
Post on 16-May-2015

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my evaluation

Transcript of Newevaulation


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of a real media products?

My magazine is both conventional and unconventional as it follows normal layouts as the photograph is behind the text and the text is written on top of it without covering the face which is seen on my front cover also it uses similar colour schemes related to my genre of music .But its also unconventional as the magazine name is on a tilt and has little items in the title which is different other magazines in my music genre as they would use a bold straight font as used in say NME as its just two colours very bold and on a level angle.I have used a medium close up photograph which is unconventional as normally there would be a medium shot or long shot of the artist but I have typically gone for a moody looking indie rock teenager which is who the genre appeals to in a general sense.

I dark colour scheme just like mine but with one bright colour which is very similar to mine.

This is more like my colour scheme for the same type of music genre showing that my magazine is conventional in some aspects

Splash the same position and the same mine, across the artist as well. The same as my magazine

My contents page is also typical of a indie music magazine and of any normal music magazine as it has page numbers and pictures just like a conventional contents page as it also has sub titles for the articles inside.But also its unconventional as everything is slanted but also in conventional magazines there is text underneath but mine doesn't showing its unconventional .The numbers on the photographs is something seen in other music magazines as seen on the examples below. Also having contents written on the page is also similar to other magazines in my genre i have research but yet again its conventional but unconventional as the contents just like the magazine name is on a tilt to the left showing both the conventional and unconventional layout of my magazine.The effects also make it the contents unconventional as from my examples they don't have any in them not to say that some may have them in as they try to keep the full photograph which have done with one of the photographs, were as they use all the photograph which shows I am keeping to the general layout of my chosen genres magazine.

My contents page also develops the idea of the conventions in my indie genre music magazine as the normal layout is there but has be enhanced more as I have added my own twist on it.

These are areas I have used from other magazines in my genre. As these are part of the normal indie magazine this shows my contents page is conventional in some areas,

Another point that makes my magazine unconventional as the examples photographs or in boxes/ frames unlike mine as one isn't straight either and one isn't in a box or frame.

This is my double page spread which I have kept very conventional as it has its has columns just like normal double page spreads.Also a photograph on the side of the text which links heavily the article also the page break is clear on the double page spread.But what is unconventional is the effects in the background and on the photograph as normally the photograph would just be kept the same without anything like effects on top.But the title of the article is over the photograph which is on my magazine example 2 as its very similar also big and bold and the only thing you can read from a distance like both of this magazines.

The also unconventional thing about my double page spread is the photo in the frame as its makes it unique and isn't seen on other magazine but there is like a little profile box in the corner to link with the article so it could be conventional just a different item.

Overall its both conventional and unconventional to show both its unique side but also trying to make the magazine appeal to a wide audience.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The sort of people my music magazine is aimed at 16+ teenage girls of any class and aimed at a group of indie music fans from my photographs used on my media product.

Also through the colour schemes it has some feminine colours such as the purple.

But however I Think my font could represent both genders and the same age but I feel it still represents females in the age group of 16 to 23.

My main article inside would mostly appeal to a female audience as its about a girl making it big in the music industry and could go on to inspire young teenage girls to do the same.

Through my photographs and articles what I am trying to say about these people are that they aspirational but also rebellious and moody teenagers as well. It can also be said that my magazine overall represents music fans as well and that the teenage generation in general are really update with music. But my magazine represents rebellious moody teenagers.

Also could represent indie music teenagers as well they are fans of the genre.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I would clearly chose a music magazine publishers to distribute my magazine as my product can attract buyers especially the teenage market as it aimed at teenagers. The articles inside would also attract readers and Indie music fans and the photographs used on the front cover, contents and double page spread would catch the attention of readers as well.But what could be a problem as its a very direct magazine as it has a direct genre and not a mixture of genres so it may not attract that many people that would make the publisher think it wouldn’t be making a profit. So then it shows that my magazine couldn't be published in certain music magazines publishers as there would be other magazines with different genres inside and attract a mass audience of all ages and genders and therefore create more money.

Music magsThis a music magazine publisher who publish one genre of music which is the genre my magazine represents. It publishes magazines like instrument magazines but also magazines about new bands which is very similar to mine.

Music mags

They encourage positive perceptions on musicians which is what I was going for trying to give the artist a positive look.Also they are fast at disturbing magazines and it seems they take on anything that is different and unique in the indie they also sell in any music shop as well so the magazines would get noticed and brought also they sell magazines world wide so it would get the attention of a bigger audience and which would equal more profit and sales.I would like my magazine to be published by music mags beacause...They have experience and a well trusted organisation also they publish my magazine genre as well also I would like my magazine to be published in actual form instead of emailed and a online magazine however, having a online magazine would help to a get wider range of audience as its the world wide web. My magazine could also be given away for free in some music shops and get reviews from readers and if its a hit then maybe a charge a fee but not expensive as I want my readers to be able to but something filled with what they want to read about music and its all about the music .