RATIFIEDdgftcom.nic.in/exim/2000/committee/am06/des1/meeting No...1 RATIFIED Minutes of M.No.22/06...

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Transcript of RATIFIEDdgftcom.nic.in/exim/2000/committee/am06/des1/meeting No...1 RATIFIED Minutes of M.No.22/06...



Minutes of M.No.22/06 held on 30.8.05 of ALC-II (DES.I)

The meeting No.22/2006 of ALC-II for the licensing year 2005-2006 was held on 30.8.05 under the Chairpersonship of Dr. Maya D. Kem, Addl. DGFT to consider the applications under duty exemption scheme (Chapter-4) of Foreign Trade Policy 2004-2009 / H.B. Procedure Volume-I. The following Officers were present in the meeting:-


Name of the representatives & their Designation

Room No.

Telephone No. Deptt.

1.Sh. A.C.R. Das, Addl. IA 299 23015064 MOS, U.B. 2.Sh. S.P. Taneja, Addl. IA 479 23013611 Dept. of HI, U.B. 3.Sh. Sushil Kumar Jain, D.O. 429A

23010221 Ext.3318 DIPP, U.B. 4.Sh. S.N. Singh, D.O. 552-C

23010221 Ext.3407 Dept. of Mines, U.B.

5.Sh. K.K. Funda, Asstt. Director (Mech.) 23022220 Ext.2454 DC (SSI), N.B. 6.Sh. A. Bakshi, STO (DBK) 18D 23360813 DOR, New Delhi. 7.Sh. Vijay Kumar Puri, Asstt. Director 23314171 & 74 EEPC, New Delhi. 8.Sh. A.K. Bamba, Jt.DGFT 101 23016262 Ext.229 / 23011671

DGFT, U.B. 9.Sh. A.K. Srivastava, Dy.DGFT 23016262 Ext.277 DGFT, U.B.

Before considering the individual cases of the agenda of this meeting, the Committee ratified the minutes of ALC M.Nos.20/06 & 21/06 held on 16.8.05 & 23.8.05 respectively by making amendments in minutes of some of cases. The amended minutes of these cases were as under:-

Amended minutes of ALC M.No.20/06 held on 16.8.05

Case No.E-22 M/s. Banara Udyog Ltd., Agra. ALC M.No.20/06 F.No.01/80/162/445/AM.06/DES.I Dated 16.8.05 Export Product

The case regarding correction in the description of DEPB Entry at S.No.497 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to align the description of export product mentioned against DEPB Entry No.497 of Engg. Group with SION at C-1124 of Engg. Group by substituting the description of export product mentioned against DEPB Entry No.497 of Engg. Group with the following one:-

Thinwalled Engine Bearings, Bushings and Thrust Washers in Steel Backed Copper Based High Tin Alloy F-780/SP/H24/GS25/KS25/G41/SAE-49 .

Case No.E-26 Ref: EEPC, New Delhi. ALC M.No.20/06 F.No.01/80/162/476/AM.06/DES.I Dated 16.8.05 EEPC s ref: F.No.EECP:OSD:SION:2005:1321 Export Product


The case regarding modification of SION at S.No.C-546 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to call for detailed justification from the EEPC for increasing the quantity of Furnace Oil from 50 Kg./MT to 100 Kg./MT. The case may be re-listed on 20.9.05.

Case No.C-77 M/s. Johnson Screens (India) Ltd., Kalol (Guj.) ALC M.No.20/06 F.No.01/80/162/424/AM.06/DES.I Dated 16.8.05 Export Product S.S. Screens for Filterations/Sepration.

The case regarding fixation of SION for the above export product was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The representative of the DIPP informed the Committee that the case was under study. The Committee, therefore, decided to defer the consideration of the case for 20.9.05.

Case No.A/R- 121 M/s. Madras Polymoulds, Chennai ALC M.No.20/06 F.No.01/80/50/1180/AM05/DES-I Dated 16.8.05 RLA s F.No. Export Product

The case regarding amendment in the input output norms fixed against advance license No.0410065753 dt.30.12.04 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. Taking clue from SION at C-1984 of Engg. Group and on the recommendation of the representative of the DIPP present in the meeting, it was decided to amend the description of import item No.1 to read as Cold Rolled Carbon Steel Sheets/Strips/Plates/Coils other than High Carbon Steel .

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Case No.C-83 M/s. Jindal Aluminium Ltd., Bangalore. ALC M.No.20/06 F.No.01/80/162/837/AM.03/DES.I Dated 16.8.05 Export Product

The case regarding amendment in SION at C-2 of Engg. Group was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The said SION was amended vide Case No.C-115(S.No.48) considered in its M.No.11/06 held on 14.6.05 and the said amended SION was sent to DES-VIII Section for notifying the same. But they returned the same with the observation that some notes are appearing below the said entry about which the ALC decision is silent. The Committee found the observations of the DES-VIII Section as correct. The Committee, therefore, decided to amend the SION at C-2 of Engg. Group by substituting it with the following one:-


Export Product Qty. Import items Qty. allowed Aluminium Ally Extruded Products including Rods and Bars.

1 Kg. 1. Aluminium Alloy Billets

Or, 1. (a) Aluminium Ingots/T

Bars/Sows Or, (a) Aluminium Scrap Or,

(a) Aluminium Extruded Scrap Powder Coated/Anodised.

(b) Copper Scrap (c) Silicon (d) Zinc Scrap (e) Manganese (f) Any other Metal X

2. Powder for coating

3. Tool & Die Steel.

1.01 Kg.

1.04 Kg.

1.05 Kg.

1.07 Kg.

1.05 Kg. 1.05 Kg. 1.05 Kg. 1.05 Kg. 1.05 Kg. 1.02 Kg./Kg. of content on export product. 4% of FOB value.

Note: 1. The Quantity allowed above is per Kg. net content of the material in the export product. The actual composition should be furnished by the applicant. 2. In case, the item of export is Anodised, an additional item Stannous Sulphate @ 1.04 Kg./Kg. net content of the material in the export product will be allowed. 3. Powder for coating shall be allowed only if export product is powder coated.

Case No.:11/20/80-ALC2/2005


Meet No/Date:20/80-ALC2/2005 16.08.2005

Status:Case Approved 6

HQ File :01/80/050/00509/AM06/

RLA File :03/94/040/00411/AM06/


14.07.2005 Defer Date:


Decision :The case regarding ratification of above advance license was considered by the ALC-II in its M.No.20/06 held on 16.8.05 as per the agenda. On the recommendation of the representative of the DIPP present in the meeting, it was decided to ratify the above advance license with the following modifications:-

1. The word �Relevant� may be added before the description of import item No.1 and its quantity may be allowed as 8303 Kg. inclusive of 5% wastage after taking into account 1/3rd recovery of wastage. 2. The quantity of import item No.2 may be allowed as 10929 Kg. 3. The word �Relevant� may be added before the description of import item No.3 and its quantity may be allowed as applied for on net to net basis. 4. The quantity of import item No.4 may be allowed as 166 Kgs.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Amended minutes of ALC M.No.21/06 held on 23.8.05

Sl.No.72 Case No.A/R-60 M/s. Larsen & Toubro Ltd., ALC M.No.21/06 F.No.01/80/50/820/AM.05/DES.I Dated 23.8.05 RLA s F.No.03/24/40/1645/AM05 Export Product

The case regarding amendment in the input output norms fixed against advance license No.0310298418 dt.25.10.04 in ALC M.No.40/05 held on 24.1.05 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The representatives of the firm Shri S.G. Jethra, Chief Materials Manager (CGPP), Shri Pallav Chattopadhyay, Manager (Welding Engineering & Metallurgy) & Shri Ashok Sahijwani, Manager (Commercial) appeared before the Committee and explained the case. It was informed by the firm s representative that item of manufacture is Gasifier Pressure Vessel, internal & components requiring higher quantities of weld material especially due to welding of high thickness sheets. A detailed presentation was made by the firm in support of the higher quantities of weld material and they requested that for Steel Sheets above 70 mm, Welding Electrode / Wire / Strip upto 5% of Steel Sheet weight may be allowed. It was informed to firm s representative that as they had not given the breakup of thickness of the Sheets and also the requirement of weld material required for overlay, the weld material has been allowed to the extent of 2% weight of Steel Sheet. They were also informed that the higher wastage Steel Sheet Plates / Sheets can only be considered after receipt of necessary details justifying the higher wastage.

