Newsletter June 2015

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Newsletter June 2015

Transcript of Newsletter June 2015

June 2015

Saint John’s mission is to nurture all people in their spiritual growth, in their Christian education, and in their relationship with God.

of Saint John’s in Pine Meadowof Saint John’s in Pine Meadow

Dear Friends,

Some of my fondest Sunday morning church memories involve Pentecost. I remember coming into worship on Sunday morning once a year to find a beautifully decorated red birthday cake on the table that usually held the bread and wine that would be brought forward as part of our weekly offering. That cake was the most beautiful cake I had even seen. Lush red frosting and white icing and on the top a white dove that glistened with sugar! You might be wondering why a birthday cake in church? Did you know that the feast of Pentecost is often referred to as the birthday of the Church? It is called that because Pentecost is when the apostles went out among the people and began spreading Jesus' message, thus establishing the beginning of the Church. Today, Pentecost, which in Greek means 50th day, is celebrated by Christians fifty days after Easter, and marks the day that the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles. After receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit, the apostles immediately went out and preached Jesus' message to everyone—even those who spoke other languages. When we visualize Pentecost today, we think about the rush of a mighty wind, tongues of fire, or the appearance of a dove. Pentecost is probably one of the most important days on the Church calendar, but it often gets over-looked with the arrival of spring and the race toward the end of the school year. On Pentecost Sunday we arrive at church, sometimes wearing red, to celebrate the day. The story doesn’t end there. The apostles went out from there and into the world. They didn’t stay huddled together in one place among themselves. They took the blessings of the Holy Spirit, the healing message of the Gospel, the love of God, and the redemption of the world by Christ out into their communities and beyond. The world was changed as a result of their sharing of the excitement and passion of the day of Pente-cost. Before the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles on Pentecost, they were afraid to go out and preach Jesus' message. After receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the apostles found themselves able to converse with others despite their differences. This Pentecost, make an effort to try to meet and talk with people you have never met or previously avoided. You just might be surprised by the arrival of the Holy Spirit in your conversation and in the beginnings of relationship. That would be something to celebrate! The Rev. Sandra L. Cosman Priest in Charge


April 2015 April 2014 Operating Income: $ 12,690 $ 11,358 Operating Expenses: $ 18,735 $ 18,154

YEAR TO DATE 2015 2014

Operating Income: $ 57,003 $ 52,217 Operating Expenses: $ 63,128 $ 67,273

Larry Espinet, Treasurer

Bits & Pieces 

Church Office Hours — Office hours are 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Prayer Requests—Requests are handled confidentially through the office or by speaking to the Rev. Sandra L. Cos-man. You may fill out a prayer request form or contact the office. If you would like to be a part of the prayer circle, please call the office. Prayer is part of our concern for one another. Altar Guild - The Altar Guild is looking for 2 people to join a team in June/October and July/December. No experi-ence is necessary as on the job training is provided. If inter-ested, please contact Donna Colavecchio at (860) 379-4643. Flower Chart Posted in Narthex—Sign up for the Sunday of your choice. Cost is $60.00, or you may bring flowers from your garden in the summer. The office will contact you about memorials. Training for Liturgical Duties - Training for greeters, aco-lytes, torchbearers will be coming soon. Please see Mother Cosman, if you are interested in helping to lead our worship. Senior Pictures - Please contact the office if you are inter-ested in reserving a space in the garden area for your pic-tures. Refreshments will be served. Baptisms—Next scheduled baptisms is the Sunday after All Saints Sunday which will be November 8th. Please see Mother Cosman for more information.

Winsted Food Pantry - Please don’t forget to bring in non-perishable food items for the hungry that live among us.

The Episcopal Church in New York - wishes to thank our parish for our financial support for the Middle East from our Good Friday offering.

PARISH REGISTER(Broadly Defined)

Let the office know about happenings in your own life and in the lives of other parishioners, especially hospi-talizations, so Rev. Sandra L. Cosman can contact those in need of comfort.

Next Ingathering—July 5th

The total year to date is $126.65. Bring coins any-time. We will keep them safe.

