No. Nazi Big Guns Batter British Coast -...

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Transcript of No. Nazi Big Guns Batter British Coast -...

An Assoeldted PreiB NewBpaper THE TWIN FALLS NEW S TO D A Y:

U nsettled

Vol SS, N o. m T W IN F A L L S , ID A H O , FR ID A Y M O ltN IN G , A U G U S T 2^. 10.J0 Pricc Five Conts

Nazi Big Guns Batter British CoastCross-Channel Fire

Heralds New DriveHouse Moves for

Seizure by U. S. Of War Supplies

A ulhorizalion foi‘ M o b i l i z a l io n of N ational Guard N ears Final

■(Congressional Approval(By Tlie RiJvoclnlcd f

W ASH IN G TON , Aug. 22—T h e h o u se pushed th e -n a tlo n n ! e u a rd m o b ll lza llo n b ill to th e ve rge o f f ln n l conR re5;;ional a p ­p r o v a l 'to d a y -a n d th e n , quickly, vo te d to em pow er P r e s id e n t Roosevelt to s iezc for th is c o u n try 's u se m a ch ln c to o ls a n d oU ier w a r su p p lie s sold, b u t n o t y e t delivered, to fo re ig nn a tio n s ....... ...........- ............................................................ .. , .

T lw lA tte r m e a su re , w iilch now goes to th e s e n a te , w as a im e d n r l m a r l ^ u v _ a u n n t l t y of m a ch in e to o ls w h ich h a d b e e n so ld b u t w h ic h w ere b a rred from

■ 'export re c e n tly , u n d e r a p re s i­d e n tia l o rd e r , because I t was fe lt th e y w ere needed here .■mere WM no expcctnllon Uinl *1'® hill, ir flnnUy pixwcd, would tiitfr- tett, with tns flow of plsnn, miml- ttons and other mipplles to Orcil nrll-iln. ^

Vrar'nTTaJnlnt.Till- ncllon on Uir RUftrd nien-'Un

-mpowfirlnK the clilef fxectiUve tt eall oia 242,000 mlllUimien »nd ICO,- poo Brmy rcjervps for a yetir'* irnln- InK—conrS.itrd of a routine toW up* provlnit ihp mriuure lu revLietl to hriPB ll'e dlf/erlnK bills orlKlnnlly piiMVd by house and Mnnte Into ronformlly. Similar action bx :Mtinle will send llie leKWuUoii tlic Whlt« Hou.10 for Uie presldciil's

• \he stttRU holly tiwolvwl meanwhile, In an Increa-ilnsly »plf' Ucd and c*clt«l debate on tUo t/juo of draltlns clvUlan.n for mllllary tralnlnR. Scnntor BdiwuU ID- W}'B) bluntly ehargtd Use foci of Ui» draft with nilljailtrlnB. a el*te- mfnt lhe>' cmphaUcalljr denied.

6 n« to r Holt (0 -W.Vb) angrily a iierttd , U iat Uie Bdtnlni.itmtton wa* dellbcxnKly plannlnir to pu* Uie Cnltad Sifltca into the w and that dollar-n-year men were profit-. In* from contmctn.

Laah A •Otiiervlw. Uie h l(h jwln'ts of the

dltetualon eoiuUt«d of brief tpcechea by Brnator Aahunit (D-Ailt) and Senntor Dulow <D>SD). A.<ihurtt u> eerlM Ih j t the lejrt-'latlon u-puld '■fa.-'trn shaclclc.i on tJiU ‘country that win * u y forever."

"If you vole for a draft now," he ahoiil^. "you will ijrver live lone enouKli to rid yournelf of ihat i>ys- Irm."

IJiiIow awer^tpd th a t con.'.rriptlon would be a -Jatal experimmt."

At the name time Irale MMemcnts wert e'TchanKed In tJie hou« mill- tan" commltlec. m (iJ^oftlltlon de- *erit>ecl by Cljnlrman May (D-Ky) a.1 eonsWliifr of nepubUtftns and thrf« DtmocmlJi forced a pa^ljKint. mrtit of any furtlier ncllon on the draft bill until next week.

•ThB Rcpiibllcnns." May wild, •^•ant lo delay our bill Ull Uic ecn- ■te flnLihes wlUi Ifa blit. Tlin-e'ii a bunch of weaklliifu Tclio want to boflltc rejponrtWMW nnd hope Uiat tlie bill Kill be killed In t ie senate 10 Uiey won't hr\vc to do anj'tlilns.'

rCerUiiu.d on S, Colona »



Nominee Wants to ‘ M eet as Many People as


dfll I? .........make a 3JIOO-mlIe rampniKn loiir UirouRh IS statcj of the middle and far west.

After a conlereiicc with Clioinnau Joseph W. Marun of Hie nepubllciin naUornU eomtolttce. the presidential nominee announced Ihoi he would leave his trmpomrj- henclqtiartfni In Riishvllle. Ind.. Sept, H and would BO by special Iraln to Coffeyvlllc. Kas., where h# will open hln eam- palirn formMlr two day* later.

Wllllris said he probably would make seren ma)or »ddru.'e.% nnd be­tween laan 'd SS InformAl talka. Be- fltlet CoffryvlUe. the m/>ln npceche.1 u t expecUd to be »t 1/m AnRelca, San Pranetoco. . Portland. Seattle,

1 U.wn,in,mnke.hlx Qnal

addrcn of tha t trip at Detroit Sept.M 'r< n i. Cola>nm 1>


Wallace . Discusses. Acccptj ance Speech W ith



President Roosevelt and Pre­m ier Mackenzie Kino An­nounce Members and Slate First Meeting in Ottawa

K ocoveryWAnnEN. Pn.-T liere'a a slcam In

(he eye of Flrd Chlcf Douglai Kropf a Scotchman'who hates to lose any' tlllHK.

tjvst montlj. a big JLih broke away wlih hlj jiplnner. leader and hook.

The b th « day. 'a.hlle flilUni; nr« Uifl same place, Kropf hooked a 11 Inch biL<u In whaie mouth wa« tl: tackle he had

A t a P r ic eTOLSA-Anybody psiy i%

for the prlvllfRC can be a noloI.iM ‘ » nj-mphnny concert Friday niRlit.

O. P. Erickflon, eeaelary of the Intem»tlonal Barber Sliop Quartet Slnnrrs. uild: - If he can't slnit Ui< words, he can hum the w ns for $10.'

The quarteteen arc hclplnn the orehMtn Write off a deficit with benefit.

H a lf a V o te ’TOPEKA. K M .-O tto H. Klielht..

I . fl;u W t^ f f is t ie ie tf iw f le m ta a U c nomlnatien /o rg ta te senator byhalf a role.

_ Final reUims nave him S{3 -wme. In rolei, while 2 « ,0 i-n v e per cent of the party* total • vbl*—are rC' qulred.. “m e courta n n y have to dC' tide Kuelher'a^polltical fate.

F o r ft B irdLIKCOLN. Neb.—A *1,000 trunt

bum, T l« ln<;ora6 1» lo be Riven .. Marcaret Thombum. BliiRhnmptan, N. Y« a »liter-ln-5aw. aa long a i ihe takes care of the bird.

I P le n ty 'T ro n b loCRESTON. la,—Talk about dou­

ble trauble- Hoiner IbbotMn ran Into a n ttt ofi

bumble bee.1 while mowing hay.■nien he bowled-over a honey bee

hive. ,Ibbot-ion, and his two chlldres who

T«n t» U« rescue, »uJfertd leveifl .»Unp,

/ASHINOTON. Auk, 25 (VT) — President Roosevelt and hl.-i vice presidential runulne mat*!, Henr>- A, Wnllnce. announced today the ir flr.M ipeakins dales slifte their nom ina­tions lost mouth to head the 1040 Democratic ticket.

Except for Wallace’s acceptance adtIrt.<L3 a t Des Moines, a'weck from today, about which he conferred with the president during to day, the speeches — three- of them on Labor day, September J — wcr* de.icribed officially as "non-polltlc. al.“

Tlie White House announced tha t the chief executive would .dellve: two ■•lirler speeclie-i—one a t Chick amaiisa dam, Chattanooga. Tcnn.. Labor day morning, and the oUitT Umt Bftctnoon a t Newfound Gap. on the Tenne.we-North Carolina border, a t ceremonies fqrmally open Ins the great Gmok}- mountalna na> Uonal park.

On this snme trip, the president (ConUoMd 1.1. r .e . Colomii »'

Veterans A pprove Selective

DETROIT, AUR. 23 (,7>-CompuLi- ory mllltar>- tralnlne throuRli ne- lectlve draft was approved In a reso- luUon by United SpanLnh war vet- »rans concluding ihclr forty-.iecond annual encampmrnt here today.

The resolution al.'« ur^ed th a t all sdiooU. colleeea and universities supported wholly or In part by pub­lic fund.i be required to InsUtuU military training.

(Dy The A!l. Ocl:lt j J’rr.. W ASH IN O TON . Ai»;, 22—

P r e s id e n t n o a sev c lt m id P re ­m ie r M a ck e n zie K ing of C an­a d a a n n o u n c e d to n lg iit the 11 m e m b ers of th e pe rm iinen t Jo in t b o a rd of defen.^e for the U n ited S ta te s nnd C anada,

A s ta te m e n t relea.sed a t th e W hlt« H ouse said th e f irs t m e e tin g w ould be he ld In 01- tnwiir~Uifc dominion, next Monday

Tlie AmerlcaiM named were: Mayor Florfllo H. l^Ounrdla of

New Vork, pr«ldciii cif llie United Stales Conterencc ol Mayors,

Lieutenant Oriicr;il Stanley D. Eiiiblck. cominiindliiK llie m n l i

a wlUi licnil(iunrtcr."i at At- bn'ta, ,

Captain llarry W, llill of the United 'SWtcs navy. t,i>r pl:vnr. dl- ■lilon, office of Uie clilcf of luval

ojwratlona.Commander I’, Sl'crinan

of tiie United navy and IJcu- tenant Colonel J<v.rph T. McNarney of the army nir cori», who will al- temntc. one r.lttUiK UurlnK dl!j;ur.\lorv

'al problems nnrt Uie other sit­ting for army nlr problems.

Jolm D. llickPrton. a.vsblnnt chief of Uie Euroiieftn affairs division of Jie slato dcpartnicat, who will be lecretary of the American secUon of Uic board.

Tlio board will itudy Joint Cnn- adlnn-Amertoii defense problfms. During Uie ilay. Pre»ldent Rooieveli dhcuwcd wlUi hlsti offlcliU Great Britain’s proposal lo lease Naval and ale bwea In Uic weilero IwraUpUer* to U4j .country. , : • '

Prior I d Uie conference, it had been understood that plana to t ae- cepUng the propoua! were about complete. In fact, E.uly told news­men tha t Mr. Roosevelt hoped to have an snnouncement after the meetliuc.

Tliere'.wa.' some Jiieculatlon tliat a decL lon on the Brlll.Mi offer miRht be wiiiounced toniormw when Uie prc.^Ident will meet with newsmen: a t Ills regular Friday prerj confer-'

If 'so, It was believed th i^ Miere probnhljt would bo some wonlAlso on thn qur;:llon of selling DrltalM some of llie Unllwl 6lale.i' old World war der.troycrs. Early was asked whether the dt.slroyer que.stlon dlscas-sed at today's meetlnH. and said that he did not know.

Life Risked for This

Ball(M-it‘s Reported in lllcaA v Explosives Fall I’lacc Along Coast | in llaid on Fashion-

of France ahlcLoudonniv T)ie AS'Oclnlrt) Pir--,.

B E R L IN , Aim. 22—G erm an lunn' r ;u ii;e ShellliiK ncro:;.s th e rhftn iicl i.% re a d y lo hcKlii fu ll fo rc e bom bhrdm oiil th a t w ill p u l tho e n t i r e c h a n n c l In G erm ati c o n tro l ; ;u i - t l io rl tn tlv i; G e rm a n .^ourcM .^nld ton lc .h t.

w ell In fo rm rd B e rlin news c o n irn e n ta ry D lvnsl iiii.' D ctit'^chland .'iaid todiiy'.s ' n u H V flndhiK n n d i)r;ictlce shelllnR ’' lndlc.ili?d t h a t

c h a n n c l- . 'ip la tle r ln g b.itlcry po.'illlon:; b e e n com pleted alonK th e . o f

AN ASSOCIATED I-IIE.SS CASJEBAMA. i' was under mael.lnc from «hlf Jonkera M dire bomber u he pliotntraplieU It wmewhere on the wu(hra.Ht roast of Entland. -Pili exclusive picture — from London lo New York — U llif closest view ever made of a N’aii raider on attack. Tented object al Ihe left l« a camouflafed aircraft posL________________________________________ ,

Japan Shifts Envoys T

With Recall OrdersW holesale Shake-,Up Term ed P relude to

‘Diplomatic Offensive'

A r^ c i iti i ie G liief Q u its X Jiulcr F ir e

DUEU03'AIRES, AUR. 22 (,T>— Stuni; by a senate InvestlRatlon of n hiKh-prlred land purchase which •■Inipllenied me wlUiout namlni: me," •ArRcntlna’s ailing President Roberto M, Ortli re.tlgned today. preclpltfttlnR a political crisis In which obsen’ers expressed fear of

pov'lble temporary dictatorship In the offing. ■

But Ortlx’s supporters Immediate­ly beRan a taHvpalI^^ for a JrtnV w pre.vslonal a.viembly lo give him .. vote of cmifldcnce, thus rejecting hLi reslRnatloit

Ortls hlm-self was not mentioned In Uie committed'.'' Hndlngs but two of his cabinet members. War Mln- Liter General Carlos Marques and Finance Minister Pedro Oroppo.

atUicked,_.,e controversy arase over the

purchase of land for El Palomar air­drome a t a price of 3,4S0JO3 pesos (about »(!12,000) which the commit- Ire declared wa.1 five times It-i aC' tual worth, and ehanted the war tmc finance mlnLitcrs were negligent,

Undrr the cnrwlltullon, executive , jwer pas-ses Into the hands of Vice- President Ramon CasUllo, But Uirre have been persLstent report* IndlcnUiTR other developments might be Impending, wim perhaps cliaiiges In Argentina's representaUve form of govcmmcnt should Ortli re.slgn.

Aerial Mappers Rfititirifi to Air , With Plane Repaifsi^wnpletejT

•Witli an overhaul and repair Job completed on Uie molor of their Fairchild .aerial survey plane. Pilot

of ft pet p-irrot Is Don Carxllff and hU pWilliam’ Webber, agiiln look off for

Ku« siib-stmtosphert ywtcftlay tocontinue mapping the Snake riverralle)'.

Th# pair were forced down a t tiie Quhl field a few weeks ago when the motor blew a cylinder a t 25.000 foc}- T. T. CaRje, Twin Palls airport m na- iger uid: holder of both a iDd engine Ucenu from' the federal government, was put In comp!ot« cliarg# of the ahlp. Ho removed Hio motor and brought H to the local airport to work on lU ImtaJUng new connecUng rods, t new heafl and a new ersnksbaft.

Cagle Installed the motor a t Duhl Wednesday, and Cardiff returtied the plane lo the airport here that evening, making furUier flight tests yesterday.' The Fairchild is an eight-place monoplane, powered with a 450-honepower motor and capable of flying aboi-o 2i.000 feet. I t Is owned by Watson AlrfoCos, Inc., Long Beach, Calif.

Federal department of agriculture. AJiJi.. has contracted the fllen lo plioK«raph the agricultural areas In. Twin Falls, Jerome. Qoodlng. Mini­doka and CasslA counties.' The camera usW Is a Fairchild mlUfary type weighing 70 pounds and taking n o Individual pictures on a 'ro ll of film nine laches wide and 7S feet lonif. Operation of the camera Is au- tamaUe.

(By Tlie A.i.'WClftlcd Prerj)TO KY O , A u g . 22—J a p a n recalled h e r a m b ass a d o r to th e

U n ited S ta te s d n d a sm all a rm y of d lp lo m atb U ^ .an d ro iv iu lar official*! f ro m t h e w eslern w orld a n d el.'sewhere to n lR h l In w h a t th e D o m c l (Jap a n ese ) news ag en cy dc-scrlbed a.-! tlie prc' lude to " a d ip lo m a ti c offensive."

No p o sts In a x is co u n tries. G re a t B r ita in o r Ru.y>la w ere d is­tu rb ed , b u t t h e o rd e rs a ffcc ted v ir tu a lly a l! th e A m ericas, key n o n -b e l l ig e r e n t p o in ts In Europe a n d B e m p ire o u t­

post,';. W h e n rep lacem en t5 w ould b e m a d e w as n o t m ade •clear.

T lie w h o le sa le s h a k e -u p was ordered by Yc«.utc Mrvt-iuoka, Orr- ROii'cducatcd. natlofiAll.'.llc forclRn minister In Uie totAlltarlnn govern- mftil of Prince Fuiiiimaro Konoyc.

DicrRCtlc Matsuokn already Im- said thnl he U.koUik to brook ik "toadyLsm" In tlie diplomacy of the nejv order In Japan. lObter^crs noted tliat the ouUtaiidinR llsures recalled were old-line diplomats wiUi ■ broad. International ouUook, and consld^red It likely tliey would be replaced by, men of the agKrc.'-'lve. natlonnllsUc school.)

Heading the Ib t of recalled ins Kcimuke Horinouchl, loft- p o k e n amba.sMdor to Wiuli-

Ington.for two years,Horlnouclil long has Dccn crlilcl:-

International M aster Mind Believed Back of


^^EX1C0’ CITY. Aug, 2i m - Mexican police, dcclaripg they be­lieved nn •‘Intem ntional nu.’.irr mind" was behind Uie a.vwisln»tloii of Leon TVoLsky, maintained con limit guard tonlRht o\'er both tVi# ;onfc.vMt lusMsIn, FVank Ji and hU Brooklj-n, N. Y„ friend. Sylvia Ageloff.

They held boUi Incommunlcario. but permitted A rtJiur P. Sliaw, the Amerlcftn consul, to Interview the

i;l, Sliaw found h e r hysterlcsl. A-Vioclates of Trotsky said tliey

belleve<l MLs.s AReloff was an "Inno- tool" of Jackson, but Cdl.

dnrsnnchps Salnzar. chief Af scrrrt sen'lce. said liLs InvestlRatlon of the ywms T.oman wws Incomplete. The girl, who Introduced Jackson 1< Trotskj’, Insists she had no knowl­edge Uiftt Jackson planned to kli: him or Uiat she knew he was-a Sov- Wt Bgent. .

In rollc« liotpltal Ten police w e» ffuaminR JncUon

In the police haspltnl where TrotsHy died, to prevent cither

1 his life or a suicide MW Ageloff, arrested when ilie

_.Tlved a t Trotskj-'a home noon.oltrr Jackson had a ttacked Uie old' Dol- slicvlst VltJi a pickax Tuciday, wa; Ukewlso euarded. sometimes In (hi H o n i t^ BOmepne* la her. hotel,

MeaiiwhHeliuUiorltlca stated iJist. despite several versions of Jactson's .................. he had Xmittd fliatwcltbenalilp papem when h» vlslled Mexico In IC38 and 1S39, although he suhseoueotly entered a r o ' adlan. r

Alether's U fe a t Slake (Hi Chicago, A lbert aoldmwi.

Trotsky's 'American nttoniey. said Jackson, also known os Jasqiic: Vandendrelschd. had-adm itted , "he was ortlered by th e OOPO to Ull Trotsky or forfeit the life of hU moUier In Russia." In New York, Alexander Kerenslcy. head of tlie nvolutlonaiT Rovemment w h ic h overthrew Ui# Russian = a r, itgrted ■Stalin dictated Trotakj-** death." but declared T rotsky himself was "the mtvil merciless o f a ll Bolshevist terrorlat*-<Iead by th e same mtsnshe St 1.")

• many Influential Japn: assert th a t he failed to prevent eral developnTents in Washington considered Inimical to .Japan 's In­terests, sucli as ahrocatlon of Uie



Twin Falls Pounds- Bowen While Hayes Subdues

League Leaders

Plonew L*««ue SU ndlnn

........ S 5?67 .,491.

Krtn_FalU__ : ______44 63 J69

FHday's Probable Pllehrn Salt Lake a t Bolsr. e:30-RLsUu

(l«-7) vs. M entz (^-7 ),Idaho FaUs a t I'tvln FalU, 8:l&-

Pltter (2.2) vs. RoRcrs (&-4).Ogden At Pocat«lla. 8:l&—Slone

C«-<i vs, SaiKlet td-W).

Damon Hayes scattered six hits and jtm ck out i i baUmen to pitch Twin FaUs to a 7 to 1 Pioneer base* ball league victory over Salt Lake City hero last night, the Cowboys* lone vlcUJ^- Ui thelc tliree-gnme ser­ies with the Dees.

Uie Bees scored Uielr tally In the fifth on a Jingle by Freddie Monaco

tid a double by Charley Hensoa ITie Cowtxjys. meanwhile, were

finding the pitching of Jack Bowen pretty much to their liking. . Peto

(CootlaiMd aa P m t. Colaaa »


"U: iriliiR of nri| itiir<I "

cnliiK proi>onioivs" ••viiii nic DrlMol llfrllnr for .•.tipplir:. Imm the United

on tlip nniW i < commnndiiiR major iiiici

MltlMV, ■II oU'.oilor <llly . the Gc.'rii\:ui Uifoniu drclnrrd, iiltemptliiK to clcon mines laid by Gcriii.m pliincs. iwtcp'-r:. werr ,said abo lo be ployed now lui pilot boat.s for ii chantmcn.

nelaxins her iicrlul -slr£c. Germany kept m ast of her millury air powti Kroundt'd durlnR the dny. sRaln ol>- stalalU £_from —luaii-bomliliiR-nl- t.ick.s Bucli os la-sl werk'K but slie claimed a loll from "Uie u-sual armfd recoiinaU-mnce,


Production Goals Depend on Outcome of, Economic'

Phases o f WarWASHINGTON. Aug. 23 M t-Tli.

iKrlculUire departm ent drcldrd n await developments In Kuropfs

food blockade before er.tnbll.shinc production gools for agrlcultii year.

Secretary Wallace apiirovrd the framework for 1041 crop cnnirol proRrams, b u t,In Ihe esse o major crop-t he left for Int clslon the acreace which ilin AAA will recommcnd for plantlnK. Only the national scedlnR rmI (or whtat has tjcni determ ined .'

Officials empha,nlsed tliat resulu r the Brltlsl) and German block'

adrs'-thls fall would have an Im. portant bearing on nest yrar's acre,

se allotments.Should G reat Britain maintain

pre.sent bars aca lnst slilpuicnt of atrriculturBrproducts to continental Europe. Uierc would be lime need, they sa id ., o L esptuidlnR Amerlc.m prwlucUon toiyond pre.senl levels. Should G ehnany 's newly proclaimfd blockade o f th e Briash Islrs prove effective. I t m ight be advl«hle. offl-

nls said, to ask farmers to wed less t -t year.Ehould tliB blockades br

largo m arkets would most likely bn reopened In Europe because of .slinrl croia In Uie wnrtom countrlirs. Such n development, offlclalx rjld, might make It advl.sable to eipnnd American production next year.

As under Uie 1030 and t« 0 farm programs, farm em will be nffered benefit paj-m ents for planUng with­in plantlni; nllotments and for fol­lowing soll-conservlng and building pracUces recommended bj- the d«' portment.


federal reserve board ssld tonlRht lendable excess reserves cf banks In­creased |30,000.tx» to a total of M. 430,000,000 In. Uie week ended Aug­ust 31.

A* In preceding weeks. Uie guln .TM •

Inleriialional Al a Ghuiee

rliannpl warfrun

.'.hornt:li ccm.M lr>'

(in tliiKll!.!!I <ouviiy, then ojk-u lull to; b«i:iiljardnirnl of KniTlan i.-.l coast; Brlllsli dlvc-boir kp back to i.lleiire nuns; Br

Wi rci>ort more than 1,0CX) Opmmn planes downed nlnrc air riilds ot EnKlaml Kiilnrd forcc June 18

IMfdllerfanean:EKVpt, iieu lm l but wuiclilul, Mil/l.' iOl)(le-<ilvlMon-'CpT'or.ltr'tl.nlWn'fOn' ■ntratloij nIonR l.lUyan frontltr: rltlili bonU^rs h it M Italian all nd. land force biu-.e.s; Italy rejvirli

Itrltlsh subiiiarltie Miilk, deMroyrr KrrpedorO and two crufers bombed.

Off U .e'TljiM Int r/»fil: • ' ArRpiitliin'K ailing president, H'o-

berto M O rtiz, resiRns In rift m’tr land piircha-'c scnndnl, Rlvlng lo h lnu nation iniRlit swing to dlctS' torship. b u t frirndr. :^y vote of con' Ildence will rc tu n i tilm to ofnce.

Japan rec.ill.i amb.w ador to Unlt- :l Slates and htvsi of other dlplo-

mats In move coinldered preliml- nary to ."d ip lom atic offensive" ,U attain alm s in A.'.ln.

HoiLse Bpwds rt-drafted U, S. na Uonal guard moblllutlon bill toward enactment and volts to empower president to spIip for American iisj war suppllci sold but not yet deliv­ered abroad.

(1)> 'ni-- A!.v«:i;ilpd Prr-.siLONDON, AIIK. 2? (Fric luy)— G e r m a n n lR h t

ra ider;, were rcpo rlcd lo tiay to h a v e .-Jtruck w ith in th e c ity lim its o f L ondon In a qu ic k fo llow -iip of Ihe Nazi .show o t p o w e r . c ro ;« -c h a i\n c l sliclUm; w h ich b a t te r e d tH « ' D over b rldcc liead to Invn.slon o f E n p la n d ,

F o r th re e (iiiarteps of a n h o u r th e popula!- tlo n — t!in;;e wlio w a tc h in g th e f i r e ­work.'; Id huddlliiK In a ir ra id s h e l i c r s —h e a r d th e In te rm it te n t n im b le o f e x p lo d ln c b o m b s .

'.lie dc/pis.il7C iliiindprlni: of anU- lircraft Runs and wairlied Uie weird of llntits nrHl rsplotllng sliells>Rain.M me .Iky.

.Sltr.t ol Uip bombs apjieured to :iavp Inlli-ii on the we.'.tem outskirts .

tUy bill llitrp urTe explosions which !.frme<l lo com '' from Lon- <l(in’:.,i)oiniloiiii nnd fashionable west

pr Hears Brunt 'did not dlii.v.iry tlie raid Uilni;," Tlipy caUed It » iiffalr.back lo nlr iittack came

;hc biitilr of Bnuiin took a I—lontj fanKr sliell* of Eng- iutlli' coast drfcn-'cs In bardinem.s by Nail batteries

•t«l Rltitii; 30 tnllvr. of FrcQCh I imm Ciilnls to BoulORne. jvi r borp Uir bn in t of Uie ahell- but explosives hurled iicross Uie

chiinncl Tjilattcred other sections of

G erm ans Ddpry Britain^s Claims

•BERLIN. Au«. 22 (iTt <vla-radio)— BrlUsli clnlms U iat she soon would surpass G erm any In airplane pro- ducUbn were dl.’4iil'.''cd os propa- Rtinda todaj- by Major Von SleRler. a German n lr force officer, who de- elared G erm an Information corrob­orated by document.s discovered In France d e arly .shows 'tim e Is not working for. bu t apalnst Fjigland."

ConctroinK Brlllsli: Malemcntj lat her p lanU nro producing 1.00(

planes.per m onth, the ofnccr dc- claretl the BrHWi must be counthig "ereo'thlnjj wlUi wings." Including

‘machfnes u n f it for wsr purposes.

G reece o u Alert F o r A ir Raiders

ATHENS, Aug. 23 (-II — Air raid wardens pntroled Uie Greek coast lonlRhl. w atchfu l, waiting, as Uic l(t^*<piment officially termed Italian charges of te rrorism along the AI. bsnlan fron tier "a fanta-stlc Inven- llon."

Indlcatloru th a t conUnued Italian pressure la c.Mwlng Greece to pre­pare swUtlj' fo r any turn of events

seen In lengthy conferences . and tonlK ht betweeji Premier

General Jo h n MetAxas and his army genera! staff.


Aug. a u D — U s l i t snow flakes fell ^top Pike* peak today biit melted os'

m as U ie y h lt the splintered recks ... Uie 1 4 .n Q -f^ sm n m lL T h e Um- peratutv' a t th e summit was freeHni;-------------------- - - n = = u

Tourists Call for Help When Big Auiriial Invades Ti’ailer

SAN RAFAEL. C alif, Aug. 23 —PmnUc calU for, help shocked motorist Into activity early today and he raced to the police' staUon for help.

The cries, h e said, came from s trailer, parked w ith a car a t a road­side off th e m ain hlghws)'. He had caught a Bllmpse of someone'moving around outside Uie trailer, he told Patrolman M ax Brice.

Brice grabbed a shotgun and flashlight an d , the^ s p ^ back to Uie trailer. T im e had not diminished

.the volume of th e (houu for aid.

-■Come out. o r IT l ahoot." cried Ot- fleer Brlco. T here was no .reacUan lo the challenge.

He repeated the order, tbea Hashed h is U eht towanl the front of the trailer. Slinking In i b e ^ was a bis black bear, which p%Bs«d only a m om ent before sprlnUD^ to* ward the blBf.

The occupants o f the trailer, Ur. and U n . Ohacles Hendkrwn. elder* I j lourista from sprinffleld. HL « tt« Jiui a s alaxlotu to c e t ou t of that neighborhood a s the bear. *nn ; persuaded Brlcp to belp Utem pack, and sped o o r th w trd .


Uip ITlip Uritlsh su-uck back wlUi dive

bombeni alMioi ut slleiicUig Uie Runs , line thpir carefully prc-

psrrrt‘ prapInctnieiit.H^----------Offidal quarters &ald the Britisli

foiuiier-blows were with bombers only, and th a t Uierc had been no artlllcrj' duel acrors the wat^r.

Big JlerUis* Iti Aeyop. ' • ■ hcuvj-t Ofrman 'gofis shaCw?Uie coflst twice. They resumed. Utelr bombardment, Isle Inst nlghC a fte r havlnR bcrn silenced for half an . hour by couuler-attncklng British bombers. From the Na*l-hold French cn.x-.t Uiey sent five shells ■

the EiiRllih channel In as many inlnuies,

Tlipn, llie RAF bombers roared over to deliver a second and even fiercer attack. While Nazi anU- sltcnvft guns barked a lm u t Inces* s.mtly.

