Newsletter No Message from Mr Woods · When you dial 08447 707 576 you need to then dial our school...

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Transcript of Newsletter No Message from Mr Woods · When you dial 08447 707 576 you need to then dial our school...

We have our parent hotline number 08447 707 576 in place and we will be using this more over the coming months to add school messages.

When you dial 08447 707 576 you need to then dial our school ID Number:

71486 to hear our school messages.

Parent Hotline

Dear Parents/Carers, The first half of the summer term has been a very busy time for pupils and staff. During this time we have been completing a range of assessment activities within classes so that teachers can make their teacher assess-ment judgements.

We now have a new gov-ernment in power at West-minster and we now know the first cuts to education funding will affect some specialised support pro-grammes. It is pleasing that the improved weather has seen a small improve-ment in attendance at school. We still need to im-prove this further so that

our attendance rate is above 95%. We now have a new educa-tion social worker (ESW) and she will shortly be issu-ing some fixed penalty fines (£100) to some families. We also need to improve our punctu-ality in the morning. School starts at 8:50 am and your child is late if they are not in the line at this time. We ex-pect that pupils should be in the playground by 8:45 am every morning. We have a busy six weeks ahead with our 4th Interna-tional Evening along with the popular sea-side trip to Bourne-mouth (tickets selling fast) and many other events.

Please read through the newsletter to see the many events that have taken place and the dates for future events. Our term began on a very sad note for our commu-nity with the news that Mrs Jenny Salmon had lost her battle with cancer and died during the holi-day period. Jenny had worked with us at school for some time and even though we knew she had become very ill, her death was a sad time for every-one. I’d like to thank everyone in the commu-nity for your thoughts and well wishes for Jenny’s family and for your sup-port with our efforts to raise money for Macmillan and Marie Curie cancer nurses Mr D Woods

Head Teacher

Message from Mr Woods May 2010

Newsletter No

The day was very exciting with children encouraged to dress up in the colours of the

French flag (blue, white and red). There was a French cafe` set-up where the chil-dren exchanged their pounds

(£) for euros (€) before they could buy a range of different French snacks and treats. Children also enjoyed a ‘French themed health hus-tle’, a story-telling workshop and some classes completed art activities linked with fa-mous French artists. A very big thank-you to Miss

Amra for her efforts in or-

ganising such an exciting


During the half-term we have reviewed and updated our English Policy. This is a very important policy as skills in speaking, reading and writing are vital for good learning and progress. This week we have celebrated with our first “French Day” on Thursday, 27th May. The chil-dren in Year 3 – Year 6 learn French each week as part of learning in MFL (Modern For-eign Languages).

Our school has been asked by the London Borough of Ealing to develop some of our class spaces for Primary Support Base (PSB). During summer some prelimi-nary works for our PSB will take place as the Music Room

is converted back to use as a classroom with ICT cabling enabled. We will also be con-

structing a sensory/soft-play area in an upstairs room.

In the autumn term more works are planned for the va-

cant downstairs rooms, infant toilets and front fence. Our PSB classes open in January

2011. We will be the only school in Southall with a PSB.

Building Works (PSB)

Curriculum News

Newsletter No 10—May 2010 Page 2

and look forward to telling you

more about what we have done

in our next newsletter.

By Jasmin & Jitin

During this term we have being

doing a variety of things our

biggest project has been to pro-

duce individual projects based

on China. We have learnt even

more about the amazing country


Did you know that ice cream was

invented in China around


Did you know China is the fourth

largest country in the world?

Did you know according to read-

ings Buddha named the years

after the twelve animals that

came to visit him before he left

the earth?

Did you know when a Chinese

child loses a baby tooth; it

doesn't get tucked under the

pillow for the tooth fairy. If

the child loses an upper tooth,

the child's parents plant the

tooth in the ground, so the new

tooth will grow in straight and


We are hoping to display our

projects in school, for everyone

to enjoy. Our latest post to San

Yuan Primary will include the

latest news around Beaconsfield

Primary together with pictures

and examples of work from our


In our final few weeks of this

term, we will be linking to our

school in China through a blog

an improved medical room. We will also be having some electrical re-wiring completed and a new curriculum re-source area will be created. There will be some disrup-tions during this time, but we will aim to keep this to a minimum

Our 27 solar panels were in-stalled during the Easter holi-day period. Our school is now generating its own elec-tricity every day. We esti-mate that we have saved ap-proximately £330 on our electricity bill during the last 6 weeks. The savings of money are important but we are producing ‘clean’ electric-ity with no CO2 emissions so we are also helping to reduce air pollution and global warm-ing.