SCRIP – A way to help Saint John’s and simplify your life! The Scrip Program is a simple way for Saint John’s to benefit from your regular purchases at select retailers at no cost to you. Here is how it works: If you purchase a scrip card (gift card) here at Saint John’s in the amount of $50. You receive a gift card for $50 for that store and our parish re-ceives a percentage of your card purchase. The gift card is the full value of your purchase and we re-ceive a donation from the retailer. It is that simple. Stop & Shop cards are available on Sundays for pur-chase and a listing of many other retailers is also available. Easter gifts, birthday presents and every-day expenses can all benefit Saint John’s and you can save a trip to the store!

Special thanks to Ron Caine, Tom Chappell, Bruce Wearne and Bob Osborne for cleaning the church.

Thanks to our Soup Kitchen Crew for their hard work.

Special thanks to Mac Wilson for taking care of the lawn maintenance.

Special thanks to the following Godly Play Leaders who have devoted so much time and energy this past year: Beth Coates, Kathy Riberdy, Candy Flaherty, Lucie Martocchio, Marie Keefe, Christine Nelson and Peggy Budny and to Linda Snyder for her dedi-cation, devotion and her guidance throughout the year.

Thank you to all the volunteers who helped with the Spring clean up of the Gill Garden.

Thanks to the choir for their devotion to the music of the service: Diane & Guy Hayes, Barbara & Paul Patch, Anne Hall, Holly Hall, Jamie Hall, Joanne Ritchie, Barb Henri, Brian Jones, Donna Colavec-chio and Del Springer and special thanks to Halyna Petronchak for her direction and wonderful selection of music.

Thanks to Norma Pappalardo and volunteers who have made spring at St. John’s especially beautiful with tulips, pansies and other flowers in the garden, planters and front of the church.

Thanks to Blake Hall for delivering and spreading the mulch in the garden.

Thanks to everyone who helps with the mission and ministry of St. John’s.


Thanks to those who help.!

Coffee Hour Hosts 10:00 a.m. Service

June 7, 14 & 21

Gill Memorial Garden Volunteers Needed

For June

We could use a few more volunteers to help with weeding and watering during the summer. Each vol-unteer will be responsible for one week. Let us know if you are willing to help. Call the office at 379-3062 or email or you can sign up in the narthex. Most weeks in June are still available.

Rhythms of Grace No Services in June, July And August

Rhythms of Grace is designed to meet the needs of families with children on the Autism Spectrum and with other special needs. Those who help feel it is a rewarding experience to work with children and families who need the attention and who are new to St. John’s. Contact Linda Snyder at for information. We will be starting Rhythms of Grace in the Fall. We will keep you posted.

Once again it is time to plan for this ministry. We take the fourth Saturday in all months, except No-vember and December, because of Thanksgiving and Christmas. The date of the next meal is June 27th which will be hosted by Anne Radziewicz. Specials thanks to Sandra Cosman and family for hosting the May meal. We still have July 25 open for volunteers to assist. Please contact Laura Wearne with a date that you would like to volunteer for Peter’s Retreat. She can be reached at (860)307-3031. Thank you!

This is an important part of our ministry of hospi-tality—to visitors, to children, to one another. Cof-fee supplies other than cream are available in the kitchen. Baked goods are terrific, whether home baked or purchased—whatever works for you. A sign up sheet is posted in the parish hall. All pa-rishioners who attend the 10 a.m. service are re-quested to host at least once this spring/summer.

