Northeast Regional Action Coalition Education Webinar

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Northeast Regional Action Coalition Education Webinar

Transcript of Northeast Regional Action Coalition Education Webinar

Northeast Regional Action Coalition Education Webinar

July 26,2012



Susan Reinhard, PhD, RN, FAANSenior Vice President & Director, AARP Public Policy Institute; Chief Strategist, Center to Champion Nursing in America Mary Sue Gorski, RN, PhD Regional Education Coordinator,

CCNANurse Experts

Maureen Sroczynski, DNP,

Maureen Wallace EdD,


Widening the Circle of the Education Learning Collaborative

Source: Gajda, R. & Koliba, C. (2007). Evaluating the Imperative of Interorganizational Collaboration. American Journal of Evaluation, (28)1,26-44


Today’s Agenda Continuing the Dialogue of the Education Learning Community

• Northeast Regional Meeting Evaluations: Addressing the needs of the group– What’s in place– What’s planned

• Updates on states’ progress since Northeast Meeting• Identification of ongoing needs• Next steps and evaluation


Education Transformation

• We are all focused on the same goal: Increasing the supply of BSN and doctorally prepared nurses

• Each state is moving at its own pace• CCNA wants to provide support as states continue progress

toward education transformation

“This is a marathon, not a sprint”

Northeast Regional Meeting Review of Evaluations


Thank you for your feedback!

Northeast Regional MeetingReview of Evaluations

You feel confident that you can contribute to the national understanding of the four models that have been identified as showing the greatest promise for

education transformation.



Northeast Regional MeetingReview of Evaluations

…furthermore you have an understanding of which models will work best in your state


Northeast Regional Meeting Review of Evaluations

And….You feel confident to develop or advance an action plan in your state or region


Northeast Regional Meeting Review of Evaluations

You plan on applying this strategy?


Northeast Regional MeetingReview of Evaluations

“What resources or tools do you need to make this strategy work in your state?

Response themes

• Initial phase consultant to present the Model

• Identification of ways to implement the Model

• Concrete examples of the models (schools who are using them)

• An expert to present to group on selected model


Northeast Regional MeetingReview of Evaluations

What you need“What resources or tools do you need to make this strategy work in your state?”

You stated it in many ways but essentially:

• “Funding, including process to seek funding”

• “Grants”

• “Time”, which you stated “equates to money”


Additional CCNA Resources

Previous Funding Webinars

10-17-11: Corporate, Foundation and Private Funding: The Process and Opportunities for ACs

11-10-11: Government Funding: The Process and Opportunities for ACs

06-26-12: Exploring Funding Opportunities for Your AC


What you need: Funding

• Funding Opportunities for ACs APIN (Applications closed) SIP (Webinar on July 24 )

Application deadline August 27, 2012 FAQ for SIP: Individual questions about SIP:

• Funding Toolkit: “Fundraising Guide for Action Coalitions”

• Expert Consultation


Northeast Regional MeetingReview of Evaluations

What you needAbility to engage stakeholders: “Creating consensus” “Ongoing contact with this group” “Consensus building” “ “Buy in “ “Ability to present to stakeholders”


What you need: Ongoing links with each other


Coming soon!

Options to easily link to discussions about education topics, to review data by state, to pose a question to the group,

to share your innovations


CCNA Resources

• Partnerships within your own state

– CCNA Webinar 1/2012 “Recruiting other health providers and key stakeholders”

– Education transformation regional meetings

– Resource Guide

– National office resources: Contact your national liaison


Additional Ongoing Support From CCNA

CCNA National Liaisons

Education transformation leader Mary Sue Gorski

Nursing education experts

Consultants & staff support

Existing resources at

Presentations at major meetings


Ongoing Support Through Presentations

Ongoing links with each other

The Future of Nursing:

Campaign for Action

National Summit February 28 – March 1, 2013


Evaluating progress:Use of Standard Data Set“How do you measure your progress? Dashboard data

and measuring nurse education”

Moving Forward Together• Learning from one another• Sharing best practices


Education Learning Collaborative Updates

• All states within the Northeast region have many activities occurring within their Action Coalitions

