North Carolina Entertainer of the Year Handbook 2014

Post on 11-Mar-2016

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Your guide to victory.

Transcript of North Carolina Entertainer of the Year Handbook 2014


Table Of Contents:

Letter To The Contestants: Page 3

Schedule Explaination: Pages 4 - 5

Daily Events: Page 6 - 7

Prize Package Information (NC EOY): Page 8

Category Descriptions: Page 9

Judge’s Points & Score Description: Page 10

Rules And Regulations: Pages 11 - 12

Contestant Forms: Pages 13 - 14

Contestant Contract: Pages 15 – 19


Dear Contestants,

Thank you so much for taking an interest in the North Carolina

Entertainer of the Year contest. I welcome you with all of my heart and hope

that your experience with the North Carolina Entertainer of the Year contest

is one you will cherish for a long time to come.

It has taken a lot of hard work and a lot of money to present this 2014

preliminary for Entertainer of the Year to you. I could not have done this

without the help of my co-producer/co-promoter/boyfriend William Millikan

and, our current reigning Roxana Hardplace, as well as National Entertainer of

the Year’s title holder Raquell Lord. I would also like to thank my Mom and

my Dad who have long supported me in my endeavors, no matter how insane.

Let me tell you a little more about this wonderful system. The

Entertainer of the Year contest is a national system "Dedicated to the

betterment of diverse cultures." This contest is not a beauty pageant but a

celebration of creativity, individuality, and passion for the art of

entertainment. This is a contest where creativity is prized and rewarded.

In 2014, National Entertainer of the Year will be celebrating its 25th

year as a prominent, national contest system! This is the perfect year to

join the EOY family as a contestant, sponsor, or preliminary promoter because

all eyes will be on The Connection Theater In Kentucky and The Horseshoe

Casino in Indiana to see which contestants will continue to shape this system

as others have done for a quarter of a century.

I am looking for a contestant with a strong motivation to sell

preliminaries for North Carolina Entertainer of the Year and who will

continue to help this contest become a true state wide extravaganza. I am

looking for a hard worker who will actively call regional venue and

promoters to ask if they will purchase prelims for North Carolina

Entertainer of the Year 2015. I am looking for a representative who will

find contestants for each and every city preliminary. I am looking for a

contestant who will be hands on with the production and promotion of North

Carolina Entertainer of the Year 2016. I am also looking for contestants

who have a true hunger, not just North Carolina Entertainer of the Year,

but for National Entertainer of the Year as well.

Lastly I am looking for a contestant who is creative, unique, and thinks

outside the box. I want to reward those performers who dare to be different

and who believe entertainment is a true form of art.

Wil and myself have spent a lot of money and time to create this

contest because we believe in our entertainment community. I have done this

so I can give fellow artists the chance to be seen on a national stage. I

want to play a small part in making your dreams come true.

-- David Bryant


Schedule Explanation For North Carolina Entertainer of the Year:

Dates Of Contest: June 6th – June 8th

(Friday June 6th) 5:00 pm: Registration

-- Registration will be held Friday June 6th at 5 pm in The Spotlight

Theater inside Legends Nightclub Complex. Please be on time.

-- During registration contestants will sign and submit their North

Carolina Entertainer of the Year 2014-2015 contracts.

-- During registration contestants will fill out and submit their bios.

These bios are important because, On-Stage Question will be drawn from

information provided in the contestant’s self-submitted bio.

-- During registration all contestants will draw numbers to determine

their placement and group for the preliminary nights of North

Carolina Entertainer of the Year.

-- There are no Creative Evening Wear commentaries allowed in the

Entertainer of the Year system.

-- Contestants must turn in their music at registration. Music for

each category must be on a separate CD and must be the only track on

that CD.

-- Contestants must name their dresser. ONE dresser is allowed per

contestant. Legends will keep your ONE dresser’s name at the door.

-- Any promoter or contestant whose promoter has not paid the $100

entry fee to states must pay their entry fee at this point. To

prevent any hold up in the registration process, please make sure

your promoter has brought the money for your entry fee or has paid

your entry fee in advance.

