New St John’s Methodist Church Whitchurch · 2017. 3. 3. · SERVICES AT ST JOHN’S March 2017...

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Transcript of New St John’s Methodist Church Whitchurch · 2017. 3. 3. · SERVICES AT ST JOHN’S March 2017...

St John’s Methodist Church


Dear Friends,

One of several initiatives Christian Aid is running over Lent is to

encourage people to give something up - and be sponsored for doing so.

It's a good idea, and for those that sometimes struggle to keep their

motivation, the extra push of knowing that people of sponsoring you

might be helpful - though having known someone at University who gave

up Chocolate and lasted about 36 hours, I suspect it won't work for all!

(No, it wasn't me!)

Yet I also feel it can miss out on something - the fact that this is also

supposed to be a time of spiritual preparation for Easter. If we're not

careful, it becomes something we're doing to feel good about ourselves -

an extension of the campaigns encouraging people to have a Dry January,

or Sugar-Free February, It might be something worth doing, but if Lent is

simply an extension of those, we forget that it is also about remembering

Jesus fasting in the desert, preparing for his ministry and what it would

ultimately lead him to. It's all very well fasting, or giving something up -

but it needs to be an outward sign of inward devotion. In Isaiah 58, the

prophet rails against those that fast for the appearance of it, and goes on to

remind the people of what God truly wants of them:

Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of injustice, to undo

the thongs of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every

yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and bring the

homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked, to cover them,

and not to hide yourself from your own kin? Then your light shall break

forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up quickly; your

vindicator shall go before you, the glory of the LORD shall be your rear

guard. Then you shall call, and the LORD will answer; you shall cry for

help, and he will say, Here I am. (Isaiah 58:6-9a NRSV)

What fast will we choose, this Lent?

God Bless



March 2017

5th March Revd. Ian Duffey

12th March Revd. Rob Weir


19th March Brian Faulkner

26th March Sue Tyson (Mothering Sunday)

2nd April Revd. Rob Weir

Steward’s and Worship Leaders Rota for March

Stewards Worship Leaders

5th March Mike Nimmo Lucy Chidlow

12th March Rob Hewson

19th March Mike Nimmo Lucy Chidlow

26th March Pete Shingler TBA


Once again we will having a Gift Day this year. It will be on Saturday

18th March - hopefully you have received an invitation to take part.

Our Gift Day is an important part of our witness - an opportunity to

help us to pay our bills - in particular the Insurance Premium which is

due very shortly.

Rev Rob Weir will be in the Vestry and you can come and listen to

the organ, to join in with some hymn singing - as well enjoying some

well earned refreshments

Stewards Letter

Dear Members & Friends of St Johns

As we look around us we see that we have reached that time

of year where the days are getting longer and nature

rejuvenates and we can see signs of that all around us, with

the snowdrops followed by the daffodils and crocus in their

bright colours.

We look forward to spring coming when the trees & shrubs

burst into bud & flower as the weather warms up.

Thinking of warmth takes me to the struggles we have had

to heat the church for services & events during the winter.

As Maurice said in the last news letter we were meeting Mr

Brooks a specialist heating consultant. Jim, Maurice, Vic &

I met him on 31st Jan, when he carried out a full survey of

the church & its heating system. We have now received his

report which went to church council on 15th Feb for their

discussion & decision on how to proceed.

As the Church is of an age where heating was designed to

give background warmth & protect the building, not to give

the comfort levels we have all got used to in homes. One bit

o f good news was that the new boilers we had installed last

year are big enough to do the job, but the pipe work in the

Church is not up to the job. We would need to replace all

the pipes in the Church & this is going to cost tens of

thousands of pounds.

So to do this & complete the phase1 project which is to give

full disabled access into the Church & hall we must get to

work looking for grants & raise as much money as we can.

If you have any ideas as to what we can do please pass them

onto the Stewards or members of the Church Council.

Now let us look to brighter times. Easter is fast approaching

when we remember the persecution & crucifixion of our

Lord & his resurrection. Let us pray for the strength &

guidance to continue in his work & pray for the end to the

persecution of Christians throughout the world. God Bless you all Pete

Christian Aid Lent Lunches

Christian Aid lunches will be taking place on Thursdays

during Lent, but a little later this year from 12.30 till

2.00.Do come along for a tasty bowl of homemade soup,

bread, cheese and fruit. It is a time to eat, meet with

friends and raise funds for Christian Aid’s projects which

improve life for the poorest in our world.

