New Welcome video

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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Transcript of New Welcome video

What do you think?

Don’t challenge ignorance, educate it.

True strength is accepting

your weaknesses.

If you can laugh in the face of your own misfortune. Then the joke will never be on


The truth is what we want it to be.

Everything else is just a lie.

A healthy mind is like a room without walls.

The only true walls are the ones

we choose to erect ourselves.

What if, Everything’s up, it just isn’t, are the holy trinity of

everything that will never be.

Self-pity is a luxury only the idle can afford.

Assumption is the mother

of all misjudgemen


A mirror shows us our reflection, Hardship shows us who we really


Wisdom smiles quietly while speaking the

truth. Self-importance bellows out load

whilst acting aloof.