Newton's Chronology

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Newton's Chronology

Transcript of Newton's Chronology

Remarks upon Some Dissertations Lately Publish'd at Paris, by the Rev. P. Souciet, against SirIsaac Newton's Chronology. By Dr. Edmund Halley, Astronomer Royal, F. R. S.Author(s): Edmund HalleyReviewed work(s):Source: Philosophical Transactions (1683-1775), Vol. 34 (1726 - 1727), pp. 205-210Published by: The Royal SocietyStable URL: .

Accessed: 03/03/2013 16:17

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( 20s )

I Remarks upon fome DiJfert{tions lately p>61i/Zv'd at Paris^, by tbe RevX P. S(llcier, again: Wir Ifaac Newttons Chronology By lAr Ed rntlrt£d Elalley, A#roxorner ltoyai, F. 1-tt 3.

q mHere has been lately pUt into my hand.s a BKkzok j publifhed laftRtear at Pdris by liatler Sosiet;>

JefiuitX againa our late Prefadent SirISa*;cl>te7vl 11is

Chronotogy, without waiting till tbe Book be palt:il-

edX and without knowirlg the Contents rllerenft o£fler

wife than by a lhort Extra&, Xmade at tile derre of a

very great Perfon, and witllout intentio, that it Jll(uld be publickly feen. However, a Copy tllereof 11avirlg been (as I fuppofe) furreptitiouny obtained and carrled over into France, the fame was firft trannared into

French, and then printed at Paris with a pretended Re furation thereof by the fatne P. Sogcier. Since t}zerl, Sirlfaac having anfuZered, as lle thougtlt, his (313

jeEions, has thereby given him a handle to publi(lI five other Diertations againll the nevv Sylleln of Chronologys as he calls it ; tile firll and 1a(} of xv llicl being chiefly ARronomical i fince tlac great Auther is no moreD feem properly to fall undernzy exannation, both oll account of the lQoll in svllich 1 have the ho- nour to feroo Ilis MajeRy in ql1ality of his ARrono- mer, as alSo {rom the long Acquaiftance anl korienel- fl1ip tllat has fubf1Red between the DXceaSud and n1y felt.

And tSrf}, I obServe, that P. Soucier readily allows what Seems to be the mo(t exz4>prionable part oF the wllole Syttem, Vizt that Chirox the Centaur tixt tlle

E e Colures,

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( 2Q6 )

Coluresi in the ancient Sphere of tixt Stars, in the farnt places as Hipparchus tells 1ls they had been *llp- pofed by #clOX#S alany Centuries of Years after Cbi- roa. His words are thefe, cr 9; T ;R74f§) IsoAw 0) pe z£ge42 f t"T@; T" V b£T4A"t, @ > ZS TM V> TX tdTX XA4T. Th is, un- doubtedlyX Vas the Pofitio£} of vlle.Colure of the Ver- nal Equinox rnany Ages before Eudaxgs; but whether fo old as Chiron} and the =4rgonas4tick ExpHition) I nlall nr -under£ake at this time to enquite; but only obServe, tlat Y. Societ in his Avfles e1 Moadt, or A bridgment of his Ctaronology, prefixt to t-heSe DlSer- tations} tnakes tile Argona;¢tck Expedition 1-rf7 iteal?S

before our Gra of tEle Birth of Jelus Chrill e and the taking of [ry I 388 Years betc)re it, which Oate is lzo Years fooner than the Parian Chronicle, read and publiI}lt by our Learned Selden in bis M4rmora ArwfioMe- Zivsta} makes it; and above 5oc) Yeari t^arlier than the l:ime affigned by Sir /faac Neuotan.

