! Systems! In

this case means all elements Human interact with the client, such as communication systems,

computer systems, and automatic vending machines, audio and video systems.

Elevators, escalators and many others.


As we know very well, every day new devices incorporate intelligent digitized and given the steady

decline in cost of technologies, this increase in the future.

Staff, in those who have traditionally provided the service, are having a peripheral and official

work, depending on! Systems! For their work.

Review your business in the light of these 3 variables to be aware because some things do not go

as you expected.

If your staff become less important failure strategies and systems but if the system fails the

consequences can be the same, your customers do not qualify the experiences their intentions, you

may want to do much but if your service program is not balanced, or eventually everything will fall

or will you just another business in the market trying to survive.

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo


Conflicts between people sometimes can escalate to

alarming levels, where you can get to kill the opponent.

These facts, although isolated incidents clearly are an

affront to everything stipulated in the rules and laws that

govern life in society.

If we extrapolate these incidents and projected to groups of people, we are confronted with the

countries resolve their problems through violence, so-called wars.

They can wield many justifications for declaring war, however, as well as personal conflicts always

be avoided before they escalate into physical confrontation, conflicts between countries or internal

conflicts can also always be avoided before shedding the blood of their citizens.

Taking into account the impact of war on the lives of millions of people, we realize that it affects

the lives of combatants, the people around them, probably will be impacted the lives of later

generations, and eventually affected all these souls continue to feel the impact of war upon return

to earth future lives.

The most common thing we have to see is affected by taking part in the wars that have occurred

during the course of civilization. For example, the Crusades of centuries ago, or the more recent

world wars and countless other wars, have affected the lives of millions of people, which require

several generations of life to heal.

Are they necessary wars?

I doubt it. Adverse impacts are-I think-far superior to the benefits they might have.

The economic benefits are the most frequently mentioned, or a return to democracy is undermined

by an act of violence that is far from democratic.

I'm no political scientist, or lawyer; however, I can realize the spiritual consequences of such violent

acts to humans.

We can even say, rightly, that we are teaching children that violence is the way to solve conflicts.

Is that what we want for our children?

I think NOT.


Hopefully in the future human being is achieved to account for the impact of armed conflict,

especially at the emotional and spiritual people, given that future generations will come to this

world with a heavy implicit in its existence from the time of born, who will accompany them for

the rest of their lives and the post until they can find peace.

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

Maybe many people may think that Father's Day celebration

came to market just a date or to sell some products, but if

you have a special significance, since the idea came up with

another intention.

The idea of this celebration came about thanks to Mrs.

Smart Dodd, born in Washington, United States, who

wanted to somehow recognize his father who took care of all

her children the death of his wife.

It was in 1909 when Mrs. Dodd made this proposal without getting good news and went to the

June 19, 1910 in Spokane, Washington was when he first celebrated Father's Day.

As an adult, the lady saw her father a man of courage, caring and selfless, who had made all sorts

of sacrifices to raise her family.

Because his father was born in June, Mrs. Dodd chose the June 19, 1910 as the date to celebrate

Father's Day in honor of him.

In 1924 President Calvin Coolidge supported the idea and turned and Father's Day a national


Finally in 1966, President Lyndon Johnson signed a presidential proclamation declaring the third

Sunday of June as Father's Day in America.

Most countries in the Americas also joined the celebration.

In Latin America celebrates Father's Day every third Sunday of June, which celebrates equally to

the uncles, grandparents and parents.

Unfortunately, today, new generations of the age of nanotechnology, of young people who have

no economic independence, are more concerned that their father can buy the latest equipment, no

matter how or where to get resources to please their children are up to date and in the fashion of

other young men his age, but beware, we are somehow responsible for this lack of interest in the

true meaning of what being parents, we are immersed in the world labor and political crises, and

do not devote full attention to the transmission of values and principles for a better life.

These boys and girls, children in general, regardless of their age and fail to grow fully appreciate

the effort and determination that every day men and women face, whether in a family made up of


the marriage or those who have play both roles within the home, to bring not only the daily bread,

but to give their children a better quality of life at the cost of countless sacrifices.

That is why Father's Day is as significant as the day when we celebrate our mothers, because

history has to recognize the effort of men and women who by their example of life have been the

builders of peoples and nations and seek to pass on to their children a “better world”

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo




By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

Do not blame others, never let anything or anyone, because

basically you have made your life.

Accept responsibility for yourself edify and accuse the value of

your failure to start over again, correcting you.

Never be the environment or those around you, there are

those in your same environment learned to overcome.