German plants ali.0 were over tho DrlU-Ji coast and some onlookers in Ihe Dover area mlMook nnU-alrcraft fire for a counter bombardm ent by >linhi's big coastal suns..British coftslal artim In Uie region

r Kenl—county In whicli Uie chon-;(ConUsutd on I'w* t . CoIgbb I)


Mobile Division Moves to* Frontier, Ready to Fight

If Attacked

CAIRO, Ecypt. AUK.,23 («>-N eu- ■ iral but Invoslon-coiisclous Egypt shifted a mobile division today to Italy's Libyan frontier, where Brit*- Mi airmen reported striking U ar- .slial Rodolfo O ratlanrs western des­ert offemlve prepamUons another heavy blow by bombing and Hrtn« Italian supply bases, airdromes and aircraft,

Tlie government had made It clear Egypt will no t ttrikc first, despite demands ot soms InOuenUal po- llUcal leaderj lor Immedlati en­trance Into lh» war oo Britain 'i side. I •

rill not alUick." said W ar Kllnlster KeLuy Paslia, "but if v t

atUcked wt will /igh t' alonjt- ouf ally. BnuOn. for the pro-

tecUon of our country."T h t BrtUsh were delighted b r th*

-conUaual headache” they cal4 their filers w en giving M arshal Oraslanl by • Uielr almpit d a l lr a tta t la o o . , hla Ubyan't(Mt»--»ihW (h-tW Br«Hi'r- 10 keep ihlfUng -hi* trdopd. a sd '*rplp. __Nave oU Uinks were n t biailng; '

Uer, * tseaplane Jetty w u cnmahed a t near-, by' Bomba. Three pU nes wer« n - ported bUIy datnsced a t U u desert., base of Eltffliml. and lowHiwy fltlda . a t Tobnik and n A4e a were pitted. -

(The Italian hl(t> coounand tlM td two BrtUih c ru Jie ti "h lt peatedly’ by bonbs In u t i r a t - .

boat sank a nbm arlae , and atarlne torpedoed a dertRQW to .'i U>e Htme icfieB .-tbe Ititlan* > potwdJ

ItM Motb A&leaB s i r to m , !>. tlB«, Ir«m K e w v jo m b o d

.jjUq, in -n a l tin JOtadiUliad. — tb« oM A r «eu U r-p o lo t o t U to prerem tha J t a l t u u . l b s n 1 — .... MtUn« set for 007 f ttr tu tra .iea q a f ;.^® aeron ttis Oulf of Adaa ic a li tit ttw:V. r BrtUsb-beld Up of


E W S A MS ir Oliver Lodge Plans to

Communicate From Infinity

LONE>ON. Aue. a (/JV-Sir Oliver liOdjf. Uif cmliiPiit scltnllst. inven­tor and aplrUunlLit.dlKl uxl;iy At 80. (TDtns on to uhnt tie had callcd merely one more ncli rnlurc and letiv* tns bclvlnd a Afiilrd mesiftB* “>'• \touncluK Ills plan lo communlcaie trom Infinity wlUi those on earth.

T3ili Inst challenge of a vlgorom old m ln d -« mind that hud m^rto notable conlrlljiilloru lo physlM and Uic nalunil sclriic*^, had Krently au tite d in liie rtevelopmrnl of wlre- Uss and the rndlo, and Uicn hod taken Ihe plunt;e into the c(«mle aecreCa of elcm liy—*•a^ left wUli the Society lor Pi.ychlcnl Rcscarcli. Sir Oliver, wtio (lied ti-i iiii.Tfnild mi he had lived ttmon« the niishty mys- tefle* Ihnt liaveeiaj’‘t’*"l mankind throuKh nil tlir cm iurlei. promLird Tfhem ho hnndod ovrr the m e.m te:

. , W ien Lie rlsh l people are slttlfiB wltn fh r medium. I shall lr>' to Klve them n«e. Bui li mlRhl tjike aa loni: as a ycnr. I Rliall not Ket anyiiunt; done In n hurry."

S ir Oliver'* mra.«SB wa-i occom- panlcd by a wriM of nenlnl envel­ope*. to be opened one ^ v a time a t seance* to be held a t stated In- ten-ab. ;

Career Closes

KIK OI.IVKK LODGE, eminent »cl- rnliit. illei at fl'>. {olnr on what

' he leTTtieO ‘rnfrfly ene more



(OtillnueJ frrm r»»« Oiifl. ncl port of Dover li j t tu a tc d - i

heavily ilielled.AuUioriWtlve periona Ui London

decJcuTd. houcvcr. IJitil Uie Nazi al- ta tk ■with cuna n-aa " b whsW ot lim f." eontendlnic Uiat It ha4 worth-while mllltar)' object.

More diimaBc could be done ba-nb*. they »ald. addins th a t * altell fired from a dLitjuicc equivalent to tfiB croM-«hannel ran^e of 20-odd mUe* had- only four ppr cen t of

• bomb'i hurjU nj power.W ar P lane i'C ath tr

■ While Uil? lonR-ranfie .aSielSlnj grew In intflnalty, Oerman plane* were reported In ffreat i ben crver Dril&ln—in the sou theu t, Ui9 southwest. Uie nonheoal, the aorthweat and W alsh-dlstrtctsr"

Thera m-ere costialtle.i-from the ahellluR—none knew Just how moijy. Several bu ild ing wtre hit, Indudinit a church and IL.i vlciu-uRe. fron> Vhjch 'th e rector wai brouKhl forth

' b o '» »ifetcber.H io OerAmn artillery teemed

' timined purOnilorly on Dover—UJi toanae l port Just n milei from Nasi base* in Kranee,. Bl* formation* of BrlU^,h bombers lK»eid their swift couhter-aJuauJt all along Uie Frcnch cooat from Culaii, Jurt ocroM from Dover, to Boulofme. aiming their bomb load* a t the.sun

■ flaihea, ' ~nomberv, lU tU rles C lu h

N ear CnliUs. Britbh bombvr.i and Oermnn Witlerle.i fousht ti .-ppeclnc' iiiar enKaceracnt and violent ■ ex ploslon-i from th a t section of tin Qerman-occuplcd shore coulil 1>< heard for miles. Tlie «ky wiw aljEht with tracer bullets, flares and plodlnu bombs.

The fla.iJic.1 of Gcrjnmi auu- f r t f t Jheils looked from afar Jlghlnlni; bugs on a sAimmer nlch

I t was a. resumption of heai7 ihelllnK which earlier In Uie day hud rnked the BnBlWi cJionnel from Kun-emplacemenlA alons th e French coast on ■ stretch of 30-odd miles from Calais to Boiilofnie.

T lnit attack w m cenlcred upon mlle-Icmg convoy of vital BrlU'h uhlpplnK In the cJiannel, and It was offlclnlly declare<l tiiat not a vessel was hit.

Tlin sfvond artlllerr atlnck from acrcvu tlie ehnnni'l wiu lowed i ■bout Uie same time th a t Nn bombers retumerl In force 'for tli first outbrcftk of lar(:r-.->cale nerial w arfare in Uirre dny.v

At least 100 iliplls were fired In 111" first bombardmrnt and in O ennan dive-bomber attork tj /ollowed one Of the Stiil[ft.s was ^hol

• doaii.ToniRht. Uie admlmlty and air

m inistry dectored officially In a Joint communique Umt n rltjier Uie convoy nor Uie naval eicort suffered » slncle hit.

The Stuka wii* an Im iw ta jit bag, for It brouitht to a round 1,000 the British flKUrt of the number of Oer- m an planes destroy«I for certain alnce Uie inten.'.lflMi rlr w/ir on about Uir BrllL'ai t^Ies un-s loosed June l a

At the nelKht of Uie action, BridOi warships threw a smolco

• acrten about Uie convoy—a screen th a t apparently saved it.

S Jiriners Slate R e so rt Jam boree

F irst annuiil Shriners" Surv ValU. JnmbOTce will be held, at Uie report on Noiv. 21 and 22 wiUi K1 Koral) lodffo of Twin Palls len-iHK lu host lodse, Mnyor Joe Koehler reported y e s le rd a i ',/’ . '

K o ch l^ re tu m etl Wedne.vUiy from S alt ■fe3ac'(r.t:iy - j thcn i-h»:^PTOna*«r an InvltaUen to m eaibiis or Uic a

. K olaha lodse to attend Uie jam- boreer A ipecinl tra in from S ait Lake City I* planned for the event, he aaid, •

The S h rinen will , headquarter at Ihe lodge a t Sun Valley.

C ontest W inners D e p a r t on T r ip

W inners In a‘ six-state contest, U r. a n d M n . Robert Davenport. Jerome, and John Balseh a nd ' his non. John K . Baisch. leffye.sterday for &an rrancisco wlUi all expertsu paid bjr the Utilon OU company.

Mr. Davenport,. Dsion Oil dealer, won the *lx*itaie M m t«t fo r liarln* the h fghett percenUse of oU aalet In ratio to faUons of gasoUne aold. Mr. Balach 1* manager of the dU- W et to ■wWth lh » eontejt wvnntr U m .

Committee at Odds* Over.Proposed Excess P ro f­

its Levy

WASlUNCiTOM, Aus, ^2 m - Members of llic house ways and meam committee reported tonight that dliseiulon inihln Uie commlt-

■e over tile proiw.rd cxce.ui proflta IX had KroH-n to Uie point wliere inythlnjr can Happen."Oppa^ltlon tt'ithlii the Kcpubllciin

minority on Uie committee cn-s- tallied at an Informal merUnK held prior lo the first committee session today. Some Republicans aald Uiai all save poulbly one of the ir num­ber »-ould oppose the tax In Ita pres­ent form 'and that several Demo-

-au had Joined In the flEht.Chairman DouRhton tO-NCl min­

imised the dlsscn.slon w ithin tlie croup but as.serted Uiere h a d been claims Uiat llii< tax formulae dis­criminated in favor of »om«

SEIZURE EAVOREO'CcntlnuH from On'l

Dowiito»-n, meanwhile. General QeorKe C. Marsliall. Uie a n n y 'i chief of staff, told a group of newspapei nen that tiie*wah department hf ■plenty of material" for Uie tralnliiB

of ail the men wiio would be called Jiider Uie pendinc con.icrlptlon

leRLsIatlon, Tills queMloii had beer jwlntwlly raised tn Uie senate by op. iwnents of tJie measure.

the same Ume, the Ju.nUl-c dp- psrtmrnt asked Uie supreme court to pau upon two suits datinR back to Uie World war, eonccrnlni: leRfd cxces.t proflta paid to .. claimed by Uie - BeUilchem Qlilp- bulltllnR company. Tlie Rovemnient's petition said tha t In view of Uie de­fense profram it was of naUonal concern that the court determli

he extent to which the countrj-’a 'fd siioiild place the ROvrmment

the mercy of ltJ< co:itnictors '

O iit in R unn ing "For School B oardT«-o membeni of Twin Fnlla Inrti

pendent school dLstrlct board ai lo b« cho,sen a t an election ncJ Sept. 3. openlnji day of a new schO'..

but only one candidate had nominated evenlnR. Nomi-

naUon* ara .to close next Tuesday •'•tnlns.

A candidate for reelectlo’n l.s Ralph Pink. compleUnit Ills first tlireo-year

aporsc J, Ward, now complrtlnR •ecomJ-Vrm. has declllied to .vi

ilectlon. oUier board members

Freiicli M inister Assails B ritain

VICHY. Prance. Aur. J3 (,T) _ Britain's blockade of Europe wn Sranded tonlRhl by the forelsn mtn isfer of her former ally as "nn In ■ timan dlctntorshlp of famine."

Paul nAiidoutn, forelRn nilnUter In Uic Kovemmcnt o( mr& liol Pr- tntn, declared In a speech tlin t Win ston Churchill had committed "ai act of hostility aRalnst Prance b] his statempiii Tue.iday that no foo< would be permitted to th e Brit­ish naval barrier fn.Nril.conquered

•The i=Yen(!h (toveniment will not bow before this decision." rj\td Dau- douln, "It mii't do ever>'thtnR In Its power 10 save thin country from hiinper." . _

•Bftuiiouln did , nnt'- say dhccily ^ance jilsnnert - '

B rita in T)eveIops Aerial Battlesiii])

LONDOS, MiR, 2: i/IV-Brltnln has x.eveloped 1> new Iwmber-flchier plane—a "bsttle.ship of Uie nlr"—and

Is reported tlmt orders fo r some ave been plared In Canada.Sp«lficiitions of performance, de-

*l«n. armament and armor are secret but the plane li described ns "sl- KiinUc" aiUi extra lonR range and almost Imprejnnbie to ordinary de- leiuie lire.

F o r a T (w ly S n n c k , '•Aften the Show or Dance

Drop Into theM ID G E T C O F F E E S H O P

*49 stain Ave. Weil


'(r.inuniiM''(rr'n r ti* Oii') Kushe^ led the cloutcrs w ith three safeties. Johnny Amerlch hit n double and a single. E m le Bishop produord a pair of one-basKcr* and aUogellier the Cowboys 'smacked nine hits.

Bl'linp « t a new league record for Jtolen b.iies by sleallng four times. He went from first to home by tlir pil/ennR route on one oc- ca*loii.

T«ln Palls marched to a two-run lead In the first frame. AI Marciil

nerted for two bases and he was :led to ihird 'by DLiViop. At that

point the txiys pulled a double steal or the first run. Bishop pilfered moUier bac to read) third nnd Ea- walked. After IlURlies had popixd out Bill Randall lifted a fly liat enabled Dlshop to score,Tlie Cowboy* manufactured four

■uns In the second out of three tln- :les, a walk, a Salt Lake error, a .acrmte, ai-ifl th e thirtl ot Bishop'* amatlnc .steals. Tlie aecond Nicker robbed his way home for Uie fourth ally.Seventh nnd last run tn the Co»--

was dinlked up In the :Ui, Blsliop taking a walk and irlnt: on lliiRhes' double.T»-ln Palls plays hast to the Ids

Tlie Salt Lakers move to Boise oi>en a Utree-game stand against the second-place Pilots,



liiihl to B id for I.O.O.F. M eeting

Members 01 the Buhl 1, 0 , O, P, loJce are starting a eumpalgn to cb- Util Uie a rn iid LodKe meeting for Jliilil next year, it wns announced in ’Iv in y»lls last night.

II ^uccr'Iul In the attem pt lo - talii the ronvenUon. the Buhl lodfie will make arranscm cnts to hold meetings In Uie Ta-in Palis hall, esld Clyde Hlckok, reporter for Uie IdmI club. Oeorce LcUi of BuhX grand wnnlen of Uie om anitatlon. will b« Ri lul m aitrr next year, he pointed out.

liiihl nnd Tv,in Falls Odd Fellow tttll iiR-ri here a t 8 p, m, Tliumdsy. Aiit;. -'J to discuss plans for bringing th r ronveiitloii to Buhl, Program and refreshments a re planned. Itlc- kok U chairman of th e refreshment

Otand lodge meeting for Uiis year i. scheduled to be held At Orancc ville Oct. IS and 10.

{■rrhl. lUl'hrtl. Sirriflrt— 1»M hlU—V>rrhl, It'Kian. iihx. Culnllnl. lUl/Mt. K-U<nilall, Mirrht. Endmi,

R u s s e ts 6 , B o d i 4IDAHO FALLS. AUg. 22 (,TV-1he

Idalio Palls Russets overcami early Ogden lead to defeat th e Reds i Ui i litre UmVRht and Ttfialn third place in Pioneer baseball league sundliigs.

Osrten built up a 3 lo 0 lead In Uie fourth Inning but the Ruaseta right back to score, two In the flfUi and three In the sliUi. Th« Reds itarted a rally In the first of Uie nlnUi Uiat .produced one rtin ond sent Pitcher Pat Tobin to th e ahow- tr». AUtn Bahi teWtvtd htav and forced Ed Joseph to ground out to e n d 'th e tally.

The victory gave Idaho Palls Uie rubber game In the three-game ser­ies and sent the nus-'cta once aRaIn pnRt Ogden Into third place.

Tomorrow night Uie lleds go Pocatello to open a tliree-Rame f Iri and the travel to T p PaUs to tivke' cn the Cowtjoyn. prrt«n .b r h'l,i.I.o r.lli .b I

imiiicrclal treaty and restrictionsI fjiw rt of aviotlon (nuwllne.Mai.'uoka emptied four ^ c r am-

. i.-.isdorlat iioit* and ordem l tiome ID ministers and 18 consular offi­cials.

Tlie ambai.Miilor* recalled, besides Horltiouthl, arc; , *•

Ilratll: Kozue KuwashLma.France; I^enr.o Sawnda.Turkey: Tashlhlko Taketoml.At-lnrger.Sfa.'.aakl H otU (now ln

China). , ,J»Ulsters affccted are Uiose

Canadn. Spahi, . ArKcntina, Peru, Chile, Colombia. Veneniela. Panama, Mexico. AfRhanlstan. H u n g a r y SouUi Africa, in la n d . Rumnnin Latvia. Egypt. BulRarla, Iran aw Irai].

Coiuulnte-Keneriil ciinnges are bC' ig made In such cltlrs as New York,

San rranclsco, Manila, Honolulu anC Chicago.

• O a rd in a ls 0 , P i lo ts 0 BOISE, Aug, 22 (fl'»-'niree home

. .ms produced ail but one of Poca­tello’* score* as the Cards r,hut out Boise's PHou, S la 0. In a Pioneer' baseball leaRue Rame here tonlRlit.

Ted Kftk,oIlrls started Uie circuit smashing when Uie bo.ies were load' ed In the fovirlh frame.' Frank Ken followed a few minutes later with i four-ply awat wiUi one on.

T hat finished Con Raamu.vien. who started on the mound for Boise, but Larry Rene, wiio relieved him. KMe up a circuit wnash to J>in White wlUi one on In the seventh.

The Cards, by winning, took Uie rubber game of Uie three-gome ser-

ind kept Uie second-place Pllnis . RamcK behind Uie pace-sctUnc

Salt Lake City entertains Salt !.ake City I the opening Rame of a Uiree-Rame

series tomorrow whil* Pocatello's Cards RO back home to enRaRe the ORden Reds,

. . . J r j s s s a n t ) i s % ’....., s«rtit(cr«--CirnnsiT, Itim; ,„~-K,rT. Ili-'f -.1 b*|l«— (f Ili.iuiui

EIIOISKy SLAYERlC,.nilnu».l from I*«»» Om )

In Mexico since 1D37. died last night from head wounds Inflicted during a sudden attack In h i t study Tues­day. Pohc* said JacVuion conle.ssed. saylnR he waa- •dlslllu.sloned" by Trouky* political trend.

Today Ui# body of Trostky lay In a funeral home'* chapel, encased in a «lai!-<ovfred eo/fln . M whJcA was attached' a card bearing, what hU associates say waa hU deathbed testament:

•■I am sure-of Uie final victory of lha.PourUi InleniaU onnl. Oo lor- wardl"

NEW YORK. AUg, 22 (fl^-MunlCl- pai records slicm-ed tod»y that blonde Sylvia Ageloff. 31-year-old Brooklyn girl held by authorlUes In Mexico City for qucsUonlng In connection wiUi Uie slaying of i^on Trotsky, was an Investigator for the city welfare departm ent's bureau of Jiome relief.

The girl. Uie records Indicated, had been granted a leave of absence which was due to expire In two more weeks.


1 I-.*, c

AI WttKNESSESWar Maneuvers Demonstrate

Defense Flaws, Says C o m m an d er"

CANTON, N, y .. Aug. S3 If) — Conceding th a t America'* g r ta l« l war msnrux-era In northern New York demon.stratrtl "v lu l major weakne.ues," L ieutenant Oeneral Hugh A. Drum, army com­mander. demanded tonight Uiat "all ciUtens be called U> serve with u* ill preparing for ih t threatened crlsis."

DelH-ertng hU critique of the Uiree-week war games which ended 34 hour* before sclietlule yesterday with his "blue- defending army sub- Jugsllng Uie out-numbered "black" invaders. Uie eoaimander maintain' ed thst Uie nation U "a-asUng Ume’ *lUi discussion of Uie volunteer versus Uie conMrlptlon system.

"U t us not be blind to reallUes, h# sslri. "W e-are too few to meet Uie problem* ahead.

•'At for the producUcm of * oiu. tjie volunteer system must be replac'd by a national obllgaUon sj-stem If we axe to succeed,"

He .cited weapon 'and equipment ,sJiortiKC*. lack of m an power and need' o( longer and more fccQuenl training, a t "basic preparedne.u n-eaknetKji."

-Ill these maneuvers,'’ he said, "we have Improvised organliaUons as we have uUllzed wooden and tn irk sub- lUtules for steel cannon and tanks and observalloo plane* for. dlvo bombers,"


ft’lll Inspect U)’t naval armor snd Riin p'lants a t South Charleston, W. Va. He will retu rn to Wa.^hln8ton the nltht of Sept. 3.

‘ .llace ia id he would deliver a •polltlcar apeech a t the Afro-

American exposlUon a t Chicago La­bor day and would then start active campalnnlng for the Democratic

1 the:lckpt

Wallace said he Calked wH president about "only^ four sen- teiicf.>" In his acceptance spcecli. He vould not say whettier he would touch on Other Uian farm subjects In the Dfs Moines nnd future ad­dresses, but conceded tiiat aRricul-

ire would be the "dom inant topic" I mlilwest campaigning.He said he would not return to

Washington from Chicago, bu t would ln\medlately on a stumping 5 (lat«.s or plarc.s had yet

been selected, he added.

U tah and O regon IN'ct S tars E n te r

Idaho T o urneyBOISE. Aug. 33 (,D-^Id»ho tennis

sU rs who hope to keep various state ne t titles a t home during the ann al state tournament Aug. aO-Sept. 2 can cxpect flrong comi>eUtlon from Utah and Oregon delesaUoris, LleuU Joseph Bush, tournam ent chairman, said today.

WlUi out of suite ta len t lists grow­ing stronger and stronger dally, Bush said Salt Lake City entries In­clude Frank Mehner, Dan Freed, Cleo Slnnard, Walker Wallace. Bob Ooodell. Don Dixon and po.*Jlbly others.

PirUant^ alii send Wendell Mac- Coby, Bob DavU. W alter Davli and Irvin Parker.

Boise R eady for Uegional Event

BOISE. Aug. 22 (/TV^ days remalnl) of western Idi bcRan awum ln? mospliere today.

MerchnnM Wfre preparlnR booUi livestock was belnR moved Into e; hlblt quarters, rond.i to Uie fa [rounds were being ollrd to #ett._ Uist and the VAmerlca on Psrsde"

pageant was In the iaat stnges ofrehearsal.

Tlie five day.s of festivities AUR, S7 nnd end the nlRht of Ai

Nf)W M nny W « n r

FALSE TEETHW iih L ila re . .C om fort.

rA ST rm t., • nem.t,




E A R L H A Y E S & H IS O R C H E S T R A

I’rodiiee D ealer Faees Charges

A Kimberly produce riraler, Otto Steinberg, accused of vlolaUon of the state fnilt nnd veRi-tablc ndvcr- thlng act. ca1le<l for trial ajh^n he was arralsned Ijefore J u d » C. A. C.illey In probate court 1 PiilU yesterday, und trlol for next Aug. 30. ■'

Specifically Steinberg Is accused of refailng to pay to U;e st^ilc n « iO Iruit and vcroUWc advertb- Ing tax Uiat he luMcrtedly collcctcd from producers during the montli of June, L. E. SarRcnt Is Uie complain­ing wltnus.

Napoleon's defeat In Russia large- y was caused bv tvphun, which klll- d Uiousands of Ills men.

W endell Boy Gets Advance in Navy

T»'in P a lb navy recrrlllng station reports tha t Frank W. Royse ha.s been graduated from the radio school a t Uie U. 6. naval training sUUon. San Olego, Cailf, His si Ing was 34Ui In a class of <4.

Young Royse was enlisted Uiroiiith th e local navy recrulllng station on January 4. 1S40. R« Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Ro>-se. Wendell.

A tcortto* to word received by C.. Edmonson, rtcnijter for Uie Tuln

Pall* offtee. Ui# navy department ha* acheduled three more crulie fo r tn ln lng mldshlpoien of the naV' a l re#m # class V-7, The U £ S . Wy ooilnc 1* now In Uie Giarea wlUi OU rtcniils who are i celTing coe month’* training AUanUo and Cuban waters.


of Republican Women's clubs. ,A schedule of dates for tlie tnlks

will be arranged toinnrrow ot other conference between Wlllkle and MarUn.

Wlllkle said his special train wmild carry him through the fnllii-iiiig stales;

Indiana, Illinois, Inn-n, Mb'-niirl. Kan.'ias, Oklahoma,, Arlrjiiia. New Miaico. California, Orrsnn, Wft-ililnglon. Idaho, Montan;i. North Dakota, BouUi Dakota. Wi:.coa«ln and Michigan.

Wlllkle said he would not returnI Uie far west after Uils tnwr but

th a t he might go back later to rcme mldwestem state.

The nominee added he .had not mapped any tours beyond the. one for September, but I t generally- was a-uumed tha t he would cjuniialgn acUvely In Uie east Uierealter and would wind up hli drive in New York City.

Samuel P, Pr)-or, Jr., enstern ne- publlean campaign maiingrr, .raid th a t Wllltte "wants to meet us people as poaslble" and Uiat "mc are taking Into con.slderatloii the wishes of every state.'"

HAMILTON. Mont., Auk. 22 OT) - Cooler aeaUier and cloudy skies brouRht some help today to niata Uian 3.5M dog-Ured fire fighters seeking to gain the upper hand over fore.1t fires which have for the post

leeks Kounted Uio norUiwest's bone-dry woodlands.

Flames continued to de.stroy much Umber, but smoke cha-sei.T reixjrted

were •-gaining" oij fires in in Montana, norU itm Idjho.

Yellowstone nuUonai park and 01a- er naUonal park..Mont of Uip nearly 200 fire* now

burning In the were Ig­nited by "dry llRhUiln«" stonn-i,

lliirdeit hit Ijave becji Yelloir- aiie naUonal piirk h,iid Uie Bitter not national forest, which sprawls UT large sections of southwestern

Monuna and norUiem Jdolio.the Bitter Roct .•,t\:llon. more 40 fires were burning. Already 2,500 acre.s have been charred

by flrc-s raiiglnn In U K from a few -res to more than 700 acres.In Yellow.stone park, .seven large i\!fx have bumwl over nearly U,- )0 acres of tlmberltuid.A s|>eclal train todoy brought 300

adclltloiwl fire fighter* from 8po- and 175 CCC enrollec* came

:</iil;o' KnriJk.w n/tUonnJ tor- augment Uie crcV* olrcady on

Dltier Root forf'st blnre.s.

Fly-Casler Win.s Iiie.vpensive Wav

ST. LOUIS, Aug. 22 (,T) — Jack Sparks ol Waco, Tex., is topi Ui picking up distance casting cham- plonshlps the inexpensive wny.

He added a second Utle today a t the Notional CasUng avioclatlon Wurnament by winning the distance tty event. dupllcsUng hi* victory yesterday In the distance salmon competlUon.

Using ordinary trout ftshhiK erjulp. ment, tlie ns-pound Texan set an iwcrftRc m ark oUlM fee t'* hichM In Uie distance fly event, The world record average Ij 178 feel G inches,

Tlie triumph. gave Sparts eight points and Uio lead for all-around honors.

Sparks an 60-cetit pole, with le entire outfit having lew than

*10 cash value. In capturing the salmon event,

VENKftAULj: v e t e r a :^ d ieh OAKLAND, Calif., AUR, 22

William A. Barnes, 105-yeor-old Civ­il war veteran, died today a t Port MIley Veterans' ho.iplUI. He born tn Lexington. Ky,. Dec. 2S.

Small F ires iu Southw est Idaho

BOISE.-AUR.‘ 22*1:ii'-Ttt'0 small les drew Uie ottcntlon of ffdrral

Sr.iring service fire fighters In souUiwestem Idaho today.

Five men ha lted ' n small blnje III flocky canyon, five inlle-j from here on the old Idaho City road, Filtem others were called to a fire

mile norUi of G lenn's Ftrry. Damage In cacii caie waa believed to be slight.

SC H O O L S H O E S INeed attention nowl We do the I BEST Job of repairing and give I you your money's worthl

NEW ERA »HOE REPAIR Opposite Idaho Theater

T O D A Y 6t SATURDAY SAVE ■ On This Special!

F in e Q uality R c p u in r 8 C lip Si:.c $1,50 V ftlue

GlassCoffeeM aker 9 8 ^

7 Pee. W A T E R SETS

P i tc h c r n n d 6 Ice Tcii • Gla-sscfi. W c r6 $2 .50

$ 1 .7 5

D c to rn lc d C ard T rWc

TRAYSGftily D cw rn ted . H old 4 _^ia.s8c.t. W ere $1 .50


E x tra Specyil

~ T T 3 u r n e r C o lc r m an


F in e f o r C a m p in g ,

T ra i le r H o u s e o r H o m e

£ x trfl H cb>7 E n nm el

X o t f f T * a f s r e a T i t i e r t ”JUBUUr IIJJ4 —

,.,$ 1 .2 5


I S FIRE FIGHI3,500 Tired Men D e c la r e

They Are Gaining . on Blazes

Nazis Use F rench Planes in A ttack «

U3NOQN. Aug. 73 tPt—Aviallrin " ex|»erLs said today Uiat a Oermati raider sliot down yejterday was or French oriKln. Indicating th a t Ui#Kails were using Preneh planes in thelK att.ieks on England. •

E a r l i e r . Ocneral Charlet De Oaiilie, recognlied'by the BrItUh m the leader of "aU ?rc« Prcnchmen" and head of a commission pledged to omtlnu# resistance Bgainst Ger­many, had declared In a radio broad­cast that 600 Prench airplanes linrt left Preneh colonial Africa for Prance. Uiere to be "put a t Uie ilb- pooal of the enemy (Oennony,)"

Idaho Man DiesIn T ruck U pset •

POCATELLO, AUg', 32 (51 - &irl Wentaorlh. <3, of Weston, was killed Instantly today when he wiw crushed under a heavily-loaded A uA k which oi'ertumed near Ox- ^ ford. Y

Tlie tnick. loiided with cement, went out of control, plungc'd into Uie borrow pit, overturned and rolled down a hill,

Otto Lunc|quLst, 31, also riding In (he truck, suffered a passible skull fracture and scalp wound.s and Al­ton Campbell, 28, suffered cuh Doth were taken to a hospluil at Presttm.

HI’AIN'S I'ltlMATE DIKS MADRID. AUR. 23 tn-ldayi (.V—

Ijldoro Cardinal Ooma Y Tomii.%. primate of Spain, died Just befoia midnight la^i night after an Ulness of several monUu.

Insect Pests.Vnit, roichfi, b«! bu«« or no.-

•Ijullnfs aruiinil the hnii>e—llr-is nn jrour ml nr .lor—lie* pUiits ami

r illrj-nUHACH will help joo |i fr« nf tlifm.

Hi;il,\«ii-lino»n (ne CO ysr> — r»i'el« thup pMlJ|—helps [irntrrt your linne plants snJ pets Uiia easy t^or-

lii IlanOy Slfler Cans 2S< up »t Drur. <irofAT. HeH Stom and I’ct Klinpn.

B L IH A C HfR O M o o N ap i t r H A a

Be Dollars A head BUY N O W

35 PontiacCoup* ......37 DcSotO

$ 1 1 5:...$.75

$ 8 5$ 2 9 5$ 4 9 5$ 4 7 5$ 3 2 5$ 2 9 5

We’re HOLDING priccs DOWN.

LOOK ’EM OVER while they la st

39 V-8 DcIUX*coupe .......... ... 3 7 3

:18 V'B Deluxe Pordor38 V-a IXIuxeIMdor ............JT Chevrolet Master Deluxe Pordor .

• - $ 5 5 0$ 5 2 5


$ 4 4 5mouth Coupe ...38 cliev. Master C 3 9 C Dtx Coupe ..........9 3 * 3

...,.$295L?.";,!!!"..$ 2 9 5

:....... $ 2 5 034 PlymouUT Coupe ......... $ 2 2 5

Don’t M iss B uying W hile Prices A re 1 Dijwn :

— _______ $ 2 4 5______:- ._ -$ 3 7 5

'39 V.rTTUck. Npw Rubber, ■’ -

^ y ^ j ' t f lk o -R C k u p .High -Wheel!-......

