Newsletters 2010 - AVT

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Newsletters 2010


CONFUSABLE W ORDS: Claim, pretend

If you claim that something is true, you say that it is true, although you may notbe able to prove it or to make people believe you.

He claimed that he found the money in a forest.He claimed to be a Scot but had a powerful Liverpool accent.

If you pretend that something is true, you try to make people believe that it istrue, although you know that it is not.

The rest of us stood around for a while trying to pretend nothing had happened.He could pretend, perhaps, not to recognize them.

URLs Recomendados: PPTs más divertidos y herramientaspara la comunicación a distancia

Como hacer una presentación en PPT sin aburrir + Tips 

Más allá del email: herramientas tecnológicas paracomunicarse en el trabajo a distancia 

Vocabulary Exercise: Mercados extranjeros - Vocabulary

A. Fill in the blanks

1.  Computer based technology ca be a powerful took in the ……...Political, economic and social risk. 

2.  Companies ca use direct foreign investment to ….. or ……certain markets. 

3.  …… models can be constructed to help analysts assign … todifferent categories of risk. 

4.  Attending fairs or trade shows provides an …. To determine theattractiveness of a particular export market. 

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B. Multiple Choice

1. The different categories of business risk include:a. war b. price controlsc. labor strife d. income / capitae. a, b & d only f. a,b & c onlyg. all the above

2.  Environmental analysts make use of all the followingforecasting methodologies, EXCEPT: 

a.  Expert opinion b. trend extrapolationC .Cross impact d. multiple scenario

e.Cross elasticity f. all are available

3 . To judge the financial viability of an export project a firm mustconsider all, EXCEPT:a. return on investment (ROI) b. working capitalc. interest rates d. cash flowe. income

C. Translate

1.  Esta feria puede ser una manera excelente de penetrar en elmercado Europeo. 

2.  Este es el mercado que ellos desean conquistar. 3.  ¿Qué sabe usted sobre la reglamentación administrativa en ese

país? 4.  Los analistas del riesgo usan técnicos computarizadas.


A.  1.forecasting2.consolidate, penetrate

3.Mathematical, probabilities4.opportunity

B. 1. f 2. e3. e

C. 1. This fair may be an excellent way of penetrating the European market.2. This is the market they with to capture.3. What do you know about the administrative regulations in that country?4. Risk analyst use computer-based techniques.

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Tw itter Demystified for Business Users - By Nancy McCord (c)2009

Twitter is the current top "hot property" on the Web, but its popularity andhow to use it has mystified many business owners. Many people think thatthey want to, or should be using Twitter, but simply do not understand theplatform, its use, or its place in building web exposure. This article willdemystify Twitter and help you to learn how to use it in the workplace andto promote your business.

First, I have to say that I had been confused on how to use Twitter tobenefit my own business until I downloaded TweetDeck. TweetDeck is adesktop application that allows you to review and post status updates on

Twitter and Facebook simultaneously. I consider it a "must have"application for anyone who wants to make sense of Twitter. TweetDeckallows you to sort the people you follow on Twitter into groups, allows youto limit the number of Tweets (Twitter micro posts) to be shown at anytime, and also allows you to discard all Tweets you have seen with oneclick. Additionally, using TweetDeck, finally a Twitter search on a topicmakes sense.

Since using TweetDeck, I have had a much better Twitter experience. As aTwitter newbie, visiting your Twitter home page is intimidating; it consistsof post after post from people who you are following, who you may not

know much about, and it just seems like a huge volume of content. To getstarted effectively first group the people who actually have somethinginteresting to say on TweetDeck and voila, you have a powerful tool thatkeeps you at the forefront of what is happening in your industry and onthe Web.

So how do you get started with Twitter? Well the first thing is to start onTwitter yourself to understand what you like to read, who you like tofollow, and to clearly identify what you like about Twitter. For me, it boilsdown to this: I like to follow people in my industry who say something of value, who provide a link to a new application or point me to an interestingnew article, video, or blog site that I should review but may have notfound myself. Based on what I like, and the people who I find interestingto read, I now write my Twitter posts using this same formula to grow myown Twitter audience.

What I also like about Twitter is that the people who I follow also knowhow to show their true personality in their Tweets. Yes, I do like to knowwhat Danny Sullivan (famous search engine marketing guru) ate for lunch,but better yet is the link to the video he thought was funny. I lovefollowing Ashton Kutcher (movie star married to Demi Moore who just hit1 million Twitter followers in April). Man, that guy is really funny and ishaving a ball with Twitter. His posts are great and he has just earned the

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status of the user with the most followers. This is why you can't hiresomeone to "Ghost Twitter" for you. It's about showing the real you - youcan't fake that!

So how can you use Twitter for business? Twitter is an excellent tool forlinking and this is the real value for businesses. By using Twitter to pointpeople to content on your website, articles you have written either on oroff your website, or by linking to a service you want to highlight, you drivetraffic. On top of that, Google actually indexes Twitter and so your Twitterpage can appear in the organic search results so make sure your bio iswell thought out. Don't waste time using Twitter to point to blog posts, useTwitterFeed to post your blog posts directly onto Twitter. If you have ablog or website, you'll get new Twitter followers by posting yourTwitterFeed right onto your web pages. People who may not have knownyour Twitter ID can simply click the bottom "follow me link" and startfollowing you on Twitter.

What's important to be successful in using Twitter is to identify what youpersonally like about this new media and then deliver the same type of things that you like back to your followers - work to provide value notdrivel! So you've got to play with Twitter and learn how to use it firstbefore you can really become successful with it for your business.

So how do you get followers? Well, I started by following everyone (who Ifound by doing a Twitter search) who had the last name McCord. Then I

searched for web design, search engine optimization, and pay per click.Any site profile that looked good, I clicked to follow the writer. It was thateasy. Many times people who you follow will choose to follow you. That'show you initially build up your Twitter base. Over time you will start toidentify your "Twitter voice" and refine the type of Twitter presence youwant to have by changing your content style and the things that youTweet about. As you refine your presence, you will build a following.

Another cool Twitter use is that you can reply to any of your followers bysimply putting an @ in front of their Twitter ID. For example to sendsomething to my attention use @mccordweb at the very front of yourTwitter posting and click enter. Just remember that this post is seen by allfollowers on my site and on your Twitter site. If you need a more privateexchange, go to the direct message link on the site and selecta follower by Twitter ID name and send your message from there. Thisnote will be private. If you are using TweetDeck, you can click on afollower's Twitter ID icon and then select to send a direct message or@reply to them. TweetDeck will automatically insert the correct syntax foryou in the Tweet.

For many businesses the ability for users to communicate with topmanagement using Twitter is an invaluable resource. This one-to-oneexchange allows a company principal to keep tabs on customer viewpoints,

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concerns, and interests. As a Twitter reply or direct maíl does not useemail and does not require a response, this is a great way to tap intosocial networking to test new ideas and to ask for user feedback. Forexample, if you have a new software product, ask your Twitter followersfor feedback on a specific feature, or provide a link to your beta version fortheir testing.

How you use Twitter is all about your personal business needs. The bestadvice that I can provide you is that you need to use Twitter a bit yourself first to understand the medium and to find out what you like to read bestusing Twitter. Then, create your Twitter network sharing information thatyou find interesting and have some fun.

Currently I am following 204 people and 183 people are following me onTwitter. Personally I find Twitter great fun and a very cool way to find outfirst what's happening in the world before you see it on TV, read it on theWeb, or see it in the newspaper. That's the real power of Twitter; youshare, you find out, and you know, all by a person-to-person exchange of information.

For those of you clicking in from my e-newsletter the rest of the content onTwitter applications and uses follows.

Below are some of the Twitter applications that I like and use regularly formy business.

Twuffer - I love this one, it is a Twitter post scheduler. Some people feelthat Twuffer defeats the immediacy of Twitter posts or Tweets, but I like itas I will schedule Tweets on days that I am not blogging to keep myfollowers advised of things I find important. It is easy to use, allows you toTweet ahead, and lets you select a posting schedule by day and time. If youare pushing content on a service or product, this is an excellent tool to use.Set your Tweets up one week or one month at a time and feed your contentto readers in addition to your regular Tweets. Make sure to to change any long URLs you point to in the Tweet to aTwitter-friendly short version to save space.

Twitter Feed - This is another one of my top favorites. TwitterFeed allowsme to show my blog posts from "The Web Authority" directly onto Twitter.It also allows me to post my Tweets back on my blog (by installing awidget) in my blog template - very cool cross interaction! I pick up manyTwitter followers with this technique. Readers come to visit my blog andthen choose to follow me on Twitter.

Twitter Grader - This one is a vanity application that allows you to seewhere you stack up against other Twitter users. Twitter Grader measuresthe power of a Twitter user based on followers, number of updates, and

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posting frequency.

TweetBeep - With this application, you can manage your online Twitterreputation. Alerts will be emailed to you whenever a Twitter user Tweetsabout your business, name, or domain. You select the alert criteria andwhat to watch for using TweetBeep. This is great for a business that isconcerned about branding and online identity. PR professionals should makesure to use this tool to watch for comments about their clients.

Read the rest of Nancy's article "Twitter Demystified for Business Users" at: 



When you have an account with a bank, you leave your money in the bank andtake it out when you need it.

The current account, sometimes called a cheque account, is the most widely used.

When you have to pay for things like electricity or a meal in a restaurant, you get abill. 

I’ll want a coy of the phone bill.Clive asked the waiter for the bill

URLs Recomendados: Maiden Voyage 

Provides a secure place facilitated by the Internet which allows thefemale business traveller to network, meet like-minded women andsource appropriate products and services to meet her specific needs

Vocabulary Exercise: Comercio Internacional – International

Trade Vocabulary

1. venture capital= risk capital: capital especulativo, capital deriesgo ( capital invertido en una empresa de creación reciente ymuchas veces de tecnología de punta, lo que representa unriesgo). 

2. buyout: copra de una sociedad, la mayoría de las veces por supersonal de alto nivel ( management butyout).

3. merge: fusión 

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4.  joint venture: union de empresas 5. seed funds – capital – money: capital inicial, capital

generador. 6. startup funds: fondos de arranque. 7. shakeout: 1. recensión , hundimiento del mercado como

consecuencia de un periodo de inflación ( el cual atrajo amuchos inversionistas o empresarios). 2 . trastornoacompañado del cierre de empresas y despidos, 3.reorganización de una empresa después de haber sidocomprada.

Se multiplicó en Brasil el interés por el español

La can t id ad de es tud ian t es crec ió c inco veces en t res años y se  necesi tan m ás p ro f esores  

MADRID (EFE).- La enseñanza del español en Brasil atraviesa "el mejormomento de su historia". Frente al millón de estudiantes de esta lengua quehabía en 2006, hay ya cinco millones y lo probable es que se siga"avanzando a esa velocidad", aunque aún faltan unos 12.000 profesorespara lograrlo.

