Northern Division February Newsletter

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February 2011 Nothern Division Newsletter - Engineers Australia

Transcript of Northern Division February Newsletter

"I have been increasingly

horrified at the recent spate of natu-

ral disasters that have been impact-

ing on our lives and livelihoods of

people across the country. Stories

arising from severe flooding in our

tropical north and of this event's

disruption to people's lives and businesses, as well as the

significant damage to vital infrastructure, have been dis-


This is a direct quote from our past national presi-

dent, Peter Godfrey, in his February 2009 message. He

goes on to talk about the bushfires, also, which ravished

parts of Victoria and NSW. It's sad to say that we have

again experienced some of the worst conditions which

nature can conflict on us with the recent Queensland

floods and cyclone and the bushfires which are ravaging

Perth as I write this report. It is good however to see how

well most Australians rally together to help when these

disasters strike us.

I know that many businesses in Darwin are gener-

ously donating money, for the flood relief, via The Master

Builders' Association, This is a scheme which will ensure

that 100% of the donations make it to the affected people.

The donations will be used to send a team of Darwin

tradespeople to the affected areas to help restore power

and other vital services. More details of this scheme can

be obtained from the Master Builders' Association. We

had hoped that Engineers Australia Northern Division

would head this relief appeal, as part of the year of Hu-

manitarian Engineering, however National Office has

forbidden us, together with the other States and Territo-

ries, from getting involved.

As I mentioned above this is the year of Humani-

tarian Engineering. Sadly when people think of donating

their services or money to Humanitarian causes and relief

funds it's usually the humanitarian works in third world

countries and not in our own backyard. We should not

have to look any further than our own backyard for peo-

ple who need our help and engineering expertise. These

are people who live in third world conditions in Commu-

nities and Outstations throughout the Territory and other

parts of Australia. These are the people we should be

really looking to help, not only during this year of Hu-

manitarian Engineering, but on a continuing basis.

I am happy to report that Minister Rob Knight and

the Power Water Corporation are taking our Infrastruc-

ture Report Card seriously. We met with Minister Knight

just prior to Christmas to discuss the Report Card ratings.

We also had a meeting with Daryl Day, of Power Water,

last month to further discuss the Report Card. Both of

these meetings were fruitful and we look forward to

forming a closer association with Power Water and to be

able to report on a semi regular basis on their continuing

infrastructure initiatives and accomplishments.

On a lighter note we have a full program of events

coming up this year, with some very interesting speakers

and guests. Don't forget that our Gala dinner is just

around the corner so please get your tables ready for this

fun event.

Entries for the People in Engineering Awards are

still being sought for this year's Engineering Excellence

Awards and we ask all of you to seriously think about

nominating someone or entering because we do have

some excellent people in the Territory and this is your

opportunity to showcase them.

Lastly, I'm thrilled to announce that Louise

McCormack has kindly accepted the position of Northern

Division Deputy President. I am confident she will make

a worthy President when she takes over at the end of this


Len Chappell

President - Northern Division


February/March 2011 Newsletter

Contents • From your President

• Year of Humanitarian Engi-neering Launch

• CDU Student BBQ

• Women in Engineering Breakfast

• Seminar with Dr Fiona Wood presented by

Inspiring Australia • Tom Maher - Fellow profile

• Peter Russell - Fellow profile • National Assessor Report

• Young Engineers Meet n Greet

• Meet our new Management committee Members

- Luo Mitchell - John-Paul Foster - Bryan Davies • Director’s Report • Engquest • Gala Dinner • For your Diary Produced by: Engineers Australia Northern Division 14 Shepherd Street Darwin NT 0800 Phone: (08) 8981 4137 Fax: (08) 8941 3449 Email: Web: Content was correct at time of printing. Please check the website for the most up to date listings of events and programs. Advertising Please contact Karen Relph by email Editorial

