Nine Allergies You Avoid When You Have Organic Bamboo Bedding

Post on 05-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Nine Allergies You Avoid When You Have Organic Bamboo Bedding

• Nine Allergies You Avoid When You Have Organic Bamboo Bedding

• When you wake up in the morning is your head throbbing? Are you sneezing and coughing? Is your skin red and irritated? If you exhibit any of these symptoms, you may be suffering from an allergic reaction to your bedding.

• Surprised? Yet it’s true that traditional bedding can cause allergies. What allergies can traditional bedding cause? Well, here are nine allergies and medical conditions caused by traditional bedding that you can avoid by switching to organic bamboo bedding.


• 1, 2, and 3: Eczema, Textile Contact Dermatitis and Formaldehyde Resin Allergies

• One of the primary reasons why traditional bedding causes allergies is because it is made from cotton and cotton is treated with harsh chemicals and dyes. The residue of these harsh chemicals and dyes remains even after you wash your bedding. Your skin is in constant contact with these chemicals and dyes throughout the night, which can cause eczema and textile dermatitis. Specifically, formaldehyde resin is a common cotton dye, which some people are sensitive to.

• When you have organic bamboo bedding, you avoid all of these harsh chemicals and dyes. For example, Cozy Earth bamboo sheets and comforters are 100% natural and have never been processed with harsh chemicals and dyes. In addition, organic bamboo bedding is naturally hypoallergenic, meaning you are less likely to develop other allergies.


• 4, 5, and 6: Allergic Asthma, Conjunctivitis, and Hay Fever

• The second reason why traditional bedding causes allergies is due to high moisture levels. Cotton and synthetic fibers, the fabrics most commonly used in traditional bedding, absorb or trap much of the water you sweat out while you sleep. This creates a warm and moist environment that’s perfect for dust mites and dust mites are often the culprits for prompting asthma, conjunctivitis, and hay fever symptoms.

• To make your bed less hospitable to dust mites, switch to organic bamboo bedding. Organic bamboo sheets wick moisture away twice as fast as cotton and reduce your bed’s humidity by 50%, making your bed less welcoming to dust mites and therefore reducing your allergies.


• 7, 8, and 9: Boils, Cellulitis, and Impetigo

• In addition to dust mites, moisture and humidity encourage bacterial growth. In fact, the bacteria staphylococcus aureus is found growing on the skin of 1 in 3 people, making it a common bacterium in beds. Staphylococcus aureus is known to cause boils, cellulitis, and impetigo.

• Again, reduce the moisture in your bed by switching to organic bamboo bedding. Organic bamboo bedding is twice as breathable as cotton and keeps your bed cool and dry, which makes your bed less hospitable to bacteria and other microorganisms like staphylococcus aureus.


• Conclusion

• If organic bamboo bedding can reduce your allergies, where is the best place to buy it? You want to buy your organic bamboo sheets and comforters from Cozy Earth. Cozy Earth never uses harsh chemicals or dyes, ensuring that your bedding is natural and healthy. In addition, we only use top of the line bamboo in our organic bamboo sheets, comforters, duvet covers, and blankets. By only using premium bamboo, Cozy Earth’s bamboo sheets and comforters are softer and more durable than any other bamboo bedding.

• If you’re ready to lead a healthier life, invest in Cozy Earth bamboo sheets and comforters today!