Each Church will host the lunches in turn:

March 9th St Alkmund’s at Bargates Hall

March 16th St George’s at Bargates Hall

March 23rd St John’s in St John’s rooms

March 30th Beacon at Bargates Hall

April 6th Christian Aid Committee in St John’s rooms

If you would like to help and/or make soup for the 23rd

March please let me know.

Helen Trigg

Fairtrade Fortnight 27th February –

12th March

Traidcraft Big Brew

St Alkmund’s

Saturday 4th March

10.00 – 12.30

Fairtrade tea, coffee and cakes!

Please come along to support some of the

world’s poorest producers. All donations will

go to help some of the poorest people in the

world to start selling the things they have

grown or made at a fair price. There will be

Easter cards, eggs and other gifts on sale on

the Traidcraft stall as well as the usual

items of food.

Helen Trigg

P.S. If you could make a cake that would be


Book Stewards for March

5th March Sue Davies

12th March Mary Scott

19th March May Athern

26th March Nancy Millington


5th March Joan & Gordon Davidson

12th March Hazel & Mike Nimmo

19th March Elizabeth & Pete Shingler

26th March Rob & Margaret Hewson

Refurbishment of the back room

The Property and finance Committee have decided to decorate

our back two rooms which are looking a bit grubby and in

need of a lick of paint. The Church Council meeting on 15th

February gave us permission to just spruce up the one room


Our plan is to thoroughly clean and paint the walls and

ceiling. We are not too sure of the colour for the walls but,

perhaps magnolia would fit the bill, We also intend to paint

the toilets as well.

Having painted the room, we are going to put new carpets

down. The children will then be able to play in safety!

Any help, whether with manpower or help in buying the

decorating materials would be most welcome!

Maurice & Pete

Flowers are the one of the few things we buy and then

watch them die without asking for our money back.

As Ken Dodd said, you know when you are getting old

when it takes two hands to clean your teeth.

What is Love?

In a survey of 4 to 8 year olds, children revealed a simple

but deep grasp of that four-letter word.

- When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over

and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it

for her, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love.

- Love is when my Mummy makes coffee for my daddy and

she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the

taste is OK.

- Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get

tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk

more. My mummy and daddy are like that. I think they look

disgusting when they kiss, but they look happy.

- Love is a little old woman and a little old man who are still

friends even after they've known each other so well.

- My mummy loves me more than anybody. You don't see

anyone else kissing me to sleep at night.

- Love is when daddy gives mummy the best piece of


Parish Pump

Flower Rota for March 2017

5th March Jean Fisher

12th March Gwen Reeves

19th March Jean Craddock

26th March Hazel Nimmo

Spick and Spanners for March 2017

2nd March Einwen Kelly, Ruth Dawson & Sheila


16th March Nancy Millington, Beryl Posniak & Brenda


Night of Worship March 2017

Our next Night of Worship is on Thursday 9th March at

7.30. Please come along and join us if you can!

Refreshments afterwards!



The following drivers are available during March to transport you to the services. Please ‘phone before

9:30am. March 2017

5th March Hazel Nimmo

12th March Sheila Latham

19th March Hazel Nimmo

26th March Jim Walwyn

How many words does it take?

Pythagorean Theorem: …………………………….. 24 words.

Lord’s Prayer:……………………………………… 66 words.

Archimedes’ Principle: ……………………………. 67 words.

Ten Commandments: …………………………….… 179 words.

Gettysburg address: ……………………………….…286 words.

US Declaration of Independence : ………..................1,300 words.

US Constitution with all 27 Amendments: ………….7,818 words.

EU regulations on the sale of cabbage:………………26,911 words.

Puts things into proper perspective, doesn’t it?

Sound System Operators

March 2017

5th Mike Nimmo

12th Andrew Fawcett

19th Gordon Davidson

26th Jim Walwyn

Quiz Night

On Fri.3rd March at 7.30

In Tallarn Green Village Hall

Teams of 4

£5 Each incl. refreshments

Book your table with Helen Morgan

Behind the mask.

First of all let me begin by saying a big thank you to all who

sent me cards, flowers phone calls and helped with lifts and

shopping when I had my recent foot operation, and also when

I needed help when Jim was not driving.

