NNotes & Guidelinesotes & Guidelines - Young Scot...Criminality: you could be committing a crime...

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Transcript of NNotes & Guidelinesotes & Guidelines - Young Scot...Criminality: you could be committing a crime...

PresenterNotes & GuidelinesNotes & Guidelines


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Hi everyone,

My name is __________ (brief background and introduce your team).

This is an 80 minute workshop and our job today is to encourage everyone

to talk about being online and the challenges this poses.

We’ll have some fun and learn some useful tips on

how to protect our reputation and to be safe online.

Honest conversation is all we ask!

We will cover 3 topics

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Everyone will see 3 short films

We will discuss these films and sharesome useful tips to stay safe online too.

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We’re going to use the World Caféto help us talk more about being online!

What is the World Cafe?

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And how does the World Cafe work?

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We do have a few rules so listen up!

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Now let’s have a warm up exercise to practice the World Café.

It will take 5 minutes.

And remember only one person is permitted to speakat a time with spokesperson taking notes.

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After 5 minutes, ask each spokesperson in turn to represent their groupand share the top 3 highlights of their discussion.

Engage the group and provoke a healthy debate!

You’re about to watch the 3 short films made by people our own age.

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Only one person is permitted to speak at a time.

Everyone else must actively listen and the Spokesperson must take notes!

Please discuss and answer all questions to all 3 films.

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Film Title: “Over exposed”

This fi lm was recreated in 2016by Police Scotland Youth Volunteers.

Original film created by Nicholas Chen and Edan Freiberger, winners of Trend Micro’s ‘What’s Your Story? film competition USA 2011.

All US winners can be viewed @ https://whatsyourstory.trendmicro.com/

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Ask the Spokesperson to represent their group and answer the above questions.

Engage the group in the conversation and provoke a healthy debateAsk more questions and dig deeper, for example:

Should employers do this? What if you were the employer?

Does everyone agree? Does everything you post become public?

What can we do to protect ourselves?

Hands up who knows about privacy settings on social networks

Does everyone understand the concept of tagging? And screengrabs?(discuss snapchat)

What can we learn from this?

Silence is golden, people will speak if you allow enough silence, it allows people to think.

Don’t be afraid of silence!

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Everything you post online becomesyour digital footprint.

Everything you share is permanent and could be made public.

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Film Title: “Message Sent”

This fi lm was recreated in 2016by Police Scotland Youth Volunteers.

Original film created by Adam Brant, Torrey Halversonand Caroline Stommes;

winners of Trend Micro’s ‘What’s Your Story? film competition USA 2011.

All US winners can be viewed @ https://whatsyourstory.trendmicro.com/

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Ask the spokesperson to represent their group and answer the above questions.

Engage the group and provoke a healthy debate:

What app is most commonly used for sexting?

Should we care about the long term consequences?

Any other possible dangers to sexting? Could it attract the wrong attention?

Could it lead to cyber-bullying? How/Why?

What can we learn from this?

Criminality: you could be committing a crime like‘posession and distribution of child pornography’

Silence is golden, people will speak if you allow enough silence, it allows people to think.

Don’t be afraid of silence!

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Sexting: If you encounter inappropriate images online and you are unsurewhat to do, talk to the police.

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Film Title: Hiding Online

This fi lm was recreated in 2016by Police Scotland Youth Volunteers.

Original film created by transition year students at Colaiste Na Toirbhirte, Cork; winners of Trend Micro’s ‘What’s Your Story? film competition,

Ireland 2012.

All Irish winners can be viewed @ https://whatsyourstory.trendmicro.ie/

You have 15 minutes!

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Engage the rest of the group in the conversation and provoke a healthy debate:Ask the spokesperson to represent their group and answer the above questions.

What is cyber-bullying?Intimidation, spreading rumours, name calling, abusive messages,

being targetted because of who you are, hate messages/mails/web-pages, online accusations, exclusion and isolation. It’s constant and doesn’t stop.

Why do people do it?Popularity, boost confidence, feel good, impress, perhaps they were bullied,

problems at home, abuse, addiction, lack of love/care. They often don’t realise the harmful consequences to the vitcim in the longterm.

Who is capable of bullying?Everyone in this room.

Who can become a victim of cyber-bullying?Everyone in this room.

How is the victim affected?Low self-esteem, depression, self-harm, can’t sleep, it can have a long lasting affect into adult life.

Why don’t people talk about it if they are being cyber-bullied?Fear, shame, embarrassed, guilt. . .

How come cyberbullying doesn’t get reported very often?People can be afraid that they will become a target themselves.

What should we do if we experience cyber-bullying ourselves? It is so important to talk to an adult you can trust.

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We hope you enjoyed this workshop!

We all have a role to play in our community to keep our family and friends safe online. Please take these Top Tips home today and

talk to friends and family about it.

We have feedback forms and would appreciate if you could take 5 minutes to complete them for us.

Thank you for your engagement!

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Supporting documentation:

• Roles and Responsibilities

• Information and Support for teachers and students

• Presenter guidelines and useful tips!

• Our Top Tips for being online

• Questions for World Café break out session

• Feedback Form

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Roles and Responsibilities

• Presenters x4: to deliver the presentation. (Would also recommend 2 backup presenters). Presenters should practice several times and be comfortable with it.

• Technical manager: ensure sound, lighting and visuals are in full working order prior to presentation. Also ensuring the correct slide is displayed while presenter is speaking.

• Event Managers: 2-4 persons to ensure all activities are carried out:

o If you have a library/special room that can be booked in advance,make it happen.

o Ensure room is set up prior to meeting and put back afterwards.

o Break up groups of friends by creating a seating plan.

o Put the “Do not Disturb” sign on the door and remove afterwards.

o Print, distribute and collect feedback forms.

o Print Top Tips and distribute at end of session.

o Store all programme material/information pack together for ease of access for next time.