The circumstances are good or bad according to the will or the strength of your heart.

Learn to turn every situation into a weapon difficult to fight. Do not complain of your poverty, your

loneliness or your luck, face value and accept that in one way or another are the result of your

actions, and the evidence you have of winning.

Do not be bitter for your own failure, or upload it to another, accept now or you will continue

justifying yourself as a child.

Remember that any time is good to start with and that none is so terrible to give up. Quit to cheat,

are the cause of yourself, of your need, your pain, your failure. If you have been the ignorant, the

irresponsible, you, only you and nobody else can make amends.

Never forget that the cause of your presence is your past, as the cause of your future is your


Learn from the strong, the brave, the bold, mimics the energetic, the victors, who do not accept

situations, who won despite everything.

Look in the mirror of yourself. Start being honest with yourself, recognizing for your courage, by

your will and your weakness to justify.

Remember that within you there is a force that can do everything; recognizing to likewise freer

and stronger, stop being a puppet of circumstances, because you yourself are your destiny.

Get up and look in the morning, breathe and see the light of dawn. You are the part of the life


Now wake up, walk and fight, decide once and succeed.Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

The strength of a man not in the width of your shoulders

it is in the size of their arms when they embrace.

The strength of a man is not deep in the tone of his voice.

This uses the kindness in his words.

The strength of a man is not in how many friends you have.

This good friend as a return of their children.

The strength of a man is not as respected in their work.

This in and is respected at home.

The strength of a man is not how hard you can hit.

This careful in his caresses.

The strength of a man not in his hair or chest.

It's in your heart.

The strength of a man not in the women he has loved.

This in order to truly love a woman.

The strength of a man not in the weight you can lift.

This on charges that could lead to costs.

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

The Mother's Day is the occasion when the mother figure is

undoubtedly the protagonist, whether gifts or just getting the

attention and affection of the whole family, but what is the origin

of this celebration as Universal?

The first reference is found in ancient Greece, where he paid

homage to Gaia, goddess mother of Poseidon, Zeus and Hades,

symbolizing Earth.

Later, the Romans would inspire The Iliada, which was held on 15 March.

When Christianity began to be prevalent, this festival of pagan origin came to be held in honor of

the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ.

This Christian festival was located on the 8th of December, the day of the Immaculate Conception;

date still remains Mother's Day in some countries.

Later in the seventeenth century began to be held in England! Mothering Sunday! , When the

children brought gifts to their mothers and in which many people in domestic service, were given

the day off to visit his parents.

In America, the definitive establishment of Mother's Day came from the hand of Anna Jarvis.

Anna had lost her mother in 1905, to honor his memory and contact with many influential people

to their endorsement in his petition to establish as the ultimate Mother's Day the second Sunday in

May, the anniversary the death of his mother.

Arriving in 1912 to create the International Mother's Day to strengthen their initiative, which by

then was already celebrated in many regions of the country?

Finally in 1914 the U.S. Congress gave its backing and approval to the date proposed by Anna Jarvis

and Mother's Day, and was declared a national holiday.

Holiday that soon spread too many countries such as Peru, Chile, Brazil and Belgium among others.


Unfortunately, as in many celebrations of this kind, commercial interests began to take precedence

over the real meaning that its creator had intended for this day and for that reason, Anna Jarvis

filed a lawsuit in 1923 to eliminate the holiday calendar that she had devised.

Despite his many protests about not get any support and died looking like perfect Mother's Day

was replaced by commercialism and there was nothing to do about it.

The Mother's Day is always, is living, and is support is support, love and respect for the being

who gave us LIFE.


Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

They say a man was lost in the desert, dying of thirst.

When suddenly he came to a little old house, a crumbling shack,

windowless, roofless, battered by time.

The man wandering around and found a little shade to be settled,

fleeing desert sun's heat.

Looking around, he saw a bomb a few meters away, very old and


He crawled up there, grab the handle and started pumping nonstop.

Nothing happened, Discouraged, prostrate fell back and noticed that next to the bomb had a


The look, the clean, removing dirt and dust, and read the following message;

! First you need to prime the pump with all the water in this bottle, my friend!

PS Do me a favor to fill the bottle again before leaving. !

The man pluck the thread of the bottle and, indeed, had water.

! The bottle was almost full of water! Suddenly he found himself in a dilemma:

If drinking water could survive, but if you overturn the old water pump rusty, perhaps obtain fresh

water, very cold there in the bottom of the well, all the water I wanted and could fill the bottle to

the next person ... but maybe that does not work out.

