Normalizing Database Files Professor Ralph Westfall May, 2011.

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Transcript of Normalizing Database Files Professor Ralph Westfall May, 2011.

Normalizing Database Files

Professor Ralph WestfallMay, 2011

Concepts Covered

Using SQL Server Management Studio to take unnormalized data in a file and splitting it into two normalized files For example, repeated data in a field that has a

one to many or many to many relationship with the other fields in the table

Doing the same thing with Excel

Create Non-Redundant Table

CREATE TABLE currenciesCKey (Currency VARCHAR(15))INSERT INTO currencies (Currency)SELECT DISTINCT Currency from nations

Word DISTINCT gets rid of duplicated entries in the normalized new table

Finish Creating New Table

Click Execute button Click in Object Explorer window, then click

Refresh icon and expand Tables node for this database to see the new table

May need to right-click Tables>Refresh for the database used to see table that was just created

Add Normalized New Table Key

Right-click this new table name>Design Right-click top field>Insert Column Change Data Type to int (or something else

appropriate) Right-click this new column>Set Primary Key Set (Is Identity) to Yes in Column Properties Set Identity Seed to a value large enough so all

current and expected rows will have same number of digits in their key

Click diskette icon to save this new table

Create Table with Foreign Key

Define a new table that has a foreign key to reference the data in the second table

Do a join that includes all fields from both tables EXCEPT for the field that went into the separate normalized table the key field from the second table gets added to

the new table but the data the key field references doesn't go into it

Results of this join fill the new table with data

Create Table with Foreign Key

CREATE TABLE [table] ([field [datatype], [field] [datatype], etc.)INSERT INTO [table] ([field], [field], [field],[table].[field], etc.)

WHERE [table].[field]=[other_table].[field] Will have all fields (excluding duplicates) in

the new table Will need to qualify fields with same names in

both tables by name of the table they come from Execute, then Refresh to see the new table See sample code in Notes

Verify Data

Use SQL Server Management Studio to Select Top 1000 Rows to see data in new table visually check foreign keys against values in

other table Or run a SQL query to join and view the data


Backup data from the original table Right-click database name>Tasks>Export

Data>Next Data source is SQL Server Native Client

10.0>Use Windows Authentication>Database is the one that was being used>Next

Create a new .txt file on desktop>Destination is Flat File Destination>Browse for that file>Format: Delimited>Next

Copy data from one or more etc.>Next Source table or view: [original table]>Next>Next>


Finish Backup and Delete

Verify that the new table has the same number of rows as the original table SELECT COUNT([key_field]) FROM

[original_table] and then repeat with new table Delete the original table Detach the database


Could easily normalize small and middle sized data sets in Excel

See Filter for unique values or remove duplicate values for how to get unique values for second table

Copy the column to be normalized into a new table add sequence of numbers in column to the left put captions over each of these two columns follow instructions in the link above

Excel - 2

Add an extra column to the main table create a VLOOKUP column on the second table

you just created that converts the data in the un-normalized column in the main table to the key value

use Paste Special to replace the actual with key values

save both tables as .csv files to load into a database