.33 -Y.-B JlC kU ^ E*pna«_Dj'4 Bpec'iFr--------------------;39 V-8 1 Ton. J23 WD,Express'Body,

3S ChevrolK Truck,Beet Body. Dual Whi 38 Chenolrt Tiuck.Has Body, Good Tire* _

r_ -= $*75-= s $ 4 9 S f

$ 5 9 5.M a n y o lhcrB , n ll.m n k c f l, nil mwielK. D on 'l s a y w e

didn’t t c i r j o u . S e e y o u r Fo rd d e a le r f i r s t a n d s a v eJ50 o r m o re .

Here's the sp< Xsf chance Soto/hs



tOOO Men ^ h l i n g Stubborn Battle t6 Control Wood

land BlazesD0I6E. AUB. 23 (,?)_Wllh about

1,000 men on Uie llnea. slow bul m re proBfCM waj repoxwd from Payetle forfsl lonlKtU in Oir stub­born Uitlle CO control a iscrlfa of llreii WBlng through tiilck stand* of timber.

“Tliree of thrm ire glvlnj iia the m oil trouble,'■ reiwricc! J . T. O'NlcI, cltlcf clerk a t Uie Bolao office of UiB forest.

"They are on Flnl iree k and Tamnrnclt InlLi, not far Irom CaS' cnde, nnd arollicr fairly M d one a' Rcnrfon creek near ihe mltlille fork of the Salmon river."

.T. H. Van Meier, PayclM super' vl3or, said a t C u e ad c U ia t unless wltulftomts dei’cloj), "b’c a^iouJd able to hold Ulem."

At least U new Ilre.i, a ll bclltn'ed to have been rtnned by lltilitnlnK, added to tlie ofliclals’ worrle.-i but virtually all of were quickly controlled.

U nes were virtually completed to ­night around the BOO-acre n a t creek fire, where 000 ot tlie men '‘ er. work.

Tlic Tamarack blaze made appreciable run durlnR tiie day. Van Meter reported. Less than 200 acre.' had been dfBtroyed at a law hour.

Sixty Ire.nh recruit* were Rcnt U Hie front from BoLm; tonfffht. mak- Ins tliLi nrea'a enlistments in of !M men.

■ Meantime regional forest offlclaLi Kt Osden, Utah, -vnt alx Mpcrlrnced oYilceri and txo elerka to Uic Pay­ette In responr.e to a call fron^ IL M, Shank..reKlDiial director Of fire control who 1s alrtady on the scene.

Ilag cn n an H ost A t LDS K eunion

HAOEUIMAN, Aug. 22-Becnu»e no many people arrived Monday In- »t«ad of Tuesday, Hie f irst tnectlnK of the rwrKftnl»l LJJiS. church reunion here tills week was held Monday evening In a tent.

llacerm an has been host to the conference .ilncc 1024. and represen­tatives from Ornion, Idaho. Wyom­ing. Utah and Nevada are In attend-

MlM Maniaret m il of Twin Falls, district home demonstration aKcnt, spoke Wednesday attcmoon on a r t In the homo.

Otlicr npcelal speakers Includo El­der Itor.coc Davcy of Seattle, Wash.: J . R Curtis, cransellst. of Spokane, Wa-in.; and Elder J, W. A. Bailey of Salt Lake City who will speak Friday evenlns on “Is the Book, 'Clilidren of Qod" by VardLi-Ftnher a hbtorlcal novel?"

Each Uaj-'fl Droumm Includes lec- tuKs and c1il*j work lo r all ase.i, wltlj special cmpha.iU on religious training. In Uie mornlnRs; recre­ational period will) varied iporU In thD aftfm oon; special meetings for

A ' the women, under Uie direction of — ^ Mr*. Pearl Handy of Heybum, dis­

trict superintendent of tl)e women's department. In the altcmoon.

WCTU at B urley Names New Staff

' DUnLEV, Aug. S3 — Women's CW/stfan TVmnerance union of Bur­ley met Tuesday aft«moon a t Uie. eoimtry homfc of Mrs. M. M. Bu­chanan, and elKted officers for tiie comtns year.

Mrs. Emily Drhkcll was elected president: Mn, Hugh Allen, vice- president: Sffs. r . B. DoLion. secre­tary, and litra. M. M. Buclin,nan. treasurer.

Articles were rend by Mis, BU‘ clianan and Mrs. Iva Andrews, Mrs.

- Dotson rtad an article on Uie orlglr of the song "Ood Blcs.i America’ and Marjorie PoweJf read the words to the song alter which the group sang It.

I t was rrporlea Uiat Uio arnounl required for Uie first unit of tha Ilvfl-foot shelf of Wmpermiee llt«r-

*, Bturo for the new library had al- moat been raised. Uie organleaUon having a cooked food sale netting a fair sum and Uie balance raised through donations from many BuT' ley cltlicna. -*

Following the m e e t i n g , Uwce tables were set on Uie lawn Where Iimch «'aa sen-td bj- Uie Jiostea a s- ili t td liy Mrs. Ccr? W iodt. M n. Iva Andrews and Marjorio PowelL Be­sides members, two guests, Mrs. Slirader of Fairfield, Neb., who is visiting her son. Kenneth Shrader and family, and Mr*. Nora Collett, wcrw present.

nouR E G u o u r s h e l v e sSLUM CLEARANCE DILL I

WASHINGTON. Aug. 33 (/}•>-a ' bill to permit further loans by the United state* Uouiitsj autlwrtly tor

' Bftmi cleantnce-loff ren t projecta Was placed on Uie shelf yesterday by Informal action of the house rules committee.

Chairman SabaUi (D-IU) told re.

• porter* the measure was called up In eommltt^o but he did no t p u t Itt a a ro te iwMuse iix of t h e .........-bkn opponed It., "The bill will hot come u t

B R E V I T I E SFrom L*i A n ie lu Mn. O. E. Aberdeen G uriU — Mr. i

■ addfld.

BUICK 1940 Sedan 41

D riv e n o n ly 4400 m ile s a a co tnpany car,.

' N ew C a r G u a ra n t« e



E a s y G M AC T e rm s


Builneu V iilto r-L . F- Sargrnt ofobe. »«:relary of Uie Idaho adver­

tising commission, was a Twin Palls buslnea visitor yesterday.

. Htudcnt Lea»e*-Mlss Mar}' Cour- auln left yesterday for Ban DIcko

•here she will attend school ' coming year.

Here far V U It-H oyd Olicn, who has been In the United States navy for Uie past four years, has arrived liome lor a vblt.

Caiuln VlslU—Mrs. A. E. Wilson of Los AnKcles was a recent Rue.'t of Mr. and Mrs. L. M, Whllehead. Slie Is a cousin of Mrs, Whllehend,

Concludn VMl — Miss llllila Mayer has returned to hrr home BolsB after a tcn-dny visit at t , home of Mr. and Mrs. J. n . KIncal;! of H aulton.

........ nicMlnnvltlr—M1.-.1 PiLiclllaGipson of McMliuivlIle, Ore.. hai ar­rived In T a in FrtlH and V,1U be oni of Ml.'j Sally painter's brl[lr;jn;il[l»

. her weddiiiR Sunday.

VUIlliiC Here — Ceomc Wl;.e of Hoqulam, WcislilnKtoii,.Maude D. SWVfiis of Pn.vnlpiia, Calif., are vbiung a t the home ol Uielr sister. Mrs. C. L. Lewis.

Former R alilcnU — Mrs. II. T P ra ter and Maude Moore of Los An­geles, fonncrly of Twin Fiills, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Maude ■ imes Pulton.

ParenU of S on-M r. and Mrs. Wll- llftin Madron of Holll.M^r arc tin parents of a son l)oni Wednc.vlny evening a t Uie Twin Falls county general hospital maternity home.

Daughter tlem — Mr. and Mri^ ! Julius Jones of Twin Falls art tin parents of a daughter, bom yestcr- day morning a t the Twin Fnll.i county general Iwspltal maternity home. ( '

niejclo Lost — Bob Dlake. FourUi avenue norUi. has reported Ills bicycle missing, police records show, n i e machine Is ile.- rlbctl as a red and white Admiral, bearing llcensff numbee.fiDC.

Tools Stolen—Mel AlnsworUi, 144 Eighth avenue east, reporU tool-, stolen from his car, according to a police report. AlnsworUi also tokl police the neat cover In hU auto se t on fire by an Intnider two nights alter the tools were taken.

(a th e r Visit*—O . K. Donahue rived yesterday for a brief vislt.wlth his son and daushler-ln-Iaw. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Donahue, and to see

S Krandson. D.ivld Ilaoul Donahue. He ttlll probably leave today for hLi home In 0|:den. Utah

Ohio O uata—Mr. and Mrs. Olenn SmlUi and Mr. SmlUi's mOUier ot Gallon, O.. were gnc.sts this week of Mr. and Mrs. C. Ivon Price. Tliey were en route to San Prancltco and have left for th a t de.'tlnatlon. ac- companled by Mls-i Cora Bbbjs of Kimberly.

To VeUrans' ConrenUon — WlV 11am.n. Wolter. Idaho depart, ment commander of the Dhabled American Veteratis of the World War, and Mrs. Walter, were to leave Uils morning for Orecn Bay; WU., a ttend sesaloai of the orsanlaition'a naUonal convention. Aug. Ii-31.

W edainr A ttendants-C lck Free, pons of Walla Walla, Wa-sh.. will be one of Uie u.shers a t the wedding ot MLis Sally Painter and Harry Prior Sunday, and U cxpected to arrive Saturday. Oeorge Lindsay of Cali­fornia will be best man for Sir. Prior and l.n expccted to arrive Sun­day morning.

Ilotplial Notes — Delmar Lowcler, F^ed Hear*t. Jr., Mrs. JuIliB Jones and MIm Caroi F e n ttn of Twin Falls, Floyd Fairbanks of Oakley. Mrs. Daniel Brundlg of Uie farm labor camp. Norman Coates of nieh- fleld, Kathr^-n Jones of Kimberly. Mrs. Haakon TJiompson of Filer, Leltind Green of Ifogtrman and Mm. Harold .O. Hove of Kimberly have been admitted to Uie Twin Pall*- county genera! hospital.. Pa­tients dlsniLued include MLu Betty Peavey. Bob AnUils, H. C. Halleck, Fred Suddretli and M lu Loreli& Barbour of Twin PalLi; II. D. Pea­cock of Burley: Sonya Hlcke>' ot Patterson and Mrs- Mary MatUiewi ' Oakley.


FOSSIL. Ore. l/Tj—A farm waeon going back to the principle of the two-wheeled cart Has been develop­ed here. A dIsUncUve feature U • sled runner In front, affording three points of support. The runner also acts u a brake on downhill trips.

: 3 |B £ . A K(C iJ IT E R S

W e hfive o n 'h a n d today -i-

4— S e lf f o u r- ro w c u lle r s

5— B a ilo r s , prood a s new

S e v e ra l c h e a p lw o*row cot* I c r s .


Russell Harkneis nml son. Harold, of Aberdeen, and .Mrs, .Mar>’ filiores

I of DInckfool were Kurjts Wednes day of Mr. and V " . L, M. Whlteliend.

from Porllaiul-M rs. Lem ling- bero' of PorUand. Ore.. ^lr,l^r•m- law of. O. L. McCoy, arrived lust evtnliig to vbll .SII'-t Corn McCoy anil MLm M. Iretla McCoy, .•.IMrn ot Mr. McCoy, for .-.rvpral rtajr,,

Vt*lli Parenti.— '^ ll Hiiiurlrath, who U with the Unltnl S tiitr, navy at San Diego. Calif., W hrrr for a te«-day furlQiiKh- He U a v.wM of his parcnt-i. Mr. anil .Mr:,. Wnllt-rHamelrnth.

• .Concludes V lilt - M|.-i Smith plans to leave thh Long Beach wlicre . hp 1... e sK retnrlal work a t thp U lilRh school, alter a tn i at Uie home of her parnit- M n. Frank J . Smith,

I.D.S. Union .Meetlidrk and Aaronlc prlrMlio mectlilK will l)c held Sunday-at the stake t the stake prle.-'thoiHl r held a t 2:30 p. m , L.n.S. oiiirinhannounced.

To Lake Talioe~-Wllll;im 1! ..iont for thfi.Prnn Miitu;il I.lli turancc company, has Konr to Tahoo to a ttend Ur. 'ttr...t(.rii Klonnl convention. Hr wii:. oi four to quality to allrnd thr ventlon from the Suit UKe n,;

Halt I^ke Gue»t»—Mr. ntid Mrs, Raymond Baldwin and tlu-lr (!aui:li- ter of S a lt Lake City, Ulali, cnnir to Twin Falls Wedne.’.ilny evrtiliu; lo Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ilalilwln. Tliey nccompanlpd Mayor Jnr Ko».h- Irr. who hiid been In the Utah city for.two days,

VMl En lloulc—Mr, and Mi:.. O. A. LandreUi and dniinhier. Nanl-y, were recent vir.ltors a t the lumie of .Mr. and Mrs, Frank J. Sm»h- Tliry were en roule to Sun Valley and yellowntone niitlnnal pari;. Mr. Landrcth Is foollmll coach a l Loiu: Beach hlEli school.

ot her nnclc anil aunt, Mr, and Mrs J, R. K incaid of Harellon, She I alio visiting another aunt, Mrs, Pm.

Austin of Han'attendlni: summer school a t Houldor. Colo., and Is maklnp a tour of the we.'.t. 6h« will continue to tier home In Miami where she will trach the comlnK year.

Vi.ll neIatIve>~Dr, J, E. McCoy, proIc5.ior of vet<.rinarj' medicine at Wa.shlnK'on S tair colleKe In Pull­man. and Mr, and Mrs. Raymond E. Lamb of Oakrr.dnir, Wa.',h„ a r­rived ycstcnlay for a vacation visit a t the homes of Ml.'.s Cora McCoy. Mls-s Irelta McCoy and O, L- McCoy. Dr. MeCoy Is the broUier of Uie Ml.v;c;i McCoy and Mr. McCoy, and Mrr.. Liimb Is Uie daughter of O. L. McCoy.

Expecleil Today—Harry Prior of Boise, wlw.e m anlanc to MLw Sally Painter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Painter of Twin Falls, will be solcmnlr.ed next Sunday. Is expccted to arrive- today for the wedding. Abo expected to arrive totlay Is Neale Olp.wn of McMinnville, Ore,, rho will be one of the-ushers a t the

weddlnc. Betty Painter nnd O, A.' Kelker of TU'In Falls will be married a t the same time.

To ll.A.V. Conrentlon — Mr. P-nd Mrs, William R. Wolter ot Twin Falls will leave thU morning for Green B.ay, Wis.. to a ttend Uie n a ­tional convention ot Dl.sabled Amer­ican War Veterans and Uie 'women's aujdllary. which opens there August 26 ant! continues throuRh August 31. Mr. Wolicr Is p.v.L state department commander of Idaho and will be Uie Idaho delcKatc a t Uie convenllon.

Illrs. w olter will represent Uio aux­iliaries of Idaho during the se.ulons. Mr. Wolter expects to confer with

intlonal commandcr.^urlng Uio .-....■ntlon In regartf to Tehabllltn- tlon work In Idaho. The pair ivlll make tlie trip by motor nnd vWt relatives en route home, returning here In two weeks.


state to Spend $ 8 ,0 00 ,00 0 for Education of 125 ,-

000 Students

BOISE, Aus, -:2 t-VA-Iduho will ^|lend nearly y,OOO.tWO on Its public seliool system during the roniliin school year and will educate ap­proximately DO.OOO grade school niiil 3. ,CXM elementary school studenh, John W. Condle. state sui>erlntend- ent of public Instruction, said lodiiy.

In addition, alltlrlpate<l enroll­ment at the University Of Idaho In Moscow U 3,0W reiiular atudc-nt-s ajid for Uie University of Idnho, no them branch, at Pocatello. l,l)il).

Albion Normal r.chool Ls expected to .enroll about 380 studrnLi -and Lewiston Normal sliout 384, Conille said.

Sonie public schoob In Uie sla lf, particularly In Uie l«-i-t and potato KTOwlnK Rieas. will oprn will take a two-wrek vacation perlnl during harvest time lo [>ermlt denu to hclj) In the flelclj.

Mo.;l. other public . chool. open K:pt 3..alUiouRh a few In Mml dh new tiart at latrr dnles.*

Regl-stratlon a t Urilver;.lty of Ida. in and at the souUieni branch opi-n' ;ept. 27, Alllion Normal opens Hept; (1 and Lewlslon Normal Kept. 27.

Rcil.s Tlir<*al<*ii K«*.sori lo La

While Alltiriirv .Moii pp-|),ire(l a h;il«.;L-. eor for ri.diictloii 111 Ihe indl r f liO.CxM, W(X)il prom civil diiniiine ^ult. IL.. ;<x.

iillirrtcrnii.(l tin- bonds iin '

riC'i' for a rrlmr tluit c.irrlrs <inly punbhmeiu up lo 10 year.-. In Ui' peiiUentt:iry."

.Mi-.iiiwhllr, A...-.|..;[aiil County At loriiry John KWrle eontlniii.d hi .liivr..llg;itlon ol Illrrature anil map

cliirlnc; rai(l..i lii.-.t wiTk.ciid,

P a ir Keniiilcd.Aft< r .■;(( Ycar.s,

ALBIONAtirna Uodfo - AmonK Albion

pimple who wen.' at Sun Valley for tlie rodeo wi-re Mr, and Mrs, Dick Anderson, ,Mr. and Mrs. TiUlorts S®lth. Ira Parke, Mr, and Mr.-,. Hurry Buckles.

Famlljr Move*—Cllltord Lloyd nnd family are mnvlni; lo lllrle where he will te.acli school,

VMl Baujhter - Mr. and Mrs. Wlllts Scan were Ih Salt Lake City visiting their ilnusliler. Marguerite, who is In the L n s . ho.^pltal,

VellOBslone Trip—Mrs, C. D, Sal- r and (launhtcn, Lo.i mid Carmel, •e vacaUonlim In Yi-Ilowstonc. Couple Weil—D:uiii« I-ou Cnw.

ley nnd Burton Tliome were marrleil



• A cashier hat to be ■ cool bird. Tha f t h!i buiino ii. And ll'i our business to make Hakm bfoadcloUi Shorti that help you keep cooL •

I U n u broadcloth Shorts aie tnad« generoutly full . . . so thst they not cut St the crotch or bind at seat. Thty keep you comfortable cool. l..eti are not il^lmpy. Lattex web in (he u.aiitbaad. Smart new pattem i and colutt—all guaranteed /aat.

Wear a IU mm Underslilrt. too. stay cooler all over. See your lLu<Ea Denier today. . . •


35^, 3 for H

SPORTS3 5 « a n d 5 0 f

- Hnncfl on S a te a t

V aii Engelens

louK ;.lnce Mr.',. 1 Haiisi.n iii:itron.

m ty yr:tr:. I- it h;i.s bri.!i UiJi

C. ^^lrntr. ncrC

k whrn Mr. lienl

Itaymond , hi- I


. lollomil r the iJir.V

JO of Ills 30.Mr. .'o/i ii;;d tlniir.lnrr-in-

lav,'. Mr. aiul Mn. C. A. CliupiicI, ul..() of nnymond. niul anolhrr tlauKhter. a nur:,i- ot Kc;itllr. were ulr.o Han.-.rn KUC.M.-,. 'n iry k.fL hen- to KO to Jrriiine anil llol;.r to vbll oth-T rehitlvr-., ;.(inie for the Ilril time.


Equalization Board S t a r t s Work on Fixing Prop­

erty Valuations


. ol

\ In Cti'iii


W e a t h e rlll .tn o ; Partly eloudL->lth local

lliuiiilrt‘tomis I 'rtday; Faturilay, pAtll). flwiily willi lo>trr temprr-

I m trnii>'r;itiirr 7 de^rrr;.; nillUmilli idv. norlhui-.t »

;r A--.-x.latrd !> i.. %).■.Ills’ !.klt..s and !.e;it;rfpd i-.innin ix v u 'ed 'Hiur^- iKann. Wyomini;, Cnlo- •rii,Nrw MexK-o iiiul Arl-, Utalio, u’.sn retxicu.d iiiiilrrr.lio'Aer. Ilerordrd „..nls were mo Uy k'.-. ,!i. Cheyriinc. Wy*_K:>. |j;rll of ram In a lute nm<lci ,’.hower. .Maxuiiian . vii-..t. of tlie eoillllirntal.1 irotn 00 lo lOOdc-iiKT.T, .Mas. Min. Tree Westlirr .. K7 5C ,00 Cloudy ,. 91 iO ,00 Clnuily

71 .03 Cinudr... :r. 4F, .M t:

Boxcar Slaying Siispccls Sought

w n isn n , w nho, Aug. is <,?)—o ffi- rrrs Uiroughout Uie northwest havs Ijfrn n..,ked by Sheriff ArUlur Cavl- nr. s to l>e on the lookout for two iirn. namrs unknown, sought for iiir-.iionlng In eopnrftion with the

, boirar sbylnpr" ol CWInrd t ■ r .i)u r of O'Donnell. Tex., near hero

. HJ0 Ct.


■aynr's body was foUnd along ft ltt>id rlKlit of wny by member* a p.v--.-.iiKrr tm in crrw. Sheriff ilii'- .' and Coroner Lloyd North-

,-.:itil np iirarnnrri nf the body .lralr<i Pavnr had l>era beaten (IrstJi and then to:.-,e<l from a li'iif tram.■ji<- lyxly of Paynp was Idnitlllrd (I'v.h Sinv.t-TpTiiit'.. nnrt wa>. tiiktn O'Uorinrll, for biirhil.

FUNERALSItl. I.LLI.OIT — I'linrriil vervlei's for

r lirltl nrtuary It Gooding

1 of .Mr. nnd M rr Dari 0 rr..|rlc nl tile Slio^hnne !• plant, (llrd Weilii'-:4ay II- Tu.|n Kiil|.: eniintv K'‘n- al. H.. h:id been a t Uis ir r July la.



Men, Women! Old at 40 ,50 , 60! Get Pep

T r t, ClM'dy ,f>fl CInuily .00 SmnJlJ

.M 'F m I Y#«r» T o u n jir , Full at Vim •




Eli bsbiL ' par>t>l< la *<riiiic

« u riniiiieUI ropoeilMIlt

r v h '. '1J rvqulrH br.l4w or h

W h en o u r mocll.sies h av e c o a s te d th ro u g h th e w in te r th e y urc expec lc tl t o m a k e a rent d r iv e f o r A m erican fa sh io n s I n th e cprinB .

•'No d o u b t ab o iil it. th is th e 1175 of t h e 'f a s h i o n w orld." says M is s D ora Louc. M iller , a fn sh to n observer a n d .style advLse In P a r is fo r 15 years. " T h e re Is n g re a t pos .slblllty t h a t th e m em bers o f t h e sm a r t In tc rn a t lo n a l .set who h av e a r r iv e d In th is c o u n try , a n d p a rticu la rly In N e w Y ork, can u n d w ljj sieve throuK li th e c r c a t lo n s of th e A m e ric an deslR ners .ind e lc c t t h c l r own fa v ­o r ite s , T h e s e deslK ners w ill a c q u i r e prcatlRC s im u lta n e o u s ly w ith th e ir c u s to m e rs , as h a p ­p e n e d a b ro a d ." S ych le a d e rs h ip , a s exp ressed th r o u g h a co sm opolitan , t r a v e l e d a n d so d a ! g ro u p o f w om en , she e x p e c ts , w ill b r in g to A m e ric a a ty p e of fash io n In s p ir a t i o n th a t w e h a v e needed .

O u r m en ,' fo r th e p a r t , m a y consider th i s d e v e lo p m e n t e n o rm ous ly u n im p o r ta n t , b u t th e w om en know b e tte r .

O ther Poiiils o f View

A I.IK N S S IC N IN C t i l 'L e t te r c a r r i e r s a ll o v e r th e cuiiiUry a re clc-

J i v c r ln g 't o a lien s t h ^ reK l.stralloii blaiik.s w h ic h th e y m u s t f ill o u t a n d ro tiirn . In p e r ­so n . to p o s to ff ice s w h e re th e y will alno linvc th e i r f in g e rp r in ts rec o rd e d . T he b lanks a rc

- le s s c o m p lic a te d th a n Incom e ta x form s, b u t ; I t w ill ta k e t h e exercLse of p le n ty of th o u g li t• a n d c a re fu ln e s s to f ill th e m correc tly .—! I te m 4 w ill be a h e a r t- b re a k in g one for• m a n y . I t r e a d s , " I a m a c itizen o r su b je c t of--------------- ," W h a t will th e C zechs, th e Poles, th e; A u s tr la n s , t h e A lb a n ian s, th e F in n s fro m th e •• c ed e d s e c tio n of F in la n d , e m ig ra n ts fro m th e. v a n ish e d B a lt ic s ta te s , a n d o th e rs w rite o n ^• t h a t lin e ? T h e y m u st u se one of th re e n a m e s ' ; — G e rm a n y , o r I ta ly , o r R uss ia .I F a r th e r d o w n th e p a g e th e y m ay Id en tify I th e m se lv e s m o re e loscly . I te m 5 C rea d s, "M y ' ra c e Is; W h ite — , N e g ro —, J a p a n e se — , C h l-• n c s c — . O th e r —. A lo t o f people w ill w rite 's o m e t h in g In th a t l a s t p lace .‘ T h e D e p a r tm e n t o f J u s t ic e w arn s a ll a lien s ! to b e w a re o f an y o n e w l^o ask's la rg e fees to ; " h e lp you . re g is te r .” U n sc ru p u lo u s p e rso n s

a rc a lre a d y ta k in g a d v a n ta g e of th e Ig no rancc : o r f e a r o f a l ie n s . S om e ra c k e te e r s o ffe r to g e t ; ‘‘c e r t i f ic a te s of a r r iv a l" fo r a lien s w ho e n t- ! e re d th e c o u n try Illegally . T h is so r t of h e lp Is ; e n t ir e ly o u t o f o rder. P o s ta l w orkers w ill give, f re e , n il t h e h e lp a l ie n s n eed . Any lllega ljy

. I h e re w ill do b e t te r to m alce a c lea n b re a s t of It ;• th e m se lv e s t h a n to g e t Involved In sh a d y d eals• to fa ls ify t h e fac ts,I A s fo r A m e ric an s , p a tie n c e and R ood-na-■ tu r e d h e lp ,o n o u r p a r t w ould do us c red lt.

: V M R. P O R C U P IN E• ■ "'I h a ^ e a c q u ire d g r e a t re.$pcct' fo r two ! tn u c h m ln im der.stood a n im a ls ," w rites a m a n

, ; f r o m th e n o r th w oods. "T h ey a rc th e sk u n k s• a n d p o rc u p in e s . A lm o st a lo n e am ong o u r :w lld c re a tu re .s , th e y look tlie .icU -styled ‘ L o r d o f C r e a t io n in th e face a n d calm ly te ll . 'h im w h ere to g e t o f f . N a tu ra lly I p re fe r th e I p o rc u p in e , b e ca u se h is m a n n e rs a re m ore

g e n tle m a n ly a n d h e is d ig n ified a n d in te lll - I g e n t .

"W e w e n t to see a f r i e n d ’s new, unoccuplefl■ cottaR O on t h e edge o f th e w oods a n d s tood .o u ts id e , lo o k in g th r o u g h th e window s. All

' • w a s s ilen c e . T h e n s u d d e n ly ap p ea red a s ig h t ; a s s t& rtl lh g a s th e o n c e fam o u s p ic tu re , 'N ude

.- D e s c tn d ln g a S ta ir c a s e , ' A be au tifu l black ^ p o rc u p in e , s h in in g In h is a rm o r , wa.s qu ie tly ^ w a lk in g d o w n 'S ta lra . H e h a d h e a rd .o u r voices . a n d c a lm ly dc c ld e d to go aw ay from th e re . 'H o m o v e d s low ly , w ith com plete a .isurance, >g lv ln g us m e r e ly .a c are te ;:s .side Kllince,; "H o w h a d h e go t In ? W h a t had lie been• d o in g ? ' W h e re w as h e g o ing? How w ould h e Ig e t o u t? W e c o u ld n 't 'Im a g in e , W ell. Mr. 'P o r k y re a c h e d th e b o tto m , tu rn ed h is back

_ I Lo u s , c o n tin u e d h is le isu re ly progress acro ss ; i h e l iv in g ro o m , th e n revealed Ills s e c re t .H e w a lk e d r i g h t up th e w all beside tlic llr e -

ip la c e a n d w e n t o u t th r o u g h an u p per w ln - •d o w sa .sh . T lie n we, cou ld sec thoro w as a .’s m a l l p u n e o f g lass m is s in g th e re . We w ould ■ never h a v e n o tlc c d It. P o rc u p in es d o n 't do• m u c h c llm blnB - How th a t ' fellow a n d found ; t h a t e n t r a n c e w as a 'm y s te r y .j " W h a t h a d l ia p p c n e d u p s ta ir s was a n o tlic r

. tn i t t t t c r . E v e ry th in g w a s as c lea n an d . .sweet • a s e v e r , b u t M r, P o rky h a d e a te n n e arly a ll a h e n ic e n e w p a in t fro m a tab le a n d :i c o u p le o f c h a i r s a n d n e a r ly h a lf of one c lia lr

•le g w a s g o n e . W hy h e doe,s th a t , a n d how ih e d ig e s ts t h e wood a n d -p a lm , I c a n 't lin a - •g ln c .‘’

niMJONK IN nuniK D c o i . nKvrry WfPlc licwidl'patchc} from Wukliliigion rci)...

niorf inllllonx In told WnR rceclvcd by Hit United on llie flccouiu of .'ome forclKn nntloii. TliB lOtJiV

lia.s Krnwn sltftdlly imill now ll lins rea d ied ihf Jilmosl fftbnloua flKure of »:0.000,000,000, DanUert and II- naiiclcfi liavp jKindercd llie cfftc t arid Inynifii Imvc niiuvclled over Uic Mic oJ llil,'. eiinrm oui cold boiirU-

to be about tlirre-qiisrle.'s of llic world'j moiiclnry Kold, irudltlonnl • • -

people •iithcr Imzj' Icleo invlng tills sreul hi 3ain’2 vnulta, but tl ibout Hint bccDU.',e

10 contribute to n sidrrrd the future i

o r UiMP 10, ,,evr.

tm it rciiTvnlloii:., : upon wise mnnsKi- oiilv two took ft fra ii.-,e{iiliie.v-i of KOlcl,

(liielucliii,) llic ]V

*.spii|)cr editori) lin' ntliil vtilue or liai^ml

ikly pculmlalle view o

urd freer Inleniiiiluiml 'Of Rold to circulntlon li; opposed It.

sJioiild <lo lo n.uiire Uie iix.rrcoiiimcnded niein to­nic. Tu-o urged rntornllon r United Stntc.v wlillc two

time was ripe Uie United 3tiitc» muni coo|>erftte lo rc-MtiiblUh Mundfr cur- •onelci wltliln the world, some mcnllonlng a world jioiieUiry coiiferriiec. Two rccommcndcd csUblUh- n rn t of ft blK world bjtik flnniicrd w ith Amcrleiin :old. Two »iiKKf;,!ed luc of Ki>ld to purehiuie mllltjvtj’

bftSM. Tn'o mcnlloiifd continued purclin,ies of gold i n n Aid. to Great Britain.Mo.1t of Uiesc cxppfU (itrce thn l Uie liroblcm Is not i.-,y lo w h’c to Uie best advimtnec Of Uie nation and 1C world but the man In tlie s tr te k ls too (suiy hand-

llnu Ills few piccej of .vil'cr lo worrj-^tiuich slwut bll- lloiu In gold, however Itpportnnl l l mny “be to werld eennoiiiy of the future. For tiio p resen t It Is .'.torert safely away hnd In due Umc, when Uie war sllunllon has clcared and world trade restored In peace, the Rold problem will acljust l.wlf. probably to Ihe freal ad- vanUiKC of Uic U, S. A, but al:o wlUi bcncflu to Uioae nations tiavlim iin in lrrtn In-the tupply,—Uwlston Tribune. - '

UTl.VG ON nOKItOU'KD TIMK •A IVcnch nobleivomim condemned to denUi ilirusced

tier shoulders and obscned that everj’one eke In the world WM under the wme scnieiwe. In her ease Uis iliiir was SCI. llial'a all. So ll m ar*ccn i to ihe pcr;on who.hiin been told by n Ilhy^lclnn th a t lie has only so many weeks or months to live. He muy verj' well be struck wltli the compln'reney of fij’mpnthetlc friends who forKi t for the moment Uiat they thenuclves are

.......................... Some of friends, ninrc-

Loiidon Prepares to Match Nazi Diplomatic Concession

N a t i o n a l W h i r l i g i g N ew s B eh ind

T h e N e w s

expire' a clden ally <long before the man condemned by prognosis. More- ovrr,-Ihe condemned man may v ro ' w’ell fool the doc­tors nnd hve to experience the ml.ierlps of senility.