What should I do? ¿Pour water into the old pump and wait for the fresh, cold water or drinking

water and save your old life?

Should I lose all the water he had in the hope of those instructions, unreliable, written not know



In fear, the man turned all the water in the pump.

Next, grab the handle and started screaming. ! And nothing happened! And squealed and squealed


Then came a trickle, then a stream, and finally the water came in abundance!

The rusty old bomb made out very, very clear, cool water.

He filled the bottle and drank it to quench their thirst.

The full again for the next thing could happen there, the curl and add a little note to the note

printed on it! You need to give all the water before you can obtain it again!

We can learn important things from this brief history:

1. No effort you make will be valid, if not you do it the wrong way.

You can spend a lifetime trying to pump something when someone and reserve the solution for


! Pay attention to your surroundings! ! God is always ready to meet your need!

2. Listen carefully to what God has to say in the Bible and trust.

Like that man, we have written instructions to us. Using them is enough.

3. ! Learn to look ahead and share!

This man could have had enough and forget that other people in need of water could pass that


He did not forget to fill the bottle and still was able to give a word of incentive.



Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

A famous teacher was faced with a group of young people

who were against the marriage.

The boys argued that romance is the real support of partners

and it is preferable to end the relationship when this is turned

off instead of entering the hollow monotony of marriage.

The teacher said he respected his opinion, but I related the


! My parents lived 55 years married !.

One morning my mom down the stairs to prepare a breakfast potatoes and suffered a heart attack.


My father reached the lift as he could and almost dragged up to the car.

At full speed, passing, without respecting the highest, drove to the hospital.

When he got to the hospital, unfortunately, she had already died.

During the funeral, my father did not speak, his eyes were lost.

Most do not cry. That night we met children with him.

In an environment of pain and nostalgia remember beautiful anecdotes.

The theologian asked my brother to tell him where mom would at that time.

My brother started talking about life after death, how and where would guess it.

My father listened with great attention.

Suddenly asked! Take me to the cemetery!

! Pope responded! It's 11 at night! We cannot go to the cemetery now!

I raise my voice and with a glazed look said:

! Do not argue with me please do not argue with the man who has just lost what was his wife for

55 years!

There was a moment of respectful silence.


Not discuss further.

We went to the cemetery, we leave the lamp, and lantern arrived at the tombstone.

My father's caress, gold and told their children that we saw the scene moved;

! Were 55 good years ... Do you know?

No one can speak of true love if you have no idea what it is to share life with a woman like that!

She paused and wiped his face.

! She and I were together in that crisis. Change of use! Continuous;

! Luggage when we sold the house and we moved from town.

We share the joy of seeing our children finish their careers, we cried a side by side heading of loved

ones, pray together in the waiting room of some hospitals, we rely on the pain, we hugged each

Christmas, and we forgive our mistakes ...

Children, now he's gone and I'm happy, you know why?

Because it was before I did not have to experience the agony and pain of burying, of being alone

after my departure.

I an the one who is going through that, and I thank God.

I love her so much that I would have liked him to suffer ...

When my father finished speaking, my brothers and I had tears streaming down her face.

What he hugged and comforted us;

! All right kids, we can go home, has been a good day!

That night I realized what true love.

Is far from romantic, does not have to do too much with eroticism, rather is linked to work and care

they profess 2 people really committed.

When the teacher finished speaking, university students could not debatable.

Such love was something I did not know.

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

Just after the 2nd World War, a young English pilot testing a

fragile single-engine plane on a dangerous adventure

around the world.

Shortly after takeoff from small, improvised airfields in India,

he heard a strange noise came from behind his seat and

realized that there was a RAT on board and if gnawed tarp

coverage could destroy his fragile plane.

He could go back to the airport to free himself from his uncomfortable, dangerous and unexpected


Suddenly he remembered that the rats cannot resist high altitudes.

Flying higher and higher gradually ceased noises that put in perilous journey.


If you threaten to destroy by envy, slander or ill will,


If you criticize,


If you do an injustice,



I hope that today and always have the courage to take off and fly always high,

head in the clouds and feet firmly fixed on the ground ...

I also know that when you are flying look down and see that there are many creatures smaller

than you and how big and important you are in front of them, and that in the same proportion,

also look up and see it as heaven is of great cover you and perceive the size of your trifle compared

to the universe that God gave us ...

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

I learned that I cannot make someone love me, only to

become someone you can love; the rest depends on the


I've learned that as much as I worry about others, many of

them do not worry about me.

