Non-Federal Cost Share Match Program Grant Implementation...

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Transcript of Non-Federal Cost Share Match Program Grant Implementation...

Non-Federal Cost Share Match Program Grant Implementation


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Non-Federal Cost Share Match Program Grant Implementation Checklist

TableofContents1.0 Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................

2.0 Grant Implementation Process Flow ........................................................................................................

3.0 Grant Implementation Checklist ..............................................................................................................

3.1 Grant and Project Approval ....................................................................................................................

3.2 Administrative Set-Up .............................................................................................................................

3.3 Procurement ............................................................................................................................................

3.4 Construction Management ......................................................................................................................

3.5 Record Keeping and Reporting ................................................................................................................

3.6 Financial Audits and Monitoring .............................................................................................................

3.7 Requesting Payments ............................................................................................................................... 3.8 Labor ........................................................................................................................................................

3.9 Civil Rights ..............................................................................................................................................

3.10 Environmental Review .............................................................................................................................

3.11 Voluntary Acquisition of Real Property ..................................................................................................

3.12 Involuntary Acquisition of Real Property ................................................................................................

3.13 Residential Permanent Relocation ...........................................................................................................

3.14 Residential Temporary Relocation ..........................................................................................................

3.15 Business Relocation .................................................................................................................................

3.16 Property Management ..............................................................................................................................

3.17 Close-out ..................................................................................................................................................

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Non-Federal Cost Share Match Program

Grant Implementation Checklist

1.0 Introduction

This Grant Implementation Checklist for the Non-Federal Cost Share Match Program has been modified and adopted from the Disaster Recovery Grantee Administrative Manual. This checklist is to be used specifically for this program as an overall guide for the implementation of the Non-Federal Cost Share Match Program. The checklist is general in nature, which means that some items may or may not be applicable based on the status of construction and the type of project. In addition to this checklist, some sections of the grantee manual contain specific samples for grantee use. The grantee should use this checklist to ensure CDBG compliance and that certain actions have been taken at various stages within the grant implementation process by marking “Yes” or “N/A” within the appropriate column. The checklist provides references to the appropriate sections of the Disaster Recovery Grantee Administrative Manual l o c a t e d o n o u r w e b s i t e a t h t t p : / / w w w . d o a . l a . g o v / P a g e s / o c d -d r u / D R a d m i n M a n u a l . a s p x for c l a r i f i c a t i o n on completing each step on the Checklist.

For clarification on any aspect of the grant implementation process, contact the OCD-DRU for guidance at

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2.0 Grant Implementation Process Flow


Project Participation


Grantee-Receive follow up call

from OCD-DRU

Grantee- Hire grant


Grantee-Develop and



services needed to procure

Grantee-Establish records

management system



Grantee-Receive PA Match Agreement

Grantee-Procure services according to correct method

with HUD requirements

Grantee-Establish with

Grantee-Conduct adequate monitoring

Grantee-Ensure compliance with federal and state


OCD-DRU-Completes Match Payment Process

GOHSEP- Certification submitted to


GOHSEP-Moves project status to Closed in LAPA

Grantee-Submit Required HUD Docs to LAPA

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3.0 Grant Implementation Checklist

3.1 Grant and Project Approval

Grant and Project Approval Action Timing Reference Yes N/A Return Program Participation Form Once Grantee Receive Follow-Up Call from OCD-DRU Ongoing Grantee Procure Project Administrator, if needed, not covered by Grant. Once Section 6 Execute Contract with Project Administrator, if required Once Section 6 Procure Project Engineer/Architect, if required Once Section 6 Execute Contract with Project Engineer/Architect, if required Once Section 6 Execute Change Orders with contractor as needed As needed Section 2 Maintain documents as described within Section 4 Ongoing Section 4

3.2 Grantee Administrative Set-Up

Grantee Administrative Set-Up Action Timing Reference Yes N/A Ensure written policies and procedures are updated and consistent with federal requirements

