Newsletter #2 - PLURI-LA

Post on 01-Apr-2016

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Newsletter #2 PLURI-LA European Project

Transcript of Newsletter #2 - PLURI-LA

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission

cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the

information contained therein.

Newsletter # 2

Paris Meeting


Samedi 26 avril : réunion chez Drifa. Les learners

ont écrit des CR de Pavia. Drifa et Yamina

s’occupent de transcrire et de traduire des chansons

de Idir (du berbère vers le français) traitant de l’exil.

Elles apprennent à taper à l’ordinateur (Ouarid leur

a ouvert une boite e-mail). Elles se sont mises aussi

à lire davantage.

Vendredi 9 mai : réunion chez Agnieszka : travail

sur le programme définitif, l’accueil des équipes

(trouver des salles, de petits cadeaux, offrir un

buffet, réserver les restaurants). A Paris 8, derniers

préparatifs (accueil, films, affiche, etc.) du 23 au 26


"Methodological Reflection: The case of

Moldavian League of Women in Portugal"

by Claudia Vaz

Methodological exercise from a case study.

Objective: To elicit reflection on techniques and

instruments that allow to explore the relationship

between individual-social language group in the

context of the LAs, namely: qualitative interview

and various projective techniques - "silhouette",

"family-tree", "blazon" and Written AL.

Read more …


Writing my language autobiography.

Ana-Maria Andrioaie - teacher of English at

secondary and post-secondary level.

Writing my own linguistic autobiography helped me

realize that I feel deeply connected with anything

related to the English-speaking world (especially to

the “Queen’s English”), from the UK flag to the

customs and traditions specific to this area.

I have also learnt that teaching English cannot be

separated from continuously learning it. Even if I

teach English to the secondary and postsecondary

levels, I feel as a learner alongside my students.

That is due to the fact that the English language, as

a global phenomenon, keeps evolving, especially

under the influence of mass-media and world trade.

Beside different activities conducted in schools and

by/with migrant adults learning Swedish as a

second language, an important work has been

conducted during spring by the partners in Sweden

in order to implement the use of different

approaches oflanguage autobiographies in contexts

where migrants are involved, especially in

collaboration with the Swedish national agency for

education,(Skolverket) and some municipalities. The

persons involved are headmasters, staff from

migration authorities, teachers of all subjects,

teachers of mother tongue (adult migrants).

In September, there will be a workshop organized

by Uppsala university in collaboration with the

municipality of Örebro and migrants attending

classes of Swedish as a second language.


Both artist and language teacher. Laurence


(German and English teacher in UK).

I like to use drawing in my language lessons

specifically when trying to explain such phenomena

as false friends and phrasal verbs respectively. For

example, the German sentence "Ich bekomme eine

Tasse Kaffee " means in English "I am having, or

have ordered, a cup of coffee" but sounds like “I

am becoming a cup of coffee". In the second

example I am drawing attention to the literal

meaning of the idiomatic "Stop pulling my leg!", and

this allows students to reflect on the humour often

associated with English phrasal verbs.


Tiriamo fuori le lingue (Sortons nos langues) est un

voyage pour découvrir nos expériences passées, à

l’origine de notre relation avec la L1 et avec toutes

les autre langues. C’est un cours qui a offert un

important exercise d’autoréflexion, de soin de soi et

la possibilité aux enseignants de n’importe quelle

discipline, en formation où déjà au travail, de

participer à des leçons de philosophes,

psychologues, sociologues, linguistes, mais aussi de

sujets avec une histoire langagière très intéressante.

Le cours a offert, bien sûr, des indications

pédagogiques et didactiques à proposer aux

étudiants. Toutes les leçons ont eu chaque fois un

espace de dix minutes pour faire écrire aux

coursistes leur propre autobiographie langagière….

à continuer sur le site PLURI-LA


The brain consists of two hemispheres that operate differently. The left hemisphere is responsible for the

logical and analytical operations, numbers, categories. In contrast, the right hemisphere is bound with

imagination, dreams, spatial perception, music, expression and recognition of emotional states. During the

learning process, people unconsciously use mainly the left (logical) hemisphere but to facilitate the

memorization process should be stimulated both of the hemispheres. There are many techniques that help

activate simultaneously both hemispheres during the storing process. To understand what consists the

memorization, finding and recalling the information in, you need to get to know a little how the brain


Read more …


This newsletter is the result of the work of the institutions involved in the PLURI-LA project:

Université Paris 8, Paris, FRANCE

Centro de Educazione e Media, Pavia, ITALY

Universitatea Vasile Alecsandri, Bacau, ROMANIA

Uppsala Universitet, Uppsala, SWEDEN


Artists’ Association of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, POLAND

King’s College, London, UNITED KINGDOM


Read more:

June 2014

This project has been funded with support from the European

Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author,

and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which

may be made of the information contained therein.