Firm s representative were accordingly advised to submit the above details and the breakup of the thickness of the Steel Sheet and also the requirement of weld material for overlay duly supported by material balancing. After detailed deliberations it was decided by the Committee to allow the weld material to the firm as per the following formula after receipt of necessary information from the firm.

1. For Steel Plates / Sheets upto 30 mm thickness upto 2% Steel Sheet weight. 2. For Steel Plates / Sheets more than 30 mm thickness and upto 70 mm thickness

upto 4% Steel Sheet weight.

3. For Steel Plates / Sheets more than 70 mm thickness upto 5% Steel Sheet weight. 4. For Steel Pipe / Tube / Steel Forgings etc. upto 1% of Steel weight of these items. 5. Flux may be allowed equal to the weight of Welding Wire and Strips.


6. For overlay, additional welding material may be allowed as per actuals.

The Committee decided to defer the consideration of the case and to re-list on 20.09.2005.

Sl.No.76 Case No.A/R-118 M/s. Cable Corporation of India Ltd., Mumbai. ALC M.No.21/06 F.No.01/80/40/1453/AM.05/DES.I Dated 23.8.05 RLA s F.No.03/24/40/1997/AM05 Export Product

The case regarding ratification of advance license No.0310318528 dt.24.2.05 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The representative of the firm Shri N.G. Kotecha, General Manager appeared before the Committee. He explained their case and also informed the Committee that their products are extra high voltage (EHV) Cables made from dry curing and cannot be compared by other Cables for which SIONs have been fixed. In their case wastages are very high as the first 200 meters of Cable is wasted in each run before curing stabilizes. It was felt by the Committee that keeping in view that the products are EHV Cables, the wastages may be reviewed in this case. However, in the first instance detailed information may be obtained. Accordingly firm s representative was advised to submit the information / document as per the discussion. He promised to submit the same.

(1) Write up / details and comparison of different types of manufacturing process for H.T. XLPE Cables.

(2) Documentary evidence in support of wastages of first 200 meters of Cable in each run. (3) Net weight of each Cable actually exported supported by cross sectional diagram with

dimensions. (4) Material balancing with Net weight of each constituents of Cable imported as well as

indigenous. (5) Detailed calculations for the requirement of inputs with stagewise wastages like for

curing, testing and other stages of manufacturing. Curing & testing wastages should be supported by some documentary evidences.

The case may be re-listed on 20.09.2005.

Sl.No.77 Case No.A/R-119 M/s. Cable Corporation of India Ltd., Mumbai. ALC M.No.21/06 F.No.01/80/40/1454/AM.05/DES.I Dated 23.8.05 RLA s F.No. Export Product

The case regarding ratification of advance license No.0310318534 dt.24.2.05 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The representative of the firm Shri N.G. Kotecha, General Manager appeared before the Committee. He explained their case and also informed the Committee that their products are extra high voltage (EHV) Cables made from dry curing and cannot be compared by other Cables for which SIONs have been fixed. In their case wastages are very high as the first 200 meters of Cable is wasted in each run before curing stabilizes. It was felt by the Committee that keeping in view that the products are EHV Cables, the wastages may be reviwed in this case. However, in the first instance detailed information may be obtained. Accordingly firm s representative was advised to submit the information / document as per the discussion. He promised to submit the same.


1. Write up / details and comparison of different types of manufacturing process for

H.T. XLPE Cables. 2. Documentary evidence in support of wastages of first 200 meters of Cable in each

run. 3. Net weight of each Cable actually exported supported by cross sectional diagram

with dimensions. 4. Material balancing with Net weight of each constituents of Cable imported as well as

indigenous. 5. Detailed calculations for the requirement of inputs with stagewise wastages like for

curing, testing and other stages of manufacturing. Curing & testing wastages should be supported by some documentary evidences.

The case may be re-listed on 20.09.2005.

S.No.78 Case No.A/R-53 M/s. Larsen & Toubro Ltd. ALC M.No.21/06 F.No.01/80/50/526/AM.05/DES.I Dated 23.8.05 RLA s F.No.03/24/40/1033/AM05 Export Product

The case regarding amendment in the input output norms fixed against advance license No.0310285306 dt.10.8.04 in ALC M.No.32/05 held on 30.11.04 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The representatives of the firm Shri S.G. Jethra, Chief Materials Manager (CGPP), Shri Pallav Chattopadhyay, Manager (Welding Engineering & Metallurgy) & Shri Ashok Sahijwani, Manager (Commercial) appeared before the Committee and explained the case. It was informed by the firm s representative that item of manufacture is Gasifier Pressure Vessel, internal & components requiring higher quantities of weld material especially due to welding of high thickness sheets. A detailed presentation was made by the firm in support of the higher quantities of weld material and they requested that for Steel Sheets above 70 mm, Welding Electrode / Wire / Strip upto 5% of Steel Sheet weight may be allowed. It was informed to firm s representative that as they had not given the breakup of thickness of the Sheets and also the requirement of weld material required for overlay, the weld material has been allowed to the extent of 2% weight of Steel Sheet. Firm s representative were accordingly advised to submit the above details and the breakup of the thickness of the Steel Sheet and also the requirement of weld material for overlay duly supported by material balancing. After detailed deliberations it was decided by the Committee to allow the weld material to the firm as per the following formula after receipt of necessary information from the firm.

1. For Steel Plates / Sheets upto 30 mm thickness upto 2% Steel Sheet weight. 2. For Steel Plates / Sheets more than 30 mm thickness and upto 70 mm thickness

upto 4% Steel Sheet weight. 3. For Steel Plates / Sheets more than 70 mm thickness upto 5% Steel Sheet weight. 4. For Steel Pipe / Tube / Steel Forgings etc. upto 1% of Steel weight of these items. 5. Flux may be allowed equal to the weight of Welding Wire and Strips. 6. For overlay, additional welding material may be allowed as per actuals.

The Committee decided to defer the consideration of the case and to re-list on 20.09.2005.



Case No.A/R-61 M/s. Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd., Bangalore. ALC M.No.21/06 F.No.01/80/50/614/AM.04/DES.I Dated 23.8.05 RLA s F.No.07/81/40/98/AM05 Export Product

The case regarding amendment in the input output norms fixed against advance license

No.0710023381 dt.21.8.03 in ALC M.No.42/04 held on 17.2.04 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The representative of the Deptt. of HI present in the meeting recommended the case. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the said license with following modifications:-

1. The weight of 1500 Kgs., 345 Kgs. and 2405 Kgs. may be added in the quantity of export product No.1, 2 & 3 respectively.

2. Quantity of import item No.1 may be allowed as 1930 Kgs. after taking into account 2/3rd

recovery of wastage.

3. Quantity of import item No.2 may be allowed as 636 Kgs. after taking into account 2/3rd

recovery of wastage.

4. Quantity of import item No.3 may be allowed as 2943 Kgs. after taking into account 2/3rd

recovery of wastage.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Case No.:1/46/81-ALC2/2004


Meet No/Date:21/80-ALC2/2005 23.08.2005

Status:Case Deferred

HQ File :01/81/050/00912/AM05/

RLA File :07/24/041/00043/AM05/


27.12.2004 Defer Date:20.09.2005


Decision :The case regarding ratification of above advance license was considered by the ALC-II in its meeting No.21/06 held on 23.8.2005 as per the agenda. The representative of Department of HI present in the meeting informed the Committee that incomplete reply had once again been submitted by the firm in place of specific information called for earlier on the basis of scrutiny on their earlier reply. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ask the firm to clarify the following:

1. Net weight of export product is 6917 kgs. Against this, the requirement of Copper and CRGO Steel Sheets is shown as 1462 kgs. and 5591 kgs. respectively totaling 7053 kgs. with NIL wastage. How is it possible? Explain and furnish the material balancing to show that the weight of export product is equal to the weight of all indigenous and imported components plus the weight of components manufactured out of imported raw material. 2. Whether importing finished laminations or CRGO in Sheet or Coil form? If the import is in the form of finished laminations, the wastage allowed is � NIL� but in case the import is in the form of Sheet / Coils, there must be some wastage in making the finished lamination. Clarify and indicate the wastage if any as the chart furnished indicate �NIL� wastage.


