Newsletter Edition 5

Post on 23-Jul-2016

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The 5th issue of our Harlestone Road Church newsletter.

Transcript of Newsletter Edition 5

Harlestone RoadSeventh-Day Adventist Church

Newsletter Issue 5 - August 2015

Image courtesy of

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The early church of God, as referred to in the book of Acts, started with a strong unity by gathering daily (Acts

2:46), selling their possessions and laying the proceeds at the feet of the apostles (Acts 2:44-45; 4:33-37) and were one in heart and mind for God. But later we see this change as the church grew.

Paul in I Corinthians 1:10 says “I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought.”

The church today faces challenges of disunity, caused by struggles of members to achieve status and superiority as in the early churches. The scriptures encourage unity among the people of God and it is very much possible if we surrender ourselves to the will of God. Our own agendas and selfish motives must be placed at the altar of the Lord to allow the Holy Spirit to work in us. Our

positions are not to be sought or held at the risk of jeopardising the unity of the body of Christ. Christ is the Lord of the church and His will for the church is to be one, even as the Father and the Son are one.

David the Psalmist calls for unity of God’s people, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” Psalm 133:1. When God’s children are living in unity, it is a foretaste of heaven on earth and heaven is well pleased. Then there will be showers of blessing fall from heaven. When the disciples prayed in the upper room with one accord they received the Holy Spirit. This message reached the whole world in the first century itself, breaking the strongholds of Satan. Today, our selfish motives and hatred are spreading like a contagious disease in the church. Unless we unite together and forgive each other and live in unity, we cannot rebuild the broken walls in our church. For this to happen, we need a real revival in the church at these times.

The Spirit of Prophecy says, “A revival of true godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs. To seek this should be our first work. There must be earnest effort to obtain the blessing of the Lord. Not because God isn’t willing to bestow His blessing upon us, but because we are unprepared to receive it. Our heavenly Father is more willing to give His Holy Spirit to them that ask Him, than are earthly parents to give good gifts to their children. But it is our work, by confession,

The Unity of the ChurchPastor Paul

humiliation, repentance, and earnest prayer, to fulfil the conditions upon which God has promised to grant us His blessing. A revival need be expected only in answer to prayer. While the people are so destitute of God’s Holy Spirit, they cannot appreciate the preaching of the Word; but when the Spirit’s power touches their hearts and then the discourses given will not be without effect. Guided by the teachings of God’s Word, with the manifestation of His Spirit, in the exercise of sound discretion, those who attend our meetings will gain a precious experience and, returning home, will be prepared to exert a healthful influence”. {1SM 121.1}

There are persons in the church who are not converted and who will not unite in earnest, prevailing prayer. We must enter upon the work individually. We must pray more and talk less. Iniquity abounds and the people must be taught not to be satisfied with a form of godliness without the spirit and power. If we are intent upon searching our own hearts, putting away our sins and correcting our evil tendencies, our souls will not be lifted

up unto vanity; we shall be distrustful of ourselves, having an abiding sense that our sufficiency is of God. {1SM 122.2}

The enemy in the last days sows the seed of discord in us to hinder God’s work. We, as children of God, need to be faithful to the Word of God. We need to study the word diligently, to follow His ways and be empowered by the Holy Spirit, to proclaim the message of salvation to all around us before the great and terrible day of His appearing, to destroy the wicked and to receive the righteous into His heavenly kingdom. God is leading out a people to stand in perfect unity upon the platform of eternal truth. Christ gave Himself to the world, “that He might purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.” This refining process is designed to purge the church from all unrighteousness and the spirit of discord and contention, they they may build up instead of tearing down and concentrate their energies on the great work before them.

The nature of any organisation, religious or otherwise, is that people come and people go. Although recently

Harlestone Road Church has resembled a revolving door! We have had to say our fond farewells to not just 1…or 2…or 3...but 8 people!

First to leave us and head back to her homeland of Brazil was Carolina. She had been with us for only 16 months but had made a big impact, such was her personality. Having succesfully completed her Masters in International Relations, she has since returned home to Sao Paulo.