Orgnnlratlon of a club of Borrowed Timers In'Ellcns; biirK, Wash., will a ttract the atientlnn and sympathy or all the rc-,l of us mortals, e.ipcclally ot Uiorc who have fomoltcn tha t Uiey themselves a re mortal. Tlic club was founded by ibc men and women who were told timl thi'V Had only a few weeks or mpnths to Uve: Uielr object, 'T o remain amonR the llvlnn, to brsupporii Joy happlnr

o be of iIf only a:

le value I ot tl

soclct and t>

iislblr, i)uri»^,rlul and spunky.

) (He, ;aliit

Ihe fomnlcrj lived beyond the span nlloiied thrm by \ Kroup photograph ;.how;i Uif pre.sent is of all nses, cheerful nnd seemingly In ; not ril.nunsulshftblr from of u.i c Is sUI! Indeterminate. Uorrowed Tlm-

;e shallul-Ncw York Hernld Tribune

T H IS M K C H A N lZ R n W A H FA H b'• >Yoti c a n - t m a k e .soldler.s In 90 d a y s ^ u iy

. ; io n g e r ," o b se rv e s a new ;;papcr m an w ho • f o u g h t In t h e la s t w a r . I t w ill ta k e a good 'y e a r 's t r a i n in g to g e t th e m ready to face .w h a t a soldlei* h a i to fac e today,

•'T o s ta n d a g a in s t m o d e rn wcapoii.s." ex ­p l a in s a n o f f ic e r w h o Is tr a in in g a corp-s

- o f b u s in e s s a n d p ro fe ss io n a l m en . ''w ill ta k e . [d lflc lp lln e be>‘Ofid a n y th in g we have ever

Im a g in e d , a n d to get t h i s k ln ti of dlscliU ine -w lli r e q u ir e tim e ,

I “ ■ “ W h a t w o tfid you ifo ." h e, '"If yoi> saw — 'a '^ t c a m r o l le r c o m in g h t ^ a n ? "'5Vh.iC‘w oiiia,

;y o u d o if you sa w 40 o f th e m com ing a t yoli? W o u ld n ’t y o u r u n ? - Y o u w ould If you lacked th e h ig h e s t d isc ip lin e . In d e e d , one. good w ay

. to w a k e u p th e ' A m e ric a n people to th e d a n g e r w h ic h exLst-s w o u ld t e .to have them

.m o v e o u t i n to a f ie ld a n d le t th e ta n k s •com e a t th e m . U nless a m a n Is h igh ly d is­c ip l in e d . h e w ill becom c a r a b b it In th e face o f a m e c h a n iz e d e n em y .”

■ I t 's d r ill, d r i l l , d rill, h e says, till so ld iers ', a c t io n s ■ b c co m e a u to m a t ic , .a n d no m a tte r h o w m u c h th e y 'r e s e a r e d , th e y face i t and

: ta k e i t . .

: S T Y L E S U I I 'T■ A m e ric a n s ty l e s fo r w o m en a re s ti ll tied to F r a n c e , b u t d o m in a n c e o f F re n c h d ress -

! m a k e r s b e y o n d th e c o m in g w in te r is con - •a ld e red u n lik e ly . A nd w h o w ill in h e r i t th e ‘F r c u c h .d ic ta to r s h ip ? P re su m a b ly A m erica.

PRKTTy GOOD >’011 UNCI.E SAM a look at the rural mailbox, •m ere are «,OOOflOO I. Few of Uieni have locks. Miiny of them have lat won'i close. Some of them liaven’t doors al Luaied In lonely placcs, wholly unguarded, one hliik they would l i .................. “

He tbouRht e 10 blnck m

eimply r-Ax:


(;ilAl.l.KNOE. Wendell Willkle'* llwlwl cliallenKe to P.D.R., for ce-to-facc campaign l,'.'iie debates la Uncoln*I>fniRlaj, was.Uie O.O.P.

:andk1ate'* o»-n pet Idea, which he iiLs nursed fondly, for months,

U realty dates back to personal :onference.s which Willkle bad TrlOi Koosevelt on the T.V.A.-Common wealth and Soulhem dlspiite. Tin

■ -hradcd Iixllanan dlseovcrn ikncs.1 tt-hlcii he thought wa:

peculiar to F.D.n. but actually h common to all pr''2 ldenu (auil doubtlr.u will be lo him. 11 hs whb,

. November): Kajilty factual In­formation, PresWent.s npcessarily

re depeivjenl upon nderllnw for sjioclflc '.rncU. Tlify rc luuivlly lupphi-d to prove a i>olni

of V..............................................ytUUllzed Winkle's pin)j.’-fan .* appea

What ,,. . . .'InfprmaUon Please.)Ui-ex|)trtwl Uic rxpcru, and tn

Town Hal! debate wiUi Dob J»ck.'Oii.he was generally nccordcd

victory iauri'h. .Moiitlis before Uie Philadelphia ronvenUon, Uie candi­date told frlend-s Uiai if he were nominated he would make the dial- lenge In h ti acceptance speech.

ESTIMATE. Willkle never coddleil much hojie that F.D,R. would accept, 'nil told campaign planner* a t Col- irado Springs thai either way Uie challenge would win. If Die prtsl-

dcnl docllJiKli O.OJ*. stiimiKn could hArp on Uie accu-JiUon, al throuKh Uio eampalitn. thju Roosc' veil didn't dare face a sl^owdowr with the O.OJ»,-er on actual Nev Deal merits. I t. would be thf first t o e Uittt Uio hand of RoosweU. mft*.tcr-bluffer. had been ca11e<l and

would be groat O.OP. fodder.If r i> .n . should accept, Willkle

argued th a t every adnuitage vrould • Ll own slile. Tlie dehsler.

necessarily would be on tlie New Deal record. wlUi Uie president pcr-

ually on Uie defensive. A CO per ll food and 10 per cw t bsd rec­

ord, In any administration, Li ex­it. but Wlllklr's plan was lo

concede some <0 per cent m good.debate, TJie discussions that

woald come„to a ;Ieclslon llie 00 per cent bad “part of Uie rec-

more probably,. 'JlLif Uie worst ha ir of Uini CO per ceiif—on .•hich Wllllcle believes lie ^puld ,ave a he.l\i' fai-hial advantace.On many aiiglt* the president

would have to be "under wrapi." un- 1 lo me all facU. a l hl,<

command, for r.;iAoiii of policy, ur perspntJ obllsation to his under­lin e .

iccopled or r«'l'ried, Uie Indianan told hlA aides In Colorado, he hnd even'Uilnc to Eaiii by Uie challenge and noUilng to la>p, and Uiey agreed Ktlh him.

Ellwood si>ccch, Blvo P.D.R.t nullo

.. ever\.ln being radio-tun Ic,

In t.^hiilque, U\ty rat^ WUIkle's voice timbre as rich a.i F J 3 ,a ’s, perhujM richer:-pronunciation is a sland-off, a-v Willkle ran his full wrrlpl wlUioul a flub, m P.D.R. a-.ii- ally does except for a few Oroton* Han’ard colloquialisms. Tlie presl- dciifs niosi nolAble mLipronuncla- tlon Is nccenUng Die sccon<l. In.iti-ad of Uilrd ryllable of "Carrlbean.”

Hourvcr, In enunclnUon. Rooic- veli Is crystal clear, while Willkle ilraws only the rntinK of satir.fnc- tor>', Al Ellwood Uie 0 ,0 .P ,-c r re­peatedly dropiied out Intermediate syllable.! from such words ba "p.or- ilcularly-'. and he .swallowed some cloi.UiK »yllablc.s. Willkle made fowcr ri-adUiK mLslak'c.s from scrlpl Uian P.D.R. usually docs but he comou- flacer, Uiem much ler.i deftly.


NEIV VORK ^ m iia iG IO II; Richard Waldo and

Gabriel VofUotll , DEAL, TJie G erm an aonomke-

,enl that B re wUl be excluded fhioi le food blockade of the DrlUsh b le i as timed for Uie week England will

decldo on Uie queaUon of U. S. food French. Aa a result of one

of the most delicate diplomatic If Uila w ar Uiero Is strong

llki’llliood Uiat England will pemilt U, (j. to sciul, and ihe Vichy

Kovenimenl to receive, one slilpload of foodstuffs per week, presumably

ir the duraUon.Tlie deal, sUU lii negoUnUo

mnoccul of « iy liumai loilve on the p a n of elUn liny or EngUnd. Britain's dlplo- ints have reported home that Lon­

don's Steel cold attitu d e toward Uii food lituaUon of Uie lute aUy ha: ;iad a sour effect, on Uie U. 8. .MOJl Americans were pro-ally. raUier

pro-Bflllih or pro-French, London’s wont propaganda teibi ' In this country resulted when ' hundreds of U. S. agencies gaUierlng Allied relief were perm itted to break

iM ty nett* issue or French hunger.

London lias liorkcned to stories o: «d blood on Uil,% side and Is pre-

pared, wileja hllches occur, to per mil one food liner a week lo pitM (llbrallar and dock a l Marselllcs^l^) match Uils diplomatic concession Gemmny toued In the olfer 19 let food ships reacli Uie Irlsli. "nie deal Is one to Inspire cork popping all around. Oermaiiy puts In anoUier flct; In the courteiilp of £lr«'« snglo> jiliobH end wiU write off a food auota the would olhere-lse luive raise lor France. England will soothe f,o:iie of- the Prcnch fur}' a l Uit blockade and score a humanltArlan hijmer In Uie U. S.

RAGE.- U. S. mlsconcepUons of the Who's Who In Uie Krancr German management oI PralSce . all Uial Uie cenaor offices of bolh belUsercnU eould desire. TUI; unwltUngly told a n Incomplct in reporting th a t th e Pyench of the war leaders arc opiWied-by

of the late members of parlla- mcnt, Tliey are opi>o;itl only by

^le« are Uie focU;, on Uie author­ity of French sources too clo.-< lo

Daladler-Reynaud • Pctaln re- cs to guesUon. Leon Blum is cr protccUvo cmuxly of Uie

French turele." FYom the number of Mteinpta a l viDlencc. Uie wne in Uie press, and Uie ta lk on the streets, the police know Blum would be as­sassinated a t his first public appear­ance. n ie public rnge a t Daladler, Gamelln and Uio political and m\ll- ;ar>’reUnui of each. U -such that Uie Vichy Kovcriimtnl decided on sedl- ;ion trials lo forentall.mob rule. Tlie irlali, though this will sound Incred­ible to mosl observers ot Uie French show, were not ordered by Berlin. Berlin merely sUind.i by approvingly, but wlihout ixccMlve applame.

Tlie fact U m at tlie French public, le men In the s tre e t nhd fields, Uie

pollus who are ( till marklnR Ume In uniform, have pieced togeUier tlie stor7 of Uie debacle In la r Kreater............ has been available to

of the col-


soi.i>ii:it AM) u i s JO

railed nr vnluiit.'<>r

restore Uielr Joiis when niilli.ary r not cooperating in Ihe drfenr.

■plentllrt If evrr>' community li

WK in Uie first cla.«lflcatlon, 21 lo ai, heir posi-srhool experience. Some liiivr 1 finding even the InslKnlflcnnl Job tin

' 1 It the>' hav« built Uielinotlo; jally

youns fel. ‘ beiclnnlnf d dlfflpulh lave. But 11

hopes of jrm.

niiirry and hai '.'V0Jttli'.L*'” blU0iu 'nnd thn-arri devBlop jnune.m rn into valuablr these jounK men should be a.-sur der.uiKemna of tli-lr plans Is n-

.Tlie-nuUons experience In U so fortunate. Thou-sands of drafiei

j m u ihiinie.Inccnti-ci'

rinil draftvolunt

s not

iobs gcpbyers said 11 was too bad but did tioililiig about 11,

■’riiese memories perhaps explain llic roluct.ince of, young men of military age now to sUn.peile the re­cruiting olllces. Tliey are realhtlc enough to kliow.Uiat former soldier* have difficulty in obtaining Jobs on their sen'ice record and future soldiers may have no better luck. Here’s an opportunity for employers beyond Uic mllltnr>' service age to contrlbuie to Uie nations morale. If they rcfu.<e, Uie only thing le ft Is to drafl them to do their share with Uio young m en who will bo Ualned for fronUlne senlce. —Dodge City (Kan.) Olobe.

Breakfast FoodI's sure a bother about holidays."; " It doesn't bother me. My boss tells m d my wife telLs me where."


c o m eb a c k ;‘nirf grapev

will use cnitchei ns standard equip­ment when they play the 20-30 club Yie:<l And no wonder. Several of Uie old.'.ters who will take Ihe nelil for the Junior Chamber of Commerce pinytd In Uie roflball game ever slaned In Twin Falls almost a dceade ngo.

Showing properyoun;

led Uial :0-30 plnye eqiilpix-d with

tecUilng rlnti.v. No 11 adr of three-fonirrcd It It li believed that a 0 field will be re.-,t irseo'.On the other Imnd. 1 ■r of the neld should

.. jaycef Prc<Jdcot-iBr*zltim* j^r^ltted Hint chanc'd for a '.Q -KiliSolnebaci for t'-- •

, should

the old folk-i’ home?

.'mi8f o r t i;neUncen.soredl( Nlslit F.di

senta. Uie following Item Ji contrlbulfd by a .Nck

ipondenl:'While walking Uirough I week. Mr?. Andy Pciei

the misfortune to b; stnic: back by a bull, sevei back, and runnbig h wire fence, where sin terribly."

Who Uirew .Ihe cr

nirVELATION Night Editor has le&mcd Uie Iden-

Uty of Uie person sought by Coroner Joe Payne a t Durley for several year*.

Coroner Joe. N. E. suspects, would Tery much hke to find out the Iden- ;lty of UiU person.

InJuHni; her nto a b;irbed t boUi hands

-ipcd Coroner Joe's bulanee. W hen found Uie ambuli wa4 bo n d o n ed In the cemetery al Durley. The ku>' who englneere<I the prnuk hnd f o u n d t l jw y gi and had contrived to moke li

Tlien he filled Uic lance with the Reni

bottlr.s whleh had for- lined an Intox^caUng bev-

of Uie n enipt:

PajTic; Don't look now, bul h resident in Magic Valley. Take pick,

DIRTY,rd Fields walked all around

Twin Fnlls, noflng Uie many refu containers bearing words urging cl liens to help keep Uie city cyui.

- Fields, a tnick drUrr, sau prillcc station ,altered pnni

;Itr hall. "Say. th t’s the dlrtleil-plac

W liat? Tlie fjdewftlk, poll'ce'f.ta. Hon. or.tiic_nfiicm ??......

E X A M rlE ^ ■ ' ■ 'Mayor Joe Koehler tell»-lhts oni 1 hlmsflf.While working as n foreman, ir

Philadelphia (wnumber of years ago, Joe decided he couldn’t get along wlUi n fellow working under him. Finally Joe Kot, around to complain­ing to the ”blg bo.vs" and said, •'B ther he goe.s or I go.“

••Okeli,'’ »nld Ihe boss. “Draw ycmr pal' from Uie Umekeeper."

Joe, who sfiys he thought tlie plant couldnt ftincilon without him, wait­ed for % couple of weeks for Uie hou to be(c him to eomc back to work. He didn 't. T lie' fellow .who took Joe'i place surpassed Joe's record for production.

"I found out th a t no one man li to Im portnnt th a t someone ebe can t do Jw t a.i good or a belter Job." say*

Mwhanlcul technique. < only port of Uie sctrel

rudlo-genlc: tcclinlque , frequenUy go to make a , or an appeaJ. whlcJi Is Jy Important In pollileal

candidates.Willkle. like FJ3.R,. has what

llo calls a ••llvo voice,- as conUasted i-lth'Uie "dead-pan rolce“ AJf Lon­

don had, ProfRvslonali give him i ilte. edge over Roosevelt. In- Uii ■icilon note. (The president, say. has been in radio so long IiLi delivery sponUinelty. has

Idled and ^ U i It has gone , he rliig-431 fronknef4 and

lapie ontlni:ionnI mania

0 i>t In get

<ogeUier. The organliaUons of f>a- Udler and G unelln ore not charged wlUi pardonable error or maladisln- iJtraUon, They are accused, la a documented bill wlUioul end. of criminal lupprestloo of mllllaiy weaknesses, of fraudulent Intent In blocking prepantuon. ’The point emphasl«d by the French U not Uie list of acts which will stun Uio world , when finally released, but Umt Uieie acts, In garbled or true venloni, are known to embittered FJcnchmen 0/ every social class. Two Items o u t/f hundreds arc typical of the convtr- saUonttl fury. Daladler entered tin war on September 3 when the air force possessed 18 bombers, FW seven inonUia a volunteer organlt- nllon of 350.000 women worken were left Idle while Uie m en Uiey would have freed for the front remained unmoblllted.

BUILDING. W aU h for Increasing evidence Uiat, as first, reported here, ,-lUiln the Hltler-Mussollnl alliance here h developing an Italian policy s build a subUe FVanco-Itallan ntente. In w doing, Mussolini caii- ,01 be charged by Oermany wlUi :eakenlng Uie axis, bu l he i« cuIU- atlng I-'rencli soil U> lu llan ad- ontage none-Uie-leas.Officials presenl a t Ui* Franco-

German-llallan nrmlsUce confer- e ,ce ryiori Uie Itollan cinLuarles sun>rlslngly wUling lo Uke only token Ulbut« from France. DesplU '

er final hour entry, and negligible illllary action, Italy was In a poil- on - to claim and receive all of

ftencfi •Savoy. ConUary to rrportf, ' It Hitler who rationed Uie

_ bccau.'.c of llaly» small conlxlbuUon, 'The cllmale of Uie

e was such U iat Italy could ined more territory as.Uie

price of future action 1^ the axis'

.-French delegate*, w ent lo the con- fab proudly, with respeci for the Ocnnan victor, nnd wlUi such vocal contempt for Uie I tnllnni Uial Uie

•ocecdings verged on personal 9 repeatedly. L a t e r , the

Fftncli camo away wlUi Uie dlsUiict Impression Uinl Ita ly was nudging ■ ;m under UiD table. The mlldnes.i

Italian claims a s compared to Uiose whicj} Uiey were in po.UUon lo cnforce confirms Uie,Mussolini- Laval uiiderstandlnR th a t a counter- . lalance lo German hegemony can. ind sliould be s ta rted now.

TANTOLOGV. AvlftUon expcrU ' iwlni out Uuti Uie dally phrase re- :urrlng In European military com- nunlques "bombing raids beaten off" Is false and misleading. What

alrpbincs expeclcd to do—stop . . . tea? Stand stlU la mW-alr? Tliey have gol to go home some time and whenever Uicy finally do leavg, Uiey may not be boairn off a t all.In fact, th t deadly' purpose of their missions may well have been' ae- coinpIUlied.

ipplies U> Brltlsli raids on Germany as well as to Nail bombing ' excursions over the British Isles, Private reports on the amount of dcslrucUon In soulhem England ore absolutely sickening. 'The accuracy df hits on Im portant objects lis* surprised aU observers, Dy Uie same \ token, the I0.M of civilian life ns a

lit of badly aimed shots has been compnraUvely smalt.

,le 0 men In platfom' iinR u contnusUhg and Impos- to compare. Rocaevclfs Is for- • heroic, Willkle's Is homely.

rale Uie former stirring a t Uif n the latter Is equally

le In Inspiring IIaIci

C'lttTCItlfrom ~,v;rlpi 'if piice": w

ilncerlly nnd

k. Both men. working ar.' weak In "clmm

llie Roosevelt has widi llie <linix)riAnt In noi pal

U npplleX stricUy lo plal . ,-aklnn. where radio merely opr.," Radio raters are now ■nr Willkle's Ilmt studio pcr-

withnut au<llence. In clinlfiue and value.i arc cn- fferenl. _It liall-rc.wnaii® nnd crowd

nilkr background, candl- t) 1'. to CO UirouRh Uie eUier ene.-'s homea, when the bccome warmth, simplicity,


ru n ro .S E , Pcesldcnt noosevclfs ■cretlve vtsii wiUi Canadian lead* •s lnvol\-Pd more far-reaching top-

Ici Uian American air bases nn naitlan soiL:Tlie reRiiy'rmDwtjuit BUbJeci'-.irBcei”B ic i-ts : £H 6'in^w mr eonferenec.-Rnd lu •applienbUtty-ta Uie Dominion,, if Hl,il«r subduea England.

P.DJli's greatest, worry has been Uiat HlUcr mlshi try to Cake'Can-

a as loot of victory, and thus have route for ntuick on us. The na tu r­

al solution was to prevent .such sclsure a t all costs. Carefully cara- ouflBjced. Uie Havana pact founda-

T d that.the event of anj- Uircat. the

ncl of Iliivana provides UiM all 31 American republics shall take over protection of endangered foreign t«rTllorlc.s In thU heml.^phcrB, guar­anteeing safety and jetUiig up a three-man comrnisilon government. As advertised, Uiai was directed a t LaUn-Amerlcan colonies. Actually. Uie noo^evelt-Huli team punned it u the soluuoii for the Caiuidlon problem, f t gives P.DJi. Uie mean* of protecting Canada, unsubjecl UJ Uie ciiargo Uial Uie U, 8. U lokUig Uie dominion/over.

■ ■ T .. >


HunhTi- children e a t heartily with- Jt coaxing, l l U -fair to conclude ml most of the th lld re n who refuse I cat are not hunpry,•ed of food. O ften I have looked

at a healthy, well-develortd cli ' ' whose moiher-was in agony bccai he n fa^e(l lo cat. H e did not need the food and he enjoyed the ballli eveo’ mealiljjie. In our counUy more children are overfed than not.

The reason so m any of our ellj children are food fu-viera Is Uii lack of exekbe. I n order to gro« the child needs exercise. The older he gel Uie more exercise he needs to make way for h is growth, gets mile or none,' Usualb' he rld?i up and down In 'A n elevator. - Ha rides in the car p r tn his pram. Seldom does he walk. Less seldom. does he nih and climb and Jump nnd scream. We cannot have so; much nolle.. There Li no place for free piny and ha rd exercise. Yet Uie.'c are what children m ust have

ey are -to eat wlUi hearty appe^ andtftew e.i.illy nnd quickly.

Give T h e* Action t c-in do muc'li belter by these Iren than we do, however. In- t of pushing them nboui In a mbulator they could be helped ind aliowed to walk. As It Li

;hey ipast

Lhould be Ine and n cLsei for

lushed about In prams Uie tim e when they-

n Uielr own tegs. Walk- m tlal e

children a fte r they u-e found Uie u.*.c of the ir legs. Little boys and girls don 't play

hard enough to m ake them sleep restfully. Any afternoon- mothen and nurses can be heard odmonlsli' Ing tlielr cliaite.i. “D on 't play s< roughly. Be gentle," Now if Uien

ng t h a t . children ne^. - - ----- •an>1hlnB -else m theisw on n s f i r i n n c n i r m s n ■ ts iir r r-•13jr ro«|b->mea;» «cU on«-tia t-a* liot- aeturat* (itid -w ell-d lrrc lea ; rough In execuUon. no t In Uie us( of force. Kicking t> big baU llk<1 football or bn.iketbnll Is rougr )Iay, (Kicking each oUier ti vlo- eiit beliavior, not piny.) Climbing ind Jumping Is rouRh play. Swim­

ming 1.1 a refined form of play be- ft uses finer .muscle.i and de* msnds finer adJustmeiiLi.

Hard Exercise CalUei llu n rtr LltUe children a re not ready for

the finer adjustm ents needed in iwimming and tennis and golf. Tliey need to use and develop the big muscle ma.'ie» ef shoulder and leg and back, and the eam es they need

the rough ones—rough becau-ie they are not flneljfadJust«d acUvl-

ClillBfen who hnve enough hard work in Uie open a ir will eat and sleep without belns «oaxed. In the cl\y we hove to depend upon the playgrounds lo afford these. Usually they da not. Th« tw lngs t l l o v tbi

children to alt while Uielr elders have the exercbe. T lie sand boxu are not Uie answer, either. Jungle gyms, big balls Ued to posts, run- .nlng games, are the things.

The children In tho suburbs and country have a be ttor chance to work hard In ihe lr play. Few of them glT* their people any trouble »bout eaUng bej'ond th e proWem of buying enough food for them Id eat.

Give the food fu.isers a thorough worko'ul dally, and unless they are patlentfl for the pliyslclan Uiey wilt eal thankfully- and sleep gratefully.

II Un'l fair to allow ysur child te form disagreeable tlltle h ab lti- j

will make other people dUIIke him', or her, De guided by Angtle ratrl's beeUet, ‘ Annoying tfablls.’' Send for It, enelMlng ten (vnls In

Address Angelo Tatri, ear* ef Twin Falls New*, F, O, n«x 7«. gts- tlon O, New York, N. T.

M unicipal Pool O pened a t Buhl

HUHL, AUB, aa - -The Buhl mu- ilelpal swimming pool a t the City

.lark was opened to Uie public on Monda}-. Aug. 16. w ith about 300 boys and girls of a ll ages Hocking to enjoy a swim In Uie clear watef. The pool was fUled wlUi swimmers until eight o'clock in the evening, and as m an; or more have inJoyed the swimming each day since' ths opening.

J e a Holmes, city w ater commls- iloner. Is icUng os temporary life guard unUI the close of ,Uie season, which will be about Lnbor day.

The p«)I U eo feet by 150 fe«t, of jiicrete. with concrcte walks fln-

fihed half-way arout»d the p6oI. Tlis fJlteraUon Uinks w d cleaning equlo- V ^nenl-«reeompteted;'*nri Ujft'jXioI J»' - -aqulppad.fcith-twff^HUrinu b«trfli:-n-._ ' T iium fd -T M cm tflM siJn rioo ip r^ :

idlng-pool and flllCTOtlijn house ‘ will be completed nex t year.

Hours for swimmliiR are from 1 , m. unUl a p. m. each day.'

Contempt C h arg e , Faces Local Man

JEROME. Aug. 22-CIlver Elllion of Twin Falls will be returned here

fact ft contempt of court charge • er he walked out of the prcstnce police Judge. Clark T . SUinton.■e Uils week w ithout paying his

fine nnd court costs.EllLion had been.arrested for h a y '

Ing 6D operator's^llcense and car which were different, ond ' iprratlng a car wlUioul a UUe In

hU own name. .He appeared t>efor« Judge Stan­

ton _and. Uicn drov* aw iy In his automobile wlUiout paj-lng hU



Plans Final Get-Together

A.-5 a f in a l s c l- to R c lh c r of th e s e a s o n , m em bers of th e S o u th e r n jld iiho P o a tin g c lub will, h o ld a p icn ic n e x t S unday , AUR. 25, a t D uRan's landlnK , q u a r t e r m lie nbove O w sley's b r id g e a t T liousand sp rin g s, D e lb e r t C la m p l tt of H ollis ter, p r e s id e n t , an n o u n ce d la s t eve* n ln g .

Members from Tv,ln Fulls. Buhl. Jerome, Hollister nnd IJurlty will be In rvttciidniice »U1i Uielr Irlentls: nnd. nnjonc wlio Is Initrfsicd In boiillHR and water sporUi Is liivllcd 10 n ttend . R «u.: emphiultMl lait cveiiliiK.

SevcrnI outlxjnrd motor boaw and ft twclity-slx fool Inboard bonl wlU hr uvnlliible for rld«. It v.b3 report- iil. A viirlcil and IntcrrsiinK pro- Kriim of rldliiK. 'wiininlnK nnd »urf- hoartlltlB has bcrn oiitllntd lor Uie <(ay,

Club otflcliil.i ln;it. evcnliiK said thill docklMK farlllllc-5 nl DUKiin's hindliiK u rre |)rovliJr<l by the boat- liiK club niitl are for the public

^ 'aII tho.-r iitlrnilliis lire lukcd to brtiiK n picnic lunch. OIIIclnM ulit th a t a .•'iipply of tvnlrrmcloiu would bp on tor «Uo v.lilved

Prizes Awarded A t Club Meeting

Varied contc'.l.i were comlucle«l durlns Uie proxram hour n l the mcctlnff of the Gliamrock club yes* terdny nfieniooti a l Uio home of Mrs. Je.'.ale Bush. Mm. EdIUi Davis •n’n.1 fl.'~il5ltint. hait«.^ and Mr.'i. L, C. 'S tafford was In chargc of the pro- Rnvm.

Prlrj^.i After tJie , BwardKl lo Mrs, Lrttlc AlbK, Mrs H aiol Louclcv Mrs, Lillian nimorc and Ml.',J Deity Dandy.

Dcsldea ntnctcen mcmben, ruuu Included Mni. William Foril. Mr.i Homer Anderion. Miss HftKl BooUi mnd MLvi Dandy.

Members atijiwercd roll call wltii th t l r fnvorit* Jelly or Jam rcclpe and Uie wlilte eleplmnl awnrd wen Mrs. E leanor Black.

DurlniJ tile biislnw mreUnK. ■ ducted by Mrs, &thFr WLic, It nnnounccd Uint all mrmbcrx fhould pet Uiclr fru it Jars and complete Uielr cftnnlrB for the orphan's homen t DoL',e.

Rcfre.-Oiment.^ were served by h«sles*e' at. U\c clow nt U\e u-f.-Joii

M fi. EUlo fJraliam niwl Mrs. Lil­lian FJImore will bfl honicM to Uie c roup Thurwiny. Sept. 6 a t Uie home of Mra. arnlJtim.


