New Spirit Journal, April 2014

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A Community Newspaper for Soulful Living

Transcript of New Spirit Journal, April 2014


VOL. 9, NO. 12


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Continued on Page 2

Empathic Illnesses: Do You Absorb Other People’s Symptoms?

by Judith Orloff MD

Empathic illnesses are those in which you manifest symptoms that are not your own. Many patients have come to me labeled “agoraphobic” with panic disorders, chronic depression, fatigue, pain, or mysterious ailments that respond only partially to medications or psychotherapy. Some were nearly housebound or ill for years. They’d all say, “I dread being in crowds. Other people’s anger, stress, and pain drain me, and I need a lot of alone time to refuel my energy.”

When I took a close history of all these patients I found that they were what I call

“physical empaths:” people whose bodies are so porous they absorb the symptoms

of others. I relate because I am one. Physical empaths do not have the defenses that others have to screen things out. As a psychiatrist, knowing this significantly changed how I treated these patients. My job became teaching them to center and protect themselves, set healthy boundaries, and let go of energy they picked up from others. To determine if you are a physical empath take the following quiz.



Continued from Page 1

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Quiz: Am I a Physical Empath?

Ask yourself: •HaveIbeenlabeledasoverlysensitive or a hypochondriac? •HaveIeversatnexttosomeonewhoseemed nice but suddenly my eyelids got heavy and I felt like taking a nap? •DoIfeeluneasy,tired,orsickincrowdsand avoid them? •DoIfeelsomeoneelse’sanxietyorphysical pain in my body? •DoIfeelexhaustedbyangryorhostilepeople? •DoIrunfromdoctortodoctorformedicaltests,butI’mtold,“You’refine.” •AmIchronicallytiredorhavemanyunexplainedsymptoms? •DoIfrequentlyfeeloverwhelmedbytheworld and want to stay home? If you answered “yes” to one to three of these questions you are at least part empath. Responding yes to four to five questions indicates you have moderate degree of physicalempathy.Sixtosevenyesanswersindicate you have a high degree of empathy. Eight yeses indicate you are a full blown empath. Discoveringthatyouareaphysicalempath can be a revelation. Rest assured: Youarenotcrazy.Youarenotamalingererorhypochrondriac.Youarenotimaginingthings, though your doctor might treat you likeanuisance.Youareasensitivepersonwith a gift that you must develop and successfully manage.

Strategies to Surrender Toxic Energy Physicalempathydoesn’thavetooverwhelm you. Now that I can center myself and refrain from taking on other people’spain,empathyhasmademylifemore compassionate, insightful, and richer. Herearesomesecretstothrivingasa


A Survival Guide for Empaths: Nine Strategies To Stop Absorbing

Other People’s Illness and Pain 1. Evaluate. First, ask yourself: Is this symptom or emotion mine or someone else’s?Itcouldbeboth.Iftheemotionsuchas fear or anger is yours, gently confront what’scausingitonyourownorwithprofessionalhelp.Ifit’snotyours,trytopinpoint the obvious generator. 2. Move away. When possible, distance yourself by at least 20 feet from the suspected source. See if you feel relief. Don’terronthesideofnotwantingtooffendstrangers.Inapublicplace,don’thesitate to change seats if you feel a sense of “dis-ease” imposing on you. 3. Know your vulnerable points. Each of us has a body part that is more vulnerable toabsorbingothers’stress.Mineismygut. Scan your body to determine yours. Isityourneck?Doyougetsorethroats?Headaches?Bladderinfections?Attheonset of symptoms in these areas, place your palm there and keep sending loving-kindness to that area to soothe discomfort. For longstanding depression or pain, use this method daily to strengthen yourself. It’scomfortingandbuildsasenseofsafetyand optimism. 4. Surrender to your breath. If you suspectyouarepickingupsomeoneelse’ssymptoms, concentrate on your breath for a few minutes. This is centering and connects you to your power. 5. Practice Guerilla Meditation. To counter emotional or physical distress, act fast and meditate for a few minutes. Dothisathome,atwork,atparties,or conferences. Or, take refuge in the bathroom.Ifit’spublic,closethestall.Meditate there. Calm yourself. Focus on positivity and love. 6. Set healthy limits and boundaries. Control how much time you spend listening

to stressful people, and learn to say “no.” Remember, “no” is a complete sentence. 7. Visualize protection around you. Visualize an envelope of white light around yourentirebody.Orwithextremelytoxicpeople, visualize a fierce black jaguar patrolling and protecting your energy field against intruders. 8. Develop X ray vision. The spaces between the vertebrae in your lower back (lumbar spine) are conducive to eliminating painfromthebody.It’shelpfultolearntomindfully direct pain out of these spaces by visualizing it leaving your body. Say goodbye to pain as it blends with the giant energymatrixoflife. 9. Take a bath or shower. A quick way to dissolve stress is to immerse yourself in water. My bath is my sanctuary after a busy day. It washes away everything from bus exhausttolonghoursofairtraveltopeskysymptoms I have taken on from others. Soaking in natural mineral springs divinely purifies all that ails. Keeppracticingthesestrategies.Byprotecting yourself and your space, you can create a magical safe bubble around you that nurtures you, while simultaneously driving negative people away. Don’tpanicifyouoccasionallypickup pain or some other nasty symptom. It happens. With strategies I discuss in my booktosurrenderotherpeople’ssymptomsyou can have quicker responses to stressful situations. This will make you feel safer, healthier, and your sensitivities can