Now both of them making uSe of the -fame Premi; fies, it may feem firange that their CQQ}UfiXS lEould be fo widcly dina^C: And indeed upon a Prwffiefl joe that the a?rgoatict Expedition and ti Siege of [rv could not have been lefs tllan xOco \tears betore Chritt I-rnuR own, I was at flrA-fomewhat prejudsed in i- vour of Pi 50Aciet, taking-his Calctalatiox ft vao tel; and not having feen Sir Ifaac's YVrcwk Bu-a + ferving that he quotes Sir I>ac, as iyings tbqt za qonXw quence of what lzpparchas has recorded fmm f^ ttle Equinitlal CDolure in the old Sere was about 7° 3 6' fio£n the tirS 5tar of Aries I was refolfed to examine the tnatter wittl due Attentimt t@ecially flnce the Good Father feems tO trlumph over his Ad* verEaryX arld to trtat a Man of 11is Figur¢ iRttle- CQmX mon-wealtll of Learning in a ver) ludicrous -aaneer norwithfianding ttle Sevuralfine tllings he fiys o >m to

palliate it. 1 find

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( 207 ) I End tlle Di@ute to be clwiefly over whaF part of

the Back of Aries the Colure pa(l: Wlle \Jote3s ot ftipparcAvgs, as iom E#koX;dsXare tt jnlplys t1)at it pa o lrer tho Back} witllout fayir;g over st1Rat. dtars or orer vwrtlat part of the l3ack it pa+;l. And tile fiIne as chss lllessy tllat lf it paII over tIle Star in tlae tnidfwile of the Back, it greatly diSered from tlle Situation thercof in his time; arld conceiviing tllanCe tllat the flEquino dial Points migllt have a regrelEve lnotionf he u as the &rR tilat attempted to dfiile tlltir lnfBtiOn; but t)a- ving no ObServations older tban tlacuSe of [imoctaris} made within leSs than too Years of his own titne} and xrery courSe withal, he was not atDle to deterllline tZle quantsty thereof, but gue(} it to be abovt a l)egree in loo Years; wllicll length of tilne and tlle tnfore cu-

rious ObSerrration of the bloderns llas now prvved to be 19 ̂ '. or rather io" per an&tuS.

Tn a word? Sir Afaac talfes the Colttre to have pa(E over the middle of the Con(lellatiotl of AriesX and v¢ ry near the Star in tlle middle of tile Back (^ Bayero)* And P. Soaciet will havc it) that it pall over the midcIle of the Sign or Dodecvtegorion of alrzes, reckoning the Sign < to begin with the SrR Star ot the Conrteliation; and by confcquence his C,>olure mu(t paSs about midway betsseen the Rutup and firR of tile Tayl of dries ( and 9 Bayero ;) which Situation could never be faid to be over the Back: But wililll Sir gac makes tile Colure but 7Q 36, from the firR Star of Aries, which PX So8ciet males ty Degrets fFom it, tle diffirence 7Q 24 at yo/ per tr;>X7n} makes s 33 Years diSerence in tbe refults

Let us now examine when vlle Stars in queRion dtcl adrually pals under tlle Colure of tbe Verna} kcluinexa aflixming eheir ptaces as thes are itl Mr. FEanlZeeds Brx- tM Catalogue, fitted to the begintling of the Year s Ggo

twE 2 d.e

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( Zo8 )

He ptaces the fitR Star of Arie5 in tS° Ss' of Aries 7> 9/. Nortll Latitude. And fuppoilng the Obliquity of ttle Eclipticlo t39 t9', it will be as Radius to the Tangent of 23Q 29B:: fo the Tangent of 47Q 9/ tO tilt

Sine vf 3° 7 1-, the diSerence ot Longitude l)etween t}le Star atld tlle Point in the Eclipt-ick which paR unde-r the Colure at the fatne titne w-ith tlle Star ; fo that this Point u7as) Aaso I69O i7feente, in T 25° 43/ o'tand thereSore allosvingso/,ser AnammX theSsar was under t11e Colure Z 8 5 X Years beSere the FJpocha of the Brix tif Ciatalogue, tllat -iS, I6^ Rears before our Gra of tlle 7$tiVity of Jefus Chri in; ullich very Year HiRparchrs began to o£ferve the iEquinexes recordtd by Ytaletr5, Lib. II. C'ap. -X.

