
Post on 21-Jun-2015

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I film trailer is a short video preview of a film before it is released. These trailers are usually shown in cinemas before a film or as adverts on TV. Film trailers started out being shown after a film finished, which gave them the name trailer. Eventually the film makers figured out that after the film everybody just got up and left, so they changed when they were shown. Now they are shown before the film, but they are accessible in many other ways. Now they can be seen on TV in add breaks, and on the internet. In some places there are even QR codes which when scanned with a mobile device show you the trailer. One example of this is the poster for source code (Right) which has a QR code in the bottom left which I have magnified so you can see it. Using the internet and QR codes reaches a much wider audience than if a trailer was just shown in the cinema.





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E learning refers to anything where you use the internet for education. This can include school VLEs or educational websites such as BBC Bitesize. However e learning isn’t always on the internet. It can be on a CD ROM or on a school’s local intranet. The C.A.M.S.F.C. VLE is an example of this.

E Learning sites can be very useful for finding out about subjects you know nothing about. These sites can be accessed by mainly computers. But most smartphones and other internet connected devices such as games consoles and smart TVs can access them, making education available everywhere and not just in a school or college.

Some E-learning websites can be bad. Sites such as Wikipedia are sometimes criticized for their lack of accuracy and people can change information. Hackers can also gain access to these sites and implant a virus into some of the files, so that any device such as a phone without adequate protection will be destroyed.



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User generated content refers to anything that a user of a social networking site posts onto it. Examples of this are Tweets, Facebook status updates, and YouTube videos. User generated content is a good way of advertising because it requires no intervention by the company once the message gets going. People will just keep passing it o to their family and friends until everyone knows about it. Film trailers can also be passed on this way. When people click “like” on the video it gets posted on YouTube, Facebook, and any other services you have set up, meaning that anyone on your friends list sees it. You also have an option to embed the video on your blog or website if you have one. Websites such as Facebook and twitter enable the user to post information onto a page owned by the user for all their friends to see, on Facebook this is called your “wall”.

As you can see from this chart, user generated is very important in trying to sell a product. This chart shows the amount of goods that won’t get sold if people didn’t post user generated content about it. This can include video reviews on YouTube or comments on a forum or retail website.



Mobile phones are becoming more accessible and much more powerful for everyone. This means that it is becoming easier for people to access information when and where they need it. Contracts with unlimited internet, 3G and the introduction of 4G in the UK make internet access on these devices faster and easier. Most devices nowadays also have app stores, such as windows live marketplace, blackberry app world, the apple app store, PlayStation store, and Google play (previously Android marketplace). These app stores enable developers to create apps for these devices that can be used for almost any purpose. Some smartphones can also be connected to smart TVs wirelessly to use as a duplicate of the phone’s screen to make it easier to view pictures and video.

The downside to mobile devices is that although they are becoming powerful, they are doing it at such a high rate that unless people buy a new phone every month they will not be able to take full advantage or even run most apps. They are also nowhere near the capabilities of most newer home computers with between 4 and 16 core processors, dedicated graphics cards, more RAM and hard drives that can store over 1TB.


Smart TVs are a new technology being implemented into most new TVs. This allows your TV to connect to various internet based services without the need of a computer or set top box. When the user is signed up to services like Lovefilm or Netflix they can stream whole movies over a high speed broadband connection to their TV. Smart TV’s have a very user friendly experience similar to android smartphones (most of them run android) and share some of the same apps. This makes it easy for the user to grasp as they are already familiar with the user interface, and can also be connected to smart phones for an even more customized experience.


Kiosks are interactive user experiences that can help people find their way around a place or about a product. A good example of this is the kiosks at the Trafford center and at airports. Kiosks can be helpful in many ways and can be applied to many different environments. For example the kiosks at the Trafford center can be used to search where shops are and see news and events, whereas kiosks at an airport can be used to check in, see when your flight is, and tell you where your gate is (but you still have to go through security ).

Kiosks are also sometimes used in shops to promote products. For example in boots people with club cards can use the kiosks to get discount vouchers using points on the card.


There are three types of downloading information from the internet, in particular videos such as film trailers or YouTube videos. The three types are; ordinary downloading, progressive downloading and streaming. Downloading is when you simply obtain a file from the internet; this method is used for most file types. Progressive downloading is used for most internet videos from YouTube and music from services such as Spotify. This method downloads the media as it’s playing, eliminating buffer times for those with a fast connection, which since broadband is most people. Streaming is the least commonly used of the three, and is mainly used for video feeds from live events such as concerts and product announcements at events such as E3 (Electronic Entertainments Expo).



There are many video file formats that each have their advantages and disadvantages and are suited to different purposes. For example .flv files are used for YouTube because they load quickly without losing too much quality. AVI files and MOV files are most commonly used for videos taken by a video camera or screen capture device (a device or program used to record a computer screen). Other digital file formats are used but these are the most common. The picture on the right shows media software usually associated with these file formats.




As well as different file formats there are also a wide selection of media players to use. The most common and readily available is Windows media player. This comes with windows and plays most file types, it even supports surround sound when available. The second most common is a program called Winamp which many windows, mac and Linux users use for its simplicity and wide support for many media file types. It also has some impressive visualizations when listening to music. Winamp also supports apple products and is a good alternative to iTunes. Another commonly used player is VLC, this is supported on many platforms including smartphones and plays almost every media file type there is, you can even watch live streams and broadcast your own stream. The downside is that is isn’t very easy to use or visually appealing but it gets the job done.


There are different aspects to a media file that affect it’s file size. Firstly is the compressor. Digital videos and music are usually compressed to reduce the file size; however this reduces the quality of the file. An example of a compressor is the MPEG4 compressor which is commonly used for video files and DVDs. If a digital audio file is uncompressed the file extension is PCM. Digital video is almost never uncompressed because the file would be way too big for anything to store or play, however some high end computers and cameras used for cinema are beginning to have the spec required to play uncompressed video, which is why newer fils, especially animated ones have a much crisper image than before, the new digital tech used in cinemas also enables them to use 3D and full 7.1 surround sound with very high quality.


There are 2 main aspect ratios that are commonly used, 16:9 and 4:3. 16:9 is now the most common since widescreen TVs were released, before that everything was 4:3. In cinemas in most parts of the world they use a format called Anamorphic widescreen which is very wide, however in America and most American films they use the 16:10 format which is only slightly wider than 16:9.Below is an example of how wide anamorphic is compared to 16:9. If a video is viewed on a screen that is a different aspect ratio, there are several things that can happen depending on how that screen deals with the signal. Most of the time black bars will appear on the top and bottom or sides of the image to make it fit. Some screens have settings which can scale the image to fill the whole screen by either stretching it, which distorts the image, or scaling which keeps the aspect ratio but makes it large enough to fill the whole screen, this cuts off the sides of the image.