Monitoring Plan Once Section 12 Procurement policy and procedures Once Section 6 Property Management procedures Once Section 11

Establish and Maintain Records Management Filing System Ongoing Section 4 OCD-DRU will send the Grantee the applicable forms listed below. Receive PA Match Agreement Once Section 5 Submit Executed Statement of Assurances to OCD-DRU Once Section 5 Submit Authorized Signature Form Once Section 5 Submit Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Enrollment Form to OSRAP


Section 5

Submit Request for Vendor Information Form Once Section 5 Submit IRS Form W-9 Once Section 5 Submit HUD Form 2880 Once Section 5 Maintain documents as described within Section 4 Ongoing Section 4

3.3 Procurement

Procurement Action Timing Reference Yes N/A Write and adopt a Procurement Policy to contain all federal requirements contained in 2 CFR 200.318 - 200.326


Section 6

Write and adopt procedures for procurement transactions prior to securing contract services


Section 6

Establish a contract administration system Once Section 6 Advertise as an Equal Opportunity Employer Once Section 6 Document efforts to solicit Minority and Women's Businesses Once Section 6 Verify contractor clearance for awarding a construction, consulting, and engineering contracts

Ongoing Section 6 Section 7

Make sure that all contractors advertise as Equal Opportunity Employers

Ongoing Section 6

Section 8

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Maintain all records sufficient to detail the significant history of a procurement

Ongoing Section 6

Section 4

Make sure that all contractors and subcontractors develop written employment policies and procedures


Section 8

Determine appropriate procurement method to procure materials or services

As needed

Section 6

Maintain documents as described within Section 4 Ongoing Section 4

Procurement Action Timing Reference Yes N/A Procurement by Small Purchase Per CFR Part 200.323, Non-Federal entity must make independent estimates before receiving bids or proposals

Section 6

Receive at least three quotes As needed

Section 6 Perform cost/price analysis Section 6 Maintain written documentation for the basis of selecting the winning firm

Section 6

Execute appropriate contract (Purchase Order or Fixed Price) Section 6 Maintain documents as described within Section 4 Ongoing Section 4 Procurement by Sealed Bids Per CFR Part 200.323, Non-Federal entity must make independent estimates before receiving bids or proposals

Publish three advertisements for bids (“invitation for bids”) AsNeeded Section 6 Hold public bid opening at the time and place set in the advertisement for bids

Section 6

Perform a tabulation of the bids and award contract to lowest responsible and responsive bidder

Section 6

Maintain written documentation for the basis of selecting the winning firm and rejecting any or all bid

Section 6

Perform cost/price analysis Section 6

Award a fixed price contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder within 45 days of bid opening

45 days after bid opening

Section 6

Complete a Notice of Contract Award and send to the OCD-DRU along with certified and itemized bid tabulation

Within 30 days of awarding contract

Section 6

Maintain documents as described within Section 4 Ongoing Section 4 Procurement by Competitive Proposals Draft the RFP/RFQ for materials or services to be procured As needed Section 6

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Action Timing Reference Yes N/A Per CFR Part 200.323, Non-Federal entity must make independent estimates before receiving bids or proposals

Section 6

Advertise the RFP/RFQ ensure the bid includes all the CDBG-DR requirements within the RFP/RFQ

Section 6

Solicit responses to the RFP/RFQ from an adequate number of qualified sources

Section 6

Conduct a technical evaluation of the proposals received Section 6 Proposals received in response to the RFP/RFQ Maintain written documentation for the basis of selecting the winning firm and rejecting any or all proposals

Section 6

Perform cost/price analysis Section 6 Award the appropriate contract to the firm with the winning proposal (cost reimbursement or fixed price contract only)

Section 6

Maintain documents as described within Section 4 Ongoing Section 4

3.4 Construction Management

Construction Management Contract Additional Steps Action Timing Reference Yes N/A Execute contract documents and applicable bonding and insurance requirements