Empathic Illnesses: Do You Absorb Other People’s Symptoms?blossom. Adapted from The Ecstasy of Surrender: 12 Surprising Ways Letting Go Can Empower Your Life(HarmonyBooks,2014). Judith Orloff MD is a UCLA psychiatrist, intuitive healer, and NY Times bestselling author. Celebrate the L.A. launch of Judith’s new book The Ecstasy of Surrender: 12 Surprising Ways Letting GoCanEmpowerYourLifeApril 2, 7 p.m., The New York Open Center, N.Y., and April 16, 7 p.m., Mystic Journeys Book Store, Venice, Calif. and April 17, 7 p.m. at Vromen’s Book store in Pasadena. For more inspiration and Judith’s workshop schedule check out Join Dr. Orloff for her Seattle book tour talks April 25, 7 p.m., Seattle Town Hall, and April 27, The Center For Spiritual Living AM Service, PM workshop. More information at

We hear a lot about manifesting and many books have been written about the topic. It is an issue I get asked about a lot. The issue of manifesting is a multilayered one and not simplistic. As human beings, we have a somewhat limited view of reality. We’re multidimensional and we co-exist with other people who impact our lives as we do theirs. Wedon’talwaysknowhowourdreamsinterlacewith those of other people. So when we are asking forthingstobeacertainway,indeedwedon’talwaysknow that this is in our own best interest or that of other people. Therearesomepeoplewhodon’tthinkweshouldask for what we want in life, that we should just be in the “now” and allow life to unfold. While I agree with being in the now and allowing life to unfold, my experiencehasshownmethatweareexpectedto

material plane. If you are looking for work, get your resume written, check on sources for jobs, and apply for jobs. Although it is possible an employer will show up at your doorstep and offer you a job without your having to do anything, this is highly unlikely. 3. Create an emotional atmosphere that matches what you want to create. Act is if you already have and are what it is you are creating. Truth is, once you have chosen something, it is yours. Acting the part can come easily when you remember it is already yours. Quantum physics is now teaching that our


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Tips for Manifesting

environment reacts to this in a positive and intelligent way. 4. Take action on a consistent basis long enough for results to show up. Many people give up way too soon. It is not uncommon for people to give up on their dreams just before they were to come true. Stay the course. Becommittedtoacourseofaction. 5. Stay in touch with your soul-self for ongoing guidance and be willing to change if necessary. As we move forward, it is possible we will find our needs and desireschanging.Bystayingin touch with our guidance through meditation and prayer, we can be sure to be current with the true course of action for our lives. 6. From the minute you state your desires, start saying thank-you. Why? Becausefromthebeginningwhat you want to create is already yours. Say thank-you and this will propel your desire to manifest on the material plane faster and easier.

Obviously,thesesixstepscan’tpossiblygiveeverythingthere is to know about the complextopicofmanifesting.Ididn’teventalkaboutloving what is already in your

life... Read and study the vast amount of information that is available. Choose the methods that work for you. Most of all, have fun with the process. I know that if you are out ofworkordon’thavethelove of your life, it is more difficult to have fun. Truth is, though, the more lighthearted you can be, the more joy youcanexperiencerightnow no matter your current circumstance, the sooner your life will be more to your liking. Go ahead: sing, dance, laugh, create. Youaresafe.Youareloved.Andyoudon’thavetohurry.The more you enjoy your life, the more you will have to enjoy.

Krysta is publisher of New Spirit Journal. Hear her on the Conscious Talk radio show the third Thursday of the month, 7 a.m. on KKNW 1150 AM, or streaming live and archived at She offers spiritual life consultations by phone and Skype and downloadable guided meditations. She can be reached at

create our lives. Whatever we find ourselves desiring – as long asitdoesn’thurtanyoneelseorourselves – is actually coming from Spirit wanting to do or be this through us as us.

Here’s a little six-stepprocess you might find

helpful when working with your dreams and goals

1. Use your mind to decide what you want. Discernwhatis going on in your life and the lives of those around you. Get in touch with and follow your inner guidance about the direction you are headed. Write down your goals and be as specific as you can.Whenyou’redone,besureto add, “This or something better now comes to me under grace in a perfect way.” This allows Spirit to step in and create in a larger, more expansiveway. 2. Engage your will to follow through on whatever needs to be done to make your dreams come true. Bewillingtoworkwithyour subconscious blocks that arise.Yourwillisthepartofyouthat says, “I will do whatever is necessary to make this a reality in my life.” Manifesting does not mean we don’thavetodoanythingonthe

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By William Wittmann

First, Prevent Scurvy

If you want to have a life you love, you need to do the things you love. Obviously. No problemo. If you love to ski, but haven’t seen the slopes in the last three years… can you say you’re living a life you love? Here’s your problem: you have a life to live. Where are you going to find the time? Your life is already full, right? How’s it all going to fit together? It turns out that to prevent scurvy, an ugly vitamin deficiency disease, you only need to consume 30 mg of Vitamin C per day, the minimum daily allowance.

another country or region.

