NEWTE CH. TOOLS. TIM ES. - Ning-R9...t Blackbaud t Bookwear ... AGREEMENT TO CONDITIONS: Each...

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Transcript of NEWTE CH. TOOLS. TIM ES. - Ning-R9...t Blackbaud t Bookwear ... AGREEMENT TO CONDITIONS: Each...





This November, more than 500 attendees are coming together in San Jose, CA, to put their !ngers on the pulse of Silicon Valley and New Tech. New Tools. New Times. This year’s NAMP

Conference is all about technology and audience development: Your organization has something to o!er them for their tool box!

Be at the National Arts Marketing Project Conference to network and connect with your target audience!

Attendees are professionals involved with marketing, public relations, membership, fundraising, audience development, and research—from all budget sizes and from across the country—along with executive directors and board members. Organizations of all types gather together for this event: from performing arts centers, museums, and dance companies to local arts agencies, foundations, and universities.

Last year, there were more than 500 attendees representing 40+ states and seven countries across the world. Nearly 20 percent of attendees were CEOs or directors, coming to !nd the most innovative ideas in the !eld. In 2010, expect more new energy!

2010 keynote and plenary speakers: Do you wonder why some ideas stick and others don’t? Keynote speaker Chip Heath will answer this question and share insights from his best-selling book, Made to Stick. Learn how his theories apply to the arts and how to make your creative experiences stickier. Managing Director of Berkeley Repertory Theatre Susan Medak has kept her organization strategically limber and responsive to the changing art world since 1990. Hear how Berkeley Rep has developed a check list for attracting new audiences through aggressive programming and the support of strategic use of new technologies.Think there is a hierarchy of needs for the arts consumer? When Chip Conley’s hotel company, Joie de Vivre, was struggling, he turned to famed psychologist Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory of human motivation for a solution. He reinterpreted the theory in his best-selling book, PEAK, and arts groups will discover how his ideas can apply to employees, customers, and donors.

San Jose: It’s More than Just MicrochipsWith exploding growth, a vibrant arts scene, trendy nightlife and shopping, and an array of recreational

activities, San Jose is the ideal setting for the 2010 National Arts Marketing Project Conference. Come experi-ence the energy! With Networking Opportunities like Dine-Arounds, the Opening Reception, and dedicated

Networking Lunches and Breaks, you’ll meet potential new clients every minute.

EXHIBITING: $1,300In addition to the 6’ skirted table top exhibit and one complimentary registration, you also receive:

Complimentary conference attendee list Company description and website in the !nal onsite program Option to purchase up to three additional registrations for the discounted rate of $175 eachNEW! Your logo featured in Conference eblasts that can reach as many as 40,000 stakeholders

Increased presence on the 2010 National Arts Marketing Project Conference websiteMore on-site interaction with attendees including an “exhibitor bingo” style ra"e

Past exhibitors include: Artsmarketing Services Inc.AudienceWorksBlackbaudBookwearChoice Ticketing SystemsCinevativeDonorSearcheTapestry

Deadline to submit contract for exhibiting: Friday, August 27, 2010.

ADVERTISING: $550–$1,900The onsite program goes to all participants and is used as a resource throughout the year. We’ve reduced ad rates this year to help you combat the e#ects of slashed travel budgets. Your print ad can generate aware-ness and revenue among creative leaders from the arts and creative business communities. (See Terms and Conditions for ad specs.)

Past advertisers include:AMS Planning and Research American University: Arts Management Program ArtsMarket, Inc. CRA/LA Savannah College of Art and DesignCinevativeTheaterMania

Deadline to submit contract for advertising: Friday, July 30. Deadline to submit artwork: Friday, August 13.

SPONSORSHIPWant additional exposure? Inquire about sponsorship opportunities today! You can get additional visibility through sponsoring the National Arts Marketing Project Conference Cyber Lounge, educational sessions, lanyards, receptions, and much more.

Enertex MarketingDonorSearchPatron TechnologySD&A TeleservicesTaylar DevelopmentTessitura SoftwareTheaterManiaWealthEngine

Get $100 o# your purchase of

a table-top exhibit if you submit your exhibitor contract

by July 30, 2010!

