No. act - · teachers, and to uphold the Department's mandate under the Magna...

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Transcript of No. act - · teachers, and to uphold the Department's mandate under the Magna...

`. .<`

Republic Of the Philippines

Depcrimend Of Education

Region VI I, Central Viscgras


IPHO Bldg., Sudlon, Lc.hug, Cebu City

May 31, 2018


No. act s, 2018



TO: Assistant schools Division superintendentsDivision Chiefs/ Supervisors /Coordinators / Specialists

Districtsupervisors/Districtolc's/CaretakersSchool Heads, Teachers (Elem and Sec)

All Others Concerned

1. For the information and guidance of all concerned, this Office hereby INFORMS the field of

the Special Ranking for Junior High School (JHS) due to the exhaustion of the Registry of

Qualified Applicants (RQA) for Junior HS as well as the list Of those scoring below 70 points

for SY 2018-2019,

2. Below is the schedule of activities:


Submi5EionofApplicationtotheSthooiScreeningCommittee June 4 - rs, 2018

interview,DEmo-teachmgandDemoof5pEcieljged5kiiisbythe5[hoo[Selectionjune 1&-20, 2018Committee


Evaluati8nofdocumEnt5bytheB`Ivi5iQHSe]EctioTtComm-ifeE Jur}825-29,2018

3. Please refer to attached Deped Order 7, s. 2015 for applicable guidelines in the ranking of

JHS applicant and read thoroughly the contents Of said Deped Order for proper guidance.

4. Immediate and widest dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.

• `T¢`"` '

3&eut[hrtc tif [rje 33rj£{trpi-mg

ae£#&ctrmettt Of 6frttcst{®tt


27 ##R 2015



To= Unders ecretariesAssistant Seci.e}tariesBureau DirectorsRegional DirectorsSchools Division S up erintendelitsHeads, Public Elementary and Secondary Schools

i. The Hiring Guidelines for Teacher I positiolis for school Year (SY} 2015-2016 are enclosed for the information and guidance Of all concerned.

2. The i ssuanee of these Guidelines aims to integrate a,nd further institutionalizethe prinai-y objective Of tile K to 12 Basin Education Program, which is to enhancethe overall quality Of basic edncation in the country by hiring highiy-competentteachers, and to uphold the Department's mandate under the Magna Carta for PtiblicSchool Teacher.s (Republic Act 4670) to pi.omote and inprov-e public school teachers'empfloymeut and career opportunities as well as to attract more people witk properqualifications to the teaching profession.

3. Iinmediate disseirination of and strict comphiaiice with this oi-der is directed.

ISTRO FSCSecretary

Encl.:As stated

Reference:DepEd Order No. 1_4, s. 2014

To be incHca±ed ill the Per etual Indexunder the following snbjects:


SMA, DO Hiring= Guidelines for Tear.her I Positions0178/March 17, 2015


(Enc:IosuieLto DepEd Order No. 7, s. 2015}



The Department Of Education (DepEd) recognizes that the success of anyeducation system greatly relies on the competence Of its teachers. Hence. one Of theprimal-y issues the Department aims to address through its comprehensiveimplemenfatien Of the K to 12 Basic Education Program is the need for highiycompetent teacbers in public elementary and secondary schools` The progi-am plans toachieve this objective through significantly imprc}ving professional standards that willbetter ensure that tfie teachers hired are able to substantially contribute to thedevelQpmeut of lifelong learners. Furthermore, the hiring system is also set to pi-ovideoppoi`tunities for the absoxption of all qualified kindergarten volunteei`s and LGU-hiredteachers into the national p[antilla.

Falthful to the merfu and fitness principle Of the Civil Service Doctrine Of theConstitution and DepEd`§ coutintring thrust to enhance the quality of basic edecation,these hiring guidelines are hereby promulgated forTeacher I posifrons consistent witlithe pertirient provisions Of existing laws= mles and regulations effective School Year201512016.


These guidelines, which will apply to the flllingHup o`f newly ci.eated and/'ornatural vacancies for Teacher I positions in public elementary Cincludinglrindergarten]a'nd secondary schools shall cover the following areas/aspects:

2.I AnmouHcement of vacancies andReceipt ofApplications2.2 Verification and validation of Documents submitted2.3 Evaluation zind selection of Qualified Applicants2.4 Appointment ofQualifiedApphicants2.5 Monfroring ofDivision office comphance witLh Hiring Guidehnes by the Regional



3.1 Applicant 1-efers to a person wbo hoj!ds a valid certificate ofregl-stration/professional license as a teacher from the Professional Rcgulaf=onCoinmission (PRC)seelring to be appointed to a Teacher I Position.