What Practices Do I Need? If you want to bring stuff into your life, you will need to establish positive habits. You’venoticedthephenomenaofbrokenpromisesofNewYear’sresolutions.Domore of what works instead. Find the good habits and install them. Learn Italian – you will need to take appropriate actions, right? What might they be? Obviously, put the action in your schedule. Youcanusethismethod,itrequiresnowill power. Just pin your new behavior to something you already are doing habitually. Exercise: Make a list of the things you do every day or regularly without fail, such as: 1. Getting out of bed. 2. Eating breakfast, drinking coffee, etc. 3. Going to bed. 4. Going to work. 5. Turning out the lights at night. 6.CheckingE-mail,goingtothemailbox. On another list, write down the things you experienceeveryday,thingsthathappen.For instance: 1. Traffic lights turn red. 2. The sun rises or sets. It gets light; it gets dark. 3. Commercials come on TV. 4.Yougete-mail. Example 1:Youwanttostarttofloss,orfloss more. Youregularlytakeashower...justputtheflossintheshowernexttothesoapand

floss your teeth while you shower. Easy. Fun. Example 2:Youwanttowritereallettersto friends using paper and pen. YoureadtheSundaypaperwhileyoudrinkyourcupofcoffee.Havepaperandpen right there and write some before you have to get up to go to the bathroom. Just start the letter. Once started the rest is easy. Youcanseethat,can’tyou? I used to write postcards as a way to jump-start letter writing. I even used pre-stamped ones to make the process easier; one less barrier. Okay.Beforeyoudoanythingelse,askyourself the question: What do I want to try this year?

William Wittmann practices as a cranialsacral therapist and life coach in Seattle. You can contact him and find out more at: the website for his practice,, or his Amazon author’s page,, or phone him at (206) 328-2073.

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Good Habit Creation So, in order to live a happy life, what minimum behaviors do you need to do to keep the ball rolling? Examineyourlifeandfigurethis out. Start with the minimums.Laterwe’lllookat optimums. 1.Howmuchsleepdoyouneed before your life falls apart? Not just one night but what’stheminimumyoucansustain. 2.Howmuchexercise? 3.Howmuchtimeoutdoors? 4.Howmuchwork? 5.Howmuchplay?Andwhat kind? Remember the fourseasons.Forexampleyou may need to go skiing three times each winter to feel complete. Or it may be three times in your life. 6.Howmuchtimedoingyourcreativepursuits?Howmuch drawing, photography, dance? 7.Howmuchtimewithfriends?Family?Doingwhat? 8.Howmuchalonetime? 9.Howmuchtravel? 10.Howmuchtimeoff?

11.Howabouteatinghabits?Whatworks?Howmany times do you need to go out to dinner? 12. What have I over-looked? Now go back and see what would be optimum for you. More is not necessarily better. For instance, eating outeverynightdoesn’tlooklikefuntome,it’snotoptimum. Eating out once is both a minimum and an optimum for me. Clearly,youcan’tmakemistakes. If something doesn’tworkornolongerworks or the doses need to be changed, just make the changes.Youliveadynamiclife. Things change. Play with it until your life feels full and rich. Not bloated and poisonous.

What Do I Want To TryThis Year…

A friend asks this question each year: What do I want to try this year? Try it. Learn Italian? Ski? Run a half-marathon on the California coast? Travel to

a linear dimension, but our thoughts like to think so. To our perception we might see something as complete because we no longer are consciously working at it. Wemightthinkwe’vegottenthroughahardship, only to find a similar situation has revealed itself. Then the lovely phrase, “Ican’tbelievethisisrepeating,”passesour lips. Asanexample,Danielcouldspendyears working on the abandonment issuehehasaroundhisparent’sdivorce.Hemightfeelhehasbecomestrongand happy and has moved on from the emotionsthatsurroundedit.YearsdowntheroadDanielfindstheloveofhis life only to find one day these same abandonment issues have resurfaced even in light of a beautiful relationship. Hemightsay,“Ican’tbelieveI’mdealingwith this again!” The same may be true for health issues, weight, emotional fears, anxiety,anddepressionthatresurfacewhenweleastexpectitandwhenwecertainlydon’twantit. It is so easy for us to fall into the old grooves of our thinking. It is a comfortable and familiar place to be. The universe is continually showing us how to return to balance with each life hurdle. So, we have two choices: go kicking and screaming in suffering of what is happening, or to embrace the situation to look for how the Tao is leading us to the return of our peace, our serenity and our health. Realizing the current situation is similar to a situation before it is a major clue that healing is upon you. The return of the Tao is always working in our favor to continually come back into balance. We may find our center, our peace, our resolve, our health, and so on, but did we learn the deeper lesson that was there all along? Were we able to apply that lesson tonewlifeexperiences?Thatlessonwas there to change you, shape you, and evolve your life path. We usually emotionally evolve as we face challenges, but then slowly revert back to an old way of being. I see the patterns every day in my practice. We forget the lesson or fail to apply it to new challenges, so the universe has a loving way of re-teaching us again and again, thus returning to the Tao.

“Every being in the universe is an expression of the Tao. “It springs into existence, unconscious, perfect, free, takes on a physical body, lets circumstances complete it.


