Newsletter Edition 3

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The 3rd issue of Harlestone Road's church newsletter.

Transcript of Newsletter Edition 3

Harlestone RoadSeventh-Day Adventist Church

Newsletter Issue 3 - February 2015

Front cover picture supplied by Michael Davis

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Welcome to the 3rd Issue of our Church Newsletter. I have been encouraged by how many people have wanted to

contribute to each edition so far, so long may it continue! We are always on the lookout for more material. We want to make this church newsletter relevant to everyone, but we can only do that with your input.

2015 is already almost a month old, but I thought we would have a quick look back at 2014. As a church we have had to say farewell to many loved members. Rohit and Kadie left for Tobago, Reg and Christine moved to

Cleethorpes, Pastor Sweeney took up a new role at the BUC and Calin and Diana went back home to Romania. They, amoungst others, are all sadly missed.

God is al ways good though and we have been blessed by MANY new regu lar visitors as well as a new Pastor! Hopefully 2015 will see that trend

continue (not the people leaving part of course!) and we can grow as a church family, to encourage one another spiritually, to serve our Lord and saviour and to serve the local community.

There is much work for us to do, but with the direction of our Pas tor and Elders and the commitment of each and every one of us, we can achieve great things.

Communications - 2014 was a year when Harlestone Road Church presence on the Internet exploded.

We now have a fully functional website, which attracts visitors from all over the world. We also now have our own YouTube channel, where sermons and musical items are uploaded and a Facebook page which, along with Highlands Avenue, has over 80 members!

Throw in WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter and our new Newsletter, it is now very easy for people to find out more about us and what we stand for.

So what next? We all know that time is short, so we have to move fast, to reach the people of Northampton and beyond with the Gospel and the Three Angels Messages. Church, it’s time to stand up and be counted. May God bless you all as you continue to take up this great commission.


Message from the Editor

The 29th November saw Harlestone Road hosting a Family Day. In the last issue of our Newsletter, Maxine B explained the vision of

hosting such a day, through her testimony.

We are thankful that Maxine has such a vision and a passion for family, with the church welcoming many visitors for the special day. Divine Service was followed by a wonderful Sabbath lunch and the day concluded with a Praise and Worship concert, with many acts responding to the last minute call. We hope this will be the first of many Family Day’s, God willing.

No, this isn’t a picture of Northampton’s most wanted, but is actually some of our fine young men after a game of 5-a-side football.

For those of you who didn’t already know, we have been holding weekly football and badminton sessions for the past 3 months. Attendance has been good but we could always do with a few more to make sure we can keep going. So if you, or your family or friends might be interested, please do let David Wells know.

Both the badminton and football sessions have been attended by friends of ours, which could well in turn lead to many more ministry opportunities. So not only are we able to bond as a church family AND gain much needed exercise, but we can also reach out to others. May God continue to give us such opportunities to do so.

newsHarlestone Road Seventh-Day Adventist Church

Joan Fuller

A cursory look at the Three Angels Messages (Revelation 14:6-12) will reflect the multiple occurrence of the word worship. In God’s last message, He intentionally emphasized its importance. Ellen White warns, “An enemy is at work to destroy our faith in the sacredness of Christian worship”. (Testimonies Vol5 p496)

Franklin M.Segler in his text, Christian Worship, says, “When we worship, we are declaring God’s worth”.

Nathan Bierma, in his study on ‘worship’ and its profound meaning, discovered it to mean ‘worshipful service’, ‘noble employment’ or ‘honourable work’ in Middle English. This spoke to the appropriate treatment of someone of worth.

So ‘worthiness’ is a key concept when it comes to worship. It is an act of affirming God’s worth. Worship is our declaration that God is worthy.

This is what the angels, the elders and the living creatures around the throne of God in Revelation model for us as they sing, “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, to receive power and riches and wisdom, and strength and honour and glory and blessing!” Rev.5:12 (KJV).

This is the only appropriate response to the One who is infinitely worthy. It is no wonder that the very next verse points us to the response, “And every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying; Blessing and honour and glory and power be to Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever!Then the four living creatures said, ‘Amen’. Rev 5:13,14 (NKJV).

