No 23 2nd August 2018 - Epping … · 9th August PIT Gym - Year 3 27th August Bundoora Heritage...

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Transcript of No 23 2nd August 2018 - Epping … · 9th August PIT Gym - Year 3 27th August Bundoora Heritage...

Weekly Views Epping Views Primary

Issue No. 23

2nd August 2018

School Mantras Keep your hands and feet to yourself. Everyday Counts!Everyday Counts!Everyday Counts!Everyday Counts!

Reduce, Re-use, Recycle, Re-Think We don’t swear at Epping Views!

School MottoSchool MottoSchool MottoSchool Motto

‘From Little Things Big

Things Grow’

EVPS Values

Respect Honesty Caring

Excellence Responsibility

PLEASE REMEMBER we are an ‘egg & nut free’ school: no eggs,

peanut butter, nuts or nutella spread to come to school at any

time. Please assist us to keep our students safe. Thank you.


Please do not send your child or children to school early as there are no teachers assigned to yard duty and your children will be unsupervised outside. If you are needing to have your child arrive at school early then the safest thing is to book them into Before School Care. Please do not rely on them going to the Library every morning as there are times when there is no teacher available to be in the Library before school. There is no interschool sport training this term so therefore there is no need for Yr 5 and 6 students to be here at 8am for training on a Friday.


This Friday, 3 August, marks Principals’ Day, an opportunity to celebrate the wonderful contribution principal-class members make to the lives of children, families and the broader community.

Having been a principal for close to 29 years, I understand the challenges that come with the role. But with those challenges also comes significant rewards and deep levels of pride.

Here at EVPS we have a Principal Team of dedicated educators who strive to make our school the best that it can be for students, staff and the community. If you get a chance tomorrow please acknowledge our Assistant Principals for the great work that they do.


If you are one of the families from Prep-Yr 3 who are yet to return their money or chocolates please do so tomorrow so that the Fundraising Committee can prepare for the finalisation of the fundraiser.


If you have a child who turns 5 before April 30 and you intend sending them to EVPS in 2019 please complete an enrolment form as soon as possible. Can you please remind friends and relatives that we are looking for accurate numbers as soon as possible so that we can organise grade numbers and staffing. Thank you for your assistance.


Friday 3rd august is the official mid year census day for Victorian schools. Our student enrolment is currently 1389.


Tomorrow our Prep students and staff will be celebrating 100 days of school with a display of their 100 day projects open to the parents after school. The Principal Team will be checking out the displays during the day and the Prep Team will have a great day of activities planned for the Preps to mark this important day.

Pauline Kubat-Principal

Principal Views

3rd August Year 5 Camp Final payment due

20th - 24th August

Book Week

3rd August 100 Days of school celebration - PREP

22nd August Hoop time - Year 3

3rd August Bike Ed - Year 5 23rd August PIT Gym - Year 4


24th August Bike Ed - Year 5 EXTERNAL RIDE

7th August Year 5 visit to Lalor 27th August to Woorabinda Camp

9th August PIT Gym - Year 3 27th August Bundoora Heritage Village

10th August Bike Ed - Year 5 28th August Bundoora Heritage Village

10th August MAV Games Day Year 4 (Selected students)

29th August IMAX - Year 5 non campers

14th August ICAS Maths

29th August CERES Excursion PCM, PRQ, PSA & PSM

16th August PIT Gym - Year 3 30th August CERES Excursion PEV, PJB, PME, PMO &

16th August Go Girls - Year 6 girls 30th August PIT Gym - Year 4

17th August Hoop time (District) Year 5 & 6

31st August Bundoora Heritage Village 2BL, 2JS & 2MR

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Weekly Views Epping Views Primary School

20 Mansfield Street, Epping 3076 P: 8401 3791 F: 8401 3793

Diary Dates


Please note that additional notices if required, can be found on the school website at

Date Excursion/Incursion/Activity Relevant To

30.07.18 OSHC Statements OSHC Families 01.08.18 Term 3 Newsletter Year 3

Term3, 2018 Term3, 2018

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Weekly Views Epping Views Primary School

20 Mansfield Street, Epping 3076 P: 8401 3791 F: 8401 3793

Well done to Sadia 1HT & Emily 3SB for winning the Healthy Eating Award for last week.

Please let Pauline or the office know if you know of someone in our school community that we should acknowledge.