As needed for all applicable Contracts As needed for all applicable Contracts

Section 2 Section 6

Review the contract file and associated compliance files to ensure that documentation is complete

Section 2

Inform the prime contractor(s) of his/her responsibilities (via an optional pre-construction conference or other means of notification)

Section 2 Section 7

For any subcontractors not identified in the bid, obtain the data necessary to verify eligibility, signed required certifications, and written Section 3 (of the HUD Act of 1968) Compliance Plan

Section 2

Issue a Notice to Proceed to each prime contractor. Section 2 Check the contractors equal opportunity and labor standards compliance files for adherence prior to making partial payments

Section 2

Monitor contractor progress, make progress payments Section 2 Perform a final inspection upon receipt of the contractor’s Final Request for Payment

Section 2

Receive all weekly payrolls and Statements of Compliance; resolve discrepancies

Section 2

Issue acceptance of work and final payment, less the retainage Section 2

Prepare and Submit the Final Wage Compliance Report Section 2 Section 13

Release the retainage upon the receipt of a clear lien certificate from the contractor

Section 2

Utilize the comprehensive construction contract checklist to ensure all steps are taken

Section 2

Maintain documents as described within Section 4 Ongoing Section 4

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3.5 Record Keeping and Reporting

Record Keeping and Reporting Action Timing Reference Yes N/A All records should be maintained, updated and organized on a regular basis

Ongoing Section 4

3.66 Financial Audits and Monitoring

Financial Audits and Monitoring Action Timing Reference Yes N/A Submit a copy of the written engagement agreement to the Legislative Auditor of the State of Louisiana for approval of the engagement terms and conditions (only if an independent CPA is engaged to prepare an audit or compilation)

As needed

Section 5

If $50,000 or less and revenue received, submit annual sworn financial statements


Section 5

If more than $50,000 but less than $200,000 and revenue received, submit annual compilation to the LLA


Section 5

If $200,000 or more but less than $500,000 and revenue received, submit an annual review, accompanied by an attestation report

Every two years

Section 5

If less than $750,000 in federal funds are expended within a fiscal year, submit financial reports


Section 5

If more than $750,000 in federal funds are expended within a fiscal year, conduct a financial audit.


Section 5

If more than $750,000 in federal funds are expended within a fiscal year, conduct a Single Audit.


Section 5

Submit data collection form and reporting package of the annual Single Audit to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse (FAC)


Section 5

Within 30 days after receipt of auditor’s report, submit final copies to the FAC and OCD-DRU


Section 5

Respond in writing to the OCD-DRU regarding any findings of noncompliance

As needed

Section 5

Maintain documents as described within Section 4 Ongoing Section 4

3.7 Requesting Payments

Requesting Payments Action Timing Reference Yes N/A If needed, OCD will Collect additional Support Documentation from the Grantee • Invoices must be on Vendor’s letterhead and dated • Timesheets must detail hours worked and detailed duties


As needed

Section 5

Once a project is pushed to closed in LAPA, GOHSEP will issue a certification to OCD purchased exceeds $1,000

As needed GOHSEP N/A

OCD will create data sheet and pay request to send to grantee


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Grantee will review data sheet and request for payment to ensure accuracy

As needed


Person designated on the Authorized Signature Form must sign the Request for Payment


Section 5 N/A

Upload Request for Payment Form with any other supporting documentation requested by OCD to OCD-DRU for reimbursement

As needed

Section 5

Maintain documents as described within Section 4 Ongoing Section 4

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3.8 Labor

Labor (if applicable) Action Timing Reference Yes N/A Designate a Labor Compliance Officer (LCO) Once Section 7 Determine effective wage decision(s) Ongoing Section 7 Verify wage decision Ongoing Section 7 Ensure Prime Contractors clear subcontractors, if applicable Ongoing Section 7 Inform the prime contractor(s) and all available subcontractors of his/her responsibilities (via preconstruction conference) optional pre-construction conference or other means of notification)

Ongoing Section 2 Section 7

Provide additional classifications, if needed Ongoing Section 7 Conduct employee interviews and periodic field inspections to ensure labor compliance


Section 7

Obtain notification from prime contractor of contract awards to any Subcontractor prior to the subcontractor beginning work on the project.