The Episcopal Church We’re Here For You

Sunday Holy Eucharist

8:00 a.m. & 10 a.m. Thursday Holy Eucharist With Healing Prayers 6:30


Address Correction

P. O. Box 27

Pine Meadow, CT 06061 Phone: 860 379-3062


news from 

church school 

Thank you to all who have participated in our Godly Play program this last year. We have had a great year! We have added an upper elementary class for the year which used Godly Play enrichment stories and then went further into the stories studying a number of saints in the fall while hearing from a number of adult members about how they express their faith in ministry. In Epiphany, our shortest unit, we learned about a number of additional parables not covered in the core curriculum. During Lent to our ending June 7th we are looking at our worship using the Godly Play worship story as our outline. Lots of exploring and learning and of course fun! As we continue to grow our program we are looking for a few new storytellers and doorkeepers. We are collaborating with First Congregational Church in Canton to sponsor a one day Godly Play workshop to learn more about this program and to learn these two positions. Our workshop is Sat. Oct. 3rd. More details to follow but know that if you are interested in joining us there is training scheduled to help you. For more information speak to or email Linda L. Snyder @ We continue to look for donations to add to our stories. Last month we featured “The Falling Apart” or Adam and Eve and the story of Abraham. We are still in need of these two stories.

Gather with us after worship to celebrate the end of the Godly Play season and the start of summer. We will grill hotdogs, play games, make our own sundaes, and get to know each other better. We will bring the hotdogs. You bring your family, salads, appetizers or your very own summer special dish. Sign up now to attend and let us know what you will bring to share. See Mother Cosman for more information.

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 8:00 PM AA Norma & John Pappalardo

4 Holy Eucharist 6:30 PM Donna & Gary Colavecchio

5 10:00 AM Al-Anon 8:30 PM AA Joyce & Paul Halladay


7 8 & 10 AM Holy Eucharist Parish Picnic Name Tag Sunday 24/6: Prescription for Healthier Life— Last Session-9:00am

8 12:00pm Clergy Gathering

9 10 8:00 PM AA

11 Holy Eucharist 6:30 PM

12 10:00 AM Al-Anon 8:30 PM AA

13 Caren & Gordon Ross

14 8 & 10 AM Holy Eucharist

15 16 17 8:00 PM AA

18 Holy Eucharist 6:30 PM Diane & Guy Hayes

19 10:00 AM Al-Anon 8:30 PM AA

20 Open Door

21 8 & 10 AM Holy Eucharist Father’s Day Food Sunday Leah & Larry Alibozek

22 23 24 8:00 PM AA Susie & Gray Horn

25 Holy Eucharist 6:30 PM 7:00pm Vestry Meeting

26 10:00 AM Al-Anon 8:30 PM AA Betty & Henry Castonguay

27 Peter’s Retreat Ann & Robert Atwood Nancy & Jeff Linton

28 8 & 10 AM Holy Eucharist Name Tag Sunday

29 30

June 2015 St. John’s Church - Calendar of Events

Anniversaries in Italics

June Birthdays 1-Jun Nicholas Lukiwsky 1-June Ali Dee 2-Jun Rick Smith 2-Jun Elena Morgan 6-Jun Molly Sexton Read 7-Jun Caren Ross 7-Jun Molly Keefe 7-Jun Jane Allyn

9-Jun Stephen Brehm 9-Jun Catherine Carrier 9-Jun Kendall Moraski 9-Jun Laura Wearne 12-Jun Lauren Alibozek 15-Jun Brian Jones 16-Jun Eleanor Ross 16-Jun Aidan Lukiwsky

16-Jun Jill Smith 20-Jun Polly Pobuda 20-Jun Hailey Patch 21-Jun Ellen Childs 22-Jun Reid Hester 24-Jun Lou Moscaritolo 30-Jun Scott Hoskins