During this half-term we are having work completed to the upstairs hall (Year 6 class). By the end of June this area will have been completely re-decorated and re-furbished into two large classrooms for Year 5 and Year 6. We will be installing a moveable wall so that the space can be opened up into one large space or it can be closed to make two classrooms. The flooring will be updated along with re-painting to all of the walls, doors and fittings. Starting from 5th July we have a major refurbishment works. By the end of Septem-ber we will have a new com-bined library/ICT learning room, some new small group work spaces, new children’s toilets downstairs with new disabled toilet facilities and

The China Project

Premises News

Page 3 Newsletter No 10—May 2010


The Reception class have been

finding out about minibeasts.

We looked very carefully at

some real snails and talked

about the patterns on their

shell and body.

Then we drew them.



have been

learning all

about the

people who

help us. We

have been

dressing up

and pre-

tending to be doctors, dentists,

teachers, bus drivers and postal

workers. They all work very

hard to look hard to look after


Some of our Mum’s also

came to stay and play at

Nursery to find out what

we get up to! They all

enjoyed themselves and

it was lovely to have

them with us. We hope

to invite parents to visit

us every term from now

as it was a success.

Newsletter No 10—May 2010 Page 4

Classroom News

Years old I had new friends an

d I played with them. Now I a

m clever And I good at foot-

ball. When I am older I want to

become a policeman.

Year 1

After lots of discussion work

on our life stories, we used

ICT to word process our very

own autobiographies in Liter-

acy. We used word banks to

help us with this.

This linked to the work that

we have been doing on re-

counts and also the work that

we have been doing in IPC &

RE on ‘My World’.

In ICT lessons we learnt how

to use a scanner to load up

images of how we looked when

we were younger and how we

look now.

We then added these to our


My name is Abdul. When I was a

baby I use to crawl and I use to

go to sleep very late. When I was

a toddler I started walking

and running. When I was 4

When I am older I want to be a teacher because I can help peo-ple be doctors and teachers. And I live in Northolt. A belong to a Muslim family and I used to go Abu Bakr mosque. And my favourite subject is Liter-acy why because it helps me with my writing.

My name is Marwah. I was born on the 1st October 2004 in Kabul, Afghanistan. I am of Af-ghan origin. When I was 1 year old I started to crawl up the stairs and I stared to walking when I was 2 years old I started to go in to the push chair and used to have a best friend in my old school her name was Alezza.

When I was 3 years old I used to go to shops. When I was 4 years old I started to come to primary school. When I was 5 years old I went to Beaconsfield Primary School. Now I can read and write

My name is Humna. I was born on 13th of

July 2004 in London. I am of Pakistani origin. I have one brother called Talha. When I was 1 year old I started teeth-ing. When I was 2 years old I also started crawling. When I was 3 years old I started nurs-ery. When I was 4 years old my mum had a baby boy. When I was 5 years old I started riding my bike by myself. Now I am in year 1 and I enjoy learn-ing and taking part in assemblies.

My name is Hathmi. I was born on 10th September 2004 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. I am of Sri Lankan origin. I have 2 sis-ters called Hayaam and Hafa. When I was 1 year old my tooth started grow-ing and I started to crawl. I started to walk alone carrying little things with my hands. When I was 2 years old I started to walk and eat. I enjoyed scribbling with crayons. I learned to kick, throw the ball. When I was 3 years old I started to go to nursery but I was scared. When I was 4 years old I could run really fast. When I was 5 years old I went to Re-

ception. Now I am in year 1 I can read,

understand the story books. I live in


My religion is Islam and I go to mosque on Sunday and Saturday. When I am older I will be an engineer. I will make wonderful maps to build houses.

