No B.S. SEO Crash Course

Post on 26-Mar-2016

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In this critical guide Jack reveals how he dominated the adware and spyware niche in Google. This is a replicable blueprint, unlike other seo ebooks this doesn't shower you with useless theories and link building methods that don't work! Instead you'll get little known information about how to build the foundation right when starting a new SEO campaign. Very few people know what this means at all reason why only 1% every get top rankings!

Transcript of No B.S. SEO Crash Course

No B.S. SEO Crash Course

No B.S. SEO Crash Course

By Jack Sarlo

Jack Sarlo Straight Talk, Inc. No portion of this Guide may be reproduced without written consent from Jack Sarlo Straight Talk, Inc., Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved.

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No B.S. SEO Crash Course


Your success is my goal, that's why I'm writing this ebook – I'm going to use this ebook to try and CUT yourself loose from something very “evil” out there that I call junk-info, much like junk-food but it has got nothing good not even its taste!

This ebook is NOT intended to overwhelm you with a thousand different SEO techniques, hundreds of SEO terms, quotes and research studies OR other useless stuff! That's for the nerds not the businessperson.

It's simple going to show you what one has to do to get top rankings starting with A then B and finally C!

My approach in Internet Marketing is one of straight talk! You're going to learn SEO the way it's meant to be learned AND this is probably going to be something you're NOT used to hearing!

In fact...

This IS NOT your Average FREE SEO ebook!

I used to teach SEO, now I'm teaching and also saving you from catastrophic failures because of the crap that's out there!

Nowadays the web is littered with SEO stuff, everywhere articles, tips, tactics, and other stuff! So bear with me as I shall explain the PRINCIPLES that haven't changed from the time I first started, 2004!

Unlike what everyone else may tell you there are SEO principles that never change. The SEO tactics may slightly change but the foundation remains the same.

Let me explain...

SEO is done so your website is displayed on first page of when someone types a search term. Ideally you want to be located in the first 3 positions – because these positions get the most clicks/traffic.

The principle is this: You can't just put up a crappy website use some SEO techniques, then sit back while traffic floods your website!

You have to follow this guideline or even rule: Give search engines what they want! You can't RECIEVE only, you have to GIVE as well! You can't pretend to receive all the traffic but give nothing back!

So what you give back is what search engines want: A quality, valuable and useful website! If you want to rank for the term italian recipes, then Google pretends that a) your website is actually about italian recipes, it has quality information, value, in other words it's not crap!

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Give Search Engines What They Want!Greedy Doesn't Win! You Have To

Give In Order To Receive!

That's the first rule to follow, memorize it!

So many people put up a crappy website and then pretend to get top rankings. That's why you have to have a good product/service or content, etc and work on your website conversion and so forth.

I can help you with all this at

It boils down to this... Delivery a positive experience to someone who visits your website after doing a Google search – give them what they're searching for!

OK, now that you know that...

The second rule I want you to know is that KEYWORDS are everything in SEO. Choose the wrong keywords and you ruin everything! You have to absolutely do keyword research before anything else! You have to know which are the RIGHT keywords to choose to rank for!

That is critital! I spend lots of time on keyword research because they're the foundation of everything else you do afterwards. Everything will FAIL if you don't do keyword research properly! They're the core!

Once you do keyword research you're going to start implementing what we call SEO techniques. Call them anything you like, tactics, strategies, etc. There are those techniques we do on the (or to the) website itself (we call them Onpage Optimization techniques) and those we do off the website (we call them Offpage Optimization techniques).

That's it.

Once we start doing the Offpage techniques you'll start seeing your website rising in the search engine rankings. is the #1 search engine on the Internet that's why you care only about getting top ranked on Google. It's the best traffic you can get...

Only 1000 websites appear for every keyword someone searches for. You'll start seeing your website appear at the very bottom and slowly but surely it will rise up till it joins the first 10 websites on page one!

Keep doing the Offpage Optimization techniques until you get to #1 position (or your desirable spot). I always aim at the best, which is #1 position, if you have done keyword research properly you should have a set of keywords that you can almost guarantee it you'll get the #1 position for!

Once you reach your goal if the competition outranks you and loose the position YOU SIMPLE CONTINUE doing the offpage optimization techniques.

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You have probably understand by now the power to get top rankings lies in the offpage optimization techniques!

But you can also pay someone else to do these techniques (or some of them) for you.

