~~nm~r~ Mmnr~ -...

Post on 28-Feb-2019

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Transcript of ~~nm~r~ Mmnr~ -...

~ I. Local ~nd other Items. _ ........... _,_........__ .............

-Tho S S 'Vaojlu .. ro." Cftpl Pik~, proceedeto J "'brRdor for a cargo o! herri,9g. She Ieana ~ !llondaJ

- The S. S. ()>7Mcript with LabrAdor maile is expected to reach this port to..;mot·row after· noon at ·2 o'clock.

-- I -PERSONAL-The Receiver Gcoerftl, Lhe lloo

\\' J S l>OuneUy aril"ed iu t-owo Jet~rday He ldl Cot sr Jo.hu'a by ~hie otOMiiog'il \rnio.

- Tbs aebolare attending• the ·' Preebyterian s~bbath School of \bluowo were ,O"cn their IUJ·

ou11l trt,st at 1Jo11o1a 6eld on 'rueadaJ lut The day wai a f&t'or&ble ODe, and the OCCMiOD WU Qlucb enjoyed .

Tbe c!llldreo of Moaquito 0 . of E. Saoday Ecllool are to bo gino their a.ooual picuio at that plaae ou TaeedaJ DOZ& ---

- PZ11-10N4L -Our young to~·meman, M.r. L:unout Pat.eraon, here for a fflw weeks p».at ou t\ "'-it to bia ftieuue, left by Thursday's 11&111 ror St. John'•· Be takea pnEsage for ~l llu treal ~r at•mer Miran4cr., ~.rwume his nH"Iical a~udiea at McGill Uni~lty. We wi.d• him a brilliant career in the noble pro• fc..,.ion, • ·

-~erohaotablt ftab le qaeted a' lt:-60 per quiu t•l. Tbe oatoh J!onoeforth at J:..bn.dor aod thu Graud 1\aalta wltl aot have a Yery appreciable ciJcot ia lowerioa ~aotatlooe, .. omfna t bit:tocb oarob will be large, beoauae of the dlfBotUtyiUJd l ~ n ..:rb of time takeo lo the fall of the J8al' 'to cu r~ it. 'fhe probebilitioe, cnoreo•er, are tba~ t :;., &3ko of tbe ataplo, whbin that time, trill not i~ocreus tho t.ot~>l voya~ra to an elUen' beJond wh&t is dilcoaoted. .What.ver tD4J b& tbt chaocea Of fllh iOIDil OYOl' tbe fl~UtO ~noted, there aro fe• of itt t \!llinll anylo•er.-Tmgram.


-A FAT•L DRoWst~ll ACOIDitNT oo Wcdou­

-A llp6Cial mia arri"d bere iQ.'rJ"y "t l .SO p m A ~~ Mackey, IIAcJ •• M~na,er Noble, aarf Mr nd Mre A1H se,moar came p&IIIDJ(ert b, h

a -- "' I -C~tCKET.-The Shamrock Ulnb won t.h('

wh~hf\11 heLwf)t)n ~he TerN Nova and thaL Cl\\b, ~At St. To)m'a on Tbunda7 last-win­ning by 28 rona. ·

-We reprint to-day tbe aoooaot of the la&e Cathedr~~l tiro AIUlouRh tbe blue of W edueeda1 ltUJt '11'&1\ the laf'$lell onr printed by ua, atlll wo were uuble to aapplyall the demand. • \Ve tboreCore rca>ubliab

-A wl'storn ho11t belon$ting to Mt. B~trroLt , of Spaaiar~'s &y, IU'riveu on· Tb1,1l'8Uil)' lo1.8t, from L'lhmdor. She has 250 q,la, of flab. taken at F~~trwyard IsJand3, ne"r Ca!te li"r· rigan. · The roports brow:r;ut b7 thia cnft are, we are sorry to say, not (&\'Orable.

-A. large nu:nbflr of l>nnkera nro about in queat of hni~; and ice. Thoa·e are sa\·eral at Westem Bay w itin~ for squid, b~tt of lluue very few can l>c haul there. Our bankers, too, are delayed, waiting for new11 of bait. lee is scarce, and 'here ia ~reat difficulty in aecl1r· ing supplies. The dealers in Oarbonear are aold out. The price aaked now is, we bcr lieve, 814 per ton.

-BT 1 AorBOIITT-Bie EscelleooJ tbo Gov-. eroor, in Couoeil. bu been pleued to appoint Mr. John Tilley, to be a merpber of. the Button· Hole C-ove and ~tpRet't Harbor Road Board, Dlltriot Twilllugate ; and' l\Jr. Jqba EllioU,(C.:o• fiead), to bb a member of !be Road .Board for 'l'williogate b laoda.,

Seoracary'a Omoe; Sep•. 8. 1889.-Gueue.

-Pi1o's Cure for Cou~aurnptloa aod Pito'· Re~dy for Cau.rrb are eold b7 W. H: Tbompe aon & Co .• Harbor Grace.

cl~y neniog oocurred at St. Jobo'a, ootaide lbe -To TUE Uur-A. \)IJIOn oa~ of D~oeu ~ srrowa. Abcnt 6 o'oloolt it "eema, a boat coo. and ooiaea in tbo bead of 23 yeare tt&odaog by ta ini n~t three mea pu~ off from Meura J~>b, Broa.' a . aimple ronutdy. will •e1'J a deeorlptioo of I' wh.•rf for Hlaekbead. When about b111f way to n&e to any· Pengo who appllea t.o NlOBOLION, thei r deatloatioo oua of tbe men. aomebo·N or SO St. J obn Stao.:t, 1\L<nHril&l. · Jth~r . fell overboard aod one of hie oomradN io --rt~~blog over the aide of tho boat io 1\ vain eo· _Ria Ex:cellenoy' G overnor 0' Brien hu J,•H.•ur to reacuo bim, loat bit batanoe aod been la t.clv fln a viBit to several of tbe ottt­t . :. .•d ioto tbe treacherou.a aurf. h •u blow· portJt. t n. H . :ll. s. Emcrn..ld ho, .we. under. t hl( ' .:\It at tbe ume and bo tb moo were drown- ~ cl , ,1. '!'heir oarnea were J orewiab d ealey aud Rtt\nd, Cllollc<l in at Oa.tt\lma, ruut7 an ll o~h .. •t !\Iurpuy. T bo aunivor ie au old mao E eart·s Coocent, arriving at the lut--named o llltd .\lurpby. Hnaaah11d Blaclt~ad all rlgbt, ~l .. co in £LM:,S.. Emertdd at 12 3Q !8!~•1· ., here bo told tbe aad tAla of tbe lou lK b£i two Thence he wen!J t.o 1"8 t;be tiah b&tobery a t comrade~. Botb of the unfo1tuoalo moo wort! 'Dildo; ho joined thP truin at }3road Covo thiB 10uri"d aud leave fnl411let. . Jno • niug .ell ro l.lU for St. J olm'a. We 1 r\llt

_WELL RKCit\'£~; two Hoonlal.\ u"l ! tha~ Hi¥ Excellency much onjo7ed . ~ia abort e..n.lidatea ooutione to be well reouived in au ui r I cnw,e, llnd tbiU litt retuan11 to lbA oaptt.lll well c~cnu tbroogh t llat iwportao' diatrio t, A '! pl('u!Wld therewitL. By thu JtU.t. All&u K•nll• Oo"e dupatoh of Thurada1 uys r loa l eloamer t.ha Gov~rnor and Wy )Pil\'81 for l teura Morine aod Morl1on arrind tl•tre from H alitu ; 1bey will be abl&'' 11bout t.hree U JDnYiata 7t1terday. There waa a Jrtllt rllaplay weak. ol buntloa io uooor of thei r arrinl. UUtiDi the • --dal· rnpy Yiaited tlre oelllbbotloa MHiemeutt aod -FOREST l'rKt,. '" TBI 8T4T&:s.-AI~IU, Aug brt .: mee1ioge at Keele and Urot!.J Cove. 28.-Poreu 1\re~> 118ar Ompnt. broke oa' oa tbe Everywhere they recelnd a iplendid race(ltloo,• 2Srtl Ollltlw t., aod harued t•«l d&JI. oaualntr Mri· Qlh l met witb no ~~oaltion. Tbey bold l meet. O\l& damall•· . los l &.li~ olaht. Tbere waa a larQe orowd Ia at. -OapltRUata "'' •ndell\'Outloq In looorpon~e " laud, nee. ootwltbetAudioa tbe fact tba' many ftU OCJntpaoy at Wh!Jllugton. N. c, fur UHI mauu­••"Y lo the fleberiea, Bo~b wero well r~olvt~. tao~re or 'qine dllra tJaaaiag ftr ool~u balu

:~~~r~.~~!~a~1~~7 ;.0o~rei~~: :~di7~r ~h~Ul~eld •• . :e::: 1 t -- By·Telegraph.

-ALL Ptn Utn-l'he tJDQnlderitli ember• o( tbe Cathedral tir• w•rf es:~iugoiabod bf wa~r oo Mood•y Tbe1oulldadoo· walla are macb dl•· ft~1red, aod, '' I.e belfnld, moab dR:nA,td b7 lllv bllat o& t.be oooftatrt&loa Nooe of tbe 1'ttdta bav~~ b11110 Injured

T:oi iot.rtor of &be Oatbedral lt an• &It ua. elj!!otly h~p or raTa• All tbo doo~ hUll bneo ~o ... d up, -itb the exception of 0110 tn tbe l lllf'fo traeupb No perton lt •tlo.,rA loalde, ,._,rio .: tbe flllhn~ of aoy wall or otbor part T ile. tctou oa thct grol(n~ ~ppeua lone &'Qr\ di!,olate, tbe we! i t preaooLina Ia grltq ud wetd upe.o~

Unri.: o( the "~~ M"loM ba .. b .. D belci '" tle \ co law1 Hall P•lnr foaocl. uoaottnle for lLc r.cc~ :nmnJatiOD Of I l~a ~~Q)ber o( l •8TWODil, the Tot •I A bl!tineoce l:Jall &t l!OW heloi 6\tell u p. ~~od u at!• •n1 tMI1_for Ule \"tended pamoae 'tho ~npla •utqf .. lly are llllt w madh looou•enieoco, iod wilt be .v uatll 1\ liO" Cbutcb be buil' .. ,. __ w~ hn•o si~O& ... Wedoetdar bad on& arrival

at this tlOI'\ '-$Q4b tqt Baaki-Meura. John Muun 4t Cv.'" s..:booner JJ~ M. Capt. Day, i he o:a.ue iu yeaterday and balled ~l' 210 qua ' l'he report. btoaah~ b7 tbia "81:'4 t.' that fl ~~ at. U~ U foa&Ml in abllDdllloCt, bu~ \)' ·ina ~ .0• ' 'J; ot b&llt qe>tldal could he done. dqWd known to be ~ &be gr.") Uft~ ~ qaq dftibt for "-h eould uo~ \le j&apd. V too, In 'larloul clirc-otivof ~rtiiCi IOU'CMt,

M.....,B.;~Io..-...er J, W. Ilflla1t, 1'. ,•rriv&d here \bia aw~ CtQ1D a., where abe put iu 7~110 .... .,., «Sa r ... makina. ~ll'l l~odicl ~ 4U. ,.,., l'tpCIN of tbe J. lf. ~ INI\ JJ•i/4' • ... of o&btr leltoonet'&


.,.--.~,__ , ::it M' 6 -fhe pollee tlrud 9U 1\ orowd Of etrJkera

•bo "crro oblttruaalnt~ the l0•1diu of IIMIIlON, faulty wMJuclto.c unt. J,o it ooderatootl tbat ooe ,.,,. wu,..a_.,. haa oot~oerled ao adnooe to bls emplot-. 11tlto ,....u.,lld. work to•dty. Trcab~ ln l.'Jote oootlnu. 1'he h•ttob MinltlJJ baa ordered omeiale aud

df~!atta:u~o&a noa ~ rOC06foue t he ~odidature of Bowaa&W'• DUiop aad Kochefor~.

Lord Z.tiAnd becom1• Lord LltuteDID' of .Ueland on October ht.

De8tlra.othe ftooda bAt't oooQrtod Ia Huoaary Sen. 6.-·Cbaplla bat b.ten appolote4 Atlolater

ot A~trloolure for ~elSmlab Cabinet. Flood a io .Mexico dntro7•d 11 bole •iliA£: ea. J)oulaoger dem•oda a trial by Co11r' Q}artlal ;

Ill promt... ~o appear per~DillJ belore the Oollrt.

The at~Ulpt to orjfaaae a aeoeral ehike •• :London fail~. ,_'be doolt trouble& are ali ll an· .. ,u~.