As I consider this example of heavenly praise, I cannot help but conclude that God must feel insulted by our mediocre worship. What worth do we ascribe to God by the oftentimes unfocussed, insincere worship we offer? We must be determined to restore the focus on the worthiness of God during our worship services.

It seems to me that we have allowed a misconception to creep into our congregational gatherings. Increasingly, I have observed that congregants perceive themselves as the audience

Two years ago, my husband and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary. Unknown to us, our children had been planning a surprise party. From the beginning of the week, they had been telling us ‘Don’t plan anything, we are taking you out for dinner!’.

So on the day of our anniversary, one of our daughters took on the job of being our chauffer. As we got into the car we were given blindfolds to put on! My husband and I thought we would be clever and started to guess where we were going, but we soon lost our bearings and decided just to be patient. We finally arrived and we thought ‘Good, no more blindfolds!’.But ‘NO’ said our daughter, ‘You can’t take them off yet!’.

We were led out of the car, slowly and carefully walking along, then at last we were told ‘You can take the blindfolds off now’. ‘SURPRISE!!!’ shouted all who were there. And wow, we were surprised when we saw a room full of family and close friends, who had been invited to celebrate with us. We had such a lovely time, going around greeting everyone and asking about other family members who were absent.

Later that night, after the party had finished, I was still buzzing from the excitement of it all.But then, the Holy Spirit brought something to my attention. Missing family members! And how what had happened at the party is like a reflection of what could happen when we get to Heaven.

God is planning a surprise party for us in Heaven. The blindfolds represent ‘Death Sleep’. Taking off the blindfolds is God’s voice calling us to WAKE UP!

Missing loved ones, relatives and friends….could be a reality as if they are not there they will be amongst the lost. Church, let us listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit of God, as he leads and guides us to do our part in calling our loved ones back home and into God’s fold.

We are planning a Family Day, here at Harlestone Road, for Sabbath of November 29th. This will be an ideal opportunity for you to invite your loved ones, friends and neighbours along and either introduce or even reintroduce them to the good news of Salvation, through the Gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord.

What exactly is worship?

and those on the platform the ones who perform to their satisfaction. This is contrary to the worship described in Revelation. In the Bible passages quoted, God is the only audience. As creatures, we are to be worshippers, in essence, declaring what He is worth to us.

The deeper question is why do we attend congregational gatherings weekly? I pray that it is more than the preservation of a tradition. Ellen White cautioned, “A mere form of Christianity is not of the least value.It is destitute of saving power, having in it no reformative energy. A religion which is confined to Sabbath worship emits no rays of light to others”. (Testimonies Vol5 p339)

It is critical that we take a careful look at what we offer to God as worship today. It is very clear that a proper understanding and expression of worship is vital to whether God accepts our worship or not. There is such a thing as unacceptable worship, as is clarified by the stirring statement of Jesus, ‘’But in vain they do worship Me...’’ Matt.15:9 (KJV)

Jesus, describing true worshippers, says they “Worship Him in Spirit and in truth/’ (John 4:24). Worship in the Spirit actually means that true worship is internal. This is in the heart or the spirit of the worshipper. This is the kind of worship that in truth admits that God is worthy, and in Spirit is determined to return God to His rightful place in our lives.

In the first book of the Bible, Adam and Eve make an attempt to be ‘the ones who were worthy’, attempting to take God’s place, by yielding to Satan’s invitation to make them ‘as gods’. In the last book of the Bible, the angels and elders say to God “you are worthy”. God is in His rightful place and we are in ours. This is a part of the theology of restoration. We submit to God’s rightful place in our lives.

Kathleen Smith, in her book Stilling the Storm, describes congregational worship as our “weekly practice at not being God”. David prayed, “Teach me your way, O LORD and, I will walk in your truth: Give me an undivided heart, that I may worship your name”. Psalm 86:11

I believe God would be excited to hear this kind of prayer more often. He knows that a divided heart is not able to worship Him sincerely.

Spirit and truth, the heart or attitude of the worshipper, as well as the actual theological beliefs together determine the quality of our worship.

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Debate fromHighlands Avenue

Aubrey Davis - Time Keeping

How important is timekeeping anyway?

