NEWSLETTER...Found’, Nina Simone’s ‘My baby just cares for me’ and the Hebrides Love Song....

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Transcript of NEWSLETTER...Found’, Nina Simone’s ‘My baby just cares for me’ and the Hebrides Love Song....

  • Good wishes to all from the Chairman and Committee members for the festive season. May we look forward to a happy and healthy 2020 We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our group leaders for the work they put in behind the scenes, to maintain the vitality of their groups.



    Issue No. 204 December 2019


    Always check online for possible timing variations. Check with the group leader if you are not sure. A number of groups have room for more members. If you wish to join any of them, please contact the Group Coordinator


    Our trip to Nottingham Greyhound Racing Track was a great success although no-one made a fortune from betting on the dogs. The food was good and the only glitch, an accident on the M1, which held us up for a while. Please look out for future social events as those who join them usually have a good time


    MUSIC APPRECIATION GROUP Co-ordinators: John Peverley 553614 Tony MacDonald 553910

    A good turnout was achieved at Tony's for his introduction to some music that was composed ”by arrangement”. One piece Bizet's “Carmen” had been arranged by Schedrin (look him up) for a string orchestra and 47 percussion instruments! It was fun to try and pick out the sorts of percussion which we may have played at primary school. Ken was overjoyed to hear the cymbal! John had arranged, again, another visit to Warwick University to hear, this time, a piano recital by Matthew McLachlan. He is a young man who is making a great name for himself, winning prizes in Europe (see him on YouTube). Six of us travelled and experienced a wonderful solo performance from this extremely talented person. The sound, dynamic in this intimate studio, was phenomenal. Especially exciting to listen to

    was the Chaconne D min. by Bach-Busoni, played from memory. Very rewarding! Our next meeting is at Alan's on December 19th. John Peverley POETRY READING Coordinator: Betty Wilson Tel: 209790 What an enjoyable meeting it was this session - the topic being Earth, Wind, Fire and Water. After doubting we would find very much we enjoyed a large diverse selection of poems and poets. We read Coal Fire by Louis Untermeyer, The Tiger by William Blake, and Armies in the Fire by R. L. Stevenson for the Fire subject. For Water we had Sea Fever by John Masefield, Winter Seascape by John Betjeman, and The Water Mill by Sarah Daudry. There were lots of windy poems to choose from. Some were Wind by Ted Hughes, The Big Wind by Thomas Roethka and Wind in a Frolic by William Hewitt. For Earth we read An Atom - Carbon by Roger McGough and View from Helvellyn by F. W. Faber. Poems about Earth was the trickiest to find but all four elements appeared in some form in most of the other poems.

  • We even had a rather cheeky bawdy one from The Miller’s Tale by Chaucer read by Peter in perfect old English. It made us all laugh. Please note our January meeting is on Wednesday 8th of January to avoid New Year’s Day. The subject is Snow - an easy one. At Betty’s house 2pm. Betty HISTORY GROUP Co-ordinator: Linda Patton Tel:- 556996 This month we learned about Mary Tudor and realised that there was more to know than her unfortunate name of "Bloody Mary" suggests. She cared about her subjects, asking whether they were being well-treated by their landlords and washing the feet of some of her poorer subjects. She was taught Latin and spoke Spanish and French as well as English and felt a part of her mother's Spanish family which was of higher status than the Tudors. We realised what a sad life she had lived before becoming Queen once her father had come under the spell of Anne Boleyn. We will not meet in December but will return in January to share what we know about Elizabeth I. Have a lovely Christmas and come and join us in the New Year to continue our journey chronologically through the history of England. All are very welcome. Linda WINE APPRECIATION GROUP Co-ordinator: Sue Sharp Tel 556255

    The next meeting will be the Christmas party on December 12 at 7.30pm. As the village hall has another engagement that night, Linda has invited us to her house. Many thanks Linda Sue

    TOPICAL/CURRENT AFFAIRS GROUP Coordinator: Nigel McNeill - Tel: 641634 The topic this meeting was, “the BBC, equal pay, celebrity pay, holding others to account, but not liking themselves being similarly held to account!” An interesting discussion in which we all agreed the Beeb offered great programmes, & News & was our preferred source of TV but questioned its attitude towards a number of issues that have been given enormous publicity on & off now for some considerable time. Such as the vast sums paid to celebrities & having just reached the public domain the fact that one “celebrity” was awarded £100,000 “if they couldn’t find him sufficient work for the individual!” We all agreed, nice “work” if you can get it! We also wondered what future the organisation had with the growth of major paid for TV channels, such as Netflix, Walt Disney, Amazon, Apple et al; with youngsters choosing different watching methods mostly excluding traditional channels. Which also begged the question of the decline in advertising on Free to air channels, in the long term. The next meeting date is “to be advised/agreed” but no later than February 2020! Nigel