3.2 Bonafide I-esident refers to an applicantwho has beenresidingforat[east six(6} months= at the barangay. m[iiiicipality, city or province in whicli the schoolbeing applied to for a teackl-ng positicm is loca,ted> as evidenced by the PersonalDatfl Sheet (CSC Form 212, Revised 2005) and a Vofer's Identification Card or

1 I P ,3 g e

any proof Of residency a.s deemed acceptable by the School ScreeningCon-32.1 An applicant wl]o has tanghi as an LGUHfunded teacher± Kindergalrfen

Vohmteer Teacher (KV'I} or substitute teacher for at least one (1) schoolyear in the barangry, munieipality, city or province where the schoolbeing appried to for a teaching posifron is located shall also be consideredas a bcma tide resident> to be validated tyr a certificate Of emplo}ment.

3.3 Localfty refers fo the barangay, mricipality, dy or provin were the schoolbeing applied for is located.

€.4 QHalifieLd appHcant refers fo an applicant who Lag been screrened alfd who,therefore, meets the evaluation and selection criteria tised by the SchoolsDivision as provided for in the enclosed guidelines.

3£ Registry of Qualified Applicants ties refersL to the official list of applicantswho ch±ained an overall score Of seveiit5r (70}points and above based on thecriteria sat and as a result Of the evaluation and selection processesr`

4.a RAslc RtJLES oN rmlNGAND. DEpl,o¥RfflNT OF HEAclmR poSITloNs

4.i Pubhic school teachers reqLiesting for transfer to another station are notconsidered new applicants and are therefore not subject to these kingguidelines. DepEd Orddr T`h 22, s. 2013, otherwise kno`am as the "jha7isecfGwideli:tees on the Trees;far a: Teachers from OtLe Station to Auether" sha]:I be;strictly observed.

4.2 Upon a teacher's appointment assignment to a station, and acceptance of thepos.ifron. he or she shall not be transfemed to another school until afterrendering at least three (3)years Of service in that school

4..3 Residents of the locality, LGULfurided teachers, snbstitute teachers, vohmteerteacherst and Philippine Business for Education tpBEd) graduate:s under the1000 Teachers Progranl (1000TP}shall be su.bject to these hiring guidelines.

4.4 As provided in section 26 to} Paragraph 2 afRA 9293 entitled "rfuj4cf477zejgdriigCertain Sections Of R:apublie Act Mwftzbered Seventy-eight Hi[ndred and Thirty-sixix{RA 783G} , Otherwise Einown as the Philippine Teach ers Professtonndlz;afioTL Act OfJ994t" teaclier.s irfuo have nat practiced their profession for the past five (Syears shall be required fo take at least t`neive (12}units in education courses,consisting Of at least si2c (6)tmits Of content courses.


5.1 An appfroants sliall register to the Departrmerfu's online system, where they must encode their Personal I)ata Sheetand select the division wliere they waJit fo be ranked. Once stfomitted> anApplicant Number will be issiied. h the subnrission of appli-catiorireqHiremeuts, this Number must be indicated.


a,. EacL division shall assigii an e-mail address (either its official divisionoffice's e-mail or its HR's e-mall) where the system iifll ferwai-d theapplications.

b. Applicants who have already submitted reqiiirements prior to the release ofthese Guidelines must still I.egistel to the online system, aLftel which theyshall submit theirAppliieart Number to the division office.

5.2 An z[pplicant shall submit to the head of elementay or secondai-y school wherea teacher- shortage or vacancy (regriar and/or natt[ral) exists, a writtenapplication, with ffle Applicant Number indicated, supported by the followingdocHmeiits:

a. CSC Form 212 @evised 2005) in t`ro copies witli the latest 2x2 H) pictur-eb. Cerffied photocopy of PRC professional identification card or a PRC

certification showing the teacher]s naine, IET rating, and other informationreeQrded in the PRC Office

a. Certified photocopy Of ratings obtained in the Licensure Examination forTeachers (IEI`) /Professional B oard Examination for Teachers (PBET)

d. Certified copy of transcript oil-ecoi.dse. Copies of service records, performance rating3 and sehcol clearance for tfrose

witli teaching experience. ff unavailableF the applicant must submit ajustification citing the reason/s foi` unavallability.

f. Cerfuficates-Of specialized training, if any

9. Certified copy of the Voter]s D and/or any proof Of residency as deemedacceptable by the Schoc>l Screening Committee

h. NBI Clearancei. Omnibus eel.tification Of authenticity and veracity of all documents

submrited, signed by the applicant

5. `3 The applicant assumes full i-esponsibility and accountability on the validity andauthenticity of the docLunents submitted, as cvidenced fry the Omnibnscertification of authenticity (Item 5.2,i above). Any violation will automaticallydisqualify the applicant from the selection process.