Next to leave us was Sis Josephine, Louisa, Hannah and Eddie. They had blessed us with their God-given talents for a number of years, but it was time to move on to pastures new. Who wouldn’t want to swap East Northants for the peace and beauty of Cornwall!?!?

Most recently we had to part company with the De Vos Family.

Nigel, Grace and Sarah have played pivotal roles in helping Harlestone Road grow, since it’s foundation approx 8 years ago. God has a plan for them though as they all head off to the south coast of England.

It’s been sad to see all 8 of them all go, but they remain in our thoughts and our prayers until we again shall meet.

God is so good. He has blessed us with new regular visitors AND a number of new-born’s, so that our church here can grow and flourish as we continue to be led by the Spirit, to reach out to our communities with the blessed assurance of God’s love and mercy.

What exactly does the British Union Conference Family Children’s and Prayer Ministries Director do?It has been nearly a year since I left the Northampton and Loughborough District of churches to take on my new role of Family, Children’s and Prayer Ministries Director. I have often been asked what this role entails. So I will take this opportunity to share with you in a concise way what it is that I do.I serve as a specialist in the various ministries as mentioned above. I work closely with the ministries director’s (conferences) and sponsor’s (missions) in the British Isles. The three main areas of my role are to:

Give general leadership in all aspects of the departments programme by:

Chairing regular departmental committees.Organising an annual joint departmental committee with the Ministerial Association. Annually meeting with those involved with the ‘Keeping the Church Family Safe’ and KIDs in Discipleship training.Organising the writing of articles for the Messenger.Be an advocate for the diverse family groups within the British Isle’s.

Recognising the variety of needs within the family unit and with singles/couples of all types and ages, along with those married or preparing for marriage.

Provide resource for the director’s/ sponsor’s, Pastor’s and Lay leaders in the

local church by:Being aware of available materials and programmes.Updating the Leadership Manual and BUC Certificate Training Courses, building up a resource centre and producing the departments web pages.Distributing to the Conferences and Missions the materials provided from our Division and General Conference, such as the Family Ministries Planbook that includes sermons for the annual special days.

Be a good role model of leadership by:Encouraging and developing team work

among all the department leaders, developing team skills.Supporting Conference and Mission events, providing an annual advisory.Engaging in self-development training, self-development training courses and attending the Division advisory.Managing the annual budgetThis is just a synopsis of what of what Is expected of me. Please remember me in prayer as I continue to serve others.

Pastor Sweeney’sNew Role




NEWSfrom Harlestone Road

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Some say it takes people from the same culture to reach that culture. I disagree with that. I’ve had the opportunity to reach those who are Black, White and Asian. I was able to break the barriers of culture by using those golden rimmed glasses called faith, they allow you to see people as they can become and not as they are. When I see people as they can become, I begin to view them as God veiws them ‘His sons and daughters’, my brothers and sisters. The struggle to reach the communities will continue as long as we don’t have a solid, daily living experience with God.

Do you have any advice for what we, the typical church members can do?

My advice would be this. Work on personal daily devotions, have meaningful prayer time with God and pray for an opportunity to share Him with others. He will then provide a Divine appointment for you, so you can share the truth about Him. At the same time be willing to learn and grow from the experience.

Often we feel fearful of going out of our way to reach out to others because we may not have all the answers. I have a beautiful quote that I trust will encourage everyone:

“He who begins with a little knowledge, in a humble way, and tells what he knows, while seeking diligently for further knowledge, will find the whole heavenly treasure awaiting his demand. The more he seeks to impart light, the more light he will receive. The more one tries to

explain the word of God to others, with a love for souls, the plainer it becomes to himself. The more we use our knowledge and exercise our powers, the more knowledge and power we shall have.” Christ Object Lessons 354.

What will you take with you from your time in Northampton?

Great fellowship, warmth and love. I had a great time with everyone in Northampton. I have only good things to say about my experience in Northampton.

Do you have a quick message for the members of Harlestone Road?

I definitely have a quick message to all members of Harlestone Road. Be faithful to the end. Rev 14:6 – 12, Rom 12:1-2, Rom 10:17, John 17 and Col 1:27.

What next for Craig Gooden?