(Friday June 6th) 9:00 pm: Roll Call

All contestants should be backstage at W29 by 9:00 pm on this day. The

Contest will start at 10:00 pm.

(Friday June 6th) 9:30 pm: Judge’s Meeting

This is a scheduled meeting with the judges in order to outline each

category and review what Bryant-Millikan Productions is looking for

from the contestants. This will take place in Legend’s View Lounge.

(Friday June 6th) 10:00 pm: Contest Starts

The contest begins inside The Spotlight Theater. All contestants

compete in Creative Presentation and in On-Stage Question. Contestants

in Group 1 compete in Talent.


(Saturday June 7th) 9:00 pm: Roll Call

All contestants should be backstage at W29 by 8:30 pm on this day. The

doors to W29 will open at 7:30 pm. The Contest will start at

9:30 pm.

(Saturday June 7th) 10:00 pm: Contest Starts

The contest begins inside The Spotlight Theater. All contestants

compete in Creative Evening Wear. Group 2 competes in Talent.

(Sunday June 8th) 3:00 pm: Contestant Luncheon

This will take place inside The View Lounge at Legends Nightclub.

Awards for preliminary nights will be given out as well as awards for

North Carolina Entertainer of the Year city level promoters.

(Sunday June 8th) 4:30 pm: Rehearsal

Roxana Hardplace will walk the contestants through the opening of the

North Carolina Entertainer of the Year’s final night. This is also the

time to give Bryant-Millikan Productions your final night music if you

are choosing to changing category music for final night.

(Sunday June 8th) 8:00 pm: Roll Call for Contestants

All contestants should be backstage at Legends Nightclub Complex by

8:00 pm on this day. Contest will start at 9:00 pm.

(Sunday June 8th) 8:30 pm: Roll Call For Entertainers

The Stage Manager will confirm that all entertainers are present.

(Sunday June 8th) 9:00 pm: Contest Starts

Final Night Begins. The top finalists will re-compete in Creative

Evening Wear and Talent.




Friday: At Legends Nightclub Complex

Registration: 5:00 pm

- Fill Out Contracts

- Take Up Any Unpaid Entry Fees

- Go Over The Weekend’s Schedule

- Draw Numbers

- Take Up Preliminary Music.

- Each category’s track should be on a separate, non-

returnable, CD. This includes crowning music.

Contestant Roll Call: 9:00 pm

Judge’s Meeting: 9:30 pm

Contest Starts: 10:00 pm

All Groups: Creative Presentation & On-Stage Question

Group 1: Talent

Saturday: At Legends Nightclub Complex

Roll Call: 9:00 pm

Contest Starts: 10:00 pm

All Groups: Creative Evening Wear

Group 2: Talent

Sunday Afternoon: Legends Nightclub

Luncheon With Raquell & Promoter’s Awards: 3:00 pm

Collect Final Night Music: Immediately following the Luncheon.

Roll Call: 8:00 pm

Contest Starts: 9:00 pm


Order Of Events On Final Night:

- Opening With Roxana Hardplace

- Un-judged “NC EOY KNOCKOUTS” themed presentation. The winner will

be selected by National Entertainer of the Year, FI: Raquell Lord.

- Top Finalists Announced

- Entertainment

- Best Non-Finalist’s Talent

- Creative Evening Wear

- Entertainment

- Talent

- Entertainment

- Crowning

- Post Show Contract Review With The Winner & First Alternate


Prizes & Entry Fees For NC EOY:

Entry Fee: $100 per contestant

Prize Package For The Winner:

$200 the night of the contest

$200 after competing at nationals

$300 the week of give up

$200 hotel/travel stipend

$175 dollar entry fee to compete at nationals

$125 booking at Miss Holiday 2014

$125 booking at Miss Gay Greensboro USofA

$75 booking fees at City Prelims

Crown (14 Inches Tall & Full Round)




Prize Package For The 1st Alternate:

$100 after competing at nationals

$200 hotel/travel stipend

$175 dollar entry fee to compete at nationals



*North Carolina Entertainer of the Year/Bryant - Millikan Productions is

not responsible for ANY additional prizes, sponsorships, bookings,

benefit shows, or booking fees not listed on this page.


