Niehs jeopardy!

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Niehs jeopardy!

Around the House Danger Zones

Your Amazing Body

Environmental Science Heroes Earth Day!

100 pts. 100 pts. 100 pts. 100 pts. 100 pts.

200 pts. 200 pts. 200 pts. 200 pts. 200 pts.

300 pts. 300 pts. 300 pts. 300 pts. 300 pts.

400 pts. 400 pts. 400 pts. 400 pts. 400 pts.

500 pts. 500 pts. 500 pts. 500 pts. 500 pts.

Around the House 100 pts.

These substances are typically used by farmers to protect their crops from pests, but we also use them for pests around the house. Unfortunately, they have now started turning up in foods we eat and can be highly dangerous.

Around the House 100 pts.

What are Pesticides?



Around the House 200 pts.

At home, people use these to tack important papers to the refrigerator door. At work, NIEHS scientists and doctors use them in machines like the MRI pictured here to look inside our bodies to find out what may be wrong with us when we are sick.

Around the House 200 pts.

What are magnets?



Around the House 300 pts.

This hazardous metal is often found in old paint which can be on the walls of your home. It can also be found in the pipes of older Kitchens. If exposed to, it can affect the way the nervous system develops in small children.

Around the House 300 pts.

What is Lead?



Around the House 400 pts.

This chemical is used in some forms of dishwashing detergent, bleach, and other cleaning chemicals found in your home. Though breathing in this chemical as a gas is deadly, in your public pool, small amounts are used to clean out the bacteria!

Around the House 400 pts.

What is Chlorine?



Around the House 500 pts.

This gas is highly dangerous to humans and animals and you cannot see or smell it. It can be found mainly around a gas stove in a Kitchen. It has one Carbon atom and one Oxygen atom.

Around the House 500 pts.

What is Carbon Monoxide?



Danger zones 100 pts.

Any substance that can cause injury or illness or death may have this symbol. It is often accompanied by the words : KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN.

Danger zones 100 pts.

What is Poison?



Danger zones 200 pts.

This symbol signals help for people who suffer after being exposed to dangers. At the NIEHS labs and elsewhere, kits with this symbol contain basic medical supplies.

Danger zones 200 pts.

What is Red Cross or First Aid?



Danger zones 300 pts.

This symbol designates that a substance is radioactive and dangerous. Normally people handling it must wear special suits to protect themselves.

Danger zones 300 pts.

What is Nuclear Waste or Radiation?



Danger zones 400 pts.

A scientist’s workplace, which often goes by this name, will have plenty of the symbol below in view. It is the symbol for hazardous materials, or Hazmats. It can be found on materials that could catch on fire, hurt people or cause dangerous chemical reactions.

Danger zones 400 pts.

What is a Lab or Laboratory?



Danger zones 500 pts.

This symbol, often on trash cans for medical waste, tells us that a substance or an organism that poses a threat to human health is present.

Danger zones 500 pts.

What is Biohazard?



Your Amazing Body 100 pts.

In science, the word “pulmonary” refers to this organ, which is used in breathing. Some of the parts associated with it include the bronchial tubes and the the alveoli, or air sacs.

Your Amazing Body 100pts.

What are the lungs?



Your Amazing Body 200 pts.

This organ is responsible for your senses that allow you to see, smell, and hear pollution.

Your Amazing Body 200 pts.

What is the brain?



Your Amazing Body 300 pts.

Also known as the epidermis, this body part protects you from damaging weather and outside elements like the sun. It is also the largest organ on the human body.

Your Amazing Body 300 pts.

What is the Skin?



Your Amazing Body 400 pts.

This organ is bean shaped and filters wastes from the blood and excretes them and water in urine.

Your Amazing Body 400 pts.

What are the Kidneys?



Your Amazing Body 500 pts.

This double helix is found in almost every cell of the human body. It contains instructions for building every other body part. Every person has their own unique set. The Clinical Center you visited earlier today is studying the role of this body part and the environment in disease.

Your Amazing Body 500 pts.

What is DNA or Genes?



Environmental Science Heroes 100 pts.

Besides serving as Vice President under Bill Clinton, this environmental hero is best known for his cautionary film about global warming, An Inconvenient Truth, which won him both a Nobel Prize and an Academy Award.

Environmental Science Heroes 100 pts.

Who is Al Gore?



Environmental Science Heroes 200 pts.

This man pioneered research on sustainable farming. He is best known for coming up with more than 100 uses for peanuts.

Environmental Science Heroes 200 pts.

Who is George Washington Carver?



Environmental Science Heroes 300 pts.

This winner of the 1903 Nobel Prize was one of the first scientists to research cancer treatments, though she is best known for her theory of radioactivity.

Environmental Science Heroes 300 pts.

Who is Marie Curie?



Environmental Science Heroes 400 pts.

This US President worked to preserve more than 170 million acres, mostly in the West, in the forms of national parks and monuments.

Environmental Science Heroes 400 pts.

Who is Theodore Roosevelt?



Environmental Science Heroes 500 pts.

This is Martin Rodbell, who won a Nobel Prize for his work regarding signal transduction, which is the study of how something outside a cell can stimulate changes inside the cell. He also served as Scientific Director of this federal institute. (Name the Institute).

Environmental Science Heroes 500 pts.

What is the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences




Earth Day! 100 pts.

April 22, 1970 marked the first celebration of this holiday.

Earth Day! 100 pts.

What is Earth Day?



Earth Day! 200 pts.

This clean resource holds enough potential energy to supply the entire Earth’s energy needs. It already heats the world all by itself.

Earth Day! 200 pts.

What is the Sun?



Earth Day! 300 pts.

This symbol is found on plastic bottles, soda cans, newspapers and curbside bins, reminding us all of one way we can help our planet.

Earth Day! 300 pts.

What is recycle?



Earth Day! 400 pts.

Filling your home with appliances labeled with this symbol allows the power plants to reduce emissions into Earth’s atmosphere and helps homeowners save money on their electric bills.

Earth Day! 400 pts.

What is Energy Star?



Earth Day! 500 pts.

This phenomenon is caused by the atmosphere trapping gases that absorb and emit infrared radiation.

Earth Day! 500 pts.

What is the Greenhouse Effect?