Page 5 Newsletter No 10—May 2010

Year 2 planted cauliflowers to be a green school.

Year 2


In our IPC topic ‘Ourselves’ we

have learned so many things

about ourselves, our families, and

our friends. We have talked

about the things we like and the

things we find hard to do. In Sci-

ence we are learning all about our

body parts. In ICT we are using

lap tops to do research about the

food eaten in different countries.

We also learned how to use digi-

tal cameras and took pictures of

our friends in the class room

which was great fun! Here are

some of the pictures we took our-

selves. We didn’t forget to smile!

Newsletter No 10—May 2010 Page 6

I have 1 brother, 1 big cousin,

me, my dad and my mum.

My family is special to me be-

cause they help me.

By Nive

About me

I am a boy.

My name is Nive.

I go to Beaconsfield primary


I am 7 years old.

My favourite teams are Barce-

lona, man u ,Chealse and Eng-


I like playing ps3 ,ps2, psp, x-

box and x-box live.

When I was a baby I can’t swim

but now I can swim.

I find it hard to swim in the

deep end.

I find it hard to write joined up


I find it hard to draw a cool


I find it hard stop talking.

I find it hard correct things.

Page 7 Newsletter No 10—May 2010

I am a girl. I am a sensible girl. I go to the Gurdwara. I am a Sikh. I am a 7 years old. I am a very good girl. I like all the subjects. I have medium size hair. I have an excellent teacher Mrs Sharma. I am a excellent student.

I go to the temple. I like all of the teachers in my school. I like going on trips at school because it is fun. I like pizza and chips. My favorite food is chicken and chips. I like going to the park. Rajvir

I find it hard to climb a mountain. I find it hard to go on the monkey bars. I find it hard to wake up early in the morning. Rajvir

Year 3

Year 3 have been planting seeds

in the pond grassy area. We are

growing radishes and cucum-

bers. When they have grown we

are going to give it to the cooks

to make delicious salad for our

lunch. It has been very hot so

we have to make sure we water

the seeds regularly. We first

grew them in pots and when

they grow bigger we will put

them in the ground. I can’t wait

to see how big the cucumbers


By Moqdas Khan, Year 3

We are promoting healthy food

in our school. We are growing

our own cucumbers and rad-

ishes. Some of them are already

growing and we are watering

them regularly. They are also

getting lots of light. Cucumbers

and radishes are so delicious to

eat. I can’t wait to taste them

when we eat them in our

school canteen.

By Fareeha Ilyas, Year 3

people because people never

work hard enough. So she

chopped people’s head off.

Henry 8th died because he ate

too much rich food. He was

good at dancing and tennis.

Bloody Mary she has jewellers

and lots of other things. She

looks nice but she was the cru-

ellest woman in the world. Peo-

ple say if you say Bloody Mary in

the Mirror 3 times she will

We think we made a simple yet

effective bird cage for the


By Rajpreet, Jasmin & Hani

Year 5

Year5 have been studying dif-

ferent materials in their IPC

topic, our project was to make a

bird cage which would be strong

as well as attractive to attract

the birds in to.


• Card/Paper

• Straws

• Plant Tray

• Cellotape

• Scissors


First we used a plate to put un-

der our cage.

Next we cut some strips of


Then we cut a circle shape out

of the card.

After wards we stuck the strips

on to the plant tray.

Then we joined the strips to the


Finally we cut a small paper for

the birds address and stuck it

on the cage with Cellotape.

come out of the mirror and chop

your head off.

25th May 2010

Shazad Syed, Year 4


We have been working about

the Tudors. We drew lots of

pictures about the Tudors. We

drew Bloody Mary. She used to

burn people alive. We drew

Henry 8th. He had 6 wives. He

had a ship called Mary Rose.

Henry 8th was so cruel to the

Year 4

Hussain Masalawala/ Yea 4


One day when I woke up I real-

ised that today was the day

when I would be riding on the

largest ship called the TI-

TANIC. In the Titanic there 1st

2nd 3rd classes. The 1st class is

at the top, 2nd class in the mid-

dle, 3rd class at the bottom in

the hull. The captain’s name was

Captain Smith.

