New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1880-05-11 [p 6].€¦ · NEW PUBLICATIONS. et-*- I-F-OF...

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Transcript of New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1880-05-11 [p 6].€¦ · NEW PUBLICATIONS. et-*- I-F-OF...

NEW -*-

I-F- OF CHARLEMAGNE. By J»o_raA_i>. Treasjatslfrom the " Mono.ont* Gersaaa.»." Br BAMCB- IWTua-tn, A. M. tUaresr. -aU-Uow S_._.) 1--- Harper . Brothers.

TLe precut work which is considered one

et the beet Mographl'-al produe-otre of tbe Biddle aires,

bas hitherto beiu concealed In tbe obacarlty ot a dead

languige, and ia now for tbeBrat time, we believe, ghrento the public in an Kncllsh translation. It bas been

generally accepted as tbe beat original antbority on tbe

career of tbe great Emperor, and ia no less valuable as a

centemporary historical tntmument, than amusing os a

record of personal details. Eg-i-ard held en Importantpince in tbe Court of Charlemagne, who ran* hhn his

Minister ot Pu' Works uud Councillor ot State, aud

also employed bin as Ula private secretary. He entered

the C.iurcb in th* year 815 and waa honored with im¬

portant ecclesiastical offices, and finally died in a mon¬

astery In 830. According to tbe memoir, little bas been

known In record lo tbe birth and childhood of Cnarle-

asagne. He waa bera le 74_. but bi* native place ls

entirely unoeitain. He was thc luther ot aeveral chil¬

dren, to whose early training he paid the strictest atten¬

tion. Beth sons and daughter* were instructed In tho

llboral arts. As soon as they ware of .nfflcleiit nge, the

baye bad to leam horsemanship, and to practise the

chase and military exercise*, while tho girls learned the

art of weaving au. bi handle the spindle and i'l*ttifr.

ile never looa a meal without bia cbildreu when at

home, aud they accompanied him, ns a rule, on his tn-

quentJourney*. Ria sons would ride ar bis side; tho

daughters followed behind, and a company of hts body¬

guard brought op the n ar. His daughters were ver.v

baudsome wore*:-, bnt be would never consent to their

ninrrlugo, and kept them at home until tbe day of his

de nh. This gave neo to many scandalous rumors, which

obtained general currency, and were never disproved.In bia vei'so-ai appearance, Charles was of lofty stature,

tuonga not disproportionately tall ; strong and

athletic; tbe upper part ot bis head was

rouud j hts eyes large and animated; thc

nose a little lou.; and tbe expreaaion ot hts

face marked t.y abet ifbiPera and even gayoiy. Eic was

alway* dignified uud stately, though inclined io eefpo-lence.and bis nei tc waathick -nd somew hats hort, but tho

symmetry of the tvst or bis body concealed ihes.- defects.

His galt was Mroi, bis wholo utfringe nuinly. and his

Yoice clear. He lied perfect health .Ml tbe tom* years

preceding his a ut it, when he wus suhjee; to fevers, and

at tho last even limped ii Utile with one foul. He took

frtqueut exorciso on horseback unit in the chase, und

was remarkably fond of swimming, In willoh bc was

excelled by noone in hts Court. His dress was tbe na¬

tional lc.U.lab costume. He wore n limn shirt and

linen hcecohO* next to his skin ; above tin se was ii tunic

fringed with nih; Hs le^avere protected by huso fast

cued with bundi; and over hts shoulders and chest rn

Winter time wss a close-titting coat ot utter or marten

ikt-s. Over nil he nunga ti'.ne clunk ; be alway* bad a

ewordgm about bim. u-u il'y with :i gold or silver hilt ;

and he sometimes curried « Jewelled swor.t, but only on

grout tenet-dare or al ike rteeptloaol loreign ambassa¬dor.. Be bed a di-ia-t.- for f..r«-i^n costumes, however

haudeouio, mid w< Bid uevct con*-' nt le wear tm in, rr.-

crpt twice lu Rime, winn he put on ibo Hi.maii tuair,Uh.Muya, and slices. On great feast-days ba drcsecd In

enibroldorod clt'thes and shoes bedecked with preciousatones; his abaft wus faeteaed with agolden buckle, and

bo was crowned w r.h a diadem of enid end (..otii"; but on

other dava hts dress was nearly the rh rae ns the romiunu

dress of the people. Charlos was tempi-rate in outing,

end still more so in drinking; be detested dTunfeenuess,

especially lu those of bis household ; hut ho could n->t

ca»llv abstain lrom his favorite uriiclea of food. Ho

rarely gave gn-aI entertatnu.cuts, only nu high festtrsle,and he then malted u large eouipuuy ut gai sta. His

meals ordiuarily consisted of four courses, not countingthc roast, which bis hun'amen used to bring In on tbe

spit; be was more fond of this than of any other dish.

While ut table be listened to music or reading. Ile de-

Mjrhtedln the stories and deeds of olden tune and en¬

joyed the writings of St- Augustine, eeewctalrj the " Cityot God.** He was s.i moderate In tho use of wine and

all other drinks that he never allow, d bini-

ao. moro than throe cups tu thu course

et a meal, lu bu.niter, after the midday repast, he

wonld eat a little trait,drain a simile cup, put off his

clothes and shoes, lust as ne dbl for the nignt, aud sleepfor two er three hours. Charlemagne hui thc gilt of

ready and Hiteut »peoeh, and could always express _lm-

y-rf with the ntraost clearness. He was addicted to the

/tildy ot fore gu laugua.on, In particular of I/itln, whlcli

be c.mill speak as will us nts native tongue, bot be could

understand Greek batter than he lt. ne

wus so cloqiu-ut, indeed, that he almost have

passed for a teacher nf eloquence. He waa ai Jeni ly de¬

voted to tbe Lbt-ral urt*. nud coufei rel great liouors

tiou those wbi taaaht them. One of hi* toucher* In

other iir.uiehrs oflearning wea Alcuin, a native of C. if¬

ni ti, nud the greatest echolar of bisday, willi whom be

spent m.:eli time tu studyiug, dialectics, mid

e-peolnlry astronomy. He also tn-d to write, aud usedto keep tablet.*; und bia; ks DBder blt pillow, that lt-

might practice on the letters In bis leisure boura Dnl lie

began thia egera.e ea late in bf* thai .i<- m-rermadmaebefahaad at wrlt.u. and In faet never Requiredopraclicil kiiowled.e of the art. Iii,, u-t sickness lookplace at the age- of t-cvony. la -is palace nt Alx-lu-

Ciinpette. where he died on tn? 58tb of January.-'l-l.Thc volume now pub.shed, thou.b nf lim I tomp.i**,presents aa Instructive sketch of tlie prominent c_inn--

tcrln med!.vul hL«fory,who was equally remarkable for

btsoiganiiing gt-irina tu government, his mastery us a

military e..launder, and hts zeal and energy fur t!ie nd-Tunci*mi-nr ol l-'uniingand e1viira:i>n tu n rtule ngn,Bm biographer has imduced a quaint and attractiveepecliuen of historical literatnri a-tell to:ia» an lnter-

aaMafl study t..r Hs Balfe sinlpln-ily of style and its tuen!

pictures of social aid political life ut un early period ofmodern hist-n-y.


A SYSTEM OP MORA- SCIENCE. Ry f.Al'RFNS 'l*.Ht -OK. r.I. Ti. Hrrlncit with tho 1*00-'-ra tlon ..f J1X1rsM. ____.(, "J.D., Ll_.l>. l.uio, pp. Ufd Huston: tiluu

A Heath.More thrill twenty-five year** h;ive eUpaed

since the origma! pulUlt.itiou ot this admirable treatise,which ls now issued with revision nud certain illghla_londmiiiits. by thc eminent philosophical writer whosename lt bears, a.thong- with no essential change in theethical principles or t>r»ctlcal aptillcatlous or the work.

President Illik.ik has devoted a prolonged Ure to thelilt..-atkin of the supremacy of reason, as the fonmla-tton of morals and tbe light of speculative philosophy ;

and m this work be baa presented thc must compact,and, perhaps, tbe moat luminous exposition nf his pro¬found the.rica, sad their taila.noe on tbo dev.opmeiitof thought, end rbe institutions of society. The main

Idea of the author la that moroJity must Had lt* centralpoint ami dominant principle witniii tbe spiritual portet mao's being. If the oUlm-tc rule of Ufa be takenfrom aston- consequences, and not from spiritual lm-

p*ra-vee. there eau be no morality, bnt ouly ex-

pedtc-ey. Every sound system of ethic-, the author In-

eista, most bc preceded by _ Jost co.prehension ofmental aetenee. It mast be clenrly understood ttfbtman ls emnpoun-cd of the animal and rational being,but rn t-titnatcry blended that they form a otmpuolUunity. Th-anissa! part of bwn in nature finds tbe endof its activity in the grettOe.ition et ita constitutionalappetites. Their appetites may bo originally of greateror leas variety ; they may be more or lens refined byruiUvatloM; but la every ease tne end of amrcal appe¬tite ia tbe siune. Heptanes, lt the highest law, andwhether the life he mort-l or Immortal, lt ts only tho hieof the brute. The rational part of man's being, Dr.nickok outIntnins. owns a different luw uni finds i differ¬ent end. Its impulses are not the promptings of au ap¬

petite, nut tbe urgeucy of an Imperative aofBitem.iiiThe animal ls 11 peile-hy a craving-, the tntlonul is iu-

aptred by a claim. ? craving scoka »a*lf-gTauaeatio_,a claim r»*..iir.-s a setf-mnrnder. perbapa a se tr-sac rt flu-.Tbe self windi the eraring see.i, ia noe fonnd, but lt Ulost In the very process of Ita aeoktng. while tie s.-lt

which thc claim surrenders ts not lost, but is round in tbaTory surrender. Tale personal, rational self is under tho

perpetual obligation to behave,and while thc craving .f

the animal la Inter-litear, the rstionaI needs norev, andtts claim knows no cessation. H.-ure the ground of

morality must He altogether wilbla the sphere ot man'srational and spiritual befog. Toe ult.-ate nit. of right,therefore, Dr. Hickok Insists aa thc cardinal pnadels ofbis ethical theory, is to be sought tn tbe reason of mau.Tbe ultimate rule ot right la tao alUwato rule ot reason.