JEROM EVacation Trip—County Agent and

M n . EUKcno Whltnuin nnd son nnd A!rs, W lilUnan’A parcnti. Mr. unc! Mm. J . T . Slilrk. Ma-cow. are on a vacation trip to Muthem Cullfomln. T lify plan to reiura 6undfiy, Auk- SS, ' •

VUIt Paren l* -M n . Malcolm Stu- n r t nnd children left this week for M ountain Home Vihctc they «Ul vta- I t Dr. nnd Mrs: O. H. CoojKr, par­ent* of Mr. . Stuart. Dr. Coojicr wrn a former Jerome phy. lclan.

Teacher Relutm»—Mtvi Jt>r.le HftJl' dy. form er Wn.ihlngtou school letich- er. nstiimed UiLs weelc from BerV- oley, Calif-, where slie ha.i been at- tcnd lnc summ er Mhool. Mt.'j Handy h a i ncceptcd n position-In Burley ■/whoo! /iy.itemv^or the eomlnir ye

To End VUIt—John MaBnelll, ... of Mm. H arriet Maciielll. plan* U> Jravo Saturday tor Denver v,hcre he U employed by Uio Mountain Etnlri

I Creampry of Colorado. He htoi been In Jerom e on n 10-d’ay vacation,

n<wcrlbe* Trlj>-Oohn D .-N to i , w5io recenUy reiunird from a vLilt to f^srt Ansdc.^ Wa.^h., and Port- Innd, t«ld briefly of his trip nt Uic Tueadny mecUnB of Jerame UotAry club.

Reutlvea Vlilt—Mr, nnd Mra, Normim Eaklii of Co.ilvllle. Utnh. bro ther of Robert Eakln, aUo nre here vW linc rrlatlvcs. Tlicy plan to leave M»n for Dear Valley whore they will vl.'.lt Mr. nnd Mrs. Sey­more Hnm.en nnd Mr. and Mrs. F nm k H urt of Nampa,

Clever Pink and White Motif for Luncheon PartyA clever phik ;ind Mhllc dcrtirn'

•■y~ UvcTtl'onf 4»r. <rm|)Iuyai b) Mr.v. nil OcorRc when J,lir rntiTiaim d mnn' bern of the Farmi'rntpn cUiti mul four a t tirr htimr j(-,tcril;iynflernooii a t n 1:30 oVldcl; luiirli-

C uejta ----- • •••InrRB Ince-covercil ........ .........w ith an" nrranK''mrnl oi nMcn, pri'- domlnniely pink. 'A pink clmii bf. nenU r the Incr covcrliik; rrllrdi'd ' Uie pink shndc'-i of thr Imunii. fjijul. , placo card* featured the T of pink.

auestii «'ere Mrs, liti*-. nlnu. Mr*. Freddy NrlMm. I ton W onacotl and Mr'Lunte, nil of Twin K;ill'..

TJic group spent the n(l ewlnu nnd visliliit:.Mrs. Clyd'' DWinp «111

DC club ypplemb.T n .

o r AMKRICAK dc9.lrv U th li t(lk and metat treen iotd drr»j tlial

. a co-rd m>{hl like tor upcclal tla ln . It h>i a tiile apron drape th a t (Irt In a ush .

K. of C. Groups' Make Plans for Picnic at Buhl

Al a mei'tlnR of Uie T»ln Fnlls council. KniKhLi of .Columbus, Wed- neMlay cvciitntr. It «j,'. aniiounctd IhnV the Twin ?nlV OTKanlmtlon linti been Invllcd to Jnln the Buhl council nl n picnic next Sunday, Auic. 25, at Uie Duhl city p.irk. Mem­ber!; and th d r fumlllrs wffclnvlled.

A [wt-luck luiiehKiii will be .■.erved n t noon, and Irmonade will be fur- nl.ilie<l by Uie UtOil council.

Entcrtiilimicnt Vni-'lnclUde ."Koft- UlUl Riimes bctVccJx the Duhl boya’ tcwn anil Uic Twin tnlU boy.V tcnm. nnd between a KlrlsWam from Uio west end, niatclicd W ttlj a Btrla' team, from the Manic Cli>'-

Durlns tJie Bii'.hicM i.c.'.slon, the council voted to cooperate wltlj Uic ■ ,ed Ctojn hi the ;nalter of arrnriK- iK cJhr.-,M In Ilr.U aid. dates to be M Inter.Chiirloji Mullen prc.'ltlpd In Uie

nbM'nce of Lyons SmiUi, umnd knight.


Chinese checkers was (he after- nooii'.i diversion when members of the Rock Creek, Worthwhile club met a l Uir home of Mrs. Deattj' In Twin FnlLi Uils week with Mrs. DoroUiy Ca-iter a j,

Honors at chrckcrj went* to Mr*. Peter Newman and Mrs. Chloe Wee«h, White elephant went lo Mr*. Corn Mclntlre. .

Elfihtccn members and four Buesta o ro -p rw n t. - nefrtslim ents-w cnr

served by Uie ho- lciu, aab ted by Tracy Cline, Ada Alban. Alice Beatty

• Mrs, Bcntty. • ■


Uinn 100 carloads of nortiiweat'tofl wheat haw been alilppcd elUier to Jio Orent lakes or the St. Lawrencs river In the last 30 days, it wn* re- jorted In wheat clrclcs here today.

TTie wheat purchft.its were for Uio EnsU-ih trade.

sriitrd ; :i MliF.Ir.


Bonny Stitchcrs M ake Plans for Achievement Day

At their mertint: jf-ii'r'i-iv mirr- ,ioon n l the hniiif of Mr: M K. Giirdtxcr. leader. «!Bonny StltchiT.i ■l-ll i-f.viiiK rhib cnm plctal plan- for llidr :iihlnr- m cnt dny. to be hrlil 'n iu: iLiy. AUR. 19, n l the home M Mi-:. G:ird-

G lrb. wlin ate c:irrjlnir ir-Aim; proJeCLi from the firr.t lo iiic /mirtli year, will have th ilr Ud:k .•.iiii|il'’trd a t tha t date nnd arraiinc It /or i-x- hlblt a t the iichlcvrninit d;iv. -nicy will mo<ltl TTiclr dn- ’c. -iii ihr ron- chi.^Ion of the a{i<riu>fi!iv, pimrr^in.

The Krotip nl-fi inad<- pl:in-. fnr n picnic to be hrltl Hatiirilay. .s.-|H 7.

the Twin F.ill.s ciniiitv fiiiriiMiiiidi ; n lc r .Mlf-s neriilco!, pK-ldnit

the club, roiulurlrd thf f.cvlnti yrslenlny. MKs Woiitiv Hnnx was named proKnim c t in irm n iJ fur achievement day.


Membera nf Uie C.O.K.K. Kiris' knlttlnR club enlrrtalned thrlr mo­thers and .-.cvrral Kuest.i Turrilny afternoon nt Die home nf Ml'.". Mllft Tjickcr. A style dl.M>by nl .wenlers. caps and purac*. knitted ilurlnK the -•.iiinincr wnr. arninncrl.

MIm Betty iUira Strwnrl [laVc a hl.'.tory of knlilliiK nnd wool nnd M lrj Betty Lou Dailey Rave a his­tory of the club, n ie t.ilk.i were p a rt of the iilternonn'fi prosrum, ■which oprjiwl Ktonp slnKliiK nnd a .nkll. "Wbcn.-the^ilhilMcr Comes to Call," liy mcmheni of the club.

is-s Bailey cnve s rendliic nnd Miss Arleiir Nlchobon and MIm I/>1s Nlcholion playeil a plapo duct. Mbs Tucker jla je d a piano rolo,

Mrs. Oliver S lew arl.nnd Mrs. Scott Elkunrt.h won prlrcs In a contest and a tray lunch u n \ served.

Mothers who were present Inelud- 1 Mrs. Tucker, Mrs, Ell.<-

vk'orUi. .Mrs. Nod Dailey. Mrs. 6te- and Mn-.. U V. NIchohon, Ile-

cclvlns Kiie-'t.i was Mbs Ann Elbi- worth.

Other .'.pedal Kuest,i were Mrs. llnU ls Crciwtwl,.Mrs, WaUer Uo!- loway, Mrs. Fiiye Holloway, Mrs. Prlcc Holloway. Mrs, Melvin Dunn and dnuKhier, Deanna Dunn. Mrs, JL E. Turner, Mls-s Ollle Fern 6c- cord nnd Ml“ June Pownall.


Mr, and Mr;.. Ulriiii Sm ith nnrf M r Sinltir.i mtiUii-r o( Onlloii, O.. were KUCiUi e,irller thl.n wrck of Mr nml Mr;, C. Ivun Prlcc,

Al dinner one rvniliiB they were lionortcr.. niwl Mir-. Cora il'idIllchard BajiK:;. both of Kimberly, were. aha. uuc-'.t!.

Mr, and Mrs. P rke iind M i:J BaxKs and Mr. Ihu-K.N all arc lor-

ler rc.•,ldent- of Oiillon.Tlir Ohio KUe.M:, weie rii routf to

San Frnnclr,cb and h:ivc left for their dr.-.tiniitlon, accompiuiled by Miss Corn Bukks,

Post-Nuptial Party Honors

Recent Bride

Soon to W ed

Mrs. C. Philip Hvinrlch, a new- imiT to -ivin Fall.',, wiw Uie lion- le a t a lovely iiardm party nnd

mUccIluncou-. sliowc-r iirrannid ye.n- •uliiy HiKriioiiii by a (|Uiirlct of

.o,, ul the nnuit.y horn.- ol Mr.-.. C. 11. Llnd'.cv.<v;..T, WITC .\lr.->. LUkL.ry. Mrs. W. S. Piiri'.h. .Mi.s. F. it. DarllUK and .Mr.->. H. A. nc icr.

Oui'.'.t.'i. iiuinlii'iin;: forty, wrrc frlnids of Uic C. A. Heinrich family.

■JVhi Fall.-: irlitiiU nl ,Mr.v. C. A. llrJnrirh a t a tcii liL-t Sattirdiiv.

...c nrttioin<‘r wm fonnerly Mi'' Mary Lou. Hi-ii-Min of Uaker.-.fU-lil Cnlll.

MK'iil till- ntteriioon In- form;vlly. In-.ixvtiin: the lovi-ly Kat- dens tit (he- l.lm l r y homi-. Relri-.-h- niciits were ;.i-i"\l(l In tray .’.tyli' a' llip enneliL.liHi ol th r ;iIterno<iti. ,

0111.1 weie |)ic-.'i-n;>-d lo tin- hoii- tirce.lri a ducor.itnl ba;.ki-l. Ulldci the dlrecllim of Mlv. Ituth DurJlnK.

Varied Even ts Honor Guests

Of ChurchillsA croup ol rrlalivc;.(im c ol whom

arrived Wi-(lin-.<l;iy t« Join othc came eivrlli'r in llie wrck, will

he Uio honorei-:i a t a numlx'r ol :.s nrralii:<-<l by Mr. and

D. R. Churchill, 4<3 S<-cond av north.

Mr, and Mni. Churrlilll planned nii oiiUiiK.triii to ihe Ciiiter.i of the Moon, Sun Valley mid i Sawtooth inouiilalii |»lnt.'. today

acf]Ualnl tli'-lr kucM.-; wllli rccnlc poliit.s of lni(-H'-'.i in Southrrn'ldiiho; mid, yr»,terd;iy they took tlicm to nnirby plcnlcklm: iMiint .

Tlielr KUc.M.', Include Mr. nnd Mrs. James W, Holmes ot Platl.-^nioilth,

who arrived Wcdne:.cliiy. Mr, Holnu-s Li n lirother oJ Mr.. Chur­chill.

Mr. and .Mrs. Ralph S. Holmes rid daURhter, Pexny Lou, ot Had-

doii[lel(l..'N. J.. nceompanlud them Mr. Holmr.-i b a nr '

ot Mr^. Churclilll nnd l;i In telcvl.-.lDii rercnrch deparUiienl for IICA nianufacturlniT company,

Gue.'.Ls who nrflved earlier in the week were Mr. nnd Mrs. Noi-1 B. Rnwls of Llnd.'.ay. Calif., nnnlher nephew of 'M rs. Cliurchlll. llnwls Is a superltilcndeiit In Uic Llnd'.ay Ripe Olive plant.


\x>Uvi' wect ovder«i to^tnv to nh^n- doii tliPlr cibtomnry lilch helmet.'

Wear war-time tin lieliiieL-,. Hcretniore when -nlr rnld sirrns screamed they cnanKcd into Un Imts, '

s t a r t l i n g s a v i n g s o n n e w e s t

L o n d- . B u y y o u r F u r -C o n l n o « \ Y ou a r« d o u b ly .

*?r.Bavlng m o n e y , ____

Check these features• Newest ion S(yle.s

• S k i l l f u l , u n h u rriedw o rk m a n sh ip

• E x c e l le n t q u a litys k in s .

' • W cll-m n tch c d pclLii

• Sm nll D eposit

• F re e S to ra g e — A ll ldlO -1941

• G u a m n tc c d • Serv ice

• G u a ra n te e d Lininers

I f Y ou Don't Know Furs, B u y TTom A Furrier

The Fur ShopN ext to Orphcum


See ’ Thi$ FineOil HeaterT h e o n iv one o f it,? kind

t h a t w ill w a rm th e floor.

IIoalinK ' CJtpitcily fiiiOl)

Cu. F t .

R ck' . S105.flO V alue

N ow


-HsmmO d k " ^

E v e ry o n e Itnow V a b o u t C h a r te r O nk Stovc.s

t? i . , Rood lo o k in g ranRO

R e g . S97.50 V a lu e N ow

$ 6 9 9 8


IlSH WILMA GLODOU'SKt of Jrrmne. i.lii) hIII become (hr brlilr nf CImo 3. llrmkUic at a noptlal

al M, Jernm rS Callioll.- rliunli in Jrrnme Sejrt, 2, (Nr«i Llicr.iUiici,

Jerome Girl's Betrothal Told

,Ii:ilOMi:. .\il;r'. 2:-.M r. n Pi.inl; V. tlliKlo-,>-.l;i h iu r lui

,irrlaKi'.Ml'.-,. lliimki I ol :

.iiid Ml llit.ii^'.vlll,-. Kv.

Th'' cim|i)i. '.iill Ix' niarilril nl .S;l .Irroiiie'.', Ciitlidlli- ehuicli 111 .Jei'Oliic ,M(.iiil;iy, .Srp;, -J, a t 10 o'clock In

'Iliry wiil nKil:c thrU" home la

.Mr. I!ro<il;iiiti U a Kraduale n( irookMllle lilnh M'hool anil attond- d a liuMne-.s uiiivcn.lly n t Clncln-



rnver (JueU.-^^Ml.v, Pejirl SchU- of Di-nvei ;,jx-iil the week-end lie Gror;;e Schwiitii-r himie Mon- . Ml■. S<-hl:.kT. Marylci- Sthwn- , Mr.-,. .Mynlr- YouiiulUti iinil Alt.i

. left ;■ ■ ■Spokane.

CniJl VWton—Mr. mid Mrs. Joe SchaKer of FrnnrlH'ci arc vis- Itlm; hiT hroUier. Charlu:. Brown, and MimUy.

Cominpf EventsKANSAS nCN K r

Jpwrll iv;ibe helil :il lijiihu Sundjiy, Ainr. : j . ai


Shower Ho>igrs Kimberly Pair

f i i i i i p l c l r h f iic iv

s h n i n n f / o f

. E N O XC H I N A I

•.■.im; of tliL-i pop- 1. de- n<l ix-nuiltully


:UCiAR.S. CUKAMFH^S nd other pli-crs prlerd

6 0 = K u g le r ^ s

See Wiley's forBack-to-School

Needs!, S i ic n f fe r F in e l in e Pen-

$ 1 . 0 0 i'i<

S h e n f fe r F o u n la in I’cn.s

$ 2 . 7 5 u..S h c a f f e r M atchcci SeLs

$ 3 . 9 5 . pS k r ip W ril in fi : F lu id

1 5 cY our N am e E n p rn v e tJ F re e on S h e n f f e r P e a s and


S h e a ffc r D e sk S e ts ,

$ 5 * 0 0 UI’

ElkavK Fly .Spray .........

Q FL Y O — KillH Fiiej» In s ta n tly


Q u arts

P in ts ..... .......... 5 5 c i

ffill p i n t ............................. -.....I...::..:.....::... 4 9 cL L ite rin e A n tu ^ p tic . C A m

75c Rlze ............................................................. ................W ild R oo t H a i r -T o n ic w ith a G enuineP ro p h y la c t ic .H a ir U ra ^ h , S1.50 v a lu e ........« . . .

B ism a-R ex , f o r nc idInd ip cs tio n ............. ................ .................A fra rex P la in o r ,C om pound ................................ .....................

W iley Drug Co.

5 0 c7 9 c

I2S Shoshstn St. N.

Writing Contest Entrants Must Ohserve-Ru Ics

inu-.rilpl. I 11 U V m iinuicnpli be Iinil mailed with

;irii to all, Idaho

are ell«lble.


c. Wder

,. PeaH-

EXTRA SAVINGSon your weekly

FOOD BUDGET— at the —

Idaho Dept. StoreF ru it Cocktail

“ W in n io rv ,’’ Ifi ot.. Cun


Cake F lour‘•I’ik is i ’e a k ." A l'v a y s


i S c .....1 5 cS U G A R —

1 0 ,1. 5 8 c 2 5 II $ 1 .4 41 0 0 $ 5 . 4 9D K V IL K I) M K A T — '•C utiahy .” 5c C a n s , K a rh .............................. :... 4 cM IL K •— T a ll Cans, A ll U rn n t is . Knch 7 cL A IU ) — ‘•ICxcel." 4 P d u n ti P ;ick a n e .. 2 9 cR A IS IN S — T h o m p so n 's SfC(iit'.s.s 4 P o u n d I’ackaK e .................................... 1 9 c

B a k in s Powder ,Vienna S ausage“ C liihb iT G ir l” “ C u d a h y ”

2 ' ^ ; „ ... : . . . . 2 0 C 4 a n ........8 cS A N D W IC H S P R K A D — “T a b le Q u e e n ." Q u a r t s ..... 2 5 cI IO N E V — • • H n r r y V ’ N ew C rop. ' Q u a r t J a r ............... ............................... 2 9 cM U S T A R D — “ l‘cppy H ot." Q u a r t J a r ..................... ............ 1 5 cC n iJ K S E — ChallcnKC Fu ll C r e a m . P o u n d .......... 1 8 cM A C A R O N I — S lnde from D arum W h e a t . P oun tI ........................ .................... 1 7 c

P e a n u t B utter“ G old C r a f t"

2S"'.....2 5 cF L O U R — Id a h o m e H ard W h ea t, •18 lb . .Bafr ............... .............................. ....... $ 1 . 1 0

S Y R U P — S la le y ’H Golden, N o. 10 C a n .................................. 5 5 cP E C T IN — E x ch a n R c , M ade b y . , A j P » ^ C a lif o r n ia F r u i t 'E x c h a n R c ------------f o r

^ L Y S P R A Y e r ‘‘S l n c l g t ^ . D ." , ■ Q u a r ts

.2 (or25CT U i r t F I S H — "M idP B C inc .” -

L a u n d ry SoapC r y s U l W h ile B a r

„ 2 0 cF r e e a d lv e r i c a to a ll. p a r t s o f th e c ity . .G ro c e ry pbooM ^ N o . 0 a n d N o . 1 . , . .

I d a h o D e p t . S t g r I“If I t Isn’t Right, Bring It'Bw k”

i .


d r y g o o d s d e p a r t :\i e n t



T hose :irc a r e g u l a r S:5.yO se t. W c a rc abiu to f in d o n ly 18 se t.s in th is Broiip. A re a l o i i l s ta n d in ; : ’ valiit.'.'

Buck lo S c h o o l S p e c ia l

N nm c Ivn ibo^scd in Gold L e a f F K E E

S, D K Y <;OOI)S n U I 'A R T l I E N T

S P E C I A LO nly 2 6 Waterman’s PEN and PENCIL SETS

$ 2 .9 8T h is s e t is W n tc rm n n ’s r c s n l a r S 5 .0 0 v a lu e . M -k a rn t Kold p o in t . E a c h a c t boxed w i lh a sainpU* b u ttle o f W a te rm a n ’s ink .

B A C K TO S C H O O L S P E C I A I .N n m c Embo.<<6cd in G old L e a f F R E E

4 2 pairsYoung Men’s


Offered at theID A H O D E P A R T M E N T S T O R E


B O Y S ’ D E l’A R T J IE N T — M A IN I ’LO OU

175Boys’ F ir s t Q uality

Inner and O uter

^rad fi in » w ide v a r ie ty o f f a b r ic s in p la in

a n d fan c y p a lte rn .i. A ll s h o r t s le ev e s . T h is

f in a l ity Hold for rjDc to 79c . rO Euliir a n d sizes

' a r c sm a ll, a j c s 6 to 8 , m c d i\in \ , 10 ' tn 12, Inrffc. 12 to M.


C O A T Sand 3


*5.98.A F a c lo rv ('liK c-O ut of

R cK iilnr S l V alues

q u a li ty .ill Ki^nl fa b r ic s in cliini;lii!!,ts. f lr rc c s ,

su i 'i l i 's m id iw i'.'ds; Sonic h.Tvr' rea l fui t r im s . '

D R V G O O D S D K I'A R T M K N T ^


3 6 0 pairBoy's Blue Bib

O vera lls29'

H oz\ 7 2 .2 0 w o fu h t b lue denim. New V b a c k s ty le .

F o u r pockct.s and l)ib poukcls. Miide to se ll a t -lOc.

T h is school opon iiip va lue will save y o u m oney .

Size.? 2 to 16.

4 8 0 FINE QUALITY H A N D K E R C H I E F S i w ' "

B O Y S' D E P A B T M E N T -M .M N T L O O R

P u r e , l in e n , a ll w h ita otr fiiin Swi.-^s r n i in n j>rinls. ?(im c w ith h ;ind ri'llod hrm s.‘ ‘ • BA CIC T O S C H O O L S P K C IA t.! ^ '

\ ‘ ECO N O M Y B A S E M E N T '


I ' 1 2 0 0 W H I T E CO TTO N n n tf f a n c y p r in te d « —h a n d k e r c h ie f s f o r g irls . F .a rh ............. ........... J I C

- |; 6 0 0 P R I N T E D C O IT O N h n n d k c rc h ic fB , A M .a .sso rto d c o lo rs a n d p a tte rn s . D o z e n ......

1 6 6 0 A ll W H I T E L A C E c o rn c r a n d <m « 'a s s o r t e d p r in te d h B n d k e r c h ic f .< i . . . . '^ fo r a V v

. - ./I..-.; '

pairBov's Munsihq wear

D RV G O O D S D E P T .

■ 7 2 0 Back To SchoolH A N K I E S

3 L arjre si.TC p r in te d c o tto n a a n d p la in w h ite w ith d raw n th r e a d h n rd e ra . Id e a l fo r school.

B a ck to S choo l S p e c ia l

ji I.

i: i


pairB o y s’ fa n c y s tr ip e , r e n u ln r 25c and :^5c q u a l i ty . P a r t f o f th is lo t is m ad e w j th r ib b ed top itnd o th e r s c la s t ic to p . A ll f i r s t q u a lity . Si7.ea 8 to 11. T h es e a r c m e d - i' itim a n d hcavj* w e ifjh t c o tto n , and a r e a l so c k fo r w e a r. , ;

N ev er in th e history o f t h i s store have p repara tions been so com plete and so in tense

to g iv e you more value, b ig g e r assortments, a n d a finer sliow ing o f back - to - school

values. N ot only a re o u r reg u la r stocks of school clothing in ti|)-to]) shape, but o u r

buyers searched the m a rk e t to bring to you th e se 2!) big specials. Seeing is believing.

The s ta g e is set'. You a re the audience are here to e n te r ta in you with values

th a t 'y o u will rem em ber lo n g after the show is over.


184 pairBoys’ F irs t Q uality


S l o e pairT h is lo t o f boy*’ fine q u a lity c o rd u r o y tro u se rs clo.sed nu t'

f o r t h i s sch o o l Bpecinl. T h ey a r e n il p la in shndes of bhic

a n d b ro w n , a n d a ll .sizes B to 17.

BACK TO SC H O O L S P E C IA L S FOR- T H E k i d d i e s

Large Q roup Kiddies'

School Shoes(io 'A t


All le a th e r nhocs. V a lu es tip to $2.45, m ostly o x fo rds, few s tr a p s , b ro w n am i lilack. n o t com plete in e ac h lot.'Sir.o.'; H 'j tn 2 in th e a s so rtm e n t . S t a r B ra n d , B lack H aw k:;. Ske?zix and few G re a t Scatl.s.


3 6 0Kdynbe


5 9 C

S l ig h t ir r e g u la r s o f K ay n c o 79c and 98c s h i r t s o f f i r s t q u a l i ty , In s iz es 121^ to W / i , n R cs 6 to 12. T h e s e a r e f a n ^ . p a tte rns h i r ta a n d p la in sh a d e f l o f blucy 'uin, ..........

-n 'nd w h ite . ............ -


7 2 0Pair of Boys’

Heavy Crew SOCKS

2 ForT5«

All now n:!snrlcd colors a n d s tr ip e pattcrrtfl. R ib

k n it lops and e lastic tops. T h ese a re a lip h t ir -

rogul/irs from 15c lines; S i io i com pl«i« f ro m 8

to lO 'i .


SPECIAL! W ebster’s-Columbia Concise

DICTIONARYO ver M o.onn d o fin itinns a n d vcu 'ab iila ry te rm s . IiidiHpen.Kalilo fo r school u isc . C lo lh b o u n d a n d indexed.

Hack (o Schoi.5 Spec ia l' '

36:1!^lr Young Men'sSPORT OXFORDS

Specially^JSed at $ 2 .9 8 PairH e r e is ' a n u m b e r th a t w ns e sp ec ia lly fo r th is e v e n t . H av e e x tra h c a \^ ’ V u lc o rkso le t h a t w ill give double w c a r i -N o v e lty p e rfo ra te d w in ff t i p . T w o-tone U n c om binn tio rr . R o f f u U r $ 8 .95 g rad e . G oodyear w e l t . ^i to jT u iir ♦ a . j o ^ a a e . F L O O R S H O E D E P A R T M E N T . ' .

. H i i M .................................. ..

ECONOM Y b a s e m e n t '

6 0AH Wool


A 'f a c to r y close o u t o f rcK ulnr s w e a te rs in g ood colors o f red . royal blue , Ijrow n, g re e n s a n d r u s t . E m b ro id e re d tr im s in v a rio u s b u tto n c o n fn n d s lip o v e r s ty le s . S izes 8 to 16.


1 2 0 0Children's

SCHOOL ANKLETS1 0 *f pair.

A ll fi to 10V:; in Kood a sso rted co lo rs a n d s ty le s . A s.'iiiried m a te r ia ls o f ray o n , c o tto n , a n d m e rc o ^ ire d co tlo ii. T u rn dow n c u ff s a n d c la s t ic k n i t c u ff s , so lid colors a n d c andy s tr ip e s . a re r e g u la r 16c a n k le ts . Bo h e re e a r ly a n d save.



Metdl LUNCH KITS. , 25<? . ,


C hildren’s.Printccl Percale


29cpi'ilicu,-,^, ill,I'.-. ;ui(i tailcD'i'il b iii tn n All i.'.". ! I-. 1! ;ro jriila r .M'l .in

4 8!{oys’ Worsted I'ace

Dress Pants$ |1 9

Riiip and c r n y clux-li paitiii 'ii, in slnok m ode l, w ithside s tn ip .^ . \ v^ihiu inndo to >oil fo r iio ii;;h l fn r iiiir ,-('liuol n]pciiinK' cvciit. S to IS. R r h e rb e a r ly and b .' .sii



R ou n d (o rn c ra , m e ta l handlc.s, a t t r a c t iv e o r s . b r i g h t r c tin e d in sido iin i s h m a k es t t o c lc a n .- - - • - - ■ ' - “ —'Ltiifch'Tdt"aT.8^v8 wjtlT .... .....-d o sse r t t r a y ..... ...........................- ........ .

IcA igni, c o l - . ( i i k i t - T "

3 9 ^2 9 c

4 0 onlyChildren’s

M etal LUNCH KITSw ith One-Half P in t Icy H ot B ottle

98<fT w o ty p o s a n d co lors ' to choose f ro m . F l a t k i t _ w i th ro u n d c o m e ta and d o g h ouse ty p e . B o th m a d e to ’ ho ld b o ttle se cu re ly a n d Ic is o f room f o r sa n d w ic h e s a n d

’ c ak es. B c g u li^ v a lu es to $1.19. D o n 't m iaa o tt t h i i . sa v in g .

^ ■ d o tf .o u t^ f .p g tf t tU f J J c iu a .s . i ic r e s : S i t * s - 8 ^ . - W h « * ^-------to d .. te a - r o s o r - E v c ry o n c i i r 3 t - q u a K ty ^ M c a li fo r - th « - - = ^

flchool g ir l . ............................. 1. f

B a ck lo School Spcclal

D R Y GOODS D E P T . • '


25<S l ig h t I r r e g u l a r s o f th o M u n s in g w e ar 49c a n d ‘59c

■qualities. I f y o u J ia v e h a d 'th e s e be fo re y o u k n o w th e valu,a. SizQs 4 -1 6 . i , . '

B a c k t o S d o o l Special


Casual S lau qh tBy


YCSTKRDAY: Knjr (cll> Julia St H«nilr»'. Inltnllon to marry ]rlt Immrcltalrly. Julia l« Jurluui ■t Sandra'* Intimation that Jrff U connrctrd w ith l>ie munlrr.

Chapter 19 JJoullnr (}ur»tloni

‘ Vou Jiiil (Inirt iinder-Mnnfl. Snn- drn." Julia mid piitlrntly. nmnliiK a comh iliriiiiKt' *i't Ini'Bi lilc.-vclird bob. ''Klie lllirs mni — cllllcrclll m--n, loll oj llicm. UiM nichl Ix-lifU to br Ii aii. Tnmorrow ll mlxlil bf !lie rlmiili\ln or Gerald or — Dsd. nm Ji-lf* Itir oiiP t-lic w«i lo miirrj-. lor llif iK-rlcclly ilmplp

t lie's • slir'sTlicrr roulilii't Ijp

nn — h r hii.m'l a dimr. "Maybp ihr'n ilolnK it to spile


-Slie dnc.Mi’l Imtp me Uul We wnil th r bark M.ilr

past Uir Mumcl oI Com mutlrrlr in ih r kllcjirii nnd oiii iho rtrvlcc cnlrniicc.

■ . "Wc']] Inkc Ihr cimpf; Mlml «on't aiiiil n ." Jiilln .■iilil, crt

■ l:iB Ihff urnvflrd Iwcl; road to double v:aracc. ’ Il''- tline f clia]>cl to tti om. Wr'll liavp liwrry.".Uiil tliP rliHlv:! ,’.vu\ rluTil n

no Mi:ii of rvrr liav been oprn. Ami ulirn v f ttcnt tn llm dub llif llr.'t Jktwhi ,MW wi.,1 KflU-lii lirldrurll on tlip vcramln Mirfoiiiulrd b'y th r f>uii[liiy p.iprr, ciiliiily ilaniliiK.

•'.My babki n rr »!l kcIUuk ro bur' flir simprrrd. IwUUng up a ma:i'» wjck.