Case No.:7/8/80-ALC2/2005


Meet No/Date:21/80-ALC2/2005 23.08.2005

Status:Case Approved

HQ File :01/80/050/00084/AM06/

RLA File :04/24/040/00015/AM06/



Defer Date:


Decision: The case regarding ratification of above advance license was considered by the ALC-II in its meeting No.21/06 held on 23.8.2005 as per the agenda. The representative of Ministry of Mines present in the meeting recommended the case. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the above advance license with the following modifications:-

1. The description of export product may be amended to read as � Pure Lead Ingots of 99.97% Purity� . The weight

of 270.610 MT may be added in the quantity of export product.

2. The description of import item may be amended to read as � Re-melted Lead Ingots containing Lead 98.20%� . The quantity of this import item may be allowed as 280 MT.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Case No.:24/16/80-ALC2/2005


Meet No/Date:21/80-ALC2/2005 23.08.2005

Status:Case Approved

HQ File :01/80/050/00412/AM06/

RLA File :07/24/040/00236/AM06/


30.06.2005 Defer Date:


Decision: The case regarding ratification of above advance license was considered by the ALC-II in its meeting No.21/06 held on 23.8.2005 as per the agenda. The representative of the DIPP present in the meeting recommended the case. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the said license with following modifications:-

1. The quantity of export product Bottle / VISI Cooler Model MT 10 may be allowed as 1100 Nos. The weight of 93.5 MT may be added in the quantity of the very export product.

2. The quantity of export product Bottle / VISI Cooler Model MT 12 may be allowed as 1200 Nos. The weight of 116.4 MT may be added in the quantity of the very export product.

3. The quantity of import item Nos.1 to 38 may

be allowed on net to net basis with accountability clause.

4. The quantity of import item Nos.39 & 40 may be allowed as applied for.


The import of components shall be permitted on net to net basis with accountability clause and the type, technical specifications (including part No. if any) etc. of the Components sought for import should conform to those utilised in the manufacture of the resultant product.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.


The Committee also re-ratified the minutes of Case Nos.C-67(S.No.74) & 31/10/80-ALC2/2005

considered in its M.No.19/06 held on 9.8.05 by replacing them with the following ones:-

S.No.74 Case No.C-67 M/s. Mangal Steel Enterprises Ltd., Howrah ALC M.No.19/06 F.No.01/80/162/362/AM.06/DES.I Dated 9.8.05 Export Product

The case regarding amendment in SION at C-549 of Engg. Group was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. On the basis of the written comments of the DIPP furnished vide their U.O.No.7/274/2005-TSW/251 dt.25.7.05, it was decided to amend the SION at C-549 of Engg. Group by substituting it with the following one:-

Export Product Qty. Import items Qty. allowed Anchor Bolt with Nut 1 Kg. 1. Non Alloy Steel Round

Or 1. Non Alloy Steel Wire Rods/Rounds in Coils Or 1. Non Alloy Steel Billets.

1.10 Kg./Kg. content in export product

1.10 Kg./Kg. content in export product.

1.15 Kg./Kg. content in export product..

If the export product is painted, in addition relevant paint may be allowed to the extent of 4% of the FOB value.

Case No.:31/10/80-ALC2/2005


Meet No/Date:19/80-ALC2/2005 09.08.2005

Status:Case Approved

HQ File :01/80/050/00004/AM06/

RLA File :02/24/040/00309/AM05/


01.04.2005 Defer Date:


Decision :The case regarding ratification of above advance license was considered by the ALC-II in its meeting No.19/06 held on 9.8.2005 as per the agenda. On the recommendation of the representative of the DHI present in the meeting, it was decided to ratify the above advance license with the following modifications:-

1. �75+2mm wide� may added after the description of import item No.1 and its quantity may be allowed as 335 Mtr. inclusive of 2% wastage. 2. �75+2mm wide� may added after the description of import item No.2 and its quantity may be allowed as 176 Mtr. inclusive of 2% wastage.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Thereafter, the Committee considered the individual cases of the agenda of this meeting and the decisions taken thereon were as under:

(These minutes were ratified by the ALC-II in its meeting held on 6.9.05)


Before taking up the regular agenda, the Chairperson informed the Committee that it has

been decided with the approval of DG to allot ITC(HS) Codes against all items of export and import in SION book. In this connection all concerned EPCs may be asked to undertake the job immediately and submit the draft codification within 2 months. In case, they fail to comply with above directions, the relevant SION may be suspended and made inoperative till further orders.

The Chairperson directed that in case of Engineering items, a letter may be sent to EEPC. The Member Representative of EEPC in the meeting was also instructed to convey the above decision to their Council in advance.

Case No.E-31 M/s. Krishna Trade World Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/162/474/AM.06/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No. Export Product

The case regarding clarification about DEPB claims under DEPB Entry No.530/A of Engg. Product Group was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The Committee observed that there were two specific entries 571 & 591 under Engineering Group for Rolls. The Committee after deliberating upon the case, decided to ask the firm to clarify as to why their export product was not covered under either of those two specific entries 571 & 591 under Engineering Group for Rolls. The case may be re-listed on 04.10.2005.

P.H. Case No.C-84 M/s. Matsushita Lakhanpal Battery India Ltd., Vadodara. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No. 01/80/162/384/AM05/DES-I Dated 30.8.05 Export Product

The case regarding request for granting one-time revalidation for 35 quantity based advance licenses was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The representative of the firm did not turn up for P.H. The Committee, therefore upon the case, decided to ask the firm once again to appear for Personal Hearing on 04.10.2005

Case No.C-85 M/s. Nalco, Bhubaneswar ALC M.No.22/06 Pt.F.No.01/81/40/1714/AM.95/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 Export Product

The case regarding reconsideration and acceptance of all the export made after 3.1.1995 towards discharge of export obligation against Adv. License No.P/L-3491077 dt.28.2.1995 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda.

The case emanated on the objections raised by the RLA regarding admissibility of exports made vide Shipping Bill Nos.20 dt.2.1.95 and 48 dt.5.1.95 as they were found to be preceding the date of submission of the application of advance license. In light of the above, M/s. National


Aluminium Co. Ltd. (NALCO) requested for verification of receipt of filing application No.NBC/S&T/E-4(70)/586 dt.21.12.1994 purported to have been submitted on 3.1.1995 vide receipt No.120929 in DGFT(HQ) for issuance of a Quantity Based Advance License for a CIF value of Rs.20,74,85,143/- (US$6,635,278). Since the file pertaining to this case was not traceable, copies of S/Bills through which export are claimed to have been made against the receipt for advance license application were called for from the Jt.DGFT, Cuttack with a request to confirm after verifying from original document. O/o. Jt.DGFT, Cuttack vide their letter dt.10.11.04 has forwarded the photocopies of all the Shipping Bills against advance license No.P/L/3491077 dated 28.2.95 alongwith their observations. The above information was called for from the RLA with a view to confirm the contention of the firm that the export made against the Shipping Bill Nos. 0020 dt.2.1.1995 and 0048 dt.5.1.1995 were against DGFT Receipt No.120929 dt.3.1.95. The firm have claimed that the said Receipt No. was issued against their application No.NBC/S&T/E-4(70)/586 dt.21.12.94 for issue of advance license and subsequently their were issued advance license No.P/L/3491077 dt.28.2.95. After examining all the facts and circumstances, RLA vide this office letter dt.13.12.04 was informed about the facts noticed by DES Division and RLA subsequently asked the NALCO vide their letter dt.8.2.05 to pay the Customs Duty and 15% interest on the excess import and informing them that no further license including DEPB will be issued to them as per para 4.24.1 of Hand Book of Procedures(Vol.I). The whole issue was placed before ALC-II in its meeting held on 12.4.05. The ALC-II in that meeting had observed as follows:-

(i) Three Shipping Bill Nos. 0020 dt.2.1.1995, 0048 dt.5.1.1995 & 1349 dt.2.3.1995 do not bear the DGFT Receipt No.120929 dt.3.1.95.

(ii) The firm have mentioned the application No. as NBC/S&T/E-4(70) dt.19.12.94

in Shipping Bill Nos. 0020 dt.2.1.1995, 0048 dt.5.1.1995, 1349 dt.2.3.1995 and 2751 dt.29.4.1995, whereas the application No. has been mentioned as NBC/S&T/E-4(70)/1586 dt. 21.12.94 in DGFT(HQ.) letter No.01/81/40/1714/AM95/DES-III/4543 dt.3.2.95, against which advance No. P/L/3491077 dt.28.2.95 was issued to NALCO.