The Shah jompe~ tbroagh the wlodow of ~be .rali••J oaft&act 1 b.fd•ll o• tbe mad: .he wa1 Ia elttteme daqer. , . , 1

San. 7-Ttw. Loa~ ttrlu Ia nta~lJ · Ot'lr. .OOmpaelea reaeraltr ooeoede toatrlhre' deuode

l .. rriba. &te '' •••rp. lc oomme ... d at a .cartrtd~• '"'ll.'J 1 ....a,. •-1• .. a •lab&f tbou•od l)(,mle of peWolnlll banu Sbook•~ earlhqlllk•~" beeu '-'' la WtelMD

:J'raooe • i'ilt.b1 ''1e member to' Cbaa.~. it cfea4 _1 • Cblr.. b ... aeaoU.Mcl I }~ll of fort7 auUloa

dollar• at llauab~~ta;

-·-- .. 'fHI!; follo ~tin~ pro•tsion "-• Gahle Vua •

oro publiah~u for lj)e iuJorell&ido of l'ablic :- · ' '

Sec 1-No\peraon ah:\ll hunt . lliU.woaed talre ,.,n, pnrehnae. cw ~rive.A•ey. • .... ia hie f'OII· '•'U'on. ftoy Willow. GMOM, ODbai'NDIJ eal&.d J 'artridJte. or aoJ t>~hl\r It ind (II: Qloue.• or .,., nthor wjll}. or· mirratOrJ .. Wild (ieeao). , or the 0£!1:8 of *tt'bin this CJolony. f~n•n the p~;~~~~~---jijiif the FHtoenlh day of St~ year. nl' het .. ecn th~> Twelfth lhe Fifteenth rlav of SeptC)IOIMr Ia eae~ enc­c:&edin(l yrar. under " peal\ltT1)f nor uoMdloa­One Hundred Uollftrs. or in <t.fanlt of pAJment of iaDpriaonmout for a period l:lo' esceedln~ 'l'u~a Mootha. • • · '

Sec 2- ~o person ahnll hnt\ tdi l , -.ouud or take 'In · f err • i:h' n tho f>('nh\anlll of A •ulon. frol'() the pu~in 11 of 1hi1 Act until the Jo'ITteentlo tfay of Sept mbr~. whioh will bo iu t he year nf Onr Lorrl l)no Tboulltlnd giubt Uht!droo aod ~iKhty-Nino. uuder n pena.lty not;exoelldira~t Two llnodred Ooll11ra. nor laM thi\n l':ifty Doll""

.for eycry ofT.,not~ ag;ainat tbia Act., and lo default

.of paJapeot. to lm1tri10nment fnr a period uot oxoeedio~ Tbree Moolll\a • '

Seo S-Anyq~-~llon within th& Penl~la nf Anion Aelllnu or e~j\Oaln "" fuf_ t~~~le, ·'pa'r~haein,l.' or ~viog •~ny, or beioll In ~oue..t~•bf any Oeer or \'eotsnn. nnd ohft"J&d \Vltb ao! cffeMe uaainat chi• Acl. ehall ba do~tn ed 1.0 be aollty of the ,..lle , un lei! ho pro•O't~ each Deer or V.-ni11on rdu• rt.\HI wuru kil\~ •or taken oa ho~r­win t!o:ul with i>1 t ill lin.ile or clatiia 11f0tt111aid

Sec •1-:'\ o poreon ll~llll IJun~. take. till. wound or tleAc.roy rui .V Ulaolc Gam•,.;r~apetCtlillale . or other camo blrrlf oow 01' bereal,el'lo be lm!)"rtarl io\0 tbia Colooy: oor 1\'ue Ua bt. JlotMUioa. take. or dN1toy the ea~r~ 'df~~ny of ao· h Uirda foa the J.eriod of Fivl' Yea.n · from thu Fir•• dtlJ or llllnary. Ooe ' l'boUI&Dil · ~·~lot tioodrcd Ant.l .l!!l,tht.y. 'i~t Pennlty 1101 eu~,d iDil Two H nnrlretl 11or ltiaa tlun J.'ifty Dollars

All offonlfera agam~~ this co will bo proao· oated.

~ '!!. fL BEN~ETT. Stipml/tar,y iHn_Qi~lratt fi>' '1\'fot

Hnrbot G1ac:c Newfouut.l lt~nd,) • SApt 6. 18 9 t .

Kendrick's ~ure ! '

NATURE's Remedy tor all SuMMER Co~PLAINTS. ~'or Children

and Adult's. Usc it promptly. Pure ly Vegetable. Agreenble to tt\ke Safe and eftPctual The best known R-emedy for C:.loLJ.;nA, 8aoun~A Moa· BUB, CRAMPS ~ud PAINS lN Tau Bow-ua Priee 25 cents ' ' --w II TUO~tP~ON c\ ' (',ct, H"'b"r Cfrt~M

U&El '

~~nm~r~ Mmnr~ llf!ORall SUMMERC JldPLA[NTS ~ .CHOLERA. QRAMPS and PAINS IN THE B :>WELS, DIAR&. li<EA Purely Vegetable and ~eat· ant ;to take 8olc1 01 Deale~ -price 16 cent.a

Crai"!-: i)s, ChiHs, Colic, Diarrhcaa, f

Dyse.!1tcry, Cholera - rJlo1·bus anct·alt ·Bowel Ccrnplaints,


ANb •

49 'V<J~ rs' t..:xparlonce prov e:-; ·~h:J~ :-t:::;·".~ ':)f\. V!S'

P A : [\!- r<ILL€P. !st~e oeet :-.:1m;;./ i.<.;r. ,_dyfor

Bruises. Spra;ns, Rheumatism,4 Ncu1·algi~

and Toothacn~ •

Sold Everywhere at 25c. and 50c. a Bottle. I s- Boware of Counterfelts and worl.i:lc::-t /ml~·atfons. "a

--- ... -;--l

a ·



I Tb• 2,:~:.::b7; u,. •. ! : n .... ~;.:~ .~~ ::~~~:;;,~~ ~:m i.ng,. Ill 1 lte (JI ca I 1 ,10 •• • • • • •• • ••• 1.1•110 t. llOO

WEDNESDAY, l7t.h 4 rlo ···· ····· ·•· .'il 'l) 3~ ~('iJOO 8 b

1" l{t! I E·tlltt!• . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . :lou " eptum er, ~r l 1-'urr.:t ,;~ .. S~•e ............ ... 2UO ti.OOO

Unol .<r !he plltronn~o or A I) 1 Iii) do ..... .... . ..... 100 G.QOO llle HPv 1-'nthe r. t .., p m . ) :!•nl ( .o i<J. \\'nrt•h'-'" •.•. ... ... . . . flO 10.000

L '\bl'll&. l'RIZB:>, , y ;\ Ll' ~ :Jcrt"' !), , vN \\ 1Ucb~a .. . . .. .. ... . .. 10 10.000 • •- jl 1;uu I'Mit· ~ :-.~'~" ....... . ... . . . . .... . IS 6.000

E.!tt.bllJ!\tod io 1 4, $ -o 000 00 T IOXETB • • - - • • $1.00 aoder tlfo 1\ct of Qur· b ' . , 1 Offlltlil ll r (l tU:lcl to odl wiooera lo p:ly tbelr t'I&C, 8~ . Vio:. obne :-;~ ; rriz~. cn~h . '·· • ~< n oo·u:uis .too of 10 p c. fo~ tbo bl!n;lt~of t .h• n •. s <.:a{)ilw.l Prizo- Ollll Heal• \\ in ru!rn' no.mes not publiiloed uuleasapcciolly oacc::t\n Sot:u!lll'l of Cui- t £arace. 1\'0 H h ~ntborlz, .. i ooizt~t\pMr 1\ ruiuc\'1 ~5 000 Qof'Q ~ !-; 1-: L T:FI.: t VR.L;, Secretary. of Qnebeo. '- ' • I Ollie""· 19 .:r. Jo\IIH'II l'lfl't'f. ol lll\ l tt'AI. Ca.

~brch71yow - --- -.

T HE •

m I n o. would call attention to thatr Manufactures for the sea-

son of 1889.

()UR STANl)AL{D E-ll~RI{ll 'G NI£TS, 40 to 60 Rans, made from the "Sl~c p:u·d Gold Medal'' 14/ 6 Twines, now almo3t exclusivd y adopted in the Marit ime Provinces.

C()l), C:\.PL.It 1- & l- El{l-tirJG SEINE~. Mercbnnt and F~hen~an ,can depend ~pon getting n So.ine from US that will 6ah well, handle easily, a.nd weat· satlstC:oturily. ·

Tha B~k Fishermen arc now usi11g lnrge quantities of out• "t

"Al\IEI\.ICAN" · Bl{ .L~l 0 OF LINES lightly and evenly tarred, . . .

, COTI'ON NETTING iu Sheets, fot' Winter 'York and Repail'l.

•' S:EEPARD . GOLD MEDAI.t" ·TWINES, soft Half.Pntent and P atent, AllsizP.s. .

'WE nrc now pt'epnrcrl to apply nll r h~ above ~ood nt short notice f.Uld ourNewfoundloud pa\trons ca1, rely upon LOW'E~T R.\TES. Cor .. reapondence solici ted and samplt!a che~1·Cul1y givcrt.

ESTASLISEfED 1842. CAPITAL $860,000 • H1ghoat a~nrd at Botton, 18691 I::>hHadelphia. 1816, L ondon Filb~

arioa Exhibition, 1888. · ' · . t \ \ . ~ . American Net· & Twine Co!,.

Htt7ps..OffiM, 84 Commercial St., j .~.Vtw York 0./fics, Bo~ 199 Fulton St7"6et.

, .

- ---

. Q R - Absolutely Pure.

. This powder oori! r \•aric~ A marvel of pur· ity , atreogtb antl wholcsollwoesa.- More econo· mical tbnn the ordiuary ldnda, nod cannot. be •old in competition with t ho multitude of low t~ t. abort u•cight. alum or phoepbato pownora. .\{Jld rmly (n C(liiJ-Hb r AL DAKJ:\0 P OWDER Co., 106 \\'~tll -Rt red . • . Y, t\pl2l .ly


Assurance Compa,ny 0 1,' LONDOK.


Sunscr.tnEo ' APITAL ... .. . . ,£2,000,000 atg. T uTAL I~vx TED Fo~DII t:P·

WARD OP' . .. . . .. "\' """ . .. • .. 2,7!)0,0u0 •• A NNU.\L lsCOllE UPWARDS OF 500,0(\0 11

Tbt~ " GUARDIAN" being a t.irs t cla11 En:zhsb lnHutnnce Cou1punv offers a ll those ttJ vantagea ruost deairublo · to' ins urec·s viz.; undoubted s tul>ility , fu,·orllble Tetme and prompt sstllorucnt to cluime fo1· lou.

The undersigned bHi.tg been appoinlrci Agents for Newfountilnn<.l Ill'!' p repAred to is­sue Policica <~gain !lt loss by !"ire.

._ J .D n:s S WI~TF.R, St. J ohna.

JO . EP H O• • DD EN, ~n l•· .\;:tent .J-1 r . G ntcl'.

NORTHERN Assurance Company.

}1:STA.UL I~HELJ 1 H.%.

l.ll ~7 l:<• l::-.i , I, .\IOu lWA!,E STH EET, EC .\ 111-:HDEEN : 1, U~IOX.TERRACE.

!SCI>)I E A:SD FO.SDS (188i): Fire Premiume .... ..... . .. ....... ....... £607 ,000 L ife Premiums .. ......... , ............ J97,000 Interest . .. .. . . ................... . ... . ... 143,000 Acoumula ted Funds . . .............. £8.421,000

l'ne undcr&il{ncd is err. power ed to e tfect in-11'1 rtHlC£-11 on ~> II kiuJtt of P e·cpet ty in New­t'llu udltlnd nt curreut H1Hes of Premium.

The llUovo · Coropant i 11 II' e ll known for it• l iber~lity and promptneaa In 11e ttling lo~~&ea.

Proepectuaes, F o rma of Application 101 Fire aatl Life Inaurnn::e, aud all o ther ln· torlUiltion Clln be ;:,btained a t the office ot

A . 0. HAYWaRD, ST. J oaN's,

Ag~nt (or :.\ ' ewtoundland. W. H . T HOMPSON,

Su.b.~gmt fo.,. llarbo,. (j1'tz.«

Queen Insurance Company. 0APITAL-£2, tJOO\ 000 Sterling

- ..-TWENTY-~J:'. J.W ,<\~iU.\.L U EPORT. £he Repu,'\.<c 1\ou A·:.coun ta i(lr the year

1886, preaanted to the hareholdew ll t tblf A nnual }[eGI.ing, on TLtJ. ·;utny 5e'fl May 1887, ahowed in the

FIRE BRAJ.:-UH, That the P remiurua for l8R6, alter tleduo4

ting .Re·ioa tJ.nae•, Jwtontued t-6£601,649, ·and the L ee .. t o £3~8,49(. ; or 08.76 per oent.