Sadly, this operation has not been a success so far, and I need

to see if there will be further surgery needed to correct the

problem. Consequently, this has depressed me and has

affected my life a lot. I envy those folks who seem to always

be able to see the bright side of things – thank goodness my

husband is one of these people!

As a child, I was sensitive and shy – preferring to play 'quiet

games' and I shunned the 'run around sports' and teams etc.;

hockey was definitely not for me – I was afraid of the hockey

stick on my little skinny legs!! When I first heard poetry, I

thought it was so wonderful! Facts were hard to learn though,

but when we were asked to do interpretive dance I was in my

element 'away with the fairies' comes to mind! My great niece

Violet loves to dance too, and my great nephew George is a

star in his nursery class with his acting, singing and dancing,

so it must be in the family a little. Life unfortunately needs

practical skills and solid facts today, so it can be tough! We

were definitely not an ordinary family!

My father was a sensitive soul too, a good kind- man maybe a bit

of a dreamer as I am, and a definite worrier! Of course, being the

wage earner he had to make his way in business and despite the

suffering he would undergo and all the stress, he made it to the

very top becoming a director of a pottery firm. I think back and am

so proud of his success, it must have been so very hard for him. My

mother was the solid practical one, who loved to cheer everyone up

- nobody worried around her! Like myself Dad loved poetry, both

writing it and reading it, something that passes through generations

I think, he wrote so many stories for me too.

Depression and stress are a part of our world today, indeed the

Doctor's waiting room is full of cases that are stress related. A sad

reflection on our world I feel. So many people hurt inside but show

a smiling face to everyone. We all wear a mask to some degree, it

is human nature to pretend things are good when indeed they are


The darkness that comes with mental illness is beyond thinking

about. It is a black hole that sometimes needs lots of understanding,

love and hugs to replace the loneliness one feels when one is at that

point. So, spare a thought when people are suffering- maybe in

silence, they are NOT weak but strong, because they are fighting

the monster of the mind!

On a lighter note, the Spring is coming, the snowdrops were out

long ago, and buds are waiting to unfurl. Good things to come, new

life ahead the promise fulfilled in each golden daffodil!

'There is not enough darkness in the world to extinguish the light of

one small candle.'

Sheila Walwyn.

Steering Group

If you happen to look on our church website,

you won’t find any mention of the “Steering

Group”. Indeed, if a stranger visited our site

they would probably wonder what the “Steering

Group” was all about

– what are we steeringWhat’s it all about? Consequently, we

are changing the name of the group to “Refurbishment

Committee”, so, from now on, we are to be known as the

Refurbishment Committee.

So, what have the Refurbishment Committee been up to?

As you know, we have been working on our Phase 1 Scheme

to provide access to our church – so that everyone who wants

to, can actually get into the building. The scheme involves the

construction of a ramp, thus eliminating the need for steps; we

are also going to put a door from the church into the Long

Room, so that people can access our premises more easily. The

tremendous news is, that after years (yes, I do mean years!), of

meetings and discussions, our plans have been approved by

the Methodist authorities in Manchester.

So, is that it? When do the workmen start? Hold on! This is

just one step along the road, albeit a very significant one. I

suppose the hard work starts now. Now we know that we have

approval, the hard work starts here. Where is the money

coming from? The Circuit have already promised us some

funds, but not nearly enough, so we are going to have to start

applying for grants, as well as raising money ourselves. We

have been fortunate to welcome Sally Graham, a lady from the

Circuit whose expertise is helping churches to raise money

through grants. We also have to put our Scheme on to the

Methodist Consents Site.

Let’s not get ahead ourselves. Our plans are currently being

scrutinised by Shropshire County Council, so we shall have

to wait to see if they come up with any issues.

We may have to have a survey made of the drains before

we can continue, so there are still many hurdles and

obstacles to overcome. But, we are on our way. I would

like to thank all the members of the Refurbishment

Committee who have helped to get us to this point – we

started way back in September 2012 – and in particular

thanks are due to Mike Nimmo who did so much in the

early days.

So, it’s all hands to the pumps now. Applying for grants.

Raising funds ourselves. So as a church, we have to all pull

together to make things happen. Are you up for it?