The decision of the ALC-II was communicated to M/s. NALCO and RLA. RLA has asked them to pay Customs duty alongwith interest. The firm requested to reconsider the request and also produced a copy of letter No.01/94/180/Adv.Lic./NALCO/AM 05/PC-IV/2644 dt.3.3.05 issued by Policy Division, DGFT(Hqrs.). Policy Division whereby it has been informed that since the details of the application match that of the endorsement on the shipping bills, the exports effected from 3.1.1995 would be considered for fulfillment of export obligation against the subject license.

The Committee after deliberating upon the case, decided to obtain the opinion of Policy Division with reference to the said decision of ALC-II. The Committee also felt that NALCO is a Govt. undertaking company and exports made vide disputed shipping bills stated to have been logged under the related DEEC Book. RLA may be asked to confirm whether the exports made by the said disputed shipping bills had already been logged under the DEEC book. Therefore, the case may be considered by ALC-II for referring to the PRC on receipt of opinion of Policy Division.


Case No.C-86 M/s. Kapil Steels Ltd., Indore. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/162/396/AM.06/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.11/80/41/2/AM03 Export Product

The case regarding revalidation of advance license No.1110004229 dt.21.8.02 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to call for report/comments from RLA on the representation of the firm and also ask the firm to furnish the justification for their request. The case may be re-listed on 04.10.2005.

Case No.C-87 M/s. Kapil Steels Ltd., Indore. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/162/395/AM.06/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.11/80/41/12/AM02 Export Product

The case regarding revalidation of advance license No.1110003442 dt.28.3.02 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to call for report/comments from RLA on the representation of the firm and also ask the firm to furnish the justification for their request. The case may be re-listed on 04.10.2005.

Case No.C-88 M/s. Blue Star Ltd., Mumbai. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/162/193/AM.06/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.03/81/40/175/AM03 Export Product

The case regarding revalidation of advance license No.0310149596 dt.24.7.03 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ask the firm to furnish the justification for their request and also their reply to RLA s letter No.03/81/040/00175/AM03 dated 2.3.2005 addressed to them. The case may be re-listed on 04.10.2005.


Case No.C-89 M/s. Abhishake Electricals, Delhi. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/162/486/AM.06/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.05/25/38/80/AM06 Export Product

The case regarding clarification about import items under SION C-270 of Engg. Group

for issuance of DFRC was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to clarify to the firm and RLA concerned that import item No.1(a) i.e. Copper in the form of Copper Cathode / Wire Bars / CC Rods (EC Grade) / Copper Wire Rod is one item and item No.1(b) i.e. Aluminium in the form of Ingots / Proper Zi Rods is an alternative item under SION C-270 of Engineering Group.

Case No.C-90 M/s. Avon Cycles Ltd., Ludhiana. (Ref. from Jt.DGFT, Ludhiana.) ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/162/526/AM.06/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.30/82/38/540/AM05/Lic/Ldh Export Product

The case regarding amendment in SION at C-57 of Engg. Group was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The Committee in consultation with the representatives of Technical Authorities present in the meeting decided to substitute the description of import item No.5 under SION at Sl.No.C-57 of Engineering Group with following one:

Nickel Cathodes / Ingots / Pellets

Case No.C-91 M/s. KEC International Ltd., Mumbai. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/162/395/AM.06/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 Export Product

The case regarding amendment in SION at C-220 of Engg. Group was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The Committee in consultation with the Technical Authorities present in the meeting decided to substitute the description of import item No.1(a) OR i.e. Billets of relevant Grade of Steel under SION at Sl.No.C-220 of Engineering Group with following one:

Billets / Blooms of relevant grade of Steel

Case No.C-92 M/s. Nagreeka Foils Ltd., Mumbai. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/162/541/AM.06/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 Export Product

The case regarding revalidation of advance license No.0310139021 dt.23.5.02 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to call for report/comments from RLA on the representation of the firm and also ask the firm to furnish the justification for their request. The license and other paper in original should be returned to the firm. The case may be re-listed on 04.10.2005.


Case No.C-75 M/s. Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd., Mumbai. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/162/436/AM.06/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.03/95/40/315/AM99 Export Product

The case regarding request for special sanction for redemption of LUT issued against advance license No.03024136 dt.27.7.1998 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The representative of the firm Shri R.D. Contractor, Senior Vice-President and Shri R. Bahadur, Sr. Manager (Liaison) appeared before the Committee and explained their problem. They stated that they had to approach RBI for approval under FEMA time to time. In addition to that RLA and Customs Authority are asking to realize the outstanding amount of US$1,49,600/- towards exports proceeds failing which they would be resorting action against them under the statutory rules. Shri Contractor on query stated that they had made sincere efforts to realize the outstanding amount and they do not expect the same to be coming in two years. However, the LUT is not being redeemed by RLA and that they do not intend to sue the overseas buyer because lawyer s fees / traveling trips abroad would be very expensive. On the strength of approval of DGFT and redemption of LUT by RLA, they would file their request with various authorities such as RBI and Customs for necessary approvals. The Committee felt that redemption of LUT in absence of realization of outstanding amount would tantamount to waiver of the said amount. They were informed by the Committee that their case was not fit for recommending relaxation of Provisions of Policy and Procedure because non redemption of LUT had not been causing any financial burden on them or any hindrance in obtaining the benefit under the Foreign Trade Policy and there is no hardship for exports. Therefore, they were suggested that they should pay the requisite Custom Duty with interest as may be required.

To this, Shri Contractor submitted that they are prepared to undertake additional export obligation against subject license and would be submitting the proposal in this regard. The Committee decided to await their proposal and the case may be re-listed before ALC-II on receipt of the same.

Case No.B-8 M/s. Milindia Ltd., Noida. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/162/422/AM.06/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.05/24/40/351/AM06 Export Product


The case regarding fixation of input output norms for issuance of advance license under

Para 4.7 of HBP (Vol.I) for a CIF value of Rs.1,482,120/- was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The Committee observed that application has been filed under Para 4.7 of HBP (Vol.I) for issuance of license on self declaration and RLA has issued F.No.05/24/40/351/AM06 on 28.7.2005 but advance license alongwith requisite documents against the application in question has not been referred by the RLA for ratification of norms while more than one month period as already been elapsed. The firm filed a copy of the application in the DGFT (Hqrs). The Committee directed to ask the RLA to explain as to why the application / advance license has not been referred so far for ratification of norms. However, on the recommendation of the representative of DIPP present in the meeting, the Committee decided to fix the following ad-hoc norms only in regard to the said application. RLA has to ensure that application is complete in all respect as per the policy and procedure for issuance of advance license.

1. The weight of Export product Nos. 1 to 17 may be added as 350 Kgs, 200 Kgs, 2000 Kgs, 450 Kgs, 4750 Kgs, 4000 Kgs, 1200 Kgs, 1000 Kgs, 850 Kgs, 9000 Kgs, 850 Kgs, 2000 Kgs, 350 Kgs, 235 Kgs, 1200 Kgs, 800 Kgs & 3000 Kgs respectively (Combined Export Weight of all the 17 Export Products 32,275 containing 11,763 kgs of Stainless Steel).

2. The word Relevant may be prefixed with the description of import item and the quantity of the same my be allowed as applied for

Case No.B-9 M/s. Milindia Ltd., Noida. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/162/147/AM.06/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.05/24/40/50/AM06 Export Product

The case regarding fixation of input output norms for grant of advance license under Para 4.7 of HBP (Vol.I) for a CIF value of Rs.21,00,000/- was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The Committee observed that application has been filed under Para 4.7 of HBP (Vol.I) for issuance of license on self declaration and RLA has issued F.No.05/24/40/50/AM06 on 29.4.2005 but advance license alongwith requisite documents against the application in question has not been referred by the RLA for ratification of norms. The firm filed a copy of the application in the DGFT (Hqrs). The Committee directed to ask the RLA to explain as to why the application / advance license has not been referred so far for ratification of norms while more than 4 months period has already been elapsed. However, on the recommendation of the representative of DIPP present in the meeting, the Committee decided to fix the following ad-hoc norms only in regard to the said application. RLA has to ensure that application is complete in all respect as per the policy and procedure for issuance of advance license.