and as a rule must be a rale of Berton, theBl-m-tc ruleof right, taewtnwi, le thata reeeonaide beingought to act reasonably. Tb Or. Hickok's discussion ofthe aubj-ct. every (Udeette precept to btaed ob theetrength of the theory. The pivotal principle ts developed In Ha extreme con>eqa_»ccs, ema applied to tbsdetermination of duty in every personal md social rela¬tion. A good action to ona that tr la asrsraaaso -alileasott. The predominance af reason over tbe animalpropenstUes In tbe nasaoul ot his - tbaetttcrtoaof¦foral cbaraoter. Arthougb Dr. Hickok le __t_iys»ta-l en tbe ileslitatlsn of -mme.a l_r_a _-»t_>- _s meroh__e w dc-eted to tkc practtral details of ee-daet, mtbe manifold a.oo)efa-HM af aeetal ned erm tal- inthis respect, it le ant sot-passedby any popular manualot ethlea, Tko theory of the work no doubt bears a ct-r-

tata ¦Boilaar ia tbe .* cotatTnal Imperative¦ of fa*.manari Kant, betaera whom aad tbaauthor there ls avisible reeeeBblsnee ta f_leUe_tnat cbaractt-r and tendcu-rtea of rhougkt. Bat atm the stamp of originality ts

tarprcaaed ow tie hmdtag feetBrea af Dr. Hlrkok's anaiy-Ma. aad (he present weah, abb -tees by wMehitla

m -ear denartura la Amartoaa abll.

oaophieal speculation, aad entitle him to aa eminentraak among Ita rcprtee--stive mtada ead tte practicalguide*i and authorittoa.

. ¦

COMMENTARI-- OH EQUITY PlJLADl-tOS. Bf/o-scra H-Kiw. lu D. Sra. pp. Ta- Lmie. nrows, X Co..Boslou.The prei-r_t edition.the ninth.of tho

" Comment.rles on Equity Pu_d1-_s" baa been re¬

vised, corrected and enlarged by Mr. John M. Gould. It

la founded on the text of the fonrth edition, which was

prepared by the lalo Charles Sumner eoou after the

death af Jndge Story, and from the notbor. privatecopy. In which hts notes and additions had been care¬

fully preserved in his own handwriting. lu the presentedition the labors of preceding editors have been re¬

tained, lKit errors in citations and qnotations bavo been

corrected, tbe Index has been much enlarged and im¬

proved, snd some five hundred recent ensesbave been

Incorporated in the bi ok. either for the purpose of

fresh illustration of (be proposition- contained in thc

text or to support new criticisms and discussions not

before considered. Thc work of thc editor seems to

have been conscientiously and thoroughly perlormcd,and many of his notes are of primo Importance. Of

Judge Story's work lt is too late to stvy anything new.

The permanency of thc demand for lt sufficiently indi¬cates Us worth and popular!ry. Although the treatises

of Cooper, Beames, and Mitford and Daniela's work on

Chancery Practice compete with their commentariesfor professional favor, the last milntalus Its high rank

aa an authority, and ns a clonr and exhaustive discus¬

sion of tbe forms, nature, and object* ol pleadings lu

Equity, considered as a system and in detail, and of tho

principles and necessities of Equity JurMprudcnco, ujiotiwhich ihey are founded, or out ol which they arise.

-TtTMKI I- TIIE NEW TKHTAMKNT. Br C lime.pp tilt Charles Scribner'* Mons.

Tlie papers iu this Yolnme wen* uot (Iraipni-tlfor pulpit il:scoui¦«-.«, but were prepared as contributionston religious newspaper, with reference to the Berm* otInternational rVrvlce*. Trey consist of popular ex¬

positions of suggestive passage* of (scripture, expressedin familiar ltiiigu:i<.'t\ and llln«tnit<-d by a variety of

Strtkloe lucid, um ead anecdotes. Their free.colloquialstyle eminently adapts them lot general uso, while tin-

skill with wblob tiwi teaching* of the Bible un- applied.o tlie practical oeeaatone of life nive* tin m the charac¬

ter, to a certain extent, of n in muni of Christian daty.unit will not f-ul to command the interest of religiousreadera.

AI)Pltn".sF.* on HOMELY AND ItEMi'IoCs SCH-JKIT. Hr Pr. Ii mit inn H_v_ l'.'iuo., ni". -Ot. Olliico; the Hebrew Industrial .-< hool.

Til** iliscoitrr-cs in this volume hy tlip Su-pcnntcndeni of the Iii brew Orphan Asylum uv foundedon ihe historical portions ul the Jewleh Scriptures, bularo'lev. led tu t.n-iliintr itiO'i of tho principles w hi< li

are common to nil theories of religion and all ?ysteni* ot

i ihies. They an- iuiiln seedto tbe children ot tbe nisti

tiirioti over which the eather presides, hut aro notlimited in their intcreHi t.i nny aaa or nationality,-Hounding tn \\i<e pieeayta and wbeleoeaM eoanaelswhich may lie fillowed wit li profit by young or old,Jew or Gentile, in the Yartoni braaebea of llfe and doty.

Thc tiftli edition ol the Life of bdgar AllanPoe, by W. E. mil, 1* pablisbcd by-W. .1. With.Hon,titter revmiea ant eal_r___)e-t, In which tin- autliorcontinues to cball.-nee the.nettatrnsn-ts of Mr. RufusGriswoHTtn aaenesot teeta whick ho regantaa- mn*elusive evl.lonee. A veli PUlioua hui; in tin- i halli is

PooV review ni Qrtswold'* " r.icts aud Poetry nf Amer-*.e.i," which ls now reprinted, showing the erl-lnalgrounds of tbe animosity toward Poe whlrb li mani¬

fested in tho malicious tilogrni-tiy by btohoatlle erliie.This review was oxi lu toil by «» from b s eollrc-tleii of the writlags of Pne.-ad.aa never bean printediu any sulisi-'iiiciit edition. Several original no'ea li .v.

been addedto tbe present volume,cs-uerted with differ-cut petsagesln thc blstorj of Ihe erratic poet.eub.i'u ligtho value and Interest ot a w.ll-cxccutod piece of luo-graphical ooiiii.o'*ition.

Tnlcf from ihe Odyssey is a ¦election fromthe ll..wini.', narratives ot H..mer. transl..te.I into f

English prose for the uso of ' Bud gul*. l>v

nn American lady, who dato* bet little volume fromEngland. It Issn agreeable anj appropriate hon!,- for

Juvenile readers, and appears to have been preparedwit ti sound Judgment and practical nkill by Iboauuuy-nioiis.iiiib.or. (Harper A Brothers.)

SJCcm Pnbluations


STR'CTCP.K. VARICOfBLK, HEMOUi'.irnirw. omitheir .¦<Mi«e<iiii-nri>: n> rw.iw sxbaa Hoot sbsanlity of sssllowiu. mediciBe*: dcscrit'tlve -stare ut these affi-ru. os and lbsmodern meiboris of treatn em tin ei.i nieilai .ant.ntisn* now sasveptfble "t rapid snd ..Uni nf Imm. ste r. .

i IrC-mcstoN i ~**h ii ., r-Urn ii" i-r hv.fl. ... rlu- I twonii-lli.*t» of fciforiniiig it: ll |iruiuole* vii'liiy ami mental;. nlty.X coratrisand Aaawnlai what tin vi People who mc

M.... : -Tl . |.»lv-.stiirvei: ; Wh -, 1- tin* en*ellbs *-atir ji(.(.;,-, 0| .3|, r|ean Women. ts ;i proper inc.~k

tin- han sm ¦.! i .i.illy Iii.-.itu- ntof loiilcini by Iuterna' Incl lon; anew

m -i.t -..i '-cnn'.!', it.* ne " Cir.-, t-.-p.- ea rs, i,v*r t>-1 on byiii ni- I.... I- :..<¦ al hu i i.\..i. {.ri ,. ; liv li, Iron thru lbou»ait- .tiiiin{ IU- |>a»l lb:iljnsr..

Loss of Virility lu Vogue M rnr 1 s* ii*i sn uu*u<p tedcn-**-.

liitfui-oop nf Tobaccoce ibeMesnsl Pirwer*.j'<¦!¦: v i.i-ir' pagraoctavSL l U-.1itu bNHiru, ".">* « Imle ». u may bc ii ul -.i Un*. il ti r ¦¦ dy, Im -

boomi ni xix lst.r entwines nf :> ii nag * *aeh. Sot, tl ami*., pries ii' cents, lum itu iu-- ai tiela* nu Toooeco,

(.PISTONS OP THK PHEW*.M Rrery llae IrniB the twa of Hr. Huwn -f value io tbe

wini le inn- un r. e ."- Jiu .ne tirrelcy'a I:«vlow ol Womannud lfi-r I hm s«s.

.-lu. H.xiui lian mrnii- nu nudloue . fur him-ci! liv ll,.-st of his style ano lb. bc dneMof hi* view*, iii-.experi. u.-e In bi- i*t.e. *«|i.:. .ill ,iln- ivh che -eight in whatlu*.saes ia works .ir: always iced withprof-'*.{BontonTraveller.