Los datos correspondientes a Brasil son sin duda los más llamativos delAnuario del Instituto Cervantes 2009 "El español en el mundo", que fue

presentado ayer por la directora de la institución, Carmen Caffarel, y por sudirector académico, Francisco Moreno.

El anuario comenzó a editarse en 1998 para impulsar las investigacionessobre el español y su papel como lengua de comunicación internacional, yen esta nueva entrega se ofrecen también cifras sobre Rusia, donde hay almenos 20.000 estudiantes de esta lengua, y del Africa subsahariana, quecuenta con más de medio millón de personas que lo aprenden.

Los datos de 2009 dan "muchas alegrías" sobre Brasil, dijo Caffarel. Tras laaprobación en 2005 de la ley que obliga a ofrecer la asignatura de español

en los centros públicos de enseñanza media de ese país, varias estadísticascifran en 2.400.000 los alumnos que estudian esta lengua en ese niveleducativo y estiman que, en la enseñanza primaria, esa cantidad puede sersuperior, aunque no se dispone de datos exactos.

Esas cifras del gran país americano "irán creciendo, según todas lasprevisiones", dijo la directora del Cervantes, institución que cuenta con 74centros en 44 países.

Si tras la aprobación de la mencionada ley se dijo que hacían falta en Brasilunos 200.000 profesores de esta lengua, la realidad se ha encargado de

demostrar que esa cifra era exagerada porque, según el Anuario 2009,

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serían necesarios "unos 11.000 o 12.000" docentes, que se sumarían a los7000 actuales.

"Esa cantidad de profesores la puede afrontar el Ministerio de Educaciónbrasileño", destacó Francisco Moreno, si bien los autores del estudio, PedroBenítez y Alvaro Martínez-Cachero, señalan que las condiciones salariales ylas dificultades presupuestarias "pueden ensombrecer" la incorporación deese profesorado.

También en Rusia

En Rusia, apenas hay estadísticas oficiales, pero el anuario estima que hay"al menos 20.000 estudiantes de español pertenecientes a los distintosniveles educativos".

La fuerza de España como destino turístico y "su atracción como potenciacultural" influyeron en que el número haya aumentado en los últimos años,pero sobre todo el hecho de que en la enseñanza secundaria sea obligatoriala oferta del inglés, alemán, francés y español influye en que esasperspectivas sean halagüeñas.

"Creo que puede ocurrir algo similar a lo de Brasil", añadió Caffarel, paraquien también es importante que el español ocupe ya el cuarto puesto comolengua extranjera, "en dura competencia" con el italiano y el chino,mientras que el francés y el alemán "retroceden en sus posiciones".

La expansión del español puede recibir un fuerte impulso en Filipinas, yaque también se va a promulgar una ley similar a la de Brasil, indicó ladirectora.

En Africa, los altos índices de emigración y las oportunidades laborales queda conocer otro idioma están detrás del interés por aprender español, dice



The part of a building or a vehicle that is furthest from the front can ve called eitherthe back or the rear.

Rear is often used in technical descriptions. For example, car manuals talk aboutthe rear or a car.

He decided to approach the house from the rear instead of going to the front door. .

It is more usual to use back. For example, in ordinary conversation people talkabout the back of a car, not the “rear”.… in the back of the dark cab, with the lights of the city streaking past.

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Lang and Colonel von Tempelhof sat in the back.

Both words are also used as adjectives.

There was a rear entrance into the post office.… a suitcase on the back seat.

You use back to talk about the part of an object that is at the opposite end to thefront. You do not use “rear”.

He pulled his cap down more warmly over his ears and the back of his head.Mimi had Carter held by the back of his trousers.

•  Your back is the part of your body that is behind you, from your neck to

your bottom. •  Your rear is your bottom; this is a humorous use. 

URLs Recomendados: 1er. Congreso de la Lengua Virtual

En la página electrónica del congreso, , semuestran las ponencias y discursos que los participantes tenían previsto exponer enla Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, bajo el lema América en la lenguaespañola.

Vocabulary Exercise: Comercio Internacional – International

Trade Vocabulary

8.  to barter, to swap: hacer un intercambio, hacer un trueque,cambiar ( sth for sth, algo por algo), canjear. 

9. arrangement: 1. arreglo, 2. ( pl.) disposiciones, medidas, 3.acuerdo, compromiso: to come to an arrangement with sbllegar a un acuerdo con alguien, 4. plan ( financiero). 

10.  to conclude a deal = to seal a deal: es frecuente quelas sociedades exportadoras aumenten el precio de susproductos para cubrir el descuento que debe ser otorgado

cuando venden mercancía proveniente de una transaccióncomercial por compensación.

11.  to network: (v.t.) 1. recorrer (formando una red), 2.difundir ( a traves de una red), 3. (comp.) conectar en red, 4. (v.i.) establer una red de contactos. Para poder transmitirinformación confidencial con rapidez a destinatarios específicosy muchas veces alejados, es necesario un trabajo en red. 

5. to implement: cumplir ( un contrato), aplicar (la ley), poner enejecución ( un plan), poner en practica ( una idea).

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Suspenden el V Congreso de la Lengua Española – La Nacion

El V Congreso Internacional de la Lengua Española (CILE), que se celebraría apartir del martes 2 en Valparaíso, fue suspendido debido al terremoto que sacudióChile este sábado. El país andino estaba preparado para recibir, a partir de laspróximas horas a los participantes del Congreso, entre ellos los reyes de España. Elaeropuerto de Santiago fue cerrado durante al menos 72 horas y las carreteras hanquedado en mal estado, lo que dificultaría la llegada de los visitantes.

Será preciso conocer el alcance las consecuencias del sismo, tanto en vidashumanas como en daños en las vías de transporte para anunciar una decisióndefinitiva, dijeron fuentes gubernamentales. Hasta el momento, el movimientotelúrico ha causado 147 muertes.

La cadena española Ser informó que García de la Concha está hospedado en elhotel Crowne Plaza, de Santiago, junto con directores de varias academiasnacionales.

De acuerdo con el programa del Congreso, el rey Juan Carlos I y la presidentechilena, Michele Bachelet, presidirían el martes la sesión inaugural del V CILE enValparaíso, a 120 km de Santiago, en un acto en el que también estarían presenteslos directores de la Real Academia Española y del Instituto Cervantes y losescritores Mario Vargas Llosa, Jorge Edwards y Emilio Lledó.

El programa incluía la presentación de la versión manual, de 750 páginas, de laNueva Gramática, así como dos ediciones conmemorativas de la obra de los poetas

y premios Nobel chilenos Gabriela Mistral y Pablo Neruda. También se preveía laparticipación de polìticos, académicos y escritores como Felipe González, RicardoLagos, Ernesto Zedillo, Ángel Gabilondo, Antonio Skármeta, Juan Gelman, NicanorParra y Gonzalo Rojas.

En Valparaíso, la ciudad donde iba a realizarse a partir del martes el Congreso de laLengua, también se notó el terremoto, «aunque la situación está mejor».

También se suspendió el Festival Internacional de Música que se iba a celebrar estesábado en Viña Del Mar. Se habían programado presenctaciones de la bandaargentina Los Fabulosos Cadillacs, del solista chileno Beto Cuevas y de la banda LosJaivas, así como otros espectáculos públicos. La decisión fue confirmada por el

gobernador de Valparaíso, Iván de La Maza.

El Congreso de la Lengua, en Internet - La Nación

Después del terremoto que sufrió Chile el sábado pasado, los organizadores del VCongreso Internacional de la Lengua Española, que estaba previsto para estasemana en Valparaíso, decidieron celebrarlo por Internet y trasladar los discursos yconferencias a la Web.

En el mismo sentido, el fallo del Premio Iberoamericano Planeta-Casa de América,previsto para mañana en la misma ciudad chilena, se pospuso sin fecha después delsismo.

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La decisión de transformarlo en un congreso virtual fue tomada en Santiago por laministra de Cultura de Chile, Paulina Urrutia; la directora del Instituto Cervantes,Carmen Caffarel, y el director de la Real Academia Española, Víctor García de la

Concha, según informó el Instituto Cervantes. «La magnitud de lo ocurridosensibilizó completamente a la organización, por lo que todas las ponencias ydiscursos comprometidos serán publicados en Internet», agregó León.

En la página electrónica del congreso, , semuestran las ponencias y discursos que los participantes tenían previsto exponer enla Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, bajo el lema América en la lenguaespañola.

Su inauguración iba a ser el último acto público de la presidenta Michelle Bachelet,quien traspasará el mando el próximo 11 al electo Sebastián Piñera, y daba elpuntapié de los actos del bicentenario chileno. El secretario ejecutivo del Congreso

en Chile, Víctor León, aclaró que el sismo afectó principalmente el arribo de lascerca de 800 personas que participarían del encuentro.

A pesar de la suspensión, el secretario ejecutivo afirmó que se evalúa manteneralgunas actividades presenciales, como la presentación de algunos libros y lasexposiciones programadas para la reunión. La ministra de Cultura de España,Angeles González, aseguró que «se aprovechará todo el material producido para elIV Congreso de la Lengua». Acompañada por el embajador Rafael Estrella,González aseveró que incluso las ediciones especiales con poemas de los premiosNobel chilenos Pablo Neruda y Gabriela Mistral «se distribuirán en bibliotecaspúblicas chilenas».

Galardón en suspenso

El fallo de la IV edición del premio Planeta-Casa de América, dotado con 200.000dólares, formaba parte de las actividades paralelas al congreso.

Un total de 468 originales participaban del certamen, la mayoría procedentes de laArgentina (118 obras) y de España (108). Colombia, con 54 títulos; México (37);Estados Unidos, (35) y Uruguay (34) se situaban a continuación. El jurado de lacuarta edición del certamen está formado por los escritores Angela Becerra, deColombia; Guillermo Martínez, de la Argentina, y Alvaro Pombo, de España.


CONFUSABLE WORDS: Parcel, package, packet.

A parcel is an object or group of objects wrapped in paper or a cardboard box. Youoften pack things in parcels when you want to send them by post.

I waited for the postman today; I’d hoped he’d bring a new parcel of books.

A package is the same as a parcel. In American English, a package cam be anysize, but in British English package usually refers to a fairly small parcel.

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Tel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contáctenos en:

A package from Hilary evidently contained a book.

A packet is usually a box made of thin cardboard, or a bag, envelope, or wrapper,in which a quantity of items are of a substance is sold.

… a packet of cigarettes.… a cereal packet.… soup out of a packet.

Sometimes a packet is a very small parcel that is usually flat.

I’ve got a packet for you – from somewhere abroad.