Do I recommend you outsource from the beginning and do nothing yourself?

Yes and no, it's up to you. But if you decide to outsource first understand them yourself CAREFULLY, so you give exact instructions to the person you outsource – you don't want to get scammed by someone claiming to be an SEO expert who will take matters with his own hands, NO you want to tell them what to do yourself!

For example: “Need someone to find forums and participate on them!”That is something you can outsource, you will get links to your website from the forum signatures. More about links later on...


There are many other websites you can find proper people to hire! (Look at their resume, previous experience & work done similar to what you want, comments left on their profile, etc).

Now you already know what A) SEO is all about and B) What you have to do to get top rankings!

Know we'll cover the actual techniques you do, what you take action upon.

Let's begin with keyword research tools, the free or paid tools, I recommend paid tools, since keyword research is CRITIAL you want to do it right – your goal is to uncover keywords that meet these two criteria:

1) They receive medium or high search traffic2) They have medium to low competition

You don't want to pick a keyword which gets too little traffic. I give you exact numbers further below.

Neither a keyword with too many competition that it will be impossible to rank for at the very least on page one!

Search traffic refers to the number of times a keyword has been searched for. Some tools tell you the daily search traffic (i.e. the average number of times a keyword has been searched for in one day), Google's own tool tells you the monthly search traffic.

Tools I use and recommend:

Wordtracker (the #1 keyword research tool) – they have a 7 day free trial, within 7 days you can find the right keywords and export them to excel file, etc. Or take the full version if you have some extra money.

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If you do take the trial, since you have just 7 days make sure you know precisely what to do, if you're serious enough and want to know insider techniques to uncover “killer keywords” check the No B.S. SEO System!

Most of the competition use free keyword tools so you will have an advantage if you use a paid tool like Wordtracker, since you will uncover a ton more keywords competition don't even know exist!

Google Keyword Tool at:

How do Keyword Research Tools Work?

Let's say your website sells a book about “italian recipes”!

You want to get top ranked for keywords like italian receipts, but don't just pick the first keyword that comes to your head like italian recipes - remember you have to know the traffic volume and competition number.

You simple type in italian recipes in the tool, (Fig.1.1) and it will return all keywords people search for related to italian recipes. Head on now to: and try it out!

Beware of keyword research tools that's out there, most of them provide inaccurate data! For something as important and critical as keyword research I advise you use top-notch tools like the ones I recommend!

You want to look for a keyword that receives a minimum of 5,000 searches a month, nothing less!

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As you can see there are plenty of keywords, Google's tool lists up to a 100, with other tools like you can find thousands of keywords... hence your chances of finding the best possible ones increase!

Apart from the amount of searches they receive you want to know the competition number of each keyword too! To do that simple go to type the keyword and hit search (Fig.1.2)

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It says 54,700,000, typically anything over 7,000,000 is too competitive! So we have to look at other keywords in the list for example italian appetizer recipes (2,830,000 competition) or italian soups recipes (5,300,000). Both these keywords get well over 5,000 searches a month!

You will notice that if you check the competition number of the same keyword tomorrow the number may slightly vary. My suggestion is to check the competition number twice, today and tomorrow or another day Make sure on both days the number is below 7,000,000!

Practice Makes Permanent!

With practice you'll begin to uncover hot keywords in minutes, so spend some time studying the keyword research tools, how they work and practice! That's how you become an expert.

There are more important nitty gritty details when it comes to keyword research but I have no time to explain them all in here! But you have to know all the secrets since being able to find great keywords is key to success in SEO!!

That's why I've written the No B.S. SEO System, for those serious about their Internet Business who want to know all the trade secrets!

Ok now you have an idea how to conduct keyword research! Now what?

What you start doing is the Onpage Optimization techniques. For instance title tags. This is done by inserting one or two of your keywords in the <title> <title> tag of your website html file.

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Do you have to do this?

Yes and no. Here's something very important: I do some of these Onpage Optimization techniques but not all of them. That's because these techniques won't help increase your rankings for the keywords that much. You can say they're little important.

What is important on the other hand are the Offpage Optimization techniques!

Here's a list of some Onpage Optimization techniques I do (remember these are techniques you do ON your website):

-> Insert keyword/s in title tags of homepage only.-> Insert keyword/s in description tag of homepage only.-> Alt tags on homepage pictures only.-> Make sure my website is of quality and valuable-> Create and submit sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools All of that can be done within 20 minutes! They're very easy stuff.