I learned that it can take years to build trust and only seconds to destroy it.

I learned that what really counts in life are not things I have around but the people I have around.

I learned that the most important is not what happens to me, but what I do about it.

I've learned that there are things I can do in a moment that causes pain throughout life.

I learned that it is much easier to react than think ... and more satisfactory to think that react.

I've learned that you should always leave loved ones with the loving words, it could be the last

time I see them.

I learned that I am responsible for what I do, whatever the feeling I have ...

I've learned that, or they control my attitudes or my control me.

I've learned that no matter how good a friend, sooner or later I will feel hurt and I know the excuse

for it.

I've learned is not always enough to be forgiven by others;

Sometimes I have to apologize to myself.

I've learned that just because someone does not love me the way I wanted, does not mean that I

love your way.

I've learned that maturity has more to do with the experiences I had and what I learned from them

that with the number of years completed.


I've learned that true friendship ... and true love ... continue to grow despite the distances.

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

Are you preparing your luggage?

Perhaps you are striving to achieve material accomplishments and

success working ...

But have you become aware that anything you'll take the other side?

If all you accumulate throughout life are home, cars and material possessions, when the final day,

when we're all going to arrive, you will feel that you have not lived life.

It always amazes me that, as human beings have material success approaching old age, they

begin to be more helpful, has donated money to create charitable foundations! At last!

Look at Bill Gates, and even those of greater fame and wealth in their youth have not you noticed

the pattern that most follow?

When approaching old age, are becoming more spiritual, and to create foundations that serve the

person, animals and the environment.

Discovered as the end of his life, that all true ... is to serve and help others.

Hey here's an example:

Faust was a scholar, who is not desperate to find meaning to life, not to be happy.

In desperation, he offers his soul to the Devil in exchange for just a moment on Earth that makes

you cry

! This moment is so rewarding that they would extend it forever!

The young fast experience of all, unlimited style living for many in today's time, as an adult, the

Devil gives him money, political power, and the love of the woman he wants. But cannot be happy

and still feel empty.

Jesus told this secret to his apostles:

! Who wants to be the greatest among you must be the most serve all of you!

! However, from the cemetery cannot do business!



The only baggage you can take the other side are the beautiful moments that lives, if obeyed the

impulses of your heart and you did what you wanted more, not just what you ought.

For our God and Father intends to judge the end of days according to our works ... our resources

are not counted.

Start to pack that you can take the other side.

You better start packing up late ...

Never wear nothing when you grip the trip suddenly...

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

It was not necessary..... The gesture of the washing says it all.

Shows that he has come to serve and not to be served, the

Eucharist is a memorial! Update! From death and resurrection of

Christ, sacrifice of the New People's Alliance for Israel is the

anticipation of the New Covenant in the blood of Christ.

But I think today we should note that the Eucharist unites us in love and gives us strength to

transform this world from the Love

God asks us a preference! Love for the poor!

I ask this day: what time I dedicate that economic resources I offer that level of austerity I demand

that I put at your service qualities, I learn in my relationship with them? We are all equal.

But some (they) are! More unequal than others!

Charity is not a kind of welfare activity which could be left to others, but belongs to its nature and

its essence.

The Christian has to fight for justice, to the just ordering of society.

The needy, poor in every way has a name, not a number, you need to be heard and above all, love



Look at the tree of the Cross on which hung the salvation of man.

It is time to reflect Jesus did for us and that we do for Him.

He came to be The Way, Truth and Life.

However, we often walked along our roads; we create our truths and not let the meaning to our


He came to give us life and salvation, as the vine of life to the branches.

He was the Messiah promised by God to his people.

But it was also him! Servant of Yahweh! I bear our grief and our sorrows.


Jesus nailed to the cross term built with wood from a tree cold, was murdered by his infinite love

for us and for his obedience to the will of the Father.

The song of the Servant of Yahweh is heart breaking: Will fully abuse humiliated and would not

have the mouth:

The cross is a symbol of commitment, trust and love.

And yet, when we are inconsistent in our hearts we killed him ... give him as Judas, in exchange for

a few worthless coins:

Selfishness, Comfort, Mediocrity, lack of confidence.....

We also decided to often! Crucify him!

Jesus is waiting.

Open arms, a desire to embrace all of us ...

Eyes closed, a desire not to see the wickedness of man ...

A head bent forward to listen to forever ...

Feet stuck waiting forever ...

An open side, a bleeding heart ...

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

Christians we know that the Passover, which etymologically

means! STEP! Is a central moment of our faith?

