Note on 1,2-cyclodecanedioxime

Post on 02-Jul-2016

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Transcript of Note on 1,2-cyclodecanedioxime


Short Communication

Note on 1,2=cyclodecanedioxime

In the course of the work being done in this laboratory extending our knowledge of the clioxime analytical reagents WC cxaminecl r,z-cyclodecanedioxime. There appears to bc no particular advantage of this reagent over climcthylglyoximc or nioxime but it seems desirable to record tllc propcrtics of the compound briefly.

SynIlusas of r,a-cycloflecu~lcfi1o.~a,?le. I ,2-cyclodccatlctlionc was prcpard by tlic method of ljLOMQUIST AND GOLDSrEIN’. ‘L’hls compound wit5 oxiniatctl in iL basic water-alcohol solution in the prcsencc of CXCCSP hytlroxylaminc at rcflux tcmpcratiirc. After rcfluxing for one h, tlic solution was coolcrl and the thoxnnc was prcclpltatcd as a p1111c suhtancc WI acldlfylng the solution with acetic acid l’lic material was rccrystnllizctl from wrrtcr, wliibz crystalr. ir1.p i 7% i 82O. Yiclrl = 759{,.

Solul,ility in water = 0.52 g/l at 25O corrcspontling to :L nwhr conccntratlon of 0.0026 NlCkEL fJCS-CYC~O~~CCCC,lC~~lO.~ LWlC Ornngc yclk~w. lnsolublc in ncutml ant1 iLnimoni;rcal solutions.

l~ound: 12.80, 13.07, x2.<).+, 12 97, 12 gb; avcragco IL 95; tlicc)rcticai for N~(cyclotlccanctltox~mc),: 1r.95.

Tlic nickel compound can bc cxtractctl from illlllllCJnlaCd solution into lsi~nmyl nlcoliol, providing acc~lor~rnctr~ctlctcrrn~~~atton of n~clccl. ‘l’hc absorption spectrum of an Isoamyl nlcol~ol-ethyl alcohol solution (ethyl alcohol usccl to clllutc the nmyl alcohol extract to volume to clissolvcaccompanylng clroplcts of water) cxhlblts two peaks, at 385 m/c ant1 at 330 nip. ‘I’hc corrcspontlmg molarcxtinction cocffiacnts arc 4240 and 4830, rcrpcctivcly. ‘l’hc system conforms tratlons of 2 4 * I o-~~M.

to IIjccr’s I;rw up to nlckcl conccn-

1~cvrou.s devivcifive. The ferrous ton yicltls rctl. sol~blc compounds with x,2-cyclotlccancclioxinie 1x1 the prcscncc of an uminc. In tlic ci~sC of nilirnoniil, the wave lcngtli of maxrmuni absorption is 543 nip; for Ct~iy~C~CC~~~~~lllllC the absorptloll lni~xlnllrln CJCCllrh at 552 m/l and the molar extinction cocfflcicnt is BoHo. Tlic system conforms to 13ccr’s law up to in-aM iron The ferrous componnrlu are sunrltivc to oxyacn, ant1 socllum hytlrosulfltc scrvcs to keep the Iron in the ferrous state.

Prdlaf~tirr~r rlcvtunlivc. l~allatliuin is prccipitatctl qiiantitativcly us lemon-yellow Pcl( I ,2-cyclodc- ci~ncclioximc), from ncitl solution.

Cufipcv. brs0r~lli ~)id cvi~~ll cicrivdrvcs. CJnllkc tllmctllylglyox~tnc, 1,2-cyclodccancclloximc forms a dark brown, insolutlc ccmipuiind with tlic cupric ion. It yicltls with bismuth a yellow prccrpitatc from strongly ammoniacal solution. Wrth cobalt It forms brown soluble compounds in the prcscncc of aromatic amincs.

Summing up. r,2-cyclotlocnne~lioxinlc bchavcs much like tlimcthylglyoximc and other 1.2~cliox- lmcs m its rcactlons toward nickal, pnllad~~tm ant1 other metal ions.


1 A. *I’. BLOMQUIST AND A. GOLDSTEIN, Org. Sy#lf/~eses, 36 (1956) 77.

Rccctvcd lkccmbcr I 7th. 1957