Year of Humanitarian Engineering Launch On the 9th February 2011, Northern Divi-sion hosted a breakfast to launch the “Year of Humanitarian Engineering”at the Darwin Con-vention Centre. The Hon. Gerry McCarthy. MLA Minister for Transport & Infrastructure launched the Year on behalf of the Chief Minister and Northern Division. Two Division members were invited to

speak on their experiences in working on humanitarian projects in the Northern Territory and Overseas. The first speaker. Yasmin Barnes who currently works for the Department of Lands and Planning provided an insight into working for a developing country. In 1995 she was offered a placement with the Ministry of Health and Medical Services in the Solomon Islands - managing the Rehabilitation Workshop. The Workshop made equip-ment for people with disabilities. She worked there for 3 years before returning to Australia. Yasmin outlined the many obstacles that she had to overcome including having no budget to worth with to build the facilities re-quired for the workshop. The second speaker was Simon Turner from Siztler who is cur-rently working for the Territory Alliance on the Strategic Indigenous Housing and Infrastructure Program which as you would be aware is rolling out new houses and infrastructure in remote indigenous com-munity across the Territory. Simon touched on his experiences of working with the Red Cross where he undertook missions in the Maldives as part of the Tsu-nami Reconstruction Efforts and in Vanuatu preparing contingency plans to evacuate residents ahead of a Volcanic eruption. He also touched on the fact that we have humanitarian needs here in our own backyard and outlined the positive work that was being completed in the indigenous communities. The audience at the breakfast was captivated by their stories with both presentations certainly highlighting the humanitarian as-pects of each project the speakers were involved in .

Sponsor Page 2

On Friday, 18th March the first Student Barbe-cue was held at Charles Darwin University. Natasha Griggs, Federal Member and Member for Solomon took the time out of her busy schedule to welcome the new students and encouraged them to become members of Engineers Australia. Staff of Engineers Australia mingled with the first year students and answered any queries they had regarding membership and overseas migration. Master Chefs extraordinaires, Prof David Lil-ley, Chair of Structural Engineering and Chris Lugg, Lecturer and Management Committee cooked the barbecue to perfection. A good afternoon was had by all.

Student BBQ held at Charles Darwin University


Page 3

Women in Engineering hosted a breakfast on 24th February in conjunction with our National Assessor, Chris Jenkins who spoke on becoming chartered and processes required. Kristy McInnes from Uno Management also spoke on her experience of achieving CPEng. 12 Women in Engineering members attended the breakfast. The event will hopefully encourage more women to become chartered in the future.

The Inspiring Australia team recently hosted a seminar with Dr Fiona Wood via videolink from Questacon in Canberra. The presentation covered topics such as the invention of Synthetic Skin, Treating the Bali Bomb-ing and Ashmore Reef Victims and treating burns without scarring which included a practical demonstration. Participants included schools from Canber-ra, New South Wales and of course Charles Darwin University. This was a truly inspiring seminar. Dr Wood was Australian of the Year 2005 and is Co-founder of Clinical Cell Culture, a private company recognized in medical circles for its world-leading research and breakthroughs in the treatment of burns and has a world patent for her invention of spray on skins for burns victims.

Women in Engineering Breakfast Inspiring - Dr. Fiona Wood


Page 4

Despite leaving school at the age of 15, Tom Maher is living proof that learning really is a lifelong journey. He has come full circle, since he dropped out of high school early, recently receiving the prestigious 2009 Technolo-gist of the Year Award from

Engineers Australia and now elected to Fellow Tech-nologist Level with Engineers Australia. This is given to someone who has demonstrat-ed competence and significant achievement in com-munity affairs and a demonstrated understanding of the role and purpose of the engineering profession within society and proficiency in the use of communi-cation skills. Tom left school at year 10 and after a few years of doing various jobs started his engineering career with no formal qualifications. In 1990 he completed an Advanced Certificate in Civil Construction Supervi-sion, and then more or less embarked on a lifelong learning program, which included the completion of a range of tertiary programs to formally address areas that would be beneficial to his professional develop-ment. Tom was able to achieve a number of profes-sional milestones during this time including a Bache-lor of Engineering Technology (Civil) and a Graduate Certificate in Project Management. All of the programs that he completed were through external study modes, which have had to be balanced with full-time work, family and other commitments. This included study-ing by torchlight with pencils and notebooks in the time (bc) before computers, while camped by a billa-bong in southern Arnhem Land, where his work in-volved locating gravel reserves. In recent times it has involved significant hours of study before and after a full day of work and each weekend. T om has over two decades of experience in the construction, maintenance and management of civil assets as an engineering Technical Officer in the Northern Territory and Queensland. He has overseen major construction in these areas, including subdivision, and maintenance and renewal of roads and airstrips in a number of Aboriginal com-munities throughout the Top End of the Northern Ter-ritory, all while completing his studies. He has provided technical support on an exten-sive list of civil projects and has worked on major civil contracts for Queensland’s Department of Main Roads. Tom is a leading asset management practition-er within Northern Territory Local Governments and

is a proactive team player who supports staff members and local governments Australia-wide in improving asset management practices. Tom is very deserving of his Award and has worked tirelessly in the field of engineering to the point where he is now receiving national recognition. In his spare time, Tom is an avid fisherman which in recent years led to a serious injury when he became stuck at low tide out at sea! Tom is currently on-campus at USQ in Too-woomba Qld to complete as Masters of Engineering Practice (Civil) in June 2011 to be formally recognised as a professional civil engineer.