Now when you do the Offpage Optimization techniques is where you start to get excited. It's these techniques that start to really make magic happen.

Type in a keyword you chose when doing keyword research in and you'll probably won't find your website anywhere within the 1000 websites that appear!

By the way TIME is money, don't waste it – you don't have to check all 100 pages trying to locate your website. Whenever you want to see where you're ranking just check the first 10 pages only!

But you'll start seeing your website on these first 10 pages at when you implement the Offpage Optimization techniques.

So why do these so called Offpage Optimization techniques increase your website rankings? That's the question you have to make to understand SEO!

See, these techniques are all related to getting other websites to LINK to you. That means for instance leaving a signature text link in a forum or telling someone who has a website to put a text link pointing to your website.

Google sees these links as a “vote” or a “like” from others to your website! The more votes or likes you have the higher up you go in the search engine rankings. So then you might think: Well then the website with the most number of links gets the #1 spot!

Fortunately or unfortunately depends how you look at it it's NOT the case! See Google is more intelligent – it's NOT just how many links you have, other factors are considered.

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Are the links from crappy websites?

Are the links from website related to yours?

How many links is your website getting over time?

There are many factors, yet Google doesn't reveal the algorithm (how their rankings process works) BUT with experience and so on real SEO experts have uncovered some of the most important factors!

In plain English you have to follow a proven plan or strategy to get links! Now you know they're the key to getting top rankings – BUT you can't just lay your hands on every product, service or solution that promises thousands of them!

I want you to really understand and memorize this: You have to get the links (also called backlinks) using the right strategy, the one the REAL experts use!

So that's it really... that's SEO in a nutshell.

Get the foundation wrong and you're doomed to failure that's one of the reasons I wanted to write this ebook – to give you solid foundation!

The Other Junk-Info About SEO!

I'm sad to say this but the truth is that there's a helluva lot of junk out there about SEO! It suppresses what any good advice there is! If someone wants to learn SEO he's going to learn some of the negative, untruths and false stuff that's out there!

My strategies work, if you want the exact methods I use you should check out the No B.S. SEO System.

What's NOT in the system I strongly advice caution before using... for instance the so called black hat techniques, content generation software, etc. If you're serious about finding white-hot keywords and getting top ranked for them you simple have to follow the No B.S. SEO System and nothing more or less!

Everything you do that's not in the system is entirely at your own risk... I won't be held responsible for that!

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Here are some of the good ways to get backlinks to your website:

* Sign up with forums related to your topic or niche, leave valuable replies and insert alink in the forum signature!

* Write quality articles and submit them to article directories, insert your link in the bio section!

* Write good-quality press releases and submit them to press release directories!

* Contact other website owners in your niche or bloggers and ask them to swap articles with them, trade links or become their guest author (you write for them free articles in exchange for leaving a link in the article)

The list of ways to get backlinks is huge.

Remember I told you it's not just the website with the most number of links that gets the top position – there are other factors – learn about them here:

What are they?

It teaches you the ideal number of backlinks to get every day, when and how often you use a keyword in the link text, and so forth.

You're a Businessperson NOT a Geek!

Who cares about the panda update, sandbox, penguin or other stuff Google comes up with – technical stuff! I tell you who cares about that.

It's all those who aren't following a system that's not overcomplicated and works all the time! Many folks who worry about the penguin or panda updates, etc are those who from the start haven't got a real clue how to do SEO!

They probably think they have to cheat, trick, or use the latest most expensive thing to get top rankings. Dead-Wrong!

You don't have to worry, or even think about all this geek stuff when you follow what I've been teaching you here. I laugh at them, seriously.

So I want you to realize you can stop chasing your own tail like everyone else is doing when it comes to SEO.

Beware of forums that's where the majority of confusion concentrates on! Like I said, I can't just teach you SEO only, I have to save your neck from the overwhelming amount of hogwash all around on the web about SEO.

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For instance it gives me a headache when people spend $110 to get their website indexed, when they can do it for... FREE! You don't even have to think about getting indexing AT ALL!! And I feel sorry for those who submit their website to a 100 different search engines! And so many more...

Really! It's all about knowing the right information, from the right person! I hope you got that by now... that not everything you read about SEO is worth a dime of your time!

No System = Confusion!