URLs Recomendados: TED x Buenos Aires – 

TED x Buen os A i res 2010 , la revo luc ión de la ideas .

¿Qué es TED? ¿Un oso de peluche? ¿Una nueva marca de cacao? ¿Algunatecnología de avanzada? Ninguna de las opciones anteriores, TED es la sigla quecombina Tecnología, Entretenimiento y Diseño en formato de conferenciasinnovadoras. La idea nació en California en 1984 y el primer evento TED BuenosAires se realizará en La Rural, Predio Ferial de Buenos Aires, el 8 de abril de

2010. El TED porteño contará con 25 oradores del campo de las ideas, lasiniciativas sociales, la tecnología, el diseño, las artes y las ciencias y más de 1300 participantes/asistentes. Entre los oradores figuran Adrián Paenza, RobertoGuareschi, Constanza Ceruti, Luis Moreno Ocampo, Rafael Spregelburd y BeaPellizzari entre muchos otros.

¿Qué es TED? ¿Un oso de peluche? ¿Una nueva marca de cacao? ¿Algunatecnología de avanzada? Ninguna de las opciones anteriores, TED es la sigla quecombina Tecnología, Entretenimiento y Diseño en formato de conferenciasinnovadoras. Se trata de una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a las “Ideasque vale la pena difundir”. Comenzó en 1984 como una conferencia que reuníapersonas de tres ámbitos diferentes: Tecnología, Entretenimiento y Diseño. Desde

entonces, su alcance se ha expandido para incluir arte, ciencia, negocios, yproblemáticas globales a las que se enfrenta el mundo hoy. La idea es que lainspiración contribuya a cambiar actitudes, vidas y, como resultado de eso, elmundo.

Las conferencias anuales en California y en Oxford reúnen a lospensadores y “hacedores” más fascinantes del mundo, que tienen el desafío de darla charla más importante de sus vidas en tan sólo 18 minutos para difundir sus

ideas. La conferencia TED que se lleva a cabo anualmente en California, continúa

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siendo el corazón de TED. Más de 1000 personas asisten anualmente a unaconferencia de 4 días en la que 100 oradores exponen. No hay separación engrupos, todos comparten la misma experiencia.

El primer evento de TEDxBuenosAires se realizará en La Rural, Predio Ferial deBuenos Aires, el 8 de abril de 2010. El TED porteño contará con 25 oradores delcampo de las ideas, las iniciativas sociales, la tecnología, el diseño, las artes y lasciencias y más de 1300 participantes/asistentes. Entre los oradores figuran AdriánPaenza, Roberto Guareschi, Constanza Ceruti, Luis Moreno Ocampo, RafaelSpregelburd y Bea Pellizzari entre muchos otros. Para ver el listado completo y lassemblanzas de todos los oradores acceder a este link. 

TEDxBuenos Aires es una maratón de conferencias sin fines de lucro durante un díacompleto. El espíritu del evento es difundir ideas y contenidos que impactenpositivamente en la Argentina de hoy y del futuro. Cada conferencia dura

aproximadamente 18 minutos y el desafío consiste en que cada orador/a puedacondensar de manera impactante y entretenida su exposición.

Spot de presentación TEDxBuenosAires 2010 

Alternativas para ver TEDxBuenosA ires 

La tecnología va a permitir que nadie se pierda ni un minuto de TEDxBuenosAires.Para quienes no fueron acreditados en La Rural (las 1300 localidades gratuitas yafueron asignadas) se habilitarán dos opciones para ver todas las presentaciones envivo: por Simulcast o a través de Streaming.

Opción Simulcast en el Aula Magna del Pabellón I de la Facultad deCiencias Exactas de la UBA. 

El Simulcast es un evento que se realiza el mismo 8 de abril a partir de las 8:00 dela mañana en el aula magna del Pabellón I de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas de laUniversidad de Buenos Aires. En él, se podrán ver todas las presentaciones deTEDxBuenosAires en vivo, a través de una transmisión punto a punto. Estapresentación es de libre acceso, de acuerdo al orden de llegada y hasta agotar losespacios disponibles. No es necesario realizar ninguna inscripción previa. Loscolectivos que llegan a Ciudad Universitaria son: 28, 33, 45, 37, 42, 107 y 160 opor tren línea Manuel Belgrano, estación Scalabrini Ortiz.

Opción Streaming vía Internet 

El Streaming en vivo va a permitir ver todas las charlas a través de internet. Nohay límite para el número de conexiones en paralelo ni para el número de personaspor conexión, así que todos aquellos que tengan conexión a internet y esténinteresados en ver las presentaciones van a poder hacerlo.

Sólo tienen que entrar al blog de TEDxBuenos Aires e ir a la opción en vivo (lengüeta superior a la derecha) de la barra. El 8 de abril se podrán ver laspresentaciones en vivo con audio del evento. En los días previos se mostrará unvideo de prueba para chequear que la conexión se haya realizado correctamente.

Una vez abierto el link, la transmisión empezará de manera automática a los pocos

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segundos. En estos momentos cuenta con una señal de prueba. Puede ajustarse elvolumen y puede seleccionarse la opción de pantalla completa. Les recomendamosque entren en el link antes del 8 de abril para asegurarse que pueden ver y oír el

streaming de prueba sin problemas.

El Simulcast y el Streaming permitirán seguir minuto a minuto todo lo que paseen TEDxBuenosAires el 8 de abril desde las 9:00 hasta las 20:00 horasaproximadamente.

Por TWITTER: aquellas personas que quieran seguir el evento a través de Twitterpodrán utilizar el hashtag #TEDxBA 

Biografía de TED, todo lo que queríamos saber acerca de TED y nosabíamos a quién preguntar…  

TED en la web y en español es un artículo indispensable para comprender de quése tratan las conferencias TED, cuándo y cómo comenzaron, cuáles son susobjetivos y de qué maneras exponen las nuevas ideas, investigaciones y líneas detrabajo innovadoras e “inspiradoras” en todo el mundo.

Algunos temas que hicieron furor en TED 

Patti Maes presentó el último desarrollo del Media Lab del MIT sobre interfacesfluídas o líquidas denominadas "Sexto Sentido". La realidad se acerca al filmMinority report que Steven Spielberg realizó en 2002. La investigadora mostró en el

ciclo de conferencias TED 2009 el diseño tecnológico que incorpora unacámara de video, un proyector y una cámara digital dentro de undispositivo móvil. Las interfaces de SixthSense además de ser multi touch sontambién de reconocimiento gestual. El prototipo actual del sistema tiene un costoaproximado de 350 dólares.

Juan Enriquez, experto en genómica y economía de la Universidad de Harvard,hizo una presentación muy provocativa en TED (Edición 2009) hablando del Homoevolutis. Esta definición conceptual se refiere al nuevo ser humano que -dados losavances en genética, informática, uso de células madre, cultivo de tejidos,nanotecnología y robótica- será capaz de definir el futuro de su especie y su propiofuturo tomando el control de la evolución.

Ken Robinson analizó en TED 2006 la necesidad de repensar la creatividad en elsistema escolar y en su conferencia se preguntó: ¿Las escuelas matan lacreatividad? Primera Parte y Segunda Parte.

TEDeducadores: docentes que utilizan el material de las charlas TED

Si sos docente y te interesa pensar en cómo darle un uso educativo a las charlasTED sumate a este grupo.

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Los TEDeducadores crearon un espacio wiki en el cual un grupo de educadorescompilan ideas sobre el uso de las charlas TED en la educación. Los TEDucadorespertenecen a todos los niveles educativos (Educación Básica, Media y Superior), y

proponen alternativas basadas en su experiencia, para el uso del material publicadopor TED.

VOCABULARY Exercise: Chocolate Is Good For Your Heart. 

A study carried (1) ____ in Germany has found that chocolate maybe good for your heart. This is fantastic news for all chocolate lovers.The extensive research was conducted (2) ____ eight years. Theresearch team followed the chocolate-eating habits and health of almost 20,000 people. They compared how much chocolate was in

their (3) ____ to the number of heart attacks and strokes people had.Lead researcher Brian Buijsse said: "The good news is that chocolateis not as bad as we used to think, and may even (4) ____ the risk of heart disease and stroke.” Mr Buijsse said his team found that darkchocolate was the healthiest kind to eat: "Dark chocolate (5) ____the greatest effects, milk chocolate (6) ____, and white chocolate noeffects," he said.

The German study showed that people who ate the most chocolate(at least one (7) ____ per week) reduced their risk of having a heart

attack by 27 per cent. The risk of suffering a stroke was cut by as (8) ____ as 48 per cent. Nutrition experts believe that naturalcompounds in chocolate called flavonols are good for our heart.Flavonols also help reduce blood pressure. They are found in cocoabeans (9) ____ dark chocolate (which has more cocoa) contains moreof them than milk chocolate (which has more fat). Buijsse warnspeople (10) ____ to suddenly eat lots of chocolate: "Eating higheramounts will most (11) ____ result in weight gain. If people starteating small amounts of chocolate, it should replace something else,(12) ____ other high-calorie sweets or snacks."

Put the correct words from the table below in the abovearticle. 

1. (a) in (b) on (c) out (d) up2. (a) under (b) around (c) above (d) over3. (a) diet (b) food (c) weight (d) nutrition4. (a) low (b) lower (c) lowly (d) lows5. (a) exhibition (b) exhibits (c) exhibited (d) exhibit6. (a) fewer (b) lower (c) least (d) last7. (a) par (b) ear (c) bar (d) tar

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8. (a) more (b) many (c) most (d) much9. (a) so (b) as (c) such (d) should

10. (a) now (b) no (c) not (d) non11. (a) liked (b) likely (c) likelihood (d) likes12. (a) prefer (b) preference (c) prefers (d) preferably

2. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from thearticle. 

1. found a. chance2 fantastic b. experiencing

3. extensive c. cut4. risk d. volumes5. exhibits e. discovered6. reduced f. wide-ranging7. suffering g. mixtures8. compounds h. wonderful9. amounts i. if possible10. preferably . shows

3. PHRASE MATCH: (Sometimes more than one choice is possible.)

1. chocolate may a. of heart disease2 This is fantastic news for b. called flavonols3. They compared how much chocolate c. eat lots of 

chocolate4. lower the risk d. be good for your

heart5. dark chocolate was the healthiest e. stroke was cut6. at least one f. sweets or snacks7. The risk of suffering a g. was in their diet8. natural compounds in chocolate h. kind to eat9. Buijsse warns people not to suddenly i. bar per week10. other high-calorie . all chocolate


Answers:GAP FILL: Chocolate is good for your heartA study carried out in Germany has found that chocolate may be good for your heart. This isfantastic news for all chocolate lovers. The extensive research was conducted over eightyears. The research team followed the chocolate-eating habits and health of almost 20,000people. They compared how much chocolate was in their diet to the number of heart attacksand strokes people had. Lead researcher Brian Buijsse said: "The good news is thatchocolate is not as bad as we used to think, and may even lower the risk of heart diseaseand stroke.” Mr Buijsse said his team found that dark chocolate was the healthiest kind to

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eat: "Dark chocolate exhibits the greatest effects, milk chocolate fewer, and white chocolateno effects," he said.The German study showed that people who ate the most chocolate (at least one bar per

week) reduced their risk of having a heart attack by 27 per cent. The risk of suffering astroke was cut by as much as 48 per cent. Nutrition experts believe that naturalcompounds in chocolate called flavonols are good for our heart. Flavonols also help reduceblood pressure. They are found in cocoa beans so dark chocolate (which has more cocoa)contains more of them than milk chocolate (which has more fat). Buijsse warns people notto suddenly eat lots of chocolate: "Eating higher amounts will most likely result in weightgain. If people start eating small amounts of chocolate, it should replace something else,preferably other high-calorie sweets or snacks."