The way of the cross is closely related to the darkest areas of our


They must be processed through this passage from life to death,

which occurs during Holy Week.

The cross was a sign of death, torture and terror, is transformed

through Jesus as a sign of light, full and abundant life.

The Christian calendar has 2 ways to measure time, inspired by tradition. The pace solar has to do

with the celebrations that fall on a fixed day. Whose typical example is Christmas celebrated on

December 25?

Furthermore, the lunar rhythm, which causes the dates, be varied. This is why Easter falls on the

same day.

Easter Sunday is celebrated the Sunday after the full moon that follows! Equinox! Spring in the

northern hemisphere.

That is, the Sunday after the full moon of March 21.

The meaning of this feast is associated with the early spring, which was reborn life and all nature

took on a new splendor.

This month, it would be our April from March, was called by the Hebrews, the month! Nissan!

On day 14, coinciding with the full moon was the day they celebrated the Passover and links to the

start of the year.

According to the Bible, at that time occurred the events of Israel's deliverance from slavery to

which he was subjected in Egypt and the passage through the Red Sea. From the third century of

our era, step by celebrated the Paschal feast, not day 14 of the first month of the year, but the

Sunday after the full moon day 14. The first day of the week for Sunday and Hebrew is the day

dedicated to the Sun to the Romans, is the day of the first appearance of the risen Jesus to his



The celebration of Holy Thursday Mass or the Lord's Supper, remind us that Christ instituted 3 gifts

fundamental First, the Eucharist as a sign of the new covenant, sealed with men and that will be

accomplished through the sacrifice on the Cross.

Through sensible signs as the Bread and Wine, wanted to remain as daily nourishment for our


Second, the sacred or sacerdotal order.

And finally the commandment of charity and fraternity, manifested through the washing of the


Fasting and abstinence on Friday do not have a masochistic aim, but prepare to reawaken in each

one of us to live events this Jesus.

And above all, keep in mind that the most important that day not to eat and rest, but to pray and


The way of the cross, means bear their punishment to be transformed in Christ.

Bear our crosses, not just about supporting our difficulties, but also experience the love that

hides behind them their delivery to the cross.

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

When the SUN and MOON are first met and fell madly in love from

there began to live a great love.

The world did not exist yet and the day that God decided to create

it, he gave a final touch ... (Brightness) God decided that the Sun,

blaze the day and night blaze MOON and for that reason would be

forced to live apart.

Both were invaded by a great sadness when they realized that never again would find ...

MOON was falling further and sadder.

Despite the brightness given by God, she was lonely.

The Sun, in turn, won a title of nobility! ASTRO KING! But that also made him happy.

God saw this call and explain, You, MOON, enlighten and warm the cold nights, charmed the lovers

and you will often protagonist of beautiful poems.

SUN As for you, you will retain that title for you will be the most important of the stars illuminate

the Earth during the day, give warmth to human beings and that alone will make people happier.

The saddest MOON their set with this cruel fate and wept bitterly and SUN to see her so sad, he

decided he could not be weak, since it had to give him strength and help you accept what God had


Yet he was so concerned he decided to ask God for something.

Lord, help please MOON, is more fragile than I, could not bear the loneliness ...

And God ... in his great compassion ... I think the stars to keep company with the beautiful Moon.

The MOON is very sad if the stars used to do everything to comfort her, but almost never do.

Today they live as well ... separated, pretends he is happy SUN, MOON and cannot hide her


SUN burns with passion for her and lives in the darkness of their grief.

They say that God's command was that the moon should be always full and bright, but I fail ...


Because a woman and a woman has phases ... When happy, it gets full, but when unhappy waning,

even you can appreciate its brilliance.

SUN MOON and move on. The lonely but strong and she, accompanied by the stars, but weak.

Men are constantly trying to conquer it, as if that were possible. Some have even gone to it, but

have always come back alone.

No one has ever managed to bring her to the ground; no one really has managed to conquer much

he tried.

It happens that God decided that no love in this world was really impossible, not even the moon

and sun ... was at that moment when He created the Eclipse.

SUN and MOON live today waiting for that moment, those moments that were granted and how

much cost them happen.

When you look at the sky, from now and see that the SUN MOON covers is because the SUN lies on

her and begin to love.

It is this act of love that was given the name! ECLIPSE!

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo


This year we will experience four unusual dates.

1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11.

And that's not all ...

Take the last 2 digits of the year you were born, now adds the age shall perform this year, and the

result is (111) for all...!

