Newsletter #2 - · Email: Website: Assembly...

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Transcript of Newsletter #2 - · Email: Website: Assembly...

83A Ivanhoe Street, Eden Hill WA 6054 Ph: 9377 4988 Email: Website:

Assembly Our Prefects have done a wonderful job of hosting our first two

assemblies for 2019. I appreciate how hard it is to stand up and talk

in front of the whole school and you should all be proud of your

effort so far.

Our first class assembly will be hosted by Room 9, next Friday,

8th March. We really look forward to watching class assemblies as

the students always put on a great show. Parents, families and

friends are invited to stay after class assemblies to enjoy the

hospitality, tea/coffee and a bite to eat, provided by the P&C, Class

Coordinators and assisting parents. This is a great opportunity to

meet other parents and I look forward to seeing you after next

Friday’s assembly.

Free Dress Day On Thursday, 14th March, our P&C are hosting a FREE DRESS


For a gold coin donation, you can come to school in Free Dress to

help raise money for the Year 6 Forrest Edge Camp.

Harmony Week

Harmony week celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity and will be

celebrated at Eden Hill on Friday, 22nd March.

To make this event as successful as possible we are asking for your

assistance. We would appreciate any help with the following;

traditional food prepared at home or maybe cooked at school

games that children can join in playing

stories to be told

songs to be sung or music to be played

traditional dances or performances

items representing your culture

help with writing some signs in different languages.

Please speak to your child’s classroom teacher or the office staff to

let us know if you are able to help out or come along on the

afternoon of the 22nd March to share some of your culture. We

would love to see as many parents as possible coming along to join

in the celebrations.

Newsletter #2 28th February 2019



15th February James Rossitto

Ivy Sein

Hassan Batat

Stirling Trevor

Marina Nakagawa

Leila Goorah

Iroha Greenhalgh

Bodhi Shanks

Elisa Miller

Brendan Hayden

Mani Shanks

Hannah Andrews

Daniel Errington

Leah Beutel

Abbey Williams

Jarvis Stephen-Moritz

Caerleon Selman Toh

Levi Kelly

22nd February Molly Shaw

Aleisha Bakes

Cara Johnson

Oscar Hawkins

Samuel McKinnon

Orion Taylor

Ashen Liyanage Rajamanthrilage

Emmett Jane

Jack Beutel

Zainab Zeeshan

Bakar Kakay

Riley Cooper

Cyrus King

Krish Ghimire

Tayte Knight

Cameron Collopy

Ashley Bellomo

Abbey Faryen

Our vision: To strive for excellence by working collaboratively and respectfully with our students to build strong, meaningful connections with our community.

Records Up-Date If you are yet to return your child’s Student Up-Date Form, please do

so as soon as possible, as it is very important that we have the correct

contact information for every student. Hopefully we never need to use

it but it is necessary in case of an emergency.

School Creed and National Anthem Some of our young and new students are unsure of the words of our

National Anthem and School Creed which we use every Friday at

assembly. To assist with the learning of this important part of our

assemblies, the words are included in this newsletter.

Sponsorship of our Dance, Band and Choir This year’s Dance Group, Band and Choir have already started early

morning rehearsals and we are impressed with their enthusiasm. We

are very proud of the students who represent our school in these groups

each year, and as part of their uniform/costume, they are each provided

with a t-shirt with the group's name on it along with other costume

items as required. We attempt to provide these at no cost to their

families and as such seek sponsorship from a local business or family.

If you are able to assist or know of a local group or company that may

be keen to, please let us know. Please see Mrs Spencer, Mrs Andrews

or Mrs Miell if you are interested or require more information.

Chook Pen Fencing We are hoping to fully enclose the chicken coop we received through

Waste Wise funding, so that it is secure enough to keep chickens safe.

We have received three quotes from fencing companies to fully

enclose the pen with a steel frame and chain mesh fencing. These

quotes are quite expensive. If any families happen to own their own

fencing companies or have contacts that may be able to help us out, we

may be able to save some money. If you know of anyone or are able to

help out yourselves, please contact Mr Digney at the school.

Award Winners Work Presentation

15th February

Nathan Kent

Faizan Shah

Alia Larcombe

Elena Pryor

Charlie Thomas

Jayde Saul

William Le

Savannah Abraham

Wan Bhar

Ebony Higgins

Michaela Stavretis

Addison Shaw

Willow Golding

Kael Telfer

22nd February

Erin Vettiyadan Jayan

Lena Jin

Chantelle Osborn

Dani Flannery

Emily Huynh

Abi Oswald

Cardia Orme

Kenji Brookes

Andre Newman

Lorelai Butler

Callum Tindal

Bethany Greenhalgh

Keelani Spencer

Toby Littlewood

Nyaliep Bhar

Heidi Collins

Happy Feet Frenzy Another school year is upon us! This year, we are focusing

on sustainable ways to get to school such as walking, riding,

scooting and using public transport.

Dawn is the school’s Crosswalk Attendant. She has been at

the school for over a year. Dawn loves to be greeted in the

mornings and afternoons, and polite children who use the

crosswalk correctly will be receiving stamps to earn a special

Your Move prize.

Remember to use the crosswalk. Stand in the designated area

and wait until Dawn blows her whistle before you cross. We

don’t want a cross crosswalk attendant, so let’s keep her


Our Motto - Only Our Best Is Good Enough

Bullying This is the next article in our series on Bullying. Please take the time to read this article and our Bullying

Pamphlet, which is available to view on our website under policies or by opening this link:

Bullying Pamphlet

What can I do if I think my children are being bullied at school?

