New Years and Resolutions - The Way of the Most High · New Years and Resolutions ... Its that time...

Post on 24-Jun-2020

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Transcript of New Years and Resolutions - The Way of the Most High · New Years and Resolutions ... Its that time...

Its that time again, people celebrating the Roman Christ-mass and making Roman "New Year" resolutions. The 25th of the 12th Roman month has nothing to do with YaH and what was established with His people in Scripture (Turah/Law/Truth). And the idea that a turning of the year or "New Year" begins in the winter solstice of 12/25 comes from Roman worship of Janus, a two-headed false mighty one they worshiped and made "New Year" promises or resolutions to. These facts are open to everyone on the internet or who can go to a library and look up books such as "Multicultural Holidays" by Julia Jasmine, in which she explains the very thing I have stated here on page 116 of her book. This is not rocket science and you don't need a PhD to understand this. You love the truth or you don't. You follow the sheeple and falsehoods of modern society or you choose to say no and tell others the truth and exempt yourself from partaking in falsehood. But of course, people don't want to go against the grain and be outcast from friends, family and coworkers do they? As for me, when people say “Merry Christmas,” I say “I don’t celebrate that but peace be to you.” And when people wish me a “Happy New Year” I say “How can a year begin in the dead of winter when there is no spring or newness of life and flowers or buds?”

In truth, the Scriptural year begins in the month of Abib. Abib refers to the ears of the stalks of barley. The barley was cut and harvested in this month, and the people of Scripture would give thanks to the Creator for this harvest and make unleavened bread from it and feast before YaH. This month is signaled by a perfect bowl-shaped crescent seen on the bottom of the moon, and occurs very closely to the spring equinox, which is the time when day and night are equivalent. For example, this year the first crescent of the first Scriptural Moon Cycle (month) of the year was seen on 4/8/2016 (M/D/Y). Below is a shot of the perfect bowl shape moon as seen in 2012.

And seen below is a picture of the barley harvest that takes place in Y'shr'Al (Israel) every year in the middle of this first moon cycle.

Nature itself becomes alive in the first Moon Cycle of the Scriptural year, and we begin to see buds on the trees, as well as herbs and flowers coming to life in our gardens. The celebration of Passover during this first Moon Cycle is a time of new beginning for us. A time when we can start a New Year and begin towards new goals in our lives in relationship to the Creator. I'll share below a picture of my Passover meal this Roman year of 2016.

That is all I have to say on this subject for now. Sh'loom (Peace),Sha'ul