Hr. is ,i min nf lb lt. ut. st rac.cltr tn teach.Bray mae is wi icm v with .sowledge ami expert.ices.".[Hew.York I>m!v Times.- If Ms mim om! he plaeeit tn the lia'nl« of every i mme

iM-iii in m.* le.intrv I', y i».>iil.t bea Imou nf pr..Ht-- valen- tn

this pem-rait-ia.".. Horace lin-rley's nnilcei.f hliwivri ..f Un-istamilr'vsiem." Kveiv m.'thi-r In the land shnnld real Dr. ininti'* werie

ou wiunan an 1 t_<-u luesi-ui Its cniitnits to ber children."Hr. Bord's Review la Ibe M'-fhiMtut Advocate and Journal.


evidently nsl UoubleU alia the fer or bia ri-lera a i-i.ntet.i-

pormy .'m.irus that lt Ih very * trnp'ilitlc' Bm the Dnctnraayfi 'The wnnl p.nlcy ros uevirileslfficil fui auy other i/«.uRi.ill a p*.n-l.rnker'» hlmi.' ' .f'rrlbuue.Inclose a staaip lo-W attl-nvo.

Hour* for eimsntist'.n, H io jo, " to I. snd H to 10 evin lu ?*.


Bv the author of "Willow Uoloa.lib's Dsugliter." 1* readythis week. A capital bo ...

_tl. W. CARLIiTON* * CO.. Pul.lls! er.




ll Ai Mi.TRinrNEEXTta NS SS H thc third nf a series .levotcrt t >

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fc.-nri._i*t Notices..'PHIS 18 TO GIVE XoriCE: Tliat ou tLaX loth ear sf Asrlt A. I>. ISW, s Warrant tn inn.ruj.tcy was imsui .1 astaiiist ttin e»t:un ..I syi.Vj S.-EIt 1*1>1__B»I, Ol SIM City et N«w-Tc__, la Um O-tatvot New-Vo.i omA. MUtw i_ atew-Yark. who Beees-.i eateiHSHl » b«nkr«.t oa his cn p»t:tio..tU.t tuc- psrment of say rlcMs suit delivery ofany jK''i_*xta' arl_»eio_ to melt ssakniu- ts tim er fnrBl* ns. aa. Hie Hbo..rsfaily |>..ui-ty hr ni.are r.e. bid t- n

orlaw : that a a-Msttu. of Ole rrudiuw* of §»s ema baukraut, toorort tberreeaf* and t_<rbno*soaeer saoc. assisiM.iothUe*isle, will be held ar a Courtot Raaktuptcjr. ts br ksnten al Naeil Hios'iwsr. ie tbs City et NewYork, In the -outhrinW.trtetot Xem test, beter* lemme Heytou. Hocker, mum27th day o' M«r. A. !>. l*«*w>. at Hoe>nrHaT^ ."-.-»

LOtUH P. PAYS.17.1_ Marsaal. as M.Ms-ujer. .outlier- usstrlet «*f .w-.Yor_

eorporoticn Xolkts.-PROIX)SALA."wtn"b_" n

_ et ibo lx«ai tsssM st PuMle Chet.-.rection, No. t6 Sd-ave. until -tar 14. laen, lor nssssk'*»on__i.l4rye-*e*. rn fell bib.-sstm CTrhrnont. fur uls st NaVrruUsa mm*"* ***

VOTICE.-PR0PO8ALS wht"be*-»eiVed atX\ Um setae et* tho Dees*WMot Voatie Charms, sou i*«r


Mim-r shfirea to-day. na a mle, were, andtbe ntnrket presented little of Interest. Com¬

pared with tho general stock market tbe declines,where ?here were any, were amail and featareless.Chrysolite was sternly at abont 15. Little Chid nt

8I3. eniver Cliff at 4. ami Amie at 2. Rut LeaH-ville w:ia 10 cents lower at 2.10. CUaaa-10 couta lower at 2\, and Sooth Hi te

10 ceutfl lower at 1.55. Consolidated Vir¬ginia and California were steady at 3 and2.05 renpectivoly. Bodie seld at Ito!**, and boV-wer was M lower at 9\ aitet selling al <>'i. OreenMonnlain waa in ilemnnd. aad ruse t :i._."i. tmt llu-kill wiw pressed for sale, and notwithstandingcontinued " good bnyin_," its price de¬clined to 2. Among tbe " fancies," Calave-rns waa tho most nctivri find Bnetnatina.It limned at 75, rose to 70, declined to 751. andclosed at 75 against 73 Saturuay. Gold Piaeer lie-ciinod tu 77, Laeroaao to 36 aaa Banyahannock to28, Great EiLsieru bains atroagam* riling to 71.We note .salo, of Eureka at l'J% The iuuiketclosed ililli.The Freeland vostenlfiY decl.-ired a dividend of

$50.UH«> ur 25 couts per nlmre, payable May 90.Thc booka willcloaa May 15.Dividend Nu. 5. for April, of 25 cents per share,

has lioon (tooiuri-il br tba Deadwood Mulina* Com¬pany, payable al Wells Pargo & Co.'a on thc -Otbinst. rrnnsterB close on the 15th.

a', r. Mnmro stock mxostixom> CALL.12-30 i*. m.

( eastern Lacrosse Hippnlian'ocs i IttverCl.ICOU s;:o. .70 600 hilo. .JO MMl li.l. .*_¦< lou. 1.hmo. si. .Til lloilte Iluklll Ix.drillsHOD.. liU, .71 ino. 7. 300.. S- 2.0.1 IOU .*_. -.WIfuMi.hii). .71.1UU. 7.13 eui VuraHiia IOU. ..i.*>1700.... 70 90O..S3. 7. 200 ii". 2.1W1 10O0b-0 '.'.' .7'-' Tip Tn? M). -MO IOU. M6HioO .71 loo. n.7.r> Imperial oOO IK.'i. 2.20

Chrysolite Muckeye SOO.30SOU... I".. Hi-Hi.|A Moons .'rfWOs-O. i_i.o.ii ioo.i):!.i. 1.05 soo ..»;'. -olllll.»». I Ruiner | smith lilli* 1200.. '-'.I*.50 .1..!.11.7." 100...., ll 0 ... 1.00 j 20U -lu

it-:;. inie ino iiiio. c..'.ii s.r..'ii"n: (.-.avtrs*loo.93 railfornis I loo.. M. tool IOU.7..

I.s I'rosse un. 2. uO . t.50 .ir.nvi'.i-lunn l.:i. .30 50. -10 Cindie] SOU.

loon.:;-.;j_I fiiui.anI_THU.I CALL.2-10 P. M.

Clirysolltn Kiiuller lii-i-'u.Monnt'n B-li! Placeriiiui .1 l.HS 'jon .:il HO. ii.'.'oil.i't silo.11.1..1 1.11.-erne iii"". 3.20.'I-**..1... Ultu.2n| Little ci. -i-f

._]-ir, ......I-.01 IOU MO, .2117:..14.761 Bulwer



s..-,o ion '.

l-eauvlite 8.2S -0 .'¦¦ s.40 Koatb Hit."loo. J.1U lou. J.7. Mexican loo. 1. ..-

Boc ki HiiKii. _0«l.".fl.. 7. ...11 Vii.nus.". ii.. 1.:;. .17 '.'ii .n:t. .'. 1 'lim.... :i

.Jun.4i. 'J.10...-.1. ¦_ ¦-."» ...m*.Tts Kntv-a.Jin).15 MOO..H.. 2.0.1 .77 10.IO".'

itoiite 1200..bc. 2.0514<Ki.7.'.' urserli'e200_ 7. OOO..*:- '-'. J"".71 -JOO.21100... 7.t:i ino..1,1. .!. ,.(1.11.7(1 HOD. ..- .20

'.nlifornia l.'.uo J. UH)...M. .~'i Raspslu . ju.. l-ln-MSI lino.74 U-.s.D..' ,21110 . 2 :." Ml blO. -7 Us.

Impel.I 'J.'.i-o .:;ii '.'I ., IO.77llSi.30| li..c. Auio

lo . -\7'i OOO... 2.

M.V i__.YC_~t o CLOSISH PRICES.SAN Hum "i'll. Mien.uv. Mejr 1". |s-i\

Yesterday. Tn-iUy. YV*t_r.lay. Vj dav.Alidia. ."'4 -r> |Jar_s~i. fl\ . -J 1 'i M»*u*aa.Argents..... «* ¦%_ Mans ..'¦ l'<-ie i-i. ... I 'i M.nun".tn . '.'

nest snit Belcher... 7 o'-, Mecui.i.iii.'¦-.Iluuion. *."i '-',. "»r iv l!e:|s

Home. .Ii 7'« N-nli.. n I'.. I .. flll |tr tam. . ui >»rtli HouauSJ. '.,. '«

e. st-.!, '.,-. .». .* So1-Hniw-r. 0 7 Norlin rn Belle IslaUla. .¦ Hawk. .... "ii N nain. -i

H-'vil.-n-.2l« '-'.i ophir. .''MUM . 'J's '-'*t Oro ._. :i'-i ;:

I Im Isl . .li .: Ol -.. i:i

c.-w*.Vimma. 3 a»i e.eo-i '."*. .Vjflown I' IS I'S i'iv'iioii.l un i ly.. »n '«fons, ramie. 2 i u lt. .

ie UM. "is V- * '' .