    MUSIC AND MEMORIES 1 Co-ordinator Nohline Ruff Tel. 556985 This month’s meeting was hosted by Ken who opened the session with a CD by Mark Walsh who was a recent speaker at our general meeting. We appreciated the versatility and humour of his performance. We heard a rave on track of rock n roll with memories of jiving at the youth club and a track from John Denver who had been regularly listened to on the late night World Service. James Last added his own style to Cavaleria Rusticana and a jazz band re-created Satie’s Gymnopede. As usual we had a good variety of excellent vocalists who wouldn’t often appear on the same bill,


  • including Diana Kroll, Ed Sheehan, Ethel Walters and Roy Orbison. It is the variety of music that we bring along that makes this group so enjoyable, and of course the tea, biscuits and relaxed chat that all U3A groups like! In December we will meet at the Ruffs’ house and the 2020 venues are still to be arranged! Nohline

    MUSIC AND MEMORIES 2 The second desert island with discs. Co-ordinator Nohline Ruff Tel. 556985 Holidays and hospital appointments led to depleted numbers so a smaller select group of us settled down on a damp, grey afternoon to enjoy each other’s company and music choices. We began with a humorous monologue from Malcolm Stent about living in Birmingham. We enjoyed the harmonies of a Welsh Male Voice choir and the beautiful pure voices of the Military Wives choir. Love was in the air with Shirley Bassey’s ‘As I Love You’, Ian Shaw singing Frank Landerzman’s ‘Love Lost, Love Found’, Nina Simone’s ‘My baby just cares for me’ and the Hebrides Love Song. Cleo Laine’s rich tones were accompanied by James Galway’s flute and we heard extracts from Carmen and the Merry Widow. We had plenty of time for an extended chat and refreshments. If you think you might enjoy a very laid back afternoon like this then please give me a ring and you could come along and sample the group. Nohline

    READING GROUP Co-ordinator: Linda Patton Tel: 556996 Linda could not be with us in November when we discussed “Small Island” by Andrea Levy, concentrating on Gilbert and Hortense, recently arrived from Jamaica in 1948. The

    story reflects Levy's parents' experiences when they first arrived here from Jamaica in 1948. Although the main theme was the prejudice encountered by them, there were other strands included, such as British soldiers' involvement in India in 1947, just before partition; the effects of the Blitz in London and treatment of black American GIs by the white GIs. We thought Levy's character descriptions were well drawn. In December we will have discussed “Transcription” by Kate Atkinson, but on January 7th we will have read ”Clock Dance” by Anne Tyler and in February “Northanger Abbey” by Jane Austen. Please contact Linda if you would like to join us. We welcome new people. Glenys WHIST GROUP Co-ordinator: Glenys Peverley Tel: 553614 There will be no whist in January as it's only the day after New Year's Day and many people may be still celebrating or feeling the after effects of the night before! . Glenys

    QUIZ GROUP Co-ordinator Sue Jones Tel: 556192 I was unable to attend the November quiz afternoon and Barbara kindly sent me the following report. “General knowledge was contested by three teams at my house in November, with one team remarking afterwards that the correct answers were harder to find, than when the questions were sub-divided into specific topics. Our knowledge of the 1960’s was tested and while most could remember the year John Kennedy was assassinated and when man first walked on the moon, the rest of the events of the decade were much harder to pinpoint. Garment washing instructions also proved difficult to identify,

  • maybe we just throw everything into the washing machine and hope for the best!” Thank you Barbara. Quiz Group Diary Dec 12th Quiz afternoon hosted by Sue at 34 Macaulay Road, tel. 556192 Jan 9th Quiz afternoon hosted by Linda at Squires House, Valley Road, Bitteswell, tel. 556996 We are a group who enjoy giving our brains some exercise in enjoyable and friendly competition. Members take turns to host the quiz afternoon in their homes. We do have room for a couple more members, please contact me if you would like to join us. We welcome anyone to join us when attending pub or charity quiz evenings and if you would like me to keep you informed of these events let me know. Sue Jones

    PHOTOGRAPHY GROUP Co-ordinator: Alan Shean Tel 283512 At our November meeting we chose to operate indoors rather than face some unfriendly elements. We looked at projected images that had been taken during the previous year and reflected on the techniques that had been used; that proved to be an interesting revision exercise. After the refreshment break we did some practical work on portraiture using each other as models. Details of our January meeting will be circulated nearer the date. Alan Shean HANDICRAFTS GROUP Co-ordinator Glenys Peverley Tel: 553614 We were six around Pat's table in November, admiring Sue's wool winding machine and her large crochet blanket. Pat's baby quilt was being completed and some of us knitted quietly, thinking how clever some people are! There is no meeting in December. We will next meet on Monday, January 20th at Glenys' home in Magnolia Drive,