■I lhoii;;lit you « r ;r nt cliurcli." I Mid, fnllliis lo r'o iir.' lo npprc- cmic my Iiivnrllr braiiil ol liiiiiior.

"No rluirch. Tlip rItnpUilii -Icil Bloul ol nion- poljjui ntelil. T hat pi«ir iiiaii." Slir ^lKh llplourtT, . -1 bPllrvr .hr »al In It tills tllilp!"

Our ri)tillJUIrd f,nl){lr[y frtmi hrr u .’.lirr'wtt Kliincc u'lilch'd ,w. Klie becamp plrasaiilly ina tlrr 0/ flirt.

"So we cim r lioiiie nKnlnrOr ivt Iriit I cllii, Ilut If you're looUtiiK for Siilnlrn I r;iii only the’9 nonic dbi.mce fiom

"'•'Wltll JrII7" clrmamlcd Julln wllli rcmnrkiiblp • ?.rlf-coiilrol.

"Witii Jc(f. H f met u» on «»>’ liamc. iU- u n i drlvlnR he ImtJ u mnrrlnKf Ilcrnr.e. Wlicii hr learnpct the chnplnlii van compoj niciitb, o r vlcc ver/.a you nilKlil .M>y, they set out ■parlA iinknott-n, Tliry ar.lccd , to Ro ntniiR, bill i have 8umby rilnncr lo wi|>ervbp. Then they am e here niid. iookrd for you, Kay. nnd when you were iiQt lo b« found they up nnil decldcd llmt maybe two wivs nil It ,tMlc tmurrlcd. . o ofl Uicy ucnl----- '

t' I did not nu ll lor her to linbli her dieerlill rntlhnK- Julia vi a-s white. her Imt. I look In lirmly by Uie elbow pud jiroprllrd licr to my romm. .

T h r Trap I d o n t know where our mliul.'i

»cre t h n l we ' didn't *rc llip■ imp Uint wn.n .waltlnc tor us. didn't mukp o u r> !u i« mid deride on our slorli-.i. We wpre iiKrred to kei'p r.llence oii one ihiiiK only —our gllmiM of S.m dri In Ivan';, nrm.1. Tlint nRreeinpnl a e e n ic d tlniple cnoyKh to carry' out until Colonel Pennant, .milling ol int acnx.1 Ihp biK mnlioKany (Iiv.k In the library- ot liLi qunrtcrs, 'a.'.knl W6 kindly nnd w ith nn ohvioa-. nir of. pulUliif only IX routing qucMlon, when' ! lind InM r.ern Ivnn nllvr,

Coitildpr t h a I quer.llon lor a niomrnt nnd you will uniliT.-.tnnd (lie iirrillciiment 1 wa» In. To nd- mlt havhiK M-m him on the biirnc. wlirrr h r wn.i liitrr loulid dpai wnuid bf 10 i» lm to Ihc vcr)- Uiini.- Julia moNt wanted concealrtl. Tlie ensuing tiue.^tlonn . would be hirv liable: Wni he nlonr? No, fi.indrj was with him. D id ^ ’ou src nuyone

her fullipt tunird lo her ot

"W hat t lllK broke

Jull.’i !'h

ird Ahrn ilie tlnR.

1. aMildrd hl.i I ili'Cldrd to rp;i;rd like a Rood lllllr." She B! n notlrr what Uic

>ciu c.inie back.

I It would Imve ;m;R {iantira mid f. Hut iwfhai*i

Ilic i.uncp.sllon n .iiiythliiR a

•nitxTid llir clKiplnIn plod All llir br.uh nnd I tolc

them iibDiil"Tln-ii tiaiiilra mid Ivan mu;.

ii\vp bn-ii t<i^r:lirr.■' lie .snid. And 1 that :.'TiiiP(l til irqulrr no lin- wrr -J w,l priiilf-iiiljL-siirnt. An tirtaiit liitrr - ' WUrrr In 8aiidrii7"

"Hv now- ,',lu''r, probably Mr . rlfiT’On T.irk.- r..itd Julln In « oicp ••.hr loiurlvrd lo 'make niMiul xri jil Iiir a btral: al IliP cftd. A

In luT roniixiuiri: f.lncp I had .tkrli h rr lo my riKiim nnd made r r 111', wliltp iiiul lra^lc^^, nn nij oiifh uhilc 1 h^krd a l 'h c r hrlji.

Ihink of Kimc-lilJiK r<un/orl ■Jliry had both

10 Ihr rolnnplii f]iiartrr;.; and u lih rrll-'f nnd nd- inlratlon I .•■n'n her pull licr-

i)i;c!hrr ami iiv.umi' n Inir hnitaiicm o f . hnHlfrrmcr. Hut It could not InM much IiinKcr.

Her ta lh rr »aa regardlnE her w llh profound amatemtnt.

-Wimt did you Any?'- he de-

I broke Into nenou.i apeech. relating my story of Sandriv'* rnrly call nnd her sudden delcr- mliialloii lo gel married. The two men hiienvd without commrnt. bu t when I hirtfcUnblied Colonel I’rniiahi'% normally genial tnce pr--v,rd angry disapproval.'

■'^Vhy'l J lold ot this?" he n.^kl•d coldly.

I nn-.iirrpd, stommtrlng a lllllr, lh a t I had considered It none of my bl;. ulc.■-•!, which wili t r u e riimil-h,- but did not ,ialve niy ;,rn:.r of Rtilll tor the olhvr things I had noi lold Idm. I had ni r.ri-n his official manner — had rrall.'ril lie could seem i.o ; bidding,

Jiiha Clime to my dcterue.••We Irled lo stop Uiem, but they

lu d alrr.idy Kono." she said dully.I’a rrn u c a n be turprlslnsly

blind. He seemed uncon;j:lous ii-r ivrr.onnl tragedy In his o .iiddrn wrnlh. ^

"I'll have ft word lo i..-iy .Iru lrnan t Tack nbout this,-

aniiouncrd grimly,....... wasn't hla fnult," Oiilla

protpr.tcd-‘Of cour:,e It w iu hl.i fault,

.Suiidra's ft levclhraded girl. Hr ot wnilhig. the Impatient

, p. Up.-.ct everyone — plans. arranKcmrnt;.." I may have been

,Jjut I ihouRlit hew ai sroplng tor Kroiwd.i lor hM anger. And Jie p rodurrd them triumphantly. ••Walt until Mlml hears of It— shell be wild!"

He rtir.e from his chair. Die In- •pflMgaijon apparently lorKottcn,

and .'.tarlrd for the door.To l>e continued

T h e Lilerary C uidcposl %

••IK IT ritOVK K.\m WKATHKIt." by Inabel ratrrvm ; H’lHnam: J:.30).You would luioVt ilini I.^abrl Pai-

erxon Is a ix'r:nn of ilctrrmhiatlon If you ncvrr had rrail h rr •1\irnn W ith n nookwomi" liT Ilir Nrw York Hrrnid Trlbunr; bill only had f.ecn her Iravp Ihr 5:0J New Ihivrn nt Slumford, Conn', and stride piir- po^rfully lo her walling car. You would bp sure, and you wnutd be, Tight nbout It.

Or If you '-If K Prove.'! I'nlr W ralhrr" you woulil

P n t r ro n hnys, not <iu1le i.prl- nuMy, of cinirtr. ih.ii thU novel i: 'the only Vue Mory evrr wrlUrn.' nnd . In .a 'J(ll!p Ipaflrl enclh'rd Ir Jhe packag* which brought our rr-

copy r.lip exjilalnri what rlie nipans. I t In thnl mtwl lovr r.torle.n vrf not much occujiird oiTal rchitliin.i ot Hip : nan, roncprii thruiM'hps Miriirlslng- :y lltdi- with the '",vay thiiv two •IMTlnl |)Toplp frit about rach oilier, ind ho'v It ilnvr) mnd'’ thrin be- invp to each other."

Rhe gn.-.n farther. Slip Mys lhat

h'Tp lind bern nt> Mnnlagu Capuirt fnmlllr.s or If Anna Karr- .. . .. hmln'l bri'ii miirrli-d alrrady. nil would have gone .iirfotilhlv, nnd ■ i-rP would have’ Ik-cu nothing lo -Itc nlKnit." Uiing for I'xampli: two

of th r ino.M popular lovp .■•torlrt of ill tlm r.

n ie n y

n.s rptlecllons upon EHimy's thnught. tin that .Mbs Pntenon ha.s done two IhliiK.s Instead of one. She lin.s ex* Iilnrcd the emotion of love ns It nf- fecl-1 two very i.prclul, nnd the ha.i dnnr n ntudy of trui.lrnlloii which may perhniM be even more lmiK)rijint thnn her ntory nf love. Certainly It l.i n remnrkalilr nrhlpvc rnpiit to do a .luccpf.stul novpl nil in ■■(lifidp.s of one color.






the li.irge time? Y ri - J r f t - .

Rab.rd rypbrowh.I lir.ltalrd. Julia was MtllnR

one Mde nnd a liiilp bplilnd i , I, dared not_ look around nt hrr Mc7ore I un-.wrrrd, but I could feel her ti'n'.lnn, Ihe Mlcnt pira Alir wa^.spiidlng nir.

I turnrd lo Adam, i.pntrd one end of the big dr:k with nntfbook nnd 'p<-ncil; and. wiih nurli candiir rts 1 roiild Miniinon, gnyr my an.'.urr In Ihe form ot obllfjue iiurMion.

"Wl^rn uc wnlked off dnan Ihe be-idi they were nil tn^rlhrr Ring­ing. wen-n't ihry" '

"That':. Hip w n y I remrnibrr It," Adam ndmlltcil, but at nio for n ff.-irllon of n ;.econd

. longrr llian w:u nrrr I cuuld not Kur. .i wh Ihluklng. He might hav mrinbrrlng limt motnri bcncli; or h r might hav^ brrn rr^lMrrlng my

'I t thpy liJiil- prcv.pd me tuithrr about Ivnn 1 think I woulil havr told tlirm the rest 'o f what I knew, I’rrliap.1 I would tiavc told It any­way It r had bppn nblr lo rralUp thal Hip Ipan, frlPiidly mnii in uniform, wllh the r.llver cngk'? on hij BliouIdrrTi, thc_ tnan who hnd dancrd with nir. ‘played bridge wlUi me nnd told me funny .Morl.v about the :.ervlrc nnd nbout Wr?, Point, represpnted nn authority

.that went beyond' the county, •ven the i.Wle. An nuiliorliy rnm-

• plete within Uie' boundnflei ot hU sarrfson ixnc! minwerablc only lo

_ n . coiplc'-OL-amWior._ptfkrr.^ .ami • to Iho - Pre.sIJeiil of ilie United

Slates,I knew thnl. In a Rpnrrnl wny,

through my unforgptuble exprri- enc# ot murder n t Pon,Havcn.s But II was difficult to feel n,e who1c.-«nic nwe ih n t the normal clvUInn hn.i for the cuniomnr/ fo tra of law and order. Be.sidej, he was ■Julians fntJier, nnd Julia was prepared to pull thr woo over hl.i eye.i In an •effort |o prO' tcct Jeff. She knew the srrvlcc betler Uian I did. nnd mv

. pnlhlM were nil w ltll her. If. alble, I wnntcd lo leave thli her lo hnndle.

rrofound Amaiemenl It ra» poMlble. .Colonel Pennant

did not ftsk me scn ln when I had ' last »ecn -Ivan alive. He a c ^ t tr d m y ' evailon as an anawer,,wttid If my eoaidence troubled -fiio » lUUe I comforted myself w ith the UMpoken KraUtude iQ.JuUa'i eye*.

of Hip mind of• 1.1 i:nimy. She iv Inexpllrably, niiin cif braln.-i nnd rliarin who

Idvei ft bra.'.'.-bound f<«l. Jamr.-,' I N.iihiinlcl Wl’.hiirl Iv to bi- .Mirr, n fiiiltr Mircr.s.-.tul buslnr.-.s nmn luicl h f K ifinirlMl. Emmy leaclu s math- rm.-vtlc.i In n Nrw York rollrgr and IhrouKlioul lljf novel has no dlrcrt iillnrhinrnt lhat need liUerfcrr wllli n Iliil.'.on. But Wlsliart can never brcnk through IfLs cocn<ui nnd Km- my can never manage lo ^natrh up ft pen-knlfe nnd cut him'nut of it. So tlipy go through the txwk in n ^tnle of Mi.sppiislon. n. It wrrp, rpnl- iMng llltlr from Uielr lovp.

Thp reader .'.ee.n the rrlallnn.'hip through Kmiiiy'r, mind mo-.i of the time. Wlivn oul. ld<• opinions nre m- IrtKlucptl, nbfl are prescntpd

Crossw ord Puzzle

Dauchter Vhlts — .Mbs E.-.lhcr Uiicliiinnn nrrlved 'I'lie'.day trom Clllcngo where rh r has been leach- hiK In the Northttpstern unlver.slty this ..summer nnd will reliWln for n urrk'.s visit wllh her molhcr, Mr*, M. M. Uiichannn. before goliiR Cohmibla, .Mo. where she will be ns- hLliinl drnnintlcs Inr.trurJor nt Sic- phen.i colle»;e. n^sUlhIg M. Adam'.s. former Mngr alar, wh head of tliat depnrUnenl nt Sleph-

VMU I-axenl.—MlM F:rnm Lewis nrrlved hi're thl.s wpi-k by nlrplnnc from Nr.w York City for n with lir r pnrcnla, Mr. nnd .Mr.s. Ixirln Lc',vls.

Conclude Trip — Mr. nnd U oyd Drlskell nn<l family have re­lum ed,(rom a trip 10 Salmon.

Kcturn* Here—Mrs. Uniile Miller, who Jin.s -tjeen vlriiiiiK rrlntlvps In

le lime, has returnedhere.

Callfonila Gue«l>—Mr. and Mrs. Twl Kopp nnd rhllilren. (Iiivle nnil K enneth, ot Dakerr lleld. Calif., vis-

Mr. Kopii's t;ran<lmo;lu-r, Mrs, H arriet Dunn and hl.i aunt, Mn.. Com niiode. .Monday. Accompanying IhciH wa.i .\lri- ICnpp'.i'molhrr. Mrs. F. C. Kopp of Hanr.'en.

Riiyinc Trip—Mr.\. Marie Wight nnd .Ml:.5 MaU'l l’nr(in.s n-tiirnpd hint week-end from n buying irlp

Chlcngo for 'Ihe rendy-to-wcnr .ihop here. Son-M r, nnd Mrs. Srotty Hrlider.son, nre'hnmp nller vl.Mthig the ir f.on, Jnnics and wifp. n l Hnw- lln.i. Wyo.

To Lrayp Soon—Paul Powell nnd children, who ha^p been vhllliiK Mr. Powell'd rnolhrr. Mis. Hnllle Pow- ell. during Ihe summer, will lenve

Inst of Hip wppJi for Ml.'.soula, Mont., where .Mr. Ponell b a tench-


7HEC£'5 Tf€ eiVES/ NOW HfAO rU£ £A?T ANP WFLL n r The A lRFlELP AT PSls:i?


:s. IJvply ili«nr»« IS. Ilrpolhot1c»)

resteeBsy* P ua liL Omstl Ciim-

y— 5 ■ ■* s 7 7 <0

: rfi — 'A- -,a T to

21 u J4

u '7 i i u

J/ >; 3J

% V41 *:■ **

4^ *7 - 0

» Si i* •»riB


prriQD1. !x>«ri


It Grvtlta



Yanks Tighten American League Race With 15-2 WinDeal on for CoAvboy Club


Consider Price Set by Ulrich

Sale of Clilii Indicated Follow ing Baseball M eeting; O w ner Asks

87,500 an d P a rt of TeamD riv ing s lc n d lly to w a rd I h c lr goal—a s tr o n g , h o m e -o w n e d

c lu b —T w in F a lls b a se b a ll le a d e rs la s t n iR h t e n te r e d f in a l n e - B o tln tlons w ith W lllia tn P . U lrich of S poknne fo r p u r c h a s e o f

. th e Cowboys.L oca l f in a n c in g a s w e ll a s se v e ra l dctalLs of th e p ro p o se d

tr a n s a c l lo n rem a in to b e w orked o u t b u t F r o n k M aRc). h e a d o f th e local g roup , c o m m en th n g a f t e r 'a n h f te rn o o n m oc ilhB a n d l a te r c o n fe re n ce s w ith U lr ic h , sa id h e e x p ec tcd th e t r a n s a c t io n --------- — ----------- ----------------------- to be c o m p le ted by th e T w in

f?^D A V .ClfiVfUnd ,Dclrolt -------------- --6 7Nrw Y o rk -------------- 81B o .(on____________ 6JClilcaio .....—— —55

W. L. Pel..fll 47 .6«

- J 9 .Waih.St. I.nnl.'i . . .rillla<lclpl>la ............


Cfnclnn»U .Drnnklrti New York . 31ntU hur*h . ChlcajoDoiton ...... .I'hlladcIpliU

....59 58 JftI CD , JtSO

Unseeded Teams Score Net Upsets

Riggs and Van Horn Ousted From National Tourney

Doubles Competition

BnOOKLTNE. M(U«., AllB. 22 (-T) ■—Tlie fvfn tfrnpo of ihc nntlonal doubles ttnnl* toumamctil nirielj iliiltercd today when a »ec«3c<l tfurn In boUi tJic men' women'* dtvlslnu atAcrd lu rprb lns upoKi to crn-ili the scml-niiiiU at Lonicwotxl.

The m u t porerful- jolt to wliet the sa lln? tha t hunscred for ror)»

#. rxcllcmcnt w#.i nipplled by Ravicll DobbiU of Atiantn and Fnvnlc Ourii- /ley of Orliindo, Plar. »hen they eliminated tlie ntcoiid-jcedM Dobby Rles» of ctil»R9 und Welby Van Horn of Lot AncelM, S-3, 7-5. 3-6. «-«• . • ■ _

Tlie firw orki In womon^(lunrter-flnnla play were set off by Mr*. John Van Ilyn of Auatln. T e t . nnd Dorothy Bundy Of SnnUl Mon- l«n. Thnt Unmnked p&lr dlipoaed of

• anotiier No. 3 team. Marjrarct 0<i- •bom e ol Ban Fmnclico and Paulino

Bet* of Bercrly UllLi. Calif, ntrnlcllt sou. #•<. 0*4.

Fomi. however, prcvallM In Llie moiil'dKlslvc fuh loo In nil of U» oUier th ln l Iiut rounder?. Tho lop- sc(«ded Prank Parker, of Beverly Hills, Calif,, and Don.McNeUI of Oklahoma City, ttfoked them selru Inio A 0-e, e-4. 7-S win over WUllam Reedy and ftenneth Bartclt o f Los AncelM, without too much exertion.

In the oUjcr men'« qnart^r-flnals.

F a lls .syndicate,; U lrich w as re p o r te d to Im vc ' o ffe re d to .scU th e te a m , m in u s seven plnycM liow on Uie (ujund. and the frnncliljc for »7,500 Tlie owner mint* to keep Pete' HiiRhw, out* fielder, nnd pllclirrn Jnck Hnll, D a- ftioii Uxyes ai\(t-Jied Ro«er* tor Che Spokane IiiUlaM In Euilnlck and EiTile Di ready ulatea for to'QUl-i wlUi Uia Sentile lUilnleni'npxi .MiiKm, nncf Chuck Oreer. member of the Cow­boy mound corps. U due to return to the Vftklmn. WaahlnRWn, clu:

Tlic itmaliUnff members .of lut-pliicc Cowboy outfit would l» left here to battle for place} — iiexl year's learn with an array new talent If Mauel and his av.o- clnlcs acquire ownership.

Called for Information PlnRUe<l by pensl.itent nmior.i Uial

Ulrich wanted to sell nnd Hint th« franchise might be moved to Provo the baseball-minded Rfoup of local bujlneta nnd profe.ulonnl men re ­cently wrote to Spokane to "Ket the stralRlit of Ihlnffs." Ulrich respond­ed by flylnR down yesterday lo inlk

l!e.f,nltl he wanted to util because Of the difficulties encountered In trj-lng lo direct his bnieball proi>erty by "remote control" from hl.i hoina city. Ulrlcli lnsl.itcd tha t Uie sad rfioalng of Ihe Cowboys, now tjurled a t the bottom of ijie Pioneer Irntrue sUiKllnKs, did not flRure In liLi de- ctilon to <ll.ipw,(‘ of Uie club,

MnKnl Indtrafed thiit final ncllon would not be taken before next week. He said tlinl a (n^up of 10 or 13 men Interested In kecplni,’ orKanlzcd bftseUftU In Ta-lti Falls will meet, to work out financial arrnncrrncnts and predicted that the move would meet fith saccri*. - . -r

Allendi SeaslOD AnionR pre.-icnt .-vt the meet­

ing yc.iierday. besides Ulrich and Mftgel. were Blit Mclloberts. Carl Ritchie, Paul Taber, Oeorse Wiley. Oene Ostrander. Dick Robert-v Bert CoU-ell. HuKh Boone nnd H a r ^ Be­noit.

Dhcuaslns the bcucbnll .situation Inforronlly after .th e sct-toKeUier. memben of tlie croup who may be­come part ouners of Uie club voiced confidence In hOQe-ownerr>lilp ajt n means of stlmulatlns In baseball and booU !nr«ttendance nn

giving fans a stronger team.

third-seeded Jnck Kramer of M ont- nbello, Calif., and Ted Schrooder Of Lok AngelM, tm p t from behind an'llout-lasted Charlu M&ttmaiui of Lo*

■Ansele*, and Robert H annan of fc'Berkeley, Calif,, for a 4-fl, 8-3. 12-10, ' fl-4 verdict, while the No. 4 tAndem.

Qardnar'M uUoy of-C oral Oablea.

Fin, nnd Henry PrUsoff of SeatUe. overcame Joe Hunt of AnnapoUs and Ted.Olewlne of Lon Angelea. 6-4. 4-fl, e-4. 8-1.

A* Uiey have been doing for the past three years, defending chani- Jlons Alice Marble and Sam h PiO- ■rey showed the way Into the semi­finals by merely going through tlieir stylish notions o i they enued Emily Lincoln of Brookline and Catherine Malcolm of Los Angeles, 8-3..0-3.

I t Is estimated th a t each of the 40ajXX) retail gasolln^ OuUeUi In the United 6late.<i makes nn annual gross profit of about ll.fllO.

AFTEB spending a large part of the day U tk ln r aale Irrms by which the Cowboyt would became hamr- owned bueball properly, thrrf ptomlnent figures In the Iransaellon rol locrlher a t Jayeee p a tk 'l i 'l ni{ht to tee Ihr clab In qur«tlon Irounce. Ihe Sjxlt IJike City Beei, picr-ictllng Iram of the rioncrr Icagtie. 7 ta 1. Plrtured abote,A> they sat In Uie rrandttand are (left lo right) Ilerl Colurll, nill Ulrich of Bpokanr. o u n rr of th^ .Coitlinys, aod F rank Magrl. Colwell «nd Macrl ape Iwo nf Ihc Twin Falli gmup nerollatlng for thp. purchav nf (lie team and franehlse. (Newa Photo and Kniraving).

Bucky Wallers Wins Pitching Duel, 3 to 2

Pirates Capture Second Contest

Bill W erber's Homer in Ninth Decides

T ight C ontestNATIONAL L£ACUK

Chlraco Si Ilrnoklyii 0.Cincinnati 3, llntinn i.New I'ork S-8. i'lllKburgli 4-4..St. Louli 9, riilUdclphIa 0,

CmCINNATI. Aug. 2-J (,1’>-I)II1 Werber has been lilttlnB home

on ocesjlon this sen.ion but today he tint his 12th a t the bAt paislble time and tlio Clnclnnhtl Reds finally gave Bucky Walters

■ "jnK-iiw.ilted n ih victory, llie Boston lircs were tlie vlctlmf.. 3

Ducky and Nick Slrlncevlch lind duplfil Uirough 8',; innliiRs. llie Red.1 hnd Kored n piilr nf ru Uie third and the Bees tied

tJie sixth when Mn* Weil hit )b fourth hoincr of Hie year wiih Oene Moore on boic, '

Btrincrvich'pltched oin o.U'crbcr tt'lien the Ri-d;t cnin for their nlnUi. Tlint ball went fur and tn it ovtt the left 15e\sS v M and the ball game wa.i over. Tho vlciori-, coupleil with Brooklyn'3 Iccvi to Chl-

mn tJie Reds’ lead iigames.

The box score:

:u 1 0? I 0

!V(U I « ° 0|W*Urn,“ » < e

11 I l i Toiiij I 1 1

Wfthir. llomt nir -Wmi. Unrrlflrt-^MIilrr. I>ouVil»j—Hren. Tnj »ntl F. McComlek.

Dodgers Blanked By Verne Olsen

CIllCAOO. Aug. 32 M l-P o r air Innlnirs today 22-year-old Verne Ol­sen of tlie Chlengo Cuba had vl.ilons of a no-hlt. no-run game.

But In the seventh Ducky Med- wlek nnd Joe Vavnlk of the Brook- ^■Dodgers touched him for alnglea. a pair of b lon th a t made no dif­ference In the outcome aa the Cubs won 8-0 to hand the Dodgers their fourth straight western netbaek.

Whitlow Wyatt, lha Drocdtlyn'we. os batted off the mound ta the

lourth, ■The box score;

JlrroUrn ; SiCWc**"K ; c r “ ! : !

' > e e fllMun.Ve.ml_». - - - - - - -iiT iu tt u OU»n.

>—n>Uf4.(or llMd la vlthih. iinokirB __—— —,._eee o(Chli-Mo . ...........

I'h<«•» li«M hll-pilli«jhll-Ttxia. Siolra !.»»► rltlf*-OWR. tl

J O ^ T ADA.M8. «b« h « Hdden 1 « w to n e n 'tju iyear, deasnatrate* (hat he’« in the *1111 raontr" new by e a n r tn r

' money-Uden aaeka on his ihoo lden a t Waahlartea Park In Chleaeo. A ( ^ h « «*«ie^ I9 JU for hlinselt by beollng bside w ia n m In Im­portant stake e rtn li on the taat three Salordays. B* hM won a r r - ou t »( 7T neBnU dsring the cn n cn t Waahlagten P v k DM«Un(.

In tlie manufoeturo of 1.000.000 nutomoblles^lt is etUmat«d th a t og- rleultural producta from UOiOOO acres &re Uied.

'OBIQQ‘6 OAFS AT C0V EV 8 , ' “n r ■meM ivucioua ' Dishes '* Cblckca b Spada

^ F rM J a a } » ShrtaBfl # W e d Y o m r id ih o Tprto*

J’lrrS n U R G H , auk. 2: i-r; - Tlie Plll;,ljiirKii P lnilc'., i,i).irkcil by FJblo Fletcher's slxtli Uuilni! homer with I'.vo on. won Uie second gnme of today's doublelipnder with the New York Olnnl.1 by 4-0, ntter-Mickey Wltek singled home the winning run Ih the tw elfth inhhiK of the first game to give th e Olnnts n -i;-4 de- cblon.

1-irr.t Kume: n 1!New York ,,010 012 000 001 -j 17 Pl .^bll^Kh ...10 1 010100 000-4 12

Oiimberl, Lynn. Joiner. nnd DtinnlnK: KllnRer, Drou-il. Linnlng. Mncl'nyden. L nnnhan nnd Davl.i.

Secoiiil Kiinic; II 11 ENcft- Ycirk ........ 000 000 0 0 0 -0 0Pltt- liurKli ....... 100 003 OOx—4 7 1

Mellon, mid OTJe:!: gtncll niicl Davh.

Mize Clouts 36th Homer of Season

ST. LOUia. Aug. 22 Oi-h-Hcfty bntiing by Joliiiny Mlie, Terr)' Moore nnd Eno.i' Slnugliur drove In nil Uie runs lodny ax Morion Coo|>- er pliclied U in^Ardlnnls to a r ' victory over Plillndelphla.

.MIrr hit hl.'i 30Ui homer of the jeii.1011 with two men on.

RJflllmlrliilila ....000.000 000-0 C 1’ t. r/siit.1 ..........400 004 OIx-D i : 1

Frje, Snioll nnd Millies: CoojXi and PailKctt. Owen.

T rap s Iio o t 'W iiiu c rC racks 100 Claya

VANDALIA, 0 „ Aug. 32 (lT<~De- ,nt< thnt old ndage, Ro>- W. Miller

of Orove City. Minn.. i could have pu t off until whtil he illd todny.

Tlie 4a-ycnr-old rural njall cnrrler, cracked 100 lArReUi In a row from the 20-ynrd line to win Uie prelimi­nary hnndlcap nnd tSOO first prlte at Uie 41st nnnuni O rand American trap shoot.

If he could have postponed Uie ;unt until tomorrow, the Grand

American handicap, greatest e\'e on Uie scnttergun calendar, and prlte of a t le n x t ' $1,000 probably would be hU. T he 'two events are run on exactly Uie same plan, and under Uie same condlUona.

S h e v e r l y Nuson. 17-year-old Quincy. Ore.. Blrl led the feminine contingent w ith S3 of 100. one ahead of Mrs. Roy Meadows of Orlmc.i,

U.SOmCOES o p e i u ^ on' BOSTON,

bor, Boston who underwent «n emergency oper­ation a t Brooks hospital, Brookline, liul night, w aa_j:tsUng .“comfon-

■ r \

PEACHESEibertaa a rc j u s t r ig h t for cnnnlnff! G e t t re e ripened peaehea r ig h t fro m th e or* chard.

50c Bu. and tipPeach D ay S a iu , A ug. 25


i rauef « m th wentJeU 1& the

Topeka Decisions Idaho Team, 4^3

Lewiston Juniors Drop First Game in,Double Elimina­

tion TournaincntTRENTON, Mo„ Aug. 22 i .r^T o -

prka. Klv .. no.icd out B'U-lnnlnK, 4 10 3 ylrlor}' ovrr I,fwLilon, Idnho, In the opriiliig Kame of Ihe weJtrrn M'csional American Lculon Junior hnf.ebnll tournam ent thl.i rltrrnoon, 'Hie double ellmliiaUon nystem l.i bclnR aird,

Leivl.itoii countcd three nim In Uie first nn five r,lnulpj, bill Topeka krpl chipping nway a t the Imd until Uie elshth wh^n It llrd the rcore on n walk and two rrrors. In the twelfth, Kuhn slngletl. ndvoncrd on Heleke.-’a.wnlk nnd wored on*Chnp- pell's i.liigle with the winning run.

Kafor, LewUton .htirlcr. allowixl ily six hits to 12 off Kuhn. Topeka


Toiieka LewLiton .

n II E100 001 010 001-4 6 3 300 000 000 00(>-3 12 9

Kuhn nnd BurRhardt; Kafrr and Lambert.

o-thlrcl.i o:


1D3Q Chevrolet Sport Sedan- motor reconditioned, new fin­ish ......... ............ . ' .$ 3 5 01D30 ............... - ' ..... -


New Vorker.s Climb to T hird Pfaee;

■ D etro it W ins

AMi;iiicAN i .K \t : r j ;Vork 15. ( levrland Z.