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Weekly Views Epping Views Primary School

20 Mansfield Street, Epping 3076 P: 8401 3791 F: 8401 3793

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Weekly Views Epping Views Primary School

20 Mansfield Street, Epping 3076 P: 8401 3791 F: 8401 3793

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Weekly Views Epping Views Primary School

20 Mansfield Street, Epping 3076 P: 8401 3791 F: 8401 3793



Divisional Boys/Mixed Netball Finals– held at Mill Park Basketball Stadium on Thursday July 25th.

BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT (Year 5-6) Friday August 17th and September 12th

All parents and friends are invited to come along and support PPPS students from

9.30am-2.30pm at the Mill Park Basketball Stadium located next to the Stables shopping centre, Childs Road. Please remember to applaud both teams efforts and understand that school sport is different to community or weekend sport in the way it is played and umpired. If there is

anything that you would like to address on the day please see Sebastian Scanu who will be at each event.


Gymnastics is an important part of our Physical Education Curriculum at EVPS and PIT Gymnastics has been a provider of Gymnastic Programs in the Northern region of Melbourne for 25 years. Gymnastics is all about learning to control your body in a wide range of situations. With the proliferation of extreme sports such as skate boarding, water and snow skiing, ski boarding and roller blading, children need to further develop, through aspects of fitness – strength, muscular and cardio-vascular endurance and motor abilities – agility, flexibility, balance, aerial awareness and correct posture, to participate in these and more

traditional sporting activities, in a safe and confident manner. We want the children to

experience success and enjoyment within a gymnastics environment that has fully qualified coaches and professional gym equipment.

In term 3, we are offering a five-week gymnastics program at PIT Gymnastics, with each session running for 1 hour. All PIT Gymnastics staff are fully qualified gymnastic coaches under the National Coaches Accreditation Scheme. Our school has been booked in for 5 sessions (year 3) and 5 sessions (year 4) every Thursday with two classes attending each session at a time. The first session is to commence at 9.30am and the last at 1.30pm.


On the 25th of July, the EV1 Mixed netball team

competed in the district finals. In the first match it was EV1 vs Whittlesea PS. Both teams came out strong and played a great match and EV1 came out with the win. The following two games were played against Marymede Boys team and Mill Park Heights Mixed. Both of these games were extremely competitive and our mixed team pushed to stay in both games but unfortunately lost both games. The EV1 mixed team tried their best, remained positive throughout the day and continued to encourage each other and build one another up throughout the competition! Well done to the EV1 mixed team! A huge thank you to Katherine Finey (year 6 teacher) who coached the team and took them on the day to compete.

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Weekly Views Epping Views Primary School

20 Mansfield Street, Epping 3076 P: 8401 3791 F: 8401 3793

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Weekly Views Epping Views Primary School

20 Mansfield Street, Epping 3076 P: 8401 3791 F: 8401 3793

A story about the Change2Walking Program


Today I felt a very important person in E.V.P.S because I joined in the “walk to school program.” Do you know walking to school is fun, energetic and exploring?

On 14th June was not a bright, sunny day. I didn’t see the beautiful blue sky. The sky was grey in colour. It was full of rain clouds. Any of these reasons didn’t get me down. I really, really wanted to walk to school.

It was a tricky adventure for me to walk to school. Do you know why? Let me tell you! I’m not living within walkable distance to the school. Not only that, I go to BSC (Before School Care) every day. On Thursday we left home at 7.10am. This was 30 minutes earlier than the usual time. We parked our car at the Great Bromes Road. My walking journey started from this road. Me and my sister rode our scooter. Mum was walking with us. It was freezing cold. However, we were lucky as it wasn’t raining.

While I was riding I saw leaves dancing in the wind, singing birds, active people and mother nature. Surprisingly, teachers had already started work. I saw a gigantic truck. Some people were at the bus stop waiting for the bus.

Mum told my sister and me to stop when we had to cross the road. We looked for cars, I listened and thought before we crossed. When it was safe to cross we hopped off from the scooter and walked faster to cross the road safely.

When I was walking I felt relaxed with fresh air. I felt energetic too.

Finally I arrived at the Zebra crossing near school. There was a sign, “congratulations you have arrived”. I was soooooooo proud.

My Mum signed me in BSC and said good bye. I knew Mum and my sister had to walk back to the car. After school Mum said she didn’t get late to work.

I truly enjoyed the walk.