    Lutterworth at 2:00pm. Please contact me if you would like to join us, as we would welcome new members. Glenys SCRABBLE Co-ordinator: Glenys Peverley Tel: 553614 Eight of us played in November. Three people played all seven letters in one go, Linda, Liz and Jill, who did it twice. Very high scoring too. Jill was overall winner again winning both her games. We next meet on Wednesday, December 18th at 2:30pm at Glenys' home. We would welcome new members. Contact me if you wish to join us. Glenys

    PLAY READING Co-ordinator: Glenys Peverley Tel: 553614 In November , we started “The Royal Baccarat Scandal” , based on true events in 1890 involving Edward , Prince of Wales. This proved to be an entertaining play and we look forward to seeing how the allegations of cheating are resolved. Everyone involved in the scandal was sworn to secrecy, but we know about it. Who blabbed?! We shall meet at Doe's home in Guthlaxton Avenue, Lutterworth on Wednesday, December 11th at 10:00am. If you're interested in joining us, please contact me. Glenys BUFFET SUPPER GROUPS Co-ordinator: Gwenda Jones Tel: 556923 The November gathering was hosted by Tony and Sheila. Ten friends were welcomed to their home for an enjoyable evening of good food and wine. The conversation flowed, with lots of laughter. Memories and anecdotes fuelled this. It was a pleasure to escape from the constant talking of the ‘B’ and ‘E’ discussions. Good company made for a great evening. Sheila

  • On November 4th we had a full house for the supper at the home of Nohline and Graham where once again we had a most enjoyable evening with the usual excellent choice of mains and desserts followed by non-stop conversation all evening without Brexit being mentioned at all. Hallelujah! Many thanks to Nohline and Graham for a great supper.

    Next month on Monday December 9th (not the usual first Monday) we will all meet at the home of Liz and David for our Christmas Buffet Supper. It will be a cold buffet and please let Liz know what you will be bringing and PLEASE be there by 6.45pm so that we can start eating at 7pm prompt. Gwenda. NB. At the moment we still have 31 members of the buffet supper club and if everyone attended every time it would be 16 at one party and 15 at the other. Most of us live in houses which cannot sit that amount down to eat, even if some eat on their laps so it isn’t possible to have any new members to this group just now. However it is a very easy group to start and manage, and if anyone wanted to start yet another supper group I would be very happy to help them organise it. My telephone number is 01455 556923. Please think about it as it is a very sociable group where you make lots of new friends. Gwenda

    GROUPS ONE AND TWO STROLLING Group One Co-ordinator: Gwenda Jones Mobile: 07986 905 319

    On a very cold November morning we visited Monks Kirby. We learned that a eminent historian stated that in the 14th C, Monks Kirby was described as being a great parish town containing ten villages or hamlets and was a much more prosperous and important place than now, which is the reason for the very splendid, large village Church. We were also told about Newnham Paddox which has been the seat of the Feilding family since the 15th C and that the 4th Earl was the uncle of Henry Fielding who wrote the first great English novel, ‘Tom Jones’. Henry Fielding had altered his surname to the more usual spelling of Fielding. Sir Thomas Mallory who was a Knight in the War of the Roses had become MP for this county and had then developed a startling talent for lawlessness, how unusual!! He did however redeem himself slightly by being the author of the immortal ‘Le Morte d’Arthur’ whilst reclining in prison. We moved on afterwards to Withybrook to ‘The Pheasant ‘where we had an excellent lunch before heading home. Next month, on December 10th, after the General meeting, we will be enjoying our joint Christmas Party at Lutterworth Golf Course and on January 7th we will be meeting at the recreation ground at 11.30 to go to The Waterfront in Market Harborough. Gwenda

    Group Two Coordinator: John Lee Mob 07952 336 490 We allowed for the potential cold weather and started later than usual at the church in Countesthorpe. The talk covered a number of subjects but mainly the various fortunes of the local Leysland College, which has had many eventful years since its inception. We had a brief talk from Rae Flowerday, with some help from Alan Shean, regarding the stained glass windows. This neglected subject by group two has not had the attention it deserves so our New Year resolution for 2020 is to follow it up at all the churches we will be visiting. We ended our stroll at the Bulls Head and had an excellent lunch.