Try to talk with your children about what is going on

Listen to their concerns and believe them

Be aware of your own response and react in a calm and helpful manner

Talk with your children’s teachers and calmly discuss the situation and some possible strategies

Encourage your children to ask for help at school if they are being bullied e.g. talk about who they

could talk to at school, and how to ask for help.

Scarecrow Clothes One of our grandmothers would like to make some scarecrows as part of our Harmony Day activities. If

anyone has any clothing suitable for a scarecrow they would be happy to donate for this activity, please

send them along to Mr Digney. They would be greatly appreciated.

Scooter/Bike Rules As part of our Happy Feet program we encourage student to walk, ride or scooter to school however, we do

have some rules. For the safety of everyone using the school, bikes and scooters must be walked through

the school grounds, not ridden. Please make your child/ren are aware of this rule and enforce it at all times.

Book Covering Morning We are once again looking for wonderful volunteers to help cover library books this year. Our first book

covering morning will be held on Friday, 15th March in the Library after assembly. All help would be

greatly appreciated and morning tea will be provided.

100s Club Our 100s Club is on again for 2019. Come on down to the big school oval in the morning to walk or run

laps, it’s a great way to start the day. Everyone is welcome - students, parents and staff, to join Mr Pedrotti

from 8.00-8.30am, Monday to Thursday. Get a stamp for every lap you do and for every 25kms you walk

or run you will receive a special badge.

Chaplains Chatter

Have you ever watched a movie which you later regretted seeing? I have! There are a handful of movies

or shows which I have seen on TV over the years which I really wish I hadn’t. Scenes from these movies

can come unbidden into my mind and I have to deliberately think about something else to get rid of that

uncomfortable image. What goes into our minds stays there and can influence who we are and what

attitudes we have. What we see on the TV, through movies, on the internet and what we read – books,

magazines etc. all have an impact. As parents it is our

responsibility to protect our children’s minds. Until

they are old enough to make good, informed

decisions, we need to be their filter. It is our

responsibility to make sure they are not carrying

scenes in their mind which they are not old enough to

cope with.

Jenny Palandri

Classroom Coordinators 2019 On Thursday, 21st February, I held the first Class Coordinators’ meeting. Thank you to those who could attend on

that day. It is lovely to see some new parents volunteering for this important role. Welcome to each of you. Our

coordinators provide an important link between the school and our families. They assist the teachers when they are

seeking help for excursions, in classrooms and the P&C when they are requiring support. Below is a list of the

names of our Class Coordinators for your information.

Room 1 - Stephanie Harvey & Samantha Peet

Room 2 - Samantha Peet

Room 4 - Mellisa Butler

Room 6 - Allyson Peel

Room 7 - Samantha Peet

Room 8 - Nat Gatti

Room 9 - Kate Scrivener

Room 10 - Adele Orme

Room 11 - Miranda Melbin

Room 12 - Tina Bunter

Room 13 - Lyn Fisher

Room 14 - Adele Orme

Room 15 - Mellisa Butler

Room 16 - Lauri Davidson

Room 17 - Rekha Puttaswamy Gowda

Room 18 - Caitlin Loder

Room 19 - Jodi Cuschieri

Room 20 - Deanne Carter

Kindy 1 - Kate Hollingsworth

Kindy 2 - Emily Murray

Kindy 3 - Melisa Mollenoyux

Thank you for taking on this important role to assist our teachers and parents.

P&C AGM The P&C held its AGM on Monday evening, 18th February. I would like to thank our wonderful P&C executive

members for the brilliant job they do for our students every year. They are a great group of people who meet

monthly and work together to develop a real family/community feel to our school and provide our students with

great resources. This year’s newly elected executives are:

President Jeremy Warnock

Vice President Debbie Andrews

Secretary Phillipa Howard

Treasurer Karina Hateley

Uniform Shop Samantha Peet

Fundraising Coordinator Natalie Gatti

Canteen Chair Tamara Morgan

Congratulations and thanks to these parents for taking on a most important and supportive role for Eden Hill Primary

School. The next meeting of our P&C will be held on Monday, 18th March at 7.00pm in our Staff Room. We

would love to see some new faces, so please come along to one of our friendly meetings.

Walter Delights Don’t forget Walter Delights are offering parents a great way to start each day with discounted coffee and supporting

our school! From 7:00 - 9:00am each week day, just ask for a P&C Coffee and you’ll only be charged $4 and a

percentage of each cup purchased will be donated to our school. Andy, who owns Walter Delights and Ida Street

Supermarket, supports our school so very generously every year, so please take advantage of his latest offer and

don’t forget to mention the school whenever you buy anything at Ida St Supermarket.


This is our school

Let peace dwell here

Let this school be full of contentment

Let love abide here

love of one another

love of mankind

love of life itself

and love of God

Let us remember

as many hands build a house

so many hearts make a school

2019 Prefects:

National anthem:

Australians all let us rejoice

For we are young and free

We've golden soil and wealth for toil

Our home is girt by sea

Our land abounds in nature's gifts

Of beauty rich and rare

In history's page let every stage

Advance Australia fair

In joyful strains then let us sing

Advance Australia fair

Beneath our radiant Southern Cross

We’ll toil with heart and hands

To make this Commonwealth of ours

Renowned of all the lands

For those who’ve come across the seas

We’ve boundless plains to share

With courage let us all combine

Head Boy - AJ Greenhalgh Head Girl - Mirah Sugiartha

Billie-Rose Francis Taimana Hodge Tully Ladd-Nalder Taj Shanks