1. The weight of Export product Nos.1 to 16 may be added as 4000 Kgs, 4000 Kgs, 350 Kgs, 200 Kgs, 2000 Kgs, 450 Kgs, 5240 Kgs, 4000 Kgs, 1000 Kgs, 9000 Kgs, 1500 Kgs, 235 Kgs, 2500 Kgs, 1000 Kgs, 800 Kgs & 3000 Kgs respectively (Combined Export Weight of all the 16 Export Products 39,275 containing 16,668 kgs of Stainless Steel).

2. The word Relevant may be prefixed with the description of import item and the quantity of the same my be allowed as applied for


Case No.A/R-123 M/s. Dickinson Fowler Ltd., Bangalore. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/50/1151/AM.05/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.07/24/40/592/AM05 Export Product

The case regarding ratification of advance license No.0710035019 dt.27.12.04 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The representative of the Deptt. of HI present in the meeting recommended the case. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the subject license with following modifications:-

1. Quantity of import item No.89 to 91 may be allowed as 1.03 Kg./Kg. content in export product.

2. The quantity of rest of import item may be allowed on net to net basis.

Note:- The import of components shall be permitted on net to net basis with accountability clause and the type, technical specifications (including part No. if any) etc. of the Components sought for import should conform to those utilised in the manufacture of the resultant product.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Case No.A/R-124 M/s. B.H.E.L. Haridwar. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/50/895/AM.05/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.05/24/42/46/AM05 Export Product

The case regarding enhancement of CIF value and FOB value against Advance License No.0510142880 dt.10.11.04 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The representative of the Deptt. of HI present in the meeting recommended the case. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided that import of Spares may be allowed as per Policy for Spares on net-to-net basis. The Committee also accepted the request of the firm for enhancement of CIF value from Rs.18,57,00,000/- to Rs. 29,17,37,000/- and FOB from Rs.91,50,00,000/- to Rs.98,65,40,890/- value as asked for by the firm.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Case No.A/R-125 M/s. B.H.E.L., Tiruchirappalli. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/42/17/AM.05/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.04/24/42/42/AM05 Export Product


The case regarding enhancement of CIF value and FOB value against Advance License

No.0410066599 dt.27.1.05 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The representative of the Deptt. of HI present in the meeting recommended the case. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided that import of Spares may be allowed as per Policy for Spares on net-to-net basis.

The Committee also accepted the request of the firm for enhancement of CIF value from Rs. 56,02,00,000/- to Rs. 61,50,71,790/- and FOB value from Rs.2,33,20,58,297/ to Rs. 3,44,53,56,704/ as asked for by the firm.

Regarding their request for issuance of license with validity co-terminus with contractual delivery period for imports of item and for completion of export obligation period, the Committee decided to advise BHEL to approach RLA concerned in terms of Para 4.22.1 of HBP (Vol.I) 2004-2009.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Case No.A/R-126 M/s. B.H.E.L., Tiruchirappalli. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/42/10/AM.05/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.04/24/42/30/AM05 Export Product

The case regarding enhancement of CIF value and FOB value against Advance License No.0410064955 dt.9.12.04 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The representative of the Deptt. of HI present in the meeting recommended the case. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided that import of Spares may be allowed as per Policy for Spares on net-to-net basis.

The Committee also accepted the request of the firm for enhancement of CIF value from Rs. 80,50,00.000/- to Rs. 84,34,60,711/- and FOB value from Rs. 2,78,22,00,001/- to Rs. 2,90,11,43,429/- as asked for by the firm.

Regarding their request for issuance of license with validity co-terminus with contractual delivery period for imports of item and for completion of export obligation period, the Committee decided to advise BHEL to approach RLA concerned in terms of Para 4.22.1 of HBP (Vol.I) 2004-2009.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Case No.A/R-127 M/s. B.H.E.L., Tiruchirappalli. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/42/13/AM.05/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.04/24/40/158/AM05 Export Product

The case regarding enhancement of CIF value and FOB value against Advance License No.0410067576 dt.22.2.05 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The representative of


the Deptt. of HI present in the meeting recommended the case. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided that import of Spares may be allowed as per Policy for Spares on net-to-net basis.

The Committee also accepted the request of the firm for enhancement of CIF value from Rs. 37,05,00,000/- to 40,31,10,530/- and FOB value from Rs. 1,42,62,00,000/- to 1,54,83,37,999/- as asked for by the firm.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Case No.A/R-128 M/s. B.H.E.L., Tiruchirappalli. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/42/20/AM.05/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.04/24/42/48/AM05 Export Product

The case regarding enhancement of CIF value and FOB value against Advance License No.0410067484 dt.21.2.05 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The representative of the Deptt. of HI present in the meeting recommended the case. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided that import of Spares may be allowed as per Policy for Spares on net-to-net basis.

The Committee also accepted the request of the firm for enhancement of CIF value from Rs. 31,00,00,000/- to Rs. 34,10,00,000/- and FOB value from Rs. 1,54,75,,00,000/- to 1,69,66,78,237/- as asked for by the firm.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Case No.A/R-129 M/s. K.G.K. Industries, Coimbatore. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/50/1009/AM.05/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.32/24/40/99/AM05 Export Product

The case regarding ratification of advance license No.3210026241 dt.30.11.04 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The representative of Department of Heavy Industry informed the Committee that the reply received from the firm is ambiguous and suggested to call for the following information from the firm:

1. In the original application only two items of exports were shown whereas in the revised application 3 items are to be exported. It is not clear how the quantity of import inputs remain the same in both the cases. The party may explain.

2. From their letter it appears that they are exporting components in finished form. The party may confirm/clarify.

3. In the certificate of assessment of material wastage, the machining wastages have been shown at many places e.g. in the body machining is shown at Sl.No.10 to 16. Give details of all machining operations and show them in the drawing by proper marking and also furnish detailed calculations to justify the wastages claimed.


4. Have they got the license amended for the revised list of export items from RLA.

The case may be re-listed on 04.10.2005.

Case No.A/R-130 M/s. Aytida Tools Pvt. Ltd., Goa. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/50/25/AM.06/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.03/24/40/2890/AM05 Export Product

The case regarding ratification of advance license No.0310324844 dt.5.4.05 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The representative of the Deptt. of HI present in the meeting recommended the case taking clue from SION at S.No.C-920 & 921 of Engg. Group. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the subject license by allowing the quantity of import item as 1.33 Kg./Kg. content in export product.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Case No.A/R-131 M/s. Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd., Haridwar. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/50/894/AM.05/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.05/24/42/47/AM05 Export Product

The case regarding amendment in the input output norms fixed against advance license No.0510142870 dt.10.11.04 in ALC M.No.8/06 held on 24.5.05 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The representative of the Deptt. of HI present in the meeting recommended the case. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the subject license by allowing the quantity of import item No.14 as 1.15 Kg./Kg. content in export product as applied for.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Case No.A/R-132 M/s. B.H.E.L., Tiruchirappalli. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/42/8/AM.05/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.04/24/42/28/AM05 Export Product

The case regarding enhancement of CIF value and FOB value against advance license No.0410063658 dt.22.11.04 and revision in the list of import items was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The representative of the Deptt. of HI present in the meeting recommended the case. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided that import of Spares may be allowed as per Policy for Spares on net-to-net basis.

The Committee also accepted the request of the firm for enhancement of CIF value from Rs.149,25,00,000/- to Rs.156,97,90,530/- and FOB value from Rs.553,26,71,682/- to Rs.577,29,42,579/- as asked for by the firm.


The Committee also noted that since the original CIF value was more than 100 Crores,

the Committee earlier recommended the case for approval of Hon ble Commerce and Industry Minister as per the existing O & M instructions. Hon ble Commerce and Industry Minister had already accorded approval on file 28.9.2004.

Regarding their request for issuance of license with validity co-terminus with contractual delivery period for imports of item and for completion of export obligation period, the Committee decided to advise BHEL to approach RLA concerned in terms of Para 4.22.1 of HBP (Vol.I) 2004-2009 updated as on 31.3.2005.