1. found a. discovered

2 fantastic b. wonderful3. extensive c. wide-ranging4. risk d. chance5. exhibits e. shows6. reduced f. cut7. suffering g. experiencing8. compounds h. mixtures9. amounts i. volumes10. preferably . if possible


1. chocolate may a. be good for your heart

2 This is fantastic news for b. all chocolate lovers3. They compared how much chocolate c. was in their diet4. lower the risk d. of heart disease5. dark chocolate was the healthiest e. kind to eat6. at least one f. bar per week7. The risk of suffering a g. stroke was cut8. natural compounds in chocolate h. called flavonols9. Buijsse warns people not to suddenly i. eat lots of chocolate10. other high-calorie . sweets or snacks

CONFUSABLE WORDS: Pass, take, sit.

If you pass a test or examination, you are successful in it.

To pass examinations your need to work effectively.Your object is to learn facts and retain them long enough to pass the examination.

You do not use “pass” to say that you do a test or examination.You say that you take or si t a test or examination

Whatever examinations you intend to take in the future you need to be numerateand literate.Pupils at the schools run by Trafford Council sat the exam in November.

URLs Recomendados:  Book – back to basics!

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Tel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contáctenos en: VOCABULARY: Call to use less salt. 

Food (1) ____ in the USA are asking the government to make newsalt laws. America’s Institute of Medicine (IOM) wants the Food andDrug Administration (FDA) to (2) ____ the amount of salt put in food.This would affect how food manufacturers and restaurants preparetheir food. The institute believes America’s (3) ____ affair with saltmust end. It says Americans consume (4) ____ too much salt, whichis leading to too many health problems. The IOM says salt intake isthe same as it was decades ago, despite many health (5) ____ to get

people to use less. Its report says: “If you look at salt intake over anumber of decades, it has not gone down despite a (6) ____ of efforts and it is still at a very high level.” Its main recommendation isto set standards for safe levels of salt in food.

Not everyone is happy (7) ____ the IOM’s request. Lori Roman, headof America’s Salt Institute, said the IOM’s recommendations were “not scientifically (8) ____ ". Roman, added: "They're talking aboutsome very drastic reductions. They could be (9) ____ people.” GaryHoward, a spokesman for the Campaign for Liberty group also agreed

the IOM was going too (10) ____, saying: "It's another [attack] onpeople's personal freedom." Supporters of the bill say America’shealth must come first. Lowering salt could reduce high bloodpressure and improve the (11) ____-being of hundreds of thousandsof people. High blood pressure affects a third of U.S. adults, oraround 75 million people. It also increases the risks of having heartattacks, strokes and kidney (12) ____.

Put the correct words from the table below in the abovearticle. 

1. (a) expertise (b) expertly (c) expert (d) experts2. (a) limits (b) limit (c) limitation (d) limited3. (a) love (b) lovely (c) loving (d) lover4. (a) for (b) fur (c) far (d) fir5. (a) speeds (b) brakes (c) drives (d) accelerates6. (a) numerical (b) number (c) numbered (d) numeral7. (a) with (b) of (c) from (d) to8. (a) touch (b) taste (c) sight (d) sound9. (a) harmful (b) harming (c) harms (d) harm

10. (a) for (b) future (c) farthest (d) far

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11. (a) good (b) best (c) well (d) better12. (a) failure (b) fail (c) failed (d) fails

2. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from thearticle.

1. experts a. cuts2 limit b. suggestion3. amount c. specialists4. drives d. boss5. recommendation e. chance6. head f. campaigns

7. sound g. health8. reductions h. cap9. well-being i. reliable10. risk . volume

3. PHRASE MATCH: (Sometimes more than one choice is possible.)

1. limit the amount a. drastic reductions2 America’s love b. a number of 


3. salt intake is the same as c. come first4. look at salt intake over d. with the IOM’srequest

5. set standards for safe e. of salt put in food6. Not everyone is happy f. affair with salt7. They're talking about some very g. too far8. the IOM was going h. levels of salt in

food9. America’s health must i. having heart


10. increases the risks of . it was decadesago



Calls for Americans to use less salt

Food experts in the USA are asking the government to make new salt laws. America’s Institute of Medicine (IOM) wants the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to limit the amount of salt put in food.This would affect how food manufacturers and restaurants prepare their food. The institute believesAmerica’s love affair with salt must end. It says Americans consume far too much salt, which is leading  

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to too many health problems. The IOM says salt intake is the same as it was decades ago, despitemany health drives to get people to use less. Its report says: “If you look at salt intake over a numberof decades, it has not gone down despite a number of efforts and it is still at a very high level.” Its mainrecommendation is to se t standards for safe levels of salt in food.

Not everyone is happy with the IOM’s request. Lori Roman, head of America’s Salt Institute, said theIOM’s recommendations were “not scientifically sound". Roman, added: "They're talking about somevery drastic reductions. They could be harming people.” Gary Howard, a spokesman for the Campaignfor Liberty group also agreed the IOM was going too far, saying: "It's another [attack] on people'spersonal freedom." Supporters of the bill say America’s health must come first. Lowering salt couldreduce high blood pressure and improve the well-being of hundreds of thousands of people. High bloodpressure affects a third of U.S. adults, or around 75 million people. It also increases the risks of havingheart attacks, strokes and kidney failure.


1. experts a. specialists2 limit b. cap3. amount c. volume4. drives d. campaigns5. recommendation e. suggestion6. head f. boss7. sound g. reliable8. reductions h. cuts9. well-being i. health10. risk j. chance


1. limit the amount a. of salt put in food2 America’s love b. affair with salt3. salt intake is the same as c. it was decades ago

4. look at salt intake over d. a number of decades5. set standards for safe e. levels of salt in food6. Not everyone is happy f. with the IOM’s request7. They're talking about some very g. drastic reductions8. the IOM was going h. too far9. America’s health must i. come first10. increases the risks of j. having heart attacks


CONFUSABLE WORDS: complement, compliment.

You use complement to talk about making something complete, good, or effective.

For example, if one food complements another, or complement each other, theyhave personalities that are suited to each other.

As oregano comes from the Mediterranean, it is a perfect complement toaubergines and peppers.Her interests and my interests complement each other; there is no conflict.

The “full complement” of a group, set, or amount is every item or person that isnormally includes or should include.… a full complement of one thousand passengers and crew.

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If you compliment someone, or pay them a compliment , you praise them or saysomething that shows admiration.

Thomas tried a smile, to compliment to you, show no reaction whatever.Frank took the incitation as a great compliment.

URLs Recomendados:  Does the Internet Make You Smarter?

Am id the s i l l y v ideos and spam a re the roo t s o f a new read ing  

and w r i t i ng cu l tu re , says Clay Sh i rk y . 

VOCABULARY: Internet Addiction – A Growing Problem.

The New York Times has reported on a problem that many of us have but arenot aware of – Internet addiction. According to reporter Tara Parker-Pope,millions of us are addicted to being online. She says this is a growing problemthat is making us more forgetful and impatient. Ms Parker-Pope writes aboutvarious reports highlighting how technology is changing people. In one, shequotes cyber-psychologist Dr. Elias Aboujaode who says: “More and more, lifeis resembling the chat room.” He said we are living in “virtual lifestyles” which isnegatively affecting our real-life relationships. Nicki Dowling, a clinicalpsychologist from Melbourne University in Australia, concluded in a recent studythat ten per cent of young people had what she called “Internet dependence”.

Tara Parker-Pope quizzed experts in this field on what the signs are of beingoverly absorbed in technology. She came up with seven indicators of “techoverload”. The first is whether you check your e-mail before doing other things.Another telltale sign is if you always anticipate and look forward to your nextonline visit – a sure sign of dependence and addiction. The third point is if yousay, "just a few more minutes" when someone wants you. Parker-Pope foundyour interaction with others also says a lot about how important the Internet iscompared with family and friends; do you lie about how much time you spendonline or choose to surf the Net instead of go out with others? Other giveawaysinclude the “online lift” that stops you being unhappy, and when others complain

about you always being online.

Synonym Match: Match the following synonyms from the article.

1. addiction a. different2 forgetful b. expect3. various c. impacting4. resembling d. immersed5. affecting e. obsession6. quizzed f. communication7. absorbed g. looking like

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8. anticipate h. absent-minded9. interaction i. moan

10. complain j. questioned

Phrase match: (Sometimes more than one choice is possible.)

1. a problem that many of us have a. and impatient2 millions of us are addicted b. you being unhappy3. making us more forgetful c. called “Internet

dependence”4. He said we are living in d. always being online5. young people had what she e. to being online6. being overly absorbed f. sign

7. Another telltale g. of dependence8. a sure sign h. but are not aware of9. the “online lift” that stops i. “virtual lifestyles”10. others complain about you j. in technology

Multiple choice 

The New York Times has reported on a problem that many of us have but arenot (1) ____ of – Internet addiction. According to reporter Tara Parker-Pope,

millions of us are addicted to being online. She says this is a growing problemthat is making us more (2) ____ and impatient. Ms Parker-Pope writes aboutvarious reports highlighting how technology is changing people. In one, shequotes cyber-psychologist Dr. Elias Aboujaode who says: “More and more, lifeis (3) ____ the chat room.” He said we are living in “virtual lifestyles” which is (4) ____ affecting our real-life relationships. Nicki Dowling, a clinical psychologistfrom Melbourne University in Australia, (5) ____ in a recent study that ten percent of young people had what she (6) ____ “Internet dependence”.