:)H 0, lloilon (I,.nul> K. riiiladFlphla < InUht

ign at W ellington, potl-

Nf:w ycfiK , : : u-) - Tlie

Jr;ul ;i ..............Al Uif (,iiir,c Linir tlie yankeea

cUnil)'<l inln llilnl ..Anicmg olh'T thliui. Uial h.ip-

(lurliiK Uir nltrrnixin wa-i a lii'ar frcr-tor-nll cliinnk- Uie„i'‘C0Ti<1 llllllll_-. I t ;;:;\r;r<| 'Ahull T.clly Al Mllii;ir to j.oiiir ot

ntc-iilln;;" Co.irii ^:n^l Ccnnbiof IlllSoon till' cn'.iif i.<|iiutli ot boih cluU.i •Aerc inllllni; nriiimd Ilr.'.t u; Uinplrr SU'vi- H;l.11 bru' .c It up.

In llic ;,cco;k1 iniiin< Uie Yanks :.liovi\l n lnr run.' neruu Uic pinlr. frnturi'd liy Jtv DlmnuKln'j homer with the bii.M-;. lo,uk-<l. Utiid T-m Joe coimi-cH-(l tor n ,-.liii;lc wllli Uie imir.H ]i.ic;:i (l cliiriiiK a four-ntn ridly in till' .Mxih liiiUiiK. iitid a double Uic; fou.-Ui,

!io !■ MILI Jlut a b rrrw lor Soillll- IVIW .Mariu.1 Rii.v.O to liu tc'iilli victory ol iK'ld the Tribe to ,ilx

QoUi the Indian i Wi-athcrly’.'.

•Di-'u’ and Htau BelV.i in the’fourth.

Hutchinson Hero Of Tigers’Victory

UaSlON. Aug. 22 Rellf.'p ltrhn f-ivddlc llulctuii.ioii hurled .ih;it-(iiit b;ill nUrr rfplnclni; Buck Nc-.i;.i);ii In liic second Inning todni’

Uie wInnliiKTU

lied Box. 9 lo 8, Ui10 iniiiiu;-,. .

Tlir vk-Mr>, l);rakliiR ;i «U-giime lo\l!it MifiiX. dropped the Red Sox fitiin Hiird' to fourth plurc, behind the ?.Vw Yo;K Yaiikei-., n ho cllmUrd bv dc/ratlii;: Uie le.Tirue-leadlng Clevel:iiui Iiuiinn.-..

Jiiiirlilnroii allowol only four hit* 111 Uir Pl;;lU nnd one third Inr.lnss

Brownies Win Over As, 8-4

PHn,ADKLPHTA, Aug. 22 (.1>- N 'd liy Johnny Bernrdlno. who got five hits In five trips to the plate.

, BACK-TO-SCnOOI.fSelreUon of pen and pencil

from »'oo ‘' “ 'IK u d l e r ’s

. S p c a U c i - A p p r o v e s

W i l d l i f e S y s t e mV.' I!. Prlelje jeiteiday spprored

!h- III- <T,! "v:.trin of the Idaho Hsh niirt rp:i:ii'- drprxrtnieiii In an oddrass to iiir Kiw.mi.. chib at the regular

IiiiKlii'iii mrrtlns ot theKr'iiip

Till- .•>i»Mkri told KWanUns Uial • till- -,oli!!il'- (irpiiriment sliould /e -

iiiitl'-r n iinn-|>o1ltlCil setup In pi'-lcinicc; 10 lh^ pollUctl sytirm

f„; intuiv ^IXl-'k-M--. to Uie dLiinct

Ki«,iiu>. at Sun Valley S.-|i: U3 a;:d are Al Ollbert. I.r.MlIri;! ol (hr Tttlll Fulb cltjb:Jnlm Kiiiiic%, Virf preslrtcnt, and U N Trrr>'. .irc;rrnn--

W. O. Siiiltli.'a lira- mtmbrr. wan wrlciimrd by Judne ^ames W. Per-

8nm Pnrrntt, member of the 6po- aiie viillry club, w*.i a visitor. Tom Uwoilli ehalrman nf Uie pro- r.i:n commitiec.

Mosci-’.s B.ischall T eam Wins. 16-7

Mor.rr'ii team trimmed Ray’s Tex- .ico, iti lo 7, here yeslerdny In a Jun- Jnr Pee-Wee bar.ebnll lilt.

John.-.on and Howard paced the winnrri with liea;7 hlltlng Mills Loiii;, U liltchead and FeldUiuui

ero lop batters for the Texacos. Hniterle.i: Mowr's —Johrvnon and

D.ily; Rny's Texaco;—Long. HudscBi and Fcldtmnn, Whitehead.

R R B-St. l/3 iil,i........ 000 031 103-8 1 i 0.Plillndrlphln .100 003 001—4 9 «

HanU and Su-ve; Bsblch and Hayc.'.

Is eitlmnted that during 1939 frilrnil, it.ite and local govemmenti eoUeeteU TO«KWy ItJJS.OOO.OOO ItV taxes from petroleum sources oloni.


SilS P. M./n > a J io Kail.RU SSETS' Twin Falls

CO\VBOYSJ a y c e c P a r k "

B f h k as m ou n ta in b re e z e s

^ /L s llo W as m o u n ta in su n sh in e

^ e j r e s h i n ^ as a m o u n ta in sp r in g

—motor, body finish.Kood ... - ........................S 3 S 01038 •LafayetUr Sedan - Mo­tor reconditioned, new fin­ish ....

[wrt Road-1D35 ChevTolet Sport ster — Excellent condlUon,new finUh .......... ........$ 3 0 01034 Che;-rolel Deluxe Coupe -18x8.00 tires, heater S a ? 5 1D33 Pord T uaor Sedan • -i a l r condition ...........SISO1932 Ford Fordor Sedan $ 9 5 1931 Ohe\Tolet 4 DoorSedan ............. . ......... S l l O1030 Chevrolet Coach.. 5 7 51030 Ford RoAdster____S S 51930 Bulek 4 Door Sedan 192a OldunobUs.Coupe S 6 5 192» Pord 4 Door Sedan $ 4 5


1935 Pord ‘i to n pick­up ................ — .......... .$ 1 7 51933 Chevrolet s ton -SUikB body •________ . $ 1 ^1838 Fort M te n Pnnel 1037 O. M. 0 . IW t

193S Chevrolet lU ton D u tiU ----------------------J 2 7 8

F o r th e 'B e s t Deal in Tow n See


p u n R O C K Y M O U S T A I N S P Z l N t ^ A T M i


i l i i



Growing Confidence in B rit­ain’s Power Figures in

• Market Action


Buying by Milling Interests Helps C arry Prices Up

3 -8 to 7 -8 of Centnv I-nANKI.IN MULUN

CHICAGO, Auk, 22 (-Tp-MllllnK '« t c bftck Sn

miirtfi ifxlny n flrr b pnuw* yestw- tliPlr buvlnft, couplcd wlUj

fliort fovcrInK nncl tiirniKlli In «c- cnrrlftl pricts up mnre Umn

criii Ik biinlicl at one hUikc.Pnrt of llie ntlvancf wrui lo^t Jimt

brfrirr llip clow but flnivl prlccs ' . - ’ i hlKlifr tlian yMtrrtloy,

with fVpirnib-T 70S-% nn<l Dfcroi- b trT J 'v -’., ■nir.-.e quolnllnns wrro nhnul < crnl.^ nbove the lOtO Inws eslal)llvlifil Frlclny,

Tli( li't-tiji In G crrmn air ivUackii n Orr:it lirltnlri^contlmied to # t-

:ipnilon.Com cloffd '.4 nif to >i up, Srp-

Im brr GO\.OI, DrcrmbcrtilRlier: O'e unclmnited

lowrr pncl Innl 3-B litehcf.

.......s r : : : : : m S S S..................................... - r i i f . / f c iu o f enrlIcrhcal<b.M M povrriy cnn be wlpe^ ouU" Tujlor

Since w rly in the I030'n Tnylor

Forester Visils ^Jviriii Plantings

DUI1I.EY. Aug. JJ aillxrt B. Doll, iiubuint cxienilon (orciier, made t\ visit rrcenily tt> lorly-ilircc protliirrrs wtio plnntcd torolr>' tr«a the pn.n Ik S yean, llie pur]>CBe of hl3 xblL iK'lnn to d«fcrnitne the proKrrvi of aucti pInntlnKa.

riinn i>lantUiM are ««11 dlitrlbu- . d ovff Uie entire county and vary In ucrcuKc from a very few rowj lor winilbrr,'ik puriw ej to areas cwutl-

itlnK iv.0 or three ncres.Mr. Doll rrportrd lhal mo« of I t plaminB!! » ri dolns wtU iKUh \lio

cxrepUoii of the pines and npruces, which lie found lii mMliiulances lo be <iiille heavily Infested »lth the ffd siiUler inlt« which ciiit.',ei tJio nccdlrs to dry up. Uic trees lo turn brown A!icl tvcniually ille.

Fnrnicr.i ahould effect control for tlier.r Insccts Inlfnedlately by using diisihiK sulphur rppllcd to tJie trees by MirnyliiK, according to County ARtlM W, W. PiktotT.

lAyLlWii P IO F I IS Y S I i


Senatorial Candidate Out­lines Plan for People’s


POCATELLO. AU«, M UTy-Maln- tnlnlDK tJl^t^ "Ihe people muat own

S a w ” --

Three-D ay Biennial •Conven­tion to Hear Parly '• Candidates

ORAKOEVILLB. Aug. 72 (,17-T lie vnnwinrd of delesates to thLi ufelt' end'i Jourtn biennial convention of YeuHK Dcmocniile clut» of Idaho Martcd rolllntf Into 'amnKcvllle to- niKht from ail parts of -the state.

flc«Utrotlon for Uic thrw dny meetlnB opens a t noon toroorrow and a Jull proRrnm has been arrnng- fd ioT Uie vlaltop from Uiat time on uiiUl nbon Sunday.

Most or PTlday’a program uillcon­sist of entertainm ent, IncludinK an 18-holo handicap golf tounianient, a iwlmmljiB party . Infonniil dinner, fireside mectlnK, reception for state offlclnU, and dnnclnB.

Commllteo mceUnKS will occupy most OS Saturdm - inomlnR wlUi the gencraJ convention IL-.elf alnted to get under way a t 1 p. m.

,, John L. Olmstend of OranKcvllle '|nttn«tfr»elccU!<I'Tb'<icliver ihc ad­

dress of welcome and S, Lee John­son ol Boise, general clialnnan of tJie convention, will rni)ond.

President Alien D. Newman of Culdesnc will sound the call of tlie convention, Keynole spraUcr will be Norman M. LIttell. a.*isl.itanl U, S. attom ey Rcneml.

Olen Taylor or Pocatello. Demo­cratic acnatorfal nominee*

••Wic.t^ nndpoVerty nm.M ko on as

S t s '

D ouble Tionble On Idaho Farms

aide the building. ,


r .,u

Dem ocrats Name K eynote Speaker

IDAHO PALLS. A\iS- 23 OT)—Wil­liam Hawkins of Coeur d'Alene was chosen lodny to keynote tJie Idaho Democratic platform convention a t Idaho FalU. Aug. 30.

Hawkins Li proaecuUng attorrtey of Kootenai county and vice presi­den t of Uie Young Idaho Democratic orKanlzatJon.-

W. Pimnlng. slate commlttet- , who named llnvklna, predicted

the convention would draw approxi- mntely 1.000 party w orkento eastern fdqjio.

New T rail Blazed By Stratoelipper

MIAMI. Fla.. Aug. a (51 - Pan American's .etratocllppcr Comet flew Into nio de 'Janeiro yesterday along i\n oversea and ovcrlmd rout« Uiat brines B ntiU an capital lo wim-

E ee days of Ui? United States. 30-ton land plane, cutting the • hump of DratJl Uiat

makes the conUnent Jut out like the big end of a ham. blazed a new trail over which regular pauenger ships will riy two weeks lienee.

The comet left Miami Monday, proce»dM Ui Ran Juan. Puerto Rleo,

ce to Port of Spain. Trinidad, oft IhB South AmerieRU coisl,

^Tuesday the plane flew to Delem.

nortiieastem port of Urazll, Th*. IlnaJ les today coiered the distonca to m o, by way of Barrclru. a re­fueling stop.

Heretofore. Pan American clipper sliips iiavp llown around Brazil's hum p. li distance ol 5.1V1 milts Stow Miami th a t required five days to

^traverse.Thp new route, never before flo»-n

by a paSiCUKcr pisne. cuts the dli- toncc lo <,<30 miles and trims two days from tiie flying lime.

Kcclam atioii Meet A tlracls Idahoans

r iL E n ' Aug. 22 (,D-A "very rcp- rr.nrntativc" delegation of Idahoans expecta lo attend the National lUC- lomation auoclatlon's annual meet* ing a t G reat FalLi, Mont, SepL 24-20. N, V. Sliarp of Kller. Idaho director. «ald today,

Mfantlme. a t Boise, directors of Uio chaml>er of commerce mada pUn» to »,eek tUe Mjociatlotv's 10<1 meeting for Uielr cits'.

-P E A C H E S -Elberta canning peacJioi for aale by bushel or truck load, low. For wnali QuanUties ^brlnK container, .......... — : “




r ^ m

C O L U M B IA Nr b e d i r a v i


e re c te ti. L a s t 15 to 30 t tr« g th .

MR. FARMERSee Us For Q u a lity Tools...

A T LOWER PRICESE v e r y F n rm c r N eeds

T hisV U I.C A N A>(VIL

F o r .shnrpeninR .y o u r h c .m c i i t tc r s nnd plow slifire .s.

$14 ,o$17F in e Q u a lity P IT C H F O K K S

-$1.45.o-$2-■t have th« right fork for

Good Grnclo U " M IL L F I L E S

G o o d ’ S f ? .( r f o r ' '

B a ll P e i n llammi'r.H,

..... $1.15 G ood S tu rd y H am m ers


NO LITTER.,.No Damage to Shrubs. . . Greater Insulation with Genuine Cedar Shingles

You g e t« bcTOr nxif by hav ing new C e iu Sbiogla appliei! right oA'cr the old roof, bccatue Cedar Shiaglcs are ihc only wtr^TOofiog m ateria i th a t anuall}' addi

' to the iireagth o f the roof w ithou t adding • d n d load. T hii double rtxsf provides dotible iuiilsitoo, e lfca in g greater fuel living* io w iflte f-ahd 'cooler rodm* _in luoui^r, ______ .

" ^ i l e the job is being done, l i t te r afid dirt, tvjth ■ ■ cba^ 'uiem '.'aim sge'm 'law n a ^ liT llm -

ioa ted Pro teaion ii tijo 'a ffo itied should n ia iatet< fet? w ith the job. • ; '

L e t us floU’c y o u r tro u h lo s in ro o f in c , r e p a i r - ' ' in tr a n d rcm odclinR o f y o u r h o m e . . . ’ r iv# u.‘» a r i n p .

O ur M onthly TasmtiU Plan m ahet re-roofing anJ tttidern iusion jinjf-J# — t a t j eenvenitnl

Tm-State LuiwTiEn Cdmpaiw• ■ ' , ■ " iU ip ju l ^ e r t tc t"


See Fruit, Vegetable Bargains in “Good Things to Eat” Column. SaveW A N T A D R A T E S

r« r PubUesUcD la Botb TIMES UdKEW S

b a i t s PEB LINZ PEB DAT: 81i dsTs. per Une per day . . . . Ua Ih tw d*y». per l to * p « a » y . . . JSe On* d w . P « Ua*

85 1 /8 D iscount F o r C u b

CAsn dUcoimta alloied tf idmtU*- mcnt U paid tor nrlthln ic ita dayt ot ( In l UuerUoa.Ko clAMUled ad t&ken tot Icsi Chin 50o dUcouilLU ns el d iu U led advcniiUi{ com­puted on C uts o( (lr« ts ^Uuni* lenftb wcnl* per Um.


IN TWIN PAI-La p n o tr a 38 or SI Fon APTAtcim

IN JEROME Leavt Adi a t K & W Root Deer

IN RUPERT L«sr« Ads a t Rcildene« of Mn. Ida Wlieeler. 113 D 8i

'I N DUIIL Lcare Ads a i J oaUd 'i

Slifll Super Service QlaUoa.200 Brondway South

ThU popcr nil»crlt)e4 to Hie codo of e lh ia of Uio AMOcJatlon of New*, paper Cliuulfled -AdMrUilns Man­ager* and ru e r re j the risht lo edit or reject ooy elosxUled adTcrUilnc -Dllnfl Ad»*, carrylos o Newa-TUae* Bo< Diunbcr are strictly coofldenUtl aud no lafomiaUoQ coo be girea to r tg u d to tha odTcrtlacr >Crron ihould be reported ImmMll- ately. No allowance vltl b« mnda for tnora Uian on# bcorrect • tlon.




M ore th a n 10 veari ago M r. J a m c f A oc’i-

b ro a d o / N a m p a . Idaho began u s in a th e ll'uuf

A d s to se ll p ea ch es and aprico ts In 'T tv in Falls.

T h is i /c a r Mr, Agenbroad is ap rd n i/sinu tlir

" G o o d TM iiffs lo S a l" colum n b c ca u sc he kiioiri.

h e c a n rc a ch h is b^jf m a rke t a l low est cost

l l i r o u o h th e N ew s-T im cs c la ssi/icd scc tion .

Y o u too^cau prolU by UJ/np th e W oiif Ads!

MICIIKt-'S sfpd. Orrminnllon Icr.lfd, Kninb CliiiPir rnncll. *S. 2 W. of S. Park Groc,


BED bug lumlsfttlon. T, F. Floml.


PETTIT Lake Rnndi, cabins, die lioroPj. puck trlw tvnd mcalj. Mrj. D. r. Clark. T«ln PalU.


1. Plion* 3167-M,

TO.MATOE3 for jmlc. Phone B40.

BRADSHAW plums, n N. Hosp,

RED 6puci5 COc. O. Bradley. WB3-J3.

IMPROVED nbertfl ijcnelifs n Public Market, «0 Blue Ukcs Blvd. N.. Jtune.’i ARcnbroad. Nampa.

i. Ph. 52J-R2. F. E, Soulhnlck.

' LOAD of canntnK peadici and oUier fnilu and venctobles. Prices rljliL Growers Market, 8M Q. Malo

CAKNtNG tomntoes, plcktlnc cu- ciimber.i, com Oc a do:, wlUi a special price on canning 1 ^ , lIlKhway Market and OartJenj. S

• M. east on Klmb, Road.


STA-WELL, 515 Miln W Phona 155.


NE\V elaase.1 will be orKonlied Sept. 3d and Bth. - Sliortlmnd. *i>i)lng. bklipK.. Rccij. T, P. Bu*.-Uiilv.

DO YOU LIKE TO DRAW? Arll.'iM. Cirtoonltl4. Illuntralora eam'EOod Incnmes, We teach you how. Write for FreeTimes.

CALIFORNtA AIRCRAFT want*.50 men for jlrcrnft fuclory lr»liilh(f. AgM 18-35, mPcUanlcally Inclined. U. B. cltlren, Slcsdy work. ROod

• p\y. futiire'a-viured. Write Box 33. No«rs*Tlme.i.


LOST: J small roan helfen. Wt. SIS. Rewirrl. J, O, Jahwilon, 313 3d Ave, N.



ARTISTIC B E A tm SALON Oil permanent# I IW up. Ph- IM

AIR-OONDinONEDjiE A trry a r t s academ v

OU PermanenU l l i » up Junior rtu- dent w ort free 135 Mala W wt


OIRL wants hawk by lir. Ph. 2130.

RELIABLE m an wlUi fayilly wants farm work. Bxi>crlciicc(l, Refcf' encc-1. Box 30, New.TTlmcc.

CAPABLE Ja d y waiiU rooklns for crew, mothrrli'-w Jiome, or m l|iK. Rai. 10. Caledonia hotel.


m u s t sill sood beamy shop bj l5Ui. Good Joe. Box 38, Newt- Times;

w a n t e d ' — Re/tponslble parties to own a!ul operate tnilk roi and oil planu In southern Idaho town.v Inq. Box 313. OoodlnR, Ida,


v a c a n c y . Broweau Apt. Adulta.


VACANCY, need apta. Ph. I2I7.

3-RM. fum. ni>l. 353 1111 AVe. E.

.. UU:hen. Clean. 337 6th E.

APT., rcd« .. ol. range, 31B eih E,

a RMS. 531 5Ul Av, N. Ph. 1033 e

I-RM. fum. Bungalow Apta. 2nd E.

JOSTAMERE Inn. Pli. 458, Oasis 071

APTS, Tlie Oxford. <28 Main NorUu

ter furn. *18. Adults. Ph. 571.

WANT ride Iowa. Share exp. Ph. ISJ,

WANT ride lo Lo.1 Angeles by Aug. 3Sth. Share exp. Rtf. Call noger, •on H otel.'



HAVE car to Detroit Sat; ala>'4 pou. to LA. noon. Share exp,'

'Travel BurcAu. Ph. 22i3.'WANT girl, school Age. to board and

room. Nice h o a o cIom to KhuoL 'Very rtas: Bor 2 i.‘New»-Ttai


CALL Russell's Beaut; Shop for Khotil' specials. Phone 1S3.Main Ave. E.'

B P E 0 U W 8 n n t n 13.50:11 aod »5 n v e * U price. Idaho B tx t« St ,Betui^ Sbop. Ph. tiL

finger wares. Soft water oU ahofh- poo and fUiser wnra 50& EiretilBss by appotdtaftat. Phono 881

PERM. 13 to 13. Dependobla and m r u te e d . Parlstioppe Oeau^ Salon. 333 Main E. Ph. 3SU. TlUlD Rranac Day. Juanita Parish Etvte.

CLEAN, comfortable, quiet, attrac­tive apU Call a t Apt. 10, Calif, Apu. 300 and Ave, M. Ph. 100<.

ROOM AND BOARDBD, and rro. ISO 0th Ave. N.


FA R M I.M PLE.M EN TSSave 2'3 of nrw ro!!!!

On rakr.v All rrronrtlUoncd. 2 J. D. side cirllvto-

j Me. D, airiP (Icllvrry,See Dill Taylor at

C. W, &s M, CO.

S A V E M O N E Y ON’ T H E S E I— ft. Me. D, oil balljinower 3—J . D. horse drawn b l- t llfleri'1—J- D. Tractor h llA b'eet lifter,

n u."o with any smiill tmcior, S E E R IL L T A V l.O K

C. W, A; M. Co.

IL ife’s L ike ThatW A N 1 LD

By N eh r

I’ccdrr Inmbs. J. Winkle. 8JI5, Filer.

HIGHt-:.b-r prices paid for your fu' chlrki-iis ntid liirkeyt, Imlrpcnd- rn t Meal 'Company.



O rdrr now for fall plan tlng lX — GLOBE SEED & FEED CO,

H A Y . G R A IN . F E E D

C U S T O M G IU N D IN G KI.OVD Miller, III. 1, F i t e Ida,

. 72J3—we pny phone calls.

Grnlh storage and teed dcosl d a r i—Burlaps and Seamlt. GLOBE SEED Si FEED CO,

CUSTO.M G IU N D IN G Grind 11 whrre It srowsi

MORELAND MILLING SERVICE, riioiie aiB, Filer Ph. calls allowed


3 ROOM hou.'.e. Inlj. 012 .M.iin jjo.


a HM. liouie. AtluH.i only. Ph. 1137-J.

3-R.M. Clo.'< hi, K. L. Jfirkmv

4-nOOM house. 405 JcUc

3 RM, mod. hour*. lilt], 3 « - : tu l W.

1 RM., Karage. Ph, (

r unfurn. 511 .Main S.

W A N T E D TO K E N T OR L E A S E ...................


LOANS on FARMS and HOMES, Fred P. Bnlet—Northen Life In.i. Co. Pcavey-Tnbcr Bldg. Ph.. 1210

I 'i ' i U all [jinil Bnnk borrower?, are currently ixiilnn. Why pa; more? Sec .VMloiial Farm Loan OUloc nt 113 3rd Ave, S. In T. P.


ii lny)mc. 203< Eve.

HOUSE 10 be mornl. Phone 157,

EQUITY tn 4-rni. hoii;.c. iiiM. cx- Cf|>i hr.ll. Exini liiilldln!: loi In- cluileil. Ph. 1372-J, 151 N. Addison,

NEW C-rm. completely mod. home, gnr., Irpiu. Good 5-roi, home, larce rooms, lidw. floors.' stoker, gar. 4-rm. sUcr, gar. K. U Jenkins.

POUR new modern 5-rm. hou; on Taylor St.. Blue Lakes Add'n.Eitny teriiu. See E A. Mooa 1G5 TnylorSU " '

NEW ■ 6-nn. completely modern home. Car. Tenns, Good 5- home. Inrce rooms, hdw, firs.,, krr. liar. 4-mi.. Jloker. gar. K, L. Jenklns. •

P R O P E R T Y — S A L E • O R T R A D E

9*n.\t. ;,trlcily mod. house. Stoker, g»mge, nice lawTi, fenced-ln. to .trade for Imp. or unlmp, ocreoge near T. F. 529 3rd Ave. north.

CLEAR 5 A. omnge and grapefruit grove: mod. bungalow, tlrcplace, osk floor.i. Swimming pool, screen- e<1-in summer house. Chicken hoii'c, for 1,000 hen."!, sprinkling syjlm . garage. Price '»10,000. Trade for Income prop, or farm and ctiiilf). R. H. Grlme.v R. 2, Do« 508. Fontana-, Calif.


WELL ImprovKl 80-acre fann. 3 ml. E. of Castlcford, *7.000-10% doft-n, .annual- payment of prln. and mu. M85. Int. 3’4-X-. Wrile S, M. Chndbum, Jerome, Ida. Ph. 327•^f.


SLPO. or It. hekpg. m u 10< 7th E.

FRONT rm., glrU pref. <51 HUj E.

ROOM and gamge, 330 8th E

rm.; outiide entr, 227 8th K,

C O Z ^ o lr 'c o a d , «15 2nd Ave.,.N^NICE im . 501 7th Ave. N. Ph. 131«*M

FRONT.nn., Indies pref. 333 3d. M U

ROOM for r e n t 103 3rd Ave. East

tT o ir , I

NICE front room. 344 1th Are. E.


RMS, m od , garage. Ph. 0iea-J3,

I RM. boiuc. unftim . H mo. with gordca, water. Inq. ISS W. Hey*bum; • . -

WELL Improved BO-acre form. 2H ml, N. W. of Filer, on highway, 118.000, 10% dowTt, annual pay* nenls of prln. and iQU tS38. Int. rate 4%. Write S. M. Chadbum. Jenmie, Ida, Ph. S27-M.


Irrigated or Irrljcabl# at I37J0 to »55:oojfcr a c rT "

depending on t t e lnfproveme*a F^r InfonlatloQ write

W. -J. McWlUloms or B, E. Rushing,, PlaUivlflw.. T e rn ., ,

FA R M 1B 1P L E M E N T 3 •A. C, COMBINE. In good eotxilUon. - ^iidem wheel*, "with pickup. In ­

quire P, H, OeVoe, fl mllet N. Jer>

WOOD BROS, 5-PT. COMBINE «1th bean equlpmenu Terra*.

500 N. Washington -

SUFTOLK-IInmn. biick. , lamb.i and ycnrllni;:,- l ml. S. of Kimberly, R, W. PIcrce.

600 HEAD CWO.V 20 lirst) yearllnff Hamp. bucks. Anint Howard. Ph. 2132-J.

HAMPSHIRE ram.n, yearllnRS lamb."!. inirrbrr<l. rhUii fed. A Reqim <t Son. phone 01B5-JI.

1,300 crr>:;.'brcd wlilt/-fnco slralKht' 4-yr.-ol(I ewes on Sha'hono crccl:. 55 ml. S. of Twin Fnlli. Bucking now for Jiiniiiio' 5 lamljlng. Uf--

'■ llvcry Si'pl. 13-20 on TA'ln Falls tract. U. lnK k'ikxI Siiflolk-Hiinip. bucks. Hnr\cy ' Hale. Shcrm KllikU-'j or SIC Roy [’ulnlrr.

FEEDER Inmbs and ewe.*., al.-o breeder ewts and yearllngJ. feed­er sU'crs, hrlfcr.',, .m«1T cow,v and ciilvea. Feeders scarce; buy now, I buy fnt Icfder entile and .\hc'-p. W ant 10 .10 20 blnck lacr ranch biiL-kj, 2 lo 5 yrs. old: ki«M fIr-Ji. K, nrliigle. Caledonia Holel. Ph- P6R.

F L O W E R S — PL A N T S

OLADS, n.-.trr«. zinnias, n i. H22-J,

s o n . A N D FE U T IL IZ H R

WHY not rcci.nclKlim jmir l.i«,Mf-w method. Kxprrlincrd lawn fKiidllloner. Ju-.t <';ill-<iur man will expliiln. Inirmioiinialn 5ri-d. Phone 120.


COCKER SPANfEL PU PrltS Ojily 1 male and 1 female Irft! (

Kcck/i old. D irk btilf cuIoc ^UkI- ble for regl.iiraUon In Aiilrrlcan

‘ icrnnpl Club. 370 1th Avc-. E. rn . B51-R.


OOOD u.'.ed *; H. P. »lnslp 3100 R, P. M. mo'.or, chciip. H. C. Bortr, Burlry, Idiiho.

IM.MtaDIAT}: ca.nh for I aildtiiK ir chine; auto iialril out 111, auto m Rl sandrr: nrpiylene Kldlng oi fit, phone 1BI0. I

F O R S A L E O R -T R A D E

CI.OVER hullpr. R. ,


ari.IT fencfl p



TWICI-VK outbard motors, two lo thirty H. P. *20.00 up Ucn Box, Jerome.


■•How. (lid you ever marniRc II h n ti n ic In help you?”

In (;«;1 th o di.shc.H done b e fo r e


BED (U vciit^f:, t n . m ‘. 577.

P R E -S K A S O NCOAL.R.ANGE SALE'or n llmllpd tlmi" o n ly je are !»• rUidlrt: H 7-plrrp alnSmiiim cook, hiK-wrnr i.rt ultli cnrh new rnnK' l)llrl•lln '■l1. J'lill wl;U<! riinnic- raiiKr JC2..'.0. Ollih-s priced agcord- lnt:ly. -______MOON'S _U.SFOJ EQUIP.MKNT BAnOAfuS•Wcr;tlnKhm!.'.c elpftrlc-rangr - -

1 Non:'; electric range.(small)I Electric oven

2G electric grlclillc . t Colciiyin Rnsollnr rancf:1 Coleman trailer hraler 3 coal ranKe=2 water Uiiik.i .fraime boller»l 1 co.ll w'fiter hraler

See till.', eijiilpnicnt G et our iirlcfil

L lQ lflb GAS APrLIA-NCE CO.Twin Fiillv Idaho


r.VTRA Kood piano. Ph. 78.

LA-n: PKxlel & tn te co.U mnce, llk< nrw, $7.’i. Almo,^l new rlec. rrfrlg' ernioj. $75. Ph, H18.

Business and P rofessional

DIRECTORYBicycle Sales &. Scrvicc


Bicyclcs for RcnlGLOTSTEIN-S-PnONB 509-R

ChiropraclicDr. Floyd Ham

Coal and WoodPHONE 3 •

(or Aberdeen cool, moving and Irani . McCoy Coal 6i Transfer.

Curtain Shop

D ry C leaning'Parisian Dry Cleaners. Pho 850.

Ilousehold Needs

Job P rinting■QUSLTry-'IfOB-

'5^Letterheads . . . Mall Plecti

Business C ards. F o ld e ii. Butloncrr.

