Norse mythology

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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Norse mythology powerpoint for the Vikings.

Transcript of Norse mythology

  • 1. INTRODUCTION TONORSE MYTHOLOGYAlso called Big guys smashing things

2. CREATION: ORIGIN OF THEWORLD In the beginning there was nothing but 2 places North- Nifelheim (land of frost and destruction) South- Muspelheim (land of fire and poison) Where the 2 met, the giant Ymir was created. Ymir had a pet cow, Audulma, who licked a bunch of ice andcreated the first of the gods. 3. THE AESIR RISE Odin, Vili, Ve: The First Gods Like all good children, quickly turn on Ymir and the giants, kill themall. Ymirs blood becomes the oceans and seas, body becomes the land,bones become mountains, hair becomes trees. Skull raised to the heavens, collects the escaping fires of Muspelheimand that is our sun, starts, moon, cosmos (ooooooooh!) Gods called Aesir and are the protectors of mankind in Midgard,the realm of dudes These Gods build humans, Ask and Embla, from 2 withered trees.(Adam and Eve?) All the lands of the earth (Nifelheim, Muspelheim, Midgard, Asgard)united by the tree of life Yggdrasil. 4. THE WORLD ACCORDINGTO GODS 5. THE MAJOR PLAYERSOdin: King of the gods, god of war.Thor: Odins son, his mom is some crazy woman,god of war, strength, thunder and lightening.Dudes got a hammer to smash and smash. 6. ODIN AND THORThat awkwardmoment when theresults from thepaternity comeback. 7. PLAY-YAS Loki: Trickster god, had 3 kids, keepsfinding ways of harming and tricking rest ofgods. (All religions have a trickster God.) The least tough picture of a God ----- Hel: Lokis daughter, in charge ofNifelheim (the underworld, and yes thats hername) Garm: Hels pet and guard dog ofNifelheim. 8. MAJOR PLAYERS Tyr: God of war and courage. Lost a hand in the binding ofFenrir (knew it was going to happen). Fenrir: Super wolf, son of Loki and some animal (you know thosegods) Baldur: Major god killed off by his brother Hod. Hod: Blind god, tricked into seeing a false vision by Loki and hekills Baldur. 9. THE WORLD WILL END INRAGNAROK Loki has a son, Fenrir, a giant mutant wolf that loves to eat people and willnever stop growing. Foretold that Fenrir will swallow the world, killing Odin in the process. Gods capture Loki and Fenrir. Tie Loki to a rock with a serpent guarding him,forever dripping venom onto his face. Fenrir binded with super-duper strength lashes and bites of Tyrs hand in theprocess. Will continue to grow and will one day break free of the shackles. Loki,Hel, and Garm will escape on that day and the dead will rise and fight the gods. Onthat day, Yggdrasil, the tree of life, will be destroyed as well! 10. RAGNAROK, THE END OFALL THINGS 11. CHECKING FORUNDERSTANDING How do the Norse myths suggest that the earth was created? What makes the seas and oceans? What makes up the land, mountains, trees? What are the stars and moons and suns and bright things up thereabove us? Where do the first humans come from in Norse mythology? According to Norse mythology, who is Fenrir and what willhappen on Ragnarok? 12. CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING We can see a lot about how a culture views the world through theirreligion, and especially through their creation stories. Given how the Norse suggest the world was created, what can wesay about how the Norse looked at the world? 13. FURTHER READINGS Too Human Xbox and ps3 game Bargain bin at Gamestop Aesir as super-powered humans Great story, decent gameplay 6 years old. 14. TOO HUMAN