Tara Parker-Pope (7) ____ experts in this field on what the signs are of beingoverly absorbed in technology. She came up with seven indicators of “tech

overload”. The first is whether you check your e-mail before doing other things.Another (8) ____ sign is if you always anticipate and look forward to your nextonline visit – a (9) ____ sign of dependence and addiction. The third point is ifyou say, "just a few more minutes" when someone wants you. Parker-Popefound your interaction with others also (10) ____ a lot about how important theInternet is compared with family and friends; do you lie about how much timeyou spend online or choose to surf the Net instead of go out with others? Other(11) ____ include the “online (12) ____” that stops you being unhappy, andwhen others complain about you always being online.

Put the correct words from the table below in the above article. 

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1. (a) beware (b) awareness (c) wary (d) aware2. (a) forgetful (b) forgets (c) forget (d) forgotten

3. (a) resemble (b) resembling (c) resemblance(d) resembles4. (a) negative (b) negativity (c) negatively (d) negatives5. (a) conclusion (b) concludes (c) concluded (d) conclude6. (a) callers (b) called (c) calling (d) callings7. (a) knowledge (b) interrogated (c) spoke (d) quizzed8. (a) telltale (b) telling tales (c) tales (d) tall tale9. (a) surely (b) sure (c) surety (d) sureness10. (a) writes (b) whispers (c) hears (d) says11. (a) takeaways (b) hideaways (c) giveaways (d) anyways12. (a) lift (b) escalator (c) elevator (d) carry



1. addiction a. obsession2 forgetful b. absent-minded3. various c. different4. resembling d. looking like5. affecting e. impacting6. quizzed f. questioned7. absorbed g. immersed8. anticipate h. expect9. interaction i. communication10. complain j. moan


1. a problem that many of us have a. but are not aware of 2 millions of us are addicted b. to being online3. making us more forgetful c. and impatient4. He said we are living in d. “virtual lifestyles” 5. young people had what she e. called “Internet dependence” 6. being overly absorbed f. in technology7. Another telltale g. sign8. a sure sign h. of dependence9. the “online lift” that stops i. you being unhappy10. others complain about you j. always being online


1 - d 2 - a 3 - b 4 - c 5 - c 6 - b 7 - d 8 - a 9 - b 10 - d 11 - c 12 - a

A Joke : Po lish Divorce 

A Polish man moved to the USA and married an American girl.Although his English was far from perfect, they got along very well until one day herushed into a lawyer's office and asked him if he could arrange a divorce.Have you any grounds?Yes, an acre and a half, and a nice little home. No, I mean what is the foundation of this case?

It is made of concrete. 

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I don't think you understand. Does either of you have a grudge?No, we have a carport, and not need one.I mean, what are your relations like?

All my relations still in Poland . Is there any infidelity in your marriage?We have hi-fidelity stereo and good DVD player. Does your wife beat you up?No, I always up before her. Is your wife a nagger?No, she white. Why do you want this divorce?She is going to kill me. What makes you think that?I got proof. What kind of proof?

She is going to poison me. She bought a bottle at a drugstore and put it on shelf inbathroom. I can read, and it says 'Polish Remover'. 


CONFUSABLE WORDS: tired, tiring, tiresome.

If you are tired, you have little energy and want to rest.

I can’t carry any more wood, said Eric. I’m tired.Do you mind if I sit down? I’m feeling very tired.

A task or a journey that is tiring makes you feel tired.

The nervous tension from caring for a new baby is tiring.You could, of course, drive down, I imagine – and I know that can be tiring.

A person or thing that is tiresome make you feel annoyed, irritated, or bored.

He was drumming on his knee in way which his solicitor found peculiarly tiresome.Mrs. Partridge spoke patiently, as to a tiresome child.

URLs Recomendados:  EL libro total. 

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VOCABULARY: China Aiming to ‘Breed’ Wimbledon Champ. 

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China is attempting to become top in another sport by aiming fortennis. They already proved their strength as a sporting nation by

topping the medals table at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Their newtarget is to produce tennis players good enough to be Wimbledonchampions. They would also happily settle for the Australian, Frenchand U.S. Opens. The Sky News TV channel from Britain reported onthe efforts the Chinese are making to become a tennis superpower. If countries like Sweden, and more recently Serbia, can producechamps, then China have a great chance. They have the facilities andthe determination to achieve their dream. China already has a rolemodel for the younger tennis starlets to look up to. She is Zheng Jiewho reached the Wimbledon semi-finals in 2008.

Sky News China correspondent Holly Williams visited the XiannongtanSchool in Beijing. There, she saw children as young as six beingtrained to compete for sporting glory in the future. She spoke to thetraining manager Huang Hongjun about his training methods. MrHongjun said: "We pick the students by testing the quality of theirbodies. It's important we get it right, because if we choose incorrectlythen they won't turn out to be champions." One of the future hopefulsof the school is 11-year-old Hao Huatian. He trains six days a week,has no school holidays and only sees his parents once a week.Williams reported: “He has already won a national championship, anddisplays extraordinary focus for a player of his age.” His is definitely aname to watch for before the end of this decade.

2. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from thearticle.

1. attempting a. fame2 topping b. example3. settle c. heading4. determination d. reporter

5. role model e. unbelievable6. correspondent f. trying7. glory g. drive8. pick h. for sure9. extraordinary i. accept10. definitely . select

3. PHRASE MATCH: (Sometimes more than one choice is possible.)

1. China is attempting to become a. sporting glory

2 proved their strength b. starlets to look up

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to3. the efforts the Chinese c. it right

4. the determination d. focus5. a role model for the younger tennis e. as a sportingnation

6. trained to compete for f. to watch for7. It's important we get g. top in another

sport8. One of the future h. are making9. displays extraordinary i. hopefuls10. His is definitely a name . to achieve their



China is attempting to become top in another sport (1) ____ aimingfor tennis. They already proved their strength as a sporting nation by(2) ____ the medals table at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Their newtarget is to produce tennis players good enough to be Wimbledonchampions. They would also happily (3) ____ for the Australian,French and U.S. Opens. The Sky News TV channel from Britainreported on the (4) ____ the Chinese are making to become a tennissuperpower. If countries like Sweden, and (5) ____ recently Serbia,

can produce champs, then China have a great chance. They have thefacilities and the determination to achieve their dream. China alreadyhas a role model for the younger tennis starlets to look (6) ____ to.She is Zheng Jie who reached the Wimbledon semi-finals in 2008.

Sky News China correspondent Holly Williams visited the XiannongtanSchool in Beijing. There, she saw children as young (7) ____ sixbeing trained to compete for sporting glory in the future. She spoketo the training manager Huang Hongjun about his training methods.Mr Hongjun said: "We pick the students (8) ____ testing the quality

of their bodies. It's important we get it right, because if we choose(9) ____ then they won't (10) ____ out to be champions." One of thefuture hopefuls of the school is 11-year-old Hao Huatian. He trains sixdays a week, has no school holidays and only sees his parents once aweek. Williams reported: “He has already won a nationalchampionship, and (11) ____ extraordinary focus for a player of hisage.” His is definitely a name to (12) ____ for before the end of thisdecade.

Put the correct words from the table below in the above


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1. (a) for (b) with (c) at (d) by2. (a) topping (b) stopping (c) tapping (d) stripping

3. (a) settled (b) settle (c) settles (d) settling4. (a) effects (b) affects (c) efforts (d) offends5. (a) much (b) many (c) more (d) moor6. (a) at (b) up (c) of (d) on7. (a) has (b) was (c) is (d) as8. (a) by (b) at (c) to (d) with9. (a) wrong (b) incorrectly (c) rightly (d) correctly10. (a) spin (b) twist (c) swivel (d) turn11. (a) replays (b) plays (c) displays (d) rewinds12. (a) watch (b) vision (c) look (d) see



1. attempting a. trying2 topping b. heading3. settle c. accept4. determination d. drive5. role model e. example6. correspondent f. reporter7. glory g. fame8. pick h. select9. extraordinary i. unbelievable10. definitely j. for sure


1. China is attempting to become a. top in another sport

2 proved their strength b. as a sporting nation

3. the efforts the Chinese c. are making

4. the determination d. to achieve their dream

5. a role model for the younger tennis e. starlets to look up to

6. trained to compete for f. sporting glory

7. It's important we get g. it right

8. One of the future h. hopefuls

9. displays extraordinary i. focus


1 - d 2 - a 3 - b 4 - c 5 - c 6 - b 7 - d 8 - a 9 - b 10 - 11 - c 12 - a

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La meditación puede cambiar el cerebro.

La ciencia comprobó que quien la practica tiene más materia gris. T esy de Biase. Para LA NACION. 

Desde que la meditación ingresó en el diccionario médico de la mano del DalaiLama, la ciencia ha podido corroborar la eficacia terapéutica de esta práctica,de aspecto tan inocente que en la actualidad se aplica tanto para vencer el odiocomo para controlar un cuadro de ansiedad o de hipertensión arterial.

El hallazgo más reciente sobre el poder de la meditación proviene delLaboratorio de Neuroimágenes de la Universidad de California, Estados

Unidos. Allí, la investigadora Eileen Luders demostró que meditar no sóloproduce cambios en el funcionamiento cerebral de los meditadores, sino quetambién los genera en la estructura misma del cerebro.

"Los meditadores tienen más materia gris en las zonas del cerebrorelacionadas con el control de las emociones", comentó a LA NACION ladoctora Luders, que inaugura con sus palabras una plataforma común entreciencia y meditación. Al hacerlo, facilita el salto hacia otro discurso. Porejemplo, el que presentó en su visita a Buenos Aires el monje tibetano KhenpoSangpo Bodh.

Con su típico atuendo, este doctor en filosofía llegó a Buenos Aires provenientedel Instituto de Altos Estudios Budistas Khamgar Druk College Dharmakara,ubicado en la comunidad tibetana de Tashi Jong, en el norte de la India, paradifundir el poder transformador de la meditación.

Khenpo propone transmutar las emociones destructivas a través de la disciplinay el control de la mente. El resultado prometido: nada menos que la disoluciónde la violencia y ese efecto dominó que tan bien conocía Mahatma Gandhi,cuando conmovió al poderío colonial británico poniendo una y otra vez la otramejilla.

¿De dónde proviene el poder para alcanzar semejante transformación? "De lameditación", sintetiza con certeza inconmovible.

"Es una herramienta de autoconocimiento y el antídoto contra todas lasemociones destructivas". Y cuando dice todas, el optimista lama piensa en las84.000 (sí, ochenta y cuatro mil) emociones negativas que según las escriturasbudistas se desprenden de las básicas: ira, apego (posesivo), orgullo, envidia eignorancia (opacidad). Con tantos miles de enemigos, el camino hacia lafelicidad parece arduo. Y lo es. No se trata de querer y poder, sin más, admiteel maestro: hay que transitar un largo entrenamiento que conduce a la

transformación interior.