• We are focusing on the education transformation work and the information that has been shared with us following the Northeast meeting and in recent updates


Northeast Perspective on the Models

• Conducting statewide Survey on Utilization of the MA Nurse of the Future Core Competencies

• Developing specific goals, strategies and activities timeline for a statewide plan for academic progression in Nursing

• Conducting an Academic Progression Survey statewide to inform the work of developing a statewide Nursing Education Transfer Compact

• Success in engaging stakeholders across the state to provide funding support


Northeast Perspective on the Models

• Has both competency based and shared curriculum models within the state

• CUNY is developing the competency based model in four of its community colleges with shared admission criteria and seamless progression to two senior colleges

• St. Joseph’s College and LeMoyne College have a dual degree, dual admission shared curriculum model

• This model is now being replicated in other colleges in various regions of the state including two schools within the CUNY system

• State work is an excellent example of how different approaches can be used within a state and even within a system to reach the 80/20 goal


Northeast Perspective on the Models

• Focused on developing a plan for a competency based curriculum

• In discussion with PA Coalition for the Advancement of Nursing Education (PCANE) and AC

Steering Committee to determine if there is consensus on this model

• Issued a “white paper” in June of 2012 which involved extensive data collection from students and multiple constituencies about barriers to advancement, institutional support for advancement and education capacity

• Well on their way with RN to MSN accelerated model • Thinking about competency based model


• The Virginia Nurses Association and Board of Nursing website has posted school of nursing prerequisites, general education courses and nursing curricula statewide

• Defining shared curriculum and gaining consensus on this model

• Has developed a nursing workforce forecasting model for policy development.

• Surveying CNOs on barriers to education and supporting innovative strategies to correct

• Surveying current RN to BS students on overcoming obstacles to education


Northeast Perspective on the Models

Northeast Perspective on the Models

• In the process of writing a common curriculum

• Moving toward a common admissions application, central portal and common philosophy with roll out planned for fall of 2013

• Also beginning the discussion of a competency based curriculum

• Currently developing a plan to move forward with competency based curriculum from ADN through BSN

• Focusing on sharing competency based model framework with education and practice leaders


Northeast Perspective on the Models

• Developed competency based model through an RWJF PIN grant

• All five nursing programs have completed gap analysis on all competencies

• Developed one bridge course to be taught in all nursing programs

• Established Charter school for nursing for academic progression starting in high school

• Exploring opportunities to develop accelerated model for ADN to MSN


The Northeast Perspective on the Models • Working on a competency based model

• Three partnerships of ADN and BSN programs and their practice partners did Gap Analysis of curriculum and orientation programs

• Two seamless progression models• Two new BSN programs (Plymouth and Keene

State colleges) used competency model to develop curriculum

• Next steps - increase education level of incumbent workforce ADN to BSN and accelerated models


Northeast Perspective on the Models

• Working on the competency based model for over a year

• Beginning exploration of common/shared curriculum model• Action Coalition focused on developing a

marketing/communication plan to engage additional local funders in education transformation work

• Has two competency based curriculum models at Norwich University and Castleton State College

• The University of Vermont is focusing on moving the RN to MSN program to a RN to DNP model


Northeast Perspective on the Models

• Deans and Directors Council to sponsor statewide education summit to inform practice partners across all health care sites on the Competency model

• Have a common curriculum among the state community colleges

• Also focusing on expanding LPN to RN fast track model and overall enrollment in RN to MSN programs

• Seeking partnership with Quinnipiac College for polling to assist with data analysis


Northeast Perspective on the Models • Focusing on competency based model based on

MA Nurse of the Future Competencies • Have begun Gap Analysis process within

partnerships of ADN and BSN programs and practice partners with Leadership competency.

• Planning a statewide summit on October 4th to share the national perspective on the education transformation work

• Meeting with NJ Collaborating Center to focus on data needs


The Four Promising Models

• Community Colleges Grant RN to BSN Degree

• Accelerated Options: RN to MSN Programs

• State or Regional Competency Based Programs

• State or Regional Shared Curriculum


Summary of Northeast State Initiatives

State or Regional Shared or Common curriculum

Community College RN/BSN comp.

