Not a child can face a war

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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War is chaos. War is hell. War is not a place for children. However, during the second World War (and not only) children, unfortunately,  not only saw the horrors , but even took a direct part . The war has no face, but in these photographs we see its imprints on the youngest and most beautiful faces.  

1. American doctors and wounded French girl Genevieve Marie (Geneviève Marie) in a field hospital at the farm of La Moustache (La Houssaye). On the left - the brother of Genevieve Marie Auguste (Auguste Marie). The children were injured in the night of 5 to 6 June 1944 as a result of a raid by U.S. bombers on the battery La Croix aux Bertots. During the war their mother was killed.

2. Warsaw children in the German tank Pz.Kpfw IV, burnt by rebels on the street Gorokhovskaya September 14, 1944 during the Warsaw Uprising.

3. Young Warsaw rebels near the grave of scout Zbigniew Banasha (Zbigniew Banaś), who was killed by a German sniper during mail delivery to the hospital in Powiśle.

4. Injured Polish boy and a nurse at the hospital company "Costa» (Koszta) on the street Moniuszko (Moniuszki), Building 1, in the Warsaw Uprising.

5. Polish boy in the ruins of Warsaw. His house was destroyed by German bombing.

6. London boy on the ruins of his home, where his parents were killed after being hit by a German V-2 rocket.

7. London girl on the ruins of her house destroyed by the V-2 rocket.

8. London boy on the ruins of his home, where his parents were killed after being hit by a German V-2 rocket.

9. English girl with a doll on the ruins of a house destroyed by German bombing.

10. German soldier gave a bread to the Russian boy . Somewhere in the woods near Volkhov .

Album German photographer Georg Gundlach "Volkhovskaya battle. Documents of horror: 1941-1942. "Author's name - «Der kleine Junge begreift noch gar nicht, das er plotzlich ein Stuck Brot erhalten hat, - im Wolchow-Wald 1942" (Kid has not yet realized that he suddenly gave a piece of bread, wood Volkhov 1942).

11. An American soldier near the body of Belgian boy  who was killed by the Germans in Stavelot (Stavelot) . In the background can be seen the bodies of other murdered civilians.

From the testimony of Belgian literature teacher Van der Essen at the Nuremberg trials: "As regards to the first fact, that's the crimes committed by entire military units, I, not to abuse the Tribunal, I will give just a very typical example. This event, which occurred in Stavelot, where were approximately 140 people, of whom 36 were women and 22 children, the oldest of which 14 years old and the youngest - 4 years, were brutally murdered by German units belonging to the SS Panzer Division. It was the division "Hoenshtaufen" and security division SS "Adolf Hitler" "

12. Boys from Italian city of Naples, one of whom lost a leg during the fighting.

13. Meeting  liberators of Prague . Soviet junior officer holds a Czech boy. 

14. Meeting liberators of Prague. Soviet Major-General holds a Czech girl.

15. Unknown prisoner of the Warsaw ghetto holding a dead body of a starving child.

16. Greek soldier in helmet holds on holds his daughter .

17. Russian boy sits near the trunk of artillery gun thrown at the German retreat.

18. Chinese baby crying on the platform of a bombed-out train station "South" in Shanghai.

19. The Soviet partisan teenager Nick Lubich of the partisan unit AF Fedorov with captured German 9mm submachine gun MP-38 in the winter forest. Nicholas Lubitsch survived the war and lived to an old age.

20. Soviet baby crying over the body of his dead mother. Shot from a Soviet film of the war in which the Nazis crimes were shown.

21. Soviet child near the murdered mother. Concentration camp for civilians "Ozarichi." Belarus, a place Ozarichi Domanovici district Polessie area.

22. A seven years old boy  in the place of last fight, near the exploded Soviet tank T-34-85.  Behind there are seen the same two  tanks .

23. An emaciated child lying on a sidewalk in the Warsaw ghetto.

24. Two children begging on a sidewalk in the Warsaw ghetto.

25. Two Ukrainian SS members, known as "askaris» («Askaris»), look at the dead bodies of women and children during suppression of the uprising in the Warsaw ghetto.

26. Chastisers shot Jewish women and children at the village Mizoch Rivne region. Still signs of life coolly finishing off. Before execution, the victims were ordered to take off all their clothes.

27. A group of children in the occupied Soviet village. Picture of German photographer.

28. Philippine orphaned children in the streets of destroyed Manila .

29. Lance-Corporal Canadian Medical Corps D. Curtis (JW Curtis)  bandages  the leg to a French boy Marcel Fremont (Marcel Frémont, 10 years) , near him - his brother Daniel (Daniel Frémont, 4 years).

“The forgotten victims of World War Two were the children.”

Juliet Gardiner.


cast  Not a child can face a war

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Music Puccini - O mio babbino caro (aria dell'opera Gianni Schicchi)           created o.e.

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