Case No.A/R-133 M/s. Icon Cables Ltd., New Delhi. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/50/1413/AM.05/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.05/24/40/603/AM05 Export Product

The case regarding ratification of advance license No.0510151241 dt.17.2.05 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The representative of the Deptt. of HI / DIPP / Ministry of Mines present in the meeting recommended the case. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the subject license with following modifications:-

1. The weight of 76.562 MT may be added in the quantity of export product.

2. Quantity of import item No.1 may be allowed as 1.01 Kg./Kg. content in export product.

3. Quantity of import item No.2 and 3 may be allowed as 1.05 Kg./Kg. content in export product.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Case No.A/R- 134 M/s. Farmoz Electricals, Mumbai. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/50/371/AM.06/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.03/94/40/283/AM06 Export Product

The case regarding amendment in the input output norms fixed against advance license No.0310334778 dt.17.6.05 in ALC M.No.16/06 held on 19.7.05 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The Committee observed that the catalogue of the product stated to have been enclosed had not been found enclosed. The Committee decided to ask the firm to furnish the following:

1. Catalogue of the product. 2. Documentary evidence in support of their claim. 3. Justification for requirement of 2 motors and two fans for each piece.

The case may be re-listed on 04.10.2005.

Case No.A/R-135 M/s. Maxop Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd., Gurgaon. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/50/1401/AM.05/DES.I


Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No. Export Product

The case regarding ratification of advance license No.0510150984 dt.14.2.05 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to call the firm for personal hearing on 04.10.2005.

The case may be re-listed on 04.10.2005.

Case No.A/R-136 M/s. Maxop Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd., Gurgaon. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/50/1156/AM.05/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No. Export Product

The case regarding ratification of advance license No.0510146849 dt.27.12.04 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to call the firm for personal hearing on 04.10.2005.

The case may be re-listed on 04.10.2005.

Case No.A/R-137 M/s. AGG Exports, Ludhiana. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/162/1307/AM.05/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.30/24/40/33/AM05 Export Product

The case regarding amendment in the input output norms fixed against advance license No.3010038423 dt.8.11.04 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The representatives of the firm Shri Mohit Aggarwal and Shri Amreesh Aggarwal, both Export Executive appeared before the Committee for personal hearing. They explained the case to the Committee. The Committee, on the recommendation of the representative of the DIPP present in the meeting, advised him to furnish certain information such as documentary evidence in support of value of Scrap. They promised to furnish the same. The case may be re-listed on 04.10.2005.

Case No.A-22 M/s. GEI Hamon Industries Ltd., Bhopal ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/162/515/AM.06/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.03/94/40/493/AM06 Export Product

The case regarding ratification of advance license No.0310341707 dt.5.8.05 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. On the recommendation of the representative of the DIPP present in the meeting, it was decided by the Committee to call for Information in respect of S.No.3 & 14 of the Standard Deficiency Format. The case may be re-listed on 04.10.2005.

Case No.A-23 M/s. Hospitech, Mumbai. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/162/521/AM.06/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.03/94/40/488/AM06 Export Product


The case regarding ratification of advance license No.0310341205 dt.29.7.05 was

considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the above license as per General Note No.4 for Engineering Product.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Case No.A-24 M/s. GEA Ecoflex India Pvt. Ltd., Navi Mumbai. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/162/516/AM.06/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.03/94/40/498/AM06 Export Product

The case regarding ratification of advance license No.0310341674 dt.5.8.05 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. On the recommendation of the representative of the DIPP present in the meeting, it was decided by the Committee to call for the following information/clarification from the firm and re-list the case on 4.10.05:-

1. Information in respect of S.No.4, 10 & 13 of the Standard Deficiency Format. 2. Norms of consumption of items of import.

Case No.A-25 M/s. Luxite Industries Ltd., Mumbai. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/162/519/AM.06/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.03/95/40/473/AM06 Export Product

The case regarding ratification of advance license No.0310341197 dt.27.7.05 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the above license as per General Note No.4 for Engg. Product.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Case No.A-26 M/s. Larsen & Toubro Ltd., Mumbai. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/162/513/AM.06/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.03/95/40/458/AM06 Export Product

The case regarding ratification of advance license No.0310341679 dt.5.8.05 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. On the recommendation of the representative of the Deptt. of HI present in the meeting, it was decided to ratify the above advance license by allowing the quantity of import item as 1.1 Kg./Kg. content in export product.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Case No.A-27 M/s. Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd., Mumbai. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/162/517/AM.06/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.03/24/40/2777/AM05 Export Product


The case regarding ratification of advance license No.0310341250 dt.2.8.05 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. On the recommendation of the representative of DIPP present in the meeting, it was decided by the Committee to call for the information in respect of S.No.3, 4, 10, 13 & 14 of the Standard Deficiency Format and re-list the case on 4.10.05.

Case No.A-28 M/s. CPS Color India Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/162/509/AM.06/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.03/94/40/440/AM06 Export Product

The case regarding ratification of advance license No.0310341208 dt.29.7.05 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the above license as per General Note No.4 for Engg. Product.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Case No.A-29 M/s. Blue Star Ltd., Mumbai. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/162/511/AM.06/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.03/94/39/1/AM06 Export Product

The case regarding ratification of advance license No.0310342378 dt.10.8.05 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. On the recommendation of the representative of the DIPP present in the meeting, it was decided by the Committee to call for the following information/clarification from the firm and re-list the case on 4.10.05:-

Information in respect of S.No.10, 13, & 14 of the Standard Deficiency Format model wise.

Case No.A-30 M/s. CPS Color India Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/162/510/AM.06/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.03/94/40/487/AM06 Export Product

The case regarding ratification of advance license No.0310341504 dt.4.8.05 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the above license as per General Note No.4 for Engg. Product.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Case No.A-31 M/s. Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd., Mumbai. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/162/518/AM.06/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.03/24/40/2477/AM05 Export Product

The case regarding ratification of advance license No.0310341261 dt.2.8.05 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the above license as per General Note No.4 for Engg. Product.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.


Case No.A-32 M/s. Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd., Mumbai. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/162/514/AM.06/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.03/94/40/515/AM06 Export Product

The case regarding ratification of advance license No.0310342052 dt.9.8.05 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. On the recommendation of the representative of DIPP present in the meeting, it was decided by the Committee to call for the information in respect of S.No.3, 4, 10, 13 & 14 of the Standard Deficiency Format and re-list the case on 4.10.05.

Case No.A-33 M/s. Larsen & Toubro Ltd., Mumbai. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/162/512/AM.06/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.03/95/40/567/AM06 Export Product

The case regarding ratification of advance license No.0310342499 dt.11.8.05 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. On the recommendation of the representative of the DIPP present in the meeting, it was decided to ratify the above advance license with the following modifications:-

1. The quantity of import item No.1 may be allowed as 1.01 Kg./Kg. content in export product.

2. The rest of import items, which are Components, may be allowed as applied for on net to net basis with accountability clause.

Note:- The import of components shall be permitted on net to net basis with accountability clause and the type, technical specifications (including part No. if any) etc. of the Components sought for import should conform to those utilised in the manufacture of the resultant product.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Case No.A-34 M/s. GEA Ecoflex India Pvt. Ltd., Navi Mumbai. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/162/520/AM.06/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.03/94/40/514/AM06 Export Product

The case regarding ratification of advance license No.0310341959 dt.8.8.05 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the above license as per General Note No.4 for Engg. Product.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Case No.A/R-138 M/s. B.H.E.L., Hyderabad. ALC M.No.22/06 F.No.01/80/50/171/AM.06/DES.I Dated 30.8.05 RLA s F.No.09/24/40/15/AM06 Export Product The case regarding amendment in the input output norms fixed against advance license No.0910022791 dt.12.5.05 in ALC M.No.19/06 held on 9.8.05 was considered by the ALC-II as per the agenda. On the recommendation of the representative of the Deptt. of HI present in the


meeting, it was decided to allow additional import items mentioned in the letter dt.27.8.05 of the firm on net to net basis with accountability clause. A photocopy of the said letter of the firm may be forwarded to the RLA.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.


Directorate General of Foreign Trade Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Maulana Azad Road, Udyog Bhawan New Delhi -110011

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Para 4.7 Officewise Statement


22/80-ALC2/2005 MEETING DATE : 30.08.2005

Case No.:1/22/80-ALC2/2005


Meet No/Date:22/80-ALC2/2005 30.08.2005

Status:Case Deferred

HQ File :01/80/050/01332/AM05/

RLA File :09/24/042/00021/AM05/


04.02.2005 Defer Date:04.10.2005


Decision :The case regarding ratification of above advance license was considered by the ALC-II in its meeting No.22/06 held on 30.8.2005 as per the agenda. The representative of the Deptt. of HI informed the Committee that the case was under study. The Committee, therefore, decided to defer the consideration of the case for 4.10.05.