‘Relax man!’, ‘Chill!’, ‘What’s the problem?!’ These are some of the reactions I often get when I’m trying to stick to an appointment and as a result occasionally reflect on whether the challengers have a point? My Dad was extremely reliable and a fervent timekeeper and like me, used to get extremely frustrated when kept waiting or delayed unnecessarily, so I guess that has something to do with my disposition.

As with most thing’s life is not always that straightforward and unforeseen occurrences do happen and should be acknowledged as such. For some however, being late is just ‘normal’ or even considered an aspect of culture. The term ‘When in Rome, do what the Roman’s do’ comes to mind, in that over a period of time I have found myself drifting into a situation that, if the programme/meeting is anticipated not to start on time I will not turn up on time either; and thereby use my time more productively rather than sitting in an empty hall or church waiting for other attendees to arrive.


I alluded to ‘culture’ a little earlier and feel it is relevant to our church who are seeking to reach those in the communities around us. Living in Northamptonshire, the English remain the predominant nationality and are well known for

good timekeeping. My experience, having lived here all my life, is that there is an expectation from the indigenous that appointments will have a start and finish time. If these are not honoured there is at best frustration and at worst a reluctance or decision (if the discrepancy is large enough) not to return.

Solomon, acknowledged in the Bible as the wisest man who ever lived, wrote in Ecclesiastes 3:1-9 that ‘Everything has it’s time’. Of the 28 activities that were listed in this passage, none of those included ‘A time to be late!’

For me, I associate timekeeping with a number of very key personal traits which include trust, commitment, respect and organisational ability. I do tend to agree that when there is a strong likelihood that occasionally a sermon, prayer session, concert is going to last longer than anticipated, then so be it. I would only suggest though that people are informed well in advance so they can make provision for this.

God is a God of order, the Bible and everything from the Star formations to the Sabbath rest shout this out to us. Let us listen to these messages sent from God and apply them to our lives too.

What are your views on timekeeping?On Sabbath 13th December 2014, I asked some Brothers and Sisters;


“Don’t really’s important to others. There are consequences at school, like detentions!”

Lucretia Tocitu:

“Very important. It shows my character. If it is important or not I will always be on time!”

Paul Tocitu:

“If important, will be on time. If not important may be a little late.”

Peter:“Very, very important, although I may not be a very good time keeper.”


“Well, timekeeping is being punctual. When you arrange a meeting with someone you should keep that time. When Jesus set the Sabbath as the day we should rest and hollowed it, we should keep that because the commandments said that you must remember it!”


“Yes, to keep things in place”


“Very important. We should stick to time. Everything should be according to schedule.

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I’m a doctor specialising in palliative medicine. This is an area that provides holistic care of individuals facing life-threatening illness and their families, incorporating good symptom control, psychosocial and spiritual support. I’d like to share with you some of my experiences of God’s goodness and provision over the years.

Having grown up in a Christian family, I made my personal commitment to follow Jesus at 15. After completing my A-levels I had the opportunity to take a gap year before going to university. My parents and I looked into Adventist institutions where I could work as a Youth Volunteer and we became aware of a few options in the UK and Europe. As a family we’ve always believed in the power of prayer, and the importance of

seeking God’s guidance before any decisions, believing that God will direct our paths if we trust in Him and allow Him to instruct us and teach us in the way we should go (Proverbs 3:5,6 and Psalm 32:8).

One lesson I’m grateful my family taught me is that prayer should be our first resource and not our last resort! Anyway, my parents were praying I would go to Scotland for my year out as they felt that wasn’t too far away for their teenage daughter to go. However I was praying I might get to go to Italy or Spain (mainly because I anticipated the weather would be warmer!), and I remember being very thankful that God answered my prayers on this occasion rather than my parents’ prayers!

During my gap year I ended up living and working as a youth volunteer at Villa Aurora in Florence, learning Italian and meeting lots of people from around the world. Growing up in a mixed-race family and a multi-cultural church, I’ve always liked experiencing different cultures, exploring places, meeting people and eating different foods, but this year out before university confirmed for me that I really enjoy living and working abroad.