6.1 The Schools Division Superintendent (SDS) shall issne a Menorandrmorganizing and designating the members Of the following committees:

6.1 [ I. Sc.hool Screening Committee6.1.2 Division Selection Committee

6.2 The committees shall have the following compositions and functions:

3- I P `1 g -e

6.2.1 School Screening Committee

6.2.I.1 Compositiona. The Committee at the elementary level shall be chained E}7 the

School Head with four (4}teachers as members. In the case Ofprinary. incomplete elementary and mnlti-grade Q4G} schools,the Committee shall. be chained by the clustei- school head withfotlr (4)teachers from the clHster scfroois as members,

b. The Comrlrittee at the secondrry level slrall be chaired by theSchool Head. The Depathent Head concerned and thee f3jteachers from the different leaning areas (as needed based ontEe school's vacancies) shall be members. For sinall secondaryschools that do not have deparinent heads, the School Heaclshall be the Committee Chair with four (4)stibj-eat leaders fromdifferentleaming areas as membei's.

a. Commifeee members shall be identified by the School lfeadusing the abovementioned specifications. The School Headshall then transmit the Composition Of the School ScreeningCommittee to the Schools Div]-s]-on Superintendent for theissuzLnce Of a comesponding Designation Order.

6 .2.1.2 Functionsa. Ensures that the updatecl lists Of vacancies arc rsg`Ilarly

posted at conspicuous places and at the websites Of schoolsand teacher- education training institutions af all times. Thestep-by-step procedure in applying for Teacher I positions,incfuding a copy Of this Order., must be posted as wen.

bi. Rsceives applications and documents`a. Verifies and certifies &s to completeness, veracity, accui`acy,

and authenticity Of documents.d. Issues a cerdficationto each applicant that it has received the

application specifjring the documents that have 1]eensnbmitted in suppolf Of the application.i. The School Screening Committee shall not refuse

acceptance Of any applieation. If any Of the reqnireddoc=iments are incomplete or invaHd, the Cfommittee shallimmcdiatGly notif5r the applicant to facfiitate the comple£6and proper submission Of documents.

ii. Regardless Of being incomplete or invalid, however, allapplications must still be forvirrarded to the DivisionSelection Comnritfee, albeit such submissions must benoted and marked by the Committee.

4 I, P a g e-

e. Produces copies Of the received applications and documentsbefore submitting the original submissions to the DivisionSelection Commitfee` The copies are then to be oonapifedand/dr bound= with a table Qf contents and proper paginaticm,andaretcibekeptintheOffioeOftheSchoolHeadforrecord+dsPU--

6.22 Division Selectioil Committee

6.22.1 Cbnxpositien


Gkczzp`. Assistant Schools Division Superintendent (ASDS)Men.Lbers:

'Three C}) Education Program SlipErvisQrs/Specialists

Divisiefl Chaj?tor President Of the Philippine Elemenfary SchoofsPrincipals Association quspA)

Division Led President Of the Parent-TeacherAssociation @14)Alithorized representative Of an accredited teachers` uniont as

evidenced try the Certificate cf Accneditafron issued kyr the CivilServiee Commission (CSQ

h the evaluation Of SPED elementary applica:n:ts, the SREDivision Coordinator shall be part of the Commifeee.

For hffi schools, the Division Affi Coordinator shall be part Of theCoraJ-.For-Secondar`r Scfrocds (Gi.ades 7 to 10)

C#czir.. Assistant Schools Division SuperintendentMembers :

'Three (3 }Echlcation Program Slipervisors/Specialists

Division Chapter President Of the Naticmal Association ct PrfeliGSeeondary School Heads, inc. QIAPSSIH) or the NalonalAssociation Of Secondary Schools Of the PhilippinesQNASS-)

Division IjH7ed President of the Parent-Teacher-Association qJ15A)Authorized representative Qf an accredited teacher's union. as

evidenced b5r a Cerdficate Of Accreditation issued try the Civilservice acimnflissioii

5 I page


in the evaluation Of Spin secondary applicants, the SPEI)Dirrision Coordinator shall be part Of the Committee.

a. In schools divisions where there is no ASDS, theSuperintendent shall designate an Education ProgralnSupervisor as the Chair Of the Division Selection Committee.