  • The next event is the Christmas Party starting after the monthly meeting on Tuesday 10th of December. John 1st WEDNESDAY WALKING GROUP Joint Co-ordinators:-Peter and Irene Moore. Tel:- 01455 Walk report 5th November 2019. Crick On a pleasant weather day 18 walkers set out from the Red Lion,Crick. This pub had been used earlier in the year and all enjoyed it so much, this walk is in response to a “let’s go there again please” The “new” walk wound its way through a quiet road near the pub to join an enclosed footpath which led to the farm track. A diagonal turn left after 2 fields led us through the fence into open fields. The 1st surprise came in 3 fields time with the site of 2 Herds of Deer, Fallow and Red. On the recce, all the Deer scattered to the far end of the field, but this time they stood their ground. Must have liked our aftershave! We made our way deeper into the walk and crossed the Main Railway Line under a bridge, where we enjoyed our coffee break. We then walked the avenue of trees, which formed the “driveway of the Manor House” which was excellent wet, cleaning boots, grass. We then walked the canal towpath to the entrance to the canal tunnel, the same tunnel we had walked over after 2 fields. Leaving the canal for a pleasant “viewing the local properties” walk, on a quietish road back to our favourite pub. We all expected a welcome quality lunch and the praise from everyone said it all. In conclusion, we ticked all the boxes; so much so that we wish to nominate this outing as our entrant for the “walk of the year” nomination. Date of Next Walk :- Wednesday 15th January 2020. email: Driving distance:- 11 Miles each way. Walk leaders :- Peter & Irene Moore. NOTE ! DATE CHANGE DUE TO PUBS NOT AVAILABLE ON NEW YEARS DAY. FAMILY LUNCH OUT.

    Meeting Point and Time : Lutterworth Recreation Ground car park at 9.20am to leave at 9.25am. Start Point : Copt Oak Pub, Hardwicke Road, Narborough. LE19 3LU. Leave 10.00am. Toilets not available. Directions to Start :- A426 towards Blaby, at Dunton Basset cross roads turn left and continue through Broughton Astley to TL and Tee junction, turn right onto B4114 towards Narborough and Leicester,cross over River Soar and Railway, turn left at Honda Garage onto Huncote Road turn 1st right onto Hardwicke Road,pub at far end on right. Order lunch from “Family Favourites” menu, before starting walk. Varied Choice of quality food. Mains at “2 for £12” inc. Steak. Route and Distance :- A good level Walk on mainly hard standing. No muddy stretches. Excellent clean Winter Walk. Starting from Car Park turn right and right at main road, at T-junction turn right then left onto footpath through the Grounds of Alliance and Leicester B.S. through Golf Course to track and cross the road, over 2 stiles, follow path then bear right onto track at edge of M69, on through kissing gate to join concrete path (look out for Enderby Warren) on into Enderby where a very pleasant “surprise” awaits us all. Continue on connecting enclosed “secret paths” to return to the Pub via the old Railway (now a walkway, Whistle Way). Was the joint LNW and MR branch line, Freight only, serving Enderby Warren Quarry. Only 2 stiles. 5.2 Miles. Good choice of Food , from the extensive “Family Favourites” menu, good selection of Beer at the bar. Gluten Free Food available. Summary: Varied Walk, following mostly hard standing paths and some quiet road walking , Fairly flat peaceful walk hidden away, with a great Surprise for all. Next Walk: Wednesday 5th February 2020. From Shilton via Hopsford, Canal and Ansty. Great Pub and Food. 5.3 Miles. Peter and Irene Moore

  • 2nd WEDNESDAY MEDIUM DISTANCE WALKING GROUP Co-Ordinator:- Mike Chapman 01455 209972 Last minute update (until 8:45am on the day) see or follow the link in “Stop Press”.

    8th January 2020 Walk Organisers:- Lesley & Mike Chapman (209972) Meeting Point and Time:- Lutterworth Recreation Ground car park at 9.25am to leave at 9.30am. Start Point and Time:- The Red Lion, Huncote. LE9 3AU. Depart at 10:00am. Meeting Point and Time:- Lutterworth Recreation Ground car park at 9.25am to leave at 9.30am. Start Point and Time:- The Red Lion, Huncote. LE9 3AU. Depart at 10:00am. Directions to the Starting Point:- Leave Lutterworth via Bitteswell, Ashby Parva and Frolesworth. Continue to Narborough Road, and turn right towards Leicester. Straight on at the traffic lights and turn left to Croft at the junction within the dual carriageway. Go through Croft, and after crossing the railway bridge, turn left SP Huncote. Upon entering Huncote, the Red Lion is on your right. This route has been chosen due to planned road closures in Broughton Astley. Route and Distance:- A generally flat walk, leaving Huncote via the playing fields, we head north towards the M69, which we follow for a short distance before passing Hawgrips nursery and descending onto the disused railway line. Here we stop for coffee before returning to Huncote via the pathway. 4.7 miles with 8 stiles. Note that any walk in January is likely to be muddy, but it was tested after two days of heavy rain and it was ok then. Lunch Arrangements:- Although this is normally a non-pub walk the Red Lion has been booked for those who normally eat after a walk. Order meals before starting the walk as usual.