After my year out, I returned to England and completed my medical school training in London. I held on to my dream of living

and working abroad, but there always seemed to be the next step on the medical ladder to pursue first. There were foundation years 1 and 2 to complete, next there was core medical training and postgraduate membership exams, then picking my chosen specialty. Many colleagues spoke positively of doctors working abroad, however there was also a lot of discouragement voiced about the risks of jeopardising future career options.

Once I gained my post on a palliative care specialty training scheme, I knew I needed to pursue my dream of working abroad again. I remembered God’s promise in Psalm 37:4 - that God would give me the desires of my heart, if these desires were in line with His will and I delighted myself in Him. In July 2012, halfway through my 4 year training programme, my consultants/bosses provisionally agreed that I could have a year out starting in 2013. I just needed to find the right job for that year.

In August 2012, I found what seemed to be the perfect job for me - a post for a palliative care doctor working in the hospital palliative care team in Auckland City Hospital, New Zealand. Finding the right job so quickly seemed to be God confirming one of my favourite Bible promises that God knows the plans He has for each of us, plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).

I applied online, had a telephone interview and in November 2012 was offered the job.

There were various hurdles before I got to New Zealand in July 2013, but through it all I experienced God’s faithfulness, His ability to answer prayers and His provision of His peace while we’re waiting for those answers (Philippians 4:6,7). One obstacle successfully overcome was obtaining a working visa from Immigration New Zealand one week before I flew out- processed in 6 days when it usually takes 6 weeks - because nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37). In the next newsletter I plan to share more with you about how God blessed me during my year in New Zealand, and some of the lessons I learned along the way.

Before I finish this time though, I’d like to encourage you that I’m not unique- these promises are there for you too! God tells us to ask and it will be given to us, seek and we will

find, knock and the door will be opened to us (Matthew 7:7). Ask God, believe His Word and claim His promises, trusting that God is faithful (2 Thessalonians 3:3) and that He has good plans for you (Jeremiah 29:11). We will encounter difficulties in this world, but Jesus tells us we can have peace despite those difficulties and we can take heart because Jesus has overcome the world (John 16:33).

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Meet theCongregationSarah De Vos

The Story Behind the Hymn

O Perfect Love - Article by Michael Davis

Have you found yourself singing a song that you’ve liked and wondered about the inspiration that led to its being written? As

a lifelong church-goer since the 1960’s, I have sung many, many religious songs which seem to tell a story; yet, I was left curious about the story behind the hymn... So I would like to share what I found out about one of the most well-known songs:

Thousands of people at thousands of weddings must have sung this popular and moving hymn, without knowing the simple story behind its composition.

‘O Perfect Love’ was written in 1883 by Dorothy Frances Bloomfield Gurney- and all in the space of fifteen minutes! According to Mrs Gurney, relating the story afterwards, it happened like this:

“It was Sunday evening and we were enjoying a time of hymn singing. A song that was particularly enjoyed by us all was ‘O Strength and Stay’. As we finished, someone remarked, “This is a beautiful song but what a pity the words are not suitable for a wedding!”

My sister turned and challenged me, ‘’What’s the use of a sister who composes poetry if she cannot write new words to a favourite tune? I’d like to use this tune at my wedding.”

I picked up a hymn book and said, “If no one will disturb me, I’ll go into the library and see what I can do.” Within fifteen minutes I was back with the group

and reading the words I had jotted down. The writing of them was no effort after the initial idea came to me. I feel God helped me write this song.

Two or three years after it was first written, ‘O Perfect Love’ found its way into the well-known hymnal ‘Hymns Ancient and Modern.” This helped it quickly become popular, especially in London where it was used at many fashionable weddings, including Royal ones.

In 1889, Sir Joseph Barnaby composed a new tune with the appropriate name ‘Sandringham’ and the hymn was sung to this tune when Princess Louise of Wales, Daughter of King George V, was married to the Duke of Fife. Since then it has been translated in many languages and earned world-wide fame. Mrs Gurney’s sister had her ambition realised too, for it was also sung at her wedding.

Special insight into the meaning of hymns isn’t always easy. However, in his book ‘The Gospel in Hymns’, Albert Bailey points out that in this hymn “the Lord Jesus Christ is given two titles that are especially significant in marriage - ‘perfect love’ and ‘perfect life’,” He concludes that these titles speak of 2 great ideals vital to every marriage: motive and performance. If these ideals are honoured and obeyed they will bring joy and fulfilment in any marriage.