b. The official in charge of personnel aedons sLall providesecretariat services and maintain the minutes Of proceedings ofthe selecticm and delfoeration. pi.ocess. The minutes shall besigned by the Chair and all men.bers cf the Division SelectionCoritfee. Functionsa. Receives from the School Screening Committee the Jist of

applicants with the corresponding documents.b. Vsrifies the documents submitted by the School Screening

Col:}]mittee as lo completeness, accuracy` authenticity, andveracity.

d. Evahaates applieants on Edncation, Teaching Expen-once,LET/PBET` Rating, haferview, Demonstration Teaching, andSpecialized Training and Skills based on the criteiia set forthin these guidelines.

e. Reviews and consolidates the results cf the individual ratingsOf appficants, based on the scores they obtained in eachcriterionforevaluation.

f. Prepares sepai.ate division-wide R8As ron Kindergarten,Elementary, and Secondary,

9. Sends to each applicant a written communicationdetailing thescores he or s.he bag received for each evaluation criterion aswen as the final overall rating, signed ty the Chair.

h. Secures ifst Of its LGU-furrded teachers from the office Of theprovincial governor, efty/rmmictpal mayor3 orprovincial/crty/municipal administrator.

i. Ensures that LGU-fimded and volunteer teacher appliean±s gptlmough the appfication pi`ocess as prcwided for in flieseguidelines.

i+ Submits the complete results Of the evaluation Of applicants,inchading pertinent records Of deliberations, t-o the SDS forapproval-

El cases involving appHcants iwho may be assigiled in a school located in anindigenous peoples ffp} community and/or serving H? 1eamers, the School andDiv:ision Screening Commjtt.ees may appropriately consult with H]


eiderts)/leaders recogrined by the community to verify and better-assess suehapplications in reference to relevant provisions Of these guidelines.


Applicants shall be evaluated using the following criteria:


a. EdnGation 20b. Teaching Experience 15

a. LET/PBRT Rating 15d. Specialized Training and skil[s 10e. hterview 10f. Denomstration Teaching 15j{. CommunicatioEL skilis 15


7,1 EduczLtion-20points

Edrcation shall be rated in terms Of the applicant's academic achievement`Thus> all subj-eGts with corresponding units must be included in the computation.

7.1.1 Rating Of Education shall be based on €hie following equivalents, with 1.0as the highest and 3.0 as the lowest=

General Eqnivalen€ General EqELivalen€Weighted Points Weighted Points

Average (GWA) Average (GWA)I.0 18.00 2-0 12.00I.i 17,40 2.1 11.4Q

I-.2 16.80 2,-2` 10.80i.3 16.20 2-3 10.20i.4 15.60 2.4 9.60i.5 15.00 2.5 9-001.6 14.40 2.6 8.401-7 13.80 2-7 7.801.8 13.20 2.8 r7 .2f i

1.9 12.60, 2.9 _ 3`0 6.60

When the percentage rating is used, the following fable Of equivalents shall beused, with 1.0 as tire highest and 3.0 a a the lowest.

7 I a €i 8 a

Percentage GWARating

99.OQ - loo !1.097.75 -98.75 I.1

g6.5a,-97.50 i.a95.25 -96.25 1-394.QQ -95.00 1.492.75 -93.75 i.59Jgiv'50-92.50 1.690`25 -91.25 1-789.00 -90.00 i.887.75-88.75 1+9

1 Percentage GWARafug

86.50 - 87.5Q 2.085.25 - 86.25 2.I84.00 - 85.00 `1.-2

82.75 -83.75 [2.381.50 -82.50 2.480.25 -81.25 i2.579[00 - 80.00 2.67T.J5-78.15 2.?76.50 - 77.50 2.875.00 - 76.25 2-9 - 3.0

Applicants with nan-edHcation degreE>s shall be rate:d using ±heii- GWAs im theirbaccalaureate degrees and the eighteen (18)professional units in edLication.

If the school issues a cer€ification Of GWA with a corresponding percentage1:ating that does 11.ot confonn to the above table, the committee s_hall refer to thegi-ading System of the s'chool.

For scfrools with "unique" grading systems, a corresponding transmutation tableshall be constructed.

Applicants with a Master's Degree Q4A or MS) shall be given, +i point, whileapplicants with a Mas€er's and with a I)octorate (PhD} shall be given +2 points.

