Nitrodroid 2013 | Building your first Android App on PhoneGap

Post on 01-Sep-2014

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Nitrodroid is one of India's biggest Android Developer Conference. Slides here discuss in brief about phonegap, phonegap architecture and limitations. Session consisted of live coding session and link to code you will find in the slide.

Transcript of Nitrodroid 2013 | Building your first Android App on PhoneGap

Building Your First App with PhoneGap

Gaurav Singh@sgaurav_baghel

Nitrodroid 2013, Goa

Agenda➔What is PhoneGap➔Why PhoneGap➔PhoneGap Architecture➔Building an App➔Limitations➔Discussion


What is PhoneGap

A free and Open Source frameworkthat allows you to create mobileapps using standardized web APIs.


Why PhoneGap

➔Allows you to use HTML, CSS, js to create apps.

➔Create cross platform apps.

➔Reduce development time and cost of development.

➔Take advantage of HTML5 and CSS3 for better UI.


PhoneGap Architecture


Your Code

PhoneGap Architecture


Your CodeNative Web View

PhoneGap Architecture


Your CodeNative Web View

Native API’s

PhoneGap Architecture


Your CodeNative Web View

Native API’sYour Native App

Let the coding begin


Things you need to collect

➔Eclipse with ADT

➔Basic HTML, js and CSS

➔Better if you have an Android Mobile(sadly, I don’t).

➔Patience to bear me for next 1 hour.



Code Courtsey:

Please improve


➔ Implement fast buttons.

➔Please please please..improve UI

➔You can do much better with code than me.



➔Documentation is not yet mature.

➔Not suitable for graphic intensive applications.

➔Need to create platform specific UI’s.

➔Some features might not be supported by all devices.

Thank You