Case No.:2/22/80-ALC2/2005


Meet No/Date:22/80-ALC2/2005 30.08.2005

Status:Case Approved

HQ File :01/80/050/00270/AM06/

RLA File :34/24/040/00188/AM05/


31.05.2005 Defer Date:


Decision :The case regarding ratification of above advance license was considered by the ALC-II in its meeting No.22/06 held on 30.8.2005 as per the agenda. On the recommendation of the representative of the Deptt. of HI present in the meeting, it was decided to ratify the above advance license with the following modifications:-

1. The quantity of import item No.1 may be allowed as 1.01 Kg./Kg. content in export product.

2. The quantity of import item No.2 may be allowed as 1.07 Kg./Kg. content in export product.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Case No.:3/22/80-ALC2/2005


Meet No/Date:22/80-ALC2/2005 30.08.2005

Status:Case Approved 3

HQ File :01/80/050/00271/AM06/

RLA File :34/24/040/00198/AM05/


31.05.2005 Defer Date:


Decision :The case regarding ratification of above advance license was considered by the ALC-II in its meeting No.22/06 held on 30.8.2005 as per the agenda. On the recommendation of the representative of the Deptt. of HI present in the meeting, it was decided to ratify the above advance license with the following modifications:-

3. The quantity of import item No.1 may be allowed as 1.01 Kg./Kg. content in export product.

4. The quantity of import item No.2 may be allowed as 1.07 Kg./Kg. content in export product.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Case No.:4/22/80-ALC2/2005


Meet No/Date:22/80-ALC2/2005 30.08.2005

Status:Case Deferred

HQ File :01/80/050/00525/AM06/

RLA File :09/24/040/00075/AM06/


26.07.2005 Defer Date:04.10.2005


Decision :The case regarding ratification of above advance license was considered by the ALC-II in its meeting No.22/06 held on 30.8.2005 as per the agenda. The representative of the Deptt. of HI informed the Committee that the case was under study. The Committee, therefore, decided to defer the consideration of the case for 4.10.05.

Case No.:5/22/80-ALC2/2005


Meet No/Date:22/80-ALC2/2005 30.08.2005

Status:Case Approved

HQ File :01/80/050/00526/AM06/

RLA File :08/80/040/00159/AM06/


26.07.2005 Defer Date:


Decision :The case regarding ratification of above advance license was considered by the ALC-II in its meeting No.22/06 held on 30.8.2005 as per the agenda. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the above license as per General Note No.4 for Engg. Product.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Case No.:6/22/80-ALC2/2005


Meet No/Date:22/80-ALC2/2005 30.08.2005

Status:Case Deferred 6

HQ File :01/80/050/00535/AM06/

RLA File :13/80/040/00049/AM06/


28.07.2005 Defer Date:04.10.2005


Decision :The case regarding ratification of above advance license was considered by the ALC-II in its meeting No.22/06 held on 30.8.2005 as per the agenda. On the recommendation of the representative of DIPP present in the meeting and as per personal hearing held with firm�s representatives in ALC meeting on 9/8/2005, the Committee decided to call for the following information:

i) Buyer�s data sheet / relevant standards justifying the insulation thickness. ii) Net weight of Cable per Km. iii) Material balancing with net weight of each constituent per Km cable. iv) Detailed calculations for the requirement of insulating materials.

The case may be re-listed on 4.10.05.

Case No.:7/22/80-ALC2/2005


Meet No/Date:22/80-ALC2/2005 30.08.2005

Status:Transferred to Different Section

HQ File :01/80/050/00552/AM06/

RLA File :13/80/040/00047/AM06/


29.07.2005 Defer Date:


Decision :The case regarding ratification of above advance license was considered by the ALC-II in its meeting No.22/06 held on 30.8.2005 as per the agenda. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to transfer the file relating to this case to JDG, ALC-I as the export product was related to Chemical Division.

Case No.:10/22/80-ALC2/2005


Meet No/Date:22/80-ALC2/2005 30.08.2005

Status:Case Deferred

HQ File :01/80/050/00559/AM06/

RLA File :07/21/040/00622/AM06/


02.08.2005 Defer Date:04.10.2005


Decision :The case regarding ratification of above advance license was considered by the ALC-II in its meeting No.22/06 held on 30.8.2005 as per the agenda. On the recommendation of the representative of DIPP present in the meeting, it was decided by the Committee to call for the information in respect of S.No.4, 10 & 13 of the Standard Deficiency Format and re-list the case on 4.10.05.

Case No.:8/22/80-ALC2/2005


Meet No/Date:22/80-ALC2/2005 30.08.2005

Status:Case Deferred 9

HQ File :01/80/050/00556/AM06/

RLA File :07/24/040/00337/AM06/


02.08.2005 Defer Date:04.10.2005


Decision :The case regarding ratification of above advance license was considered by the ALC-II in its meeting No.22/06 held on 30.8.2005 as per the agenda. On the recommendation of the representative of the Deptt. of HI present in the meeting, it was decided by the Committee to call for the following information/clarification from the firm and re-list the case on 4.10.05:-

1. Information in respect of S.No.13, & 14 of the Standard Deficiency Format. 2. How the wastage shown for sheets is nil when these are cut to specific sizes.

Case No.:9/22/80-ALC2/2005


Meet No/Date:22/80-ALC2/2005 30.08.2005

Status:Case Deferred

HQ File :01/80/050/00557/AM06/

RLA File :07/24/040/00336/AM06/


02.08.2005 Defer Date:04.10.2005


Decision :The case regarding ratification of above advance license was considered by the ALC-II in its meeting No.22/06 held on 30.8.2005 as per the agenda. On the recommendation of the representative of the Deptt. of HI present in the meeting, it was decided by the Committee to call for the following information/clarification from the firm and re-list the case on 4.10.05:-

1. Information in respect of S.No.13, & 14 of the Standard Deficiency Format. 2. How the wastage shown for sheets is nil when these are cut to specific sizes.

Case No.:11/22/80-ALC2/2005


Meet No/Date:22/80-ALC2/2005 30.08.2005

Status:Case Deferred

HQ File :01/80/050/00568/AM06/

RLA File :07/24/040/00346/AM06/


03.08.2005 Defer Date:04.10.2005


Decision :The case regarding ratification of above advance license was considered by the ALC-II in its meeting No.22/06 held on 30.8.2005 as per the agenda. On the recommendation of the representative of DIPP present in the meeting, it was decided by the Committee to call for the information in respect of S.No.3, 4, 10, 13 & 14 of the Standard Deficiency Format and re-list the case on 4.10.05.

Case No.:12/22/80-ALC2/2005


Meet No/Date:22/80-ALC2/2005 30.08.2005

Status:Case Deferred

HQ File :01/80/050/00570/AM06/

RLA File :05/24/040/00324/AM06/


03.08.2005 Defer Date:04.10.2005


Decision :The case regarding ratification of above advance license was considered by the ALC-II in its meeting No.22/06 held on 30.8.2005 as per the agenda. On the recommendation of the representative of the DIPP present in the meeting, it was decided by the Committee to call for the following information/clarification from the firm and re-list the case on 4.10.05:-

1. Quantity and size/specification. 2. Information in respect of S.No.4, 10, 13, & 14 of the Standard Deficiency Format.


Case No.:13/22/80-ALC2/2005


Meet No/Date:22/80-ALC2/2005 30.08.2005

Status:Case Deferred

HQ File :01/80/050/00571/AM06/

RLA File :05/24/040/00262/AM06/



Defer Date:04.10.2005


Decision :The case regarding ratification of above advance license was considered by the ALC-II in its meeting No.22/06 held on 30.8.2005 as per the agenda. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to refer a copy of the application of the firm to the DOT, if not forwarded earlier. If the same had already been referred, the DOT may be reminded for expediting their comments. The case may be re-listed on 4.10.05.