7.1. 2 Additional requirements for kindergarten applicants

a. He/she mHst have obtained any of the following degrees, or itsequivalent:

Degrees:j. Bachelor inEarly Childhood Education® Bachelor ofscicmce in preschoolEducation- Bachelor of scieiice in Family Life and child Development• Bachelor in Elementary Education, with specialization in Kindergarten>

Preschool or Early Childhood Education (ECE)• Bachelor in Elemerfu.any Education, Major in Teaching Early Grades• BacheJ!oi- Of Arts/Science Degi-ee in discipline allied to Education, such as

Psychology; Nursing, Music and Arts3 et cetera, with at least 18 tinits incontent courses or Subjects in ECE

Equiva[ent=• Bachelor in Elementar.y Educat`ion, Major im Special Education {SPED)with

1 8 units in ECE• Bachelor of secondary Education with additional Diploma in ECE including

Practie a Teachin g in Kindergarten E ducatfon


• Other degree corn-s'es and/with at least 18 units in Early ChildhoodEducaticm

The Division Selecfron Committee may consider any other similar BaGkeloi-'sdegree in Early Edncation.

b, fu cases wfiere tliere ai-e limited ch-8ible teachers with ECE units, thefollowing imeasures may be adopted.a Upon appointment, the teacher shall be required by the Schools

Division OfEce (SDO)to earn ECE tinits gradrally. Nine (9)ECE unitsrmay be earned at the end of Year 1; eighteen (18) units_, Year 2; andtwenty-one {21)units, Year 3 .

c. Kindergarten teacher applicants must not be more than forty-five {45}years old.

7` 1.3 Additional requirements for SPED elementary applicants

a. He/she must possess any Of the fonowing qualifications:

EdHcatienalQualificafroH I Requirement

ESEEd-BSSDeciai Educat:ion With Specialization in SPED-Undergradi

BSBEd/BSSPEd With 18 Units MAaspED ancl 3 years acttialteaching in SPEDVS Performance Rating

BSEEd/BSSPEd With 15 units MA-SPED and 4 years of actual

kegcphe±i5r:£Pc:DRating Ii BSBEd/BSSPEd With 12 Units in RArspED and 5 years of actualteachinginSPED

VS Performace RatingBSBEd/BSB I With 9 units MA.-SPED and 6 years actual

teaching in SPEDVS Perfomance Ratin,g

BSEEdresspEd/BSE With iLeaching €xperiencei iEL SPED or liictusiveSettingVS Performafi6e Rating

In cases where applicants do not have the appropriate educationalqiralifica.frous foi- SPED, they may still be ewalnated but shall be categorized those who have met the said reqT[iremeuts`

9 I Page

b. He/ale must have at least three (3)years Of experience in providingeducational serviees fo any Of the G&tegories Of children with specialneeds. This is to be verified by a certification from the Principal to besubmitted as part Of the application.

c. A certification from the Pinofpal that the appHcant has had a VerySatisfactory performance rating for the last three (3}years. mast besubmitted as part cff the application.

7.1.4 Additional requirements for SPED secondary applicants

He/she mu st-possess any Of the following qualifications:• Bachelor of secondaryEducation, major in special Edncationa Bachelor Of Secondary Echlcation plus 18 tiriits in special edHcation

±n the gradrate level• Bachelor Of Secondary Education plus 15 uniits in speofal edrcation

with 2 years of very satisfactory teaching experience in the regularschools and is willirig to be trained within a year

• Bache[oi-Qf secondary Edecation plus 12 units in special educationwith 4 years Of very satsfactory teaching experience in the regularschools and is wilfrog to be trained within a year

a Bachelor Of Secondary Education plus 9 units in special educafronwith 6 years Of very satisfacfrory teachiiig experience in the regularschools and is Trilling to th.air irithin a year

• Bachelor Of Secondary Education plus 2 years Of very satisfactoryteaching experiencc> as a SPED teacher

7.2 TchchingExperience -1S points

Teaching experience in Early Childhood a3C) Idndergarten/preschool,elementary, secondary, tertiary, higher edncaticm, Special Education (SPED),Alteimative Learning Sysl-em (AIS), Technical-VQcational Education and TrainingCrvRT} , leaning irrstitittious offering culture-based education progi.aus for-indigenouspeoples ¢P}-even prior to passing the LET -shall be given 1.50 points for everyschool year but shall not exceed twelve (12)points.

For every month Of service> 0.15 point_ shall be given.Example: 8 months _ I.20 points

10 months = 1.50 points

The fun 0.15 point per month Of teaching experience shall be given to theapplieants who have come from schools and institutions that are gevernrneut-

1a_ [ P a``g a

accredited or -recognized. Certificate/s Of employment shall be used to deterrminevalidity Of teaching experience.