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By Jenny Vires

In the ancient Chinese book of virtues, The Tao Te Ching, by Lau Tzu, there is a passage that speaks of the return of the Tao. “Return is the movement of the Tao. Yielding is the way of the Tao. All things are born of being. Being is born of non-being.” The Tao quite simply means balance on every level. The yin-yang symbol is the symbol for the Tao. It is the balance of night and day, summer and winter, male and female, output versus input. When this is in alignment life is in harmony, balance, Tao. There is a balance of Tao in everything we do. The Tao of doing the dishes, the Tao of sleeping, the Tao of eating, and the Tao of making love are someexamples. ThereisapatternunfoldingwhichI’vestarted to observe. These are situations where one finds certain life circumstances or emotions repeating themselves. The phrase “I thought I already worked through this” has been coming up a lot lately, in my personal life as well. All things ebb and flow and move through time and space. Nothing is static,noteventhestars.Wedonotexistin

“That is why every being spontaneously honors the Tao. “The Tao gives birth to all beings, nourishes them, maintains them, cares for them, comforts them, protects them, takes them back to itself, creating without possessing, acting without expecting, guiding without interfering. “That is why love of the Tao is in the very nature of things.” (From Tao Te Ching: A New English Version, by Lao Tzu, translated by Stephen Mitchell, Wilderness Publications, 2008, Passage 51).

Each person is as unique as the fingerprintsonourhands.Yet,mostsystems of medicine like to lump us all into the same category, treat us the same way, and assume that the cause of the ailment originated from the same source within. If we are all so beautifully unique then what is the real probability that the cause of what ails you came from the same source as the causeofsomeoneelse’sailment?Ifyouareonyourlife’sjourneyasasoul,growingand evolving with memories, wounds emotionalorphysical,lifeexperiences,andperceptions that made you who you have become then why on earth would you be considered the same? Five Element acupuncture sees each being as a piece of nature. There is no one tree alike, just as there is no one human alike.Yougrewandwereshapedintowhoyou are right now based upon a lifetime of experiences.Thissystemofmedicineseesthe uniqueness of your being and fosters

Return of the Tao

the energy that created you to work in your favor. It supports the return of your Tao. When we take the time to tend to our “inner garden” with acupuncture instead of waiting until something is screaming at us, the journeybacktoTaodoesn’tseemsolong.

Jenny is a traditional Five Element acupuncturist and shamanic intuitive healer. She has worked with clients worldwide to help deeply heal and transform since 1996. Her training has encompassed classical Five Element acupuncture, shamanic spiritual healing, energy work such as craniosacral, and learning the deep transformational journey of illness. Jenny is honored to help others find their most authentic healing path within. She is the owner/practitioner at Shen Sanctuary in Snohomish, Wash., deeply rooted in nature where all healing begins. Please visit for more information.

Jenny Vires says that in challenging situations we have two choices: to go kicking and screaming in suffering of what is happening, or to embrace the situation to look for how the Tao is leading us to the return of our peace, our serenity and our health.

Continued from Page 2


Continued on page 8

Come meet Judith Orloff , M.D.!

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The Review Page

Books, MusIc, vIdeos ANd PRoducTs

Reviewed by Krysta Gibson

Several of you got in touch with me recently and let me know you love this new format where I highlight several books rather than only a few each month. Our mailboxwasfulltothebrimwithsomegreatbooksthismonth.HerearesomeIthink will be of particular interest to you. Oh, before I start on the books, let me tellyouaboutsometeaweweresent.Youmight want to enjoy a cup while you read! Called Tulsi Tea and made by Organic India,weweresentsixofthe 18 flavors available and each was wonderful. Tulsi is an adaptogenic herb, also called holy basil, that supports the immune system and helps your body relieve the negative effects of stress. Grown by family famers, the tea has an energetic imprint of love and care. We especially enjoyed the peppermint, lemon ginger, and pomegranate green teas. The company also makes a line of organic supplements. Learn more at Howoftenhaveyoubeentoldthatoneof the keys to success is learning how to forgive?HarperOnehasjustcomeoutwithThe Book of Forgiving by DesmondTutuandMphoTutu. Who better to write about how to forgive and be forgiven than the Tutus who lived through the atrocities that occurred in South Africa? This is anexperientialbookfullof stories and meaningful exercisesthatcanleadyouthroughlearning how to forgive or be forgiven. It holds incredible power you will want to experienceforyourself. While on the road of forgiveness or anythingelse,there’snothinglikehavingthehelpofangels.Here’stwonewbooksthat

can help you. The Power of Your Angels by Isabelle von Fallois (Findhorn Press) offers a 28-day program to find your path and live your dreams. There are someterrificexercisesandsuggestions that lead you through a daily program that includes channeled messages from particular angels, stories of angelic help, reflections, activities, affirmations, and journeys. The energy of the book is sweet as well as practical. Communing with the Divine, A Clairvoyant’s Guide to Angels, Archangels, and the Spiritual Hierarchy by BarbaraY.MartinandDimitriMoraitis(Tarcher/Penguin) is one of the best, mostconcisebooksI’vereadonangels;whothey are and how to work with them. You’lllearnaboutthecyclesofangelicevolution (yes, they evolve), the 12 kingdoms of nature, the leaders of the spiritual hierarchy, the deva kingdom, and much more as well as how to connect with themforhelpindailylife.Bothofthesebooks will give you a lot of angelic material to work with for years to come! And There Was Light, The Extraordinary Memoir of a Blind Hero of the French Resistance in World War II by Jacques Lusseyran (New World Library) is a bookIcouldn’tputdownonce I started it. The author became blind at the age of seven due to an accident and the book takes us through his youth, his leadership during the Nazi invasion of France, and his 15-month incarceration, and eventual move to the United States where he became a professor. Seeinglifethroughtheauthor’sblindnessisanamazingexperienceyouwillwantto have. I can see why it was chosen as oneofthe100BestSpiritualBooksoftheTwentieth Century. This book will help change how you view and live your life. I know that is a profound statement. It is a profound book. Thereissueof1970’sGrist for the Mill by Ram Dass with Stephen Levine (HarperOne)explorestopics such as reality, death, personal growth, intellectual liberation, and the nature of God, seen through the eyes