I was working as a chef. The

thing I hate about my job is

that the lady Astor’s want eve-

rything perfectly cooked.

April 14th 1912 it was Mrs John-

sons birthday a little boy

wanted to go on a ship race Cap-

tain Smith said yes.

April 15th 1912 the ship was 1st

in the race. But iceberg warn-

ings were ignored. SUDDENLY

when someone said icebergs

ahead 1500 people died, 705


Newsletter No 10—May 2010 Page 8

First we got a polystyrene box

or a cup holder

protecter polystyrene container.

Then we got a mat to paint on

and chose 1-2 colors and started

making a bird hive.

Then we painted it yellow all

round except the main place. We

coloured the main feeder orange

with a little yellow.

We dried it so we could colour it

and outline it using black feltip.

After that we can

put different sec-

tions of food water

play etc.

By Yaseen, Ehsan,

and Aymaan

turn the wire cooking rack. Then

each group left there cake until

it is warm. In the end we cut

the cake in half and spread jam

in the centre.

At the end, we ate our cake

which was delicious and had a

wonderful time!

Melissa and Simran (Year 6)

Year 6

In topic, Year 6 has been learn-

ing about irreversible and re-

versible substances which led us

to bake a cake. Whilst baking

the cake, we considered about

what changes will occur.

Firstly, to avoid the cake stick-

ing to the container, we had to

grease the tin. Then we meas-

ured the sugar, butter and flour

(175g). After that, we added

the mixture to the beaten eggs.

Currently, it would make the

sugar dissolve because of the

water in the eggs, which make

this an irreversible change- a

change that cannot be undone.

Mixing this together creates


Once, you have got the correct

amount of butter, sugar and

flour; use a separate pan to

melt the butter over a low heat

so the butter will transform

into a liquid which can be re-

versible however the liquid

[butter] will lose its water. Beat

the flour and all the other in-

gredients which you have en-

closed and then add a table

spoon at a time of flour. Next,

we stirred the mixture well un-

til it is a liquid, so there are no

lumps and can rise.

Finally, we bake the mixture at

180 c for about 25- 30 minutes.

If the cake raises, the colour

should be a golden brown and

must be vitally firm. We left it

in the tins for 2 –3 minutes and

Page 9 Newsletter No 10—May 2010

courage children to wear a hat to protect the sun on their faces. School hats are

Help Needed Occasionally in school chil-dren have an accident where a change of clothes is re-quired. We would greatly ap-preciate any donations from parents of trousers and shirts that your child has now grown out of. Please give these clothing donations to Mrs Poonai.

Lost Property

We know that as parents you spend a great deal of money on your child’s uniform. Un-fortunately we continue to have large amounts of lost property each half-term. The lost property is located just inside the door from the play-ground. Please look through for any lost items.

available for pur-chase for just £2.75.


We expect children to always be wearing the correct school uniform at all times. Our uni-form includes black shoes (NOT BOOTS OR TRAIN-

ERS). Now that the weather is getting warmer and the sun is stronger we would en-

Spring Fair

Whilst we did not enjoy the best of weather for our Spring Fair, it was great to see so many children and their families come along on the day to take part and browse the different stalls.

We raised a total of £826 on the day

which will be used to pur-

chase brand new books for our new library in September.

Voucher Collections It is almost the end of the Tesco and Sainsbury’s voucher collection schemes for this year. Please do send in all vouchers as soon as possible. Please ask your friends and neighbours for any vouchers that they may have. These schemes save us between £400 - £600 each

year on valuable resources. The collection boxes are lo-cated in the foyer near the school office. The Nestle box tops are al-ways available. If your chil-dren eat Nestle cereals we’d ask you to send in the box tops that we can use to pur-chase books.

Community News

Newsletter No 10—May 2010 Page 10

School Information/Procedures

The cost of the next ½ term will be £60.00 (7th June – 16th July = 30 days @ £2 per day). School staff do not have access to dinner money. It is the responsibility of par-ents/carers to inform Harri-sons when children are ab-sent from school. If you do not inform them you will be charged for the meal.