Category Descriptions: (North Carolina Entertainer of the Year)

On-Stage Question:

The contestant is asked a question and responds to the question on

stage. The question is formed from the individual biography that is

written by the contestant and submitted at the time of registration.

This category is worth 10 points.

Creative Presentation:

In this category the contestant is given 3 minutes. Props are allowed

but there will be no prop set up or break down time. At some point

during or after the presentation, the contestant must state their

name, where they are from, and the preliminary they represent. All of

this must be kept under 3 minutes per contestant.


This category is worth 40 points.

Creative Evening Wear:

This category is to show creativity and individuality. Creative

Evening wear does not have to be full-length. Creative Evening wear

does not have to be a dress or gown. Props are allowed for this

category, but there will be no prop set up or breakdown time.


This category is worth 50 points.


The time limit for talent is 7 minutes. The time limit for set up and

tear down is 5 minutes. Anything goes as long as it is legal. Fire,

water, and glitter are allowed BUT please discuss their use with the

promoters and Legends first. Animals are allowed, but please discuss

their use with the promoters and Legends first. Please refrain from

harming or killing anyone during the talent portion of this contest.


This category is worth 100 points.

Total Point Value From Each Judge Is 200 points


Scoring System:

On-Stage Question: Worth up to 10 points

Presentation: Worth up to 40 points

Creative Evening Wear: Worth up to 50 points

Talent: Worth up to 100 points

Maximum number of points: 200 points.

X 7 Judges

- High and Low Scores

Maximum total score per-contestant: 1,200 points

High and low Scores will be dropped Per North Carolina Entertainer of

the Year’s long standing policy.


Rules & Regulations For North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year:

1.) Contestants must be born male, at least 18 years of age, and be

able to show proof of their age.

2.) Judging will be on the total accumulated points system minus

high and low scores. The answering of additional On-Stage

Questions will break ties involving the Winner and 1st


3.) Contestants will be judged in On-Stage Question, Creative

Presentation, Creative Evening Wear, and Talent.

4.) The use of Marijuana or any other drug is a personal matter.

However, they are not allowed and are not to be used while at any

host venue or on any host property. Please remember these habits

PERSONAL and we respect that. However, if at any point these

habits have bearing on PROFESSIONAL behavior and conduct a

contestant/winner will be immediately dismissed.

5.) Talent will be limited to seven (7) minutes. Prop set up and

break down time will be limited to a total of five(5)minutes.

Talent and presentations may be timed.

6.) Any type of talent is acceptable, except those that are

illegal or which might cause personal injury to the

audience or any person. This includes emotional injury.

Fire, Water, Glitter, and Live Animals ARE allowed if

okayed by the promoters and host venue.

7.) The presentation category is limited to three (3) minutes.

Props are allowed, but there is no prop set up or break down time

in this category.

8.) There are no administrative points, however we expect all

contestants to show up on time and act PROFESSIONALLY or

they may be dismissed from the contest by Bryant-Millikan

Productions or the host venue.

9.) The North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year contest does not

discriminate against ANY entertainer with silicone or

hormones. Judges are hereby specifically asked not to take

silicone or hormones (or the lack there of) into any

consideration when judging this contest. This is not a beauty

illusion contest.

10.) The stealing of, or the intentional destruction to any

person’s property is not tolerated. Such acts render

IMMEDIATE lifetime disqualification. No exceptions.

11.) Contestants should provide their own music for Creative

Presentation, Creative Evening Wear, Talent, and Crowning.

North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant-Millikan

Productions will not be responsible for providing music on CD

for these categories. Please do everything you can to bring

music for EACH category. All CD’s are non-returnable.


12.) All music for Creative Presentation, Creative Evening Wear,

Talent, and Crowning must be on separate recorded CDs. Each

CD must contain only 1 track. Music will not be returned;

please use disposable CDs.

13.) North Carolina Entertainer of the Year/Bryant-Millikan

Productions is not responsible for any remuneration beyond

the stated prize package.

14.) The venue for North Carolina Entertainer of the Year is a “Smoke

Free” venue. This is state law.