Guru Sandals-Exceptforafewhardysouls who sport socks and sandals during the winter months, most of us here in the Pacific Northwest keep our feet snugly bundled-up during the colder months of the year. So when July 5 rolls aroundandtheweatherwarms,it’sdelightful to throw off the Uggs and go minimalist with the footwear. And you can’tgetmuchmoreminimalistthanGuru Sandals. Inspired by an ancient Indian sandal design – sandals like these were worn by Mahatma Gandhi – Gurus feature an adjustable ankle strap and a single toe post, making them very lightweight. Wearing them is just about as close as you can come to going barefoot. Gurus are biodegradable, made from hand-harvested natural rubber, and the company pledges to plant a rubber tree in India for each pair sold. We were impressed by the packaging – each pair comes

with a burlap storage bag – and we also received lots of style points this winter as we cruised through the Southwest wearingthesetoughlittlesandals.Wecan’twaitforsummerto roll around here, so we can get our feet back into our Gurus!YoucanfindGurusat

Rituals Shanti Shower is a deliciously fragrant shower paste – a mild cleanser and moisturizer – that turns a routine shower into a special occasion. The almond oil base is thick and long-lasting, producing little foam and leaving your skin feeling soft,smooth,andclean;arealtreatfordryskin.Butwhatmakes Shanti Shower stand out is the strong rose scent: a musky,true-rosethat’snotoverlysweet,whichwaftsthroughthe warm spray, lingering and delighting your senses well aftertheshower.WeareenjoyingShantiShowerasaluxetreat, beginning each day with a shower of roses and a little pampering.–ReviewsbyRhondaDicksion


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By Delia Yeager

Repetition is a power tool. You can choose to use it consciously and to your radiant advantage, in service to your highest good, or unconsciously, to the detriment of your health, finances, relationships, sleep, well-being and highest good. Haveyouevernoticedhow sometimes your point of view is all-consuming? Suchasthefeelingthatit’snot safe to be in the world, the world is not safe. Or that someone really meant you harm, they were trying to get you, absolutely and

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totally.Orthatyoucan’tgetwhatyouwant.Youdon’thave the power, persuasion, friends, money, and wherewithal to get what you need, much less what you want. I think of these kinds of “always, forever and never,” statements as the warning signs. Whenever I hear them, I start looking at what I am repeating to myself. I’veresetthemtobeawake-up alarm instead of the zone-out mantra they used to be. Repetition is very powerful. It is part of the engine that manifests physical reality. Whenever you say your versions of these kinds of statements,youdon’tjustsay them once or twice; you are repeating them over and over and over again, like an incantation. And you are programming your body to their vibration as being “normal.” Bodiesareprettyliteral.If you tell a body how beautiful it is, it will shine and radiate beauty.

If you tell a body how ugly/wrongitis,itwillmatch that. The same hair will be radiant in one atmosphere and

become dull and listless in the other. We know that water molecules take the shape and match the energy of the vibration of the word printed on the jar that contains it, and our bodies are 98% water. Repetition is very effective. It is so effective that ads at the Superbowl are worth millions of dollars, and most ads use repetition. Repetition is so strong, documented, effective, and is used so often that these days we hardly notice something that is said just once. Normally when these repetitive statements or old tapes start going, you hit the snooze button to avoid or ignorethem.Butthetapeis still playing on an infinity loop, programming you deeper and deeper. The good news is that you can chose to repurpose the phrases and sentences that you are most familiar with. Youcanrepurposethemfrom “snooze” to “wake-up” alarms to get your attention.

Youcanusethatsameoldphrasetocatch your attention as to what tape you have on; to bring your attention to what you are telling yourself – again – in this moment. Once these “always, never and forever,” phrases are identified and re-purposed, you can use them to change your reality. It is from the present that we create the future, but usually you are in the past, trying to not recreate that and then end up recreating different versions of past experiences.Thisiscalledcreatingthroughpainpictures.Butyouareincharge.Youhavethepowertochange.Youcanusebeing conscious and present so that when you hear the same-ol-same-ol tapes playing, you can start engaging. Instead of trying to prove them wrong, or stop having these wrong thoughts, you can simply notice and accept, “This is how good I am now,” and then stay present. When you actually hear that tape, and not just have it playing in the background,