This year is the year.... Money!

This year will be October 5 Sundays, 5 Mondays and 5 Saturdays.

This happens only every 823 years ...

These years are particularly known as! HOLDER OF MONEY!

The proverb says that if you send this to 8 good, but good friends, the money will appear in the

next 4 days, as explained in Chinese Fen Chui ...

Those who do not continue this chain will receive nothing ... Sorry.

It is a mystery, but worth a try ... GOOD LUCK......

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

Here is a man who was born in an insignificant


Growing up in a dark town.

Works until age 30 as a carpenter.

For three years he was an itinerant preacher.

He never wrote a book.

Never had an important position.

It started a family.

It was to the University.

Never set foot in what we would consider a big city.

I never travel more than three hundred miles from his hometown.

He did none of the things that usually accompany! Great!

He had no credentials himself.

Popular opinion was against him.

His friends fled. One of them betrayed him, was delivered to his enemies.

Tube to endure the charade of a trial.

They murdered him nailed to a cross between two thieves.

As he lay dying, those responsible for implementing disputed the only thing that was on their

property; A tunic.

He was buried in a borrowed grave through the pity of a friend.

According to! Social norms! His life was a total failure.

It has been nearly twenty centuries, and today He is the centerpiece in! Chess!

Of human history.


It is no exaggeration to say that all the armies that ever marched, all the navies that have been

built, all the parliaments that ever sat and all the kings and authorities have ruled, put together,

have not affected so powerfully the existence of human beings on Earth and the simple life of


Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

They say that a certain age we become invisible people, that

our role on the stage of life declines and we become non-

existent for a world in which only can be the impetus for the

years very young, slim figures and spectacular ...

I do not know if I will have become invisible to the world ...

It is very likely, but I was never so aware of my existence as now, I never felt as protagonist of my

story, and never enjoy both every moment of my existence.

I found that I am a prince of fairy tales. ! What luck! It must be very boring.

I discovered the human being that I am simply, with its misery and its grandeur.

I found that I can afford the luxury of not being perfect, being full of faults, to have weaknesses,

make mistakes, to do wrong things, respond to the expectations of others.

And in spite of it....! Really love me!

When I look in the mirror and I was not looking at.... I smile as I am....

I welcome the opportunity to choose, at any moment who I want to be, I'm glad the road traveled,

the experience gave me these years.

I assume my contradictions. I appreciate the journey.

I was not so bad...! I'm here!

Why did live without the obsession of perfection!

After all, when I decided I did not want perfection, I started to drive and achieve goals such as

losing both weighed 45 kilos in my life!

! Why did not feel that permanent discomfort produces constantly looking to run all you want!

! How good is starting to love and respect each!


! How wonderful to recognize that happiness is so near us, so related to our search and our magical

indoor meetings!

! How lucky to have realized that the magic and power are not on the outside, but in my being !.

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

Just when you just turned 6 years of having witnessed one of the

worst natural disasters in human history, the earthquake and

tsunami of 26 December 2004 in Indonesia, the story is repeated

almost in the same area, the earthquake in 9 degrees confirmed

the Richter scale and subsequent tsunami that hit the island last

Friday in Japan, with a death toll is not yet officially known.

Both countries are situated right on the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire, which is but an area

characterized by concentrating some of the most important areas of subduction of the world,

causing an intense seismic and volcanic activity.

And this same belt again recorded activity on Friday, with the earthquake whose images have been

around the world thanks to technology.

But the Nippon island not only suffered the brunt of nature that originated off the coast off the

Miyagi prefecture, but then a tsunami that originated not only neighborhood with all the debris left

by the quake but took all that was left standing, even buildings built to withstand seismic activity in

the area.

After the effect of the earthquake and tsunami, now add another ingredient catastrophic, as is the

risk of a nuclear disaster caused by nuclear plants generating electric power for much of the


And this is where most attention is focused the world to see how the Japanese authorities are

working to prevent the disaster from spreading with results that do not yet have any dimension,

since a nuclear power drain would risk a much of the planet, taking into account the environmental

and climatic factor.

To better understand the issue is necessary to explain even in a superficial way the issue of nuclear


The reactors operate through the chain reaction that splits uranium atoms. The process creates

heat that turns water into steam, and that releases energy.

When an earthquake occurs, the reactor has safety systems that stops the chain reaction, but the

fuel rods continue to generate excess heat for several days if not cooled bring disastrous

consequences.Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

A son and his father were walking in the


Suddenly the child falls, hurt and screaming "Ahhhh"

To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating somewhere on

the mountain, "Ahhhh"

Curious, he screams:

"Who's there?"