That "Ne\• Po ciew ba.d bet,n isaned for l2lS8,990, yieldiu in premium .£9,916. and t hat the t.()tl'l 11·6"' cmium lnooruc; waa £82,t 814. 'l'h!l the paymJ)Jttlt' t.o poltoy· holden we re £4~d' the Life tand wu increall&d by .£40,003. ·

Tbe :&lance llt OrPdit ot P rofit and Lou, after .QdiDtJ £23,000 to fhe Fire .ll'und, wu abown. to .. mouot to .£18i,196 10• 4a, and wu cUt~ of 111 folio•• :- ~ · · I#I,OOG 50 11'or DlvideD.du4 Bonu

1e,701 11 o .&4cl4i4 t.o .....,.. J'un4, AD4 eo,-e a. "OUriec1 tonran\.

-TI:l~ l'.UND::l '~ to .talud ... r.,uowa

• IJ&rll:lalo.i.~ ..... ._J· To b .. ID&Idea.,_., ,

J'JQ ... ,, ID"9f, ~ .... ... . ,.,.. drof ..... , ...... . u~. broob for all-&belr adrtb

Art DO' blJtbe II .... . ' Gl•• me wbat tbe lon it worlb

'l'ba' I aftt tbM.

• Speech that oanao' be foreboroe Tell• the etorr tbou,b 1

· l10wed mJIOfl lo wltb the oorn, Aod tber botb lf"IW.

Count the worlcl foil wide of l(ittb, And blted booeJ aweet,

But oouot tbe Jete of more worth Laid at tby fNe.

" Mooe.J'I worth Ia bouae aud land, Velvet ooAt aod flit,

Work'• worth Ia bread lo b.aod, Ay. and ewoet rtet

Wilt thou leero wbat Joyo I• wortb9 Ab ! ebe eite •boYe,

Slflbing, • Weurb me oot with earth, Lon'• worth le Jon.'"

Js.ot bonow.

-+--B:r .ruUu BJ,'tfthorue. -OIIAPTER I.-(< !Jntlnu~o.) The • oncloactl' wu eome horrible nub •bout

a mao who came to London wltb twopence aod dlod worth a million. .Ae to the thirty pouode belni 1\ eucp of cpppey, what did aha euppoae I iOJaQlned I~ to b&-!-a uo~ o' potatoea?

Well. the reopJlecuiop of tplelppldeot failed to dltpal my miaai•toat, •Ad tll4t pfaht . J •rot.e t.o Mary te llloa ber that J would ,ae b11r father at ooce, but that until I bad done •O 1be 1ra1 t~ keep our enjlaaement .eoret. Aod I weut to bed with dupair at f!JY heart.

J toalltd ebop~ all olabt, aod bad bat abort aod fl tfnl iotonale of el,_p. lo the UlOroinl( I wo~alo a biJlb atato of ferer. "rp,c.l) py frequent fits of eh iverio~r aqd el~oollna pa1PI all 01~r ,pat. 1 aeot n tPloartuu to m.J dooSQr tlld theo •eJJt ba.ck to bed.

F or three mootbt 1 wu lain up wltb a ~noger· oue rh l'umatic fner In the early at/1(18 J bad found it ueceuary to take Edward Hold Into my coufirlf'D08, t.nd be bad regnlart1 coovered tid. io11a of m.t co ldary, who, poor f(lrl, IUft'ureJ urievouely for my nje. Her meuajlel ~tne me he/Ill nod etrengtb, bpt mr prp~tratiou waa jlrf'llt nnd the pttrOIJIIP~ of p•l.o fr~!}UtJJ~. ~t ~~~L tbe mu~clt'e of the •broa; "'r~ al,feoted, ftiHl J .could n.lil)le r l'l\1. drlnlt oor alup J..audaoum waa ad­ml•li.alerod io lar11e and lncrP111Inll J,lp&l!l, but I o.,.erbutci my dear frittod, Georae Vivi4~. lilY doctor, any oat day ;

· 1 f he ie not beuer iA f9TIT·elgbt hour a it le all orf'r wltb blm.'

.\ly nunt .Johano& wae oot the eole ptliJeuor of the purot conaututloo. 1t ran lo the f.unily Tberf'forll , feeble and near to death 111 I wu, l m:~rle 1tp my u}jpd th&t 1 would pull through There ''"""r wu a ~ipdtr onr:ta th11o wizened, uoconth Mre <Jrulllp (~!" ij~o~wan'a mnruml . fled nuistant b41fore OICIPHOJtecf) torP.o4 ,q.ut to be Tha birl'd ouuo Will u cai\4UI ltPd roplljtii&Jlt p nfntj out of ten of her clue are ; bttc Mril· l:rJlWp. who woultt Jud me •l•llt the profeulou•l ~op" t:er dally aur~. "'"' • ray of 1uuabloe lo tb"' room. Sbe traa JlWtJI 8ood buwored an.d hopeful : the tmootbed tpt p jllowe, rataed my liPan or .. rranaed &be bed tllh loll, IIJtbteet of h"nrl11. Ufteu did 1 ao••am for Otr fr~PR ~e hired DUrie Will canaiDI( me t.be !DOll ,011~ ptf~ by her rongh haodllor. N urue are boru, bbt mads. But~~~ tbe belt I bad • bard time of h. Thou who fall 11Q)t In obambere are apt to eat. for grieyouely. )lorJ J~&D oooe druloa thoee forty. elgbt hourel feartd ttl~ Jh~t parro' OOPiti• tutlon would be woreted after all .

Howner. tbey paeeed, aod I wae DO~ dJid re~. I beaao to medd alowly ba~ aurel7, th11 •mproJ•· ment wena on aod In doe time .l became 10 fer COD'flluotot J1J CQ be able with &UiataQCII IO get frow one room tu &PGJPV· A ne-. trouule Dow loomed In my boriiOD. Oo looltloa Into tbe atata of my baooee 1 raade tJ11 QQpleuant dl•·· court lbr.t. after uttlloa .. rloua llabllhl'' In· ourred by IJ)}' lllo111, I eboald bt left with e ~th anoe of not wore tbao £10 or £12 at Praed'e, out of wblcb t~.8TII ~ould be a beav1 cbewlet'e bill to pay. ld7/ dlrid,epffe were oo~ duo oottl December. and t •a• d,.barr~4 froql forecatliuar them b.J tha proyieloza Rf t,Jle • IJI ~n4er phloJa 1 obtAined them and whlob fPTb~de me ~o 'wtao qbftrllf! or eocuruber' the proptrtT IHJder 1 ,enafty ot ~o~ulniZ I~ deparl ioto the olutohtl of f dJeteot ooupeotloo. No• wit.boulruaolo reluattLuce. &her•, fore . l roenlrod to write to m1 auor. J obaooa and aaked her 10 pomo to my ualet•oce. A fwr I bad done thll a fullu, pt ouuditlouat retiRnatloo come our roe. I bad awaJIR" I'd IllY prldt~, and euch a doeo, &rtor all tbe other PRIIfUUll I had beeo l.\ldo~t. ouJ(bt earel1 to br!na •IIQHJ JOme eort of lmproYemeot In Wf uoluokJ 11-.tp.

l 'ho umo day oo trbloh I wrote tble letter to m1 ou,ot I wu eolfnDed b711 oall from Mr. Uruee. 1:1• bad lo.Q,ktd Ia o'o ma NYtral da7e durln!f my. IIIDe" ncJ :;~made tbe lliude•! euqulrlee a1 co asy proare11 Jfe eqw ~&t down ou the Cl4.bur •ide ul 1111 fire-ptw f:l)d p1t pad a '"Uti oonnr· 1atlon &.bunt Jlenealotifl ltP4 j•1JI11ree•-M:. Bruoe'l teOoDd (bobbJ) ho,.... 1n 'bifQ!I betook ble teau I bad j)toome k»lerallly wwll ~Qil~lt4 wltb tbt lltory ol $bt f•molll Dunedin pterai• aoa wnb .~:~. elorttlf,, Jlhaoa bileS wade durlo, iO , •• u vaet)O make 1~ lila olallA to the title. Ool'link ootreYer, JDd 'oiil.r RP~ .,.,. etltl wut. loll to thd COD.lpletl'ol pf Ul,e .ob•l, PJ eri•eoce forged wltb 10 oUaoll pe,..JtraDO)t 1J. t'fl P..,._ urr ~ prol'e UJ'i ua&rriet• oC Palr7.,aJ'ij l:t,N~oe ud· lrJpbeu Ma4dalu.,_. ru .... , ~1l~.wb!f

JUppoted ~ bafl llDiteiJID .. Jl• l&J baUe IOJDttrbtn ~~ ,... J if 'l~el~ _..._tt ~ ad••"letd fu' tad T" l& ·


.. ., . ...... of roar •• ,_,~ ...... A.b. 111t I U DOl~' . .

Tbit 1aet lboqbt aaadt me alt uprlaht lb 1211 obalr aad draw qlllokta breetb, W b7 oot,indeed? I oner did ban Oflr•MDinr r.epeal for tbe .proprletlee 1ad o~neatlooaU&Ie11 of Attt. ~run · dy, Mary'e face aod .ft,ure, Mary'e Yolctt and Mary'a eyea, ae. I had lltD tbt~m that lut happy ~Jit Marlaw, baquttd me flYer It traa reallt Intolerable tbal •• ahooi.J be kephpar~ I oool8 oo' mueter ap QOaraa• ~ apuk to her father uow, eiuoe my worldl7 proepeota were euo more uoprwlaina tbao before, ud 'aiuoe, q,oreover. the lona efako111 wbloli bad reduced IJ)e to " tkeleton bad tt~eu oa& of me tbe ll'rtAter p&rL of enoh audaclt7 ae 1 bad ner po~e .. ed No, I oould · uot epeak~ to lttr Bruce, tbuui'b h wu certainly IP1 dutJ to do 10. Bat alter tblnk­lo~e oyer t~a Ql&ller all Dltrht, and par& of·the out daJ, 1 die'. aometlliD6f wblcb, from ooe point of Yiew, required more aqd~U~Jtyetill. I wrote to Mary. ~ •rote btr a Idol! puelo~ate. 1mplorloa letter. bet~wloa b~tr to oome •nd aee mo. if only for ftfe rpiDll'-'· Jt 'Val wroo~r and , ,Jfiab, but I co.ult.l ooc jlelp ll. ~rt Crurup poetea 'the letter.

'l'be follo'!rloa da7 J aa' btelde my fire In a etato of fe,orl•ll upeptatJoo Bnry ltuoolr at th~ door eeot &b' blqod Qol)dloll to wy heart, aad of coqree ,,.,, one w~o had any bualoeu m~Uafie Of parC)fi fpr me m11et llett~a cpoo•e that dfly of all da1a t.o o•ll. 'l'b11 knocker wu kept KOIDi with moootoaoua teaulatitf.

So the lliOrDIDlf paeaed away aqd the altornooll ••L ln. Uut ~three o'clock precluly Miu t:iwac. mao came lo with & '"YILirloue air.