If there-fore with Sir I/-aacwe-add 7°- 36 to the ljong. of the firR Star ot Sries, as it was in I 690, we faall have 36° a7w, which the Colure moves in w6z4 Yeafs: And deduding 1690 thereirom, we ihallhave p34 Years before Chrift for- tlle Argonautick Expe- dition. And if to 79 36t wZe add 3Q 7 W Wellaall have I °° 43 ' 21, that is, 7 7 X Years before the lSrft Star of A- ries paft ttle Colure

Next let us inquire when the Star in the middle of tlle Back of Aries (v Bayero) paft the Colure. lts Longitude Anno X 69 o ineSte, was 9° ,8 / 3 S" of f rss, svith Nortll Lat. 6° 8B; but by the Iortgoing Alla- logy, vlle VPoint in the Ecliptick, over whicth the Colure pait atthe fametime wlth lts was t° 4s' 12 before it, that is in U 7° 8/o Now 370 8t gtve w6 ;vqYears ntarlyX or 984 Yeat-s before Ctlrili? wtt-n ltt&t Star was under ttleXquinodtial ColureX belng but halt a Century carlicr- than bIr EJ;ac places the Argona>tick Expeditlen; and illess ehat lle- took the middle of .Atries over which the Colure is ftappc)fed to have paf7-, to le the mlddle as the Conllellation, and not ol- tile L)>G¢'e;JTemOZ8EQ#} AnD lIJ fo


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( 209 )

dolng) no doubr., lsad teafon to place this Colere 7v 36 in conSequPnce of the firR <Star of Aries, ln3tead of Sc XX l as It WaS sstllen tl 5tar in ttle midille of the ]3ack of Aties AtaS under tlle COlurer

But if with P. Soaciet 57ou malse tlle Colure to inter-

feA tEle Ecliptick sS l)grees frQfn tlle firR btar of Aries, or a, 30 5 1 t frotll tI-le R;quinOdiRl lOiSts as it WAS

anao f 69O} vve nlall have klle time ntarly X 470 \tnars before ChriR; but then theGolure will beveryfer from vlle midcSle oi tTle I3acls of X#riesf a nd leave onl v his Tayl to the Eaftward, as it leases tive Head of tlla Whale to tlle Wellward fo as by no means to agrve with the lDefcription Bre llave of it {r>-n ppJtc2>s;

whticll it were tO bW wiRlt had bee more deriitiveX and as well circuln-anced as what Hipparchzxs llas left us of the Pofitn of the Colures in [liS OW'tl time, which upon examination I find to be very cnn- &Llenta alld t11e ObServations made with fuJOicient care:

Thus I hope) X have {llewn P. Sagsief: that there was no ASedation of Myflery tn Sir l%acs p!acing tlle Colure 7 36' Irotn the fjra Star ot AzSies, ror any occafiotl to clrole as he does Pag 13to IJ2. on that account; as alro ttlat ile 6oug}lt 1:o llQve dedtl- d;ted t 7/I3 01]t 0t' t1lC IS 9Pg8'ttS 11e aSumes tor the dillance of lais Colure frotn tile fr,rt -9tar of A riess wllich vvill bring Xlln tsy \tears neartr to iir

lfaac NewfoS'S t;;me 1e Is li1<CWirQ entreated in the next Edition of his lZiSertatlons to be a lttle more careful of llis tu^nlrS tthan 11e has been Pag. 34, IJ5} and in'-orm lalmfelf in the Xplerickts7 {v as to give us ttle R.lgwit AScenlGans of the Stars trulyt trom elleir gives Longitu.les and Latitudes.


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LaRly, I wotlld infbrm himX that the- Stat in the Cexltaur which Hipparctgs defcribes, as being in his time very neat t!e Autumnal Colare,was not v of Byer, but certainly , and that,aato inegnte X dpotits Longitude wasScorpio 8Q43}401'> vVith SoutllLatitude ̂72 S9t But the Colure palling througll that Star, by the Pro pcxrtion given above, cllts the Ecliptick I30 totSo" in Antecedence of the St:aa that is in Libra ?#5 tt' 50'. But z5° 221 so" give 18z7 Years: wherefore the Titne chis Star was in the Colure was 137 Years before Chri&, when Hipparskas flourilEed and might very well obServe it

II. Ss

( 21t )

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