Forward in Faith! JRW

Civic Coffee Morning - Friday 3rd March

9.30am - noon

This will be our only Friday Coffee morning at the Civic this year so we would like it to be a good one. There will be a draw, a tombola and cake, bric-a-brac and grab-a-bag stalls. Please phone Chris on 667282 if you have things that would be useful for any of these stalls and would like them collecting. Otherwise bring them on the Friday morning as early as you can. Thank you.

Chris Crowther

A Walk Down Memory Lane

They used to say that Geography was important so that you

could find where you were going, and that History was

important because you could understand where you had been. As

a teacher who, at one time taught History, I think that History

helps you to understand the present and this no more true than

the journey which our very own St John’s Methodist Church has

been through.

Of course, I blame my current interest in the past events at St

John’s in Elizabeth Jennings – it’s all her fault for bringing all

those Newsletters to church – I have been fascinated by them.

Although we had not been a part of the history of St John’s up to

that point, it was still fascinating to read all about the church,

and even to meet some of the people who were still there.

First, If I may indulge in a little personal history. As many of

you will know we spent most of our lives in the Potteries and

were quite active in our old church (yes, another St John’s

Church) in the Wolstanton Circuit. After Sheila’s parents died

we firstly moved to Sandbach and then to Whitchurch, arriving

on the 15th December 2005. We didn’t know a soul! We came to

our first service at St John’s on Christmas Eve 2005 – I

remember sitting right behind a very tall gentleman and his

small wife – they subsequently turned out to be David and Mary

Whiteley! Although everyone was very kind and welcoming, we

were not sure where we wanted to worship. We were very taken

with Wem Baptist for a time; we tried the Beacon and St

Alkmund’s but in the end we found we could not abandon our

Methodist roots. Rev Ron Taylor came to visit us at home,

which we appreciated – he seemed a very easy-going friendly

Minister – we were quite taken with him.

Reading the Newsletters from 2007 & 2008, it was obvious

that St John’s had experienced huge problems. I give you just

a flavour of the church at that time by mentioning some of the

people serving the church at that time: the Stewards were

David Green, Elizabeth Jennings, Rosamond Rawson, Derek

Morris and Andrew Fawcett. The Church Council Secretary

was Hazel Nimmo, the Treasurer was David Whiteley, the

organist was Dereck Morris, Junior Church was run by Vic

Trigg and the Property Secretary was Ken Mercer. Nancy

Green was running Network and Dorothy Faulkner was

helping to lead Churches Together as well as the Family


Other things which the Newsletters reflect are the help given

by the Circuit and Rev Raymond Jones during the dark days.

There were serious issues with the heating as the cellar kept

on flooding (sound familiar? thank you David Whiteley!)

Other notable events were the J Team who helped to lead

many services, the arrival of Rev Michael & Ruth Parrott in

September 2008 and the sad passing of Kath Earnshaw who

was one of the many stalwarts of the church. I think it was the

following year (2009?) when Nancy Green’s husband, David,

died very suddenly. This sad event led to me becoming a

Steward and the start of my service to this church.

As an outsider it looked to me as though the church very

nearly folded; but there were (and still are) some resolute folk

at St John’s – in particular, Elizabeth Jennings was very

active and almost turned the church around totally on her


That’s enough of looking back!

Where are we now? What does the future hold for St John’s

Methodist Church now here in 2017? Hopefully I have

already answered that question in a separate article in this

Newsletter .Why don’t you have a delve into the history of

the church – it really is a fascinating story!

Jim Walwyn

A Bag of Nails

(A Spiritual Story By Unknown)

There was once a young boy with a very bad temper. The boy’s

father wanted to teach him a lesson, so he gave him a bag of

nails and told him that every time he lost his temper he must

hammer a nail into their wooden fence.

On the first day of this lesson, the little boy had driven thirty six

nails into the fence. Yes, he was really mad! Over the course of

the next few weeks, the boy began to control his temper, so the

number of nails that were hammered into the fence dramatically


It wasn’t long before the boy discovered that it was far easier to

hold his temper than to have to drive those nails into the fence.

Then, the day finally came when the boy didn’t lose his temper

once, and he became so proud of himself, he couldn’t wait to

tell his father. Pleased, his father suggested that he now pull out

one nail for each day that he could hold his temper.

Several weeks went by and the day finally came when the

young boy was able to tell his father that all the nails were gone.