Chamoth 3KK

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Weekly Views Epping Views Primary School

20 Mansfield Street, Epping 3076 P: 8401 3791 F: 8401 3793

Can you work out what word the signs below are spelling out? (answer will be in next weeks newsletter)

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Weekly Views Epping Views Primary School

20 Mansfield Street, Epping 3076 P: 8401 3791 F: 8401 3793

EVPS Chocolate Fundraiser

Thank you to those families who have already returned their sold Thank you to those families who have already returned their sold Thank you to those families who have already returned their sold Thank you to those families who have already returned their sold or unsold chocolates.or unsold chocolates.or unsold chocolates.or unsold chocolates.

We remind families of Prep We remind families of Prep We remind families of Prep We remind families of Prep ---- Year 3 that their chocolate boxes Year 3 that their chocolate boxes Year 3 that their chocolate boxes Year 3 that their chocolate boxes and money were due back on the and money were due back on the and money were due back on the and money were due back on the 18th July.18th July.18th July.18th July.

Year 4 Year 4 Year 4 Year 4 ---- 6 boxes and any unsold money is due back6 boxes and any unsold money is due back6 boxes and any unsold money is due back6 boxes and any unsold money is due back by FRIDAY 10TH FRIDAY 10TH FRIDAY 10TH FRIDAY 10TH AUGUST.

Our next fundraising meeting is onOur next fundraising meeting is onOur next fundraising meeting is onOur next fundraising meeting is on TUESDAY 7TH AUGUST at 4PM. TUESDAY 7TH AUGUST at 4PM. TUESDAY 7TH AUGUST at 4PM. TUESDAY 7TH AUGUST at 4PM. New members are most welcome!New members are most welcome!New members are most welcome!New members are most welcome!

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Weekly Views Epping Views Primary School

20 Mansfield Street, Epping 3076 P: 8401 3791 F: 8401 3793


1 Bomber Jacket 8 $15.00 ea

1 Bomber Jacket 12 $15.00 ea

1 Bomber Jacket 14 $15.00 ea

1 Green Short Sleeve Polo 4 $10.00 ea

4 Green Short Sleeve Polo 6 $10.00 ea

1 Green Short Sleeve Polo 12 $10.00 ea

1 Green Short Sleeve Polo 14 $10.00 ea

1 Green Long Sleeve Polo 4 $12.00 ea

2 Green Long Sleeve Polo 6 $12.00 ea

2 Green Long Sleeve Polo 10 $12.00 ea

1 Green Long Sleeve Polo 12 $12.00 ea

3 Summer School Dress 4 $25.00 ea

5 Summer School Dress 6 $25.00 ea

1 Summer School Dress 8 $25.00 ea

2 Summer School Dress 12 $25.00 ea

1 Summer Skirt 10 $20.00 ea

2 White Short Sleeve Polo 14 $10.00 ea

1 White Long Sleeve Polo 14 $12.00 ea

1 Winter Tunic 4 $18.00 ea

1 Winter Tunic 6 $18.00 ea

2 Winter Tunic 8 $18.00 ea

1 Winter Tunic 10 $18.00 ea

Second Hand Uniform For Sale

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Weekly Views Epping Views Primary School