And listen to "Who's there?"

Angered at the response, he screams, "Coward"

And get the answer, "Coward"

The boy watches his father and asks: "What happened?"

The father replied, "Listen son"

And cries; I adore you!

And the voice replies! I adore you!

! You are a champion!

! You are a champion!

And the father explains: "People call the ECO", but

It is actually LIFE ....... you back everything you do.


Our life is simply a reflection of our actions.

If you want more love in the world,

Create more love around you.

If you want happiness,

Brings happiness to those around you.

If you want a smile on his soul,

lead a smile to the soul of those who know.

This relationship applies to all aspects of life.

Life will give you back ...

Exactly what you have given.

Your life is not a coincidence, is a reflection of YOU.

Someone said: If you do not like what you get back, double check what you are giving!

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

How many times have we felt that nothing is worth?

Why What have we lost hope and now we are left to do in this life?

To a greater or lesser extent, we have all felt despair at some point.

But suddenly see the light of hope in a gesture of any person, or perhaps see in a flower gleaming

in the sunlight.

The sun always shines after the storm.

Sometimes it takes more and sometimes less, but always leaving out lessons learned during the


Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

We live in a society conditioned by the old paradigm in which we

use the universal laws in reverse, this has created major problems

because instead of preparing from young to be happy and

functional, we search for ideal love using, unfortunately, the law of

attraction to the opposite.

Let the world by committing a series of errors that gradually we

scarred and sad memories that create a barrier to true love

In this article I share with you 4 of the most common mistakes that take you away from true love,

once you become aware of these errors, you can avoid them to be more happy and especially to

open the door to this great love that is waiting and perhaps is closer than you think.

Mistake # 1

! Looking for love to overcome your feelings of loneliness or sadness!

The worst thing you can do is find a partner when you are in a state of depression, sadness,

loneliness, low self esteem. As everything gets an equal, if you do this, you run the risk of attracting

a person that is equivalent to this type of vibration, ie someone who feels just as depressed, sad

and lonely and you look like a fun, for hang out and even use you as trunk of salvation.

Mistake # 2

! Let your negative feelings have control of your life!

Let your negative feelings take care of creating your reality, without review, without supervising

and without conscious changes is another thing that is affecting you in the area of partner.


That is, if the experiences of life and what you saw around you has been negative, it is likely that

little by little you housed in you feelings of fear, distrust, helplessness and so on.

Mistake # 3

"Things that do not want to invite" to your experience.

As this universe works based on inclusion rather than exclusion, we can not rule anything in our

lives, the only thing that works is to dedicate ourselves to talk about what we want to attract. Most

people make the mistake of doing the opposite and spend long time talking about what you do not

like your partner, how bad they've done and in doing so continue to attract more of the same, not

knowing that the universe is answering to their vibrations.

Mistake # 4

Not paying attention and energy to your desire.

According to the principles of the law of attraction, we must draw the vibrations with our desire to

receive it then, so a more complicated parts to attract a life partner, is to issue vibrations similar to

what you want, vibration, Romance , Love, Happiness, Joy, Affectionate between ideals.

“Now that I have helped you to see these four mistakes, not comets in relationships where there

are feelings involved, especially with your spouse”.

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo




By Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

Because of their complexity human beings have failed to

understand, that we are what we think, and believe about

ourselves, we attract the good and bad that we want like a

magnet. Everything in the "no" we focus on grows and so it is

very easy to fall into a downward spiral, because with all the

distractions present challenges not well designed, bad news and

social contrasts - that most of the time seem indestructible - gives

guidelines for people to stay in the same place and not daring to


Some of the most common issues for which "we cannot" have sufficient concentration in our life to

get "achievable goals" are among others: the depressed global market economy, problems with

our parents, a former partner who is still affecting negatively on your psyche, lack of money or low

wages as compensation for your work skills, etc.., etc. These are factors that mostly often are used

as an excuse not to grow and thrive not change.

I could assure you that 99% of people carried their dreams to the grave, because it has

an abundance of excuses to convince yourself and explain to others why not to change

your life.

What I say should lead us to reflection and therefore after many years, it took me at least to find a

reason or a reason to succeed, I noticed that both in my own life, as in that of others who did Our

lives changed when we realized we had a big enough reason to accomplish the things we longed

for. When this happens is when all the excuses away, is when there are no victims or perpetrators,

because we have eyes to it and of course this is where you regain your "Personal Power".