Dudley. '« Merri Xsrau....... ;¦ '* -,

Kure!.* mi.IO Si Iii** i-inib llulwei. 1'.l.\...onn . I''4 I'.' WIverKine . J': i7ion.; .: vim I'lini...... 3*4 ii'i R>yu.1;4_te ... 1 I. i-i./M .

ll j ih. r lilli. \ >«HlMMlSliaW.. .« I . 1*41 I**Iii, enli-l Ni.rrr-iss . -.'-., ii'i . 1 ls-Top. ''» fl

linnell i'. *|* *1« ion '.li. *.'¦. .'...', 15Tnileprn.lenee . »: Wsle* . 3 .1

lillis I'ISIl.-ll.. *. j. <.>!. 4*4 1.Jn»lice. *,7uj -'l

The Northern 1! lb* MiningCompany lias ile*, larcdti il'viiliiiil "f .")i> rents a sli;ir<*.

'i n^ meeting railer! featrritay for fhepnnfotiisi tern _ ihe i|iii simn ni euuanliil ili'ig the I. .. I-\i i«. mil Slmtiirot'k Ciiiiipaiiiesi luis Ik*on adjinnlil Maj m

i no hlupiuvuts fio'.u Lillie Chief, Slay *-, .¦ et -. >'<tons.

|{«-i] I.'.n1; mt shipments. May R, srcri' 0 t, !.IP.1U nu i-i----1. lOf.o.i .*. H Oil

Hillie.-). 1 1 tons I'liril-eln- < I'M nmli,.- etinoal on-.ti.rn ol Ihu W.vemlntte will l.o

held t..-il .y ;.t tm-nUiee i-f tin- eouipnuy, No. I'Jllliri at!-iiiTlie St»mi'int **lii)M"'.. rmt,i S.ilt T.ik", sf;y 'i,

two hara ol hnllion, ralm i al -f 1,.'.;..Shipment* fr-ri tin- Horn >iiv han .. it.

lui !*. I. u*aina to ;i lack of cara nu Ute Utah .-..¦..i..* ra

Kuilroail.lin- ( Un vi-ilv t Reef) mine lias Mm;.;..

».:il of liiiill .:., v.lill. .I at ¦fil.'ilii, Iron »ulion May 1.The M;i'"i-o rrill. whieli hn« >. -*i

te >.¦ -. ", .it la i* adiil ' . uv nu M iv !°-Work mi th.- MiCttii:, sd ifI f I hi

i'i! t.-.iitiv bas boen t--ii|'.i..i ly sas|iAi im' i!»- lint'l lian Ii -.-ii sim ..Ilei fi.-in thu month ol drill Ni _

with tin- vt."' "l diiM'overii .* t\u< nmli.ii|y « mil muli*: Hrs the Hihomia un.I I,'..;.. . i;..¦.... lin* <li if I '. inlvaiii'iiiK .i . six fort ilniiiui it ii i omi.i.-n'.iy rxprcted that tin.* voilMinti l.o cut.Anew ttiiiii.l li.i« just hii-ii h.*-iiti on tin C'olo-

ni'ln I'ritice, which is rn Inferserl t'.e toainshut! itt a _eptli ..i l>n i-r . c.. Ma '.lite (Illili -I W.I4 Ul li iv le,-I, in )|vein ni i hoiiii. s "J'.j fe -t iii width, wiiirh n su-niin griM aisrl stirer4-H11 6*1 per ton. Ileretofure dosilver li is l.'.ii l»nowu i. vist in tin- mine, i» i,,u--inif i-i-eii oon*.i.ioii-.i a 11,_ |iRieerty ext'

iii turill Manager Derrick) of tin- Liitlu riithhurjt,reports, May _:

On Tiiutsiiiy I toot tbs firms eal af tbadrift north Irina No. il r*itts__r_. *e<! riiirt-il i

iroui the butte.i ur ibat abaft, ilir-i-i lt wast, tu-urjtm- Litile chu-r line, aad intoini, *_ rmri.-ui« ibut |M.iiit, io run uirreMv sort iinil 'lie line, lin tile «.. |..-i- -«.- willi Mr, toemiI|u-i inten.leiii »f tin- l,:tt;.- i ,i!r. mine. If u nun-tn

approval, 'fbo nurtitwi'st drill i* \>.% coutinu.:ii, amiI sliail msr! sn n;raiio in ii lu-uinriow. Ti,|s in-rani'Mr Only mei iny.eit w. ut tliruusil tba Utile Outer,um) I ox .un n. d must oaretnlly tim bi*a_lne*iIn bis e-Ht drirt Boar nar lute. In iirltt Inortli .'I li h N... I li.ifi, ls n ttu.i ln.dv uf saiol < si lu n-iiltM spilt ny a poi'l>tiyr>' lu.ri.-. A sample lukin fr.untbe top of Hi'- unit tf'ivs 17's niiue.s of miver, Ha._ i*eri, ,,t lead ; Ibo loner strata id uuer;. silver, lu ur.liku.'-, tinrtli ot se.M, tnirtv leet frmn orrlille, ls ii budy nf ure tho wlneli I e.m.',I nutmeasure; tin- sample muni tift 2!i'j niinr.s silver, lljis r eout loaiL lu tm- third omi osst, tiL-mi taotu UM) feel north of his Sn. 4 shaft, is a b.Miyor saud snd urs aeparcntlr monty feet tblok.IHsrluipn in.iie; s iinple, Hi7 nunoe i.f siu >r, (12 nra reinlenil. I' ls nilli -I -. ililli Ulai the ni, li,i.-\ I.-,,.-. I.«

news Hi" no: ii» :u\o feet ol tbe Dives trii-ulr, aa .

¦onewbece on tim Dives, m.\ ,,rIrmi v.ii;ili c.uijes lu ii uortUwcnUily lilfruin tho. X.i. riUsbiU- rhiiH. li l» c r-t ulii tliut unl'xs tim ina.s nf nr->, w_le!i wen, cl..sea entirely lu a very r.-w Uotjiol iiemile, un in juvuuil .lin ut 103 f.-i-i mutti n.' ti.,, i- of m.- D.tos iruuiyle. 1 sl..ul n«u- ft mr-W_rd us i.ipi,ll) nu ios.ll.i-* fi. \(l. ,; .|, .fr,end not nndWrnke ,-ttber tin: il. i.'y ur

sinking ii ii- -.v st.a.'l, a* I nae put a slum ko. (I ni a comi>ainuvely blight ex;.., ,¦

laal lot of ore shippe.l r.oui tin Kau Hiniyielded ii- .ii tv tl.toe rim,.,, ,,;.lon: lt, SlidS ucl oe ii i.i had. I stoned .. hilflay, io- im- tot settlement, wulcb wool uav« ar. min.n.e.'iiiui.: u.ui.le that of thu we^k-cuApril Si.On May .J the main ii cline i uMi. in th- Iron Sil¬

ver, was in ll left, willi rho face i-i low-grade nie. Tho ii.nth incline lind ndvaucerllil feet, ntl.l WUS tu pniphyiy. 1 ,'i f,t'nO third l.'Vel Htinth iii lui,..;,; ;,,.,)of tin- ii-ui'li le.velnorth inUux'stone. ru, aiuzctoward Ibo "Tu-H-ai*.." which wa* in tiieiity-Ilveh el, sio.iv.-.l i. ve.te -, ot Uard carbonate*. A. ern*eui baa been started in or iron tue tin:- levi 1t" tin- " Iro'.i ll :'' rlauii, I:.,- r ,,.,, 4 v,,t

gil \ mldinv well. I'm vein iii Ibc miutu drift of theBnllaaye waa twa feet in width, and in tin- hi.ihiiincline ^l~ L-l wuh;. The ..i body i th L . u- u. ,

two f er Wide, Tin- Stone, Rm c and i»,,.,;<> wau .11in oi o. Skipped on May 1, li."» un-.

Tin* leiijto iii itu* Mano i,,i t imi,*, t,,r tbaeotiredistance ni tin- enntu dmr of ttie lits.'-,, ot Uvcinilli-HU ll ult ii of ll'-jfn-i. .SH,, in.- ,,,j (;I1K ||_>|f |wu*- dune un Mn 1 foi adi.iaueeid j ,¦>, |,.,|WheTC tito vi in av.lai:. d (I feet Wide ol \ii\r'rioro. The vein tn the norr.i drift lindtimoerrd frwai foot to liaiifniK wall, snii wa 7 )feet adele ol -lea- me. A.B ucciib al to Ike un-eiiiii>ciy had iirevi-ntnl nv wolk on the tairi.iillifl, 7(1 » fool level, bot '.vi,Un_l Ueii icauiui ,1,i,od | inn di ifI was ic. be poshed. Other portiMa olIhe mme were hsiklnr ab-iiif us Usnal. Tho sup i-itibendMit iwitin>i»i*s the bullion slmnients for tliennitnbaf ij*I6(i.(MK>.


UV OI.'iitAli'.iQttnoe Bon ri liuiMiui, ll- ItiuM»sy, ISrw-Vork.

li irs sr ItltVri CU#, Cutter C_-lnY. C'u.uf .ot-.Cstrut utect. aiii.ouc.ouu; ».!.-._ 'jo_,u.nii *,__ e.a.

UlI'lCEl-**W. II. HA un V M. I'-.l'teat.ts. W. lit!MdKY. Vk-t-PrettMS-Si. B. ol'- V.NS. fcsiueury.

.rncBTKKaVT-II. ni rn-im. 8. W. Dorasv. * m. HetmbruueH. C, J. ll -olcaer, T. C. U. Hum-rise.. Charles iVrlsat, Wm. M. Laau

B. f. Wontto.err. sod sera 0. Tnutl_



A LTA MONTANA COMPANY,-A W IC IE EH, MONTAXA.CaeUnl, t_,OOQ,OCO. Mhmre*, flo casa. Ubi pries, S3 oo.OrTK*KRS»Pre.-rnt. W. W. Wis.sst Vlcs-Pr.Msw,

MichaelSnow-, Ss.'starr. K. V. Krooke.DIRKPTiJRfl-W.W. Wle-ea. A. K Barnes, Alanson Trask,

L. M. Phelrtnn, -teasel Snow. JTew-Yesfc: 8. T. Hauser, Cole.uuultrs. iii'Utans.



Orita.I.mI antler tlie las* of New-York.