20 Mansfield Street, Epping 3076 P: 8401 3791 F: 8401 3793

Student of the week awards - Excellence

Prep CM Brian For using his learning time wisely. Prep EV Chris For trying his best and completing 5 star writing this week. Prep JB Jai For trying his personal best and working hard to achieve his goals. Prep ME Dylan For always trying your hardest to do your best work. Prep MO Elif For always trying her best and completing 5 star work. Prep NH Gautham For being a good role model and encouraging others to make good choices. Prep SA Romeo For always trying his best in learning. Prep SM Sammy For always doing his personal best. Grade 1AT Zarmar For taking on feedback and completing 5 star work. Grade 1ER Pranav For completing an Excellent information report about blue whales. Grade 1HT Eqra For being your personal best. Grade 1JT Isaiah For being persistent and completing 5 star work. Grade 1KB Luke For trying your best and completing 5 star writing. Grade 1LW Niki For taking on feedback and working towards your goals. Grade 1MA Kevin For being Excellent and working really hard to be a great learner. Grade 1SM Yalda For working very hard on your reading and writing this week. Grade 1SN Memphis For encouraging others to make good choices. Grade 1SZ Ziad For celebrating everyone’s achievement and effort. Grade 2AG Rehan For completing all of his maths work at an outstanding level showing Excellence. Grade 2AN Ishaan For always trying his best. Grade 2BL Emily For always being a good role model. Grade 2JI Gavy For being a role model and always trying your personal best. Grade 2JM Zahra For being a role model and always completing five star work. Grade 2JS Zainab For always working at her personal best. Grade 2MA Arav For being persistent and resilient with new and challenging tasks. Grade 2MR Abhoy For always doing 5 star work. Grade 2RM Parker For taking on feedback and consistently applying himself to learning tasks. Grade 2SR Darius For showing improved effort in his learning. Grade 2VL Jet For his fantastic work and great effort he put into his information report. Grade 3AC Kesar For a continued effort to do her very best each day. Grade 3CC Olivia For showing resilience in the class room and giving everything her best go. Grade 3JP Samantha For trying hard in reading and writing sessions. Grade 3KK Chamoth For trying his best during reading groups. Grade 3LB Cooper For being persistent and working towards his learning goals. Grade 3MB Andy For working hard in writing and trying his best. Grade 3MP Aksha For taking on feedback and completing 5 star work. Grade 3NM James For putting in a great effort in Writing. Grade 3SB Kavreen For always completing 5 star work. Grade 4AM Yunis For doing an Excellent job at making good choices and showing the school values. Grade 4GL Noah For being persistent when working independently! Grade 4JD Japreet For taking on feedback and working towards her individual goals. Grade 4KW Jason For his Excellent work in PBL and for always being respectful. Grade 4MB Issy For being Excellent when presenting in PBL.

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Weekly Views Epping Views Primary School

20 Mansfield Street, Epping 3076 P: 8401 3791 F: 8401 3793

Student of the week awards - Excellence (continued)

Cultural Calendar 4th August National Aboriginal National Aboriginal and Islander Children’s Day Torres Strait (NAICD) is a celebration of Indigenous children. Islander Children’s NAICD was first observed by the Secretariat of Day National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care (SNAICC) in 1988.

4th August Constitution Day Cook Islands

6th August Naitonal Day Jamaica

6th August Indepedence Day Bolivia

7th August National Day Cote d’Ivorie

Grade 4MC Chloe For trying her best and excelling in reading. Grade 4NW Arya For always completing her work and giving her best effort. Grade 4PM Danny For becoming more persistent and resilient within the class room. Grade 5BZ Luke For trying his best when writing an information report. Grade 5JB Fahad For outstanding efforts in improving his focus to all learning tasks. Grade 5KN Nuh For his amazing work ethic and his huge improvements in reading. Grade 5KT Arjun For showing Excellence in all mathematical learning tasks he completes. Grade 5PM Jamie For improving concentration towards all learning tasks & completing the . tasks on time. Grade 5SF Nick For striving and challenging himself during maths sessions. Grade 5SS Harrison For striving to achieve his best in all of his learning tasks. Grade 6AP Cynthia For showing the value of Excellence when completing her maths moderation. Grade 6AS Muhammad For taking on feedback and working towards his goals. Grade 6JD Harnoor For composing an Excellent narrative last week. Grade 6KF Alyssa For always coming prepared and ready to learn in every session. Grade 6KK Damien For outstanding effort on his portfolio task. Grade 6SL Selena For always being a role model for your peers.

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Weekly Views Epping Views Primary School

20 Mansfield Street, Epping 3076 P: 8401 3791 F: 8401 3793

The Department of Education and this school do not necessarily endorse the products

and services of any private advertiser or notice contained in this newsletter. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the


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Weekly Views Epping Views Primary School

20 Mansfield Street, Epping 3076 P: 8401 3791 F: 8401 3793

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Weekly Views Epping Views Primary School

20 Mansfield Street, Epping 3076 P: 8401 3791 F: 8401 3793

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Weekly Views Epping Views Primary School

20 Mansfield Street, Epping 3076 P: 8401 3791 F: 8401 3793

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Weekly Views Epping Views Primary School

20 Mansfield Street, Epping 3076 P: 8401 3791 F: 8401 3793

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Weekly Views Epping Views Primary School

20 Mansfield Street, Epping 3076 P: 8401 3791 F: 8401 3793

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Weekly Views Epping Views Primary School

20 Mansfield Street, Epping 3076 P: 8401 3791 F: 8401 3793