'4ledy ~ 111 you eir.'. 4t fatt I. ~h· h • ., too ~uc~ I applneae to lle

true I Wu~ ~~~' ~IIIP of ruf t~o J~ip~e J 'raleed myael( up •qct bobbleJ to cbe door iD au eoetaoy of dell11bC '.l'be areeo baiae acreeu wat pulled ulde, eod Ia a IDOID610' l wae lo the arrua of-<~f my Aao& Jobaooal

OUA1>1'EK U. JlptJ'' RO~feee •bat 1 wlehod wy Aon~ Jobaon •t ~Ice, or ,,,_o IP IRrD, •ermer ~llmate ; aod

IJJ1 weiOOIJ!t Ql her (wbeo J ~~~4 reali~ed the litaatlon) '!rU u ~Joeoi~all41tftl ~ U ebe h•d been a pruelUK duu or a defauhin" wuherworuan. Nnertheleu. my auot 'urntd up trumpe-turued up, io faoc, ~bat I• a11led a · roaula,r flu full .' Her addreu aoJ behulonr were teodl#r aod eveo oar~uiow to a d"""e lba~ L had ue•er upooted from her. She bad coa:pauloo for my plllt mle· t~ ri~p ··nd 01Ulp~tl'1 for m1 preeent oonclitloo ; abe~ gently np.braldpd FPe for ba~ioa kept her eo lonjl io lwnorance !JI JPY !piefortuuue: al,• Je. .PII)r~d !hat 1 oqjlllt ~ ba,e IQ!piQll~ \'llo bplqng· ed to Q)jl ~R i9Rit •her me,nuq lu tbort,ahe • !tow­ed hl'reelf lu aliJehtJR qllferept from ~at 10 f h1t<l heretofore reaarded ber &Ita~ J tqoj ebaOIA to roya~lf for tbe hard tbooghta that 1 lrad eowo . tiroea ~arboJIId -,ion her. ·

'Anti uow, wy dear Ob11rlee.' a4!cJ tlli• e~oel­leut ~von so, ahor a bon~ b•df ao bour'• ooo vena· chn, ' luiug up aod foelloa In btr poolr: e t, • aud oow 1 h va brooj(b~ you one or 1 wo tblu~te wbicb J am aure will do )'UU QOod. DeKr .me I where itld Oh. ID mt retloule of course! ~o. don't 1111& qp1 ·c,~~;JI'f; p~fer tQ "•~it m1ulf. Tbore 1 Wb9t Po 1Q1f ~~ Jl~ P1 ~~' i' ' .. , ·

• U ll)o~tll~e •-::-I IlL~ f r•\r p,q~to.l I uJ4 dter eumlnloa lllw objeo~ •bl9~ fbtt ~~JJIJJci"t1 baod • td JO Qlf,

• A kidney vutato, 1•• : and L am oerl41o I~ it OP,O <>f tbe rlabt 10rt, for I 10' It oot of IJ)Y o • n ~t1IJ,sR · I jOt h eepeolal17 for yoa I'

1 l bt~ lfJI'ft'1. f004 Of JOU, IIUD" 111 replied, 10 u oordl.l I ~If, tJ mf","rJlrf11 would permit aJI to iuUDlf. • Jt •• IQ 119 ro .. ¥,. nr ~IP. I to eat It boilud r

• EAt It I Uood araoluw. Cbatlet, do 100 111P• po1e J bronaba 7011 tbat pq_ttto to eat?' • It 11 a f1Pp, pplato, 1 tell .JOa-a eonrei!JO remedy •aatQ._ rll.eq'R•f.l!,rfl f J'o6 are to keep It In your poQ~eJ, PllliJt Jo4 ctu. J1 Jatar from tble that m1 mal&:tvlilr ,.l•cJu • IJdcf~ ~.t Jm.Preulon th•t m•a 1lap~ 1~ • .tJ11h· C,OJlltr,, '"4'' F,tii~IJ thlt' Ch17 trlrt borA Jn l~erp,l Jl fOif ~ecJ $UliJ IIJ.Ipu.tt-~ me lo tiro•, JGA ' " ' 101\ 1rQ.QI4 ~n• he•o epared all thle draadlal etlum QRt plat I& )llf,.,ijr pookec. Jt will, al all onAte, "CIQre yon llllt\in•t tl?.• !.IJ'P"· '.

Aud hereupon !111 ~qot went Into A toog dlt · qnieitloo ou \he merlti of the kldnpy potato from ._ DteotlcluAI polot of vluw, aoa r'eOApit r.lilta4 In· onrn•rable ouee of oarte effected by lt i.t.icb bad qotpp ~hdl!r her owD peraonel obt~ervatiou. · At )•nt I l)ulje~• 'J)e talked about these tbinua but ~roth tl<111lpele me ~ ad qS'J& tha t [ l iateueJ to Ill little p ( i' u ~ poglcJ.' 'Fin~lly, ~qwerer, f be· camo 1ware that 11 ., b4d poo'¥d, tnd ... pea~b­iu" iu her reticule for aometbiog ol •· '.lbll 'iil[le ehe produo~rl a ob!qqf!_ boo~. ·

f'now regarded -ber asonmente wilb a relfleot­fnl lqtorett rblch W&l DO IODil't ftluoed Wbe.t a ru.tbodlct. ~oman alrt wae. to ba ' "" ! J 110 QopyJpr!fct ~hac oob0d7 ner took eo Joor a tlrae to pwrrurq1 aCS "t~pl, • fu~otloo u ~1. A oat ~o· loenua took to •tltt ~·£ pbe~o,. g~e 10' )ler 1p10IAOiee Oil' Of •be .,...,, ~~tJed t lrll ll) oi(t~ \ier hftndlterobfef .. -.ule4 &btm 1pd reeettled t btm• npoo the lohr bridge ol b'!l' arlttOdra~lo I)Qie 'I h1111 lhe oarefufi.J, opeu,a "11 m&,Jo lOIUme. fo which lodeflo1te' titaltb laj latta&, aad ~edfully IQ)OOthed dowa tbt aludar plak ltuM. With i er,pJcJout 'Hfq_tiiiJit.• u'l.-t~ a peo from IIUOQII

·~~ ~Q~~Jct"-.b!dp f J?laoed •• ber baud, dipl'&d 1c oaatioo•ll 1'' ttj1 IIi~' ,R~~ ~~ared bereelf as lbe tabl•. wlU. ltrlltet,i aMp~ ,,.4 . PMr~i•'ftd bro•, an!110 t)epa to &noeabe I•• bqt prqnarrt worda tit~' etre 10 pl ... IQI ID lfto terme ~itb abt •orld. . t •

1 •• lbt ao-ldta •u(l. mood

..u., doleD lftb&e of __,, ..... ~ ...... iJtl .. • kldDIJ

&beD .. ~··~ Up lmpftsurb&blf ebe Ia obalr. prof ... Dal ~GlJ .,., ' .,, wiUa 10 IDQob allteUOI and H)f.oJmplaotQOJ, 1 beoaaatiO Dtr• t'OUI tb&&; bJ &be tlCQf jhe ~ ~IJ .bided wrhlnsr the ohtqae, aod bed tora le OIU'tfwlj oat of tbe book, and bad retarDed th• book 10 ber reUoolo, 1 wae ·r .. uoa maoh more Ilk. baJadUol ber loooatloeuliJ oat of tbe rooua tbaq llke u­oeptln~ ber bouoty with the aratltllde wb(ob tt ~iabllully' demaoded. •

h wu preclMI,Y at Ulla jWloture that a brltk koook oamo 11t the door, and tlie door wu opeD· ed. 1 folt tbat\ 1 taroed pale. Ba' no-&& wu oot Mrlry. It wu the dootor. Be wae jon &he ~liD f<J r the OCO&IIOo-qulok·Wllted, auaaoiODI1

'aud intrepid, !11 boriJoo cleared agalo. ' I l&tr my way. . ,

I Rreeeoted.)llm to my aooa, wblepered a word to him u irle .. aod be ••t down , After exohaog. loa n dozen flloeral remarke be turned to me aul.l u claimad brlakly :

• Now, mr de•r boy, are .JOU rtad.J?' · • Q •llte read;, doctor.' ,

(Dr BBOlfU) ON '


. TH914PSON.~S

lYiadlcai-BaXI. · ESTABLISHEb IN 1865,

• Mo~dame. i preen me, has oo objection?' con­tinued tbe docrur u bo ozttaoted an tmpoeioa look ina OUfl of .. . . · r~ttoeote from bl1 pocliet.

• ·Eh ?' 1:1ld "'.>' •• uot, 11ttllua her 1p1ot&ole"· loqulaitively. r

' ----- ~ WHOLESALE & :RET.A.I.L,

• Only the eumioatlon,' returud &be dootor 1 'a rnere notbloa. Now tbeo, 107 boy. off wl&h your ahlrt-qulck I'

• Eb ?' orled my aunt, junplna qp lo dlamay. ' fi la elrlrL ~·

' Ob, the back aod cbeet will , I tblolt, be aof. floieot. Ir we med to look at the lea• we 0110 -'

'Gracloue aoo.dneu I' ~ra•ptd my aunt. redden loa- to the forebend. • Let me ao-el:ow me thu way ou: at once-·! nner could think of beloll pre•ent at-ony dear Cbarlu, wh1 dido'& you &ell ro~ ? Uow ooulcl yon euppoae-'

'Thia w4y, d~.cr aqnt, tijie wAj,' uld l. wltb difficulty malntaiuio~e my rnity. wblle at the aame time takina abame to myaelt for tbt ruae I wae playtow otf oo ber. 1 A tboo11od &'ban~• to you, dtar auut : h ie moet unfortunate tbat the ioterruprloo thonld have come at thle tlrno, but dooto~ )'OD know-'

• 1 understand. of oouree,' eba auewered, pret· aio~ tbroollh' the doorway, arid Yeoturlng to face OJl' only W~j!D eht wu Oil tb~ laodjnfl ·o,ueide • • And l •u a olna at auy rate in a IDOIJ)eo~, aod I only wanted to tell you; my dear ouvbew, tb"' I am your auut, anrt tbl\t I icteud--that le. tbAt you way expect-1 mun that you oeed not fe11r -In ebort, it will be all ri11ht! • And 10, my dear, aooti·ure r Dd God bleu you I' AnJ ttith tble tbo beat of rollltivea kiaaed mJ ooworthy cheek and hurried down atalre. ,. •

:Fine- old lad f. th.tt,' ob, erved the doctor whoo I bobble4 ba:~lt to the room . . ''fb~ world dooe ~ot 'oon t,4hl her e'Jual for her aqe. 1 rjjpl!ed. ' ~od nqw IRY da&r cJoptQr, all 1 hayo to ualr of yo~ !1 to follow ber osa•ople.'

' \fb t ! Write yoq a obeq•te for £00 I' elt· clair:ped JJ". • 1l; ot rpe !' ·

'I expeoted not bing ~o eeo1ible of you Wbt\t l want Ia to be holt aloo11. SolhuJe 1~ t•> be lll1 medloioe for tbie ahernooo.'

• Ah I' t>jacuiAtod cbe doct.or, amlllo", wltb 1\D

arob twinkle lo hie e1e· ' Well, i 'Ul otf. but, rulod yon, uo ruoN auota of aoy age or 111 order you muetar-t plaster and tartar eraetlo.' Aod with tbll ~breat aud a lau~eh be took hie leue

1 Aod "~!.' ~&ld J to ~1"''· ~loklniJ beok In

m1 o~alr. "~! oqur•• ~r1 !q~~ oo~e, ~ftef -,u: Qq~ l w ... tJjlfll~aJ) st._ «114 oqm~. tJlcJ ·~·

o"~e In tbe tnoat p•tqrnJ 4'14 qoeeut•t~onal way iD ~bt "orhl. 8111 II'''"' IQI ... m tbe 'rgo.X,, for a mo111eot ebe wu lo· •ar arme, aod UIID Ill IDJ' Llonbtt •od t.roablee were foraocteo, and 1 ''" u if our looa uparatloo bad been bot a weery dream. ·

• lM own d'•llog Mary.' ! Cl••r),,, mT'Iot~;JJof(c~iu 1o11 ~.'§· J 9'P !o

al•cl.' • That I aoo eo tblo ?' • Ob. CbarleJ'I Well we were Yery happy. I Wll almoat efrald

to ion ber eo moob u ! · dlcf1 and yet 1 knetr l oould oeve r loft ber ae mllob u ehe d•aerYed,

~: ~~·~(.:~~~rq'~: ~:=.,~~~;lcf.r· ~·~;:: l~et &jary d,eplar~cJ tb .. •J ~~~)Ill~' tbt,u. ·

• for/ .-ld ebe, • bQe gtRJQIJ pretek to' ny JOll tnu cpelf JOO a.oooa • 1111 ttt9e !f · •

1 ( do DOl Jon YOil for JOQr ft~JI•'

' • lJo you really loYe ma .,.. ' Love you ? l-ob, Mar11 • Hut 1 am 10 etupld I' • You mu•~ be tbl oleYereat of WOQ)ou.l • Why f'·' ·. -

. ' lil!c;a•u e you C~O ~od IO~e~hiog worfb luflug 10 mo.