Key Shop

Money to LoanSee J. E. White n m .far loans on

homes or bu ilnen propertr. Low Rates, quick wrTieo. 139 Main ZL

WOOD BROS. THRESHERS ,31x38 and 24x48. recend. to 1B40

model with bean and -seed equip, Ouaranteed, Term*.

P . B, BICKNELL 500 N, WathlngtOD Twla Falli

D on’t Em ban-ass . Y ou r F riends

tls« ou t solajT loans. Friendly, confldentlal. 30 minutes'

. M e ■ ,

M oney to Loan

$25 to $1000O N Y O U R CAR

UP TO 18 MONTHS TO REPAY Contmci.< refinanced—prlvftlfl sales financed—ciuh advanced.

C onsum ers Credit ; Company


See your local Co. for quick :a.ih—Reduce present car paymcnlslW E S T E R N F IN A N C E CO.

N ext to Pldellt}’ Bank

OBteopathie PhyticianMlUer Clinic, i l2 Main N. Pb. 1977.Dr, O. W. Rose, 114 Mala N. Ph. 93T.

Planing MmWe make saah. doon. tcrecns. cabl-.

nets, cmxnter*—Rnythlng of «T»d. • n W . PALLS LDMBSl CO.... y .

Plum bing and Heating

R adio RepairingPOWELL RADIO-PHONE 808.

Shoe Repairing—DyeingIDAHO Shoe Shine. All color*.

TrailersTm llsr HcFUMi. Qem TYoiler Ca


Tbomets T op 'ftnd Bodr Worti


PlymnuIJi P.U. New motor H.',0 •30 In trm a tlo n n l A-1 cnmi . .. 27S•34 Chcv, P.U. Motor recnntl...... ins•H2 Chpv. P.U, nargaln .... .110 IJal«h Motor, 305 Shoshone tijuih.

3(5 Chcv. Tudor M2134 Chcv. Tudor $Z2G.3<5 Pontiac Couiie »3:a.35 Dodce Panel-113!!.

M any o thers to choo'e iroin.JNO. B. WHITE

New loca., 134 Blue Lake^


A-l IVO truck. 017 4th'Ave. W.

•8"xl8' tr . hse. wired for efec.: built- ins, Blnk, Innrr-spring eiuhlnn.i. 802 M nln S., Mobile Gas Srrv.

EXCEPTIONALLY well built trailer house. Phone 543,


F in a l R ite s forI n f a n t a t Jerome

JEROM E. Au(T. 23—Final rilM for Baby Alma Eugene Rlchard.wn, monUi and 15-day-old Jon of .Mr, and M ra. Jo lm T. Richardwin. who died AiiR. n . were conducted at the W endell'L. D. S, church at 2 p.m. Momlciy, w ith Bishop FrancU E. Hulet o fflelatlnc. Interment was In W endell cemetery.

O pening pm yer wa.i by Carl J. Peterson, and nddre.-jes were* given b ) t^ d e r Ronald C, Chrlsten.ien and Elder a e o rc e H, Dill. Benediction

by C. J . Peterson. Choir song thre« nelecUona.

T here were ten flower glrb ond boys a n d women of the RellrC ao- :lcty oM)sted with the florftl trl* butes.

R e a l E s t a t o T rac B /e n

. T ne*ia7 , Aogtiit 20 Deed. Glolte Grain and Milling

. 0. to PU lsburr nour-AtlUi com­pany, >10, lo t 4. block H8. Twin Falls,- Deed, H. J . Lemp to M. B. Offl, tlOOO. lot4 15. 16, 17. IB. 19. block 33, Kimberly.

Deed. N. D. Claar to M, C. Clan-, U540 p o r t SESW 35 10 11.

Deed J . S . Klme* to O. J. Bothne, tl , lo ts 1 . 6, block IS. Blue Lakes addition west.

Deed. E. a Brown lo E. & Oi- ^ t i o , p a rt lo t e. bloA <t. Twin

'D e ^ , W estern Lands, toe, to O, A. Schnltker. f l . part 10 18 IB,

Deed. 7 , J . E a l l to O. A. Schnttker. «7iO. E 'iS W 21 11 18.

S c lio o l O p e n in j i • S e t a t l i a u e r i n a n

liAGiaiMAN, AIIK. : J - Superln- U'lKlcllt K.;lwlii t'r>cT niinouiwr.^ the !l;ii:rrniiin r<-liwil« will open Mon­day, Krpt, 2. «mi [i-.ijilh In irglMcr,

1 10 and recrlvc tlieir

!iclKii)I tacully liy-|i;di”, ,\Hsi Kloix ■)’Ai'i V, fir'.l KiaiJr: Ml-s Hulli Mey-

iT...'rcond Kr.idp; Ml.v, Alire Cnilie. llilrd crnde: Mlw irula Calhoun, lointli unidc; .ML-. I.ii!e(ulrof of Me- Civil will be llip neu- fifth grntlp iMchcr. -She ha.t ha<! three yearsirarnm g-rsprrlt-nn '. " .............

Harold Hrown, ilxtii i;riv(le: ^ Hftth Il'-'-d, .'.fvrnlU Krnde; Calvin i la lk . .-Ithlh xrnclr.

The hlnh ;.rliooI faculty Includei Clrnirnt PrlntT, who will teacll :.clriKc. nmlliemallcs and coach athletlr.v. John .Maxry will teacli

I .■.rinirp, j.f»-lnlnKV and music. C.rllflth, a grnduiitr of Ul«h

SUip Acrlculiura] coIIpkb of LoKan. a nrw mrmbi-r of tiir farulcy nnd

sill leach comuierclal nnd public 'praklng.

Dortiiny Ifur.tuii, who tnuKht EliR- nnd lioincinnklnK, resigned r r- rc-iulv to fill a in ’.lllon In Uie schools of Mrdfnrd, Ore., her lionic town, n i r po-.Ulon 1u\a not yet been filled. RuixTlnt^lulenl Fryer will trach nialheniatlci and. buslnc.u principle.'. —

F arew ell Party fo r Q u a rte t a t Han.sen

HANSEN. Aug. ; : - ‘A. going away party with a pot.liick dinner wns Riven nt Ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. Benuird Strieker 'Wplnr.Mlny eve­ning honoring Mi.u Willie Jones, n guc-M from Reno; Mrs. Wanda T er­rel. Mrs. Slrlcklrr's sWer. nnd her

Elwood Moffctl, who will leave........ imd .Ml'j Luellle Hayne.v whowill tcach a t Hailey,

Entertainment Included g r o u p .slnglnR followed by n (tg&fe on the lawn, mu-nle for which was played by Mr. Strieker on the violin, '

Oue.'w'wrre Lyman Siitmlller, Mr. and Mr*. Howard Hill and clUldr'en, Glen Swoln, Mr. and Mrs, William Ha>-nes. Mr. and Mrs. Lucy Strieker and two sons. Clyde and Roland Strieker, MLvs Gladys Slrleker. Han- fien, Mrs. Sybil Frazier, Mr. and Mr.i. Ivan Odrnaiid and Miss O race Bell. Twin Falls.




ItA nity p. EVANS and BKRTHA U.. EVANS Hujbaiid and wife, PInintlffj,



U N KN O W N L f;O A L REP- R K S E .V T A T IV E a OF LIN- C01.*J G. f;iMON AND JANE DOE - • SIMON, WHOSE -ntUE NAMi: ISu :;k n o w .“<, h i s w ir e , i f t h e y ,

■ OR EITHKlt OF T H »1 BE DE- CK.^KUJ; W. E SWAT2LANDER, lUA .SWATZL.ANDER. A. K.aii!;E.s'Lf:K. i ,kj5LIK nl-u b a u e rnnd Jl/LIA SCANLON, AS LAST ' DiliKCTOIiS AND STA-nrTORY TRUKTEE3 OK ’n iE PinST NA­TIONAL HANK OK SYDNEY, a defunct National Banking Corpor-





YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED Tliat a complaint ha.i been filed aKain^i you ui Uic/ DLstrlct Court

ihc Eleventh Judlcl.-tl Dl.'.irlci Uie State of Idaho, tn and for ■n F.ilL County, by the above

named plaintilfi. and you are here­by dlrrclcd lo iipi>car nnd plead to

.’.aid complulnt wlUiln twenty days of the scrvicc of ilii;, Suinmoru:

id you are further notified that ile:-K you no a[ii>car nnd plead lo

said comiilalnt within Uie time hcre-.ipfclljril, Ihe plnlnllffs__wll1. Lake___

JudKinenl ucalnsl you as prayed In said comlilatnt.

n ie nature of plaintiff^' caur.e of cuoii Is, nnd ihLi action is brought,) Qulct title to .Uie property de-

!.crlbrd In the title of this of action in the plaintiffs, and the com­plaint nllenes that the above named defendant--. cLilm some interest in • •iftld described property and «isks_

defendanl.s, and each of y be renuired lo set forlli

the nature and extent of Iheir bcv-- eral claims, that all advcn.e. clatn» '

! •■'aid defrnilants, or ony of them ,: dctcmiliied and Uiat a (lecrce be ■ •mlerrd ndjudglng tha l lald de- •ndant.',, nnd each of them, have 0 e.-taie cr Interr.M wliat.-ocviT In

-laid iirrmI.-.M, that the tltlf oLtlie plaintiffs lo said property,B good and valid and Ihnt said defendn'nu.

, Df them, be forever en-- Joined and ilebnrred from asserting, any claim or having any Interest Ih

said property, and that the iTvilfcInrrd 10 be wholly ,ln-

pinlntlffs, nnd Umt tliey are Ihe sole owners Ihertof; nnd .for such tu r - - , Ujer relief as may be and eflult- ‘ able.;, tliat for a' more particular [ statement of Ihe cause - of action, reference li hereby made to Uie complaint 6h file herein,

WITNESS my hand nnd the seal of the u ld District CoUrt this 1st. day of August, ID40.


FRANK L. STEPHAN. , 'J . H. BLANDPORD. ’ ;Attoineys for Plolniiffs,Residing at Twin Falls. Idaho,Pub. News Aug. 3. 9. I«. 23, 30. 1940, i

No pan of Uie United StalM, e x - ■ crpt eenaln of Uie Florida Keys, Is

from frost. ''

Make This Model at Home Twin F alls N ew s Patteiii


by C 4 n n c C / f i L M S -

Tlie most Important Uilng* to , look lor tn a tiay-at-home frock ara neat appearance and comfort. In * Pattern 4513, Anne'Adama lias com­bined both feslures, nnd added aa extra dose of smaruitas. I t's made ‘In cosl-d rta style—meaning thal{;o u can get It on and off tpeedlly and caa adjust It easily (or gain cr ‘ loBS of weight: The doubte-breatod- * effect buttonlng.has a generous U p- . over. The Sewing Instructor will • help you quickly sUich up the gnc«- > tu l^ cur^’ed phncess seams. Hove! Uhg or short sleeves; add a a ia rtj ’ pockets. ITie notched collar Is In . - a shorter version too, and looks t . refreshing In contrast, perhaps wltU L ,

-brxld 'on-button trlmv . ir a i t v n 451} Is ^vallabls la we- V '

men's sizes 31. 38. 38. 40, 43, 44, 46 —-^ and :i8 .- Otw ttfcw l- y i i r d i - a ^ ^ ;> inch fabrtci . .. j. s

Send m 'T EE N CENTS (tSc)'.tq> ~ coins (or thli'A nna Adams pattern. Write plainly S12X. NAUK. AD­DRESS and RTTLE NUMBER. .

Be iNrt-divssed woman In town*.. . . bo ft budget plan . . . via U u - ANNE ADAMS BOOR OF PAT- !

.TERNS. TUs v o u la fu l taafaJdM. - . coQtAlns snaA etqttaet t o member oI th« foally, t n a muOast* *■101011 tn r 't o otsHOfty. tbougb m V e a s m ta k e s .» belore, th t o ^ - d c a rOtZUCtlADI (hat ^dm nis p a tttn .inaka b o a»> d tw > ^I_


TERN n m E N CENTS.AND FA T nS N t O O E T B S * , '^T n « rp Z .n .T C CENTS. , ; -v,

Send j t m order to Um N«w ' tern Dqjortinent, Tirta FtUi.


1 ,0 0 0 E X P[C I[D FORIpS’ DAf

Magic Valley Children to P artic ipate- in Pro­

gram Today

/ •

W U l ie W U l isI); BOQEUT Qi;U.LEN.


Junior D r u ^ n d Bugle Group Leaves Sunday for .• Cocur d’Alene

"I :iluav« srrm tlunili a t a part; I tlo my iK^l. hill I r a n ’t Ifarn t talk, tlie ».«j «lcli ilo. wlicn liavrti'l a n jililn i lo *ay.”


lilt.', ill;Hearing Brings Out Sto'ry ol Woman's Seizure

ol Funds

:omiK'tlt:vr .llvl.inn '

me ji: .Iji\rcr iMik anil ■mo^riiiDir.l -Alll br UiriiiiKli tlir court^^y of

■, t)i:..liir.A maiuuiT tor n iiiirioiinccxl.

• bajflinll i tiif UircrKlvrn nail HuRh Pm the Cowboys, Jcii.'

Ml rlillilrfn may u rn u i iiif nauip, Yoiinsstrn iit>l !ic-<-o:iiiiaiil(\l by tlipir piimil3 '.lioiilil iiicri at Hixr- nion park nl *:30 p. in. to tmircli to JnycpT in n iiniitp. Al W r.t- rr»m i will MiiK-rvl.-r.llir gnlhrrlnc • I lUruioii p.-irk nnd Uic m.ircli lo Uic linll pnrk.

Evcnu Uxluy m r nil pnrl of a. biick*l«>-icliool.jro2rivui..„syci(;i?rr<iby the merclmiitA’ biirtiiii. All Maslc tftllry *diool chllilrfii linve born Bxkctl U^.pnrtlcipaK In Uic jjroiimm.

Ceremonial, installation for Two-County Group at -

^ Burley

, nURLKY. Aue. 23 - Inilttll.ul .crrcmonlM for Uie newly oitoiilrcd unit of Uie Dln.ibled Amcrlrnn Wnr Vewrnn.i. Mlnl-Cn.’Lilii chnpifr Nn. 10. nnd the nuxllli\r>'. acrr liclil

• Tuejdny evQnlnb' Ai CmlRh lull InBurlej'-

A dinner a t ilir Nnllonal hold. In honor of vl.iltiiii; ilrpnrtniciii o(- ficerj, prccedctl the evenliiu'j pru* Brnm. Covers were Itlld for lUuclrcn member?.. CMnplcr c o m m ii n d er-elcci. Mr. Dnvldson, presided a t tlie lnsliill;i- ilon tnecUnu. n ie cvcnlnKi pro- sr&m Included the iiddrrM ol n rl- come by Mr. Dnvldsoii; Kfoii|> sinic- Inu of the Nntlonnl Anilieiii; l in o cntloii by JutlBC llcnr^- .V. Tiicltcr.

imrodiictloii of d U llliK liU h rd ' ftueiis; Bfoiip .’.InKlnK of "Aniprlca";

nn iicldrcM by Dr. O. U. r.irroll.' comiiiftiider of General Umton rnmp of T«ln I’nll.i: nddrr-j by S. A. >irnilrnlinll. iiiillonfil drpiily c n* stuff niul itiilc Irr.-LMirrr nf 15. A. V.. followi-il hy nn nililrcv Orcnr Slrncle, ;.i.ije adjutant,

, Hiirh !i. Mtvrslinll. nt.ite c msndrr, InM.-illeil cliiiptiT olllrrra •• 111 su-ilfrt.-inlii rtiK nnd L'Mjm SKjiir.rI. clinlrmnn. t f irm . Jiulk'e T iirkrr "In KlBiidrrs F lchr'

All niklrrM by Mr. M;u »hnll. i:milii tlOKlnt: o f 'a o < I Hr With You Till We Mrrl.AKn'ln" niiil bpiir\llclloii liy JliilSr TiifVcr .rmicliiclrcl tlic pro- Srnm.

Mr . Kfiy Gililiri'.l wat niiislfliji; anti MrN. Hillli Murr.hnll jirr-ltlrtl n.- rondiictrr'.'i durlni; iJir In'l.illiilliiii

. of l)ie niixlllnry.

.<r.- uii.< Jir'd’ I L f('iIloV

fli-'ck.s. .Mm .

prc- r .IililKr C. A.llnUii:iiy lirarliii;

IJallry In jnohiili- r<mrl In "I'wln r;ill.s yrritrrilny, blir wn.i relra.'-rd iiiidi-i'i:ciO bond llial had l>i-cii fiir- iir4ic'd pi«;

KVldciice Huflcatrd Nlr.i. SUirr had 'orKi'd riulor.-.rnirnl mid c.-v.-.hrd 10 Tiler clircl;.i eiiili hi llir num of « 0 s.Micri by tlic ;.iair imhllc nr.'.l.^tnnce lcp;irtiiu'nl. ta 'M ri.. ll.i ir l Still of r« lii I'nll.i. I t V.IIS Indlcnlcd Sir hrclu were foi-Ktd and c.uhed ‘ hllr Mrs. S larr iicciipird Mrs. Ellll'i. •f.ldnice In Twin F a lh durlnc Uie Inllcr'K nb.'.ciicr on r trip lo Cnlifof-

Tlicre was c'vldruci'. Mrs. Still had nuilinrUrd tlir accu.'.cd woman to cash the rrllff check and pny

bllln for for her oiil of liic pro- . Tlie rrniainlnK nine checks VnNln-ii atotic'lOCtil'dcpai-tincnt;

and-Mrs. Slnrr Is nllcKed -lo Imse ecmvrrlrd tlir J2"0 proceed.? lo her own ti;,e.

■•Iilcncr 'Kus offered n i ihe lirclimlnary Jlriirliii: In bi-lmlf of Uic accused n-omnn who wns ri'prc.'.ejil- td by W. L. Dtinn, Twin PaJLi nt- to.mcy.

Chtckn hi fitlr'.tlon wore r.lnlc nu- dilor'* warrnnia drawn on the state trenr.ury.

T lir April dicck britihiK Ihe n!- IcKcdly forKcd nulorieincnt wax In- troducpd In cvhlcncc.

Wllntvr.% for the prtKrciitlon werr Hownrd Olllclte, IV ln Falls ,ix)l!ct! d ilrf, who r.licned llic complivlnl; .Mrs. .Still nnd an emiiloye of llie de­

ll, iir.d :(!.Till- tiMi-year-old orKanirjiUon 111 ;>,ii:i'!e AliK. 27 nnd will com- '•tr wuii oiJier drum mid buKle irp-. nt exerrbrt Uinl niKhl. Tlie roiii. li cx|K-dc(l bark hi Twin Fall:. lxi;it iiiiiliilslil Tliurj.doy, Auk. 29. I rh:ir;;r of Uie bftri v lll be Jim onrnl),!, while Mrs, ChrLitliie Pei- ■-OTi 'vll! cliaperonr Uie Rlrls.'Ilir irlp u finiincctl liy cnsli con-

liil)u;i(>ii-. Irom Uir merchiint;,' bu- o! Ihr CliambfT ot Commri'cr,

AniL'ric;uv fusion po>l No. 7. Legion ivlllary. KrcliBrl's, Ilay McKran ■xaay iliilinn, KllLi lourlit p.irl:. !iud Prai; Snips eoinpniiy nnd

Mavur iu)d .Mr.i. Jor Korhlrr. Coinplrlr 11.M of corp'i mrmborr

llirllltlrMinn iniijoreitc, Pnlrlcln Grnvc.i; l).-ai<T.„ Bill HllKhe.i. Tr<l Kos- anil Yrni Shrpjinnl: lulrler.-i. y I.ii Hallry, Vl/Kliila CnmpWell

. liiirrl Lrlijhlon: cymbal.s, Philip Ciillnih;m nncl U-Pj)n CiilU-nhim;

dniin-v Mftx Peterson nnd PJilIlli Kuilrnbn.

ire dn iw , Miixhie Bc-nlli, Phyl- ILi nircli, Tommy Biicklln. nor.c Marlr Hiirmon. Dtiin Jft-illn, noniiie Jrnn Kiinklr, niclmrd Hjv.mtuwen. Dirk Witlle nnd Dill Lnke.

Ihiiilrrj. ImBffcne BraUi, John Diirwoxl. John Hood, Jnm es Inics, Kllrn Joslln. Ted LcwLi, l.loyd l.l- ■ -.-I, Klahi Pnt^rMn, fUchnrd ^>iirk-

•, HoBiird Rn,v«, OeorKc Tnylor, Marliin Tnylor, Jim Tomlin. Donnld

I AiLvlPln. Vlrtrlnln Wolter, Ed- d Hsllry nmj Clir.iler McClnln.

iiiulllary .e nii>;llliir)''0t- ;ave n.rpiidlnc.

L ivcsl(»ck S a le s P ro c c c d js ( ! la in u ‘(lAlk'Slnit Uie ivfonn iv i.nh;i\ u

paid for catllr iiiid hor>ei Ilia; T FaJLi Cftniml.v'inn ronip.iliy .'c'.il five ' bitwcen S--;i;cm- ber. iniT. nnd Jnniiiiry. in^ti. llpnh' J. HadriTiiiir.hcr sliirlfd s trie: eoiirl In T^-ln F.illi vc j,trril:iy for I ^ J O , Uie nmoiinl of Uip Uonr<l p.ij-mcni.1. Nn.nii;l nj dPlciid- anU were M..M. Danh-l-. nnd K,-C. ErwJn, riinnce^. In bii.Mnrs.r uikIit the name iif Uii; coninil.\%lnn rnni- pany. \

nadennnrhrr nliiRpj o fllip lo;.-il tft'ioiihts w a.\ wi-onKfiilly i>;ildlo jPrM*- Rndrrmiiflict, niul UO « m

••rroiiJiHUily paid Ri-berl Rml !!l.'4el nnd Blnl'of Goodlni; arc the

a»im»nivw“ ------------ -

August Ci-iishc.s , H it Total ()f 9

Aulomjbllp cnu.hes hi Twlii Falls for AuKUst ictAlwl nine»y when two minor wrecks had been reported to Uie pollee yr, ter lny,

A ear driven W Dan Olant:. Twin Pallj, collided wlUt • .ear driven by i! n . Lysle GurUncr. T»-ln Falla, lu she bncked from Uie eurti In Uie 100 block on Mnln avenpe soutli. Damaees were biLlninled a l }l5,

Earlier In Itie day automobiles op­erated by Tliomaa Elnd,', T»-in PftlU, ftnd Gifford i!cDonaid, « le r, coUidM in Ihe 200* block of Main ivenue north. Minor damnce re-ItlltML

New Y ard Chief For L iin iber l^n-iy

.1. L. Norton, isldrly rxpptlpticcd Iiinibrriimn,, has been einploird ns y.ird maniiKcr for llie Osi'iBiuler Luiilbi-r romiwny In 'IVln Kills lo iiia-crd H. C. Dlfter.-,on. uho hai Irit the compiiny's eniployiilrnt after

ii-an, E. J . Ontrniidrr. prr.Milpnt the company, minounccd

cvtnlnK,A ri-ililcnt of Twin I-'iills file |10 yeari, Mr. Norton was lor I years In ih r enipluynient of iil:.c-P,»yelte Llinibrr Coinpiiny ird mtiimRrr for tha t concrn:

Iilnlio h'nils for some llnir. Hr al'.o niiinber of vrar.s .■■epir-

U Y akim a.‘ Wn.-.h.. for the John Dower Lumber company of Taronm.

Mr. and Mrs. D Irkeron will make Ihelr home )n CftllforyU. ■ -

Ameilcan LcKlor . biixle co Il. , with

:i7 m'lnlfTs aiul Director I’riuiK Wainrr. -.iill ilr|xirl Sunday 'belween .1 ind 4 p m. on a chartered Union P.i<-il;r bu’. lor Coriir d'A lrne nnd

I. Aug. 25.

You 111 Listed fo r IVainiiiJi; C ourses

Plxi<-cn .viutli cpntrsl Irinho boys niul Rirls wcro' Ulls wp'rk' enrolled for NYA vocational iralnins cotirf.r-i a t the Wrl:.rr instllule,' I. Q. Wootl ot flolsr, NYA reslonnl nupen'lsor. st.ited in Twin Falls evenlnc.

The lir.i of II (rtrls and five boys Inclmlrd Mnliel Rosencrantz of Cn.s- tlrtord, E\a Ndr.on nntl Mnrle W nt- .'.nn ot Pnul, Mary Dndser of Hcy- bnrn, Verda Mfvrn-y of Dietrich. .Joy .Moore nnd Harriet Sm ith of Jerome, all enrolled for home eco­nomics roiine; Robert Snelton ol Filer and Harold nirtiardson cf HeRlar, commercial foods, nnd Edftar PucketV ot Onkley, nRrlcullnrr.

Tlie suprn.lior .snit! . t l i rr r re ­mained two oprnlncj In eommerclrU, toods courw. Uircr In^ and spveral In aKrlculture.

Last R ites Set F or Bull! F arm er

nUHU Auk. 23-!^ inera l frrvK-rs will be liPld a t 3 p. in. Fridnv for lliron OUon, 15, who ' dird hrrc ‘VrrlnrMl.iv o t a heart^ilhnriit. R'rv...’H. Hownril. I’re.ibyterliin ^ilnl.'.ter,

will ottlclatr,Tlie body la at the F^•all nnd

Johnson mnrtunry nnd mnv hr viewed Irnm 12 to 3 p. ni. Friday.

Ol'iiii wa;; Ix^rn Oct. 2, Kif.i, «i Amhrr. M inn, nnrt s\-ni Tnnmefi

. I>rrnthe Ilulil trart r.lnce

M. rnmlnK hrrr from Tirnnia, n-li. !!r rrr.ldPd i.lx- mlirs roulh- M of Hiihl.Survlvlm: are lih wif/; n daiinh- r. Mrs. n ie h iia Mnrks nf Califor­

nia.' whn Is vlsltlni; hrre; n i.nn Waller OI.-4i,i: nnd u brother. Ole H. Ol.von. of Minnr-.oiA.

Iniennrn t will be In Ihr liuhl

M i i r d e r Y i e t i i i r ' s

I d e n t i t y .S o u g h tMenUllenllon of a partlnl d

pliile from Uie moiiUl Of n mur< wnrimn wn-<: Uic'Jfi!) n.iked of 'Falls cn;intv denllsl* veMrnlny by fihcilff L. W.,JLwWn.',. - ’

s iirriff • ifnwKifv; rtvrivM fromChnrlra W tCemp. timrlff. pjjrt.^Tlf:e!es, W.n.'.lj,. n !jnllr;in rrtiiini-

lid In IdrnUfyhiK- Uir woman, was found tloiithiK In Ijiko

Cre.' ’rn l. n rn r Port AnKelrs.'Julyfl, believed the woman may have A re.^lde.n of onme town In

Idaho. Montana. Orrson or Wash- Incton.

All dcnthlji m e ii:.k>-<l to eiumlne the bullelln, whlrh conuin« two pic­tures ot th r pinte. nt Uin r.hrrlffs olflce, A IlOO reward b offered for Identification.


A N N O U N C E M E N TOpening IIHO RaTlne Keatnn


Otto Sleinberc ‘ \ JU nk & T n » l n id r

Phene (31

• ■■ 1


Moved to 341 Main Ave. tJ.(F o rm e rly occtipicd hy UrownihK A u to C o.)


(Jriday and Saturday

M . p | , i a i F J V A S :


$ ] _ 2 5•

Used Car Opening Specials

‘ C h c v r ScOfriiv'-'^iiDhr-jilc lu - ••ovcrhnul- ......910:i6 Qlicv. £p ickup coupe 9 ^ 4 ^

S ^ r t .$ 3 9 519:I6 Old.smo- ^ < 9 0 ^ bilR .‘<c<ian


OIiLsmnbilc S.ilcR & Scr^-lcc.,.--'-^'

n n M ain 'A vo . E .



CORDSGood flUhiR and lone Bfitrtnc fn lUe mmt pop- tJlar ilutde*. have the jJpper fly e itej 8 to IB.


.'CORDSNatroW wnle corduroy In Wie best ifiitde*. l l i e y «r* the kind the boy.-i want. All walit slicji nnd all lengUu. '

$ 2 9 8

^ M en’s

- SweatersAnyihttiK II youiiR man could want Jn pull-over or COM slyle.s.** M any ilppcr troiiu and tw o-tone eom- bliistlons.

S 1 . 9 8 ^ $ 3 - 9 8

PURE SILK HOSESend her lo ^dloo! lookins h"-i iljpse incxprnsUe. lone ivearlnK

>li«^ beM colors and Jlifs.

Classroom S tyles T h a t R a te S tra ig lit “A” (*'- .Juniors in S pun Rayon


$ 1 9 8 .

Misses’ Now Wool

SWEATERSNew cardlEan kniu . . new stylcj . . . and nrw color* make up Uil»

\ \ e x c e p t i o n a l ■ cmiip ot mKse.V\ y V .wratfM.


Misses’ Populiu-

New Style SKIRTSCle\.-ily .M}|e<1 .'.Ulrts for popular cU<sroom wear. Plenled ;ind Korr<l . . , color* Uinl will be cajiy to wew,

$ 1 .9 8 and $ 2 9 8

For Those Im p o rtan t “Fi]\«;t_D.'iys” Children’s N ew Style

WASH DRESSESot and yc w price. Bl»5« 3

Back To School COMFORTABLY and

ECONOMTCALLY ^G row in jj G i r l s ’

Sport Oxfords■ 1-oM of styles to iieloct from

at this prtce. Low nnd me­dium heels in two-tones, bron-n and black. All leather eominictJon.


B ro w n -W h ile And B lack -^ V h lt«

Saddle OxfordsW lui» fchool wlUioul dlp oxJordj-* We have thepi and at a rrLsonable prtce toot Dest c8h.iinjcllon for '^ on it •

Young: > Io n '*

School OxfordsFor the hl|h school and col- Ipte man. E\-ery new «yle. Antique JlnUhes. aunriin tced

• all leithcr for loneer '


School OxfordsMade to itand the hard fc'car you know tliry «11I Krt. Com - fonabI» tlttlns and lone wearlns. Both boys’ nntl e lrli' itylc).

98c .0 $L98C o m p lo tc Selection

Boys School OxfordsTounc ;bey« need shoe* like thCM' Ut»t will »Unil hard knocka. Sljled

a n d btillt like

, 1

Guaraiitcccl F ast Color

80 SQUARE .PERCALES ‘Be rconoiiile.ill Sew thts tall ttnd.Snvr! 'nicre nre p lrnty of iiew patterm to cliooM from hero tn d a ll fa»l color tool

Y oim p M en’n

Dress- Shirts'"Irtpal for school wear, ll i ts e

Vardon slilrt-s nre well made . f o,r reiieated InuntJerlns*. Plains nnd fancle.s. SlMi-HH

B oys'

School I ShirtsSij’ied lo *ult the yoiuiKer bo>n uid m ide .to plenae the thrifty molhprs. Slxen (J lo 12 yean and 13H to 14'.i. Priced ‘

B o y a '

SW EATERS.Boys nctd sweaters fo r »chool room wear. TliLs eeleeUtm In- cludti both p u llo v e r »nd Ulp-on ityle*. New color*.

1 5 ^ yai-d . $100 , 4 9 c . $ 1 9 8