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 8:00 PM AA

Molly Sexton Read & Tom Fritch Laura & Bruce Wearne

2 Holy Eucharist 6:30 PM

3 10:00 AM Al-Anon 8:30 PM AA


5 9:00 AM Holy Eucharist Name Tag Sunday

6 7 8 8:00 PM AA

9 Holy Eucharist 6:30 PM

10 10:00 AM Al-Anon 8:30 PM AA Jessica & Peter Hinman


12 9:00 AM Holy Eucharist Name Tag Sunday

13 14 Eileen & Richard Bartram

15 8:00 PM AA Ellen & David Childs

16 Holy Eucharist 6:30 PM Lucie & Louis Martocchio

17 10:00 AM Al-Anon 8:30 PM AA Peggy & John Budny

18 Open Door

19 9:00 AM Holy Eucharist Name Tag Sunday

20 21 Barbara & Paul Patch

22 8:00 PM AA Sue & Blake Hall

23 Holy Eucharist 6:30 PM

24 10:00 AM Al-Anon 8:30 PM AA Jane & Matthew Allyn Christine & Luke Nelson

25 Peter’s Retreat

26 9:00 AM Holy Eucharist Name Tag Sunday Carol & Mac Wilson

27 28 29 8:00 PM AA

30 Holy Eucharist 6:30 PM

31 10:00 AM Al-Anon 8:30 PM AA Doris Bryant & Del Springer Debbie & Wally Truss

July 2015 St. John’s Church—Calendar of Events

Anniversaries in Italics

July Birthdays 7/4 Gary Colavecchio 7/8 Olivia Ficalora 7/8 Candy Flaherty 7/8 Chris Osborne

7/10 Ted Bremer 7/11 John Gargiulo 7/13 Schuyler Horn 7/15 Peter Stull 7/15 Doris Bryant 7/16 Don Phillips

7/17 Colin Coates 7/19 Ron Caine 7/19 Kevin Case 7/21 Bradley Radziewicz 7/22 Gray Horn 7/22 Terry Radziewicz

7/23 Maggie Dougan 7/27 Russ Martocchio 7/30 Brooke Nelson 7/30 Caitlin Doyle 7/31 Wally Truss

ECW Luncheon with Bishop Laura Ahrens

St. John’s Choir





SAINT JOHN’S SUMMER KICK OFF PICNIC JUNE 7th After the 10a.m. Eucharist 

Gather with us after worship to celebrate the end of the Godly Play season and the start of summer. We will grill hot dogs, play games, make our own sundaes, and get to know each other better.  We will bring the hot dogs. You bring your family, salads, appetizers, or your very own summer special dish. 

 Sign up now to attend and to let us know what you will bring to share!   

TAKE FLAT JESUS WITH YOU THIS SUMMER  Flat Jesus will be available all summer.  

Stop by the Narthex or check out our website to download the Flat Jesus template. Color  Jesus any way you like and carefully cut out Jesus and take him wherever you go this summer. When you get there, remember to take a picture of Jesus there with you and post it to Saint John’s Facebook page or email it to the parish office ( Watch our Facebook page 

and the bulletin boards around the parish for more Flat Jesus sightings. Jesus said, “I am with you always.”  

Remember, wherever you go, you take Jesus with you.

SAINT JOHN’S SCAVENGER HUNT  See St. John’s up close this summer. 

Check out our website to download the Saint John’s Scavenger Hunt. You will be shown a close up look at things found “hidden in plain sight” here at Saint John’s. You will find hidden gems from our worship 

space, grounds, and all around the parish. When you have found all the items on the scavenger hunt return your answers to the church. In September, we will draw the name of the lucky winner who found everything. All correct 

entries will be honored in The Portal, our parish newsletter.

THE BIBLE FOR KIDS – App for iPhones & Droids Available at or at your app store The Bible App for Kids is a great way for your children to learn Biblical stories about Jesus, our gift of eternal life, and the many lessons God teaches us. 

This free Bible experience for your kids is an animated storybook for smartphones and tablets. With colorful illustrations including touch‐activated animations,  games, and activities that help kids remember what they learn, 

this is a great way to encourage your kids to learn about the Bible.  

CAMP WASHINGTON SUMMER CAMP An Episcopal Summer Camp for Kids 

Camp Washington, in operation since 1917, is a coed resident camp operated by the Episcopal Church in Connecticut as a ministry open to all faith 

traditions. Located in the Litchfield Hills, in the summer, you will find a small camp where campers can take a break from their routine, make new friends, deepen their faith, have fun, learn new skills.Check for 

availability and contact the parish office about financial assistance.

THE LORD’S PRAYER CHALLENGE Learn the Lord’s Prayer and strut your stuff! 

All kid’s who memorize the Lord’s Prayer will be rewarded for their efforts. See Mother Cosman after worship this summer and show that you have it memorized. Memorize this prayer now and you will carry the gift of prayer 

with you always!