you will be horrified that you would say such things to yourself, or laugh at how ridiculous it is. Youwon’tbedupedbythe“reasonable”toneofvoicewhenitreasonsouthowbad/wrongyouare.Youwillhearthatyouwouldnot let anyone else say these things to you. Youmayevenhearwhosevoiceitwasinthefirstplace,whenyouwerelittle.Butyouhaven’tbeenlittleinalongtime,sonowitisyourvoicewiththatotherperson’snametagon it. Youcanchosetonotjudgeyourselfforany of this, but to stand by yourself; to stand by and honestly listen, honestly hear, what you have been saying to yourself, and feel the impact of those words and concepts in your body. You’dbeamazedhowbeating-uponyourself in your thoughts is a real thing biologically. The body chemistry responds as though you are physically being beaten up, and because your thoughts are what are beating you up, and you keep choosing to have those thoughts and not refute or participateinthem,yourbodyexperiencesbetrayal as well as abuse. Now you can use the tool of letting that old tape be your “wake up” signal instead of zoning out. The more you repeat something, the morethebodygetsthemessagethat:1.Youbelieve it, and 2. It is real. So once you notice and wake-up, find a version of the repeated statement that is its opposite and supportive, and consciously chose to repeat that phrase. Whatever happened back then, this is now and I guarantee you that now, in present time, you have tools and resources that the little you did not have, so chose differently now. Bytheway,youdidn’tstartoutbelievingthose lies about yourself, before they were seared into you somehow. Time to let go of those old lies. Repetition is part of our human makeup; nothing wrong with that. Since it is part of the operating system, it must be an asset. Start using this amazing tool of repetition for your own greater good instead of against.

Delia Yeager uses her clairvoyance to assist you in clearing out the lies and misinformation in your system so that your true nature can come forth and create your glorious, amazing life. Find her on Facebook at aspiritualperspective. She does energy readings, healings, and classes on Tuesdays at East West Bookshop on Roosevelt in Seattle, or by Skype or phone. Go to to book a session today.

REPETITION Is a Power Tool – Use It or Use It!




Ananda Meditation Temple23305 Bothell-Everett HwyBothell, WA

Offering classes & events at 2 locations:East West Bookshop

6500 Roosevelt Way NESeattle, WA 98115

Easter Sunday Service at AnandaSunday, April 20, 10 am, Ananda Meditation Temple, Bothell

This celebratory and inspiring service reflects the dawn of a new age of universal respect and understanding of ancient teachings in a new light. Celebrate with us the resurrection of our soul’s immortality. Special activities for children. Free! All are welcome.

Relieve Stress Naturally With Herbs, Ayurveda and Accupressure

Saturday, April 26, 9:30 am - noon, Ananda Meditation Temple in Bothell

Learn the basic principles of energy medicine - Chinese, Ayurvedic and acupressure - and how to use them to attain balance and harmony. We will explore the main five elements in nature (earth, water, fire, air and ether) and how each can support health and wellness. Taught by Melissa Yaden, EAMP, LMP, AWC. Find details and register online.

Christ Lives In the Holy Land and In You An Oratorio

Saturday, April 5, 7:30 pm, Ananda Meditation Temple, Bothell

In the tradition of Handel’s Messiah, the oratorio, Christ Lives, is a contemporary musical composition that vividly brings to life the deep, universal and personal meaning of Christ’s life. You’ll experience a powerful meditation in music, feeling the universal Christ presence through music (vocals & instrumentals), lyrics, and sacred vibration. Tickets available at

andexperiencesofthemuch-lovedspiritualteacherRamDass.Thisisatimelessspiritualclassicyou’llwanttohaveinyourlibrary. The concepts will never go out of style! Speaking of timeless, The Hero’s Journey from the collected works of Joseph Campbell (New World Library) is based on the documentary film of the same name. This is basicallyJosephCampbell’sspiritual autobiography with a collection of conversations and interviews that reveal and illuminate Campell’spersonalandintellectualjourney.

The Ecstasy of Surrender: 12 Surprising Ways Letting Go Can Empower Your Life, by Judith Orloff(HarmonyBooks,2014)

Review by Caroline Myss

This is the perfect book to come along at the perfect time. I couldn’tputitdown. JudithOrloff,MD,aUCLA psychiatrist and beloved intuitive healer, masterfullyexploreshow the power of letting go allows you to achieve personal and spiritual freedom. Combining mainstream medicineandbeyond,Dr.Orloffblowsapartoldideasaboutheath,aging,sex,power, beauty, and money by showing that surrender is not defeat; it is the missing key to true success. She defines surrender as the grace of knowing when to flow with life rather than fighting it or pushing so hard you sabotage yourself. This daring book is filled with a wealth of practical strategies to help you listen to your intuition more deeply and surrender to the wisdom of your body and the guidance of spirit, even when your ego wantstoforcethingsorwhenyou’reoverwhelmed by fear. I especially love the section on surrendering in relationships; how to surrender to love and let go of obsessive and “delusional” relationships whichstandinthewayoflove.Alsoyou’lllearn the art of setting boundaries with toxicpeopleandpracticethemantra,“Nois a complete sentence.” The great miracle of surrender is that you can live in the passionate zone of the heart and gain deep faith in yourself and thedivinityofyourlife.Dr.Orloffwrites,“Ifyou’relikeme–someonewhowantsto become everything you were meant to be and more – surrender is a doorway in.” Savor the wisdom and joy that jumps off of the pages. Return to these lessons again and again over a lifetime. Let this book be your friend and companion as youembarkontheexcitingadventureofsurrender.