Accelerated RN-MSN

State/ Regional Competency model

Bridge course

Connecticut √ AD level WOW Starting

Delaware WOW Thinking about

Maine √ WOW √

Maryland Starting WOW Starting

Massachusetts WOW √

New Hampshire WOW √New Jersey WOW √

New York √ WOW √ √

Pennsylvania Starting WOW √

Rhode Island Starting √ √

Vermont WOW √

Virginia √ Thinking about WOW Starting

West Virginia √ Starting WOW √

Competency Model ProcessOutcome Focused, Individualized by State or Region


Diploma, ADN, BSN Nursing Programs &

Practice Partners

Gap Analysis Process of Curricula

Designing New Models by

Addressing the Gaps

Implementation of Seamless Progression

Curriculum Models

Agreement on Competencies

Competency Model Process

Agreement on Competencies

• Engage school administration in plan for curriculum redesign early on in the process

• Can select from various competencies• Develop your own• QSEN• Nurse of the Future

• Align all with AACN Essentials for Baccalaureate Education and NLN AC Competencies


Partnerships of Diploma, AD, BS

Nursing Programs & Practice Partners

• Practice partners bring insight into current healthcare environment and clinical learning opportunities

• May begin with “coalition of the willing”

Competency Model Process


Gap Analysis Process

• Technique for determining the steps to be taken in moving from a current state to a desired future state.

• It begins with the present situation (“what is”), cross-lists factors required to achieve the future objectives (“what could be”), and then highlights the ‘gaps' that exist and need to be 'filled’.

• Diploma, AD and BS programs assess curriculum against competencies

• Must demonstrate evidence of the competency in curriculum or clinical experiences

• Practice partners may examine orientation programs

Competency Model Process



1. Assessment of Current Status How many opportunities are currently available for your students to learn the K/A/S by graduation?

2. Validation of Current Status Where are these learning opportunities in your curriculum and how are they taught? Can include course objectives, lecture content , clinical objectives, clinical experiences, written assignments , case studies or other documented evidence and how evaluated

3. Desired Outcomes Nursing Program How many opportunities do you (the faculty) believe should be available for your students to learn the K/A/S by graduation

4. Desired Outcomes Practice Partner(s) How many opportunities does your practice partner believe should be available for your students to learn the K/A/S by graduation?

5. GAP Between Desired Outcomes and Current Status

6. GAP Between Practice Partners Desired Outcomes and Nursing Program Desired Outcomes

Gap Analysis Process Sample

Competency Model Process

Designing New Modelsby

Addressing the Gaps

• May be designed at undergraduate level or within RN to BSN programs

• May involve dual or co-admission• May involve assessment and/or alignment of prerequisites,

general education requirements and credit transfer issues which will necessitate involvement of school administration


Competency Model Process

Implementation of Seamless Progression

Curriculum Models

• Competency based models provide seamless progression models

• Competency based models can also serve as foundation for shared or common curriculum models

• Some models based on 1 plus 2 plus 1 approach• Some states have begun with a cohort approach that can be

expanded within a system or across the state or region


Competency Model ProcessOutcome Focused, Innovation Process for Change


Diploma, ADN, BSN Nursing Programs &

Practice Partners

Gap Analysis Process of Curricula

Designing New Models by

Addressing the Gaps

Implementation of Seamless Progression

Curriculum Models

Agreement on Competencies

Competency ModelLessons Learned to Date• This process addresses the fact that education and practice

do not always speak the same language• Practice needs be involved early in the review and

development of new curriculum models • Diploma, AD and BS programs all have gaps in reviewing

current competency models• Divergence and convergence are part of the process• Iterative process of innovation


CCNANurse Experts

Maureen Sroczynski, DNP,

Maureen Wallace EdD,


Next steps

• Education Learning Collaborative

• Summary document from Regional meetings

• Please continue to provide input about how we can best help you advance nursing education progression!



• Please take a few moments to complete the survey online. – In a moment the survey will be on your screen.– When you have completed the survey, click done. – You will be re-directed the Center to Champion Nursing in

America’s website. You can close your browser when complete.