School Dinners

Our school has achieved healthy school status

which we are aiming to keep. Food eaten in school is cov-ered by our ‘Food Policy’ guidelines. We want to re-mind parents that children who have a packed lunch are only allowed to have healthy items. Items such as crisps, biscuits, small chocolate are only allowed on a Friday as part of children’s lunch. This is part of encouraging re-sponsible healthy eating.

Dinner Money

School dinners must be paid for before the meal is eaten. The daily meal cost is £2 (£10 per week). Cheques are not accepted for payment. Payments need to be made using the internet payment services at or by phoning Harrisons on 020 8280 0318. Cash payments can be made using the enve-lopes in the payment box in school.

rise to £2.10 per day. This is to cover the additional costs with chasing and collecting debts.

Changes to School Meals

We have been advised by Ealing Catering Consortium and Harrisons about changes to prices for school meals from September.

These changes will only affect parents who do not pay for meals in advance. If meals are paid in advance the cost will remain at £2 per meal. The consortium was keen to avoid any price rise during these tough economic times. However if you accrue dinner debts the cost of meals will

Food Menus

Our menu for school dinner is designed to provide as many children as possible with ac-cess to a hot lunch. Meat dishes are served from Mon-day – Thursday and vegetar-ian dishes are available every day.

Page 11 Newsletter No 10—May 2010

Monday Non-halal meat + vegetarian

Tuesday Halal meat + vegetarian

Wednesday Non-halal meat + vegetarian

Thursday Halal meat + vegetarian

Friday Fish (not always) + vegetarian

This is a great opportunity for parents to meet and socialise together while their young children play safely and hap-pily. We want to see more parents and toddlers attend-ing each week so please in-vite friend and neighbours to come along.

Parent/Carer Toddler Group

The toddler group runs on Friday morning from 9:00 am. We are continuing to ex-pand the re-sources avail-able for chil-dren from 18 months up to 3 years of age.

Over the last four weeks, an excited group, from Year 3 to 4 has been meeting at lunch-times. They have all been ap-pointed on the Beacs Eco Council and have already had an enterprising start to their new project. They have taken their role as Waste Warriors, Activity Agents and Green Team very seriously and pride themselves on their ability to improve the envi-ronment. They have been recording and monitoring food waste, recycling and reducing the amount of paper used. En-ergy savings are looked after at the school by the Eco Bust-ers who ensure lights and computers are turned off when not in use. In fact, a survey has been carried out looking at how best we as a whole school community, save energy, helping in the global awareness of environ-mental issues. These findings have been shared with the whole school.

Most recently, a whole school assembly introduced the Beacs Eco Council. We shared our action planned and we all pledged our agreement in supporting this whole school project. We hope to have our Eco notice-board set up very soon; this will inform our school community of any cur-rent projects the Eco team is taking part in.

All classes have had an op-portunity to get their hands dirty, by growing their own vegetables and herbs which it is hoped will be used in some of our healthy lunches. On top of the fruit, vegetables, and flowers grown in the Eco garden, we will soon have a bird feeder to encourage a diversity of birds.

Well as you can see the Eco council is determined to bring environmental changes on board. Our biggest goal, is to improve the school grounds, no doubt soon you will see members of the Eco Council

helping to ensure the school grounds are clean. Perhaps you could help in this part of the pledge the next time you are at the school, how about picking up litter that you might see near you, but most importantly, dispose of any rubbish in the bins provided. Keep Beacs

clean! Finally, it is hoped that on behalf of the school, the Beacs Eco Council will apply and are awarded an ‘Eco-School Bronze Award’ by the end of this Summer Term. We hope to bring you more exciting news on our pledge to improve the whole school Environment in our next newsletter.

If you would like to contribute time or resources to our Eco Council, please get in touch with me. Ms Starr

Assistant Head Teacher

Newsletter No 10—May 2010 Page 12

Beaconsfield Primary has an Eco Council!


We expect children to be in school for 96% of all possible school days each year. Atten-dance is closely monitored by the Education Social Worker (ESW). If it is found that you are not sending your child to school you can be issued with a penalty fine no-tice, prosecuted in court and even sent to prison.