Very gently, the father took his son by the hand and led him to

the fence. “You’ve done very well, son, but look at those holes

in the fence. That fence will never be the same again.” The little

boy listened carefully. “When you say things in anger, they

leave permanent scars just like these.. And no matter how

many times you say you’re sorry, the wounds will still be


Submitted by Maurice Latham


Inspire is a booklet that you will find at the back of church.

This month’s issue is packed with HOPE—from the

testimony of a young doctor finding a way through when

life hurts, to dealing with a childhood where your father

disowned you, tackling head on the challenge of suffering

while believing God is good, and seeing what we can learn

from years of reimagine church with Fresh Expressions.

Please take a copy of INSPIRE and read it at home at your


Churches Together

Hello everyone,

Just to let you know that the Lent lecture has been booked for Tuesday 21st March at the civic (Bar Lounge). It will take place from 7.30 with a presentation about the Whitchurch Foodbank , followed by refreshments. I believe there will also be a talk about the work of the Eat Well Spend Less initiative that Foodbank are running. It should be a really interesting evening and one we can invite folks to as so many people in Whitchurch support the work of Foodbank and may want to know more about it. Please will you advertise the event within your churches and any other venues/people you think may be interested!

If you know of anyone who could/would like to put together a poster to advertise the event fairly soon please let me know as I would be very grateful!

Thank you, Dora

The Perfect Church

If you should find the perfect church

Without one fault or smear,

For goodness sake

Don’t join that church

You’d spoil the atmosphere.

If you should find the perfect church

Where all anxieties cease,

Then pass it by, lest joining it

You’d spoil the masterpiece.

If you should join the perfect church,

Then don’t you ever dare

To tread upon such holy ground,

You’d be a misfit there

But since no perfect church exists

Made of perfect men,

Let’s cease on looking for that church

And love the church we’re in.

Of course it’s not the perfect church,

That’s simple to discern,

But you and I and all of us

Could cause the tide to turn.

What fools we are to flee the past

In that unfruitful search

To find, at last, where problems loom

God proudly builds His church.

Taken from St John’s Newsletter July/August 2007

The Robin (Based on Matthew 28 v20)

I often see the robin

Hopping round my tree

And sometimes in its foraging

It takes a peep at me.

Then, bit by bit, it edges close and peers –

‘til suddenly it comes right up

To chirp quite forcefully.

Then deep within my memory

Stirs a once-heard ancient tale

Of how it got its red breast

On its tiny feathered frame.

It was on the hill called Calvary,

As Christ was crucified,

That a robin flew to sing to Him,

to ease His sorrow and His sighs.

Then Christ, in blessing, gave it His blood-red breast to wear.

So now, my robin redbreast reminds me of my Lord,

I remember He is with me

As He promised by His Word.

By Sam Doubtfire

“You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming.”

― Pablo Neruda

“If winter comes, can spring be far behind?”

― Percy Bysshe Shelley, Ode to the West Wind

The Visit of the Heating Engineer

How apposite that one of the big topics from Newsletters from the

2007 – 8 was the church heating. There were serious problems in the

cellar with water 33 inches deep. Following a CCTV survey of the

drains it was found that tree roots were the cause of the drains

blocking. Once the drains were cleared it was decided to move the

boilers from the cellar to their current position in the Long Room.

These were new boilers. David Whiteley was the Treasurer at the

time, and is thanks to him that we eventually solved the problems.

At least we thought we had. Not long afterwards we developed serious

leaks in the church, and a lot of pipework had to be replaced. It was

thought that our old pipes would not survive heavy wear, so we never

did achieve the boilers’ full potential. Fast forward to 2015. We found

that we could not have the boilers serviced because they were badly

corroded, so we had two very good modern boilers installed.

Unfortunately, we had serious problems with air locks and the church

was decidedly “cool”, and, again, we dared not turn the heating up too

much because of leaks in our old pipework.

Consequently, we decided to consult our architect, Ian Lucas, who put

us in touch with John Book a heating engineer. He visited us on 31st

January and met with myself, Vic Trigg, Maurice Latham and Pete

Shingler. To say that John was surprised would be to put it mildly! He

said he had never seen so much pipework in a heating system, but he

gave us a couple of very useful tips. Firstly he recommended that we

keep the thermostat on 10 degrees all the time, and also to turn the

speed of the pump up. We have implemented these changes, so let’s

see if it makes any difference. John Book is currently working on a

Report of our heating and is making calculations about the heating

system our church needs. Thankfully, he says our current boilers are

fine and can be incorporated into a new system.

