Not ANOTHER BORING PowerPoint! Bonnie Addison Fall 2012.

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Transcript of Not ANOTHER BORING PowerPoint! Bonnie Addison Fall 2012.


Bonnie AddisonFall 2012

How Many PPTs Have You Seen?

100200300948,317,256,915,678,333 ?

We’ve all been there.

Make your

audience say, “WOW!”

5 TIPS to a Great Presentation!

5 Tips 1. Images/Sound2. Fonts3. Size4. Bullets5. Colors

1. Images (vs. Text)Too often PowerPoint presentations are written for

the Presenter and not for the Audience. This is called Death by PowerPoint. “I am going to write everything I am going to say so that I don’t forget anything because if I stand up in front of the class and I forget what I am going to say then I am going to feel stupid and I don’t want to make a fool of myself by not remembering anything so I have to read it even though my audience can read it for themselves faster than I can talk.”


Pictures Say More than Words

The Eye’s Natural Scanning Pattern

The Many Faces of Hunger

What can YOU do about it?

Help! Too busy!What do I look at first?

Not O.K.• Distracting animations & sounds

• Clip art

• Complicated graphics

O. K.

• Cards or notes with what you will say (not crammed on the screen)

• Short, carefully chosen video clips, song clips, & podcasts

2. Fonts: Use no more than 3!

Match the mood but make it readable:

Fonts for Distance Viewing - 32pt. min.

Use These:

(Sans serif)


Century GothicFranklin Lucida SansTahomaTrebuchetVerdana

Not These:

AlgerianBauhaus 93Bernard MT

CondensedBroadwayChillerComic Sans MSOld EnglishStencil

Make Your Message Powerful

Bold slows the reader downUse for headings, subheadings, & emphasis

Italics imitate spoken wordsUse for emphasis, captions, & quoted words

Underline slows the reader downUse for emphasis in the sentence or body


3. Size – 6 x 6 RuleOnly 6 words max per lineOnly 6 words max per lineOnly 6 words max per lineOnly 6 words max per lineOnly 6 words max per lineOnly 6 lines max per slide/area

Equal Size = Static, BalancedUnequal Size = Dynamic, Lively

Depression Depression

4. Bullets• Don’t• Overuse• Bullets• Or• Your• Audience• Will

• Want• To• Use• One• On• You!

5. Colors:Use color as a tool.

Use light on dark Or dark on light

Solid backgrounds work best.

Warm Colors Grab AttentionCool Colors Calm


Avoid Ugly Color Combos

1. Images/Sound2. Fonts3. Size4. Bullets5. Colors

Remember the 5 Tips!

While you’re at it, try …Alternatives to PowerPoint:

• VoiceThread• Prezi• Animoto• Xtranormal• GoAnimate• Eduglogster• MuseumBox

• Mixbook• Wikispaces• LiveBinder• Weebly• Smore• Other ???

DOs & DON’Ts During Your Presentation:

• DON’T read the text

• DON’T assume your audience knows anything

• DON’T spend more than 8 seconds per slide

• DON’T look back at your screen

• DO offer learning support (the board or a handout)!

• DO let your personality shine through (you won’t be as nervous)!

• DO remember that less is more!

And Practice Will Make It Perfect