Newsletter Wk 10 13.11.15 -...

Post on 14-Jun-2020

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Transcript of Newsletter Wk 10 13.11.15 -...

Congratulations Perranporth!

This week we were extremely proud to receive a letter from the Minister of State for School

Reform, Nick Gibb MP! He wrote to Perranporth to congratulate us on our ‘very high

standard of achievement’ in our phonics test results. In fact he informed us that Perranporth

School is in the top 5% of schools in the country for phonics! We obviously already know that

the teaching and learning at our school is excellent, but it’s always nice when someone from the Department

for Education acknowledges that too! Please have a look at the letter in full on the back of the newsletter.

Huge well done to all the children, staff and parents (your help is invaluable to us) for all of your hard learning in


~ This week’s attendance ~


YR St Piran

Y1 Penhaligon

Y2 Boscawen

Y3 Trengrouse

Y4 Trelawny

Y5 Davy


94.7% 93.6% 93.8 % 97.6 % 97.5 % 96.6 % 94.7 %

Pearl of Africa

On Monday this week Year 5 made a visit Richard Lander School to take part in a workshop with the Pearl of

Africa Children's Choir. This is an internationally acclaimed Ugandan choir which is made up of children from the

various schools and homes run by the Molly and

Paul Childcare Foundation. Year 5 saw the

choir’s amazing drumming performance and

were then taught the skills themselves. The Pearl

of Africa also put on an evening performance

that children and families could return for. Every-

one came back to school full of excitement and

simply thrilled after such an incredible time! A

huge thank to Richard Lander for inviting us



Trewlawny Class had a very exciting visitor this week. They were extremely lucky to welcome Daya, a

Sikh lady. She kindly helped them learn all about Sikhism as part of their RE work. Daya taught them lots

of extremely interesting things about the Sikh religion, culture, customs, foods and clothing. The whole

class thoroughly enjoyed the experience and learnt a huge amount.

Nut Free School

Just a reminder that we are now a nut free school. Children must not bring nuts or other obvious nut products

into school as part of their snack or packed lunch; this also includes packed lunches for school trips and

cakes for the Friday sales. Thank you.

What’s coming up next week?

• Mon 16th Nov– Rec and Year 1 visiting Heartlands for Oliver Jeffers trip