Cavltd stork.«r.,i*;o,oni); 500.000 snares; psr valne, 410.eliares foll val- sud tm issessahle.


ar. ar. MeeF-rJss-. rresnic.-. r. h. numb, vi.*a rrnsirumt.Auk. E.cif, ecVyauilTren- .1 T. (-.Kins Supt. nf.lui.Till Si LKH- Hf. Kerens, s. H. U_aa \v. W. MacPsr-ml, A. W. Hill, P. B. Plumb, Ciiaric* (I. Francklyn, PrankBrown.

HeflstTar nf Tr.insfers, t'nlnn Trnst Co., N\ Y.Oflre. Mo. llb Bf.awav hm«*i iiniuilnc-. New York;_ALU MOUNTAIN .MININO COMPANY.

Organized mirier Itv* l.-tws of Non-.York.

Location sf Mines- LA KP. Pi UK amt OUNNMO.V Corx-TUM, .'OLOIU-KX

CAPITAL STOCK-, Mn.row.ouo- I.OOO.oOn shares; par valueaio. STOCK VaiUIB.SO-.li1-

J. K. peyton, rnslileeii jxMlfn havk.-EYKr, vies-rreslnent: KHIVA lill P. cnK. Tri-usure.; CHA KL L-lWK.MiKi.i, .-eri-mry.1 niKtm-J. K. Payton, Win. O. Vf-nmire, FAwsrd P. Coe,

0< ,i-.t. ni I., lem, J. .*s. Andrews. Edward A. AMi itt, N 1).Went'ell, Jame* Iliiveni.ver li. <V. N|i»nrer, <'harte* A. Slier-mau. James IA i i-h. i- il K-ebrsMr, it .-. sinl Minina i mrlni, r lu Colorado. H. li. Bearer*:

Funkers tn Cnlersda Plrni rTatiimal Hank, Denver: Hsnuer*la Nev Vnr., ii-ii.ii ii.,.' Bs.k: Bankers in BoMon.Tniver. (I1di_ns*s A co.; Registrar ol rninsfers in New-York,

Tnurt Comr,ah-m. vs mil C-onsel.Ward * Jen!:*. New-Yor_, H, M.

Iluc'im, Denn r, Cot* R. P. Hose, Leadville.

l'fllj.'l TIMI. orrilT: 'Jl XAss.M'.sT,, NKW-YORK.


OfMee-.. t and fl Pine st.. .New-York.Cr.u'tnl..; ft.oiiu.ouo.'jii.i.oun .sii_r...-i; pur value, t'2H each.Trustee--'ha*, it. nUust-l*. Clio*. C. Dot-ra .tm. II A. W.

.., i.. li. Conor, c. lt. iiii',Cbaa.i.. v. iieii'.. i hu-, it. ii,-., ii. i i-i-,i ii; en-is. c. Dod** Tresanrrr; J. H. <swaany ir., t*s*eretsrr (**l ind



(iffli fs. 4 arni ft I'lnrnt. Nmv-Ynric.rsplinl.ff-.'.ooo.ooii.JO i.otHisiiri. ¦«. par vin-*. flOrvfc.

U-es.C.M. R. tllssMk VC. il. li in..on. rt. Vf.,I., ll. I .i 1. t, .1. II Krl :i;i..i, Hun. A. M. Ullin. .S.TOS Crane.

,1 nt; NV. ll. jiarnu.a. Vi. .-lies.out;''irv' ._


LOCATION OF '' IN 1: - I.e.AliVI I.! I',. COI.' i..inn h'i.u'i-s. J i;i.iMil i.ur. f, I.

J'nniH -. Appleton, Pi es,l,nt. il. A. V. I'-st, ,ie,.i res.dent.1.. .-ll, r. In i.0 li K .'., r .*.. irv.

Wm-i. .: s-eeit Kelei.0<>mral Mana-er, I.ulnlle.TniHieos.i'niii-t .curn BsaaUu intm p. J,mes, of Ssvadat

Willi-tn Durdin, nf (lin.tu; iee ll. A. il', rabor. ol!" Ari:iiir*-ew.i;i, nt !ut_. if- William a. Mh-hols,

i,i New-Yurbi ii. B. Horner, si barlas A. Whit,te i, ,,i i:, noa: .--. s (inuit,J.-of Nih York.

"Millie:. anl P.- erinn*, Tm-t i'm., ni New Vo.' mini-. Unreel "ii,I,li.i_, Nu. ll* broadway. ~. T


Af Ceoriretown, tl. si", Cot (termini. sf thot'nl«iKio i iinr.ii Ksllrnndi. Capital stock, s.i,i,i,m.i» o. n»

i.-lui-a. Pur rslif, -rio. .N.ui >j«essible. otll.:.*, :ilPile ht.. New Yurts lily. ii. ¦;:!¦.;.-. K.'-n rv I. ,.i;i .in 1 TiustCn.piicy. Prat-lent, P*_J I, eh', n-* .: V'lee.tvrttHdent.

,c. roils.-: -...-teiiy one Trt-iirer Unary v. v,*'i. i'.'1'..i' ii.;i/.i'. .ansttcrin

it.i i'


Inrrrpnrated nndrr tbs inns nf Color*la,1.0I-..U..uni Mun.: Ll-.ADVII.LK, >.'ol.

t*ajilta:.ct"fk, ri0.0U0.U4X); 300,009Shares. Par Vaine, $.0bfOCK FULL PAID AND UNASaKS.IAW.r'.

(.['Ko 'I'.ltS:(;¦ i -r'1 I'HAP.I.r - l'n_rii ntMARTIN rn il- ut rreasurer.JAM-M W. bo.N IA, SupuriuUiaiUU-

I'i.iii' : ii ..I' ..<.: Hourn 16. 1.17 Hi.i.i-i nv, N.-^-Ysrtc


Consolidated minim; coupaxy

i n-i: ike I i. < ni "''.*.¦¦ V.,-I- Ci. !.,,,-. I. 7 li-, * ry, V. Y.

Own .' .u Ka sis Riverinly, ci I.; rawi U lo, " i.« o I.OOli.iKXJ

i-i..,:. - |'. i...Uti; ito. k full p_i . a,.il UIISSWUSShl*.KHM;

I'on.' ".l.VIN- T. lil.'LUCI! IV Pr- .dent.e'ltlsii w. i ,. 'CKMt, Vie .Pre*Id. it.

ll riS 1 i-A l.. il e.- Ury 4..,I Tr istitei

TIM -iii ..*-. in A.

Merrit! i rb Vf.i ri. :, Him, n e.. I, t ni ls ¦¦. Hlikis ni,

'...:.,! TUati I r, J..!.:i 1". Clark,

IfMiEELANIi MN IN.: CUMPAXY.dir i ¦" n ... r i'i- iws of ".'.-.-.- Vnr't.

I .. P. i; ..¦ .. '' .'.

1*1,1:.. IPA i i D', i.e.. si Ballit'.r._Itu.

,',! 11,1, .'. H.", I-. .*J".ck rs i- -i mm.-:.

¦. Theodore Sf.... i ..i .. s-erel ny

lll-r* IIMII.'li-iT ,«',ll Hill ,-l ll|tf*!l'.,",l. I' I M. '-

i-i, i, lu .¦ lill linn. John P. J',:;>¦,. i!.,- Il ,i. ILI. .M.i ".link, ll irv t;«.-ii«r, .*ste.jjtn:a V. Wini., 'I. M.


-1 uinler il,.* Iswsol "few-York.Ij ii mi: .\ ur ie.,i.o -pu;.-.-I, I ear Cr -k< i. iv, (..¦I.

nltlii-, N". Ur iii I' Ilulldlnr, rootai SSsim 'io.

Caplt-I. ''¦ ''"". 'dd;'.:,'... o si. ;.i 4: n_r, »_.aim K I HASsrHUABLK.

J. L ll lin'.' .- S LL IT. nu I,nuh. V. *A I1ITK. 11 ¦;«-.:11. r.1-.- \V. Vi il.! 111'. -. nt irv¬

in IA RD OK fitu»«TE_a." i" 1 \. i* ii -non. .¦ li. s. .-'v.

I..!,,.i. i:. P. ;:,¦!. J. I,. Drown,-H. *s. V. \Yhile.i,. n, i.i ni,, .is. t and mi;.. Ti-leiiiii-ui rn initii, h. I". u«'.l»ton.

IRON SILVE1I MINING CoMI'AN'Y.r>'!/isl un.Ie*- r*n- !iti ,-if Mew-York.

Ideation of Mme ri; vn.'ii-i.::. coI.(»R.\lw\rs-iflt-l-ta.--. ai0.nt:o.ll 0; 'i'.MI -Mi'.. P.u- V.l.1 ¦, 6'Ji).

aTucx l ** t.'ftif iiiiii-

orncc-K ,pi. Dltlent, UKO, D. r.nrti-.i: m.Vie. Pi. .1. ot, HTKPIfKN V. WHtriSM-riri iry, D. \ l.tll-KN M..luawiii'r.J.lMr.i I), mm II H.Hern. Uumtrtr. W. :> KKYK-*.I'i ni-lnl ARinl. tfAI.DK.-AH tltaJTB,L.Dk. rs. Ir'oUlli II NA 1-iN'AL HANK.

lil STHU*William H. Huvena, Hun. D K.iut-rts. l.evl/,. I.i'tler. Illcli-

ard C. Mei.'ormica. Jonas ll. Frencb, t.ntber U._I.rall. -I-I'll,* V. Willie. Ur*, ll. lt.,ino-

¦um, Jsnn*. D. sn'.;-li.Prim f)>.il nm, c I!'i..iii4..l ;iinl .ni B.iREBt HOII.DI.VO,

No. nil limanuuv. New-York.