Case No.:17/22/80-ALC2/2005


Meet No/Date:22/80-ALC2/2005 30.08.2005

Status:Case Approved

HQ File :01/80/050/00578/AM06/

RLA File :05/24/040/00358/AM06/


05.08.2005 Defer Date:


Decision :The case regarding ratification of above advance license was considered by the ALC-II in its meeting No.22/06 held on 30.8.2005 as per the agenda. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the above license as per General Note No.4 for Engg. Product.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Case No.:18/22/80-ALC2/2005


Meet No/Date:22/80-ALC2/2005 30.08.2005

Status:Case Approved

HQ File :01/80/050/00579/AM06/

RLA File :05/24/040/00340/AM06/


05.08.2005 Defer Date:


Decision :The case regarding ratification of above advance license was considered by the ALC-II in its meeting No.22/06 held on 30.8.2005 as per the agenda. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the above license as per General Note No.4 for Engg. Product.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Case No.:35/20/80-ALC2/2005


Meet No/Date:22/80-ALC2/2005 30.08.2005

Status:Case Approved 16

HQ File :01/80/050/00580/AM06/

RLA File :05/24/040/00217/AM06/


05.08.2005 Defer Date:


Decision :The case regarding ratification of above advance license was considered by the ALC-II in its meeting No.22/06 held on 30.8.2005 as per the agenda. Taking clue from Table No.6 of Engg. Group and on the recommendation of the representative of the DIPP present in the meeting, it was decided to ratify the above advance license as applied for by the firm.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Case No.:14/22/80-ALC2/2005


Meet No/Date:22/80-ALC2/2005 30.08.2005

Status:Case Approved

HQ File :01/80/050/00574/AM06/

RLA File :04/24/040/00242/AM06/


08.08.2005 Defer Date:


Decision :The case regarding ratification of above advance license was considered by the ALC-II in its meeting No.22/06 held on 30.8.2005 as per the agenda. On the recommendation of the representative of the Deptt. of HI present in the meeting, it was decided to ratify the above advance license with the following modifications:-

1. The quantity of import item No.1 to 16 may be allowed as 1.02 Mtr./Mtr. content in export product. 2. The rest of import items may be allowed on net to net basis with accountability clause.

Note:- The import of components shall be permitted on net to net basis with accountability clause and the type, technical specifications (including part No. if any) etc. of the Components sought for import should conform to those utilised in the manufacture of the resultant product.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Case No.:15/22/80-ALC2/2005


Meet No/Date:22/80-ALC2/2005 30.08.2005

Status:Case Approved

HQ File :01/80/050/00576/AM06/

RLA File :04/24/040/00237/AM06/


09.08.2005 Defer Date:


Decision :The case regarding ratification of above advance license was considered by the ALC-II in its meeting No.22/06 held on 30.8.2005 as per the agenda. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the above license as per General Note No.4 for Engg. Product.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Case No.:16/22/80-ALC2/2005


Meet No/Date:22/80-ALC2/2005 30.08.2005

Status:Case Deferred 19

HQ File :01/80/050/00577/AM06/

RLA File :04/24/040/00210/AM06/


09.08.2005 Defer Date:04.10.2005


Decision :The case regarding ratification of above advance license was considered by the ALC-II in its meeting No.22/06 held on 30.8.2005 as per the agenda. On the recommendation of the representative of DIPP present in the meeting, it was decided by the Committee to call for the information in respect of S.No.3, 4, 10, 13 & 14 of the Standard Deficiency Format and re-list the case on 4.10.05.

Case No.:19/22/80-ALC2/2005


Meet No/Date:22/80-ALC2/2005 30.08.2005

Status:Case Deferred

HQ File :01/80/050/00581/AM06/

RLA File :04/24/040/00209/AM06/


09.08.2005 Defer Date:04.10.2005


Decision :The case regarding ratification of above advance license was considered by the ALC-II in its meeting No.22/06 held on 30.8.2005 as per the agenda. On the recommendation of the representative of the DIPP present in the meeting, it was decided by the Committee to call for the following information/clarification from the firm and re-list the case on 4.10.05:-

1. Specific quantity & description of the Export product. 2. Details of manufacturing/ value addition on the inputs. 3. Norms of consumption i.e. No. of components required for the manufacture of unit export product. 4. Information in respect of Sl.No. 14 of Standard Deficiency Format.

Case No.:21/22/80-ALC2/2005


Meet No/Date:22/80-ALC2/2005 30.08.2005

Status:Case Approved

HQ File :01/80/050/00589/AM06/

RLA File :05/24/040/00283/AM06/


09.08.2005 Defer Date:


Decision :The case regarding ratification of above advance license was considered by the ALC-II in its meeting No.22/06 held on 30.8.2005 as per the agenda. On the recommendation of the representative of the DIPP present in the meeting, it was decided to ratify the above advance license with the following modifications:-

1. The words �containing 1008 Kg. of Carbon Molecular Sieves � may be added after the description of export product No.1. 2. The words �containing 2000 Kg. of Molecular Sieves Siliporite� may be added after the description of export product No.2. 3. The quantity of import items may be allowed as applied for on net to net basis.

Note:- The import of components shall be permitted on net to net basis with accountability clause and the type, technical specifications (including part No. if any) etc. of the Components sought for import should conform to those utilised in the manufacture of the resultant product.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.


Case No.:22/22/80-ALC2/2005


Meet No/Date:22/80-ALC2/2005 30.08.2005

Status:Case Approved


HQ File :01/80/050/00590/AM06/

RLA File :05/24/040/00284/AM06/



Defer Date:

Decision :The case regarding ratification of above advance license was considered by the ALC-II in its meeting No.22/06 held on 30.8.2005 as per the agenda. On the recommendation of the representative of the DIPP present in the meeting, it was decided to ratify the above advance license with the following modifications:-

1. The words �containing 3640 Kg. of Carbon Molecular Sieves � may be added after the description of export product. 2. The quantity of import item may be allowed as applied for on net to net basis with accountability clause.

Note:- The import of components shall be permitted on net to net basis with accountability clause and the type, technical specifications (including part No. if any) etc. of the Components sought for import should conform to those utilised in the manufacture of the resultant product.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Case No.:23/22/80-ALC2/2005


Meet No/Date:22/80-ALC2/2005 30.08.2005

Status:Case Approved

HQ File :01/80/050/00592/AM06/

RLA File :05/24/040/00273/AM06/


09.08.2005 Defer Date:


Decision :The case regarding ratification of above advance license was considered by the ALC-II in its meeting No.22/06 held on 30.8.2005 as per the agenda. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the above license as per General Note No.4 for Engg. Product.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Case No.:20/22/80-ALC2/2005


Meet No/Date:22/80-ALC2/2005 30.08.2005

Status:Case Approved

HQ File :01/80/050/00585/AM06/

RLA File :04/24/040/00238/AM06/


10.08.2005 Defer Date: 24

Decision :The case regarding ratification of above advance license was considered by the ALC-II in its meeting No.22/06 held on 30.8.2005 as per the agenda. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the above license as per General Note No.4 for Engg. Product.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.


Case No.:24/22/80-ALC2/2005


Meet No/Date:22/80-ALC2/2005 30.08.2005

Status:Case Approved


HQ File :01/80/050/00600/AM06/

RLA File :05/24/040/00362/AM06/



Defer Date:

Decision :The case regarding ratification of above advance license was considered by the ALC-II in its meeting No.22/06 held on 30.8.2005 as per the agenda. On the recommendation of the representative of the Deptt. of HI present in the meeting, it was decided to ratify the above advance license with the following modifications:-

1. The weight of 7034 Kg. may be added in the quantity of export product. 2. The quantity of import item Nos.1 & 2 may be allowed on net to net basis with accountability clause. 3. The quantity of import item No.3 may be allowed as applied for. 4. The combined quantity of import item Nos.4 & 5 may be allowed within 0.4% of FOB value. 5. The quantity of import item Nos.6 & 7 may be allowed as applied for.

Note:- The import of components shall be permitted on net to net basis with accountability clause and the type, technical specifications (including part No. if any) etc. of the Components sought for import should conform to those utilised in the manufacture of the resultant product.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.

Case No.:25/22/80-ALC2/2005


Meet No/Date:22/80-ALC2/2005 30.08.2005

Status:Case Approved

HQ File :01/80/050/00587/AM06/

RLA File :11/24/040/00045/AM06/


11.08.2005 Defer Date:


Decision :The case regarding ratification of above advance license was considered by the ALC-II in its meeting No.22/06 held on 30.8.2005 as per the agenda. On the recommendation of the representative of the DIPP present in the meeting, it was decided to ratify the above advance license with the following modifications:-

1. The word �Coils� mentioned in the description of export product may be deleted. 2. The quantity of import item No.1 may be allowed as 20.063 MT. 3. The quantity of import item No.2 may be allowed as 6.625 MT.

The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.