What’s next for me is to continue my work as an outreach coordinator with PEACE Centre of Evangelism. Our main classes started on 22nd July until 22nd November. I will also be serving as a Bible worker at Manchester South SDA Church August 2015 – July 2016. Please keep me in your prayers

The seminar is now available to view on our YouTube

CampaignQuestionswith Craig Gooden

We were blessed to have Brother Craig with us recently to present the Who Is God seminar. I caught up with him a

few weeks after he visited and asked him to share his thoughts.

Why did you chose the theme of ‘WhoIs God’ for the seminar? Were you

tempted to present anything else?

When I was asked to come to Northampton to present a week of seminars, one of the key points made was “it has to be emotional and spiritual”. I thought about this for a few days, finally I was impressed to use a theme that was wide and deep enough to allow everyone the opportunity to be introduced to God. Normally in any conversation you want to know who the person your talking is, where are they from? Where do they live? Who else do they know? And that is where the overarching theme “Who is God?”

came from. It allowed me the opportunity to talk about the footsteps of God in the past and His promises for our future. At the same time it afforded me the time to talk about His desire to be involved in our lives today. Along with presenting how He is the God of the Bible, it all concludes with Him showing ultimately He is the God of love.

This type of seminar can be presented to visitors from the community, as well as church members who want a revival in their own personal spiritual life.

I’m used to presenting prophecy seminars and presentations on end-time events, so the temptation to speak about the end-time events was there. However, I had that opportunity on the Sabbath afternoon program to present end-time events so it worked out well.

So who is God to you?

That’s a good question. God is my friend, He’s the One I can talk to about anything at anytime. He loves me enough to tell me things before they happen so I can rest safely in trusting Him. He’s a rock and foundation and as long as my will is tied in with His will it will remain omnipotent. God took me from a dark place (very dark) and brought into His marvellous light. For that reason it is my duty to follow His call to share the Gospel with others so they also can learn of Him. He is my all!

Outreach is obviously (or should be) a huge part of being a Christian, yet we

often struggle in this country to reach the local communities.

I often hear this when I visit many churches. I believe that the struggle remains in our lack of faith in God. You see, when you read John chapter 1, you see the disciples Andrew and John beginning to follow Jesus. As soon as they spent time with Him they told others and they in turn told others.








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Birthsat Harlestone Road

A Prayer for theParents of Samuel,Noah and Amelia

Lord, look down from Heaven above and touch this specialchild with your love.

Protect and guide this little one ‘til each and every day is done.

Remind us often that it’s true this little life is a gift from you.

A miracle you’ve sent along your way Lord, bless this little child,

I pray.


The months of May and June saw lots of Ooh’s and Aah’s with the announcement of 3 special babies. The newest addition

to the Mushing family arrived on Tuesday 19 May 2015. Master Noah Kisakye Loris, weighed a healthy 8lbs 13oz. Big sisters Lydia and Bella and big brother Freddy are as proud as Andrew and Proscovia.

The Lord also blessed Gabrielle with the birth of her beautiful baby daughter, Amelia Ivy Rose, weighing 7lb 2oz on Wednesday 27 May 2015. Gabrielle is truly thankful to the Lord for the birth of this healthy baby.

On the 12th of June the Evans family were blessed with the arrival of Samuel Fosu Buabeng. Weighing in at approx. 7lbs, parents Evans and Gladys and son Michael give praise to God for their healthy new addition to the family.

We thank God for blessing these families with these precious new lives and solicit prayers for both parents and children.

‘I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.’ Psalms 139:14-16

How do you Protest?

Are you a protester? Whether you are consciously aware of it or not, you probably find yourself protesting against

something at least once every day. Protesting can take many forms including, arguing, keeping silent, hunger strike, physical aggression, resignation, voting and many more. At the time of writing this article, only a few hours have passed since the announcement from the General Conference on the result where the majority of delegates protested against the motion on Women’s Ordination.

The Seventh-Day Adventist Church is a protesting or Protestant movement against the teachings of the Catholic Church. It also finds itself protesting against many other aspects of modern day life which contradict the teachings of God’s word manifested in the Bible. For an increasing number this could include removing their children from the state school system and choosing to school at home in a more conducive environment.

