Newsletter - SIS Canada · Newsletter November 15th, 2016 Volume 7, Issue 3 A message from the...

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Transcript of Newsletter - SIS Canada · Newsletter November 15th, 2016 Volume 7, Issue 3 A message from the...


November 15th, 2016 Volume 7, Issue 3

A message from the Principal…

18 Cheongdaero 351, Sokcho, Gangwon-do, 217-806 South KoreaTelephone. 82-33-637-8817 Fax. 82-33-637-8815 Website:

They also visited Alive Heart which they thoroughly enjoyed. There they viewed art pieces by

various artists. The gr. 12 History class visited the Unification Park in Gangneung. It is great to

see the classes getting out to connect their learning to local areas.

On Friday, November 11, SIS honoured the Canadian tradition of Remembrance Day. All of the

students and teachers gathered in an assembly to observe a minute of silence to honour soldiers

and civilians who have lost their lives due to war. The gr. 9 band contributed to the assembly by

performing a song about peace.

On Monday, November 7, two gentlemen representing the BC Ministry of Education were at the

school to review our programs and ensure that SIS Canada continues to meet the requirements for

certification. They were very pleased with everything they read and observed. Their final report

will be sent to us by January and we will share their observations at that time.

Members of our basketball club had the opportunity to participate in tournaments over the

past month. One was held in Sokcho at which they competed against teams from Sokcho middle

and high schools. The other tournament was held in Seoul in which they competed against other

teams from BC Offshore schools. Their camaraderie and sportsmanship was very impressive.

Well done boys!

Halloween is an annual event that all the students look forward to each year. Candy, costumes

and fun appeals to students of all the grades. Once again the leadership students created a scary

haunted house and many of the students dressed up for the day. There was a costume competition

and the following students were winners: Ga In Park (gr. 1), Tae Wan Kim (gr. 1), Drae Hudson

(gr. 4), Tae Hyeon Kim (gr. 11), and Chae Eun Park (gr. 12)

The first term report cards were emailed home on Friday, November 11th. Parents wishing to

have a meeting with their child’s teacher(s) please call or email the school to book an


Over the last month the weather has certainly become much colder,

sometimes dropping into the single digits. We want our students to be

outside enjoying the weather as much as possible so please ensure that

your children wear appropriate clothes for outside activities.

We have had a number of field trips this past month. Our grade 7, 8

and 9 students visited the Seorak Mountain Museum where they had

the opportunity to practice wall climbing, view exhibits related to

mountaineering and learn about Korea’s historical relationship with


“Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential. ”

- Winston Churchill

Life at SIS

Middle school life~

From discovering the building blocks of life to exploring ancient civilizations the

students in SIS Canada’s Middle School have been hard at work during Term 1. Students

have been tackling more difficult challenges as they progress through middle school.

Students in English and Social Studies have been working on improving their

communication skills while exploring civilizations throughout history. In Grade 7,

students had the opportunity to build miniature Terracotta Warriors. Hopefully these

student creations will help protect and inspire the middle school students during their


In Mathematics students have been applying their knowledge in a variety of real

world activities. Grade 9 students designed their own playground structures after learning

about three dimensional objects. Grade 8 students used integers to compare scores among

golf professionals.

Middle School Science has been focused on the world of biology in two main topics.

Students have been discovering the building blocks of life, cells, and have been exploring

how organisms change over time through evolution and natural selection. For example,

Grade 7 students had the opportunity to apply their knowledge of Evolution by building

“trees of life” using the popular series Pokemon as a medium for their projects.

November 15th, 2016 Volume 7, Issue 3

November 15th, 2016 Volume 7, Issue 3

Upcoming Events

18 Cheongdaero 351, Sokcho, Gangwon-do, 217-806 South KoreaTelephone. 82-33-637-8817 Fax. 82-33-637-8815 Website:

BC Ministry of Education InspectionOn November 7th, SIS Canada welcomed two representatives from the BC Ministry of education who inspected SIS Canada with regards to BC Curriculum, administration and quality of instruction. SIS Canada received an excellent evaluation in all areas.

11월 7일 BC주 교육부 심사팀이

SIS Canada를 방문하여 BC주교육과정,행정업무 등 전반적인심의를 실시하였습니다. SIS Canada는 모든 평가항목에서최상의 평가를 받았습니다.

Remembrance Day

On November 11, SIS Canada honoured the tradition of Remembrance Day. It is a Canadian tradition by which we honour soldiers who have died in war. The students of Gr. 8 and 9 led the school in an informative assembly, observed a moment of silence and the Gr. 9 band played a song.

11월11일, SIS Canada는

Remembrance Day를기념하였습니다. 이 날은전쟁에서 목숨을 잃은 분들을기리는 날로서 G8~9학생들은 이날 전교생 assembly를 이끌며묵념의식을 진행하였으며, 그후엔 G9 band학생들의노래연주가 이어졌습니다.

Report CardsOn November 11, Term 1 Report Cards were sent home. If you would like to meet your child’s teacher to discuss your child’s progress in person, call the school to arrange an appointment.

11월11일, Term1 Report Cards가 발송되었습니다.자녀의 학습진행과정에 대해담당선생님과 상담을 원하시는분은 행정실로 연락하셔서면담일정을 잡으시기 바랍니다.

Crazy Hair DayNovember 28 is Crazy Hair Day at SIS Canada. On that day students are encouraged to style their hair in a ridiculous manner. Get ready for some laughs!

11월 28일은 SIS Canada Crazy Hair Day입니다. 이 날 학생들은머리를 재미있는 스타일로 하고오도록 합니다. 웃을 준비를해주세요!

Winter VacationSIS Canada winter vacation will take place from December 19th to January 2nd. SIS Canada will be closed during that time and classes will resume on January 3rd.

SIS Canada 겨울방학이12/19(월)~1/2(월)입니다. 이기간동안 SIS Canada 수업이없으며, 1월 3일(화) 수업이시작됩니다.

Talent Show and Art AuctionSIS Canada’s annual Talent Show and Art Auction will be held on Friday, December 16. Students are encouraged to prepare performance for the event. Time and location for the event will be shared at a later date.

SIS Canada 연간행사인Talent Show와 Art Auction이12월 16일(금) 개최됩니다. 학생들은 이 행사를 위한공연이나 장기자랑을준비하기 바랍니다. 이행사를 위한 시간과 장소는

추후 다시 안내드리겠습니다.

New Student Recruitment

We would like to encourage all parents to refer other parents who are interested in international education and Canada Universities to SIS Canada.

SIS Canada 신입생을

모집합니다. 여러분 주변에국제 교육과 캐나다 대학에관심이 있는 분들이계시다면, SIS Canada를소개해주시기 바랍니다.

November 15th, 2016 Volume 7, Issue 3