• "Li11bt iho Ra•, •lr I ! F lm, t~e9. ope roar~-. 'l'be · metobea are

oo thr ·l:oolelr.iece· ; yo'q Qio l iab~ tba aaf1Qur­dt:lf 1f <-ou wll • 1 wub IUf hapde of h,' ·

'file c.u ••• llabted. 8ooo after cbe Middle Xemple olook etruok he In lt.a moe' aaar111iu tbue. r

• "~ M..f falber '- dJolor at &be l'rtmiiODI' tuera to-nl~tlr'.' eald Mu,, • aod be It tOIDJ CO•d,... It bll oh&l#~~ I IQ J oao eu.r tt'lf 10 IODJ ret-If jota wUt In !Ja•·' • " . . · • · 't1

' lfJOU II8J .,.,. 'Ill l UC JOil to 10, Af.ary, JOU !Pif, mtk' Gp 1o11r mhui so ,,.,. p "' old womao11 ' '

,'l'Jt• wordl ••re eoa~11 o1u of m).' '~~Joat~ wben I beard tbe oat.er door opea. 'lbere 11 a 1erlea of foilr duore betw"a my rooma aa«r eut ~ .~ueaae•• A bn'7 foCM~altp •oaudeil' be-1

tweea.che nret door a~d t~eeeooad. Mfa Swat 1pau 'or b,r J~cilc' imb~iljlf Lf4· .. ~pQ,.p,. khtcted to aaf•ao•rd tb• a~rcJM~a1.-ad bert wu eome uokaowu iii trader torelat~ II ~~~~elf Ia! -

' Marr. • I ortl'l, • for1 u .. ,..,., llk'--'oto •1 bedroow-4utoll I' .' '

8.._ ap~oletiMI t ... are~. of tbt o-n aDd YaD(.bed Hh b1rcJ: hit, M \be ~ ...

lltl' ·~~r.~.t~ft· . ,

--The S~thaortber ba•1again added to blalarge

and varied Stoo!f,-& few of the Jl&1r81t le•dhli P .. tetlt Medioinee and Sundrie1, u foJJowa 1 Green'a August Flower, Warner'• Safe Onre Lime Fruit Juioe. Boeohee'a German · Byrup


Eoo'a Fruit Salt, Holloway a Oorn Oure Car~~ll''l LiLtl{"Liver PHI•, ' Wi.tar'e Bal/am of Wilcl Oher!X Wyeth'• I;idid ~atlt E~ tral=tt l::J~I'liAA rtfotber Gra\ee• \rorm E x4!rmiu!ltor Lie~ig'e Extraot of ~eat, P t·aioage iubiog, Pellr'• &mp, Pear'e Sh~~oying St.ioh. · Wui~ Enamel (lor. filling teeth,) Ben.ttoe (lor cleaDJUng purpoae11,) ' Mlltl.8on'a Family Syringe•. Leu1on &yrup, RruvLerry ~yt U )J,

tlr. Wilaou'e ~ea·bi~e ~itt1lrtt Johnson's 4nQdyne Linirnen~, Tllrqar Iodien (fl,)l' o~tiveneaa', Eno'• Metlioated Sug&r (for woe·mtt), Gu~tl'd'• l:l~&ir uye, 1'rico:>he roui Tetsl""'' ·" Tooth Powder, ·''"""Y'B 'b~lnid Magne.ia, H~tef !roo and Wine, Northl'op d: Lyman'• Vegec.able Diaoo~e1'1

do do Quinine Wjp~1 ' ~eiJo~g'a 4-atbma n'e;n~4Y

4Q C~tt~rrp Spuff, · Daffy'a ,Eii¥ir, Hop l:Ut.tera Dr. W-llfer's Vinel(•r Bit~.t~rs Pu~man's Ooa·o ~ltraptj:jr KeatiQ&{1

11 Juan~~ PPWQI'p N . t·tha'Qp ~ ~yl'll,.n'a .Eu~ul1ior A.yor'a Sanaaparilla. Putner'a l(wul•lon

do Oberry Peotorlll Pir roe'a Golden Medical Olaoovery

Jo Purgative P elleta do N ual J ojectora

Watttl'lll'oof Nursing A.J!l'O!]$ qo ~OP.I' ·fl~if · ~ ~.q mhe (tqr pf~JlcJNtP ~tQ~f)

r .. IJo'Y~t fJ9~.q~d Str~e Steedrn•p's 'Ji'Je&.IIIJ•g_ "Jlo+"cfPI-'1 ~~Jbbctr 1qbJni for fi'&I~PI A.yer'e Batr Vl1or, 'Bay ltum ' Allen'• tl~&ir &atorer, Cbihl'a Truue1 Atlult'a Truaees{ ~ifl4f4'• kiqj~en~ O~&iver~'e OofbP io ijoap, Bu)ler.• ~.u .. Qlieq fJ•i~ry·•-prli~cJ ~··ge' lJ.fi84 t~1~ Wriabt'• lJp(ermen~ Wme · Burdook Blood Bit~r• Ke~ler'e Ood UYer Oil and Malt. Eellnoce ot Spruce, Allen'• Long Datum 1

Judson'" Gol4 r•lpt1 ,f~cJtoJJ'• Qold Ink P~~r•t-R Rf ·~~~J., p,~~~ T48ri;!i

-ALio-.Q~IA lt,P~P~1·Af4 Q. ~JlS.,PJ1JJl1lf~~V

li.tr •n~<l t;Jlotbee J)J1.UijJf~,, Ill' Pr~tecrptlo~• 04r!lrQily •e•pDiladed aucl

•hb pure rlrup.


Q~N·Em -----~~

'··~~99 ,,_,_.,, FIRE '.ANi) LIFE~ -- .

ESTA.BLIS~D A.D. 1887 ' • "-- ! t II

. . HBAD osnp~ 1 , ~~ O·?S'-Q~ S~U~'l', ~~~-~ &.e

.o•p~ta\.1 ~ · .e.I;ooo,o~o sts. • .... lnaor&h!* eft'ec'-<1 on .Al~oe• .il·kf.-dl ot-• profl•rt.r lD. Ne,wt'oq~clland a&:loW'el' IJOIIibJ.-ra..._ ~

. L·¢ .. .,. .... J ~ ••


.... ~ .~---... • ....,...._:~_· WltJ:• ~:·~·":Jir=~i!!'l~~~~~~~~ qotorr · · •

' dcNIIl · oNL

Golder~s Patent Victoria Anchor and Oil Buay.

: WOrd era for the.,Jiaoya to· be b•d ot JutUI Medals .. Awarded l M u)IN & co, Harbor Grace. _ _ __ •