Teaching experience of kin_dergarten voinn€eer teachers QI`7'H and LGU-funded{eaehe[s shall merit additional points on top Of the score they obt-air from tile abovepoints system, a s follows:

Less than 2 years experience _ + 1 point2 to less than 5 years expel.ience _ +2 points5 oi-more years experience _ +3 prints

7.31,ET/PBET Rating -1S points

Equivalent points Of applicants rating in the LE¥r/PBE}T sllall be a s follows:

EET REtin& Points87 and above 15

i 84-86 14i 81-83 13

78 _ 80 1275 -77 ill

PRT Rating paints82 and above i5

79-81 1476_78 1373-T5 1270 - 72 11

7.4 Specialized Training and Skins - 10 Points

Speciatzed training for sldlls development in fictds related to the work, d'uties,and functions Of the Teacher 1` position to be filled shall bc given a maximtlm of 10points.

In the assignment Of points, the followirig should be met:• Presentarfuon Of a certificate of at least ten (10) drys' training -5 points oi-

nothinga Demonstration of the skill -5 points oi-nothing

For applicants who may- be ass_igned to a. school located in an IP communityand/or serving IP leamers, Imowledge and proficieney in the language[s} and cultureof the ccmcerned lf community shall be validated with the foHowing:

Quality indicator/Evideflceipdr€s

Langinge proficiency

Can spealc the cormiunity's language 2For those applying to teach inKindergalfen -Grade 3 : with adequate fhaency and ease toFTuenc}r in the commimity discHss various concerns with adults in

i language needed tQ teach using

11 i i+ a g e

the mother tongueForthoseapplying te teach ir. the commumty````..`s````.`:`..``€.,` . `: `.``.,. . .`,`..... ,...` :`````


f tom the IP cider(s} fi:enders TecogrLized.. ` ..`.. . .`....: .`..`..,`, s..:.`.'.. .. . . '..` ::.:,' ..: I..

sapport fldsCarltakepart in sinpie conversafrons

Grades 4-10: Familiarity withthe day-to-day conversational using the community's local langnageAeeTfi:ifeicatec}T{m:gfo:rmOfaftesta:tfronlaflguag€ of the communityneeded to illteract witlicommunity members andcultLtiEe-bectreTs*(±Clilturebearersarc ctders, Icaders. and

`". ,..s ,. . . :.` . '.I.. =s. ...`,. ...: . .. ... . .......`..I .`

try the commindky rra:Lu be submitted to` `:`:I `.`: `:s,```

other communfty melnbers recognized fortheir c.xpchise on particular IndigenousPmowledge Syslelns and Practices Hrsps}I+Jho are wiling to racilrate the leaming OfIKSPs.)

Familiarity with and respect A certificate or any form of attestation 3for the community's culture from the IP elder(s)Headers recognized

by the commuutty

12 I i a g €

Competency in indigenizationof the teaching-leaningprocess/Hrdigenou§ PeoplesEducation qpEd}

Has undergone tl.airing relatedto the indige`nization Of theteaching-leaning process

Has practice d appropriateindigenization of the teaching-leaming process in previousteaching engagements

Presentation of training certificate /s

- 5days- 7days- 10daysandover

Certification from previous leaninginstitutj on/s seli7ed

- 1year- 2-3years- 4-557eas- 6~7years- 7-9years- 10years andover

If the total points reached by an appncant exceed ten (lot points, a rating Qf 10is given.

7.5 Interview - 10 points

The Division Selection Committee shall intelvieur applicants and ensure that allhave equal opportunities to be assessed. Applicants shall be interviewed on topicssnch as:

• Professional experiences• InstFTctional stdlls• Technology/computer sldlls• Classroom discipline• Classroom managemenla Thowledge of content/materials• Planriing skins• Relationships with administration, staff. parents, and stndenlsa Personal qualities

13 I P a g e

Applicants shall be rated based on the competencies and standards indicatedbelow, thus, interviewquestions should be aligried with these.

I. Teaching AhiHty: Demonstrates an appropriate kE!owledge of content andpeda8Ogr

• Conveys ideas and infoi.nation clearly• Provides reasonable examples Of effective lesson-planning, instnictional

strategies, and/or student asses sment• Mal±es content meaningful to students in the district• Sets concrete> am.bitiQus goals for student achievement• Addresses the multiple and varied needs of studentsii Focuses on achievingresults with studentsa IndicE[tes confidence that aH stLtdents should be held to high standards• Maltains hi€Si expectations for students when confronted with sethacke;

continues to focus on the studentst acadeinic success• Rgflects. on stlccesses and failures