    November 2019 Walk Report The weather over the previous few weeks had been, mostly, awful with just the odd good day. On the morning for this walk it was wonderful. Bright and sunny, not much wind, maybe a little fresh when we started but later we could actually feel heat from the sun. Coincidently, the weather last year, at the same time, was bright and sunny although milder but breezier. There were 14 walkers. Perhaps my comment in the bulletin suggesting that it was a little tougher than normal frightened a few off. The start was Elkington (a deserted medieval village) and the first challenge was to climb Honey Hill. The recent wet weather meant that some of the footpaths were a bit sloshy. When we reached the top the reward was to be treated to a panoramic countryside vista. The walk then had its moments with a slightly muddy field and a very difficult descent into a small valley and an equally difficult ascent on the other side. We stopped for the break at Winwick where we were able to sit on a circular bench in the warm sunshine. Setting off again we had to cross another muddy field and then another which, for the first two thirds, was tacky but the final third had been recently furrowed and no pathway established. Fortunately, the tops of the furrows had dried out a little and it was possible to hop across without the boots getting too stuck up with mud. Once we had negotiated the field (fortunately no yellow or red cards having been issued) it was then easy track and lane walking back to the start. This was a lovely walk in open countryside, no cars and such fine weather. Peter Creeden

  • 4th WEDNESDAY WALKING GROUP Co-ordinators: - Sue and Peter Creeden Tel: 01455 557888 November 2019 Walk Report

    The walk started at The Bull at Arthingworth. It was a damp and dismal November day. On our drive over there we encountered low cloud mist. On the plus side it wasn`t raining. There were 10 of us who set off passed the church and the splendid wall of The Rectory. This wall and who lived behind it was a discussion point. I have done some research and it belongs to Dr Dallas Burston, who is a multimillionaire, a former GP who has made his fortune by building up and selling pharmaceutical operations. Anyway, back to the walk, we then set off across sloshy meadow paths and tracks, avoiding the stickiest mud, to reach a lane that crossed Newbottle Bridge. This is a stretch of road over the River Ise that can be prone to flooding, and, bearing in mind the amount of recent rain we have had, I had half expected it to be. But it wasn`t, so I was relieved because, although I did have a Plan B, I had never walked it before. Continuing, on Plan A, we then headed up the lane to Thorpe Underwood where we took a meadow track to drop down a hill into a field. The next bit of the walk up to Harrington Church proved to be the toughest part. The farmer had recently ploughed the field but had the decency to leave a path at the side. However, it was very wet, slippy and uphill. The reward was a break in the churchyard but by this time it had started to mizzle so, firstly, we were slightly dampened and,

    secondly, we did not fully enjoy the benefit of the countryside panorama. Setting off again the mizzling did stop. We walked through part of Harrington before turning down a path passed “The Falls”, these are extensive and well-preserved earthwork remains of once formal gardens and associated fishponds (probably late C17). After more sloshing along tracks and across meadows we reached the lane to walk back to Arthingworth. A pleasant country walk away from traffic noise. Peter Creeden

    DECEMBER 2019 WALK NOTICE As in previous years, our walk organisers are taking a well-earned break this month. We would like to thank them for their time and effort to allow us all to enjoy walking in the countryside. We would also like to thank you all for your company on this year`s walks. Have an enjoyable “Festive” period (we have to be so PC these days!) and a new year of more good walking. If you are looking for some new year resolutions then may we suggest that top of your list is to become a walk organiser as we are desperately short of volunteers for next year`s programme. Sue and Peter Creeden SHORT WALKS GROUP Co-ordinators: Lyn Foxwell Tel: 01455 553492 Fay Goodwin Tel: 01455 207822 November walk was called off and there will be no walk in December January Walk: Coombe Abbey Date of walk: Tuesday 28th Meeting time and place: 10 a.m. at Recreation ground car park. We wish you all A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR Lyn and Fay

  • GARDEN VISITS GROUP Co-ordinator: Linda Patton Tel: 556996 I hope that you will come on the visits that I shall arrange for 2019 as you are a lovely group of people and perhaps new members will join us. Linda NEW AGE KURLING GROUP Coordinators Roy and Barbara Maiden Tel: 550058 Cooler months are now upon us so come and play indoors at Ullesthorpe Village Hall on the second and fourth Wednesday afternoon between 2.00pm and 4.00pm. Our regulars will tell you that the only experience needed to play is GET STUCK IN and ENJOY YOURSELF. There is only 1 session in December on the 11th (unless you want to come on the 25th) See you there. Roy and Barbara NEW ADVENTURE GROUP Coordinator: Ken Patton Tel 556996 December’s adventure report will be in the next newsletter SINGLES TAKEAWAY SUPPER GROUP Co-ordinator June Clayton Tel:209545 We would be happy to hear from anyone interested in joining the group – please contact June Clayton. June

    BRIDGE GROUP Co-ordinator: Kathy Scott-Simons Tel: 559945

    We meet at June's home (Tel: 553418) every Friday at 2.00. If you enjoy a social game of bridge, please contact me for further information. Kathy Scott-Simons THEATRE GROUP Co-ordinator: June Clayton Tel: 209545 WHAT’S COMING UP?