CAPH AL .Vii I.'. #lO.OiHI,01.i--IIAHKS. *J00,OOO.PAD,

crnra n. mccormick, presfdent mwROR d.

Hiiiil. lil's. \ i.,- I':.--., lent. I'. I'. V!.PI'i:\ M.. -

icikii; w. s. Ki VKR, ti.uer.d _taiia_erTnistre* .i-iiin ll.',I ll -.1 ,-i An-, ni " K. s if.

Ililli, of Nt-w-Y"l-ki Jesse Miwul,Dur ni Cn'.,-n.--i Ad'n.-itAl rs. 1ST Hew.Y<* ; J«1P1 .. Ilu' B.MtiUi; IL C. _eC,.r-i, .i ii, "i ... .'. \ ,>:.< A i» U It:-- -1. nf Sew-York : C. ll.>tei'..rii.i. .11 .'" .i...i-,- \. .'ni,'.-. .>' I' L-Hit-rH. Hbi.Ii, .,i Kvw-Yirt-i H'lward l'.aioi-, ni New-YorkIii ..i ;,' |. I'iiii-i ta (il N-«'*i hi ..

1 apt. r« eu l.---i-ir.irs. Cmiiral rrtut C'.rsiinnr. N.nvYnrlc.(Ittli-e: I .n«-i,i li. lin--. No. l l.'i Pi-.w.l.i.iy. Kew-York.

I ll I LL l'l'I..rsi'URG CON-ULIDATEU* i .Ul -\ l.Mi CU.'J fA M Y.

i.i. ".'I'; in nf Mi.i ;, LKAUVILLR, COLORADarirmn-ln I rmler the law* el Ne'v-York ; st-s-k ua**sc-.4vi.

bi. ii par rains**<100.'lt.! is|

Vf. H. BARN CM PrestMsnl.|, K Dil Vi'! ll. Vi... Pie. .1 nUll. a. KlUKIlAM, -icrsHnj.

i rn-..

Vf. I', rt.,m m. ti-ivl.'. s. Drajier, '.mis FlircosiM, Williamr. k. ¦ i'h.'s, .i..i. vei*..,.',c. j. cmnta.

G-IU'i.'H .M.II' nf Ile Min i.JN'o. P. HP:tHlCIC.Hun kerr H.i.k I Nm th America, Kow-York. ul Trio. 'er*. I'nucti Natiaiut H '.US. N. Y*H-uil BL III ll.Dl.N't. Na il5 l,r,i*l»eav. N.Y.


1,1,11.11.1/,. ii L'NDIill Ni;,,' YORK STATK LAWS.HTUCK NOM-A*«r_S_ABI_-

Capital. ai.OwS'.mi . Bl «li:.ii!i» ill (ill e ich.Ol', ll

EDWAHH V. I'LA UK. I' n. ciiAi'lN.

.\t;f v.. c.>(.S'*riefary.'M-NDov, M. B., suiN-r-ni-.-itenf.

,if i. ,i,|..i:if, l**i;irrtiMn Untldin*. Pi...i,luuv, llo.nuito, kialli Caar. sum. nj.!!-a prii-e, «.i pul nliitfe.

^Ili: lKiNANZA CHIEFoort/ Mi-ircocompany.

Csirtts). fl.onO.o-'O. 8bar,j«. tl etirti. nns.-es*sW^

l n-u'eni. W. vv. Wi.-UlKai VIM*|,iv, UICRAICLe.M>W:_rreiarr. IL r*. hHOOR: itu -.t-V., A. is. I! A ll NH-*,H. A. RHHAIiD-Hiix. (J. C. HOiilN-O.s, ALANSONlltA-K. W. W. WI Kks, MICllA-L-sMlW, of NowYurs;CO.ii *-Ar.M)f:iiH, Kriisnitror i«i1leuiar» n.^.ilr st Ike outee,

ic A.-.H la wal.i. eTHZST.


HiKiui ci, lift nrn.i.Iway, »

N KW-YOSK. A|il il J'J, 1MSO. IAt a metlln_ of ike BilAllD vf ftlUaTKKa of

the Tomtj»t«»i*s Mill an. Muline I't-mpsny, hesl AprilTl, IS**", » DI VIHUN ll «sT ONK KKK t rs.NT trtl Iks oamtsl»imk ot Ipi-1 unssuy. or TKN l*KM- I'Kll HHAUK, wasUeclottu. lMJ-ti- ai LU.ii.oe ot Uu- C*i-n*_v Mar I- HO..

A. f. si. aa floRH. Prssklss-A H. (ilRARD, Sfcn-tarr uro Um i .niibiUiue U. . M. 0"



Offlees, Boreel Bsm-tss-. lia Brea.war. Ifew.Yorfc_. Capital, 910,000.000: shares. -tHiasM)-. par, $»0.B-rtaSrae*a* stock: tte FARM-R- 1A1AJT ARD TRU8T

UL .sw-Ya-k.OFFICBltt-

R YV. PORS PTY, President.JOHN STANTON. Jr.. Vlee-ProslireTlt.T. Vf. TORREY, -eorstary and Tr-AM-W.

TRUSTEES:Josi4 r. de Ra-arrn, Geo. A. Bart.Joseph H. Psrso.s, Joka H*ant~n»)r,1). a ilarnum. J. F. Ale.umer,H. C. Dickinson, D. VT. C. Wheeler.step-SB u. Fi-seb, A Aranm. - W. dotst..

JjINiXG* TRUST COMPANY.Chartered under the laws of tbe State of New-York,

Offices, Boreel BnlldUis;. No. 115 Broadway, New-York.

MILTON 8. LATHAM, PresidentC. T. CHRISTENHKN, Treasurer.H. W. LEAV1TT. Ho-reiary.

Th. nra-nlsactnn i* new ready mr b-sim-ss. snd offers ttsservleea on reasonable terms lu all transactions pert.ul.itto 51INTNO INTKUESTS. such as the custody and of fnnds. tho regferrv and transfer of stocks, and rhopayment of di % lite.ii.. _p_e_I atUmtlon given to courtga-ments of hulllnn.

AMJLRICaN MINIRO STOCK BXCHANOH,(antler tho an spice* of tito Mining Trust Company),

Exchange Rooms sod Offices.No. dil Broadwsy.Now.York.Tills Kxctisnse will be opened as soon as tbs necessary

improvements tn thc rooms, low in progress, have hemi com*pl. teil. armut Mar 17THE COMMITTEE on STOCK LIST and SECURITIES ts

now jirppsro.1 to reeslre snd set upon applications fromMINING COM PA NIK* desiring to tiaro their sticks placedinion tim tegular list of tho Exohaure. Ail nesrewary ola.Kasad tull mav he .'bm ned by ad.lrisslug

WM. F. MOLLEK. sjeereta.'Of theCorm-ifteetApplication* wi,I be received lor a limited um.ber ol nao¬

mi, ru berj munt-ly seat tic.sta of "''"I'sf'iili


Incorporated May *, 1HW). n rider the Laws of tbe state ofNow-York.

CAPITAL, eSOn.noO. 000,000 SHARES,Par value, fl each, unassessable.



Twohiiiulred thousand iCOO.OOO) shares are offered for ssfeat Jj CENT- PER SHARI- It ts the beat, cheapest [iiiismsIm investment ever offored to tho puiillc.

For pri,*pcctua, _c . address tho Pr..Lout of the conipaur ;ollie.-, il Jouu-st., Nuw.York.


Crvsnlsednnderthn laws of Now-York.Location of Mines: CARBONATE HILL. LEADVILLE,

COLO KAUO.Capital Huck. fC.COO.o 0: -Oo.oou Shares; Par Valno, $20.


OENRRAL OFFICES ofTlotTcompany: No. 79 Ccoar sk,Now- Y.e «.DKPO**lToBY: Continental National Hank. New-York.ll Ki 11ST il Alt OF TRANSFER*.- Central Trust Co., N.w-


President Hon. JNO. L. ituitT.Mre.Pre»l rut. FRED TAYLOI-

...i ¦-..'; i.'i. «. n.p.i'.v.General Manager Of the Mines. JOS. Vf. WATSON.

TRVHTKE!«iHen. Ju-1. L. TLnitt. ss-Oovem-r of Colorado; Joseph Vf.

Watson.'/. I-'. Elktn, Fro!. Taylor, d. V. WUito. Bolas. Ruell,i.e.). -. inri-

I >O.UN>ON CONSt ll.IDATED MININGli company.

lugan!Jed muter tho lawnuf New-York.Locations of wine- scmm ii' COUNTY, colorado.

Capi.d-tuc*,. 10.1*00,00.; .Wi,ooo shares* par vaia.*, *_-srotK UNAS'* ESSA DI. E.

OFs'D'KHS-Prr-di nt.Cl""Kui-. !). ROBERTA,VienPii.Id.-iit. Ol.oitliK H. 1IOR1NSON..aerrctary, li. V. VKR llKN A L.Tr»-s»i_-cr, nY.l 1U-.N V. WU IK.(.en. ral Mi nai-.-r, .IA MKS C. BltOW.fCoiiMiitiiurKtii.nesr. W. s. keyes.

Ranker-, a.yikiu. an KXCHANOM ra ilona. BANK.T_U_TER_s

Goora;* D. Roberta Of-ra* H. Kohlnsnn, Anion P. K. SaTord,Steplii'U V. Wli.le. Jon.I H. _".<_.- Jska IA

Pilli, e. l'.'i.uu Hatch.Prin lpn'ni.iee: .,-i.s.,l and "tf JiuREEL Rl'ILDINO,

Nn. lia limul-> ay. Nc-w-York.

ttNOWDKlFT COXMOL. .MINING CO.,0OK I Ol.i'lt.l' .1.

c mit .1, -f'-'.'o '."ed; -j.... un .hares; p.-ir value. $10.trtwK iud paid and nun sin .s'lls

i _r_T->Hwi1 inv cm m. lice oaLstsMmraura. (' Col.Iii.m.. w. i-ijx un, l're.t. Crossdown R. u. Us. brooklyn.