In November 2014 I was fortunate enough to travel to Robben Island in South Africa to see first-hand another example of protest and sacrifice. I visited the prison cell where Nelson Mandela spent almost two decades behind bars, protesting against a system he believed was unjust and inhumane. Whilst there I met Vincent Diba, who as a student was arrested and jailed

for his anti-apartheid work and spent 11 years in the notorious Robben Island prison. During his time in prison both his parents died and he was not permitted to attend their funerals.

Martin Luther is one of the most commonly known and recognised names under the banner of Protestantism. Acting on this belief, he wrote the “Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences,” also known as “The 95 Theses,” a list of questions and propositions for debate. Popular legend has it that on October 31, 1517 Luther defiantly nailed a copy of his 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Castle church. This was an enormously brave act against the powers of the Catholic Church of the time.

Jesus Christ protested against many things and paid the ultimate price. As professing Christians, we are called upon to do the same; ‘Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.’ Matthew 16:24. It is often the most sacrificial protest that generates the biggest impact and creates the most momentous changes. Whatever and however you do protest, remember - it must be motivated by the right reasons which stem from the love you have for our God and Saviour Jesus Christ!‘And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.’ 1 Corinthans 13:3.


By Aubrey Davis

AgapeWe get to see our Praise Team (also

known as the Agape Singers) most Sabbaths when they lead out our

‘Worship in Song’ section. But how well do you know them?

I got the chance to sit with them recently and ask them a few questions in the hope that you too will get to know them s little better. So let me introduce to you Kevin Aird (leader and Tenor), Heather Malopa (Alto), Donia Moxam (Soprano) and Maureen Sabawu, who claims she has yet to find her part in the group!

They have been the Praise Team at Harlestone Road for a number of years now but it was Sister Joan’s promptings in 2012 that encouraged them to form ‘The Agape Singers’ on 24th November 2012.

Kevin came up with the name, although they did consider calling themselves ‘The Lockets’.

‘Yes, The Lockets. You know…. like the soothing sweet.’ says Maureen.

Yes, well…..I think we are all glad that they decided on ‘The Agape Singers!’

Since forming they have performed in many other places and. From Malawi Day in Gloucester to New Life Seventh-Day Adventist church in London. They have also done

blessings and memorial services and are available for weddings too!! Although their highlight has been the bond they have created and more importantly their love for studying the Bible together.

Kevin writes and chooses many of the songs they perform, so I asked which ones they prefer to sing. ‘Praises Be Your Name’ says Donia. Maureen said ‘Change’. Heather likes ‘Feel The Nails’. Kevin couldn’t choose as he likes them all, although Maureen said ‘Oh Kevin obviously prefers Feel The Nails as he is always making us sing it!’

Meet the


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One thing you might have noticed about the group is that they don’t have any particular style.

‘Fun is our style’ says Kevin. Whereas Heather added ‘We just go with the flow to be honest and adapt our style’. Maureen confirms ‘Yes, we like to make the songs our own’.

Some quick-fire questions!1: Who gets the most nervous?

The unanimous answer came back as ‘DONIA!’

2: So who takes rehearsals the most seriously?

‘DONIA’ again was the reply, although at this point much arguing ensued as Kevin claimed to take it just as seriously as Donia. I am not sure the ladies agreed.

3: And who takes it least seriously?

‘Oh that’s got to be Maureen’ says Heather. ‘She is always late!’.

We ended the short interview discussing the future and they really hope to one day perform in each of their homelands of Malawi, Zimbabwe and Jamaica. Their main objective though is to focus on continuing their ministry through music for as long as God allows.

Kevin had the final word. ‘It would be great if we could get Moses to join the group! Although any new male member would need a LOT of experience in handling 3 very strong-willed ladies!!’

From my short time interviewing the Agape Singers, I could tell that they are very much like a family. There is much laughter, sprinkled with friendly bickering but much respect and love for each other and for their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

No better than a Child Molestor...By Nadine

Over the course of my career, I have met with many interesting people. Some more interesting than others, and I guess

that’s just the way of life. On this particular occasion I remember sitting down to interview a Gentleman who had a highly regarded career. As I sat and introduced myself, along with the purpose of the interview, he began to sob. Head in hands. Behind his muffled voice he said, “I admit I did it” (that’s a good start, I thought), “But why?” His question hit me like a ton of bricks. My response to him? Well I’ll get to that later...