1 F. W. GOLDER, Inventor, .

ht-The • VICTO ltl A ANCHOR" ia not u- 1 Lat4 officer ~f. A. A . T . Cd. S. S . Minia, peciallylldaptod for auy pftrtionlar, but every cia." I an_cl rtc~punt of thl Gold Me~al a~d ot Vc!Udla , from the n~at Easter n to tbe Dory. D_IP~"!~ /1/r motkl.r a t t/14 Filhlriu

~~~:~:.::.:~p~~:·:~ ;· ~~:~:·:~::.;· p":: ::-:::. : GOLIIE u·r vltliOiiiA·. PA 1:iT ou suo r :ird-It oaooot be fouled by oablea .:>\'cr it or Awarded A. Gold Medal at the BarceloDa

•~rrpt by Ita owu . Exhibition, 1888, · Hh-It 1to1D1 lo one-fourth the room ~ ~~ J eok And no w uaed tJy the lar~e floot of aailioa for·

or rAil, ool7 projecting about a f oot fra u t be ei!fO nod bnnkln~t Veeeela out of tbi• por;, IL vout~l'a aide when stowed. , haA friveu gener•l eatl1faotioo, teltimoniala COUl·

.6tb-lt. oao be let iO S tock and Flub! ln •n t he iug ao daily. r~1l by meao1 of a 'I ambler. No cock - ~il!inq, · ---ball-board, or aron on buur oaoeaaary: TESTIMONIALS

6th-It o~aoot po .. ibly fo•1l the fo•·e- font or TI.J t 1 · • • • ' prioJ tho bow whill't beloiC uoured . I e ol owang keta~oo•ala are from ~apt HAW·

?th-h i• eiL!Iier to oat aodfi.th aad •tore tlrs n I Jt.HI NS, ot the baokang soho~n.er. Rppu, aod Cnpt any other aoohor . ' uosos. I)( tbe •cbocner &Lna. both of Har-

8 b 'f b Fl .. b ... • bor Groce :-t - t u .. e o•o o tn...,n out and r fp actd ! SIR I b d tb v· 1

iq a fur miuute1. !:~pare Flukea oaa be au lied. ' - ave 018 8 actor" 011 Boo, wblob la of great adr;antagl, by aeodloa tf'C::u hor 1 tire put 1~""00 whlla~ fl'?iataid Ia tho .lJank Flab. of • l:&e ery. and, uurini. tbe 91ry beavy atorm1 eooou11•

9t.-b_:_'L'bil Aaobor ap to tlfe huodro.i WOiibt tered, have ~ound It to be,all,tb• t Ia fiealred aod call be thoroughly rtpaired by any oJ'dinnry black· •bat I• olnamed for U- wbotber layio" to or •mith, wbereaa l~ll OQ~moa aoobor Ia totally aut- rBan'!_fng, tn be•"Y ~·· or rldlua ~~ aoobor OD the tu,. Whll~ Qapt brokto. •n••·-tl.ere Ia perfect u fety wL!Ie you hue

the Oil Unoy aftoat. I would DOt Dow be with· \Qtb. ~Tbe Stnok of &be ' ' VlOTO H.IA AN- out h !\t any coa~. Yolt oeooot eatlrno&e tbt

Cl::lOR" Ia leu tbao OM·lttJlf .. lona ... tbe 1tuclc aavlaa by tho ult of the Oil Huoy . •. of the ooaunon ane1hor, and lf oeedad io a b,.,., S l'EPHEN BA W KINS o&o bo throw.a o•tr rcj#aowt •l~k. and l• will be -·-~· ' found J111& aa uailabtt. No aoohor of the day !a T hue used the Pa1 oot Oil 'Buoy lhil uuon 00 to eui1y cl«lrtd of c}JqitJ. . t he Uanks and can teafHi to ltl ueeJulneu ancl

N.B.-Tbe YJQl'UL~IA ANOHOR1• the only would not onre to be witbou~ h, .. ,, often .:.ved 'qo~or o' t~t day jt for pdntltrMn'r yachtr wbere wy vt u el whilat rldloll alagohor. ~14lngpo~oombloec1 wUb llg}UJMUaod ntatnw ROBEltT HUDSON

1 •

h Ult dtniarsd, 1 8obo011ar &llntt, 2 . zzu _L.__z. _ ce

in • II • t

~ greatellt. tire -;ub wbfob thli,1 &.be leo-o oa:d oily of NeW'!ouucfland~ baa16eiu •lalted

· ainoe 181\8, when A '!.Jarge'portloJl of tbe to"" n ' ~1\8 IWept away I OCOUrrea early

0 0~ ~0nd1\~' momib~t laat. Then, h1 the 1hort •pace ot lt=J~~ tl.lln four houl'19, l lifl ~cry fine: very aubatllll• til\1, very bandsotutl ('flf' of bnildinp, kbown as tho Harbor Grace Olthedntl;. wao1' totally dc.atroyed by the in~>tit1nble 6re-6end. ~ The ft-'tllioaa provok41d by &~ch a ~-''mito~ ~•enL it~ ha'td to adeq\lately' deaonbo-th'ere waa oue general &e.Dtimeut of deep . rept created .in the, min<b of the oititeu, ~tuoet 'w~~ho11t. exception. Tpey 'each ~d all felt th.at their to'\".n bad been rudely deaJ?oiled of ita ~&oi})lly public building, whicb1to'it 'was alike an orna· won~ and " credit, aod w~ greatly admired by wlomeoever viaitc4 Strangers oomilig hero" could not but be etruck wi~li t.be etyl~ 6nlah, ud rare beauty of the intotiot• of the muain· edi8os ; and to wonder much that a aruall town liko Harbor Grncts COllld boa1t oth"ving within itll J•recin<!tR sue:h an imp011lna Hh uc lure R4 its handaomo Ca~badral uoqueaLion, nbly was. But al11s I it ii gone now r The oalamiLy, 60 far u tuis plaoo ia coooe• ued, 11

indeed & big ODO I · '

~oS.\Y A LL.-T .... t ~1!~.\Hl)':) L~IMI;jNT iii thu ~ lauu ~:-. 1 IJUirnt!ll! ,,f tna tiay, 11 It doo1 "'h: t :t Ia r.:pr~:~eututl 'tO oloJ.


our }leOpl~-~~~e -- ~.,!ill •1\i~i.iiiJ~ijl the~ f'rom fl,.;- p 3 . =!t'"m' from t.lie imw··~~ i&Abllat &l'lntefi .(,l'l~qiQI!Jw·~~IA~-~IIJO.ciU&

' --1:rsmr l:P.Ok·lral Sin:a.u for the o~p-. ~ tara of llo,ring.

hy tho Fren~ ~,.,...,,on dltt.ooclM lieD\ hv theit· 6sbermto to aU aM fo,eiad'-'"rk~t.a. \V~· h ~td iotendfV to"'-1 10 olfft a rew OOrb · 't\lenus on the '~tprtaD\ mtt~:-. But RR l~e limits of our Bp(~ preptqa~ \it, We d!USt l8" serve tl10111 uuti), ll~Uamu-. ¥ean.w~ile Wf'

takA plellliUt'e, iu 1•11!'1 WOre our ,te&den tl:.e aubjoinf'd1artiole from •he JltwCUf71 :-

B~ th.e ft.•ri\li\1 hc~r>w tluys ago, of the 'rh• Grand Iaaue Before 'tbe O'ountey-Life ecl1ooollr L tmra from Ci!p N01·auan, Stntih~ ox Death tor Our Pttherme.n. 0£ 13ti1J& !'IIU, WC l&MI'tl of t\ l t\CI. Of s<>ma im · W~ ha\"e DO~ a J..:r aod uiitin~t iaaue be· port:! nco-that, namely,of the ~xia~nca in tl1e fore thn country, on wbiob, At tho apRroacb· nbo~·e locnli t.y of ll certnin J•rncti~ which ing election•, tbe oonthtuencioe will be called "bould Mt he Kllowc,J lo coutiuno, but; shouiJ on t.o pronounce. Sir William'Whiteny,·in

, be 11tornly pt·oHbitedr hi~e munifeato, hu declared hia hoat.illt.y t.o t he It seems Lhnt, :wmc t.ime lou>L month, 11 hu•ge Uai l. Act., and h\1 iottntion, it reat.ored to

• Amt.>ric.m 6~hount.' c· Wbtl 11t. Cnrrol'~ Co,•e, power, to 11hoiU.b or mod,ity it, Lll8t h!IJh~, • ho; e (:ttpt•cin an<l cr~w ihtcl thr hnrdihood flis orgtm, t.he T~m, deolared th&t "1f re· andl'fTronlery to cmploy,in lll '-t neigllhorh.ood, turnPd t<l po•er, Sir William will aweap lhat. ~\ vory htrge fthCiCI•rd 1u-inA in Lho c 1pLn~u of iniquitona law from the Statut.a Book. '' On hPrring, h ving hAuled ,.. n imn11msu quuntity thll othur band, Sir Robert Thorburn and tbe or thtH v.llu~<hl"' 5dU. To CHI ry fu\'Or with Oovemmt:nt. Jlllrt.y &Uf\OUDoe their intention ou ~· 1 c· ~·c ti.•J! o•, it uppe1u1 th1•y gt.IIJ d1Pm of molintaioiug ~&ndeo(orciog thia Act, believ· u 11\ln, h~l'-thn~>, h t\ uo.1k bo1\il1.:= t·~ e"c:ape ing that it ta vitAl t.o the beat intere.tl of c.be ~ ...... !s .,~;'nl1d ~ .:.1 ~uu L:;cil· i !1cit lm .. i n~as "ith· couoll'"• and that ruino~ reaulta would fol · o~:t c::o u1)l..i11 t h.1l c:~ 10Bch1 n~Nin~t. t.llt!lll. low :roo1 htW()ftMilll witb it.. Bt.t. app~o a cn tl.v d;ay recltoned withoat th~ir Tt.i~, ~beu, ie t.lut gre .. c. aud \'it.al queation ho .. t 'I't,e chin~ Wd& potic~d. uod wila lm e.'< 011 wluch the eleotioi}IJJllllll hun. 411 otben 11o .... J. tu e .t minot· imvorL.anpe. Io d 1001ing be·

:\llW · ~ t•<JI•t-···· it!.o~lt&llVhH! tl. ut Ara <>11cun t\\' t Pn dae two laadera, tJte oountry have to iioLr·ltlll',1 17 , ,. 1t.l a·tgb t lO iuci ~li.(.C ir. n 1 nt.~.o d cct(ld wliaLiaer ~~~~ .. ait. 4et i11 "P bp •brogaLP<i l:..-. ~0 dtlci ... ll:y vtl,J£'Ctionuhio " t.l:~ >lbO\tO llnc..l ;Lo F•euoh auppl~ with frttall b~it, una nr.w~.l OTid-1~ JllkU LICU \\ it:c ••• l i l l<li blb l~.J.. thd MtnuggliDK of goode from s~. Pierre re• in, w'il l l:nyond All QOillJt },_. o\tlcnot•l wi th :.he •UIO fiO j Or whe~her ~Ill' 4C~ Which Wa¥ de· m ost is.junonaconllequeu<'ull t o tile :-.;Gw!ouml Aign~>d ~o protoot our U•hermen it t.o be JPMn" 1-.nJ tJcniug lillbary. Why, th!l idea of ellow· talr.Pd, in all it.e integrity. 1'bi.a iuue QlUtt i ng !o:-ei" u 11 henu~n :..o come imu British \V&· be h okP.d l<l"111rely in. the faoo. There ia no t.ea il , tend d•el'e use in tho cnptur., of our 61h e,·ading it. Tbe wMJ or woe of the country s,) ueAtmoti"e an appliance 1\S an Ameriolln dPpeuda on t.lut deoiaion. Give ·Sir William rnrtcl.: tJrol-Raine, 20(1 fo.tu(lms Joog 11nd 2-1 the rein., and &.ba ,,.,.poh •ill· ouoe more ot;. f:J.t howt deep,-the t"ery itlck o f thlo~, we ~ .. r , tain unhmi~d ltq)plies pf b~jt.1 at the lowea~ is mon8troua in tbA extreme; the thing 11bould pricei, 11nd bp belp~d moet effectntt.IIY i~ com· not ~H' tolertt ted for one wonoeo t. peting wllh ou• H.cm~~"' oqr lAbra4or •nd