Having a big enough reason is the way you can align the mind, body, soul and heart with your

wishes, because when your reason is larger than the excuses, then you should stop looking at the

obstacles, and stop entertaining them and paying them attention.

Let me share with you my own experience, because that leads me to think that it could achieve

this, all we can. So friends, I invite you to find the compelling reason that drives to the future.

MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: When I finally 5 years ago I had a "Why" powerful enough, everything

changed as a result I found my purpose and I could devote myself to write, study another language,

having chosen the French, to help charitable causes and took an option work with the Elders,

through "Salvation Army Canada."


There were times I was "tempted" as popularly say, to give up, to "give up" because it is easy to

focus with ease and above all happiness in your dreams and made to view them, then waiting with

patience, faith and consistency.

But my "REASON" was too big to succeed, to give up so easily in this new way. Continued...

With much effort I managed the personal miracle it was time that my results were visible and

palpable and now all that I proposed in my life is taking place peacefully, now give me time to get

to work for my purpose spiritual that has been flowing into my life to complement it, now I can say

that "live" in constant happiness, prosperity, opening my eyes every day, to realize that the

pretexts can be many, but if you do not turn away from the road, not you can get anywhere.

Lack of family support, debt, personal or emotional problems, labor problems, lack of money,

tiredness, lack of energy, lack of self-esteem, lack of faith, how bad is the world in its economy, a

painful childhood, what people think about my past actions, are just excuses and none of these

excuses are sufficient to stop focusing on a goal, a goal that you must fight. These are "Old

Paradigm" and they are possibly you are holding.

When you have a big enough reason to succeed, "trust me" ... those excuses disappear and you

energy to pursue your goal and do whatever it takes to achieve it.

I call this "FOCUS", that like a laser beam will be disappearing obstacles in your way are what

you will achieve your dreams.

What is have a big enough reason why or why go on living?

I always see my case as an example and whenever I can testify who knew me before and

know the difference between "the old and the new Milan".

Some time ago I found myself at a crossroads between the renunciation of life and out of my dire

economic problems through which it passed on a Friday afternoon in the company where he

worked, the boss, "forgot" to sign checks fortnight and my brain was a constant question and

negative thoughts to find the answer to how do to pass this weekend, even to return to work the

following Monday.

I had only twenty dollars in my pocket and my despair was so great that despite it into oblivion, I

asked God for a solution, a signal to take off my spiritual exhaustion injustice to both work and so

little money and the alternative that it is also my weakness raised to God, was to take me from this


But God heard me, I left and got the signal he needed: "To refocus my life goals," "eliminate

negative thoughts and feelings," "choose a reason strong enough to begin the road safely" and

realized that the reason was "I myself", strengthened my spirit, my mind and my body, I put away

bitterness and services and from there everything was in my favor and I gave the keys of the "New

Paradigm", to change my whole life experience, in personal, family, economically, occupationally in


the services provided to improve my personal habits allowing me flexible hours and give me some

time each day devoted to giving thanks to God and people who love me unconditionally, for

supporting me to achieve my targets of the journey of life.

When you can break old paradigms and you engage we the new ones, you will be “yourself", and

achieve a better impact on society and greater spiritual growth.

My friends, "I myself" was my reason to succeed, your "willpower" is the main tool to

reaching the personal triumph.

That was the tool that saved me from further external agents without heart or passion for life; can

I decide what to learn? I do, what to eat, or where I live affect my life in general. Never allow it,

since I have the key to the permissions of my life because I could find my “REASON FOR SUCCESS”.

And you my dear reader, you have a reason enough "big" to succeed?

Milán Ernesto Hidalgo



Title: Notes and Reflections

Author: Milan Ernesto Hidalgo

Review of the Work: T. Hidalgo

Compilation of the Work website: T. Hidalgo

Book Cover: Roy Pacheco Mora




Nicaraguan - Canadian

Born in Estelí, Nicaragua, December 24, 1962.

Economist by profession.

Writer reflective notes and articles on political economy. Begins with this publication and

compilation of writings dispersed, a space dedicated to everyday topics, to reflect on why human

beings do not find happiness as well as share ideas and conclusions the author proposes to achieve

goals and objectives, love and peace, harmony and balance we need for our spiritual joy in space

and time we have been allowed to live on our planet.

The Editor.

"Without writers there is no literature." Remember that the greatest appreciation on the readings

in my notes and reflections, we owe to the authors of the books and articles that enriched and

nourished my thoughts.

Milán E. Hidalgo