Perhaps it’s also worth noting that Mrs Gurney certainly brought out the truth that human love cannot begin to compare with God’s love; which “transcends all human thought.”

Mrs Gurney died in 1932 and the London Times printed a tribute to her in the words with which I began this story.

“Thousands of people at thousands of weddings must have sung, or heard sung, ‘O Perfect Love’, withoutever knowing that Mrs Gurney was the writer.” So, what’s the story behind your favourite song or hymn?

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Baptismal Classes

The Baptismal Classes which started back in July, are continuing each week and we are very happy to report that several youth and adults have been attending.We have enjoyed in-depth studies on why we believe the Holy Scriptures, prophecies of Jesus life on earth, the trinity, the nature of Christ and man, faith, repentance, consecration and more. All vital topics for us to understand in preparation for the troubles ahead predicted in prophecy.

If you or someone you know are considering baptism, please do see one of the elders or Josephine who is or ganising the classes. The weekly class is open to all and is a good opportunity to refresh yourself on vital top ics relating to the Bible and salvation. Please just turn up with your Bible at 2pm after the yummy pot luck lunch. You will find us in the back foyer and you are all welcome to join in.

Children’s Sabbath School

The children’s Sabbath School lessons have been well attended (as usual) in the last month. We start at 10 am with a song service, although most weeks we actually begin singing earlier when the early-bird

children arrive. One favourite song is currently “All Hail The Power Of Jesus’ Name”, sung to the rousing tune in parts found in the old ‘New Advent Hymnal’. We have three classes currently for the ‘little-uns’, Cradle Roll, Kindergarten and Junior. Recently several of the kindergarten moved up to form a Primary class. We have been covering Bible stories in chronological order and the Juniors have been covering the main themes of the Great Controversy surrounding the Reformation and then the great events con nected with the famous prophetic date of 1844.

A big thank you to all the teachers for all their hard work to make this children’s pro gramme so successful and to God for his many blessings. We thor oughly enjoyed the presentation from the cradle roll, kindergarten and junior classes during the last 13th Sabbath of 2014. Thank you to all the children and Sabbath School teachers who worked so hard and ‘gave their all’.

newsHarlestone Road Seventh-Day Adventist Church

2014 in pictures... SanctificationAm I Spiritually Healthy

Creswell and I have been supporting Pastor Simpson and the Pastor at Creswell’s church with measur ing and improving church health. Only a healthy Church can ever hope to fulfil the commission of Christ to “go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel”.

This work has convinced me more than ever that the health of the Church is in direct proportion to the health of each individual Christian.The Church is com prised of individuals who have trusted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. If the Church is to grow and be healthy, the individual Christians comprising the Church must grow spiritually.

Why should we bother to grow?

I am always conscious of Romans 2:24, “For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written”. This text keeps me concerned about how I represent God. As Christians, we are not doing too well when we observe:

• The statistics that show there is very little difference between born-again Christiansand those of the surrounding culture in terms of divorce rates, percentages of men whoregularly view pornography and domes tic violence.

• There is also little difference between their lifestyles and aspirations.

• How we borrow from the philosophies of the world and even other religions-practices,phrases and mottos that on the surface look great but are not rooted in Scripture.

• That Christian influence in our culture has never been weaker.

If we are honest with ourselves, when the world looks at Christians they see so little spiritual maturity, so little sacrifice for Christ, so little hunger and thirst for righteousness and so little suffering for His glory.

We need to ask ourselves some fundamental questions. Where’s the lasting life change? Where are the transformed lives? Why are people in our church just like the world? Why are we not developing people who are Christ-like?

I also ask, am I bothered about my spiritual health, are you bothered about your spiritual health, are we bothered about Harlestone Rd SDA Church’s spiritual health?

By Sheryl Lawrence

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This years ‘Week of Prayer’ was from 1-8 November 2014. During this very spiritual week on bended knees we prayed for unity and purpose in our Church, for the work we have all been commissioned to proclaim to this dying and uncommitted world.