15.) Any contestant that qualifies for States or Nationals and

fails to attend will be barred from competing in,

entertaining, judging, or attending any North Carolina

Entertainer Of The Year contests or events until they have

paid back their city or state promoter and settled their

difference with the National Promoter. NATIONAL ENTERTAINER


16.) The winner of North Carolina Entertainer of the Year must

bring and where her crown at each of the city prelim.

17.) Contestants and their supporters must gracefully accept and

abide by the decisions of the judge’s panel and the

promoters of North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year.

18.) Again, any contestant who qualifies via a city preliminary or

accepts an official appointment and does not show up to compete

at North Carolina Entertainer of the Year will be banned for one

year. No exceptions. The only way out of the ban is via rule 15.

This ban list may be shared with other systems and vice versa.

19.) Any contestant who qualifies for National Entertainer of the Year

be becoming the Winner or First Alternate to North Carolina

Entertainer of the Year and does not show up to compete at

National Entertainer of the Year will be banned for one year. No

exceptions. The only way out of the ban is via rule 15. This ban

list may be shared with other systems and vice versa.


Contestant Form:

Stage Name:

Legal Name:


City: State:

Zip Code:

Phone: e-mail:

My Creative Presentation Will Be: (circle one)

Live Pantomime No Audio Other

My Talent Will Be: (circle one)

Live Pantomime No Audio Other

Musical: (All Tracks Should Be Track 1)

Presentation Track Number:

Creative Evening Wear Track Number:

Talent Track Number:

I Require Prop Set Up During Talent: (circle one)

Yes No


Back-Up Performs/Helpers: (each performer/helper MUST pay the standard

admission price)

Number Of Back-Up Performers/Helpers:

Please List The Names Of Your Back-Up Performers:

Dresser: (each contestant is allowed only one)

Name Of Dresser:

Provide A Short Bio: (On Stage Q&A will be derived from your bio)


North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year Contract:

This agreement, entered into this day of ______ , by and

between , hereinafter

known as Contestant, and North Carolina Entertainer Of The

Year/Bryant-Millikan Productions or any derivative thereof.


WHEREAS, North Carolina Entertainer of the Year/Bryant-Millikan

Productions has organized and will present a contest entitled North

Carolina Entertainer Of The Year; and

WHEREAS, Contestant desires to participate in North Carolina

Entertainer of the Year on the terms and conditions hereinafter set

forth; and

WHEREAS North Carolina Entertainer of the Year/Bryant-Millikan

Productions desires the Contestant to fully participate in North

Carolina Entertainer of the Year;

NOW THEREFORE, the parties intending to be legally bound hereby,

and in consideration of the premises, the mutual covenants herein

contained, the entry fee paid by Contestant, and other and valuable

consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties

hereto agree as follows:

Contestant agrees to abide by all rules, regulations, and

procedures as promulgated and disseminated by North Carolina

Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant-Millikan Productions.

Contestant agrees that should Contestant win the title of either

North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year or North Carolina Entertainer Of

The Year (1st Alternate) or should Contestant succeed to the title of

either North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year or North Carolina

Entertainer Of The Year (1st Alternate), Contestant will fulfill all

duties and obligations connected therewith, including but not limited

to, the following:

1.) Personal appearance and performance upon request at the 2015

North Carolina Entertainer of The Year contest.

2.) Four (4) additional personal appearances/public performances for

Bryant-Millikan Productions at the discretion of Bryant-Millikan

Productions management.

3.) Personal appearance and performance at all preliminaries to

North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year 2015 at a salary of no less

than $0.00 per appearance and no more than $75.00 per appearance

with the salary to be determined by North Carolina Entertainer of

the Year/Bryant-Millikan Productions. OR, if deemed monetarily

necessary by North Carolina Entertainer of the Year/ Bryant-


Millikan Productions, salary determination, only while fulfilling

these stated duties as North Carolina Entertainer of the Year, may

default to the rules of subsection 15 of this contract.

4.) Appearance and competition for National Entertainer of The

Year 2014 while maintaining a professional, dignified, and

punctual manner.