Peter Russell has over 30 years of professional experience in structural de-sign, project management, construction, contract ad-ministration and site man-agement of projects within Australia and overseas. He is a very busy individual with affiliations

and membership of many committees and groups to include:

• Standards Australia Wind Code and NT Build-ing Advisory Board

• Structual College Board of Engineers Australia • College of Civil Engineers • Australian Steel Institute • Registered Professional Engineer (RPEQ) • Registered Building Practitioner Northern Ter-

ritory • Member of the Management Committee of En-

gineers Australia Northern Division • Building Industry Reference Group His expertise has been developed in the design and construction of lightweight membrane structures, precast and reinforced concrete structures, domestic structures, structural steel, aluminum and timber de-sign. Other interests include three dimensional struc-tural modeling, design for high wind areas and tropi-cal conditions, structural dynamics, event manage-ment and temporary (event) structures. Peter has been working with Sitzler in the role of Senior Structural Engineering since 2006 and his role includes project management, in-house design and construct work. Peter was a key part of the alli-ance team that successfully bid for the SIHIP project.

Tom Maher FIEAust - The Division’s newest Fellows

Peter Russell FIEAust CPEng

Supporter Page 5

For your Diary!

You can register for this event on line at:


Page 6

Meet Our Young Management Committee Members

I think I am a very lucky woman in Engineering. I was a much older Graduate Engineer in Australia who came from far away in China. I married a man from Darwin, and had an INSTANT family; I have four stepsons, two step-grandchildren, a boy and a girl. I studied Engineering in

Electrical and Electronics in the School of Engineering, Charles Darwin University (CDU). Then I took the opportunity to be a graduate engineer and worked with nearly all the engineering sections in the Power Networks, Power and Water Corporation (PWC). For 4 years. Engineering is a universal language. I started learning the principles of maths and science that trans-lated from English to Chinese in China, and I complet-ed my degree at CDU, in English. There are so many terms in electrical and electronics named after a real person, such as volt, ampere, watt, farad, coulomb, hertz, gaussian noise, tesla, Maxwell’s equations, and more. Math, physical chemistry and science are the foundations that lead the way in today’s global tech-nologies. My name LUO has been difficult to a lot of native English speakers. That is common that people automatically convert LUO to LOU in English for me. Those always made me laugh! LUO sounds “Law”. LUO is my Chinese family name. “LUO is the net to catch a bird”. LUO originates from an ancient job posi-tion – that was a man who kept the fire going con-stantly in the far far away…… Also, LUO can be a bamboo ware with 12 dozens’. My father’s family is the Bai people from Dali City, one of the 26 types mi-norities in the south west of China, Yunnan Province. Luo Mitchell is my married name that keeps my father and husband both happy. It is a perfect combination between Chinese and Australia. For me and my two younger sisters, my mum insisted we must study math, physical chemistry. Mum always says – with the knowledge of math, physical chemistry and health, anyone can go any-where in the world. Here I am, living, studying and working in Darwin since 2000.

John-Paul arrived in Australia from the UK last June to join SKM. Back in the UK he worked for a medium sized engineering consultancy, Peter Brett Associates, where he pri-marily was involved in civil engineering specifically highway design. J-P (as he

is more commonly known) gained Chartered status through the Institute of Civil Engineers and is a mem-ber of Engineers Australia through the mutual recog-nition agreement. Since joining SKM J-P has continued working on road projects such as Tiger Brennan Drive. Although he has only recently joined the Young Engineers committee, J-P has a wealth of expe-rience having previously been involved in the ICE’s Graduates and Students Committee back in the UK, acting as Vice-Chair then Chair for a total of four years. Being born in Liverpool means that he must follow football (sorry, soccer) and is an avid Everton fan.