• Programme Manager: 1 person to oversee this programme

o Ensure everyone has a role that is clearly understood.

o Conduct a trial run to ensure everything will run smoothly.

o Determine dates and communicate event details to everyone.

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Information and support for teachers

Should a student wish to talk to a trusted adult after the session, it is important to identify suitable teaching staff/group leaders within the school/organisation, who are aware of the programme content, that they can confide in. The presenters in turn should inform each group who that person(s) is. It is also important to communicate the support groups below to students.

Information and support for students

The below information can be put on the school/organisation website or in a location where young people are most likely to see them. All students should know about this information and where they can find it.

• www.respectme.org.uk – National approach to anti-bullying for Scotland’s children and young people

• www.getsafeonline.org – Internet safety and crime prevention advice

• www.cyberstreetwise.com – Internet safety and crime prevention advice

• www.thinkuknow.co.uk – Child protection online advice / Public portal to report suspected child abuse online

• www.youngscot.org – National youth information and citizenship charity

• www.scotland.police.uk – Police Scotland

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Your Be-smart information pack will include:

• Be-smart Presenter notes and guidelines booklet

• Laminated “Do not disturb”message (to be placed on the door to keep disruptions to a minimum when presentation is taking place)

• The Be-smart presentation in prezi format

• ‘Top Tips for being online’ flyer: This must be printed and given to the group once the programme has been delivered

• Questions for the World café breakout sessions

• Feedback forms

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Presenter guidelines and useful tips!

The art of facilitation and presentation can be daunting but follow the below guidelines to help you build your confidence. And remember, it will get easier the more you do it!!

Ø Practice, Practice, Practice! Be prepared and know your content…

Ø Be yourself: If you know what you’re talking about, then you won’t have to repeat everything word for word from the script. Just say it in your own words, in whatever way that makes you most comfortable. You will come across most natural this way too! (You can always have them on postcards in your hand as backup).

Ø Peer To Peer learning is what this programme is all about! Remember your goal is to promote open debate. You want people to voice their thoughts and opinions out loud. In doing this you are raising awareness about the topics for everyone else in the room.

Ø Connect with the audience (positive body language, smile, dig deep by asking more and more questions).

Ø Active listening => Make it fun (have a sense of humour!)

Ø Stay Neutral, be respectful.

Ø Paraphrasing => will get attention (repeat what someone said and allow a pause afterwards).

Ø Don’t Panic! Remember that no one knows what you are going to say next.

Ø Don’t lecture them, engage them in conversation.

Ø Your presence: Keep still; try not to fidget as it can be very distracting.Make eye contact.

Ø Your voice: Take deep breaths; speak out loud to ensure everyone can hear you.

Ø Never spoof! If they ask you a question you’re not sure of. Simply say that you’re not too sure – ask the class for their input – engage them. If nobody can help you to answer the question simply tell them that you will find out and get back to them.

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Key factors for a successful presentation

1. Voice 2. Movement 3. Body language

1. Voice

• Be natural, so your rhythm and tone is appropriate to the message you are delivering.

• Speak with feeling, convey confidence and show interest in what you are presenting.

• Speak slowly and clearly enough that everyone in the audience can understand every word.

2. Movement

• If possible ‘work the room’.

• Move appropriately and with purpose.

• Don’t move constantly, pause for effect, and stand still to make an important point.

• Do not stand in front of presentation.

3. Body Language

• Stand straight, but not stiff.

• Be relaxed but not lazy.

• Make good eye contact - 3/5 seconds per person.

• Watch your hands, arms and gestures.

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Before the presentation

• Practice, Practice, Practice! Be prepared and know your content.

• Time yourself.

• Memorise the first two minutes.

• Think positive thoughts – visualise yourself feeling at ease with the audience.

• Use affirmations (I can do this. I am prepared. It will go well).

• Make sure all equipment is working properly.

• Remember that the people in your audience want you to succeed.

During the presentation

• Actively listen, focus.

• Stay neutral, be respectful.

• Paraphrasing.

Encouraging discussion

• Ask open ended questions – questions that cannot be answered with a yes/no.

Ø What are your thoughts on ….?

• Remember silence is golden give people enough time to answer.

Awkward situations

• Disruptive side conversations:

– Quietly walk over; stand next to the people speaking, ask them to be quiet.

• Getting the full attention of the room:

– Use sounds or visual. (You can have fun here getting peoples’ attention!)

• Conversation Hog:

– Thank the person for their contribution then point to someone else and ask for their comments.

• Questions you cannot answer

– It’s ok to say that you don’t know. Ask the audience. You can always follow up with an answer later.

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1. Learn, be inspired and do great things online. Check out our resources page www.choicesforlifeonline.org

2. Protect your online reputation; it’s as good as your real life reputation

3. Think before you post; ask yourself ‘why am I posting this?’

4. Be kind online: don’t post something that may upset others

5. Get their permission first before you post an image of someone else

6. As a parent, is it right to post images of your child online without your child’s permission?

7. Use the highest privacy settings on social networking sites

8. Never share your passwords with anyone, not even your best friend

9. Never share personal information online; phone numbers, photos of your credit card, home address, holiday information

10. Like to chat online? Use a fun name, not your real name!

11. If you encounter something online that makes you feel uncomfortable, talk to a trusted adult

12. If something online sounds too good to be true, it probably is

13. People lie about their identity online all the time, be cautious about who you accept as friends

14. Think before you click: that mail may contain malware (virus) that could harmyour device

15. Always use up-to-date security software on all devices you use to connect to the Internet

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Best of luck!


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