The book is not only educational, it is inspirational and will help support you in yourownHero’sJourneyofyourlife. Clutter got you down? In Breathing Room, Open Your Heart by Decluttering Your Home by Lauren RosenfeldandDr.MelvaGreen(BeyondWords)gives a different approach to clearing your living space. This book makes decluttering a reflective spiritual practice that can help inform of burdens and attachments while learning howtoidentifywhat’sreallyvaluableinourlives. The practical aspects to the book will lead you through the process of decluttering in a way that truly opens your heart and helps you breathe more deeply. Freedom From Toxic Relationships by Avril Carruthers(Tarcher/Penguin) offers insights into all sorts of relationships thatdon’thaveapositiveeffectinourlives.There’slots of talk about the cords that form with people both living and deceased with many suggestions for moving on from these relationships.It’sameatybookwithalotofgreat relationship information. It’stimeforgardeningandifthepeaceand quiet of Zen is for you, grab a copy of Japanese Zen Gardens by YokoKawaguchi,photosbyAlexRamsey(FrancesLincoln Limited). This is an oversized book filled with beautiful photos and descriptions of how and why various gardens were built. Traditional conceptsareexplainedandcoverideasfrom the 14th to the 20th centuries. Whether you are just interested in gardens and garden design or if you are interested in Zen Buddhism,youwillenjoythepeaceandquiet of this tome. Thai Herbal Medicine by Nephyr Jacobsen and C.PierceSalguero,Ph.D.(Findhorn Press) gives a great understanding of Thai medicine, herbs, preparation styles, use of the elements, and diagnostics as well as specific recipes to use for various ailments. This book can be well-used by practitioners of all types who would liketoexpandtheirhealingrepertoire. Juicing is popular among a lot of people today. Joe Cross now offers The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet (Greenleaf BookGroupPress).Aimedat helping people “lose weight, get healthy, and feel amazing,” his book follows in the footsteps of his popular film Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead. There are storiesgalore,Joe’sandthatofothers,aswellasanexplanationofthesystemaswellas the actual process to use. MaryO’Malleyhasjustreleased What’s In the Way IS the Way, Moving Beyond Your Struggle Into the Joy of Being Fully Alive (Awaken Publications). This book will help you learn how to embrace your life while also allowing it to be transformed by truly engaging with the life you have right now. Through compassionate storytelling, poetic image-making, and gentle but powerful exercises,O’Malleywillleadyouonapathof true self-discovery.

The Review Page

Books, MusIc, vIdeos ANd PRoducTs

Reviewed by Krysta Gibson

Continued from Page 6

Be sure to visit where you will find audio interviews to listen to or download,articles not in the print edition, and

much more. It’s all free and it’s all available 24/7.


Continued on Page 10

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Eating for Your Inner Chi:

Feeding Your Mitochondria

B3),andpyridoxine(vitaminB6).Fortunately,these vitamins are widespread in foods like whole grains, legumes, meats, fish, egg yolks, vegetables,andfruit.However,sinceBvitamins(together with vitamin C) are used to make stress hormones, we may need to get more from foods or even a supplement if we are under stress. 2. Don’t overeat: Mitochondria become overwhelmed when we eat too much food. The over-nutrition means that the mitochondria have to work harder, and to keep up the pace, theymaybeputtingoutanexcessoffreeradicals from all the food they are burning. Free radicals are reactive, aging compounds. Therefore, overeating is overaging. In fact, some groups are actively forming communities about reducingtheircaloriesby10-15%sotheydon’tagesopoorlyandaren’tsusceptibletochronicdisease. All those free radicals can also damage the mitochondria. For myself, I like a 12-hour overnight fast where I stop eating at 7 p.m. and don’tstartagainuntileatingbreakfastthenextmorning at 7 or 8 a.m. 3. Spices and herbs: Fats are burned for energyinthemitochondria,butit’snotassimpleas it sounds. The process that your body goes throughtoburnfatsisrathercomplexandgoesin stages within the cell. There are some plant foods that help to jumpstart the process of fat burning including the spices caraway, chili pepper, nutmeg, licorice, black and white pepper, paprika,coriander,saffron.Yourspicerackinyour kitchen is truly filled with energy-enhancing actives. 4. Low toxin load:Toxinssuchasheavymetals,persistent organic pollutants (e.g, bisphenol A), and other endocrine disruptors that we find in food essentially “poison” the mitochondria. Therefore, one of the best ways to begin with your mitochondria is to reduce your intake of toxinsbybuyingorganically-grownproduceandwash your produce well before eating. 5. Foods low in glycemic index: The way that we handle sugar says something about the health of our mitochondria. Insulin, which is released after a sugar load, can lead to changes in how we burn fat and can determine whether our body becomes more inflamed. Eating foods that do not spike our blood sugar and insulin are preferred for this purpose. Also, some initial research