: $550 : $900 : $1,400: $1,400 : $1,900




Complete this form and fax, attention Exhibits, to 202.371.0424 or mail to Americans for the Arts, attention Exhibits, 1000 Vermont Ave NW, 6th Floor, Washington, DC, 20005.

Deadline for application: Friday, August 27, 2010.After submitting application, please submit a 50-word company description for the program guide to or attach to this contract.

Company Name: ___________________________________________________________________________

Mailing Address:____________________________________________________________________________


Please provide the contact information of the person(s) coordinating the logistics for this table top exhibit.

Contact Name:___________________________________Telephone/Fax:______________________________


Table Top Exhibit Fee: $1,300__Yes! I am purchasing an ad and exhibit package for a 15% discount on the ad rate.

__ Yes! This contract is submitted before July 30, 2010 and I can receive $100 o!!

Check Enclosed -OR- Credit Card (circle one): American Express Visa MasterCard

Card Number:________________________________________ Exp. Date:_____________________________

Name on Card:_________________________________________

Billing address:_____________________________________________________________________________

Signature:_______________________________________________ Date:_____________________________

We hereby make application for a table-top exhibit at the Americans for the Arts 2010 National Arts Market-ing Project Conference. We agree to abide by the terms and conditions set forth by Americans for the Arts on the following pages.

_______________________________ ___________________________ _______________________Name Title Date

This application is an o#er to rent table top exhibit space. No contract is formed unless and until this application is signed by an authorized representative of Americans for the Arts.

______________________________________________________ _______________________Americans for the Arts Date

APPLICATION AND ELIGIBILITY: Application for table-top space must be made on the printed form provided by Americans for the Arts, contain the information requested, and be executed by an individual who has authority to act for the applicant (exhibitor). Organizations that are producers or suppliers of equipment and other products or services whose proposed exhibit will support the business of arts management and the purposes of the conven-tion, may apply for table-top display space. Americans for the Arts reserves the absolute right to reject any such application.

AGREEMENT TO CONDITIONS: Each exhibitor, agrees to abide by these conditions, it being understood and agreed that the sole control of the display area rests with Americans for the Arts. Exhibi-tor also shall be subject to any applicable rules of the hosting hotel.

ASSIGNMENT OF SPACE: Classi!cation of table-top displays and assignment of space will be determined by Americans for the Arts based upon the character of the proposed display and individual requirements and preferences as to the location for each exhibitor. Once the space has been approved by Americans for the Arts no exhibit will be moved except by the mutual consent of the parties.

PAYMENT: Full payment must accompany this application. All ap-plications must be received by Americans for the Arts no later than September 10, 2010.

INSURANCE: In all cases, exhibitors wishing to insure their goods must do so at their own expense. Americans for the Arts holds no responsibility for table-top area security, nor for the value of any goods. All materials supplied by the exhibitor are displayed at their own risk and liability.

BOOTHS: Each table will be six feet in length, skirted with two chairs and Americans for the Arts will provide signage of company name. If any additional equipment is needed (electrical, internet, etc.) it is the responsibility of the exhibitor to contract for and ar-range payment for all related activities.

CARE OF SPACE: The exhibitor is responsible for, at his own ex-pense, maintaining, cleaning the area of the exhibit space.

PROTECTION OF EXHIBIT SPACE: Nothing shall be nailed, tacked, screwed or otherwise attached to any building structure. If any damage occurs it is at the responsibility of the exhibitor to pay any damages.

DEFAULT OCCUPANCY: If space is not occupied by the designated time, Americans for the Arts has the right to use the space as nec-essary and no refund will be granted to the exhibitor.

PERSONNEL: Booth personnel must con!ne their activities to their designated space. Exhibitors that are conference attendees should make necessary arrangements to have their booth space covered when they deem necessary.

DISTRIBUTION OF PRINTED MATTER: Exhibitor shall not distrib-ute materials, souvenirs outside of their exhibit space.

CONFLICTING MEETINGS & SOCIAL EVENTS: In the interest of the success of the annual meeting, no exhibitor shall extend invita-tion, call meetings or otherwise encourage absence of attendees during the hours of the conference.