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"Meditar permite liberarnos de las fuerzas negativas que nos hacen sufrir",sostiene. Y ofrece la receta de la transmutación emocional positiva paraamateurs

: "Hay que empezar por la a. El primer paso es reconocernos anosotros mismos y observar el contenido de nuestra mente, preguntándonos aqué responden esas emociones negativas". Para ver con claridad Khenpo -como lo llaman sus seguidores- sugiere algo tan sencillo como sentarse yrelajarse, lo que parece sencillo, pero no lo es tanto.

"Cuando la gente vive con intenso movimiento, tiene dificultades para encontrarcalma, pero la mente es como el agua: si se mueve, no permite ver el reflejo dela luna y las estrellas en su superficie; en cambio, cuando está limpia y calma,en pocos minutos trasluce lo que hay en la profundidad y refleja todo. Cuandouna persona está habituada al movimiento excesivo, ni siquiera sabe quién es.

Yo les digo que se sienten en silencio y que miren en su mente."

El siguiente movimiento responde a uno de los ciclos de las enseñanzas deBuda: rechazar las emociones negativas como si fueran un alimentoenvenenado. Sin contemplaciones, la propuesta apela a un acto firme dedisciplina y voluntad, que se traduce en tolerancia cero con ese odio o envidiaque carcomen la paz interior. El maestro budista lo describe como unapurificación de los componentes tóxicos de la mente.

Y el tercer momento es el de la transformación liberadora, una reconexióndesde la calma, que tampoco se dirige hacia el exterior pero tiene efecto sobre

él. La herramienta principal es la práctica de alguno de los distintos tipos demeditación que, básicamente, combinan relajación mental con ejercicios derespiración. La forma más reconocida es focalizar la mente en un objetoexterior, que pueden ser una luz o una imagen. Aunque el maestro recomiendaseis prácticas diarias, reconoce que con una al levantarse, antes del desayuno,también se obtienen resultados pacificadores sobre la mente.

"Cuando cambia la mente cambia todo, no solo porque se ve al mundo de otramanera sino porque el cambio de uno provoca cambios en los demás. Paraterminar con el odio y las emociones destructivas no podemos usar el odio y lasemociones destructivas. No podemos matar a una persona como medio paralograr que esa persona deje de matar. Por la fuerza no se alcanzan loscambios. Buda nunca usó armas. Tampoco Cristo ni Mahatma Gandhi ni lamadre Teresa de Calcuta. La paz y la transformación de las emocionesnegativas se alcanza por medios pacíficos, como la meditación, que es uninstrumento de transformación interior".

Source: Cobuild Collins – Confusable words. – Breaking News. 

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8 - 2010

CONFUSABLE WORDS: carefree, careless, careful

If your are carefree, you do not have any cares or worries and therefore feelhappy, and able to enjoy life.

Before her marriage she had been lively and alert and carefree.He was aware of a glorious carefree feeling of joy.

If you are careless, you do something badly because you are not giving enoughattention to it.

… if your courier is careless and leaves the coach unlocked.

He was careless and inefficient and drank too much.

If you are careful, you do things properly and with a lot of attention. Careful is theopposite of careless.

I showered slowly, being careful not to wet my sore face.He watched all this with the most careful attention. 

URLs Recomendados:  Management Dictionary. 

VOCABULARY:  The Chicken Came Before the Egg 

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? This is one of life’s oldestquestions and everyone has their own opinion. Now scientists believe

they have cracked it and have unscrambled this mystery.Researchers from Sheffield and Warwick Universities in Englanddiscovered the answer by mistake. They used a super computer tozoom in on the shell-making process while a new shell was forming.They said it all boils down to one protein called OC17 that is essentialfor forming eggshell. This is only found inside a chicken's ovaries,which is proof that the chicken came first. The team was originallylooking at how animals and birds make eggshells but suddenly madetheir surprising discovery. The big question now is where chickenscame from. The answer to that is from dinosaurs.

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The research team said eggshells are one of nature’s most amazingcreations. Professor John Harding from Sheffield University told

reporters: "Understanding how chickens make eggshells is fascinatingin itself but can also give clues towards designing new materials andprocesses." Eggshells are very lightweight but incredibly strong. Themost cutting-edge materials designed by the world’s top engineerscannot produce anything as brilliant as an eggshell. Professor Hardingadded that studying eggshells could help find new answers to bone-healing processes and materials used by the construction industry:"Nature has found innovative solutions that work for all kinds of problems in materials science and technology -- we can learn a lotfrom them," he said.

1. TRUE / FALSE: Read the headline. Guess if a-h below are true(T) or false (F).

a. The question of whether the chicken or egg came first is anew one.

T / F

b. Scientists have found a way to unscramble scrambled eggs. T / Fc. There is a single protein that is vital to make eggshells. T / Fd. The scientists were not looking at if the chicken or egg

came first.T / F

e. The article says egg yolks are an amazing creation of nature.

T / F

f. A professor says eggshells can teach us about materialsdesign.

T / F

g. The article says the cutting edge of an eggshell is razorsharp.

T / F

h. Eggshells can teach scientists about how bones heal. T / F

2. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from thearticle.

1. opinion a. modern2 unscrambled b. evidence3. forming c. answers4. proof d. making5. originally e. interesting6. amazing f. belief 7. fascinating g. astonishing8. clues h. at first9. cutting-edge i. answered

10. solutions . hints

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3. PHRASE MATCH: (Sometimes more than one choice is possible.)

1. This is one of life’s a. shell-makingprocess2 Now scientists believe they b. solutions3. zoom in on the c. amazing creations4. it all boils down d. have cracked it5. suddenly made their e. is fascinating6. one of nature’s most f. materials7. how chickens make eggshells g. oldest questions8. the most cutting-edge h. healing processes9. find new answers to bone- i. to one protein10. Nature has found innovative . surprising




a. F b. F c. T d. T e. F f. T g. F h. T


1. opinion a. belief 2 unscrambled b. answered

3. forming c. making4. proof d. evidence5. originally e. at first6. amazing f. astonishing7. fascinating g. interesting8. clues h. hints9. cutting-edge i. modern10. solutions j. answers


1. This is one of life’s a. oldest questions2 Now scientists believe they b. have cracked it3. zoom in on the c. shell-making process4. it all boils down d. to one protein

5. suddenly made their e. surprising discovery6. one of nature’s most f. amazing creations7. how chickens make eggshells g. is fascinating8. the most cutting-edge h. materials9. find new answers to bone- i. healing processes

Law of the Garbage Truck 

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One day I hopped in a taxi and we took off for the airport. 

 We were driving in the right lane when suddenly a black car

 jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. 

My taxi driver slammed on his brakes, skidded, and missed the

other car by just inches! The driver of the other car whipped

his head around and started yelling at us. 

My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean, he was really


So I asked, 'Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sentus to the hospital!' 

This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call, 'The Law of 

the Garbage Truck .'

He explained that many people are like garbage trucks. They

run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger,and full of disappointment. 

 As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it and

sometimes  they'll dump it on you. Don't take it personally.

 Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Don't take

 their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home,

or on the streets.

 The bottom line is that successful people do not let garbage

 trucks take over their day.

 Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, 

so .. Love the people who treat you right. 

Forget the ones who don't . 

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Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how

you take it!  

9 – 2010

Confusable words: 

CONFUSABLE WORDS: anger, fury, rage

Your feel anger when someone does something that is cruel or that frustrates you.

Yu can feel anger about things kike insults or delays.

Impatience is the firs reaction against a setback and can soon turn to anger if youare not careful.There was anger at the suffering inflicted by the bombing.

If you feel fury or rage, you have intense feelings of anger whcich are hard tocontrol and can be violent. You can also be “ in a fury” or “ in a rage”.

I nearly smashed the phone in fury.In a rage I went to his desk, took all his books and hurled them out of the window.

URLs Recomendados: Law Dictionary. 

VOCABULARY: VOCABULARY: Ten-day Chinese Traffic Jam 

Motorists in China are experiencing a traffic jam from hell. Thousandsof drivers have been stuck in their cars for ten days on the Beijing-Tibet Expressway just outside the Chinese capital. The gridlockstarted on August 14th when roadworks began. The bad news is thatthe chaos will continue for another month. The tailbacks stretch backfor 100km. The situation has been made worse by dozens of carsbreaking down or overheating. Around 400 traffic police have beenassigned to patrol the jam to make sure tensions don’t rise too far.

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The horrendous snarl-up is the result of the explosion in the numberof cars on Chinese roads. As China becomes wealthier, more people

are buying cars, thus causing more traffic problems.Drivers trapped in the traffic jam know they have to be patient andsit for long hours in their cars. There are no showers for them to useand if they need to use a toilet, they have to lock their car andwander off to the nearest café. There are many complaints of localpeople taking advantage of the stranded motorists by charging themmore than double prices for drinks and snacks. People are keepingthemselves busy by playing cards or board games. Some havereported feeling homesick. One truck driver Juang Shao expressed hisfrustration over the situation: “I’ve missed my daughter’s birthdayand the food in my truck has probably turned into soup,” he said. Hesaid he was worried his truck could be stuck in the traffic forever.

SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article.

1. motorists a. mayhem2 gridlock b. anger3. chaos c. richer4. tensions d. protests5. wealthier e. am

6. patient f. stroll7. wander g. nerves8. complaints h. drivers9. frustration i. until the cows come

home10. forever . calm

PHRASE MATCH: (Sometimes more than one choice is possible.)

1. a traffic jam a. or overheating

2 the chaos will b. stranded motorists3. cars breaking down c. feeling homesick4. police have been assigned to d. patient and sit5. the explosion in the e. continue for another

month6. they have to be f. from hell7. taking advantage of the g. traffic forever8. People are keeping h. number of cars9. Some have reported i. themselves busy10. stuck in the . patrol the jam

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Motorists in China are experiencing a traffic jam from (1) ____.Thousands of drivers have been stuck (2) ____ their cars for ten dayson the Beijing-Tibet Expressway just outside the Chinese capital. Thegridlock started on August 14th when roadworks began. The badnews is that the (3) ____ will continue for another month. Thetailbacks stretch back for 100km. The situation has been made worseby dozens of cars breaking down or (4) ____-heating. Around 400traffic police have been assigned to patrol the jam to make sure (5) ____ don’t rise too far. The horrendous snarl-up is the result of theexplosion in the number of cars on Chinese roads. (6) ____ China

becomes wealthier, more people are buying cars, thus causing moretraffic problems.

Drivers trapped in the traffic jam know they have to be (7) ____ andsit for long hours in their cars. There are no showers for them to useand if they need to use a toilet, they have to lock their car and (8) ____ off to the nearest café. There are many complaints of localpeople taking advantage (9) ____ the stranded motorists by chargingthem more than double prices for drinks and snacks. People arekeeping themselves busy (10) ____ playing cards or board games.Some have reported feeling homesick. One truck driver Juang Shao(11) ____ his frustration (12) ____ the situation: “I’ve missed mydaughter’s birthday and the food in my truck has probably turned intosoup,” he said. He said he was worried his truck could be stuck in thetraffic forever.