I don’t think his system involves too much work (such as digging up

floors) but, we will have to wait and see what he comes up with.

Forward in Faith!

Jim Walwyn

The new Kitchen Step

This is the story of our kitchen step – you know the step

between the Long Room and the kitchen. It was a very

dangerous step – two steps up and two steps down carry

boiling hot flasks and teapots.

One day, two of our budding plumbers/do it yourself/odd

job men, in name Mr Pete Shingler and Mr Maurice

Latham, decided that we should take the step out and create

just one step instead. After all the professional plumbers

had told them that the pipes underneath the steps were

obsolete and not in use anymore. Maurice was first with the

saw – an electric saw I think it was. Pete stood back

expectantly – there would probably be a gentle hiss at first

as a little bit of air escaped. The saw Whirred. And they

waited. And then it came. A tremendous whoosh! The water

shot out reaching Maurice’s waist!

Panic! Panic! Panic! Eventually all emergency taps were

shut and closed down. Once they had taken stock of the

situation, the REAL plumbers were sent for – wow, thanks

to Coppercraft!

Once order had been restored, the two gentlemen in

question were able to safely remove the cast iron pipes. The

step has now been lowered and it is much safer now.

Maurice and Pete have promised to leave the plumbing

alone in the future!

Thanks are also due to Pete’s son who came along to help

with the door.

Brexit and Poor Countries

I went to the Traidcraft Roadshow in Birmingham last Monday

and heard a very inspiring talk about Brexit from a member of

Traidcraft’s staff. I would like to share a summary of it with you.

The UK’s exit from the EU is likely to bring big changes for

millions of people who trade with us from the poorest countries.

They could either face £1 billion in extra taxes and find

themselves squeezed even harder by powerful international

competition, or it could be the moment when the UK starts

trading in a way that really benefits them – enabling them to

trade their way out of poverty.

Traidcraft, The Fairtrade Foundation, Christian Aid and other

agencies are calling on the government to put in place measures

to safeguard people who trade with us from the poorest

countries. Negative impacts could be avoided by undertaking an

impact assessment of each new free trade agreement to ensure

that it does not undermine developing countries’ economies and

the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The fear is that if we don’t speak up, the government will be too

busy and unaware to even consider the effects on the poorest

countries of the trade deals they are putting in place.

There will be postcards in the pews to send to our local MP

Owen Paterson to explain how Brexit will affect people who

trade with us from developing countries and why we want to

make sure it works for everyone. Please post one to him or email

and encourage him to attend the meeting of the All Party

Parliamentary group for Fairtrade with Fairtrade organizations

on 28th February.

Thank you

Helen Trigg


Another winter finished;

Our hearts are full of joy!

The icy frosts diminish

And summer sun’s ahoy!

Last summer seems so distant

The autumn leaves long gone;

But now, each passing instant

Is full of sunny song.

The seasons flow reminds us –

The climbing, sinking sun;

That death’s dread cords won’t bind us

Our time with Christ will come!

by Nigel Beeton

Regular Church Activities

Mondays 9:30-11:30am Parents & Toddlers (Term time)

1st & 3rd Tuesdays: Fellowship at 7 Queen’s Road

Thursdays 7pm: Music Group Practice

1st & 3rd Thursdays at 7:30pm Prayer Meeting

2nd Thursday of alternate months at 7:30pm Night of Worship


Friday 3rd March: Coffee Morning at the Civic. Please

come along and help if you can.

Friday 3rd March: Quiz evening at Tallarn Green. (See item


Thurs. 9th March: Night of Worship at 7.30pm

Lent Lunch @ Bargates 12 noon

Thurs. 16th March: Lent Lunch @ Bargates 12 noon

Sat. 18th March: Gift Day.

Tues, 21st March: Churches Together. Talk about the Food

bank at 7.30pm. All welcome.

Thurs. 23rd March: Lent Lunch @ St. John’s

Thurs. 30th March: Lent Lunch @ Bargates

April 6th: Lent Lunch @ St. John’s

April 2017 Newsletter

Please let Lucy Chidlow have all your submissions for the next Newsletter by 16th March Send material to:

Lucy Chidlow,