I graduated from Charles Darwin University in 2009 with a degree in Civil/Structural Engineering. Following graduation, I began work with Aurecon, and have been working there since as a graduate structural engineer. The first building I designed just happened to be located at the same high school I graduated from less than 5 years before. I have been involved with Engineers Australia

Luo Mitchell GradIEAust John-Paul Foster MIEAust CPEng

Luo in full PPE

Bryan Davies GradIEAust


Page 7



Thursday, 21 July 2011 – 6:30pm – 12 Midnight

Skyline Marquee, Darwin Turf Club, Fannie Bay

The theme for this year’s event is the “Year of Humanitarian Engineering”

• Early Bird Registrations – Members $144pp

• Early Bird Registrations – Non-Members $155pp

• Early Bird Registration – Corporate Table 10 (Members) $1440

• Early Bird Registration – Corporate Table 10 (Non-Members) $1550 (Early Bird Registrations available until 1 June 2011).


Register online visit


For your diary!

Don’t forget that the Division hosts

monthly events for our members

Many of these events contribute to your CPD hours

within the Division

Look out for your weekly email for

details and registration!

National Assessor’s Report

The Division’s National Assessor, Chris Jenkins has been very busy with professional interviews in the first part of this year and PDP Partners. Congratula-tions to the following members who achieved CPEng in January:

• David Sweeney MIEAust CPEng • Zheng Ping Wu MIEAust CPEng

• Michael Lee MIEAust CPEng Chris has also conducted a couple of PDP workshops at Power & Water Corporation and GHD. Chris also recently returned from Queensland where he has been assisting with assessments follow-ing the floods.

Page 8

As we start the new year in Northern Division we look forward to many events around the NT that you will be able to attend. Most of our events do occur in Darwin as that is where the bulk of the popula-tion is but we have new con-tacts in Gove and Jabiru who

are hoping to encourage some of the local members to do presentations during the year. We encourage you to look at your local talent to hold an event where ever you are, Katherine, Groote Eylandt, Alice Springs or Tennant Creek as well. The office staff will put it on the website and help to organise from a distance. You will notice that all of our booking systems are moving to the web where you can register and pay for events if there is a fee. This makes it easier for you and for the staff. If you experience any difficulties however please let us know. We are hoping that this will mean that you register earlier and help us with catering challenges. Also if you register for an event and can’t attend we would like to know so that we don’t cater for you, especially if it is a non-fee paying activity. The Excellence Awards projects are now closed. Please look at the members around you that you think could be nominated for a People in Engineering Award, however, you can nominate a person and we will follow them up for more detailed information. We are renewing our partnership with Inspir-ing Australia this year which is an Australian Govern-ment initiative that we embarked on last year. Inspir-ing Australia is a program of science communications that fit neatly into our program especially the schools programs. Keely Quinn is employed to facilitate this project. Please look at the events calendar and get the information into your diaries as soon as possible so that you don’t miss out. The weekly emails have been streamlined to avoid too many attachments that block up your in box. I look forward to a rich year and seeing you at many activities. The Gala Dinner is coming up so please book now!

Bronwyn Russell


We Need Your Help A call for volunteers

2011 Science & Engineering

Challenge Darwin (4th & 5th May),

Alice Springs (17th May)

Here’s your chance to have fun and

meet new

people…..And encourage young people to


Maths and Science

Call Keely on (08) 8981 4137

Or email for

more information

Register your interest online at



Sponsorship opportunities are now availa-ble for

Engineers Australia Northern Division. You may wish to sponsor the Engineering Excellence Awards, Youth Programs or oth-er opportunities which are contained in the


For a copy of the sponsorship prospectus, please contact Karen or Kristy on 8981 4137

or email Karen at

Or visit the website


Page 9

Don’t miss out on the 2011 Gala Dinner

This dinner’s reputation has become a must be at

event with guests being assured of a great night!

Registration is now open! Date: Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Venue: Arafura Ballroom, Holiday Inn, The Esplanade

Time: From 6:30pm

Tickets: $66.00 Members $77.00 Non-Members

Keynote Speaker: Daniel Baschiera

A little about the Speaker Dan Baschiera is a specialist in humanitarianism and social work he is now the coordinator of Australia’s only un-

dergraduate humanitarian degree, the Bachelor of Humanitarian and Community Studies at CDU.