Mo11t Rt.bULeuh·, if \ho 6.ber~Pn of thiR shorn fishermen. Wi~b ~hja i4lporu\ur. " id, cocln ll y nre not ~llowet.l\, by tho lnw of their aud t.belr' enCJrmoualJonntlea, t.Le1 •ill be llbltt vwn l:md to huul ur lnK,. hm·ring, except t.._. J eive ut from t.be Caob, by makina tbllL undtr ucrtnin conditions ; anJ if, fnrtha•·more, gr .. l1t inoiuatry unprofitable t.o \11 ; and of (tlll w r. .. rlp~CI Il.l ~· oau1otl·d 111 lS84) it be <'nly c otll'&A1 1lll our other tl•beriee will decline from le;.:\11 f.1r \' esst1 l1 ownt'<l, reEi~" ercd, f111ly fitted the &ai'JJ& ~·uee. We have no heaitatlon in our. And Hl flpl i ••d it t I I. is coluur, (l,uJ !tauing .. 11ying th~~h.er.e never wu a more i!nportant tl .·,•,<'or .•. / c!M•'•u•<:l' /•'~' tlte flflnk Pisl,<!ry, i~oann befot"' t.lae llPPJ•Lry-pot. excepting even " t .... I~ ld, ;,:_: ... ~1 . Ill, , . :olo'<.l l.r rrwg, at uny Li llie c .. ute..leratiop, Tbe llrO.perity or iiJ)vov.erisb· " 1\ Hi 'lY ,,ny h .t·ttll oe. •.>..CI'JIL I•.'' iubunia.~,: or rucnt uf LIJQ CQUQ~J.'Y Ja at st.akt •. " t·:: ... s.P~ ~ .. :!c 1 rll;~ :r . :t or,\·t!, in i£<l , or 1 ; ,v" bnck to ~be ·Vflmph unhm\t.ed sup· "•1:u ro' !'; I •'• ', :., :1:1 C~. ' t•lll HOl i>l:C:6edill:7 1!':t.;ll of bl\it, and OUr Bankini ft~t "ViiJ ~ra• •· .;,.,.. b-:•·. ·• / .· -:·•: '"'' ,, yn?l', to h! used 1 ll utsll .\· d~ludle aw.ay before thelr de_tennmeJ I 1111 b.ti: ..... r r<' •t•c•: t p ~ ..... J Bnnlc J.o'u;hnry I C·l iOJII.'l: t to n. It. ll wbolly imp~utble tbllt · t t, t ioe ""· ' " ,,. ~r. ,·· •rt•• 11. n11 n·eovM . the I th.·y could hold their own agamst F reoolt ' (', \ \ :11 I c I' i t. ,, r, • l •· ·I 1\ , , ohel WII O Rfl o11.. , , f t.t!loe riJ)ep With a b:>Uuty 0£ e)even (r&nOa per ·· ./: .. '" t./ :,~, .~, , j,,,; .~ •. uri..·'m (!lr bait, i,t •) tliu ttll on ,.1) pop6ah exportf'd from St. P ierrf' •· ' • •• ".'• 1_.· • r t • · l' u"•enrtiw1 tlu~ B .m l..· lO aou n&.rif'la out.Midjl Qf ,~noP. All our aou~J. '/ •' 1'.'/ 114 <''•' ~· .. ••t.••u:lil llt~Su i'. J<'Ct ~0 n PrObHJ11,00WII"ndJ~gOQt.hqf)4redt~f ban~ · ; • . j not l'VHi'••lll !l .::.;r: ' : '-if, wt• rPJ·t'M, era, wi llutono6 rttih~ ~h·t t.h.ll)' jlre BR handl· i ,, 'l.rr" lnw tn•' '" ... ' . :. •1 n u l t. ltm . of New· c~tppad ~~~ll~ they ruu•t jlVO 'IP t.be ntot! 011r :.'. uaJd •!ln.J B~l l\!:: r:,.. ·. ., • lilt· not J'l"rmi lled l .. u·d·pressf'd lAbrador tltbermeQ will eq~Jally :.l l· •·11 : . Ctllel: , 111. 1 ;,, llt J' " 1f:nn GO bttrrels fdill the pincll.

l. .,rri r . ..: ·• f._, , :~ n.v "I .. "''.\'.tQ:e ;" ho w much Onoo the &it Act U. •urogatec.J, 6t 10 chaug· n. · ,, ,iJou iCJ tiw~ "I'~" Y tv Allledctm oshet·· ed llll t.0 s•r• 5he Fr.,uob bAit, it will never be , ,., 1 , "ho i .,.~ •. not tl ,., j'•i d !P~"~~ of Brltiah re·enRoted. Jl "'" 1tultity ounu1lv"-t af~r ~ ,; i• u li ir: .Uo lt i..h w,, ... ,.A 11: a Briti .. h colony; all our cleRperat,e,e(Qrlof ~g~f,Rin ()('IOtrol ov~r auu v:!oo, i: ' "' \ '' iJl n11l , ~non ld be made to our lnti ~ 61lh~•·T· by ret~.oJnfh.Qg Rr ,.l~rfog tt n·s1 .. •c t nn .; •. : ~y all it; law!! ttncl tegnll'llions !' .... the Louelit ol ~hP Jl'•'flucb, Ul.e ~wpp,rJ-1 j , r I jiU lll'ltt•l rl l lll<(!r\'S\ti c. n ot it.a tiaherieA from .w daodtiea wlll ntt\'1111' ·~·In unotion i~ i ana 1-1.£1 "'" i :ll ll lf<t-j;:Hkble t•rom indiscriminate tiab· •·htt B'renob wall uior It a:aew ~ QQiimited i .. ,.. 1 ..r.\.uu )'l:t, in the Le~:~th of all thla, luu·e Jo,. •e ohhelr hold on out •hgNI. W•. •b-11 \\e tind uUt!<id!1rl', Vrr•lta.b!n IHI"I!DIJOrS, who III'OCIIlim onnel•• eo the wo•·ld a OOrPIPQDity l.n\'r• t he .,;l' .. mt •' •Y •.o .:u~n;.:r:: in the illt<gal of fooiJI,- IVIlntinl( thU e~bility and jnda· tralbc, .wtl lo1.1.ul onr hPrnug-not with a mP.nt w)li~tJ .iffB nec~r1 to the 'llanaranent bei·rin j? £ei•·•', {thl\t, in nil COliRCicnct~, were or our ~tffllitJ. I

impudent •"I .. Ho~b 1), t ut., \'' !tttt i~ t Oll timea Trioity. c~t.alina, fl.At.rtlf g\)ptftn~. B.tna­wor,.;e, " mo,t4tu mczrl:erel i~ins I Oould cool I viatJt , 1\lld Twlllinp~ P.Jl'_. ~r). ~1!'~lly tt UJttd ly go {u, t!tt .· Ll.sn Lluii I Soarcoly! Hx't11odini their Bank Jlab'J'14D4 in.~ . ' 1Hl

. Slanul,) dw tib~ e VPl'Y oh.)eotionahlo pl'o, tlHtit' tll$i!t. or baQ)Cttrl. Sir Walll .. m (:PflJ ... to .. O"dt.Jt t• IM; l l)l .. r~ od fut· ono fUOilJI\1 ~ 1 T.Ht tJl'l ( I'OO t and ulil cbt •adr~ge· of ~he JMOP'•

a tlt~t. v !' !h<i w:.c~:~-.. .... ,, Oltr v~lu.d•ia ~bu. fn .,rmJ~r ~Jlat he may lntho~ .. ~tab aa Ute ~lor ... w.muc :• .. tJII:'I y wl;; ,u pArt~Jw'c•! . :1, h., 11lDat '"'~!.•'t of ;.h~• ireat l.ntl!lfl·r,: oa w~·~l! ItO man1 <' '••l•ll'IJ Lll iOim .. -whoily ao 1 l~ol' 1t. n na · 111 r1 , 1J,.pende.Q.tl f~ ~htotr da~y breAd. ~:l11tl t-v OX!" •" t},;,t, 1t th~ HU'H'O (o\Ji oii.I£COU8 'W ill the CO\lll,.try 1/.IFP }tun Ulo power t.o ao­u :t.. 11, o""': !ot~J.::,·u , 1.1.ntl : N •I.ud ~r:J tv go un- • .Ar.t. t'hwh lrlll f>liooc,li fl\lr.~~ 7. Never. Let. c!.cckt~:l , ln~.>..t j'Clll', il.t~!c,.l ,,f l.~l'inj:; otk" ,1. 1,0 1o~·oclditiie4 In I}Very d1str•.9t t.~,ro.a,aght?Ut. Am••t :oliJ.n u: ckeu1l ~no''" woe·1< JlhtU Cue 1 to!',.; ·h._; i.o~itu1d that. the Whl~ll~!tY p~rt~· flt',! go~nJ Co l .• liJ \liCll itty • . Wl: -.l.t•i Ja .. ~~ " "'' u. .l .... t •·t: 1.) ~lA F t·eo.ola_ an4 d~~TPY oUr oiNn or p .. rh.illo mc.s·~ f ~.., t.ha tb1.1g b., 11uto:. ·~rmvn; aua t.he1r aoom wUI bft ~~~ f.rlu,.-~1, .1ot tu H..\' t ,t lw. n ted, ffH t.n Hl!l&nt 1-.. . - •

No'f, \"e tu'e ful,ly rtwttre thnt uuJ6r the. :·..~atest from the Labradoz• m odtJtJ vff:~J,u.ti Ac:r.b•i ~n b!lbennt:u b~·e 'L:.•• -·-r ight. t .. tf':CCH!nl,Uc~h.:.U\ ' 1 to pul'ohu..a hem·· lK. • By t.he arrival at. Til~ Oove, ye11terd~y. of " e-.1-:w,..Aqb~ or ot.hc,r b.1i~ ii ai:.o11, to be u111nJ - ·•·-' QlJ'J!ol)l&r Ctm14ript, a few partioulurtl were " by dte purobo~ae 111, fA,zuz Ji.de, far ti~ }Jtu·~ n ._ :1 v;,c.J J)/ ;he •tate ol tbe 6aherr on JA.bra '' 7JOkZ'o( (mit in tblf yco.tf!(JU~ioo of th~ fist:-· ,lu~ r..noa laet re99Fh We.Ie.ru that the tele-.. 11 orr ul40t1 o£· t\djacl?rtr, ro tl·.a coat~ts ot" th iH g· :•hll ~lre gonnyl tflg M.t b1 ~n1 m,.-ol}' " oolonJ o ihc d~ndepufo:a, OJLOf ''"i BAni:. . l '1''""~"~ · intelliJ&IlQI 'bac; •lema 11 lriahor.1 ' RuL 1or"fy tl1eru ll" u }VonderfuJ 't '" I,CJid exa.eut of ~be 00!\llo, •Wit-b t.he ditferenao cen the f'rlvUoge ~L~>a ar11nw.cl, of a few naruora, little or nu !JJJpronwau and pftid fo" j nd tbo la.o~t· of~ Ametiotll\ t,:!cen pi~ LD ·Use e.beay for. $be pua tcboonea: oomin dow\1 r.pon 001" ooa.et.a1 and l nigh 'I. ·' 1

eoo~ping .up h\1 dreua of hutt~l~ of harrlt'!g 1 · Tb& tolJ;,wina (all teleara,.btc anmYDsry Wftb. lllnh 11.11 JU1 ~e\111 ~Appltl1:t0d lUI ~ m;~ek. glv~ ~t 0 r~lf 9 falr fdltl Of tbl OOoclftJon o al teina..1 11: thlnfr il ab~Jtu1l, J~ muur. ~9 ( LU ti•b•r71JP &Q ~ JlLh ~It, p t. a ~rJ •!-0~· 16 caa11ot, por ol ..... t. htiPY~ l::larbOr ~~~u ; tr•p, ~1~~1 . A D~IA· ttet.. Le. }Hir~. dont!Aue. 'Twtre m11J. ' or 11roac ~jb oa&otaert k•''"· 4ofl)t~ P r 1 . noaor to Clhin' ol ic., 'o"r peqple will llttongt:r. \Vin.l(l r Barbo,_~ f01 1l7"!l'l 00 • • • f ..o-l.. • ••• ..J 'l'ur n .. •loa-bot" er.,.,. ., . OOJ~Ot. t.o Arner can .w~ WlWJ Sllcu ,do ~ · L 11--DO • JtDol ) .. t ftpori

•c.a•QCW•e e~;~aU~u; II'III'OQptng down oo dJ )· ~ •P• ,...... · ~La, alid c.dd~JR .~tttit' borring ffrorn thttm u. ! 'l'~ey fetJl tJu•t, •10 r;.i "

, 'be Oods.bri, w ~. • .,IDQilth, u,deea~QJilOh,

n. '" •re or niacm• ~ ........... ,. bol•tt~r. •1IMUGI., bavi•l "'* -...

dOnee wllb ~::0~ and tepcwra s~ a~~ I I • . ' bitt ltra

c.•o or\ " :1: ;,~,._.:tt'.,,ruu 1 Bight wit~~ batch... Q-a•'ain ~-.el Shqrt.. of ifa'l~..-BarSor bfi ~() quintal.. .

TwUliDJI'te ha:\l,~~.r h,_t 18~~ af!i."•~ from ~brador ~YtragtnJ 400 q1\ ntala tbe )/tUJ4.ja be~ tbe; IW., She hu '1,00 quip"l&, tak~ at 0.~ .!(oRford~ Tbirtuen orafca belonl(iDg fp T.willi~!C·~ an~ Fogo ·reporc.ed. ~baH ~vetaae 860 quio~l• each.

Trinity ... . h~ l'tl08ntly ahrH of ' be.: n,. brador fteet nome, .nu. cood ftu'ell, nam~tly, the 'P~rl., Obaa. llorria. muter, 600 qt.l ... 6•b; \be~ ~ilr,;~ 4eodell, mliltor, . •30 qt.la. 61b; amJ, ~be Tt~WJ, \'R:;...lowlow, maater; S60 qt.la. titb. . ~be. l9~1t~ bl-ou~ht by ..... ,, i• J•qt at·.au ,cheer~. M.aDy of v~l• are rePe~~ tP t~ltw' tf~ne pc)prty.up to date; !Jut. it wai hoped Lbl\t ~bey .;ill I(I()Ure fair oa~ho~ ~tore. tbe ol~ ~f c.be voy•ge. .

Herrtog. ,O.Jil 1 , tl1e .~ut.woro vet·y seBree, and the ont.l~'k for evtln & rnode•ate o~toh waa anytbina ,,but oheerina. 'lb~ ~~i,l ,!Jea· OoiUCf"ipl (tlx~ted here at. ~wq P.IP• t.o·\uor· row) •ill give fUller par~io"lare,

.~ .. 0 -l ' .,. ,.. .t


Will yoq allow -me ll)&Oe th tbe oqiOflllll of tba 8TAifDA~ to Uf a r~.., •orde lo eJplaQAtion of •ba' tbe oorreapo'Dd•u• of &be {lq(OJtilt, lo a de.' 1patoh to tb•& papar on Moqday laet, woald have ~· pqbllo to fofar wu an oouecauar7 delny In a•trioa t~· ,,.&tr tqrp~ OA a& tbtla&f Ca~ednl ftre.

The faoLa of &De o ue are btieCIJ thue-•uld it would be well for correepoodantt to uoertalo t~· cao ... of •PJinqularfty befuril they atumpt to Write abo~ IOOlu 'fhe ftre' bOie•OIIrrla$le oa the 101oe. and lbe one wblob •a• uaeci •here i.be ftre ~nc appMred W .. brooaltL &.o lUI bydno' Oo ~~· 1roqo~ ·~IQb ~ q~et.l fot waterjna oaule. ~•Qt. ~o. lb .. ooqqeotitU!' ll_,d by tl!o em­pJo1 ... ~ t!J• pal~ are of • diiJeraot. ti~t> from tbote nee4 bJ ~bl; Qrl""e1 ~nd tlte penqn1 Ia oharae ••re oompflled to walt until the eeruot wu fooud aod DeeMiary 8t&toll• prooared. Wheo tbeM ••re bad, tbere wu ao farther delAy. 1'be hoee whioh1_, oouuto&ed to &be byd,.ot at &he corotr of HarYe.Y StrH' aod Carbo our U~d wu iu opera&iloo a fe• mlout.ee frqm &be lime 'he oarrflao arrived. I mtrely tt&te theN faoh io Rtqir tba• 10m~ iooorreot Ide~ about the delay In a~ettjp., 'rater on tbe barolo~ bolldtna may bt eet ~ ~·· . • IT • • • ,. • •.

~fhukloa JOD for apaoe, . · • Jeep 1oure trait.

JOHN TAl'P lit Dlr. H.G V,F B.

- ~•ioa to a b&d h&rftl• MoDtetagro la t brd4t oned •ith famine.

-The Berllo Poat daolarH th•t Ru11~ia ie the .PniJ ~r ~ t ,.90oolliauoo bt'weec Fraoce and Ger[JlaOJt · ... · • · ·

· ~~ -'I)J" TIIRT l 'J.lOJDt-Stoc.\:loll, Vul A11g ~1

The ubara• of au&rder .,alou J111tice Field ...... dilmi.eted bl!,.~ 7NC.~day . .. -r--

-Lou\ VoD ~o1tke. brotbtr oi the t~moaa 8eld ruarehal, and a Daolah OX•poltml\lter, i1 ~'~ at ~be at{t of 60

4 \.lL.., ......-w .