COMPLIANCE WITH THE LAW: Exhibitor shall comply with all ap-plicable governmental laws, regulations, and rules.

CANCELLATION: Cancellations received in writing by close of business on October 1, 2010, will receive a full refund less a $100 processing fee. There will be no refunds for cancellations after October 1, 2010.

RIGHT TO REMOVE PROPERTY: Americans for the Arts reserves the right to remove from the hotel any and all property if the exhibitor violates any conditions of this agreement.

LIABILITY: Americans for the Arts makes no warranties, express or implied, and disclaims the same. Without limiting the foregoing, Americans for the Arts undertakes no duty to exercise care, nor does it assume any responsibility for the protection and safety of the exhibitor, its personnel, and its property used in connection to the exhibit, from injury or harm, including theft and damage or destruction by !re. The exhibitor should remove small and easily removed articles during non-peak convention hours. No security of goods will be provided by Americans for the Arts. Notwithstand-ing any other provision in the application, including these terms and conditions, the maximum liability of Americans for the Arts to exhibitor under any circumstances and with respect to any claim, whether arising in tort or contract, shall not exceed the amount paid by exhibitor for the exhibit space. Under no circumstances shall Americans for the Arts be liable to Exhibitor for any indirect, special, consequential, or punitive damages.

INDEMNIFICATION: Exhibitor shall indemnify and hold harm-less Americans for the Arts, and The Fairmont San Jose and their respective directors, employees, members, and a$liates, for any damage, expense (including attorneys’ fees), !nes, penalties, or loss incurred by, or imposed upon, any of the same and arising out of the negligent or other wrongful acts or omissions of exhibitor, its principals, employees, or agents.

DISPUTE RESOLUTION: With respect to any dispute between the parties that cannot be resolved by them, the sole method of dispute resolution shall be arbitration under the auspices and pursuant to the rules of the American Arbitration Association, such arbitration to be !led and to take place in Washington, DC. District of Columbia law shall be applied without regard to con%icts of laws principles. Any award or decision may be submitted to a court of competent jurisdiction for enforcement.

ASSIGNMENT: The privileges granted to exhibitor may not be as-signed, nor may the exhibit space be sublet, by exhibitor without express written permission of Americans for the Arts.



Complete this form and fax, attention Exhibits, to 202.371.0424 or mail to Americans for the Arts, attention Exhibits, 1000 Vermont Ave NW, 6th Floor, Washington, DC, 20005. Ad contract deadline is Friday, July 30.

Ad artwork must be received by Friday, August 13. Check the spec sheet for submission guidelines.

Company Name: ___________________________________________________________________________

Mailing Address:____________________________________________________________________________


Please provide the contact information of the person(s) coordinating the logistics for this advertisement.

Contact Name:___________________________________Telephone/Fax:_____________________________


Half Page: $550______ Full Page: $900______ Inside Front Cover: $1,400______ Inside Back Cover: $1,400______ Back Cover: $1,900______

____Yes, I am purchasing an ad and exhibit package for a 15% discount on the ad rate.

Check Enclosed -OR- Credit Card (circle one): American Express Visa MasterCard

Card Number:________________________________________ Exp. Date:_____________________________

Name on Card:_________________________________________

Billing address:_____________________________________________________________________________

Signature:_______________________________________________ Date:_____________________________

We hereby make application for advertising at the Americans for the Arts 2010 National Arts Marketing Projec Conference. We agree to abide by the terms and conditions set forth by Americans for the Arts on the following pages.

_______________________________ ___________________________ _______________________Name Title Date

Americans for the Arts publications are created on behalf and for the bene!t of our membership. Americans for the Arts therefore reserves the right to reject, omit, or cancel advertising it does not feel is in the best interest of our membership or goals.

SUBMITTING FILES: Ad contract deadline: Friday, July 30. Ad artwork deadline: Friday, August 13.For speci!cations, please see attached spec sheet.

CONFIRMATION: Orders must be con!rmed in writing by deadline. Verbal or electronic mail order, without contracts, are not acceptable.

CHANGES TO CONTENT: No typesetting or alterations will be done by the printer or Americans for the Arts.