In a voluntary capacity he worked as a Logistician/Manager for Medecins Sans Frontieres in Sierra Leone and re-

cently Niger. Also provided support as a contract training provider for Medecins Sans Frontieres - Logistique in the

Merignac Logistics College - Bordeaux France. An expert in disaster management and chaos subsystems he has provided ‘leadership

from behind’ roles in Australia, Africa, and Europe.

Be sure to sponsor a student to attend


Page 10


The conference /boardroom can be hired out for: • Half days at $110 • Full days at $220 • Evenings at $165 Hire longer than 3 days can be negotiated separately.

Equipment White board, TV, DVD/Video and OHP are free to use but the following charges apply to use: • Data projector is $220 per day • Laptop is $88 If data projector is being used for three days or more it will be charged at half price. All prices are Negotiable

Catering The conference room has a kitchen with fridge, oven, stove, microwave and dishwasher. We charge a minimum of $30.00 per day for continu-ous tea & coffee for any number under 20 people and $1.50 per person for numbers over 20.


It is the responsibility of the hirer to set up and clean the room. We have a vacuum cleaner in the server room.

Fellows luncheon - Ilido Restaurant at the Waterfront A Fellows luncheon was held on 18th February 2011 at Ilido Restaurant at the Waterfront. Over 20 Fellows and their partners attended the luncheon. Keynote speaker was Brendan Dowd, Chief Executive Officer of Darwin City Council.

Brendan’s talk focused on the challenges fac-ing Darwin City Council which included parking in the inner city and its current investigations of utiliz-ing private parking which would be required to go to tender and its financial constraints, particularly in relation to the Darwin Entertainment Centre and the impact that the Convention Centre has had on its fi-nancial viability. Peter Russell and Tom Maher (two of the Divi-sion’s newest Fellows) were presented with their Fel-lows Certificates at the luncheon. Peter Russell’s nomination for Fellow came from National Office, whilst Tom was nominated by our President, Len Chappell. The feedback received from members was that Brendan’s talk was informative and interesting. We look forward to further Fellows luncheon’s later in the year.

Friend Page 11

Date/Time Host Event Venue/Cost/Registration

31 March 2011 5:30pm

Engineers Australia Sponsor’s Cocktail Function By Invitation

1st April Engineers Australia Engineering Excellence Awards Project Submissions Due

Engineers Australia 14 Shepherd Street, Darwin

1st April 6.30pm

Young Engineers Young Engineers Meet n Greet Pirates Club, Charles Darwin Univesity Members: FOC Non-Members: $10.00

6th April 6.30pm

Engineers Australia Gala Dinner to celebrate Year of Humanitarian Engineering

Holiday Inn, The Esplanade Members: $66.00 pp Non-Members $77.00 pp

4th & 5th May Engineers Australia/Charles Darwin Uni-versity

Science & Engineering Chal-lenge

Charles Darwin University Volunteers needed

17th May Science & Engineer-ing Committee/

Science & Engineering Chal-lenge

Alice Springs Volunteers needed

14th May Engineers Australia 2011 Engineering Excellence Awards People in Engineering Submissions due

Engineers Australia 14 Shepherd Street, Darwin

23rd - 26th May Engineers Australia Dept of Natural Re-sources, Environment, The Arts and Sport

Plaquing Ceremonies “Young Australian” Roper River”, Stuart Hwy, Plaquing Ceremonies

Roper River Katherine Low Level

24th May 6.30pm

Engineers Australia Dept of Natural Re-sources, Environment, The Arts and Sport

Meet the National Heritage President, Katherine

Paraway Stonegrill

20th—27th June Engineers Australia National President Visit Various

21st July 6.30pm

Engineers Australia 2011 Engineering Excellence Awards

“Skyline Marquee” Darwin Turf Club, Fannie Bay

1st—7th August 5.30pm 4.30pm

Engineers Australia Engineering Week Launch Heritage Bus Tour

Parliament House Leave from Qantas Hangar

15th—20th August Inspiring Australia/CSIRO/Engineers Australia

Science Week TBA

September Engineers Australia Sunchase Alice Springs

14th October Engineers Australia/World Solar Chal-lenge

Sunchase Royal Darwin Showgrounds

29th November 6.30pm

Young Engineers Annual Meeting TBA

30th November 5.00pm

Engineers Australia Annual Meeting Engineers Australia 14 Shepherd Street, Darwin

Please ensure that you read your Weekly Update for the most up to date registration details