The easiest way to avoid any problems is to send your child to school each day. When children miss school they have to ‘catch-up’ on work and this can be very disrup-tive for their leaning.

policy is strictly enforced at all times. The Education So-cial Worker will issue fixed penalty fines for unapproved leave.

Request for Leave

Holidays should be taken dur-ing the 13 weeks of the year when school is closed. There is no right to take holidays in term time. Our assessment data clearly shows year after year that

the pupils who make the slowest learning progress are those that have the highest number of days absent from school. The governing body has ap-proved a strict policy of not approving any leave for pu-pils during term time. This

to school on a regular basis. It is not acceptable and families will be referred to the



Being prompt and on time is an important life-skill that all children need to learn. It is very sad that a persistent number of parents regularly arrive late with their children to school. Our school day starts at 8:50 am and we ex-

pect that children should be in the playground by 8:45 am. As parents/carers you would rightly be annoyed and angry if staff arrived late as it would disrupt your child’s learning, yet a significant number of parents/carers seem to think it is acceptable to arrive late

Page 13 Newsletter No 10—May 2010

Parent Council

We are looking to establish a Parent Council group within the school to further develop links between the school and our community. This council will provide a monthly meet-ing between parents and the senior leadership team to dis-

cuss the curriculum and de-velopment of the school. Please come along to an in-troductory coffee morning/meeting on Tuesday 15th June at 9:00 am in the Par-ent’s Room. It is very impor-tant that we have a good mix of parents across all year

groups. Please speak to Mr Woods for more information about this new group.

Important Dates

Page 14 Newsletter No 10—May 2010

Date Event

Monday 7th June School return from ½ term break

Friday 11th June ICT Safety assembly (Parents/Carers welcome)

Tuesday 15th June Coffee meeting to introduce Parent Council

Friday 18th June Year 1 class assembly

Friday 18th June Years 3 and 4 Trip to Central London

Friday 18th June Apna Football Tournament

Tuesday 22nd June Marie Curie ‘Giant Tea-Party’

Wednesday 23rd June Meeting for new Reception parents

Thursday 24th June (Year 6) Police Junior Citizen Scheme

Friday 25th June Year 2 class assembly

Saturday 26th June Bournemouth Sea-side Trip

Monday 28th June Year 6 School Journey to Isle of Wight

Tuesday 29th June Extended Schools Athletics Day

Friday 2nd July Year 6 return from Isle of Wight

Tuesday 6th July Meeting for new Nursery parents

Wednesday 7th July Sport Day

Wednesday 7th July School Picnic Lunch

Thursday 8th July Celebration of Work Evening (Reception - Yr 6)

Friday 9th July International Evening

Tuesday 13th July Reports go home

Tuesday 13th July Year 6 Class Musical

Thursday 15th July Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly

Friday 16th July School closes at 1:30 pm for summer holidays

Thursday 2nd September Pupils return for Autumn Term

Below are our approved school holiday dates through until July 2011. Please note

these dates and ensure that any holiday bookings are made outside of the school

Page 15 Newsletter No 10—May 2010

Summer Term 2010

Monday 19th April 2010 – Friday 28th

May 2010

Bank Holiday – 3rd

May 2010

Half term – Monday 31st

May – Fri-

day 4th

June 2010

Monday 7th June 2010 – Friday 16th

July 2010

Autumn Term 2010

INSET DAY – Wednesday 1st



Pupils return – Thursday 2nd


ber – Friday 22nd

October 2010

Half term – Monday 25th

October –

Friday 29th

October 2010

Monday 1st

November – Friday 17th

December 2010

INSET DAY - Monday 22nd


Spring Term 2011

Tuesday 4th

January 2011 – Friday


February 2011

Half term – Monday 21st

February –

Friday 25th

February 2011

Monday 28th

February –

Friday 8th

April 2011

Summer Term 2011

Tuesday 26th

April 2011 –

Friday 27th

May 2011

Bank Holiday – 2nd


Half-term – Monday 30th

May – Fri-

day 3rd

June 2011

INSET Day – Monday 6th


Tuesday 7th

June 2011 – Tuesday 19th

July 2011