I primarily work with individuals who have been convicted of serious sexual and or violent offences. This particular individual had committed numerous sexual offences against children, in as many years. As I sat and watched him cry, my heart panged with compassion. Here was someone truly devastated by the consequences of their actions, both to himself and others, who had lost all including himself.

Although the interview had ended and we both went our separate ways (he being in a much better mood). His question “but why?” continued to trouble me. I thought about his actions against those undeserving children, pointing my finger in judgement at the wrongs

he had committed. But then I realised, I had three fingers pointing back at me.

In the bible we are counselled that ‘all have sinned’ (Romans 3:23; 5:12) and the results of which are death (Romans 6:23; James 1:15). As such, the sins we commit cannot be seen as graded, no hierarchal system, no sin worse than another. All roads of sin led to the same path of eternal ruin. I thought about my life, the sins I’d committed throughout and could only ask myself the same question, ‘but why?’ Why would I knowingly hurt myself, others around me and cheapen the sacrifice of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ? My answer is the same I gave to that gentleman … ‘because you wanted too’.

How great is our God of the pastThe creator of all things including you and me

How great is our God of the futureThe promise of eternal life in heaven with him offered to you and me

How great is our God of the presentAlways with us and there in times of need as a blessing for you and me

How great is our God of the wordThe truth spoken and will accomplish that which will come to pass a

promise to you and meHow great is our God of the cross

A sacrifice that offers life changing commitments to you and meHow great is our God of love

Unconditionally given freely to you and meHow great is our God

The only God of heaven and earth omnipotent omniscient omnipresent always and forever Amen

How Great isour God

By Maxine B

‘My little children,these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have

an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:

And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also

for the sins of the whole world’. (1 John 2:1-2).

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When I was a young boy of 7 I used to listen to my mother singing a song which said ‘Pass Me Not, O

Gentle Saviour’. I did not even know the author of this song, I just thought it came from South African musicians. Upon starting primary school everything was exciting to me. I got new friends

and was taught to sing, read and write. I grew up in an area where we could not get the local radio stations but we relied on South African Broadcasting stations and BBC

world service. As from 4:00pm, South Africans were blessing us with sermons and thrilling Christian music from many different musicians. My mother liked them and I joined her in listening to the radio every day.

As I grew older and got baptized at Luveve SDA church in Bulawayo in 1982, l was aware of 2 women who had worked tirelessly for the salvation of the human race.. These ladies were Fanny Crosby and Ellen G White, born and bred in the United States of America.

Fanny CrosbyBorn 24/03/1820 Died 12/02/1915. (94yrs)

Fanny was born as Frances Jane Van Alstyne and was a great Christian missionary. Some members of Seventh Day Adventist think

Fanny Crosby was a member of their church because she wrote the song which says ‘Don’t Forget the Sabbath’, but she was not a member of this church. She belonged to other Christian denominations and worked as an American mission worker, poet, lyricist and composer. She lost her sight when she was very young but chose to work for God despite her disability, until she died in 1915 in Connecticut, USA, aged 95. Fanny composed nearly 400 songs which aresung by millions of people and her songs were translated into over 400 languages spoken on this earth.

Some of her best known hymns are found in our hymnal and include:

• To God Be the Glory (1875)• Take the World, But Give Me Jesus (1879)• Rescue the Perishing (1869)• Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus, Our Blessed

Redeemer (1869)

Not Ordained but Won Millions for ChristBy Kinglet Mhlanga

• Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It(1882)

• All the Way (1875)• Stand Like the Brave

Many people accepted Jesus Christ as their saviour through Fanny Crosby’s songs. We sing them most Sabbath’s and they draw us to the foot of the cross and show us the gates of heaven left ajar for anyone who accept Christ as the Lord. People often ask the question ‘Was this lady ordained to do the work of God?’.