We saw ourselves falling short of God’s Glory, so we had to take a look at one self. In doing so, we saw that we need to put ourselves and our homes in order, with Jesus first in our lives. We prayed for the condition of our church, as we found ourselves spiritually lukewarm. This attitude is reflecting pret ty much the state of Christians in Laodicea (Revelation 1:11) which is lulling us into a state of complacency (Revelation 3:14-17).

Brethren, we are living in Babylon. We must sit up to recognise how serious these times are. It could hardly

go unnoticed how much evil we are rubbing shoulder to shoulder with everyday at our work places and when we are on our travels. Our children are exposed to extremes of evil when attending schools also.

We prayed for the sick and suffering ones, bereaved families, and those requesting prayers. For cleansing from every besetting sin, or anything in our lives preventing us from witnessing or answering the call to ‘Discipleship’. How can we help each other my dear brethren? By God’s grace we must run the race set before us. Why? The Lord Jesus Christ has commissioned the Christian to take the ‘Three Angels Messages’ to the world. He is dependent on us to do so. Therefore, we cannot sit back thinking that someone else is going to do it. We are the Three Angel Messengers and must take responsibility for telling people.

During this period we were praying for seriously ill people. Very fervent prayers were ascended to ‘God’s Heav enly Throne Room’. This was most expedient as our own brother was about to undergo the most serious surgery. God immediately, on our request, sent His Holy Spirit and His Holy Angels to surround our beloved brother. While he underwent surgery for several hours the ‘Holy Team’ took their places in the theatre among the consultants, doctors, nurses, and other personnel.

While sending up all those prayers, we had nothing to fear for the future of our brother because the Lord was totally in charge. Proverbs 29:25 says the fear of man brings a snare, but whosoever puts his trust in the Lord shall be safe. Our prayers, trust, belief,

Week of Prayer TestimonialsSister Ana

confidence, and total dependence on God, including our brother and entire family, brought good results. The Lord answered our prayers as we were sincere in our supplications. His recovery period was phenomenal and continues to be ahead of what was expected. Praise be to God and the combined effort of the teams.

There was another lady that we prayed for with similar circumstances as our brother. The Lord was also merci ful to her and saved her against all odds.

I need to tell you of our feedback from the praying members who felt uplifted by the spiritual nature of the week of prayer. There was a unique togetherness among the brethren that had not been experienced before. It was almost like ‘Why can’t this heavenly feeling stay with us forever?’. It got people thinking that we must al ways be in such a state of prayerfulness and snuggle up very close to God. Can you imagine what heaven will be like? Why can’t we have it right here on earth?

To conclude, it is with thanksgiving we make a joyful noise to the Lord, as we enter into His gates and into His courts with praise. We are thankful to Him and bless His Holy name (Psalms 100:1,4).To God be the glory great things He has done.

Maxine CThe Week of Prayer is for me a time when the world church is praying along with us, for a specific cause that we can be united in. It is a time to reflect on what God has been doing in

my life as an individual and in the life of my church community and world wide teaching us how to come in one accord, to Him in prayer.

The Week of Prayer has helped us to enhance our relationship with our creator. It enabled me to ask for

guidance and direction on how to reach souls in my community and the rest of the world.

This year’s Week of Prayer reading was no exception. It gave us guidance on the different things to pray for and the methods we need to use to captivate the people. The reading was entitled ‘God’s Method Alone’. This title is a perfect one for the times we are living in. This reminds me that God was out and about, with people following Him, and in spite of their indifferences and prejudices, He was able to over come them and the same applies to us today.We should be using God’s example to evangelise. We should be loving people as Christ does, befriending people and serving them.That is what we are here for. 0ur role is to serve others.

My heart was really touched by the Thursday readings and prayers. Paul talked about reaching the cities and how Jesus ministered with humility and did not allow the opposition to hinder him. The writer mentions about the different method of evangelism that had been used, from public speaking, one-on-one, and going from house to house. Paul talked about the Holy Spirit being his partner and that evange lism was a team effort between Himself and the Holy Spirit. It is NOT a solo activity.

The Holy Spirit sup ports and guides us if we communicate everything to God in prayer. We can start focusing on our high calling and realising that the whole world needs the gospel and God has got a purpose for our lives. We ought to stop looking at others , realising that we can’t finish other peoples purposes, but we can finish our own by doing the work assigned to us. Then God will do the rest.