I follow an SEO system, the one I wrote – those who don't have a system and plan of action to follow have a thousand fold questions – until you have a system to follow created by any expert (not just me) you're going to keep chasing your own tail in circles.

I'm trying to save you time here... by opening your eyes and ears to what's really out there.

That's your crash course in SEO, congratulations. The less you know the better when it comes to SEO... it's crucial you understand that!

Here are some products I've developed to help you get backlinks:


This software allows you to make unlimited linkexchanges, submit to 3736 FREE directories and get more free one way links from little-known content websites - and LOTS of them...

If you want backlinks, this software is the weapon you need in your arsenal to outrank your competitors as if it was a race humans VS ants!

Should you use just this software? Hell NO!! You should use all the tools you can afford...

If you want the full-blown course in SEO without useless theories and other bull s*** then you have to (or you'll be punishing yourself) check the...

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No B.S. SEO System

This system is simple, straight forward and quick - but it works. Stop "chasing your tail" trying to figure out how to get or keep top rankings in Google! With this system I spoon-feed you step-by-step all methods and techniques you need to apply to get those rankings!

I can make this ebook 200 pages long seriously if I would tell you everything about SEO! But 80% of it is BS, stuff you don't NEED to know...

So re-read this short ebook another time, get it in your head that SEO isn't complicated, know the 3 simple straight-to-the-point steps I've outlined.

Back in 2004 when I started everyone was doing it all wrong – I was doing everything different then almost everyone else... They were worrying on stuff that matters little and will change over time such as: making sure keyword density is 7.3%, putting a keyword in footer & 3 times in the body, generating pages upon pages of content everyday, and other such tactics.

They where focusing on SEO tactics – they looked at SEO from a technical point of view only, have 7.4% density and get #1 rankings (which never happens). I was following the principle I already mentioned: You have to GIVE in order to RECEIVE!

Give search engines a quality, user-friendly website...Make your website the favorite place for your visitors, give them a positive experience they're looking for...

That's the foundation of everything else!

Don't ruin the quality of the website just to implement some weird SEO tactic like keyword density.

Google wants that when someone searches for say “italian food” they'll see a KICK-ASS website about “italian food”!

That's what they want and that's what you should GIVE them. In return you'll RECEIVE a tsunami of traffic! This is really common sense, basic stuff yet most don't try to do this!

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They're too quick at overlooking the importance of a quality website, instead thinking that doing SEO tactics = #1 rankings and boatload of traffic. Knowing this will help you to eliminate 99% of SEO tactics that don't work and do just those that DO WORK which not surprisingly are all related to link building!

Bonus Section – Top 10 SEO Questions& Their Answers by Link Builder Expert

Jack Sarlo

I really believe this will help you get out of the “What if?” or “Why?” obstacles that you may face while you are optimizing your website till it goes at #1 – for the particular keywords you want to rank for.

I've seen these questions multiple times, making them the most common SEO questions every search engine optimizer should know about!

Question Number 1:

Rank 3 in Bing, 7 in Yahoo. NOT In Top 1000 in Google, What's Going On?

Everyone experiences that it, if you just started out you will too!

Why? Because Google takes the longest time to rank websites.

It simple will take longer to rank on Google or I should say – most of the time you will see rankings appear first in Bing and in Yahoo.

Question Number 2:

Why Your Website Lost Rankings?

If you have been number one for a long time for example but lost rankings – then a competitor might have gotten more links than you did recently. Start getting more backlinks again is the solution to that problem!

From my experience here is a "ranking pattern" I have seen happening several times! By ranking pattern I mean the way you will see your website increase it's rankings

This will show you why you might see your website “playing around” in search engines!

If you do seo the right way more or less you will see a "pattern" like this:

A brand new site first gets indexed.

Then it goes to page 70 or 60 (after few days and remains there for some time too). It “plays

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around” on those two pages, sometimes on page 60 and then on page 70, back to page 60.

Then it goes to page 6 or 7 instantly (a big leap from page 60 to page 6 but after some time too - it remains on page 6 or 7 for a while). It “plays around” on those two pages, sometimes on page 6 and then on page 7, back to page 6.Then it goes to page 3-4 (sometimes on page 3, then drops to page 4 and back to page 3 - “plays around” on those two pages for some time, but mostly on page 4.

Then for a day or two the site is nowhere. This is when Google is evaluating (analyzing) your website to see if it really merits another PUSH UPWARDS in rankings.