5.) To comport oneself in a professional, dignified, and punctual

manner at all times, using best efforts to promote a positive

image of North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year. This includes

only disseminating a positive impression of North Carolina

Entertainer of the Year during Contestant’s Reign.

Dissemination includes all manner; including print, social

network sites, word of mouth, etc. No negative social

networking posts direct or implied towards North Carolina

Entertainer of the Year or social networking posts that could

be construed by North Carolina EOY/Bryant-Millikan Productions

to be negative in any way shape or form towards North Carolina

Entertainer of the Year will be allowed. Disagreements with

North Carolina EOY/Bryant-Millikan Productions should be dealt

with privately. If Contestant disseminates anything negative,

as determined by North Carolina EOY/Bryant-Millikan Productions

about North Carolina Entertainer of the Year, the penalty will

be a fine equivalent to three (3) $75 booking fees.

6.) To refrain from competing, in any other local, regional,

state, or national contest system while holding the title of

North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year without written

permission from Bryant-Millikan Productions. This moratorium

on local, regional, state, or national contest system

competition will last for one year from the time the winning

contestant receives the title of North Carolina Entertainer Of

The Year.

7.) To be solely responsible for any taxes, fees, and licenses

due and owing for any and all prizes received.

8.) To indemnify and to hold North Carolina Entertainer Of The

Year/Bryant-Millikan Productions harmless for all losses, costs,

and expenses by reason of injury to Contestant, or to any other

person or personal property damaged in connection with

Contestants competition/representation of North Carolina

Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant-Millikan Productions, which

injury or damage results from the carelessness, negligent,

intentional, or improper conduct on the part of Contestant,

Contestant's agents, assigns, or employees; and to indemnify

North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant-Millikan

Productions for any judgments that may be levied against it by

reason of the contestant's actions. Contestant further agrees to

pay for all attorney fees and court costs incurred by North

Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant-Millikan Productions in

defense of any actions instituted against it or judgments levied

against it by reason of Contestant's actions.

9.) Contestant hereby grants North Carolina Entertainer Of The

Year/Bryant-Millikan Productions, its assigns, licensees, and

legal representatives, the irrevocable


right to use their name (or any fictional name), picture,

portrait, or photograph in all forms and media, and in all

manners, including composite or distorted representations, for

advertising, trade, artistic, commercial, or any other lawful

purposes, and waive any right to inspect or approve the finished

product, including written copy, that may be created in

connection therewith. Contestant, will provide North Carolina

Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant-Millikan Productions with at

least twenty (20) publicity stills. North Carolina Entertainer Of

The Year/Bryant-Millikan Productions will be allowed to pull any

images of the contestant of North Carolina Entertainer of the

Year/Bryant-Millikan Productions’ choosing from any personal

websites, social networking sites, etc that the Contestant

possess in order to adequately promote their product, without

remuneration and without complaint by Contestant or Contestant's

agents, assigns, friends, or employees. It is solely

Contestant’s responsibility to assure self-images on such

websites are without copyright to anyone other than Contestant

or North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant-Millikan

Productions or are posted with the image’s copyright holders

permission for use in coordination with section 9 of this

contract and knowledge of this contract. Any IP content (video

or images) covered by intellectual property rights is waived

upon the contestant uploading such images granting North

Carolina Entertainer of the Year/Bryant-Millikan Productions a

non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free,

worldwide license to use any such IP content that Contestant

posts. For legal precedence purposes, this is also in accordance

with Facebook’s Terms of Use Section 2 Subsection 1, and Section

2, Subsection 4.