When last did you spend time alone with God? I don’t mean a quick prayer in the morning and evening.

If you don’t know then it means you are missing out on the blessings of communing with our maker. God yearns to be close to us, as a parent and child and it saddens him when we keep him at a distance. The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth. He fulfils the desires of those who fear Him; he hears their cries and saves them’ Psalm 145:18,19. Jeremiah 33:3 says ‘call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’ He also says that ‘I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’ Jeremiah 29:11.

As His children, ‘we are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light’ (1 Peter 2:9).

When Jesus was on earth He spent many a night and early morning alone in prayer for strength to do His work, (Mark 1:35). If Jesus had not been in contact with His father He (Jesus) would not have been able to do His (God) will. We too need strength to do God’s work and to live above temptation. Jeremiah says, ‘You will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the Lord’ (Jeremiah 29:12-14)

I want to echo Paul ‘Brethren... let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in

full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure wa ter.’ (Hebrews 10:22)

God loves us with an everlasting love, that is why he sent His only begotten Son to die in our place so that we can have eternal life (John 3:16). How great is the love God has bestowed upon us that we should be called children of God (1 John 3:1). Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16). David encourages us to ‘cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall (Ps 55:22). Such confidence as this is ours through Christ before God (2 Corinthians 3:4), that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us (1 John 5:14).

May our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who loved us and by His grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word. (2 Thessalonians 2:16, 17). ‘Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing now’ (1 Thessalonians 5:11). May God Himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians 5:23).


GOD A Grain of SandBy Maxine B

You are standing in the middle of a desert, All around as faras the eye can see is sand.

God brought you to this place,He puts a grain of sand in the middle of your hand

And says to you,“This grain of sand represents the task I want you to do”

The task is then revealed to you,Upon seeing the task, I began to have doubts whether

I could accomplish it.God, I wonder if you could ask someone else?

I cannot possibly do this task.

Then God answers; “My child, look around you”, “What do you see?”

Sand, I replied.

Then God says; “My child all this sand around you,as far as the eye can see and beyond,

represents what I do for youand the whole world every day”.

God’s love for us is immeasurable like sand,He never asks us to do something that He knows we cannot do.

Ingrid Ansah

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As a group of people we have many things we would like to share with our church family. Passages of scripture, testimonials, books, ideas, talents, skills.... the list could go on and on!! So if you want to share anything with the church this could be the platform. We would love to hear from you so please do get in touch.

Kids Page

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.Proverbs 22:6

Let's ShareExample 1 - Reading Example 2 - Skills

I have just finished reading the book ‘The Lost Meaning of the 7th Day’ by Sigve K Tonstad. I would highly recommend it and if anyone would like to borrow it please let me know.

If you have personal I.T. problems that you need help with, please feel free to contact Bro David after Sabbath.

Example 3 - Homemade Fudge RecipePacked with nutrients and many other healthy marvels, this recipe is a healthy alternative to the junk we too often feed ourselves. Apologies to those of you who have nut alergies, maybe you can provide a recipe for next time?

Ingredients:Coconut oil (4 heaped tablespoonsCacao powder (aprox. 1-2 tablespoons)Raw honey (2 tablespoons)1 Jar of smooth almond nut butter

Method:Gently melt your coconut oil in a pan. Then stir in your cacao powderAdd honey to taste, the amount you add depends on how bitter or sweet you want the fudge to be.Stir in your jar of almond nut butter, stir very well but never allow to boil. Pour into a container (I use a baking tray or jelly moulds) and place them flat in your freezer until the fudge is hard.As coconut oil has a pretty low melting point, if you leave it out you will probably have a puddle in a short space of time!! So best to eat it straight from the fridge/freezer. I hope you enjoy!!


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Preaching PlanChurch Rota&

Pastor - Paul Dhanaraj: 07445 318778 Church Elder - Lloyd Sterling: 01604 591117Newsletter Editor - David Wells:

St James CEVA Primary School, Harlestone Road, Northampton, NN5 7AG

For any changes to the Sabbath School Rota please contact Joan on Tel: 07958 662 158For changes to the Divine Worship Rota please contact Nigel on Tel: 07823 331714