So after my site is nowhere, then suddenly (sometimes it happened after 1-2 days only) site is page 2. Then from page 2 to page 1, and “plays around” a bit on those two pages. Sometimes on page 2 and then back to page 1. Then starts pushing forward on page 1 up till the Number One position.

If you are new to SEO, you may loose motivation or simple worry if you see your rankings not constantly improving.

If your site is page 5 and you check tomorrow and it is page 6, it's something in the "pattern" I talked above. It is normal.

As you can see from the pattern I created above, my website even disappeared completely for a day or two. Did I worry? No, no. What you don't want to do is stop getting backlinks for an entire week or month!

Question Number 3:

If you had to explain to me what do you need to get high rankings in just 1 one word?


Question Number 4:

If I just started a new website what do I focus on – getting indexed or something else?

Forget about getting indexed. Waste of time! If you're getting backlinks you will get indexed of course.

Question Number 5:

If I'm a total beginner what do I need to do to really understand SEO?

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You need to stop checking where your website ranks, how many pages got indexed, what’s your pagerank, etc. Forums can also be a waste of time, and only help you to “fill your head” with half-baked theories. Follow the No B.S. SEO System!

Question Number 6:

How do I use SEO to make money online?

Your website needs traffic for sure. SEO is a method to get traffic. Even if you are great in PPC or some other traffic generation method, I suggest you do SEO. It provides targeted traffic. I mean you do not have to pay any money once you get top rankings to keep getting traffic.

So SEO is a way to get targeted traffic. You cannot rely only on SEO however.

Now some traffic generation methods suck. But SEO is something you can invest your time in, because the results are guaranteed.

Bottom line is… SEO alone is not going to make you any money! It's the traffic source. Then you need a system/strategy to make money, either a website selling a product, a squeeze page grabbing leads and following up with them, blogs with adsense, etc.

Question Number 7:

Someone suggested I do SEO copywriting – what do you think about that?

That's useless!

I have a business. Visitors see my website, they like what they see and buy.

If I do focus on keyword density or any other seo copywriting stuff like that my website cannot convert visitors into buyers as much as it does if I hire a copywriter – or create killer copy myself.

You either have good copy to have a high conversion rate and overall conversions or SEO copy which might help you a tiny whinny bit in your rankings, but then hurts and damages your conversions! It's hard even for robots to read copy created by seo copywriting techniques, that tell you need 15% keyword density, 9% keyword relevancy, et...

Even if you find the best seo copywriter or service in the world, it's still an Onpage Optimization factor that won't help your rankings much at all! Why spend time and money on something like that, when you can invest them on getting backlinks without lowering your conversions?

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Question Number 8:

What about selling text links on my website does it affect rankings?

I would try NOT to do that unless you use the nofollow tag on them. Number one reason why is because Google may penalize you if you sell links (unless you use the nofollow tag).

Google has no trouble if you sell links to advertisers who want to buy a link to get some of your website traffic – but NOT to increase their rankings!

Question Number 9:

What if search engine change their algorithms and link building is no longer effective?

Algorithms have been changing for years. However these are tiny things like keyword density and/or relevance and things like that.

Nothing major.

Link building has always been the most important, at least for the 8 years I've been online. It’s the thing that determines where a website ranks. It won’t get changed by something new overnight. So I'd relax about that!

BTW: Google knows webmasters are doing search engine optimization – they even help us, by creating tools like the Webmasters Tools. They have articles as well to help us understand. So don’t think they have something against us.

You should also never put all your eggs in one basket, SEO isn't the only traffic generation method available you can use.

Question Number 10:

Are .gov and .edu backlinks still considered higher quality?

No, all links .com, .info are treated the same – so a link from a .edu is not more powerful than one from a .com or something like that.

If you somehow where to create two identical websites, with same EVERYTHING, pagerank, number of links all down to the smallest possible things, but one .com and one .edu both will be equal! The .edu is NOT given anything “special” just because it has a edu extension!

Quality websites are usually those which have high pagerank!

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So now it's your time to start implementing some of what you have discovered in this book! Take notes, create a plan of action, I like this phrase: Take Massive Action!

You can start by using keyword research tools to get a feel of how they work, try to use them to see what you uncover!

Fore more tips, strategies, techniques and much more on link building and SEO go to:

Jack Sarlo

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