Put the correct words from the table below in the abovearticle. 

1. (a) hell (b) the desert (c) heaven (d) highways2. (a) on (b) under (c) in (d) on top of 

3. (a) annoys (b) messy (c) catastrophic(d) chaos4. (a) under (b) over (c) pre (d) boil5. (a) tense (b) tensed (c) tenses (d) tensions6. (a) Was (b) Is (c) As (d) Has7. (a) patience (b) patient (c) patiently (d) patent8. (a) wander (b) wager (c) wonder (d) wind9. (a) of (b) off (c) by (d) from10. (a) at (b) to (c) by (d) so11. (a) expression (b) express (c) expresses (d) expressed12. (a) on (b) over (c) under (d) as

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1. motorists a. drivers2 gridlock b. am3. chaos c. mayhem4. tensions d. nerves5. wealthier e. richer6. patient f. calm7. wander g. stroll8. complaints h. protests9. frustration i. anger10. forever . until the cows come home


1. a traffic jam a. from hell2 the chaos will b. continue for another

month3. cars breaking down c. or overheating4. police have been assigned to d. patrol the jam

5. the explosion in the e. number of cars6. they have to be f. patient and sit7. taking advantage of the g. stranded motorists8. People are keeping h. themselves busy9. Some have reported i. feeling homesick10. stuck in the . traffic forever


1 - a 2 - c 3 - d 4 - b 5 - d 6 - c 7 - b 8 - a 9 -a 10 - c 11 - d 12 - b

THE MIRROR Edmund Burke 1729-1797 

I look in the mirrorAnd what do I see?

A strange looking personThat cannot be me.

For I am much younger

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And not nearly so fatAs that face in the mirror

I am looking at.

Oh, where are the mirrorsThat I used to know

Like the ones which wereMade thirty years ago?

Now all things have changedAnd I ’m sure you’ll agreeMirrors are not as good

As they used to be.

So never be concernedIf w rinkles appear

For one thing I’ve learnedWhich is very clear.

Should your complexionBe less than perfectionIt is really the mirror

That needs correction !! 

10 – 2010

CONFUSABLE WORDS: review, revue

A review of something such as a film or book is a discussion of it by a critic whogives an opinion about its quality. A review can be an article if a newspaper ormagazines or part of a radio or TV programme.

I collected $10 from an actor in the cast who had bet on good reviews for the lay.I held an exhibition of my own paintings at Cambridge. The critical reviews were

memorable.... a collection of his television reviews.

A review can also be a magazine, or occasionally a programme on television orradio, which deals with the intellectual subjects, especially literature and the arts,and in which critics express their opinions. Some of the magazines have Review  in their titles.

He made occasional contributions to the arts sections of the weekly reviews.… the New yor Review of Books.In an article I the Quarterly Review he found the information he was looking for.

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Tel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contáctenos en:

A review can also be a study be experts of how something is done or managed. Itis usually carried out in order to recommend changes and improvements.

He initiated a comprehensive review of industrial policy.Nevertheless the review concluded against all the alternatives.On 1 April he announced a full public review of the project.

A revue is an amusing entertainment produced in a theatre, with songs, dances,and comic sketches. Revues are often satirical.

… a four-man stage revue called Beyond the Fringe.He had just finished writing a revue of Cochran called On With the Dance.

URLs Recomendados: The Empathic Civilization. 


VOCABULARY: Computers to Boot Up in Seconds, NotMinutes. 

A big and welcome change could be coming to PCs. The time spentwaiting for our computer to boot up could soon be cut to secondsinstead of the minute or three we currently have to wait. This is goodnews for people who pull their hair out at the length of time it takesfor a PC to start. How will this happen? There will be an update to oneof the most basic pieces of start-up software – the Bios. This does allthe groundwork and prepares the Operating System. It is an old pieceof technology that has never caught up with the power and speed of today’s computers. Its replacement, the Unified Extensible FirmwareInterface (UEFI), should be on most PCs by 2011. The UEFI is moreflexible and much faster than the Bios.

Mark Doran, head of the group overseeing the development of theUEFI, explained the benefits to the BBC: "At the moment it can be25-30 seconds of boot time before you see the first bit of OS sign-on.With UEFI we're getting it under a handful of seconds," he said. MrDoran said that the technology is developing very quickly, saying: "Interms of boot speed, we're not at ‘instant-on’ yet but it is already alot better than the conventional Bios can manage and we're gettingcloser to that every day." The UEFI is expected to save companies

8/3/2019 Newsletters 2010 - AVT 40/49

∧∨ Tuition ®  Training & Translations 

∧∨ Tuition ® Huergo 349 Piso 3 B– C1426BQE –Buenos Aires

Tel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contáctenos en:

around the world billions of dollars. When time is money, having towait minutes to start work after turning a PC on costs industry a

fortune. Home users will also say goodbye to tapping their fingers ontheir desk.

SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article.

1. welcome a. fundamental2 boot up b. traditional3. basic c. hoped for4. groundwork d. encouraging5. flexible e. a huge amount6. overseeing f. adaptable7. handful g. start8. conventional h. a few9. expected i. preparation10. fortune . supervising

PHRASE MATCH: (Sometimes more than one choice is possible.)

1. A big and welcome a. of start-upsoftware

2 time spent waiting for our computer b. that every day

3. the minute or three we currently c. to boot up4. one of the most basic pieces d. a fortune5. more flexible and e. change6. head of the group overseeing f. on their desk7. we're getting it under a g. the development8. we're getting closer to h. have to wait9. costs industry i. much faster10. tapping their fingers . handful of seconds


A big and welcome change could be (1) ____ to PCs. The time spentwaiting for our computer to boot up could soon be cut (2) ____seconds instead of the minute or three we currently have to wait.This is good news for people who pull their (3) ____ out at the lengthof time it takes for a PC to start. How will this happen? There will bean update to one of the most basic pieces of start-up software – theBios. This does all the (4) ____ and prepares the Operating System.It is an old piece of technology that has never caught up (5) ____ the

power and speed of today’s computers. Its replacement, the Unified

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∧∨ Tuition ®  Training & Translations 

∧∨ Tuition ® Huergo 349 Piso 3 B– C1426BQE –Buenos Aires

Tel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contáctenos en:

Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI), (6) ____ be on most PCs by2011. The UEFI is more flexible and much faster than the Bios.

Mark Doran, head of the group (7) ____ the development of theUEFI, explained the benefits to the BBC: "At the moment it can be25-30 seconds of boot time before you see the first (8) ____ of OSsign-on. With UEFI we're getting it under a handful of seconds," hesaid. Mr Doran said that the technology is developing very quickly,saying: "In (9) ____ of boot speed, we're not at ‘instant-on’ yet but itis already a lot better than the conventional Bios can (10) ____ andwe're getting closer to that every day." The UEFI is expected to savecompanies around the world billions of dollars. When time is money,(11) ____ to wait minutes to start work after turning a PC on costsindustry a fortune. Home users will also (12) ____ goodbye totapping their fingers on their desk.

Put the correct words from the table below in the abovearticle. 

1. (a) comes (b) came (c) come (d) coming2. (a) at (b) to (c) from (d) by3. (a) hair (b) teeth (c) eyes (d) fingernails4. (a) groundwork (b) ground (c) grounded (d) grounds

5. (a) at (b) by (c) with (d) on6. (a) have to (b) should (c) has (d) ought7. (a) overseeing (b) overseer (c) oversee (d) oversees8. (a) byte (b) bite (c) bitter (d) bit9. (a) termed (b) terms (c) terming (d) term10. (a) charge (b) cope (c) guide (d) manage11. (a) have (b) has (c) having (d) had to12. (a) say (b) tell (c) speak (d) voice



1. welcome a. encouraging2 boot up b. start3. basic c. fundamental4. groundwork d. preparation5. flexible e. adaptable6. overseeing f. supervising7. handful g. a few8. conventional h. traditional9. expected i. hoped for10. fortune   j. a huge amount

8/3/2019 Newsletters 2010 - AVT 42/49

∧∨ Tuition ®  Training & Translations 

∧∨ Tuition ® Huergo 349 Piso 3 B– C1426BQE –Buenos Aires

Tel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contáctenos en:


1. A big and welcome a. change

2 time spent waiting for our computer b. to boot up3. the minute or three we currently c. have to wait4. one of the most basic pieces d. of start-up software5. more flexible and e. much faster6. head of the group overseeing f. the development7. we're getting it under a g. handful of seconds8. we're getting closer to h. that every day9. costs industry i. a fortune10. tapping their fingers j. on their desk


A big and welcome change could be coming to PCs. The time spent waiting for our computer to boot upcould soon be cut to seconds instead of the minute or three we currently have to wait. This is good newsfor people who pull their hair out at the length of time it takes for a PC to start. How will this happen?There will be an update to one of the most basic pieces of start-up software – the Bios. This does all thegroundwork and prepares the Operating System. It is an old piece of technology that has nevercaught up with the power and speed of today’s computers. Its replacement, the Unified ExtensibleFirmware Interface (UEFI), should be on most PCs by 2011. The UEFI is more flexible and much fasterthan the Bios.

Mark Doran, head of the group overseeing the development of the UEFI, explained the benefits to theBBC: "At the moment it can be 25-30 seconds of boot time before you see the first bit of OS sign-on.With UEFI we're getting it under a handful of seconds," he said. Mr Doran said that the technology isdeveloping very quickly, saying: "In terms of boot speed, we're not at ‘instant-on’ yet but it is already alot better than the conventional Bios can manage and we're getting closer to that every day." The UEFIis expected to save companies around the world billions of dollars. When time is money, having to waitminutes to start work after turning a PC on costs industry a fortune. Home users will also say goodbyeto tapping their fingers on their desk.


When Insu lts Had Class 

These glorious insults are from an era before the Englishlanguage got boiled down to 4-letter words.

The exchange between Churchill & Lady Astor: 

She said, " If you w ere my husband I'd give you poison." 

He said, "I f you were my wife, I'd drink it." 

A member of P arliament to Disraeli: "Sir, you w ill either dieon the gallows or of some unspeakable disease."  

"That depends, Sir," said Disraeli, "whether I embrace yourpolicies or your mistress." 

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∧∨ Tuition ®  Training & Translations 

∧∨ Tuition ® Huergo 349 Piso 3 B– C1426BQE –Buenos Aires

Tel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contáctenos en:

"He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices Iadmire." - Winston Churchill 

"I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituariesw ith great pleasure." Clarence Darrow 

"He has never been known to use a word that might send areader to the dictionary." - W illiam Faulkner (about Ernest


"Thank you for sending me a copy of your book; I'll w aste no

time reading it." - Moses Hadas 

"I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying Iapproved of it." - Mark Tw ain 

"He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends.."- Oscar Wilde 

"I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play;bring a friend.... if you have one." - George Bernard Shaw to

Winston Churchill 

"Cannot possibly attend first night, will attend second.... if there is one." - Winston Churchill, in response. 