- Tbt ~OlOJ y,.,,. · !:1• ~~~F•"q''f• d~tarae t.bp J!;oalaod'•·~~~ 4DDeMtlol; qf ·Cat~•q;JerJ "~gtlt B~~ ~~fi!l•FCJ bpr Jn ttrlf .. 09 ~~~~ ·1 Jbb•~ '"4 4ri~,.l. r~?AlJ,. • - ......

-l'be Porte bl.l r1t~ d~d deu~:lnd of Oha!o::ir Paaba, Go .. roor or Cretl, fot &ro!ater OO!Iroira po•ere. aod bu eoJotoed blatdo ethaul ptfllll • .. ioo before hulq riOOf"'- to panlah U1eat. ,..,...._.. __ -b •14•• lq 4'!!1"""'W .. ,., P••···-· Rl ia,rl_!~d. &btf '" ~., fM ntt•q h~JlQ&~ttb

~q.rf"' ~rJ&+Io ~ci h~ •qd.' Ilk~ Pr:b;,11 ..

1 Or 11} '!f ~·~~,, 1), ~0 1>atob.ia or; ~ . . ·---4~vJO(If froiD l"okohama 1~te . t~nt. y,,,

dlautrou.t tW»tml!ha•• reoou~lJ ocourrec1.at Walc­ulama.. ;.re11. &bo~a pereoot periebatf Itt c.lce

ftooda follo~a tbe ecorjn, and :lO,OitO weco Yttt«Jfred ho&:DtiHif. '.l'be lott of propert1 WI\~ .... ~I ....... , 1 I "flit .,. ·~ ,

. , --=4• P9&4Jif GU'TiiouKo.-N~lt' l!Urt. Aug.

28.-TiJe ltauDib}p • Oltf .of ~ari1' •rri,.ed ~bie moroiaa ba•lttt bro-ea ~e rtPQrd, 'ftaln ba4ti.J,IC Ur o•o bela &l~ntlNHA Q.GitOt&qwa bJ 8. boura t9 mloat.ac ~~ t4n~e from . Qt~ .. ~wa to S'nd~ Hook U,U'-Jllp 6 da.f• 1$1 ~an 18 mloutu: dlataDCe ».7~ .u... ' -.--·

. At abo aYeuioll ..-lon \be doba&e OD tue mo·

1iou to al_lpoiot " mluiooer for 1bi Diooeee wu ra•.umed ~1~he S.v. W lio,, who plaadQd mo t e~roe•Uy io-ravor of 1oob a pHe1t. l:fe ••• fof. ~ow11d by &-l&rie uumbH---or ..,._kere from bolh a idea ol l.be bouall, come.. (of ,.pd ~me a~r&inat \be p.rop~.t lt t~lll fc~tJJ~ All7.tf.lt .lbal..tb efa of • tut'•oioua,' aa c Mrf.,d ou lo EavlaDd, wu \In~ lllitu.blu for tb8 'OAtter .. J pt\riabee ur Nd•'l'rOIHod·

la~Ai Tbe diltb al• il'a io the way of due prl.ltJ:IrA· 11oo, aod of ~·w r v1 •.r on ,Lile li8Qllallry • uflt~r· work,', 1eemell i · · ~urmonutablt~. At tho same t lcue, all were aliv., co tbe need of aometbh;~a be· in~ doPe, aod a tugjieetlon m•de b7 tbe liev. 1''. W. Oolle7 m .. with ieneral favor. lo tbie way freib life mlabl be imparted Into tbe aeveral mla· •lone, aud the olerltJ tbem11ln• derive tulnotaae from rbe brief obange.. 'l'be aabjeo~ •Ill be fur· \bar ailo~aed tble evenloi.

'fbe oommiuee huinll riaon to report proareu, tbe committee whiob bad been appoiuted to pre. p._,. an addreu of •eloome to ·tlia Exo•lltooy Lhi Governor, pl'eeeoted the •me. Tbe addreu wu forth witb reoelved aod adopted b7 tbe honea, aod a deputa&lon wu nominated bJ fiji Lord· eblp tbe Blabop to pra11ot it to Hla E101llet:ioy to- d&) ·

Tbe report or tbe Dloceaaa Committee of tbe Obaro9 uf ~oal•od 'l'empe,.ooe Society hll1iug beeo•atloptert, a diaou .. loo •u thea began oo ~ lf}QtJon bron~~& for•ard bJ tqe &ef . .1\mbroea f1e1J6le, oo tbe aabject of temperance lo e&eo~ It Til.l ~hd the effort~ of the tet'eral b,.nohe• of abe CIE.T.S. ebould be directed to•arde u. teadlar the operation of tba Perm\ul"e Aoc •here no• yo' lo force, aod toward• t6e 1tri9t enforce­meat of Itt eaaotcr8'1t wbere the ao' II pow taw: W bile reaogoiaiog tbe atead.t1aod qont1nooue ad. Yanoe of tbe tGmperaooe> loaun 'du'rina tbe Jut t•o 1eart, Mr. l::leyia~ emphulaed tbe Dowd of a more deftulta alm lo cemperaDce worlt. He. therefore, propoaed tbab wbere.tbe Permluivo Ace le alread7 Ia force, · t.be ~eyeraf ~raoo~e&ot tho C. E 1'.8. •boQI<i no' q lebeod on tb4Uocolrnt., ba' 1bou~ fcrm tl!emeeiJN int4) vialluoo coOl• DliLwea to belv tbe m&lllltrl''" aud police In o .. rryio" the '""" lllto elfeot. 'fbe mo,ioo wu llrouiiY euppor ted by Mr. \V. H. lforwuod , aod after " abor\ ej>aeob by the Rov W. omlt.b. tbe

. ~bate wae adjourned uutil to·day.

FlFl'f::l D,\Y. The 8ynod re•omep work at 8.·Ufp.m in tbe

nanal WRy . 'fbe r6po"ortlie oomm\ue~.•PvRJril. ed to Dllllllelt ~~tllN fqr eJeotjoq ... OiredtQre of tbp L:u~rob of · Bngteod .\<!a<ie~1, .; .. re()"lve4 aPd oouoe wu girlo tha~ tbo tleot.foo •ould rake pJaoe ftt WI enoioll teaaion

A ruolat!on. propoaod b7 EU,, A. 0. WaJC· h.orne, tba• a& fatllr• ... 11oo1 of the ~rood, a Mil· a1ouar; aQd.a Teolpetaooe m1etlo~ iboald •lwa1a be b.ld wu uoanlmouely adopted,

So lilt_ dllf()a~tinu hniue' tat eo. •plao. "h~ ,.. 11ar{J &o :twt(stia"l "~riM,.._ ~~o~ ~lnqrcit<J a& b~Q~I}I • , : ~ I • J " · . 1~

"'~ .7 &~ the ~11 to &IJitQd ·~fl.klP i4Jt ot tl'Ja C!)t.er•llHtoo .... fqrt,~Jer ~QP1Iclpr•4 hJ P.O~IJIItt,. of lllaJ ' '(hql~ +R4, t~en U!a,'.ij~~lqn ... wilu · re­~~~nl ~o veroolil..l mi .. ibn•~'•M OIJOB Q)Ore roaum­od. Tbo H.ori.J•. ,W.ru. Pilot, J :

1J . Carlin~r, A.

O.,f .. \v.ood, 8• ·l .rHe1rau~ and A. Odrtle, aod Mcmr1. ~ W. \VI&btre, J . R. McCowen, W. B • Bur~ll., abct Mir Ju.· tt. Wiatt\' t.oot patC lo U11 c:ie t~ate, anti tlnall7 the ~~latloo prop~ by Mr. Co~~lu111 · •• 'ieUotct4, Ia~ she ~SUI' tlqw II~U~f ·., l~f• br ~~ ~1q~ 'of Jq~7. ' N· • •

Qn appt~u~ o£.&bjt flular !:' ot ,~. ~QJ~Soeee, a re•olqJioo ot •1rL!PII~by w d~ tba ~orJ Ultbop ·o~ tft~t,qqr Gr~Cfl ,.114 hla cell. lq t!Jp lqn to-7 lu~"o tfc,.~ntls. i '••nlq~Jii ' " tne ilaetrqc~Jqo of the

.mll~lll~q., n~ q • t h~dml of llarbor Graqo, b7 Ore, ~r.t csrrh.<J by ~olaam~lion.

'f'ltt: ~1~~;\iv u ot diro::~or4 of the CburclJ o( EoK­Iurltl AbtJ h'lf ft'A- t lt N1 pr•lc.)erll!d wull , aod tbe I W6HtY. I(u01ltHOeU 1•tho'o 1111olltl ~~tQ . e Sllljll:eeted h1 tb, ~ol ~ot U<tnHt.elt vt,~1 "ort QQaolmqutiJ ,,.,roC13rl. t 1 ,

SuoCJry notice• ol mo tiou baring been ~ade tile tiynod adjoufuod nt tO p m.

1 ~IXTti UAf.

1 fl,o Syaod reaQmed ltl deliberatlooa at 8.60 p ru. l 'be sol out.. bA\'ittr beeu re::acJ, Ul• ~rd . ~ift1' I.Jiebop reported thu Hie &;xoelleuor tbe Gqv~(!l!Dt had. bleD araclouely pl .... d· ~to reoeive ·'~! SJoool• loyal addren of weloomt, eud fa r~RIJ ,ijl,ri to. '!'he add ,..a aod ••plr were aa hl''!,•.t ; . '

• ~R9~~! · ... . 'fo Qllll&oalleooy LJ-&171. OOJ.OIIIU•J~jR 'CER1.$1l& • U ' l:IIUiJf, .lhiah). UOIJIHOCht' or Jbe &son Ul•~ I lhl~,cl 0•4~ or 9'- lllobUl an•a IK. (:)eoir•· ~•nor aod Oo:umaocqr.fu·O-W to AQU over • ~•&h• of ~••fouDdJud and tea D~~~~"

• >

YQu~t Exc:&LLQor.­..,.,_.a IJ1D9.;d of.Ne ~ ol •DIJIU•G

I..Oite BJJUOP am M~KPtt~GP·teR Dt~A ltTifOD bP-filiWIOO»DL».VY! ~ '\-N J}Jr&HDill• 01•,..- · . - --"T.X.. r -. . -- ~:-

:J.M'o• e:oe to ofl~.~t&o .. lhe. npreM•IA&i•tt 9 oar Mol& Gnolo1ilt."QII~ ~_,,.beft._ufor JOGr lo7al aud dullfJil ad~, anct .,.,,Dall,J co ....,_, ~1 ac;koowltdc• eu&e. fpr die warm wea: ~- .dill& JOG, iD COIDeaoD ~ltb all ..of ..... JA wl1 oolony, hno ntiDded ~ m.r. ~ ' ~.

f tbiR JOa for the p•mpblet. rou hare ,Pre­aoutad ~me., whioh ~ •ball Pl.fU.t&-1ritb .tLe areat. .. , lutereet and' pleauue : ana I oan i.nore J'OU &ba• if ' ' Ia m1 11ernea1 wieh to identify m7telf, dorfoa mr torm of G'o~erptbcoa..tritfp tbl p.roe­Jt'rftJ of be colooy h2 11 I If I "'braoolfee, '' ra doubl,r m7 lki'DOI& dealre Wt!q:operat.lif the ad.· bootiDeD& or \bat nctioo 'Of God"/ Cbarab to •hlo~ I bne tbe prt•U•aa to t.elooa •

'tlae debate ' on the Report of. tho Edcaat;too ~mmlttee ... tbeo ooo.tinq'\(1 a.l'td 11djoll~~ · tl!t' eY•nio!( ..,.,.too, .fbeu a petltiorl" .,... l"!d ·up­on the table on a motloo tbl\t 11. t~ ho:-tld be pre­eeoted to t he I;.ealll:l\ture., 'l'hla petition waa for ao lnore~aecl jlrnn t · for edncatlooal porpo1e1. After 'letting for th \ be otter fnadeqoaoy of the preCkln~ aiDOilDt, wbioh l1 16 Alloti leu per bqd than c>oe balf tbat of Non l:tootla • . the petit!~ eu~gura that, Jf Dtoeuary, aa addillooal rate bt levied o u the built 'lf the popalatfoa. 'fbe re. eolutioo w. a a•• pported by tbe Rn. \V. filot •bo, !u tbe courao uf hie 1peecb, r~•vir•ed the workinw of thu Sab-1ivielon Aot of 187~. The roeult of abat 40~ bad. beun in e•er1 renu -.tlef .. otor.r. Wbereaelu 1876 cbera had been botl16 aohool .. · tbfre •ere oow ~00 Tb•n &le eoboole bad beaQ ln obar~e of aaqlit~lffted ~ben, now all the teaohert were qualltled. 4.1 a matter or ooorae the •ork of tbe fo1peotor bad •err laraely in· ore;ued, and l.ll oooaeqaeooe be wru pronowd from vlehln~r the HYeraJ aohoolt aa f"!qaeo&ly .. oonld be wl•bed. He wa• lfmpl7 uo1ble tq 4q .a. 1J'be rtpon anti petition •11ru alter .Oifll far&he~ dlaqUII!ofJ, botq uoaolmou•li .ldopktd.

J\. diiOI! .. iqn • 'fU &bpn bjlld pp tile revnrf of tbe Qioc~a (.;or:Qmhtpe ol the C.E.'f.S. , ,bio~ wblob waa fort.hwilij 4d~t11~. aq4 ·• re•oh~ttc.A pueed that r • Tbi1 Wyno4. ful17 reooaniaiua lbe neoeeeit; of iooreued el!oru to promot~t aemper. anoe throu_llhoat tbe oolooy, rC!•peotrull)' auaaut.a t~at •ucb e!ort. at t~e preaeot tiNe be chlet!y dtreoted to iecure tho butter aoforoemeo• ot &be P erml.,l•e aod LlceniH) Aott and le of' oplofop that ou mlulou• •bare th. e Peuniuive Ao~ ~· ~~ ready In force, !.hie p~itaJ>Ie re•pl i oap b'•t · · • eoured bf the Fou.,certed ~tfop· pf ~·~cp~,f p t ~mperpqce ~oje&y .'

'1 he ~il le to Alllr od and to 60Daolldat~ &lie Oooatlt~Jjon were thl'll .p,anJJt'd to t be 1aage of oon1phnaoo, road a tbird tiQit God pU811d

'J11i1 dono, ." bill lqr tll11 mao•"emeu~ of the Tbeol?aloal c.!olleae Will Introduced avd reAd a ftr1t tamt , afte r Whioh fOIIOvt~Jd tbe election or ~~e Eteoutlve ComllliHee for rbe ou~ two ~e,.,.: !~~ :~IOroJUtiO cenele11 of tbe foil~'!!!~ rod~~

1'1te Lord dit~op of ~.,•foaotllan4 ReY•II ~ ~o~.qod, w. P.IIOl, -\. c.' )!'. Weod

1}.· Heysat~: Jjj ,Coll~1· U l>unfteld 1 Booe: Sjr \f. Wb1tdw1y, Str J ¥, Wiuter, A. \V, }fary.e1 i ~"'r• t:t . J . :)u.bb. G. T. Rtudell, \f. 1:), O rlOYit,