11. Classrcorm Management: Demonstrates ability to deal ei.fectively withnegative student behavior

a Assunies accountability for classroom environment and cultures• Cfonveys reasonable understanding Of potential challenges involved in

teaching irfu a high-iieed school• Demonstrates ability to deal effectively wi:th negative stndemt behavior• Persists in offering viable or realistic strategies to deal with classroom

I]ianagement challenges• Remains productive and focused when faced with challengesa Conveys willingr[ess to try multiple strategies or something new when

things change or when confronted with challenges• Displays williiigness to adapt classi-oom management style to meet the

particular needs or culture cf a school



in. School Fit: Demonstrates skilis and needs for development that can be agood £Et wE€h €_be .sc_hgg±

• Interacts with interviewer in appropriate or professional manner• Respects the opinions of others• Recognizes that famil-ies -inpact student performancea Strategies create positive relationships with administrators, faculty,

stndents• Expresses pet.sonal and professional expecta.tions and/or prefei.ences

that are in line witli the school culture_a Demonstrates interests and skills that match the school`s culture and


14 I P a g a

The 1-ater shaEL make brief notes {o suppoct his or her obsei-vatiens andjudgments about the individual's sldlls as related to the Hsted competencies and tomake a rating, from Not FUHy Acceptable &rE4j, FUHy Acceptable H?A), to Exemplary Sjfor each competency, using these standards and equlvaleiit points :

E2EemFlary [E} FHHy AccepfahEe @A} Not FHHy Accep€at!le5 points 3 points (NRA)1point

Applicant's response Applicant's response Applicani's responseccmtained many, if mat covered some Of the target contained very few Of theall, Of the target behaviors, but not quite at target behaviors. Either thebehaviors ` ELs/her the level that would be ideal beha,viors h€/she discussedresponses indicate well- for that- compe?tency. Still, were not at, or. even closedeveloped skREs and the quality Of the person's tot the level indicated ill theaptitude for thatcompetency3wlrichwouldmostlikelyleadtojobst[ccess.The answers leads you to believe target behaviors, or the

that he/she would be persori did not give yousuccessful with some encmgh infrormatien foradditional exposure you to ha:v-e confidence that

person's responses areOfsuperiorquaHtyfor,this-job. and/or training. he/sbe has thatcompeteneyatthe levelneededforsiiccess.

Tlie number Of points attained for each Of the three r3j listed competencies(TeachingAbility,Class;oomManagemeut,SchoofFit)shallbeaddcdandth€mdividsdby fifteen (15).The quotient shall then be multiplied by 0.10 or loo/o. The product shallthen be multipHed by loo.

Exanlple: Sum ofpc>ints attained for the three cormpetencies= 9[{9/15) x .10] x 100 = €Score for interview = 6 / 1 0

7.6 Demonstrafron Teaching - 15 points

Applicants shall be evaluated according to the rubrics indicated on the followingPages.

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7.7English Communication Skills - 1§ points_

An English Proficiency Test (EPI) shall be administered ±o applicants by theNational Education Testing and Research Center QIETRC). The respective DivisionTesting Coordina.tors shall coordinate with NETRC regal-ding the conduct andschedule of the exam ill their division, which shetild be within Febmary to March,

TheL total percentage score obtained by an applicant shall be multiplied by theweight Of fifteen (15)points, a s fonows:

Perceutagescore = 98%oro.98Weighi-edpoints = 15Rating _ .98x 15 = 14.7 points


8.1 The RQA is the list of qualified applicants for appointment. which shall includetheir naines, permanent addresses, and final evaluation ratings`

8,.2 It shall be used in filling-trp new iteins and natural va-caiicies for Teacher Ipositions.

8.3 The out-Off scot-e for inclusion in the FIQA is seventy (70}points.8.4 The RQA should 1) be published ill order Of highest to lowest scores of the

applicants, 2) show both the resLil£s Of eac>h criterion and the final overallrating, 3} oily include those wlro obtained total scores of seventy {70) afldabove, 4) indicate the date of posting, and 5}be, signed by the SDS.

8.5 Separate RQAs for Kindergarten, Elementary, and secondary shall be preparedby the Division Selection Committees. The RQA for Ftindergarten shall beprepared by the Division Selection Committee for-Elementary Schools.

8.6 Stibject area specialization Of the qualified applicauts sball be the primaryconsidel`ation in the secondary school level Thus, the applicant to be appointedshould the subject-area specialization needed by the scbool.