Section 7

Ensure all payroll reports are properly submitted and reviewed Ongoing Section 7 Notify prime contractor if back wages are required Ongoing Section 7 Verify fringe benefits if problems are suspected Ongoing Section 7 Document when no work is performed to reflect no payrolls received


Section 7

Submit the Labor Standards Enforcement Report to OCD-DRU. Required only if a contractor has restitution of $1000.00 or more.

Once Section 7

Contact OCD-DRU if restitution is not paid within 30 days of the second notice of underpayment or if there is a disagreement regarding the finding of restitution owed

As needed

Section 7

Notify OCD-DRU if intentional falsification of a payroll report by a contractor is suspected

As needed

Section 7

Maintain documents as described within Section 4 Ongoing Section 4

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3.9 Civil Rights

Civil Rights Action Timing Reference Yes N/A Employment Publish an annual statement of nondiscrimination and/or include such statement in any publicity on a Disaster Recovery CDBG Program.


Section 8

Develop or implement an Affirmative Action Plan Once Section 8 Develop Plan to ensure compliance with Section 3 of the HUD Act of 1968 plan


Section 8

Display Equal Opportunity posters prominently Ongoing Section 8 Notify OCD-DRU if complaints are registered As needed Section 8 Contracting Advertise as an equal opportunity employer in bid solicitations. Ongoing Section 8 Solicit bids from minority, women and locally owned businesses. Ongoing Section 8 Maintain a list of locally owned businesses that were awarded Contracts.


Section 8

Require a Section 3 (of the HUD Act of 1968) clause in all contracts


Section 8

Inform contractors of equal opportunity (via an optional pre- construction conference or other means of notification)


Section 8

Require contractor to submit monthly utilization reports. Ongoing Section 8 Monitor contractor compliance at work site Ongoing Section 8 Housing Disseminate Information concerning housing services and activities to agencies and organizations which routinely provide services to protected groups


Section 8

Evaluate criteria for selecting recipients of housing assistance for any discriminatory effects


Section 8

Participate in Fair Housing Activities (only applicable to jurisdictional authorities).

Annually Section 8

Conduct at least one Fair Housing activity during the project Period (only applicable to jurisdictional authorities).


Section 8

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. 754)) Publish a statement of compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. 754 and/or include such statement in any publicity on a Disaster Recovery CDBG program.


Section 8

Make available a TDD or equally effective method for communicating with hearing impaired persons


Section 8

Maintain Summary of Actions Taken to Achieve Compliance with Section 504


Section 8

Execute Section 504 Assurance Annually Section 8 Complete a self-evaluation of current policies and practices to determine if they meet the requirements of being accessible to individuals with disabilities within 6 months of grant award

Within 6 months of receiving grant award

Section 8

Develop a transition plan for those areas which cannot be made accessible administratively

As needed

Section 8

Complete construction activities identified in the transition plan Within 3 Section 8

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Civil Rights Action Timing Reference Yes N/A years of

completing self- evaluation

• Section 3 of the HUD Act of 1968 Thresholds for section 3 covered housing and community development assistance. § Grantee/Subrecipient thresholds – The requirements of this part apply to recipients of other housing and community

development program assistance for a section 3 covered project(s) for which the amount of assistance exceeds $200,000.