    Thursday February 13th – The Red Shoes- Ballet at the Birmingham Hippodrome (matinee performance). Leaving the Wycliffe Rooms at 10.30am. Fully booked

    Thursday March 5th – Phantom of the Opera at The Curve (evening performance) Leaving the Wycliffe Rooms at 6.15pm. Fully booked.

    Thursday June 4th – Carousel at Kilworth House (evening performance). Own transport. £42 – please pay by January meeting.

    Tuesday August 18th – Half a Sixpence at Kilworth House (evening performance) Own transport. £40 – please pay by the March meeting.

    If you know of an interesting theatre experience do come and tell us and we’ll see if it is possible to oblige June


  • JAZZ GROUP Coordinator Graham Ruff -Tel: 556985

    In November we met at Bob Davis's home. We were pleased to welcome Mary to the group. We started off with Bix Beiderbecke from 1926, some 93 years ago, which we later found was the age of one of our members. We then heard from a selection of female singers including Eartha Kitt, Billy Holiday, Cleo Laine and Etta James and ending with Mark Murphy. There was excitement on seeing a woodpecker out of the window on the feeder Chat about birds and hedgehogs was accompanied by tea and cakes at the interval. In the second half we listened to Acker Bilk, Art Tatum, The Clyde Valley Stompers, Alan Barnes and Dave Newton. We also heard another track from a Midnight sax album and the voices of Ottellie Patterson, Bing, Bobby Darren and someone new to us all Gloria Bosman. We ended with a Christmas song from Mel Torme. There will not be a meeting in December but we will reconvene at Dilys England's house in Peatling Parva on January 28th Graham TEN PIN BOWLING Co-ordinator: Richard Whittington 209021

    If you are right handed, left handed or

    ambidextrous and you enjoy exercising with

    a friendly group of people, join us for ten-pin

    bowling. We meet on the 2nd Friday of the

    month at 9.30am on the car park at the

    recreation ground to arrive at the Nuneaton

    MFA Bowling, CV10 7SD, at 10.00am.

    Contact Richard Whittington for more


    Richard Whittington

    LINE DANCING FOR BEGINNERS Co-ordinator: Carole Harrington Tel: 553438

    We meet twice per month at the Pavilion on the Recreation Ground. As we have a good attendance at the moment no new members are being accepted and a waiting list has been created. Please note that there will be no meeting on Christmas Eve. Carole TABLE TENNIS Co-ordinator: Carole Harrington Tel: 553438 We meet every Monday (except for Bank Holidays) together with Wycliffe U3A from 2pm to approx.4pm at Walcote Village Hall. Meetings on 23rd and 30th December will take place as usual. Carole Harrington

    ART APPRECIATION GROUP Co-ordinators: Rae Flowerday Tel. 556942 & Sue Woodhead Tel. 01455 558037 There are two meetings to report. For our October meeting we spent the morning looking at the work of Edvard Munch [1863-1944] the Norwegian painter who is universally known as the creator of ‘The Scream’. Many artists that we have studied are characterised by having their creative talents moulded by personal misfortune and angst & Munch is certainly no exception to this. His life was dominated, as he put it in his journals, by ‘fear, sorrow & death’. None of this was helped by his ongoing physical and emotional ill health or his bohemian lifestyle that involved periods of heavy drinking. He wanted to express through his art what it meant to be human and his painting of The Scream was a response to his experience, when out one evening with friends, of ‘the enormous, infinite scream of nature’. It has certainly struck a chord with every generation since and is widely interpreted as reflecting the universal anxiety of modern man….perhaps ‘every man’.

  • For the group’s November meeting we had a look at the life and work of two female artists. The first, Dora Carrington [1893-1932], was an English painter & decorative artist who is remembered particularly for her association with the Bloomsbury Group &, particularly, the writer Lytton Strachey. It is only since her early death that her work has gained critical acclaim & the group particularly liked her landscapes which have a surreal element to them. Two of her works are in the Tate Gallery collection. The second artist we looked at was Lisa Milroy [b1959] the Canadian born artist who has settled in the UK. She is particularly known for her object paintings, both individually or in lines and patterns as her feelings took her. The group liked her work but commented that, as with so much art in general, the creative impetus very often came out of the artist’s insecurities and/or angst about their own or the human condition. Our pleasure seems to be the result of their pain! As a bonus for our November meeting Sue W. introduced us to the work of Sonia Delaunay [1885-1979]. If you would like to learn more about her work check out the terms Orphism & Simulstanism….they may appear as a Quiz night question one day. The group will not be meeting in January. Happy Christmas to one and all! John Turner