10.)Contestant, on behalf of Contestant, Contestant's heirs,

administrators, successors and assigns, hereby fully and forever

releases, acquits and discharges, the said North Carolina

Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant-Millikan Productions, heirs,

administrators, executors, successors and assigns from any and

all actions, causes of action, claims and demands of whatsoever

kind of nature on account of any and all known and unknown

injuries, losses, and damages by Contestant, or Contestant's

property, sustained or received during the contest, or throughout

the term of the Contestant's reign, for which injuries, losses,

and damages Contestant claims that North Carolina Entertainer Of

The Year/Bryant-Millikan Productions is legally liable. It is

expressly understood and agreed that this release of liability is

intended to cover and does cover not only all injuries known at

the time of the contest or the reign, but which may later develop

or be discovered including all the effects and consequences


11.)North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant-Millikan

Productions agrees to pay to the winning Contestant $200 dollars

of the first place prize money awarded to the winner of North

Carolina Entertainer Of The Year upon that winner receiving the

title, with an additional $300 of first place prize money

awarded to the winner of North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year

only upon successful completion of a full year of duties as

reigning North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year. North Carolina

Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant-Millikan Productions agrees to

pay to the winning Contestant $200 dollars upon completion of

competition at


National Entertainer Of The Year representing North Carolina

Entertainer Of The Year. The time of this payment is at North

Carolina Entertainer of the Year/Bryant-Millikan Production’

discretion. North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant-

Millikan Productions agrees to pay or provide to the winning

Contestant the equivalent of $200 in hotel/travel stipend to aid

their competition at National Entertainer Of The Year. The time

of this payment is at North Carolina Entertainer of the

Year/Bryant-Millikan Productions’ discretion. North Carolina

Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant-Millikan Productions agrees to

provide the winning Contestant’s $175 dollar entry fee to

compete at National Entertainer Of The Year. North Carolina

Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant-Millikan Productions agrees to

provide the winning Contestant with a tiara/crown to possess for

the duration of her reign as North Carolina Entertainer Of The

Year. North Carolina Entertainer of the Year/Bryant-Millikan

Productions is not morally or legally responsible for ANY

additional prize money or remuneration of any kind to the winner

of North Carolina Entertainer of the Year that is not

specifically mentioned in this section of the contract.

12.) North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant-Millikan

Productions agrees to pay to the winner of North Carolina

Entertainer Of The Year (1st Alternate) $100 dollars upon

completion of competition at National Entertainer Of The Year

representing North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year. The time

of this payment is at North Carolina Entertainer of the

Year/Bryant-Millikan Productions’ discretion. North Carolina

Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant-Millikan Productions agrees to

pay or provide to the winner of North Carolina Entertainer Of

The Year (1st Alternate) the equivalent of $200

in hotel/travel stipend to aid their competition at National

Entertainer Of The Year. The time of this payment is at North

Carolina Entertainer of the Year/Bryant-Millikan Productions’

discretion. North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant-

Millikan Productions agrees to provide the winner of North

Carolina Entertainer Of The Year (1st Alternate) a $175

dollar entry fee to compete at National Entertainer Of The

Year. North Carolina Entertainer of the Year/Bryant-Millikan

Productions is not morally or legally responsible for ANY

additional prize money or remuneration of any kind to the

winner of North Carolina Entertainer of the Year (1st

Alternate) that is not specifically mentioned in this section

of the contract.

13.) North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant-Millikan

Productions Is NOT responsible for any remuneration, money,

sponsorship, benefits, or payouts to contestants, winners, or

promoters beyond the above stated prize package.

14.) North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant-Millikan

Productions is NOT responsible for providing any benefit shows for

the winner, contestants, or promoters.

15.) North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant-Millikan


Productions may determine at its own discretion the booking fee, if

any, the winner will receive when she appears at prelims to North

Carolina Entertainer Of The Year 2015.

16.) North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant-Millikan

Productions does not have to pay full hotel expenses beyond the $200

stipends agreed to in subsections 11 and 12 of this contract.

17.) North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant-Millikan

Productions is not responsible for putting together the Winner or 1st

Alternate’s package for National Entertainer Of The Year. It is the

job of the contestants to each be prepared on their own to go to

National Entertainer of the Year in the event that they should win or

inherit either the title of North Carolina Entertainer of the Year or

North Carolina Entertainer of the Year 1st Alternate.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto caused this

agreement to be duly executed the day and year first written above.

I certify that I am of legal age, I have read this release, have

understood it, am fully familiar with its contents, and have agreed to


******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* *******

Signed: Date:



******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* *******

Signed: Date:

(Bryant-Millikan Productions)