Contractorandsubcontractorthresholds–Therequirementsofthispartapplytocontractorsandsubcontractorsperformingworkonsection3coveredproject(s)forwhichtheamountofassistanceexceeds$200,000;andthecontractorsubcontractexceeds$100,000. Include Section 3 clause in all Section 3 covered contracts Ongoing Section 8 Employ efforts to assist in reaching Section 3 residents for employment opportunities


Section 8

Employ efforts to assist in reaching Section 3 businesses for contracting opportunities


Section 8

Maintain data to report compliance with Section 3 (of the HUD Act of 1968) as required


Section 8

Maintain documents as described within Section 4 Ongoing Section 4

3.10 Environmental Review - THIS STEP COMPLETED BY FEMA FOR PA ENTITY UnlessthegranteechangesthescopeofworkapprovedinaPW

Environmental Review Action Timing Reference Yes N/A Aggregate (group together) all individual activities which are Related either geographically or functionally, or are logical part of a composite of contemplated action.


Section 9


Create and maintain an Environmental Review Record (ERR) for all aggregated activities

Ongoing FEMA



Exempt Activities Prepare and submit the executed “Certification of Exemption for HUD-funded Projects” to the OCD-DRU (Exhibit 9-1 )


Section 9 FEMA

Obtain “Notice of Acceptance of Exemption” from the OCD- DRU


Section 9 FEMA

Obligate or incur the costs, as listed on the “Certification of Exemption” and request payment of these funds


Section 9 FEMA

Categorically Excluded Activities Subject to 58.5 Prepare and submit the executed Certification of Categorical Exclusion – (Subject to 58.5) to the OCD-DRU

As needed Section 9 FEMA

Prepare and submit the executed Statutory Checklist for Categorical Excluded Project Only

As needed Section 9 FEMA

Prepare a “Notice of Intent to Request a Release of Funds” (NOI/RROF)

As needed Section 9 FEMA

Send a copy of the “Request for Release of Funds” and newspaper copy of the NOI/RROF to the OCD-DRU

As needed Section 9 FEMA

Receive the “Notice of Release of Funds” from the OCD-DRU As needed Section 9 FEMA Begin to obligate or incur costs and request payment of funds As needed Section 9 FEMA Categorically Excluded Activities Not Subject to 58.5 Submit the executed “Certification of Categorical Exclusion (Not Subject to 58.5)”

As needed Section 9 FEMA

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Environmental Review Action Timing Reference Yes N/A Receive the “Notice of Acceptance of Categorical Exclusion” from the OCD-DRU

As needed Section 9 FEMA

Begin to obligate or incur costs and request payment of funds As needed Section 9 FEMA Environmental Assessment Complete the Statutory Checklist (SC) As needed Section 9 FEMA Complete the Environmental Assessment (EA) As needed Section 9 FEMA Post/Publish combined notice which merges the FONSI and the RROF

As needed Section 9 FEMA

Complete and submit the Request for Release of Funds (7015.15) As needed Section 9 FEMA Submit a copy of the published public notice As needed Section 9 FEMA Begin to obligate or incur costs and request payment of funds As needed Section 9 FEMA Maintain documents as described within Section 4 Ongoing, Section 4

3.11 Voluntary Acquisition of Real Property

3.12 Involuntary Acquisition of Real Property

Involuntary Acquisition of Real Property Action Timing Reference Yes N/A Determine Ownership

For each applicable property

Section 10 Send Preliminary Acquisition Notice Section 10 Send HUD “When a Public Agency Acquires your Property” brochure to owner

Section 10

Send local Voluntary Acquisition Policy to owner Section 10 Execute a professional services contract with an independent appraiser if appraisals are needed

Section 10

Formally invite the property owner to accompany the appraiser during inspection of the property

Section 10

Determine if an appraisal is needed Section 10 If yes, perform appraisal and review appraisal Section 10 If no, obtain a written valuation of the property Section 10 Prepare and send the Statement of Just Compensation Section 10 Prepare and send the Offer to Purchase Section 10 Conclude Negotiations Section 10

Voluntary Acquisition of Real Property Action Timing Reference Yes N/A Prepare a formal, written Voluntary Acquisition Policy Once Section 10 Publish a public notice