    BIRD WATCHING GROUP Coordinator: Rita Nicholls Tel 557412 As Rita was not able to be with us, Derek was our leader for the day. His principal leadership achievement was delegating the writing of the report. We enjoyed good weather in the morning at Brandon Marsh, but it gave way to showers in the afternoon. We saw 41 different species, the most pleasing being green and greater spotted woodpeckers, a goldcrest, a kestrel and a snipe in flight. There will be no trip out in December as it would be very close to Christmas. We shall go out again on Friday 24th January, meeting in the Recreation Ground Car Park at 9.30 armed with our packed lunches. Alan Shean CANASTA GROUPS

    June Hartopp Tel: 553418

    June Hartopp runs the joint Canasta groups for Wycliffe and Lutterworth U3A on the first Friday of the month 10:00 – 12:00 and third Wednesday 10.00-12.00. Please contact June if you are interested in joining.

    SINGLES DINING GROUP Co-ordinator: Brian Fowler Email: Tel: 209336 Monthly lunch organisers vary The Chequers Country Inn in the village of Ullesthorpe was the lunch stop for the diners in November. With still a few days to go until the start of Advent the Christmas Menu was set aside and a variety of selections made from the Traditional pub menu with its excellently priced meals. It wasn’t long before we were all tucking in and a jolly feast enjoyed. The break between the main choice and the dessert provided the opportunity to check out the detail for the Christmas event and to swap stories on Christmas plans. There is just one place left for the lunch to be taken at The Lincoln Restaurant in Ullesthorpe Court Hotel where we will gather at 12 noon on Thursday 19th December. If interested please call Brian on 01455 209336 or e mail by December 11th. Brian

    MUSIC FOR FUN - SONGSTERS GROUP Bill Tomkins Tel: 01455 552864/07913 386476 The Songsters are expecting to take part in the entertainment at the December monthly meeting. We have been preparing three

  • items – all specially arranged. Two are carols from European countries and the third is based on a simple retelling of the story of the birth of Christ as told in Luke’s gospel. It’s very light and rhythmic; everyone in the hall will need to keep their wits about them to obtain the best effect! We shall be resuming sessions in Bitteswell on Monday 6 January at 10.15 when we shall be tackling some new songs as well as polishing up some already in the repertoire. Please feel free to come and join in; if you don’t give us a try you’ll never know whether we’re the right group for you! Meanwhile, all good wishes to everyone for Christmas and the New Year. Bill. UKULELE GROUP Co-ordinators: Peter Sneath and Barbara Wilkinson Tel: 553254 We continue to meet on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month from 9.30 until 11.30 in Bitteswell Village Hall. Peter Sneath and Barbara Wilkinson

    LIVELY DISCUSSION GROUP Co-ordinators: Dianne and Brian Thorp Tel: 01455 209584 Lively discussion met at the home of Derek Deacon who presented his topic 'LGBT'.

    Despite its difficult content we managed to have a very eloquent flow of discussion, no one had any disagreement with each other! There is no meeting in December due to the close proximity of Christmas, we will recommence in January on the third Thursday. Dianne Thorp


    Postcards for MAF:- Please remember to save your postcards and let Brian Fowler have them, either by post to him at 16 Roman Close, Claybrooke Magna LE17 5DU, or at any General Meeting Stamps for the ‘Medical Alert’ Charity Please remember to save your used postage stamps for Liz White, who is collecting these for the charity. Knit and Stitch needs volunteers like you to join us at Lutterworth Methodist Church on the first Thursday of each month between 2pm and 4pm to help make Linus quilts (for children in need of a hug) or to knit items for charities and good causes. All equipment and help is provided. Knit and Stitch is also looking for donations of cotton fabric, threads, wadding and knitting wool. Just turn up to a meeting or for more information ring Sue Turner on 01455 554455

    Please make use of our notice board, which will be in the Wycliffe Rooms foyer during every General Meeting if you think there is anything our members might be interested in looking into further


    WE WELCOME OUR NEW MEMBERS From Lutterworth - Robert and Celia Tunnicliffe. From Stretton under Fosse - Margaret Campbell HOPING TO JOIN LUTTERWORTH U3A? If any members have friends who are interested in joining us, please give details of their address, telephone number and email address to our membership secretary, Alan Shean Tel: 01455 283512

    Current Committee Members

    Post Name Number

    Chair Ken Patton 01455 556996

    Vice-chair Roy Maiden 01455 550058

    Secretary Minutes Secretary

    Gwen Edwards 01455 209649

    Treasurer/ Membership Secretary

    Alan Shean 01455 283512

    Social Account Treasurer/ Online Co-ordinator

    Kate Ayres 01455 209074

    Newsletter Editor Carmel Kerslake 01455 553790

    Programme Secretary Margaret Foster 01455 553258

    Groups Coordinator Linda Patton 01455 556996

    Committee Member Theresa Phillips 07788 130339

    Committee Member Lynne Grindlay 01788 860567

    Co-opted member Mick Barrows (Equipment Organiser) 01455 556570

    Co-opted member Peter Sneath 01455 553254

    Co-opted member June Clayton 01455 209545

    MONTHLY MEETINGS These are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 9.45am, in the Wycliffe Rooms, George Street, Lutterworth. Between 9.45am and 10.15am, coffee and tea will be served. The speaker will commence at 10.30am and the speech will last for 45 minutes. FORTHCOMING SPEAKERS December - Christmas Entertainment!!! NEWSLETTER BY POST; E-MAIL or ONLINE If you change your e-mail address, please let me know so that you do not miss out on your newsletter. The newsletter is available on our website:

    Please contact the editor if you need one posted or e-mailed. Contact details: Carmel Kerslake - 3 King’s Way, Lutterworth, LE17 4QA Tel: 01455 553790 or 07815410167 (mob)

    email: JANUARY NEWSLETTER ENTRIES Please ensure group reports, notices and news are submitted before Friday 3rd January 2020 pm




    Buffet Supper Groups Gwenda Jones 01455 556923 1st

    From 7.00 pm

    Table Tennis Carole Harrington

    01455 553438 Weekly 2.00-4.00

    Music for Fun - Songsters Bill Tomkins 01455 552864 1st

    & 3rd


    Music for Fun - Ukulele Barbara Wilkinson Peter Sneath

    01455 553254 2nd

    & 4th


    Handicrafts Glenys Peverley 01455 553614 3rd


    History Group Linda Patton 01455 556996 4th 2.15-4.15


    Reading Group Linda Patton 01455 556996 1st


    Music & Memories 1 Nohline Ruff 01455 556985 1st 2.00-4.00

    Strolling Group 1 Gwenda Jones 01455 556923 3rd

    am - varies

    Strolling Group 2 John Lee 01455 556923 3rd

    am - varies

    Short Walks Group Fay Goodwin Lyn Foxwell

    01455 207822 01455 553492


    10.00 onwards

    Jazz Group Graham Ruff 01455 556985 4th


    Line dancing for Beginners Carole Harrington

    01455 553438


    & 4th



    Poetry Betty Wilson 01455 209790 1st


    Topical/Current Affairs Group Nigel McNeill 01455 641634 1st

    10.00 onward


    Wednesday Walking Peter and Irene Moore

    01455 552594

    1st As arranged


    Wed Medium Distance Walking Group

    Mike Chapman 01455 209972 2nd 9.30 onward

    Play Reading Glenys Peverley 01455 553614 2nd


    New Age Kurling Group Roy Maiden 01455 550058 2nd

    & 4th 2.00-4.00

    Scrabble Glenys Peverley 01455 553614 3rd


    Joint Canasta Group 2 June Hartopp 01455 553418 3rd



    Wednesday Walking Sue & Peter Creeden

    01455 557888 4th

    9.30 onward


    Whist Group Glenys Peverley 01455 553614 1st


    Music and Memories 2 Nohline Ruff 01455 556985 1st 2.00-4.00

    Art Appreciation

    Rae Flowerday Sue Woodhead

    01455 556942 01455 558037

    1st 10.00-12.00

    Quiz Group Sue Jones 01455 556192 2nd


    Wine Appreciation Group Sue Sharp 01455 556255 2nd


    Music Appreciation John Peverley Tony MacDonald

    01455 553614 01455 553910



    Lively Discussion Dianne and Brian Thorp

    01455 209584 3rd



    Photography Group Alan Shean 01455 283512 1st 10.00-12.00

    Bridge Kathy Scott Simons

    01455 559945 Weekly 2.00-5.00

    Joint Canasta Group 1 June Hartopp 01455 553418 1st 10.00-12.00

  • Ten Pin Bowling Richard Whittington

    01455 209021 2nd


    Bird Watching Group Rita Nicholls 01455 557412 4th

    9.30 onward


    New Adventure Group Ken Patton 01455 556996 As arranged Varies

    Garden Visits Linda Patton 01455 556996 Varies Daytime

    Theatre Group June Clayton 01455 209545 Varies Varies

    Jean Williamson 01455 209882

    Pauline Harrison 01455 209064

    Singles Takeaway Supper Group June Clayton 01455 209545 Varies Evening

    Singles Dining Brian Fowler 01455 209336 Varies Varies

    Joint Golf Section Peter Moore Ken Patton

    01455 552594 01455 556996

    As arranged Varies

    Always check online for possible timing variations.

    Please remember to update your online Group page in order to keep your group members and potential new members informed.

    A number of groups do not have a meeting during December so please check messages in this newsletter!