Ellen G. WhiteBorn 26/11/1827 Died 16/07/1915. (87yrs)

Ellen G White read the Bible and understood it, but noticed that there was something which was not followed

by the Christian’s of her time. This thing was the disregard of the Holy Sabbath day. She had meetings with Joseph Bates, James White and others to discuss this problem that they had noticed. Finally, they agreed to form a church and called it Seventh-Day Adventist. As founders they used their personal finances to pay for everything which was needed to make this church able to exist and teach the truth of Bible.

She wrote many books and 4 of her most well-known ones are:

• The Great Controversy (1858)• Testimonies for the Church (1882)• Steps to Christ (1892)• The Desire of Ages (1898)

Ellen G. White is one of the most well-loved people among her fellow co-founders of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, because of what she did in trying to make people understand the Bible and God. She taught many people about God and wrote many books explaining every meaning of each chapter in the Bible.

Fanny Crosby and Ellen White lived their lives connected to God and defended the teachings of the Bible with an aim of taking people to the

Kingdom of God. They understood that through Adam all of us sinned, but through Jesus Christ all of us are saved and have a right to be in God’s kingdom. These 2 ladies taught this wonderful message to the people of this world. They were not ordained though, but chosen to assist in the salvation of the human race.

Mary the mother of Jesus preached a wonderful sermon in a wedding at Cana when the wine was finished. She said whatever Jesus tells you, do it “John 2:5”. These words were not for just cupbearers of Cana but for all us. Our duty is to just do whatever Jesus told us to do. Fanny Crosby and Ellen White did as Jesus said. That is why they are so popular and still winning souls, even though they are now at rest. Fanny Crosby is one of the greatest Christian song writer ever known. Ellen G. White is known as the co-founder of a worldwide church which teaches the plain truth from the Bible, but they were not ordained. In the book of Romans 16 we find great women who worked hard for our Lord such as Phoebe, Priscilla, Aquila, Mary, Rufus’s mother and many others who did the wonderful work of God, but none of these ladies were ordained. All of us have a job to do for our God, whether we are ordained or not, but we are all called to come and do whatever Jesus told us to do as Mary said in a wedding in Cana.

NEWSfrom Harlestone Road

Baptism: it symbolises and declares our new faith in Christ and our trust in His forgiveness. Buried in the water, we arise to a new life in Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit.There have been 2 recent joyous occasions of baptism to report on.

On the 2nd May at Northampton Central Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Andrew Mushing declared his faith in Christ. Witnessed by family, friends and church members, it is our pleasure to welcome him into the membership of Harlestone Road church.

Little over a month later, on the 13th June, 5 of our cherished youth got baptised in one glorious Sabbath afternoon .Hannah Vine, Louisa Vine, Mutsa Rangarira, Tadiwa N’Cube and Anesu Rangarira all made the wonderful declaration that they have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. How wonderful it is to see young people make such a commitment.

All 6 candidates have been part of the Baptismal classes that are held weekly at Harlestone Road church. These classes will continue under the guidance of Sister Angela.

We pray that the Lord will bless them and keep our newly baptised members and that the church family will always be there for them, to encourage and support them.

SanctificationJourney - Part 3Resisting Drift and Neglect

Part of the reason that we are not intentional about our sanctification is that we do not fully understand or commit to the process

of salvation. So much so that we are risk of drift and neglect.

Hebrews 2:1,3 says, “1Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away. 3 how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation, which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed to us by those who heard Him.” [NKJV].

Drifting away from Christ is tragic for anyone we know and even more tragic for ourselves. If we’re not careful, our initial excitement about our salvation can soon ebb and our neglect of the gospel can result in us drifting away from Christ. If we wish to avoid this, we must do what Hebrews 2:1 invites us to do: “give more earnest heed to the things we have heard”, and to be careful of: “neglect so great a salvation”. This means we need to study it carefully and diligently, meditate on it, and open our hearts

fully to it, so that we can understand its message better and better. We will never understand our salvation enough! Why?

Because we don’t perfectly understand:

• How sinful we were and still are

• How holy God is and how offensive oursins are to Him

• The greatness of our heavenly inheritance

• The price that was paid on our behalf

• The infinite power that is at work in andaround us

• How much God does to keep us andprotect us each day

• The human sacrifices that were made toallow us to hear the true gospel

• How much God is doing to reachcountless multitudes from every nationand people around the world.