For each applicable property

Section 10 Determine Ownership Section 10 Execute a professional services contract with an independent appraiser if appraisals are needed

Section 10

Formally invite the property owner to accompany the appraiser during inspection of the property

Section 10

Obtain an appraisal or Written Opinion Section 10 Prepare and execute an Act of Sale Section 10 Provide a Statement of Settlement Costs to owner Section 10 Record any required documents Section 10 Maintain documents as described within Section 4 Section 4

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Involuntary Acquisition of Real Property Action Timing Reference Yes N/A Obtain approval from the OCD-DRU to purchase property above the market value

Section 10

Prepare and execute an Act of Sale Section 10 Provide a Statement of Settlement Costs to owner Section 10 For donated property, obtain a waiver of URA benefits from owner Section 10 For expropriation proceedings, contact the OCD-DRU and submit required forms (including if the “Quick-Take” process is used)

Section 10

Maintain documents as described within Section 4 Ongoing Section 4

3.13 Residential Permanent Relocation

Residential Permanent Relocation Action Timing Reference Yes N/A Provide Notice of Eligibility for Relocation Assistance

For each applicable property

Section 10 Send a HUD “When a Public Agency Acquires your Property” brochure to owner

Section 10

Send a copy of the Grievance Procedure taken from the grantee’s local Relocation Policy to owner

Section 10

Conduct interview and survey with each URA recipient Section 10 Locate and inspect replacement housing Section 10 Provide counseling and appropriate referrals to social service agencies

Section 10

Offer or pay for transportation (e.g., taxi, rental car) to inspect housing for all displaced persons

Section 10

Send 90-day Notice to Vacate Section 10 Provide permanent relocation benefits Section 10 Maintain documents as described within Section 4 Ongoing Section 4

3.14 Residential Temporary Relocation

Residential Temporary Relocation Action Timing Reference Yes N/A Send Notice of No displacement to tenant

For each applicable property

Section 10 Determine if relocation is needed Section 10 Send Temporary Relocation Notice Section 10 Inspect Temporary Relocation Unit Section 10 Provide temporary relocation benefits Section 10 Maintain documents as described within Section 4 Ongoing Section 4

3.15 Business Relocation

Business Relocation Action Timing Reference Yes N/A Provide General Information Notice to business to be displaced

For each applicable property

Section 10 Send HUD Information Booklet, Relocation Assistance to Displaced Businesses, NPOs, and Farms (HUD 1043-CPD)

Section 10

Send Notice of Relocation Eligibility Section 10 Provide business relocation benefits Section 10 Maintain documents as described within Section 4 Ongoing Section 4

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3.16 Property Management

Property Management Action Timing Reference Yes N/A Obtain title to property For all Section 11 Maintain adequate records documenting the proper use of property property

acquired/ purchased

Section 11 Conduct a physical inventory of the property at least once per year Section 11 Properly dispose of equipment Section 11 Document the proceeds of the sale of Disaster Recovery CDBG property as program income

Section 11 Request approval from OCD-DRU to use equipment acquired with DR-CDBG funds as a trade-in on replacement property

As needed

Section 11 N/AMaintain Property Control Tracking log Ongoing Section 11 Maintain documents as described within Section 4 Ongoing Section 4

3.17 Close-out

Close-out Action Timing Reference Yes N/A Conditional Close-out (for each project) Prepare Project Completion Report; submit 1 copy to OCD-DRU

For each project

Section 13 Receive Conditional Close-out Letter from the OCD-DRU Section 13

Final Close-out (for each project) Submit all financial reports to the OCD-DRU

For each Project

Section 13 Conduct an audit in accordance to Single Audit, if applicable Section 13 Receive Final Project Close-out Letter from the OCD-DRU Section 13

Dispose of all property accordingly

Ongoing Section 11 Section 13

Sample documents can be found in the Grantee Administrative Manual: