Nineteenth Amendment · Panel Presentation: Each panelist willgive a 5 minute presentation that be...

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Transcript of Nineteenth Amendment · Panel Presentation: Each panelist willgive a 5 minute presentation that be...

New York University Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service Course Outline Spring 2015

UPADM-GP 226-001 “Women and Public Leadership”

Professor Jewell Jackson McCabe


Professor: Jewell Jackson McCabe Email: & Class Meeting Times: Friday. 12noon - 2:45p

Class Location: Bldg - GCASL Rm. 369

Contact: Craig Schott Email:

Office Location: The Puck Building, 295 Lafayette St.

Office Telephone: 212.998.7477

Office Hours: By appointment. 3:30p - 5:30p

Beginning with their fearless Women's Suffrage movement to gain the right to vote in 1848--the date of

the first women’s rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York—American women have engaged

and been represented in public service. Nevertheless the movement that led to the passage of the

Nineteenth Amendment on August 20, 1920, giving women the right to vote and subsequently to hold

elected and appointed office has not led to equitable opportunities in the public sphere.

Although women make up the majority of our American population; , are the majority of registered

voters; and graduate college at higher rates than men, women are only a fraction of our elected and

appointed officials and civic or labor leaders. This course will teach offerings which underscore

"Leadership, Women and Public Service in American Cities" charting the course and exploring the

experience of women and girls in public leadership.

We will examine the context of equity for women in the structural realities and gender attitudes

within the American political, human rights and civic systems. Our students will connect with

women leaders and advocates for women leaders; we will teach women’s historic and contemporary

participation in public leadership. Utilizing political and Intersectional theory we will focus on

trends, implications and impact of ethnicity, race, class, gender & religion on women in politics and

public service.

Through coursework, guest speakers and hands-on activities, students will learn how they can be a

participant in and influence the public agenda through: public service, politics and impacting public

policy; accomplished by utilizing empirical data, situation analysis and social movements. The

coursework will review leadership skills-set, career paths and analyze barriers that have traditionally

kept women from achieving their political and leadership potential.

Nine questions guide the readings and discussions:

▪ How do groups gain political power?

▪ What are the strategies and mechanisms for excluding women from power?

▪ What is the status of the women’s movement?

▪ What entitlements, benefits and privileges does sexism give men?

▪ What Privileges does racism create for white people?

New York University Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service Course Outline Spring 2015

UPADM-GP 226-001 “Women and Public Leadership”

Professor Jewell Jackson McCabe


▪ What is the connection between race, class and gender in the mainstream and power dynamics of our society?

▪ What are the current race, class and gender intersectional dynamic and political struggles in American cities?

▪ What is the impact of immigration on the leadership landscape in American Cities and in women’s leadership?

▪ What are the challenges and opportunities to advance leadership equity for women in American Cities?

Required Texts

▪ Barsh, Joanna and Cranston, Susie., “How Remarkable Women Lead: The Breakthrough Model for

Work and Life” September 29, 2009;

▪ Collins, Gail., “When Everything Changed: The Amazing Journey of American Women from 1960

to the Present”;

▪ Roberts, Cokie., “Founding Mothers: The Women Who Raised Our Nation” – Deckle Edge,

April 13, 2004.

Additional Course Reading ~ (NYU Classes)

▪ Dill, Bonnie Thornton, Zambrana, Ruth Enid, & Collins, Patricia Hill. “Emerging

Intersections: Race, Class, and Gender in Theory, Policy, and Practice” (2009);

▪ Tetrault, Lisa., “The Myth of Seneca Falls: Memory and The Women’s Suffrage (Gender and

American Culture)”, (June 2014), The University of North Carolina Press;

▪ Black, Allida., “First Ladies of the United States of America: Biographies in Brief”, White House Historical Association (2013);

▪ Motley, Constance Baker., “Equal Justice Under Law” Farrar, Straus and Giroux (published


▪ Ginsburg, Justice Ruth Bader., Human Rights, Vol. 32, No. 4 (Fall 2005), p. 26 “Tribute to

Constance Baker Motley”, Publisher - American Bar Association -;

▪ Giddings, Paula. J., “When and Where I Enter: The Impact of Black Women on Race & Sex in

America”, 2nd edition (1996);

▪ Giddings, Paula. J., “IDA: A Sword Among Lions” [Campaign Against Lynching], HarperCollins

Publishers 1st edition (March 11, 2008);

▪ Crawford, Vicki L., Rouse, Jacqueline Anne., and Woods, Barbara., “WOMEN in the CIVIL

RIGHTS MOVEMENT [TRAILBLAZERS & TORCHBEARERS ~ 1941-1965]” ▪ McIntosh, Peggy., “White Privilege and Male Privilege: A Personal Account of Coming to see

Correspondences Through Work in Women’s Studies (1988), Anna Wilder Phelps Fund, Wellesley

New York University Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service Course Outline Spring 2015

UPADM-GP 226-001 “Women and Public Leadership”

Professor Jewell Jackson McCabe


College, Center for Research on Women, White Privilege.pdf;

▪ Wright, Lawrence., “Thirteen Days in September: Carter, Begin, and Sadat at Camp David”, Knoft; (September 2014);


▪ Sokol, Jason., “All Eyes Are Upon Us: Race and Politics from Boston to Brooklyn [The

CONFLICTED Soul of the NORTHEAST]”, 2014;

▪ Lawless, Jennifer L., “It Still Takes A Candidate: Why Women Don't Run for Office”, August 19,


▪ Sotomayor, Sonia., “My Beloved World” Justice Sotomayor's autobiography Knopf (January 15,


▪ Traister, Rebecca. “Big Girls Don’t Cry: The Election that Changed Everything for American Women”

Tantor Media (September 22, 2010); ▪ Lawrence, R.G., & Rose, M. (2010).“Hillary Clinton’s Race for the White House: Gender

Politics and the Media on the Campaign Trail. New York, NY, Lynne Rienner Publishers; ▪ Robinson, Eugene., “Disintegration: The Splintering of Black America”, (2010);

▪ Harris-Perry, Melissa V. “Sister Citizen: Shame Stereotypes and Black Women in America” Yale

University Press (September 20, 2011);

▪ Bystrom, D.G., Robertson, T.A., & Banwart, M.C. (2001), “Framing the Fight:: An Analysis of Media Coverage of Female and Male Canididates in Primary Races for Governor and U.S. Senate in

2000.” American Behavioral Scientist, 44(12), 1999-2013;

▪ Solomon, D., (2010, November 10) “Minority Report: Questions for Nancy Pelosi”, The New York Times Magazine;

▪ Strassel, K. A., (2010, March 22), “Inside the Pelosi Sausage Factory.”, The Wall Street Journal;

Meyerson, H., (2010, March 24), “Finally, Democrats Govern,” The Washington Post,;

▪ Terkildsden, N., & Schnell, F. (1997), “How Media Frames Move Public Opinion: An

Analysis of The Women’s Movement, Political Research Quarterly, 50, 879-900;

▪ Eidelson, Josh., “Labor Leader Ai-jen Poo: We Are All Domestic Workers Now”, The Nation.,

April 5, 2013;

▪ Poo, Ai-jen., “The Age of Dignity: Preparing for the Elder Boom in a Changing America”, February

3, 2015;

▪ Burnham, Linda., Activist and writer for women's rights and racial justice analysis of “Lean In One

Percent Feminism” -- Posted by Portside on March 26, 2013;

▪ Williams, Stereo., The Revolutionary Women of ‘Selma’ The Daily Beast - 12.26.14.;

▪ Earl, Jennifer & Kimport, Katrina., “Digitally Enabled Social Change: Activism in the Internet Age” The MIT Press; 1 edition (March 4, 2011).

New York University Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service Course Outline Spring 2015

UPADM-GP 226-001 “Women and Public Leadership”

Professor Jewell Jackson McCabe


Suggested Reading In addition to required text and the assigned reading, you will be required to stay abreast of current vital public sector issues by reading The Nation Magazine, The New York Times & The Wall Street Journal; and, a course reader of required articles is available at the NYU Professional Bookstore, 530 LaGuardia Place. Copies of the reader will be on reserve at Bobst Library, with a 2-hour reserve time. Course Requirements

Attendance and Punctuality are essential: if you must be absent, contact Craig Schott in advance. Grading is as follows:

▪ Class Participation: 10% ▪ Writing & Oral Presentation assignments: 30% ▪ 48-hour Take-Home Midterm Exam: 30% ▪ 48-hour Cumulative Take-Home Final Exam: 30%

Course Expectations Each student will participate in three panels on a particular topic in the syllabus. For the week following the panel discussion, a paper on the same topic will be due. Students will be graded on both their panel presentations and paper:

▪ Panel Presentation: Each panelist will give a 5 minute presentation that will be followed by

discussion between panelists and/or with the professor. Panelists may utilize visual

materials, illustrations, and primary research such as newspapers to aid their presentations;

▪ Paper: The paper will be 5 pages in length. Papers that receive high grades are expected to

be historically accurate, clearly written, and reflective of critical thinking from an

intersectional perspective.

Late Assignment Policy & Attendance and Participation Extensions will be granted only in case of emergency. Late submissions without extensions will be

penalized ½ letter grade per day (B+ to B, e.g.). Students with Disabilities should contact Craig

Schott to make proper arrangements. Statement of Academic Integrity Members of the NYU Wagner community are all expected to adhere to high intellectual standards.

Readings Part I ~ Legacy of the Founding Mothers

January 30th “Colonial Women and Public Leadership” An Introduction This introduction gives an overview of the course, from the voice of Colonial Women -- whose frontier bravery is

chronicled – we move into the movement and recognizing the role Abolitionist values, conscientiousness, moral

authority -- and its women leaders white and black who were catalytic and the soldiers that propelled us towards the

New York University Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service Course Outline Spring 2015

UPADM-GP 226-001 “Women and Public Leadership”

Professor Jewell Jackson McCabe


ratification of the 19th Amendment --- the Right for Women to Vote – the course outline will be reviewed through the

seminar themes, introduction of intersectional theory and a review of the syllabus and its relationship to seminar themes. These themes will be studied through biography anecdotal readings, case-study discussions and guest lecturers.

Part I & II Screening ~ One Woman, One Vote ~ DVD

I. American Women’s Voice: 18th


~Their Emotional Truth, Courage and Legacy

February 6th “The Rise of Female Independence in America” Revealing anecdotes of the wives, daughters and their relationships to their “Colonial-Sisters – the women of the actual and proverbial “Founding Fathers” are uncloaked, recognized as we discover their vital roles in the evolution of our democracy. Though Abigail Adams denounced the wretched scourge of slavery in writng and urged her husband John and his southern bretheran – The Die was Cast – Morality, Slavery, the Cult of True Womanhood and Resistance …” I most sincerely doubt if any other race of WOMEN could have brought its fineness up through so devilish a fire” – W.E.B. Du Bois.

Screening ~ PBS “Midwife’s Tale” ~ DVD


▪ Roberts, Cokie., “Founding Mothers”, Introduction, pp. xv-xx; Chapter One. “Before 1775: The Road

to Revolution,”- Stirrings of Discontent, pp.1-36;

▪ Giddings, Paula J., “When and Where I Enter: The Impact of Black Women on Race & Sex in America”,

Chapters II. “Casting The Die: Morality, Slavery, and Resistance” pp. 33-55; “IDA: A Sword Among

Lions” - Campaign Against Lynching, Introduction, pp.1-7;

▪ Collins, Gail., “When Everything Changed”, Introduction – “She Has A Head Almost Too Small For Intellect”, pp. 4-6;

▪ Dill, Bonnie Thornton, Zambrana, Ruth Enid, & Collins, Patricia Hill. “Emerging Intersections: Race,

Class, and Gender in Theory, Policy, and Practice” Anthology of Essays, Forward: “Emerging Intersections-

Building Knowledge and Transforming Institutions”, by Williams, pp. vii-xiii.

▪ Barsh, Joanna and Cranston, Susie., “How Remarkable Women Lead: The Breakthrough Model for Work and Life” , Chapter 1. “It All Begins with Meaning”, pp.21-29.

February 13th “Suffrage: Analysis From Whence We Come” From the courage, strength and intellectual prowess of the Colonial women the “Founding Mother’s from the elite class in the early 18th century -- we cross the bridge from the abolitionist’s women leaders focusing on the oft forgotten

African American women – who “Invented Themselves .. “she had nothing to fall back on; not maleness, not whiteness, not ladyhood, not anything. And, out of the profound desolation of her reality she may well have invented herself.” Toni Morrison. Screening ~ PBS American Experience: “The Abolitionists” ~ DVD Episode I

New York University Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service Course Outline Spring 2015

UPADM-GP 226-001 “Women and Public Leadership”

Professor Jewell Jackson McCabe


Readings ▪ Roberts, Cokie., Chapter Two. “1775-1776: Independence – Rebellious Women”, pp. 37-77; Chapter

Three. “1776-1778: War and a Nascent Nation - At the Front”, pp. 78-108;

▪ Giddings, Paula. J., “IDA: A Sword Among Lions” [Campaign Against Lynching]; Chapter One. Holly Springs, pp.15-39; “When and Where I Enter: The Impact of Black Women on Race & Sex in America”, Chapter I. “To Sell My Life as Dearly as Possible”, pp.17-31;

▪ Dill, Bonnie Thornton, Zambrana, Ruth Enid, & Collins, Patricia Hill. “Emerging Intersections: Race,

Class, and Gender in Theory, Policy, and Practice” Anthology of Essays, Chapter 1. “Critical Thinking

about Inequality: An Emerging Lens” pp.1-18;

▪ Barsh, Joanna and Cranston, Susie., “How Remarkable Women Lead: The Breakthrough Model for Work and

Life”, Chapter 2. “Your Own Happiness Equation”, pp.30-38.

February 20st “Legend or Fable to Invent a Platform”

The story of how the women's rights movement began at the Seneca Falls convention of 1848 is a cherished American myth. The standard account credits founders such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and Lucretia Mott with defining and then leading the campaign for women's suffrage. In the provocative new history, by Lisa Tetrault, which challenges the myth -- we will review and discuss the ideas Tetrault demonstrates -- that Stanton, Anthony, and their peers gradually created and popularized this origins story during the second half of the nineteenth century in response to internal movement dynamics as well as the racial politics of memory after the Civil War. The founding mythology that coalesced in their speeches and writings -- most notably Stanton and Anthony's History of Woman Suffrage--provided younger activists with the vital resource of a usable past for the ongoing struggle, and it helped consolidate Stanton and Anthony's leadership against challenges from the grassroots and rival suffragists. As Tetrault shows, while this mythology has narrowed our understanding of the early efforts to champion women's rights, the myth of Seneca Falls itself became an influential factor in the suffrage movement. And along the way, its authors amassed the first archive of feminism and literally invented the modern discipline of women's history.

Screening ~ “Iron Jawed Angels” ~ DVD


Tetrault, Lisa., “The Myth of Seneca Falls: Memory and The Women’s Suffrage (Gender and American

Culture)”,”Prologue – Getting Acquainted with History, pp.; 1. Woman’s Day in the Negro’s Hour 1865 –

1870, pp.; 2. Movements without Memories 1870 – 1873, pp.; 3. Women’s Rights from 1873 – 1880;

Barsh, Joanna and Cranston, Susie., “How Remarkable Women Lead: The Breakthrough Model for Work and

Life”, Chapter 3. “Start with Your Strengths”, pp. 39-45.

February 27th

First Oral/Panel Presentation (Paper Due March 6th)

Theme: [Topics within] “Deferred History: The Tactics of the Women’s Suffrage Startegy ”

February 27th “Deferred History: The Tactics of the Women’s Suffrage Strategy”

No sugar coating. The rigors of sustainability in political movements – learning about unforeseen obstacles and denial of

moral inconsistency … the leaders often reshaped the past for immediate political gain.

New York University Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service Course Outline Spring 2015

UPADM-GP 226-001 “Women and Public Leadership”

Professor Jewell Jackson McCabe


Screening ~ PBS/Ken Burns “Prohibition: A Nation of Drunkards” ~ DVD Episode I


Tetrault, Lisa., “The Myth of Seneca Falls: Memory and The Women’s Suffrage (Gender and American

Culture)”4.”Inventing Women’s History: 1880 – 1886,” pp.; 5.“Commemoration and Its Discontents:

1888 – 1898, pp;

Giddings, Paula. J., “IDA: A Sword Among Lions” [Campaign Against Lynching]; Chapter FIVE. “A Race

in My Arms,” pp.122.

March 6th “Women in Transition: The Impact of a Voice & Action”

This class will focus on how the complex-- and sometimes contentious--relationship between civil rights and white

feminist constituencies [which have affected political outcomes and American culture for centuries] developed.

How did these events and relationships impact the conditions, status and lifestyles of American women, their families, communities and the mainstream? In the 40’, 50’s & 60’s individuals, style, everything from media, to hair-styles, to wearing pants and having your weight regulated by the airlines -- even toys (Yes Barbie was born) – from the 1920’s activists like Alice Paul, there were the Esther Petterson’s, Frances Perkins’, Margaret Chase Smith’s, Margaret Price’s, Betty Friedan, Helen Gurley Brown, Gloria Steinem, Louise Meyer -- a glimpse of the women who have spoken out taken chances, shown courage and made a difference.

As we evaluate the status of women in general, we compare the journey of women of color in particular Ida B. Wells, Mary Church Terrell, Marian Anderson, Pauli Murray, Rosa Parks, Fannie Lou Hamer to name a few. Levittown and this nations post World War II government programs/privileges for white males in the main will be examined in the context of the impact on women. How “Rosie the Riveter”, was forced back in the kitchen after having experienced during the war -- earning her own income. What were the historical precedents pursued, ERA, Title VII and Title IX, creation of the DOL Women’s Bureau, the Commission’s on the Status of Women, with NYS leading the way giving

their commission cabinet level status. The vital issue of Child Care almost became law --- legislation derailed Equal Pay debates, as with most issues economic defined by equity-in-pay echoes our current discourses regarding the gender quity.

Featured Guest Speaker: Irving A. Williamson

Irving A. Williams was appointed Chairman of the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) on October, 2012; he has been a Commissioner since February, 2007. Prior to his ITC appointment, he was President of Williamson International Trade Strategies, Inc., a New York City-based consulting firm for seven years, where he worked on over 20 U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and other donor-funded trade capacity building projects.

Screening ~ PBS/Ken Burns “Prohibition: A Nation of Drunkards” ~ DVD Episode I

Readings ▪ Collins, Gail., “When Everything Changed”, 1. “Repudiating Rosie”, pp.11-24; 2. “The Way We

Lived”, pp.25-42; 3. “Housework”, pp.43-62; 4. “The Ice Cracks”, pp.63-94; and, 5. ”What

Happened”, pp.95-105;

▪ McIntosh, Peggy., “White Privilege and Male Privilege: A Personal Account of Coming to see Correspondences Through Work in Women’s Studies (1988), Anna Wilder Phelps Fund, Wellesley College, Center for Research on Women, White Privilege.pdf;

New York University Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service Course Outline Spring 2015

UPADM-GP 226-001 “Women and Public Leadership”

Professor Jewell Jackson McCabe


▪ Barsh, Joanna and Cranston, Susie., “How Remarkable Women Lead: The Breakthrough Model for Work and Life”, Chapter 4. “A Sense of Purpose”, pp.46-54; Chapter 6. “A Matter of Framing”, pp.65-78; Chapter 13. “Reciprocity Forms Relationships”, pp. 143-152; Chapter 18. “Stand Up Speak Up”, pp.196-205; Chapter 19. “Make Your Own Luck”, pp.206-213;

Sotomayor, Sonia., “My Beloved World” Justice Sotomayor's autobiography; Chapter One.

pp. 11-15(NYUC), Chapter Two. pp. 16-26 (NYUC).

Take Home 48 hour Mid-term Exam Distributed March 6th


March 9th

Part II. Social Movement Leaders: Community Organizing & Political Activism

March 13th “Mobilizing Women: Ideas, Activists, Leadership, & Civil Rights Movement”

Developing effective synergies between community organizing and leadership development are vital to attaining gender

equity, and social justice. Today's advocacy must also include multimedia, social media and social networks that are

essential in the mobilization of the growing demographic, of young voters. Community organizing, mobilizing resources

and designing adaptable strategies will be reviewed that met the need and addressed diversity, cultural and class issues.

We will review and compare citizen movements, political campaigns/elections and methods utilized to address social


Screening~PBS~American Experience: 1964 DVD & AOL ~ PBS

Screening ~ PBS/AOL “Makers: Women Who Make America” ~ DVD Part I Readings

▪ Crawford, Vicki L., Rouse, Jacqueline Anne., and Woods, Barbara., “WOMEN in the CIVIL RIGHTS

MOVEMENT [TRAILBLAZERS & TORCHBEARERS ~ 1941-1965]”, 1. “Men Led, but Women

Organized: Movement Participation”, by Payne, Charles, pp.1-12; 3. “Is This America? Fannie Lou

Hamer and the Mississippi Freedom Democrat Party, by Locke, Mamie E., pp.27-38; 5. “Ella Baker

and the Origins of “Participatory Democracy,”by Mueller, Carol, pp. 51-70; 12. “The Role of Black

Women in the Civil Rights Movement”, by Standley Anne, pp.183-202; 13. “Women as Culture

Carriers in the Civil Rights Movement: Fannie Lou Hamer”, by Reagan, Bernice Johnson, pp. 203-

218; 15. “A Reluctant Persistant Warrior: Eleanor Roosevelt and the Early Civil Rights Movement”, by Allida, Black, pp. 233-250; 17. “And the Pressure Never Let Up”: Black Women, White Women, and the Boston YWCA, 1918-1948, pp. 259-270.

March 16th


Spring Recess No classes scheduled

March 27th “Women: Elected, Appointed, Contested (Part I)

Cities like New York have an unparallel history of women in leadership, with direct roots to social justice and resulting progressive public policy that has defined our democratic ideal. This course delves into the fascinating world of women’s history in New York City and State. We will investigate the role of women as shapers and players in New York political history. The central focus will be on 19th, 20th & 21st century history, including the Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Site (Val-Kill) the retreat “think-tank” for women leadership in the early 20th Century; our examination will include benchmark political movements organized by Women.

New York University Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service Course Outline Spring 2015

UPADM-GP 226-001 “Women and Public Leadership”

Professor Jewell Jackson McCabe


Featured Guest Speaker: Paula J. Giddings, Author, “When and Where I Enter: The Impact of Black Women on Race & Sex in America” & Recipient Los Angeles Times Book Prize in History for, “Ida, A Sword Among Lions: Ida B. Wells and the Campaign Against Lynching”. She is also the Elizabeth A. Woodson 1922 Professor in African-American Studies at Smith College.

Screening ~ “Chisholm 72’- Unbought & Unbossed” DVD

Lawless, Jennifer L., “It Still Takes A Candidate: Why Women Don't Run for Office”, 1. “Electoral

Politics: Still a Man’s World?”, pp.1-17; 2. “Explaining Women’s Emergence in the Political Arena”, pp.18-43; 3. “The Gender Gap in Political Ambition”, pp.44-60; 4. “Barefoot, Pregnant, and Holding

a Law Degree: Family Dynamics and Running for Office”, pp.61-88;

Sotomayor, Sonia., “My Beloved World” Justice Sotomayor's autobiography; Chapter Seven. pp. 51-64(C);

Chapter Nine. pp. 76-81(C); Chapter Seventeen. pp. 143-160(C); Chapter Eighteen. pp. 161-168(C).

April 3rd “Women: Elected, Appointed, Contested (Part II)

New York State has produced three women Supreme Court Justices, Ginsburg, Kagan and Sotomayor; and, the first Woman and Second African American candidate for US Attorney General, Loretta Lynch. We will review profiles of New York Women of leadership elected & appointed to include [a glimpse] Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, Congresswomen Bella Abzug, Shirley Chisholm, U.S. Vice Presidential Candidate, Geraldine Ferraro, 2008 U.S. Presidential Candidate, current U.S. Secretary of State, former NYS, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and former Secretary of State Madeline Albright; former Manhattan Borough President [ran unopposed and appearing on the ballot in all three party lines; Hon. NYS Supreme Court Judge Constance Baker Motley who argued ten U.S. Supreme Court cases - winning nine

Screening ~ PBS/AOL “Makers: Women Who Make America” ~ DVD Part II Screening ~ PBS/AOL “Makers Volume 2: “Women in Politics” ~ DVD Part VI


▪ Lawless, Jennifer L., “It Still Takes A Candidate: Why Women Don't Run for Office”, 5. “Gender, Parity,

and Political Recruitment”, pp.89-111; 6. “I’m Just Not Qualified”: Gendered Self-Perceptions of

Candidate Viability”, pp.112-135; 8. “Gender and the Future of Electoral Politics”, pp.163-171

▪ Collins, Gail., “When Everything Changed: The Amazing Journey of American Women from 1960 to the

Present”; 8. “Women’s Liberation”, pp.178-212; 9. “Backlash”, pp.213-239;

▪ Sokol, Jason., “All Eyes Are Upon Us: Race and Politics from Boston to Brooklyn [The CONFLICTED

Soul of the NORTHEAST]”, 5. “Shirley Chisholm’s Place”, pp.137-170;


1968-1992; 8. “Everybody Is People” ~ Bella Abzug and the New Politics of Feminism, pp. 155-174;

Sotomayor, Sonia., “My Beloved World” Justice Sotomayor's autobiography; Prologue, pp. 3-9; Epilogue,

pp. 298-302;

Motley, Constance Baker., “Equal Justice Under Law”; College and Law School, pp. 45-60.

Ginsburg, Justice Ruth Bader., Human Rights, Vol. 32, No. 4 (Fall 2005), p. 26 “Tribute to

Constance Baker Motley”, Publisher - American Bar Association -;

New York University Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service Course Outline Spring 2015

UPADM-GP 226-001 “Women and Public Leadership”

Professor Jewell Jackson McCabe


NYTs Editorial Endorsement of Loretta Lynch for the US Attorney General ~ “Don’t Delay on the Attorney General”;.

April 10th

Second Oral/Panel Presentation (Paper due April 17th)

Theme: “Women, Elected, Appointed, Contested (Part I & II)”

April 10th “Election ’08 & ’12 America’s, First Female[serious] Candidates & First Latina on the Supreme


This course will examine the historic 2008 election of President Barack Obama ran and was elected the First African American President & when the First Women serious Candidates, Senator Hillary Clinton [for President] and Governor Sarah Palin, Candidate [first] for Republican Vice President and the urban policy implications. Topics to be studied through readings, discussions, and guest lectures, will include: political strategies of the campaign, including the challenge to the southern strategy; race, class, gender, generation, and the changing electorate; the immigrant rights agenda; the city and identity politics--gender, race, and the challenge of intersectional theory; post racialists, myth or reality?

Featured Guest Speaker: "Ken" Sunshine serves as the President of Sunshine, Sachs & Associates, a New York-based public relations and communications consulting firm catering to a broad-based clientele in the worlds of politics, business, labor, healthcare entertainment. Previously, Mr. Sunshine served as the Chief of Staff to Mayor David N. Dinkins of the City of New York and as a Political Consultant to national and local campaigns. Mr. Sunshine has lectured widely on politics, media relations and public relations and has been a frequent guest on: Good Morning America, The Today Show, Nightline, Dateline NBC, CNN, 60 Minutes, Fox News Channel and MSNBC. He was

recently named one of New York Magazine's "most influential people”.

Screening ~ “Miss Representation” DVD Readings

Traister, Rebecca. “Big Girls Don’t Cry: The Election that Changed Everything for American Women”; Chapter

1. “Hillary Is Us”, pp. 11-34(C), Chapter 7. “Boys on the Bus”, pp. 165-198 (C) & Chapter 8. “Things

to Do in Denver if You’re Female”, pp.199-220(C).

Brafman, Ori. and Beckstrom, Rod A., “The Starfish and the Spider: The Unstoppable Power of Leaderless

Organizations”, Chapter 4. “Standing on Five Legs”, pp. 83-105 (C).

April 17th “The First Ladies & Their Legacies’”

Screening ~ Showtime Movie “Geraldine Ferraro: Paving the Way” Readings

Caroli, Boyd Betty., “First Ladies: From Martha Washington to Michelle Obama” Oxford University Press; 4 edition (July 15, 2010); Introduction, pp. xii-xxii; 1. Setting Precedents: The First Presidents’ Wives (1789-1829), pp. 3-33; 6. The Paradoxical 1920s, pp. 156-188; 9. New Dimensions to the Job of First Lady (1974-1993), pp. 260-334;

Wright, Lawrence., “Thirteen Days in September: Carter, Begin, and Sadat at Camp David”, Knoft; (September 2014); “Day Three”, pp. 102-111;

Harris-Perry, Melissa V. “Sister Citizen: Shame Stereotypes and Black Women in America”, Chapter 7. “Michelle”, pp. 269-300.

April 24th

Third Oral/Panel Presentation (Paper due May 1st)

New York University Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service Course Outline Spring 2015

UPADM-GP 226-001 “Women and Public Leadership”

Professor Jewell Jackson McCabe


Theme: “Emerging Women Leaders, Communication 2.0”

April 24th “Emerging Women Leaders, Communication 2.0” We will outline Women as organizers, as resources leaders and support systems-networks in their communities and neighborhoods by identifying and developing their skill-sets. Leadership style and strategies, intergenerational financial literacy, and outline meritocracy based capabilities. These state-of-the-art assets will assist in building a solid foundation for realization of dreams and fulfillment of promise for the future women leaders and careerists. Women leaders driven by competitiveness awareness, including effectiveness in multimedia IST communications skills, and tactical socio-political strategies, women who have created a significant footprint with impact on issues significant to women’s health, their families lives and their communities-at-large. Further, since Sheryl Sandberg has taken it upon herself to jump-start the stalled feminist revolution it's worth taking a look at the brand of feminism she espouses. Sandberg's book, Lean In, together with her plan to re-launch the feminist movement on the scaffolding of “Lean In Circles,” has drawn an enormous amount of media attention. This flows from both Sandberg's prominence as the COO of Facebook and the media's ongoing enchantment with a specific gender story: whether or not women at the top of their professions or careers can 'have it all.' Featured Guest Speaker. Milly Hawk Daniel Milly Hawk Daniels, Vice President for Communications, leads a highly talented team of digital and offline communications strategists, print and online designers, specialists in social and traditional media, writers, and editors. The team works to disseminate messages about economic and social equity to an ever-growing audience of policymakers, equity advocates, and funders. A speechwriter, editor, presentation and strategic communications trainer, and author, Milly has directed communications for several nonprofit organizations and provided communications consulting services for many others. For PolicyLink, she leads communications activities and campaigns focusing on health equity, infrastructure equity, equity as a superior growth model, and federal and state advocacy. She is an avid jazz lover, arts and culture fanatic, and a staunch believer in the power of equity. Screening ~ Makers Volume 2: Women Who Make America, “Women in Hollywood” DVD Part II Readings

▪ Burnham, Linda., Activist and writer for women's rights and racial justice analysis of “Lean In One Percent Feminism” --

Posted by Portside on March 26, 2013;

▪ Bystrom, D.G., Robertson, T.A., & Banwart, M.C. (2001), “Framing the Fight:: An Analysis of Media Coverage of

Female and Male Canididates in Primary Races for Governor and U.S. Senate in 2000.” American Behavioral Scientist, 44(12), 1999-2013;

▪ Eidelson, Josh., “Labor Leader Ai-jen Poo: We Are All Domestic Workers Now”, The Nation., April 5, 2013;

▪ Strassel, K. A., (2010, March 22), “Inside the Pelosi Sausage Factory.”, The Wall Street Journal; Meyerson, H.,

(2010, March 24), “Finally, Democrats Govern,” The Washington Post,;

▪ Terkildsden, N., & Schnell, F. (1997), “How Media Frames Move Public Opinion: An Analysis of The

Women’s Movement, Political Research Quarterly, 50, 879-900;

▪ Williams, Stereo., The Revolutionary Women of ‘Selma’ The Daily Beast - 12.26.14;.

May 1st “Women and Web-Based Activism” We will examine key characteristics of web-based activism and their impacts on organizing and participation. Does the global reach and speed of broadband on the Internet affect the essential character or dynamics of online political

New York University Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service Course Outline Spring 2015

UPADM-GP 226-001 “Women and Public Leadership”

Professor Jewell Jackson McCabe


activity? The Web offers two key affordances relevant to activism: 1) sharply reduced costs for creating, organizing, and participating in protest; and 2) the decreased need for activists to be physically present together in order to act together. A rally can be organized and demonstrators recruited entirely online, without the cost of printing and mailing; an activist can create an online petition in minutes and gather e-signatures from coast to coast using only a laptop. We will discuss and revisit long-standing theoretical assumptions about managing social movements.

Featured Guest Speaker. Stanley S. Litow – “Stan”, is IBM’s Vice President of Corporate Citizenship & Corporate Affairs and President of IBM’s Foundation. Under his leadership, IBM has been widely regarded as the global leader in Corporate Citizenship, and praised for societal and environmental leadership, labor practices, and civic leadership. Under Mr. Litow, IBM has developed innovative voice recognition technology to help children and adults learn to read, a humanitarian virtual supercomputer to speed research on cancer and AIDS, and new digital imaging technology to improve water quality. Mr. Litow helped devise IBM’s Corporate Service Corps, a corporate version of the Peace Corps, to train and deploy thousands of IBM’s future leaders; the Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH), a grade 9 through 14 schools initiative to engage companies, colleges, communities and schools to help strengthen America’s economic competitiveness by connecting education to jobs; and IBM’s Smarter Cities Challenge, which is helping 100 cities worldwide become more effective.

Screening ~ PBS/AOL ~ Makers Volume 2: Women Who Make America, Women in Business – Part V Readings

▪ Earl, Jennifer and Kimport, Katrina. “Digitally Enabled Social Change: Activism in the Internet Age”, Chapter 1.

“Introduction”, pp. 3-20, Chapter 2. “Where We Have Been and Where We Are Headed”, pp. 21-42; Chapter 8.

“A New Digital Repertoire of Contention”, pp. 177-192, Chapter 9. “Conclusion”, pp. 193-205.

▪ Dill, Bonnie Thornton, Zambrana, Ruth Enid, & Collins, Patricia Hill. “Emerging Intersections: Race, Class, and

Gender in Theory, Policy, and Practice”; Chapter 5. Developing Policy to Address the Lived Experiences of

Working Mothers, by Gatta, Mary, pp. 101-119; Chapter 10. Intersections, Identities and Inequalities in Higher

Education, by Dill, Bonnie Thornton, “Uses of Technology” and “Concerns”, pp. 243-245.

May 8th “Women’s Stories and their ACTION Will Change World: Wealth, Markets & Social Change”

We will explore Women in leadership, organizing in American Cities: Our emerging Labor movement on behalf of the fast growing elder population (By 2035, the number of Americans over the age of eighty-five will more than double, to 11.5 million); advocating an increase in the minimum wage; and, organizing immigrant women workers; are, significant humanitarian-pragmatic movements. Micro-Finance-Banking, credit unions, Investment Clubs and focued fund development are being encouraged and created; while mobilization and organizing [people], for self help, in our neighborhoods is a priority for women community organizers – with the focus being social change. The President of the United States together with Special Advisor to the United States Secretary of the Treasury have a focused consumer protection mission. In addition, we recognize Elizabeth Warren’s role when she Chaired, the Congressional Oversight Panel created to investigate the U.S. banking bailout (formally known as the Trouble Assets Relief Program (TARP). And, as the Senior US Senator from Massachusetts, she continues her advocacy for the consumer. We will outline the need for Women as resources and support systems – networks in their communities and neighborhoods by identifying and developing their skills base, new health life style strategies, intergenerational financial literacy, and outlining meritocracy based capabilities. These vital assets will assist in building a solid foundation for realization of dreams and fulfillment of promise for the future.

New York University Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service Course Outline Spring 2015

UPADM-GP 226-001 “Women and Public Leadership”

Professor Jewell Jackson McCabe


Women leaders driven by competitiveness training, effectiveness in multimedia IST communications skills, and tactical socio-political strategies, women who have created a significant footprint with beneficial impact on issues impacting aging women, women’s health and their families’ lives.

Screening ~ Makers Volume 2: Women Who Make America, Women in Space – Part III Screening ~ Makers Volume 2: Women Who Make America, Women in War – Part IV


▪ Poo, Ai-jen., “The Age of Dignity: Preparing for the Elder Boom in a Changing America” ; ABOUT THE

AUTHORs, pp. 227-226; Chapter 3. pp. 71-105; Part II: Care At The Crossroads, pp. 109-11; Chapter 4. Waking the Caring Majority, pp. 113-139; Chapter 5. A Policy of Caring pp. 141-168 pp.; AFTERWORD: Life in the Care Grid, pp.169-176.;

▪ Dill, Bonnie Thornton, Zambrana, Ruth Enid, & Collins, Patricia Hill. “Emerging Intersections: Race,

Class, and Gender in Theory, Policy, and Practice”, Chapter 3. “The Intersection of Poverty Discourse: Race,

Class, Culture and Gender”, by Henderson, Debra and Tickamyer, Ann, pp. 50-68.

“48 Hours Cumulative Take Home Final Exam” (Due May 11th 12 Noon)