RESPONSIBILITY: It is not the responsibility of Americans for the Arts or the printer to edit, design, or alter any advertiser-submitted ad. Ads must be re-submitted if advertisers wish to have ad altered in any manner.

COLOR: Americans for the Arts cannot guarantee accurate color reproduction if a SWOP standard proof is not supplied.

CANCELLATIONS: No cancellations or changes in order will be accepted after the deadline. Cancellations must be received in writing prior to deadline. Any advertiser cancelling advertisements after the closing date must pay the full space charge.

ADVERTISEMENT: The word “advertisement” will be placed with copy, which, in the publisher’s opinion, resembles editorial content.

PLACEMENT: Publisher reserves the right to determine ad placement.

CONDITIONS: No conditions, printed or otherwise, appearing on the space order, billing instructions, or copy instructions that con%ict with the publisher’s state policy will be binding on the publisher.

LIABILITY: Advertisers and agencies assume liability for content of advertisement and assume responsibility for any claims therefore made against the publisher.

PAYMENT: Payment must be received by the deadline.

DISCOUNTS: Agency discounts are not applicable.



Covers 2, 3, and 4 8.5” wide x 11” tall (+ 1⁄8” bleed); or 7.75” wide x 10.25” tall, no bleed

4-color or BW YES

Full page vertical 7.75” wide x 10.25” tall, no bleed BW NOHalf-page horizontal 7.75” wide x 4.75” tall, no bleed BW NOQuarter page vertical 3.5” wide x 4.5” tall, no bleed BW NO


MATERIALS DEADLINE: Friday, April 17, 2009


1. Email to:

Elizabeth Van Fleet

2. FTP. For large files over 5 MB, upload to FTP site via web browser. Login: publicupload Password: afta4you

Upload ad files to the “2009 Convention Advertising” folder.

3. Mail files on CD or DVD to:

Elizabeth Van Fleet Communications and Marketing Associate Americans for the Arts 1000 Vermont Avenue, NW, 6th Floor Washington, DC 20005 202.371.2830

PDF-X1a (preferred)The preferred digital ad format for advertising is high-resolution, press-optimized PDF-X1a. (See below.) Ads must be fully PDF-X1a compliant, with Acrobat 4 (version 1.3) compatibility.

IMPORTANT: high-resolution,

press-optimized PDF-X1a with embedded fonts, images at 300 ppi.

– All placed images (photos, logos, etc) should be converted to CMYK before creating PDF-X1a.

– All color images must separate as 4-color CMYK. Convert all RGB, spot (Pantone) colors and lab colors in color palette before saving the file.

– Placed images and graphics must be a minimum of 300 ppi at full size. Line art must have a minimum resolution of 600 ppi at full size.


Illustrator AI or EPS format (version CS3 or earlier).

– All fonts must be converted to outlines.

– Any placed images or photographs must be converted to CMYK and should be embedded into file (not linked). Photos must have a resolution of 300 ppi at full size; Line art must have a minimum resolution of 600 ppi at full size. Save file as CMYK EPS.


PhotoShop TIFF or EPS (at 300 ppi at full size) may also be accepted as final art.


InDesign) will not be accepted. Please

or InDesign layouts to PDF-X1a format. not be

accepted: MS Word, MS Publisher, PowerPoint, FreeHand, Corel Draw, JPEG, GIF, film separations.

PROOFSAdvertisers may submit a color proof as reference (color lasers are OK). Although not required, any SWOP proofs provided by advertiser will be used by printer as reference. Color ads not accompanied by SWOP proofs will be matched to pleasing color standards.

Advertiser assumes all responsibility for print quality or problems if above specifications are not met.

PRINT SPECS: Final program is 8.5” wide x 11” high, saddle-stitched.

Inks: Program cover will print 4-color.

Text: Text pages will print 2-color. Pantone colors of the final program are still to be determined.

Note: All ads should be black-and-white excluding cover ads which are 4-color.


Full page vertical,

with bleed

(Covers 2, 3, and 4 only)

Half page horizontal

Full page vertical, no bleed 1⁄4 pg





Friday, July 30

Friday, August 13