"I feel so miserable w ithout you; it's almost like having youhere." - Stephen Bishop 

"He is a self-made man and worships his creator." - JohnBright 

"I 've just learned about his illness. Let's hope it's nothingtrivial ." - Irvin S. Cobb 

"He is not only dull himself; he is the cause of dullness inothers." - Samuel Johnson 

"He is simply a shiver looking for a spine to run up." - PaulKeating

8/3/2019 Newsletters 2010 - AVT 44/49

∧∨ Tuition ®  Training & Translations 

∧∨ Tuition ® Huergo 349 Piso 3 B– C1426BQE –Buenos Aires

Tel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contáctenos en:

"In order to avoid being called a flirt, she always yielded

easily." - Charles, Count Talleyrand 

"He loves nature in spite of what it did to him." - ForrestTucker 

"W hy do you sit there looking like an envelope w ithout anyaddress on it?" - Mark Twain 

"His mother should have thrown him away and kept the

stork." - Mae West 

"Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, wheneverthey go.." - Oscar Wilde 

"He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts... forsupport rather than illumination." - Andrew Lang (1844-


"He has Van Gogh's ear for music." - Billy Wilder 

"I 've had a perfectly wonderful evening. But this wasn't it." -Groucho Marx

11 - 2010

CONFUSABLE WORDS: cushion, pillow

A cushion is a fabric case filled with soft material, which you put on a seat to make

it more comfortable. You an sit on it or use it to support your back or head.She overturned the chairs and hurled the cushions about.She tucked up her feet on a big divan covered with cushions.

A pillow is a type of cushion, You put your head on it when you go to bed.

She was lying on the bed, her head on the pillow.I heard the chambermaid thumping pillows as my bed was made up for me.

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∧∨ Tuition ®  Training & Translations 

∧∨ Tuition ® Huergo 349 Piso 3 B– C1426BQE –Buenos Aires

Tel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contáctenos en:

URLs Recomendados:  BNET – the CBS Interactive BusinessNetwork .

Excellent site for business info and tips! Do not miss it! 

VOCABULARY:  Practice your skills:

Practice your listening comprehension with BNet – Videos.;content 

News: Be like the bamboo: 7 lessons from the Japaneseforest

The forests that surround Nara, Japan, are filled with beautifulbamboo trees. In Japan, the symbolism of the bamboo plant runsdeep and wide and offers practical lessons for life and for work. Isummarized the lessons below with presentation and learning inmind, but as you read these seven lessons from bamboo, try think of practical implications for your own life and work.

(1) Bend but don't break. Be flexible yet firmly rooted 

One of the most impressive things about the bamboo in the forest ishow they sway with even the slightest breeze. This gentle swayingmovement with the wind is a symbol of humility. Their bodies arehard and firm and yet sway gently in the breeze while their trunksstay rooted firmly in the ground below. Their foundation is solid eventhough they move and sway harmoniously with the wind, neverfighting against it. In time, even the strongest wind tires itself out,but the bamboo remains standing tall and still. A bend-but-don't-break or go-with-the-natural-flow attitude is one of the secrets forsuccess whether we're talking about bamboo trees, answering toughquestions in a Q&A session, or just dealing with the everydayvagaries of life. 

(2) Remember: What looks weak is strong The body of a single bamboo tree is not large by any means whencompared to the other much larger trees in the forest. It may notlook impressive at first sight at all. But the plants endure cold winters

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∧∨ Tuition ®  Training & Translations 

∧∨ Tuition ® Huergo 349 Piso 3 B– C1426BQE –Buenos Aires

Tel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contáctenos en:

and extremely hot summers and are sometimes the only trees leftstanding in the aftermath of a typhoon. They may not reach the

heights of the other trees, but they are strong and stand tall inextreme weather. Bamboo is not as fragile as it may appear, not by along shot. Remember the words of a great Jedi Master: "Size mattersnot. Look at me. Judge me by my size do you?" We must be carefulnot to underestimate others or ourselves based only on old notions of what is weak and what is strong. You may not be from the biggestcompany or the product of the most famous school, but like thebamboo, stand tall, believe in your own strengths, and know that youare as strong as you need to be.

(3) Be always ready Unlike other types of wood which take a good deal of processing andfinishing, bamboo needs little of that. As the great Aikido masterKensho Furuya says in Kodo: Ancient Ways, "The warrior, likebamboo, is ever ready for action." In presentation or otherprofessional activities too, through training and practice, we candevelop in our own way a state of being ever ready.

(4) Unleash your power to spring back 

Bamboo is a symbol of good luck and one of the symbols of the NewYear celebrations in Japan. The important image of snow-coveredbamboo represents the ability to spring back after experiencingadversity. In winter the heavy snow bends the bamboo back andback until one day the snow becomes too heavy, begins to fall, andthe bamboo snaps back up tall again, brushing aside all the snow.The bamboo endured the heavy burden of the snow, but in the end ithad to power to spring back as if to say "I will not be defeated."

(5) Find w isdom in emptiness 

It is said that in order to learn, the first step is to empty ourselves of our preconceived notions. One can not fill a cup which is already full.The hollow insides of the bamboo reminds us that we are often toofull of ourselves and our own conclusions; we have no space foranything else. In order to receive knowledge and wisdom from bothnature and people, we have to be open to that which is new anddifferent. When you empty your mind of your prejudices and prideand fear, you become open to the possibilities.

(6) Commit to (continuous) grow th 

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∧∨ Tuition ®  Training & Translations 

∧∨ Tuition ® Huergo 349 Piso 3 B– C1426BQE –Buenos Aires

Tel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contáctenos en:

Bamboo trees are among the fastest-growing plants in the world. Itdoes not matter who you are — or where you are — today, you have

amazing potential for growth. We usually speak of Kaizen orcontinuous improvement that is more steady and incremental, wherebig leaps and bounds are not necessary. Yet even with a commitmentto continuous learning and improvement, our growth — like thegrowth of the bamboo — can be quite remarkable when we look backat what or where we used to be. Even though the bamboo that isoutside my window grows quite rapidly, I do not notice its growthfrom day to day. We too, even when we are making progress, maynot notice our own improvement. How fast or how slow is not ourmain concern, only that we're moving forward. The bamboo grows

fastest around the rainy season. You too may have "seasons" wheregrowth accelerates, but is slower at other times. Yet with sustainedeffort, you are a l w a y s  growing. Do not be discouraged by what youperceive as your lack of growth or improvement. If you have notgiven up, then you are growing, you just may not see it until muchlater.

(7) Express usefulness through simplicity

Aikido master Kensho Furuya says that "The bamboo in its simplicityexpresses its usefulness. Man should do the same." Indeed, we spend

a lot of our time trying to show how smart we are, perhaps toconvince others — and ourselves — that we are worthy of theirattention and praise. Often we complicate the simple to impress andwe fail to simplify the complex out of fear that others may know whatwe know. Life and work are complicated enough without ourinterjecting the superfluous. If we could lose our fear, perhaps wecould be more creative and find simpler solutions to even complexproblems that ultimately provide the greatest usefulness for ouraudiences, customers, patients, or students. 

12 - 2010

CONFUSABLE WORDS: serviette, towel

In British English, a serviette is a square of cloth or paper that you use to protectyour clothes while you are eating, and sometimes to wipe your fingers and mouth.

He drew caricatures on the serviettes just as he had in Viennese cafes.

The piece of cloth that you use for drying yourself after washing is called a towel.

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∧∨ Tuition ®  Training & Translations 

∧∨ Tuition ® Huergo 349 Piso 3 B– C1426BQE –Buenos Aires

Tel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contáctenos en:

My hair is wrapped up in a towel, because I’d just washed it when you rang.I’ve hung up a towel behind the bathroom door for you, it you want a wash.

URLs Recomendados: Writing problems?

Simple, clear help for your writing problems :  

VOCABULARY:  Practice your skills - listeningcomprehension:


News: El Power Point y los Gatitos. 

En el twitter de G. Siemens: cada vez que usted utiliza un Powert Point Edward Tuftmata un gatito. Y si van a la página de referencia se complementa con un: Estoyseguro al 96% que esto no es verdad.

Esta frase no dejaría de ser una tontería que recoge Siemens del autor sinofuera porque E. Tuft pasa hoy por ser uno de los mayores especialistas en

representación grafica de la información y , ya en 2003, escribió un ensayocrítico “El estilo cognitivo de PowerPoint” .

Una de sus tesis la resume de esta manera: la forma más eficaz de presentarla información tanto en un entorno técnico como un seminario académico o unareunión de expertos es distribuyendo un informe escrito breve que pueda ser leídopor todos los participantes en los primeros 5 a 10 minutos de la reunión. Tufteconsidera que este es el método más eficaz de transferencia de conocimiento a laaudiencia. El resto de la reunión se dedicará entonces a la discusión y el debate. 

Precisamente, y muy relacionado con esto , ha vuelto a salir el tema. Conmotivo del estreno de este gran espacio formativo por parte del CEJFE, en

la ciudad de la Justicia (capacidad para 400 personas) se ha planteado laidoneidad de usar unos formatos u otros en la búsqueda de la eficaciacomunicativa. De este –productivo- debate resaltaré un par de puntos: 

-  Se constata que ya forma parte de la agenda de muchosprofesionales de la formación dedicar tanto tiempo a escoger bienlos contenidos que conforman la jornada/ seminario, etc, comoreflexionar sobre la formula más adecuada de de transmitirlos.

-  Aunque aun quedan reductos de mal uso (esta semana pasada locomprobé en un importante evento) progresivamente el Powert Pointesta siendo utilizado como una herramienta más (no la principal).Por ejemplo el formato Prezzi cada dia tiene mas seguidores y la

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creo mas eficaz. Esta presentación sobre aprendizaje invisible de CristobalCobo me encanta. 

En fin, más allá de herramientas conviene reivindicar también latransmisión pura y dura en base a la palabra (hace ya varios años lasreivindicaba en otro blog). Si se hace bien son muy eficaces. En enero lopudimos comprobar con el juez Emilio Calatayud. Profesionales como él, delmundo ju rídico, se resistieron en su dia pasarse a la ppt y ahora, paradoja,nos muestran que no estaban tan equivocados (más de tres millones dedescargas).

Por cierto, les recomiendo también a Jose Gutierrez Maldonado, autor deun articulo sobre Psicologia e Internet.

Source: Cobuild Collins – Confusable words. – Breaking News – WWW.