Ninja Cat Flyer - 3 of 6

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Ninja Cat Flyer - 3 of 6

Derived from Kirill Muzykov’s Rocket Mouse Tutorial





(Sprite Editor pops up!)

1. Click Slice dropdown

2. Set Type to “Grid”

3. Set Pixel Size

• X = 156

• Y = 156

4. Click Slice button

Click “Apply”

then, close popup

Separate sprites

for each frame

Click on Animation tab

Right-click Assets, click Create Folder Name it “Animations”

Select “Cat”

In Animation tab,

Click dropdown…

Create New Clip (twice)

• run

• fly

Save “run.anim“ Save “fly.anim“


• Cat animation

• fly clip

• run clip

Select “Cat”

Verify “Animator”

Click “run” animation

in dropdown

Expand “Run” animation in “Sprites” folder

Click first frame, press Shift on your keyboard, click last frame

Drag frames

into “run” animation

Click “fly” animation

in dropdown

Expand “Fly” animation in “Sprites” folder

(notice that there’s only 1 frame)

Click Fly frame

Drag frame into

“fly” animation

Click “red dot”

recording icon

to stop recording


(or just Save)

The cat runs like crazy!!!


Update “Sample” to 8

Uncheck Apply Root Motion

Change Update Mode to

“Animate Physics”

The cat runs slower now, but is still running in the air!


Click on Animator tab

Right-click “run” animation, then click “Make Transition”

Click “fly” animation to finish creating the transition

Now, right-click “fly” animation, then click “Make Transition”

Click “run” animation to finish creating the transition

Click + next to Parameters (lower left of Animator tab)

Choose “Bool” (which is of type Boolean)

Name it “grounded”

Select run fly animation

Select “grounded” under Conditions

Set to “false”

Select fly run animation

Select “grounded” under Conditions

Set to “true”

Optional: Check/uncheck “grounded”, then play the game to test the animations


Verify new Game Object

Drag GameObject into “Cat”, verify that it is a child of “Cat”, rename to “GroundCheck”

Set Transform Position for “groundCheck”

• X = 0

• Y = -0.7

• Z = 0

Click icon symbol

to select a color, e.g. green

Verify “groundCheck” game object

Expand “mount1” prefab, select “Floor”

In Inspector panel, click Layer dropdown to Add Layer…

Enter “Ground”

for User Layer 8

Update Layer to “Ground”

Add 4 instance

variables before

Start() method

Add 1 line of code

inside Start() method

Add new method UpdateGroundedStatus

… just before class ends at the bottom

Add 1 line of code

… just before FixedUpdate() ends

Select cat in Hierarchy

Verify 2 new public items under Cat Controller script

With Cat selected…

Drag “groundCheck”

into Ground Check


With Cat selected…

set Ground Check

Layer Mask to


Add 1 line of code

just before

Start() method

Add new method AdjustJetpack()

… just before class ends at the bottom

Add 1 line

of code

… just before FixedUpdate() ends

With Cat selected…

drag “jetpackFlames”

into Jetpack


• The cat should run only while on the ground

• The jetpack particles should only be visible while in the air