No Tears, Only Dreams

Post on 14-Aug-2015

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Transcript of No Tears, Only Dreams

Suit Man: So Mr. Anderson, I have your resume here...

Mr. Anderson: (inhale)

Mr. Anderson: (exhale)

Suit Man: It says here you have no work experience...

Suit Man: Yet you definitely have the right skills for the job...

Suit Man: However I'm not sure you're the man for the position.

Suit Man: We are looking for someone who has more...

Suit Man: ...experieen-

Suit Man: What the-?|

Suit Man: No!

Suit Man: No please!

Suit Man: What are you do-?!

Mr. Anderson: Ssshhhh...

Mr. Anderson: No tears.

Mr. Anderson Only dreams.

Old Spice Whistle