Next Generation Science Standards Public Release II

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Next Generation Science Standards Public Release II. Michigan’s Public Review of the. Next Generation Science Standards for Today’s Students and Tomorrow’s Workforce. Building on the Past; Preparing for the Future. 1990s-2009. Phase I. Phase II. 1990s. 7/2011 – March 2013. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Next Generation Science Standards Public Release II

Next Generation Science Standards Public Release II

Michigan’s PublicReview of the

Next Generation Science Standards for Today’s Students and Tomorrow’s Workforce

Building on the Past; Preparing for the Future

7/2011 – March 2013

1/2010 - 7/2011



Phase IIPhase I

Conceptual Shifts in the NGSS

1. K-12 Science education should reflect the interconnected nature of science as it is practiced and experienced in the real world.

2. The Next Generation Science Standards are student performance expectations – NOT curriculum.

3. The science concepts build coherently from K-12.

1. The NGSS Focus on deeper understanding of content as well as application of content.

2. Science and Engineering are integrated in the NGSS from K–12.

3. The NGSS and Common Core State Standards ( ELA/Literacy and Mathematics) are aligned.

Three Dimensions Intertwined

• The NGSS are written as Performance Expectations

• NGSS will require contextual application of the three dimensions by students.

NGSS Public Review Timeline

Goal: To distribute and receive feedback from interested stakeholders; and continue the transparent development process to enable states to prepare for consideration of NGSS adoption

The standards review opened on January 8, 2013.

The review period will end on January 29, 2013.

The standards, supporting documents, and survey can be

accessed at

Final Release – Late March of 2013

Anticipated request for MI SBE adoption – April 2013

Feedback Data from the May 2012 NGSS Public Draft and Subsequent Lead State Reviews

Overall, very positive.

General Feedback

In Response To •May Public Draft•College – and – Career Readiness Reviews•September Lead State Review•Professional Organization Reviews

Pedagogical Vision Architecture, including integration of the three dimensions

Rigor required by the NGSS at all grades

Web presentation and interactivity

NGSS are well structured and clear about expectations

Clarification statements and assessment boundaries provide

additional clarity Intentional connections to other NGSS and math and ELA


General Strengths of the Drafts

General Areas for Improvement

Clarity of Some Language Integration of Critical Areas in Some Standards

Mathematics, engineering, crosscutting concepts Scope of Required Content Confusion about the role of standards versus curriculum Concern about the consistency of organization of the

standards versus Framework in terms of coding and arrangement

Concern about the amount of support that will be needed for implementation of the standards Professional Development, materials, administrator support and

understanding, future assessments

Changes Since May

95% of the Performance Expectations have been rewritten based on feedback, with more specific and consistent language used.

A review focused on college-and career-readiness resulted in the removal of some content

Some content shifted grade levels in elementary

Engineering has been better integrated into the traditional science disciplines

Changes Since May

More math expectations have been added to the

Performance Expectations

“Nature of Science” concepts have been

highlighted throughout the document

The Science and Engineering Practices Matrix has

been revised to provide more clarity

New Content

Appendices have been added to support the NGSS and in response to feedback Appendix A – Conceptual Shifts Appendix B – Responses to May Public Feedback Appendix C – College and Career Readiness Appendix D – All Standards, All Students Appendix E – Disciplinary Core Idea Progressions in the NGSS Appendix F – Science and Engineering Practices in the NGSS Appendix G – Crosscutting Concepts in the NGSS Appendix H – Nature of Science Appendix I – Engineering Design, Technology, and the Applications of Science

in the NGSS Appendix J – Model Course Mapping in Middle and High School

Supplementary Documents

Supplementary Documents and Materials Available at Why Standards Matter? How to Read the NGSS How to Complete the NGSS Survey Glossary of Terms

Additional Aspects of the NGSS Public Release II More flexibility of viewing of the standards has been provided with two official

arrangements of the performance expectations: by topics and by DCI. Additional flexibility was added to the website views of standards, allowing

users to turn off pop up” description boxes. The public feedback survey has been completed revised

Michigan’s Public Review

The NGSS are coded by Disciplinary Core Ideas

(DCI) from the NRC's Framework for K-12 Science

Education, and are available in two different

arrangements - by DCI and by topic.

Both the DCI and topical arrangements have the

same content - just in a different order.

Michigan will review the TOPIC arrangement.

Michigan’s Public Review

Access Survey for Topic ArrangementThree Sections

Respondent Information

General Survey on All K-12 Standards

Elementary, Middle School, High School Standards

Search NGSS using Interactive ToolsSearch by Topic

Search by DCI

www.nextgenscience.orgClick on Review the Standards

Defining College and Career

Readiness for the Next Generation

Science Standards

Identifying CCR in Science

Determining Direction Using Existing Research Determining the Definition NGSS College and Career Readiness Lead State

Review Definition and Research Review included in NGSS

Appendix C Complements Michigan’s Career and College

Readiness work Complements CCSS and MMC Requirements

CCR in Science Draft DefinitionCollege and Career Ready Students can demonstrate evidence of:

Applying a blend of Science and Engineering Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs) to make sense of the world and approach problems not previously encountered by the student, including new situations, new phenomena, and new information;

Self-directed planning, monitoring, and evaluation; Applying knowledge more flexibly across various disciplines through

continual exploration of Science and Engineering Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Disciplinary Core Ideas;

Employing valid and reliable research strategies; Exhibiting evidence of the effective transfer of mathematics and

disciplinary literacy skills to science.

CCR in Science Assumptions

Working definition for college and career readiness in science is based on the following assumptions:

•Students are expected to operate at the nexus of the three dimensions of science: 1) Science and Engineering Practice; 2) Crosscutting Concepts; and 3) DCIs. •Learning expectations are equivalent for college and career. •A student is ready to enter and succeed in coursework beyond high school in science and technical subjects that leads to a degree or credential. This includes the military and credentialing that can occur during the high school experience such as credentialing programs, dual enrollment programs, and advanced placement courses.

NGSS Lead States

• Lead State Meeting (Achieve, Sept. 2011)• MI Internal Review Team reviews first draft (Nov./Dec. 2011)

• Lead States meet with Writers (Early January 2012)• Critical Stakeholders, All States, Leads (Jan. – Feb.)• Public Draft; MI State Review Meetings; State Report (May)• Lead States Implementation Planning (Nov. 2011 - Ongoing)• All State Review; MI Internal Review (Summer, Fall)• 2nd Public Draft (Jan. 2013)• Final Draft; MI Internal Review (Feb. 2013)• Final State Report (Feb. 2013)• NGSS Released for Adoption (Late March 2013)• Lead State Adoption Planning (Jan.- March 2013)

Michigan NGSS Development Timeline Michigan NGSS Development Timeline

NGSS Information

• Official NGSS Site

• MDE NGSS Page Shortcut,4615,7-140-28753_38684_28760-277001--,00.html

• Susan Codere, NGSS Project Coordinator

• Megan Schrauben, Integrated Education Consultant