8.7 The RJQAs for Secondely Schocils shall be prepared by subject areaspeciafization, as follows: English, Filipino, Algebra, TrigoflQmetry, Geometry,Statistics, Genei`al Science, Biology; Chemistry, Physics, Araling Panlipunan,Edukasyon sa Patap> apakatao, Music & Ai.ts2 Physical Education & Health± andSPED. Depending cm the schools' TLE offcrings2 sopa.rate RQAs for Agri-FisheryArts, Home Economics, hformation and Communications TecEnology (ICT),andIndustrial Arts shall be prepared as well.

8`8 I.n schools with SPED teachei` requirements, SPED specializatiofl Of qualifiedapplicants shall be the pi-imai.y consideration. As such3 the applicant to beappointed should have the qualifications stated in Sechon .

8.9 Following DepEd Memorandum No` 141, s. 2013 cm the £ZTi}Zf3g grGrflczzfdifizs. cfT000 Teacha.s Progrcrm qf the Phil.Ipptize Business fa+ Ediicchcjn, qualifi!edapplicaiits under PBEd'5 jooo ZP program shall be given priority in hiring.

22 i P a g a-

8.10 The RQAs should be ready by the last week of April of evcay Year-so thatqualified applicants may be appointed by May I . Tke RQA shall be valid for aperiod Of one (1)school year.

8.11 As a general Idle. only applicants listed in the RQA are eligible for hiring andappointrncmt, with pric>[ity given to bona fife residents Of the barangay,municipality, city, oi. province (in the order as afoi-estafed} where the schGo[ islocated.8.11. I In cases where the number of qualified applicants from the barangay is

greater than the number Of available Teacher I items, priority in hiringshall be given to appficants from the barangay according to their overaHrating (number score) in the RQA+ fi-om highest-to lowest. The same mleshall apply in the appointment of applicants from the municipality, city,and provinceL.

8.12 In cases whei-e all those in the RQA have been appointed and assigned to theirrespective stations and thei-e are stiu available positions, tfie concerned SchoolsDivisJion Officei slrall coordinate with a neighboring SDO whose BQA has liot yetbeen exhausted and facilitate their applicants' deployment to tbe Division,sHbject to the applicants' written concurrence. ff an applicant refuses to bedeployed to the otlier division, no deployment shall be effeoted. The evahaatiQnprocess shall Trot be repeated; tlie given by the SDO shall be1.espected.


The Schools Division Superintendent tsDS} shall:

9.1 Post the signed, complete results (RQAs)in at least three (Spec)nspicuous placesin the Division Office and on the website Of the Division Office. The RQAs mustkave the conte]]ts indicated in Section 8`4.

9.2 RIovide the school District and every ldndergarten, elementary, and isecondar5rschool with copies of the RQAs for posting in ttheil- ai.eas Of j`urisdiction.Regional Directors, LGUs, and Legislative District Representatives shall also beprovided witli copies Of the RQAs.

9.3 Advise newly-hired teachers to report for theiir first day Of worlc on l±fa:`y 15]provided that appointment papers are alrezrdy in order.


Regional Directors shall regularly monitor and ensure strict compliance withthe provisions Of these hiring guidelines: as follows:

23 1 P a g a

10.1 Dissemination and disctission Of these guidennes with teachers, school heacls,district sxpelvisors, stiperiHiendents, and other schools division officials:

10`2 Prcpai-atlon Of schools to treceiv-e a]|d acknowledge applicatioris;10.3 0i.gahiz&tion of Division Selection Ctommittee§ and School Sci-eening

Committees;10.4 Briefing and orientation or members Of these committees regarding their rQies

and functions;10.5 Prepai-ation or scoring sheets, inter`riew guides+ and tests oi-appncants:10.6 Briefing and inforination-sharing with local governments and other local

s lateholders in lcacher hiring;10.7 Prepazauon Qf a report Dn the obsenratious, botJl posrmi!e and negati`7c, in

actual clivision practices in implenenting these gtlidelines: ancl10.8 SulJniission of said I-eport oli a quarterl}r basis to the Office of the Secretar3r

thi.otigll the Qrace t]f tTLie ajssis`tant Seeretai-}r for Plamu-ng.


Aggrieved qualified appli-cants in tfie R8As Qf the Schools Di\zision Office andtliose `ulio al`c dr.squalified Hnder See. 5.2.i of these guidelines may file a pl.otest c>rcompiaiut, i`espectively.


These: Guideunes hereby amend DepBd Order No. 14, s. 2014` Other rules`regulaLiorrs and issuarices which are also inconsistent with these guidelines cu`eherth„v repealecL I-escindec[ or modified accordingly.

L3.c EFFEcyrlvFr¥

TTle guidefines and crit-eria provided in this Ordei` sban 1-alce effect irmiediatety,


Z4 i P ,-: |rt ,= .