.1 ,: i* V ¦; \. .'. Ni W Y.-rk.0K--UAL Ai¦;-.!.n ..i AMI., New-York.i iu tali ii. ri->: ls, ~ui,o. New-York Cotton i.xc.anga.v., ¦.¦! ii. ni \,..-! Hunt . Duulaii. New-Yo._Ll Wis J. I \: .! K, ..inker, Phila i-Ipii.i-Mai.< olM I*, rena tlanket, Pads Mp dai.r, :-...i ti, PirniK, s.-c.j-. Exctung*. PhiladelphiaKkoUTBAai t riu>sr«.s Farmcr*' Loan amt Trust Co,

''.i ..nt am Vi nov A> riv:, New-York.II -..K r i I.i: lil ii KH c i., i .cui.cuiwn.Hanker* jsrwki.i. A PiEin-K, Xew.Ynrk

l nuu H**l( sr.wn.i. ,t PikikT, Xew.Ynrk.reAMUU ll. Hi KV, Pluludeipl.u.(.(. s. uoBkiso-, Qeorgeiown. Cot

Tl.e i'.ny is situated lu OIUFFITIl DISTRICT.(T.KAlll'lti-iKK COUNTY, COLOIIAO", bsa s Uri"

body ii suth- and bas lasui ai. Gold Modai Prizo mr .ie

i.ii-.-. at an best i,.iii eli..n of ^^'^.l b..iH.sniu rock itown.

I-iiin lnal Otttcc Jd I'.nnius 77 and li. Now-Yorb


Cj_PA!nYhave romovod t.slr offlces to

Room* 'JJ and -ii. Ku, .d Uro.Iway,LINDLEY F. BEAMAN, dsctetar-.

New Y..ik, AprflSQ, USA

Ditn&f.t'j _9ottre«

afH>N-HjLLDAT_U> RrVTOPILAS SILVEBV/ .Ml.N INO CO. ol NEW.YORK suit M KXICO.A alnara- of 1 per cent on tho Preferred stock of this Cora-

pnur ~i'l be paiJ ..ii Mar 10, sr theo. .-e ofJ*me_m, Smith <%c.iiiiji-. Nu. 1J wall *t>, Nuw-Yiirk. Hy order of mo liu_rdof ,'iu-i. s. JAMES d. SMITIL Trcusarcr.May 6, 1SS0._

(iyFir_'>srii«OTrAHifl»n.v_ii arnea co*tami, ild Wall-.. .New Yon., May ti, l.sSD. J

DIVIDEND NO. Go.-Tlie n-Kiilar nioiiUiIyprVfDKND of MFTY CUNTS PKR SHARE has

benn di-eiarci lor April, pnrsble nt the uOti-oof the transfern-euU, WI il ¦!>, FAROO. CU., CO Ur.l-y.ou tho 13UiInst. TrUuiJer books close on tho 10th Inst


ll. n. p.-t uso> st, AsHiHtant Perret-ry.Omen orms dradwhou ui.imi compaitt. >

IS Wallst.. New-York. May 10, lHSal


tie.-u dcvi«ri dior Anni, usyaldo at iheuUlcs ot tue tnuisler.WKLI.S, KA illili lui, .!¦'. ilroulrt-j-, ou tho -OUtl'laiisfi'i' beoks Close nu tin- I'Hi Inst.


Xomn ll j Huoahway, BouNKLRtn-nncri,nhw-Yoiik. Mavin. 18H0.

TbeTrustees taara Hits day dec! ava a una,i terry .'Willena(No li nf tHtv tliiMisiiid d.'l urs. belns at tile rate sf twenty-li..- ri nts|H sli,in-. Ulam tho I allua id stock ot llil» ooiuu-uv.

|:.\ bl, i, .ins lillee on Hu .lilli lost. l'r loafer books will boci.'-n, d .,n till) Lilli and ont.Sd nu the '-".si Instant.

l: *_________ **rtouVr.

OFFICE of the KXCEI.SltiR WATER an«lMINIMI COMPANY, No. 31 Broad st., New York.

april J". lbMJ,hiv nu: vd no ju.

'I*he KxreisloT Water und Mlilinr I'omp.inv will psr adtn.dvuu.if 1'WliNTV-KlVl-i ChiNl.s peeii__'u at tbs ot_c« of\\,l.s. Kurir. -Co., N." ii". HroadW-jr. un -May .".

'i'lio c ausisr book* w.ll i:,n««i>a Om Sin li uu-_li. H. t'A.aoNa, \h_Ui.utr-iecretary.

Br. l.otts, ison ANnsirarnirBS lUitWArco.,).sn. ito Rsssaii > >

NSW YOHK. April 17. 1SSO. SCEVEN FER CENT IN IKRIiST (Ix'iiig forkl ono rear to ls* ember :it, 1S7*.i. nu tho ri HS I* PRK-Hi/ IMJOUt H'lNTlS of Ihe ST. I.OCIS, IRONMOCNTAIX AND SotTHHRN RAILWAY CO. will benani nu .May I..tb proximo at thia otli e to -shier* ot saidt>4iiui*»c'osin_ ol tmuster-books May Lat*o'cli.c. p. te.

Tr..n-*cr.s will r- open Mar 17, st IO o'clock a. m.Hy order or the Bonni of Dirct'iors.

_P. Vf. Me WILLIAMS, TTea*mrsr.

THE STANDARD CONSOLIDATED MIN-1 l',il COMPANY linadiy iii-eiaml their ruaul-ir uinntlily

lill dei dol H-Vi N I'Y-l'lVc CiiN lsrcr»a-_n*.psyabeM»yI J, ai me amii, y ol the .\ov_U_ Hank. So. Hi W.U-«t., New-

i i.Vns'er Nioka wilt dos-au ike 5th Instant, and open on

lilt ll lb iQ.iiant. M. lt. COOK. Vice-president.

.oimrt..rsli_p -Taticcj.

AovERTisE-ibwr- ron the new.YOHK Titi BC.NE WILL BK RECEIVED IT THU

til'-TOW.N orrtCKK Ns 1.--3M Broadwsy. eor. Thirty-ilnt-. i. ot -OS W-i twenty-t'iinl-il., romor Klajktls.avo.:Nil t. East Fmirteenthst.. (omer Oalswi.iirmsis._t_aThml-avc. cor. »ort»-«4»v«; at the ll A tlL_.orirTClt,Nii.k.'MI Thli-d.a\a.. emt. oiii-kaudrst .id.twe_tr-_mrU-skHarlem esvinir* liaiik Uulldlu.), up ts a a m. ak m.ular

.I.r* -.-_

THE UNDERSIGNED have thia d.ty formedJL seopaiu.:i*siu auder the Utrm u__out

(HiKl-'K A BANDI.-,for tho parpose of trauiacl.itf a sj.utrsl c.mralsalon hnsinesslu atOC»*, bonds, 4- CHAS. C (IIIPKK,


sn. ii waii-st. -sr I. laaa___^No. a** saws-. NBw-YeaiL Mar io, lsau.

THE nndenukt-i d uave thia da* loniietl aconaruierslU. under ike fl m namssl

.NDEMHILL - -ARTUS.for Uss transssUon ul a beak lair sad ct-Mnliuilea slock host-



SALE. AT THK -TOCK __£HJ_t___Mat io. tem.

rmi exxsbal nit.

Ai.rr.R...._-iB.C.Rrf-R....('*n*d* sotn*n.tesrral Paetflc.l'.Sll>*S.Oe.c.e. tl.,rx - i. a..(-_*.-> (IMO-.'.Slc.Bnr.AU..01.ll.l4i'-.

Clue. A AitonChic A AR. OfUSIc.Jsr.P-*..|Wile.t N.W...Crrte.AW -'.Of.C-Mil.SSW-P...C-M.A~_P.ut..d.l._ weam.0. « ri 0.1.00..H01U.A Texas..n. A St. Jil....H. a nt.Ja ss.Ilisois i.entr..lnd..B.-West_eo_. AU.MKookADM of.1,8 4 Wn.usajsl a Rsa..Lase ankatti......sisracialsun.-ar.ACin-dpf..eti-OTHMii*....Mica,centra.a.. _.a rsa..¦oMleAOoio..nor.* aaa-_Ch_sti-_. J.centra..i .r.e. «u-ff.Y.-ISv-teo..S.T..L.K AW.Do.pref.....

Sor.m FaddcHo ore......

l*.Y_On__W.Ohio Cent.Ore.3.- Nar..u*io a Miss-.nant.-.

Phil.-ResmnsP_F_W.AC__ba. e. a s.e..Do prof.

st I. * S. ¥...¦it..,*-;, f.i*.**u,as>A*tDC..ILL- mon\Vao..-i_i_«Pno. on-. mst.leiA.A P rel....,¦A.D.Tel..Si'.sms mo_amer.Exp....->. ASP ......

-".Fara, a.ivI'anne tfsil. ..