How well do we understand the stages of our salvation?

Words like calling, election, faith, repentance, regeneration, justification, sanctification and glorification should have very clear and accurate meanings in our minds. This may be why Pastor David Asscherick reads Steps to Christ every year. We would then be secure in our understanding of how our labours in our salvation relates to the finished work of Christ on the cross and our perfect standing in justification righteousness in God’s sight.

By Sheryl Lawrence

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Next time you feel like God can’t use you,just remember...

Noah was drunk, Abraham was too old,

Isaac was a daydreamer, Jacob was a liar,

Leah was not beautiful, Joseph was abused,

Moses had a stuttering problem, Gideon was afraid,

Samson had long hair and was a womanizer, Rahab was a prostitute,

Jeremiah and Timothy were too young, David had an affair and was a murderer,

Elijah was suicidal, Isaiah preached naked,

Jonah ran from God, Naomi was a widow, Job went bankrupt, Peter denied Christ,

The Disciples fell asleep while praying, Martha worried about everything,

Mary Magdalene was, well you know, The Samaritan woman was divorced, more than once,

Zaccheus was too small, Paul was too religious,

Timothy had an ulcer... AND Lazarus was dead!

Use theOrdinary

By Michael Davis

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As with all true worship, the most meaningful and fulfilling experience, when it comes to worshipping God

through prayer, is realised when prayer is a response to who God is.

This was Isaiah’s experience when he caught a vision of God’s glory, recorded in Isaiah 6:1-8.

Isaiah saw a heavenly scene so majestic, so other-worldly and so fantastic that he could not contain it. It overwhelmed him and he fell to the ground in complete fear. The glory of God, coupled with Isaiah’s own sense of his sinfulness and unworthiness in God’s presence, filled him with awe. He could hardly catch his breath. He felt an impending doom sweeping over him. Yet, when God told him that his sins had been atoned for, and he was forgiven (v7), his fear was replaced by the willingness to gratefully serve God.

To truly worship God, whether private or corporate, we must also catch a glimpse of God’s glory and of His presence. It will cause us to immediately recognize our own unworthiness and our utter sinfulness, but it will also give us an acute awareness of God’s unlimited power.

Prayer 101This is the basis for prayer - God’s majesty, His holiness, His perfection and His absolute power, and the recognition of our sinful rebellion. We know that we don’t just commit acts of sin, but we are actually sinful and even our good deeds are tainted with sin. So in our prayers, like the

publican in the parable in Luke 18: 10-14, we approach the Holy One with awe, acknowledge our state of sin and ask for mercy. We ask for nothing more. This is prayer 101! If our prayers are not based on these factors: God’s holiness, the recognition of our sinful condition, and our desperate need for His mercy, then we’re not praying!

The person who offers the prayer in worship has both a daunting responsibility and a wonderful privilege. It is daunting because he or she is a sinner who approaches the Most High God on behalf of other sinners. It is a privilege because he or she is the one who actually approaches God and becomes our spokesperson in worship. He or she offers our verbal worship, praise and thanksgiving.

Can you imagine the type of spiritual preparation needed? Perhaps more than what is needed to deliver the sermon. Hence the congregation must be praying for the one interceding!

With the requisite spiritual preparation needed to offer prayer in worship, it is not wise to suddenly lay hands on someone to pray. On the other hand, all of us should approach corporate worship having made preparation in case we are needed to pray. Even if we do not get the opportunity to pray, we’re going to derive much more from the service than what we would normally receive because of our personal spiritual preparation.

Prayer as a response to God’s glory

Public Prayer 101 - Part 2

St James CEVA Primary School, Harlestone Road, Northampton, NN5 7AG

Church Info and Contacts

Join us on Sabbath (Saturday) mornings.Bible Study (Sabbath school) from 10am

Divine Worship from 11.15am.Fellowship Lunch from 1pm

Afternoon Programme from 2pm--------------------------------------

Pastor - Paul Dhanaraj - 07445 318778 Church Elder - Lloyd Sterling - 01604 591117

Newsletter Editor - David Wells -