Central MlninrClimax Mimuir.Homest'oM.Co.Lillie Pitta-'*.Maryland.N. Cen. Coal...ontario orel.aiiverCiiX....ewnuarn. Mi's..suire rnuii^i.Host. Vf. Pow



Tetalsaiesior Umoar........804,510

(70r_._tA_fB.Vr_.U 8 4s Coupon 1W»7le.oo".1...107 »sO M 4 *- S HCK tn'it40.000.bil.108

L' **> 4*-.. Conpsa 1HIU2,(me.c.10e*es

i'. H. 4» Re»\


liostrm H & K 1stlil,iiij0.39lo.oOO..0-O.OKl.3.i»»n.0'10.-»"».__,is)0.-S'strio Now 20 Con6,iiU0.O'-**50,000.UflHO.IIIS).90'»19.000.S-T84_,o<l0.8a***l.oisl.IO

CmadaS Isl Gar6,1,00.-''*»VOO.-0>

Piorla, DAE HiC.i.oso.O'*N Y i.lersted 1stK.OOO.ill's7,. nu.Ill

si i. Iron, M 1st1'iefctred Iucnui.i.inio.*_.',,0t*0..82*Mo K»n .t Tex Alii.ono.101I,OOO.loos4,01/0.1O0SO. KIO.100'.

Li, 00.100*._~i*: A Tex 2d.J.ool).»9...MK).GI*1*,

st r a u c *s]

Tex I'.ullu LO-WW....od i

OCA IC 1st MTrust Ce Cer AsSumiiemeuuryl.Oiii.el

Kai.-* Paci.5 oslieu Hiv A*wita coup cert10.000.101B C«i1ar R _ N 1st_,fntO. Ol

NJ Cut 1st I CouAsst.ted4.04)0.icm

Nil-St l'sul loo.1,000_11U\

Elie 3d Mts1.000.106»*

F.rte 7s Consol-I.IOO.118-

lud I'luo- A W 1st-.COO.7_»4

Iud. Bloom- W *Jd1.ISJ0.62

Ind Deo . Sp'n 1st2,00*1.99

L'vilie* Na*! -dLimo.103\

"sa*hC*SL 1st1.U00.114

>' YCon 6s UNILIM HI.IO.ll

W»»k_i'ii Fae LoudsU.Uoll.110«s

SouUi Pac of Cal 1sto.ois).po's,

Cniou Pacific 1st30,oo4l.ll'-'SHa: km 1st Ts Ito*1,000.I.I'm I

M A -st V C I BDlvtstoaLoon.116

Kan Pac ist Con10,000__-..!!-6,000_m*.Rom.. W A Os-eaCoiiso.lit.lod Ul..1600.6010,000.59

bl - A s F -iiiClass ¦10,000._7_

Parlue of Moist lt*2,000.-..loo»»

ntl.,.-! Mount Itt1.000.114

St I. A* tr Men 'Jdl.OO'.Mf-sPref in.-oiae2.000.72«4

St LA 1 MeanCairo Ark-Tx Isl.MUK'.lol

Alton .t T H Ino60S)........ 94

Tide,lo A Wsb '-'UM.101t«

T A W cia coo vert1,000.9T\Or Ly A Nar latft.OOO.04

IMA in S U Ia1.000.64

ETea Va A Oa [st6,000.lldM ami O 1st Hebea11,000.6.


Erl* bow 2d Cen*"!16,ono.Mi's2ii,00i|.B9«*_ll,iKIO.v-l7bS.I100.!'10.1'U.I.i-'J'*...non.*»Ki "O.Sfl»s

10,' oil.*'.» lu.."...ioO.80* ...i*1.1 .OOO.H'.lV110,00;..r~LVKansas I'.oilio os

ii. ii DlrAswilli

Mo Kau A T C At1,000.loosUV*'.IOU**

10,00J.loo.Me -au a i ju6.000.t).'1*'.',iOO.OH _

SO.oi..J'S2t,0O0.._67**JlS.OoO.5"ClevA PlittC IFao,ooo.ns..


Harlem 1st I-** Dist of Cid :I 'ifts7.O0U.IJ44| coapnn

H.Tlein 1st Coup «.om.94»t0,i-no.l-.l-sjl Keokus A De ii Ut

St L A I Msniit I'll l.OU.I Mpn-ft-rrcd lucome Usu A s. Jo SSCsa8,otKJ.7-*4 l.l'Oc .1-7V t'-'.72 .Jlnfi-niafioiinl-.MlBii.'DO.71 2,.oo..05*ToKt Wail Con eon chi-s,t <)M» 1st

",ias>.^.hS..>7'»| Seriesl)re<iiii R A S 1 st7.0ll0.-S'S

Canalla Soutlt'11 nt13.1HKI_ UO'-j

Chic R I A Pac ttsIU 17 CoupuiMl.OiKI.lil\l.oOO.,118Jforlliweal C..nsolCe.iinj<ilds 1**1 -3.(K)0.H71*

Kort Warne 3rd M8,000.Hs

Bosteu U A E 1st10,

Ind Bloom A VT 2ds.000.OJLOCO.S2-V6,000.-ii .1

l.i.o- o.lilCase- OMeC-CS*Int. reit Ult.JO.OO).."I6

OI110A Miss Con'J.iMSi.116

Ohio A .Ls 1stsprlnirtleid Dlr5,000.. .75*.

Ohio Central Ia.J.000.4.1Union Fa* lal Mas1,000.112*,8,000.U-%

Tol A Wsb 2d M3.000.1011*

st I. A I Mount 2d10.000.M*)C st P A M 1st



Ene Now Cd CouW,0,rO.n'.i\40,000_,_8'J,lo..**-.aa .

40,UOU-.89.z_,U(iO_88\30.000.SS'-a10,000.-8nSP'*iMo Kan A TeXM10,000.676.0OO..OTe,8,000..7'«6.000.aa*C_s»*oC_rIu8.000.Jd

Mo Kan -TC As6,100.100 .

1,000.loo'sChu* A Obis lalSeries U7,000.60 .

Hi.000.til)T4. Fae In L 0*nt»6.O00.69*.5.000.ttl

yt YE1evat4*4l 1st2,000.Ill1.1100.lllw3,040.110*-4

Morris A Essex '.I2.000.IU

Den A Rio U'de ls*20,000.100*0.«,!*'(>.101

C**sna8 1st Oar16.01M1.(W's26.000.OO1*

SI I. A Iroa M 1stPref Income10,000.81 .

St I. A Iron M MFreferred lae8.O0O.71


I'Lieulx Balik__-..100

cioaiyo P3TCESoraosrosstocks.Sat-rday.To-day

Water Power- IH «\Boston LainL....- g. ¦A AToalst7s...ll8 115Do. Uud grant .a.l 13 114Do. 2d7*.120 12$Do-.-das.'ft'Sf,.h.. R. R..*ainew.. »2-> ai*sid»i-tf.AEne7s.. W\ ,3«' 18*U...LAA.R.R...J** 1**b.,M.AM«.R.R..12«J 12U11UX.A Mn.Ju .S.*al4b 14-Cb_Cl..Dub.A-tl_. 72 78Cm.. San. A cUiva 10 . *H

Saturday.To-day.EAssern RaUrosd- 20 XlFuel*. A Ark.Val.. 03 MCal-met A Hec la. 233 23 j;upper Falls...... f k


Fnuirlln._ 13*.luterminooai. 60ePewabtc'aewst'k) 17Uninoy._ iS _ .»**Rlrtee._ 4 *Ssilver Islet. 17 10*Madso'nCop'rMa 0 *AUuU-4 MP-fCe. 14 10


Cpr fis. nsw.OM tts1',;0 ..

I'eiin. K.H.'IN V'-Jttte.nlin- ll.K. li'-i -*>Lii.iiiliYalli.r lill e<l,,i 81lal-wissap.-.... 48Nui'iheriiPacconi. *»*» 20***

BM. AiMrM.wortnemFae. oref. <-"4 *'iUKiatli'nOAiiualtt. 31 «2Lctu_li Nar. -0- ?l(»4PUL Pita ABul ... li lifeltesTouvi'le B. R-. IT. M_fF-liaAEns. l'-*s 1-**

Mo.iDAT. May 10-r. m.

That at the coiunif-ncement of boaiueea to-tlay the" bears " uiado a ibsliiutl and doterniiiied raid apoo

iii" stock market there ia littlo doab- And there ia

still lesa doubt that tbo "bulla," if any there are,

lui in eillately showed the white feather, coning intotin* in.-irket aa aeilera of atoeka at tbe forced decline,instead of resisting U by laking tbo stock*of the "bran*" aud crying for more. Thiancco-nts for th* serious decline in nrirea which fol¬lowed dtirinir the day, bnt does not cbanao the factnor mond it. That tbo dceliue of to-day, followingthe declines of pm-eiiiua days, baa occurred with neluilures ut tho Stock Exchange, shows tbat brokeraliuv acted with um.iud proaiptneaa in calliuk noon

'licit c-.toiucr. cither for addltioual margiua or

ucdarato sell. Tba course of the market abuwttbat, to 1 rery Uvga extant, tbe .automata reepondedwith tba ut-aca instead of with eaab. Aa margun-row narrow, eachdecline of 1 pageant added.tort-a?eUuae o_ abarea vtiish waa pease*. far a _-*_««.

Tbnqaearieu te now naked who han abaorbed thialargo amonnt both of .* long " and ¦ abort * atockawhich baa been aald.Tbe trauaactiona for tbe day at-rmrra to the anneal

u-_*ecs-_nted total of 604^10 sharaa. Erie alanacootnbntad oue-ai-th cf thia toUU at fikaa ra_4r>inKfronit«ia(aaamat_s.«%6a_ttrd_yi to 34% nodafter a rally of Ha peroana cloeed et ossly % kagharthan tho Josrcat «g«re. Lok* Ihaei wan

aeeend ia theaiaonat ol h-aiu-ta done,eo-triho-ngone-tenth of tbe total. Tbe atock opened nt 1.8%aKainat 10AH> S-tu_d_y . doting -c_-_* and 4m>eliued to 10-*W--He. Than »aaaa early ~ ~