Nutrition for Body & soulby Deanna Minich, PhD, CN, RYT

Since I like to look at the “root” of why we have certain health issues rather than just skimming

the surface, I have exploredwhat

creates energy in our body deep within

ourcells.Ifyou’veevertaken a biology class, you

would have learned that we have “energy-manufacturing powerhouses” within our cells called mitochondria. About 10% of our body weight comes from our mitochondria, and allmitochondrialDNAcomesfrom our mother. Most chronic diseases beyond fatigue are associated with mitochondrial dysfunction such as cancer, muscle weakness, and neurological issues. At a very basic physical level, these

powerhouse structures act as “mini factories” of

energy production. When we

speak more symbolically about mitochondria, they might be referred to as what assists us in harnessing chi (or prana). In chakra terminology, they would connecttothesolarplexuschakra, which is associated with how we digest and transform energy. Therefore, our ability to transform is within every cell with these little “chi” producers and regulators. It’sprobablynosurprisethatmany people lack so much energy. We are putting out so much and not feeling nourished, so the equation of in versus out is not in balance. What may help with creating a balanced energy equation is to focus on some strategies to help replenish our mitochondria. Herearesometoconsider: 1. B vitamins: The mitochondria is the hub of burning our food into fuel. To do this well, we need to make sure we are taking in water-solubleBvitaminslikethiamin(vitaminB1),riboflavin(vitaminB2),niacin(vitamin

“I feel tired.”“I can’t get the energy to get out of bed.” “I can feel myself dipping low throughout the day.”One of the most complaints I hear from people is that they are low in energy. They are dragging from the moment they wake up until the moment they go to bed. No amount of sleep helps the situation. Of course, there can be several reasons why we may sit within what feels like an eternal dreamworld without feeling the spark of life force igniting within to give us that pleasing “fire in the belly” sensation.


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suggests that artificial sweeteners may interfere with our metabolism in unique ways. My personal preference is always to stay closer to natural sweeteners like apple and pear juice concentrates in baking, or evenapplesauceand/oraripe banana. 6. Colorful plant foods: The mitochondria is all about color, and has the “cytochrome enzymes” (“cytochrome” is literally translated into “cellular pigments”) in its inner membrane to prove it. The job of these enzymes are toextractenergyfromfuel. Plant foods which are colorful and rich in phytonutrients serve the mitochondria because they contain protective compounds that help

to blunt the stress from metabolism. The foods highest in phytonutrients are collard greens, ground cocoa powder, beet greens, broccoli,andBrusselssprouts. 7. Flexible fats: The mitochondria has a sophisticated structure. Even though they look like tiny kidney beans within the cell, inside they have lots of curvy walls (called cristae) that are active in metabolism. The ability for the mitochondria to function well and transport fuel will be determined by how “fluid” the wall is that is transporting fats to be burned for energy. Most people do not eat enough of the fluid, anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats, which are squiggly, wiggly, and find their way into the

mitochondrial membrane. Getting more of these fats by eating more oily fish (salmon, mackerel, tuna), leafy greens, nuts, and seed meal(particularlyflaxseedmeal), can be beneficial for enhancing “metabolic flexibility”withintheinner walls of the mighty mitochondria.

Deanna Minich, PhD, CN, RYT, is a mind-body-spirit nutritionist and author who bridges together modern science with ancient spirituality in her novel approach to food and eating. See her website,, and Facebook page, Food & Spirit with Dr. Deanna Minich (, for more details.

Continued from Page 9

Eating for Your Inner Chi

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By Tyler Deal

Change is inevitable in every area of our lives. We change jobs, move to new towns, break-up with our partners, join with new ones, lose loved ones, and we are constantly moving and adapting to the newness that is present in every moment. Change is the only constant, yet it can be challenging to weather sometimes. After all, we are powerful beings living in incredible times and we should be able to have some control over life when things get uncomfortable. Synchronously within that chaos, a great acceptance of “what is” lies deep in our hearts. Nature shows us this acceptance through the cycles of the moon, the turning of the ocean tides, and the weather patterns moving in momentum from harsh storms to gentle breezes to quiet snows. Growing up in the Pacific Northwest I would watch these patterns in amazement. Over a time of seven years I watched a cherry tree in our front yard grow from four feet to a full tree, decorated with pink blossoms in the early spring. The beautiful tree was showing me how much I had grown as well in seven years. I had wonderful moments as a kid playing with my friends in the dirt, running through the forest, and riding my bike around. I was invincible. The branches of the cherry tree in all of her elegance swayed and dipped with joy as the wind blew in from Puget Sound. The blossoms would soon fall and the leaves would begin to form soon after. One day in the autumn, the leaves dropped to the cold frosty dirt as the bare branches stuck out to the crisp air almost lifelessly.

Simultaneously, my body would ache with pain as it grew a few more inches that year. I savored every moment of being a kid, somehow knowing that joy might be temporary. I was like the tree, growing, blossoming to full capacity, and eventually withering with the cold as I learned more about life, but always knowing change would transform me again to my flowering self. The self is also always changing. Life can become difficult when we want to hold on to who we are. I am always asking the question, “Who am I?” and when I think I have the answer, whoosh, it is gone. It is a question I can never answer completely. WhatI’vediscoverediswhenIholdmyself loosely and lovingly without the labels and the masks, I can move through change quite easily. We are, after all, nature herself.Weareonewithchange.Belowarefour steps to allow change to come and go with ease. 1. Feel the feeling completely. Whether it is the mourning of the loss of a loved one, the fear you feel when someone looks at you a particular way, or the joy you experiencefromyourbabyandtheloveofyourpartner,lifeisexpressingthroughyou.Allow it to be. 2. Change it up. If something is uncomfortable and it is trying to move through you, move the body. Go for a walk by the water, go dancing, write out your thoughts, or play with your pets. Moving and breathing are wonderful ways to allow change. 3. Get Support. Talk with friends and family whom you trust; people who will just allow you to talk. Treatyourselftoamassage,orifyoudon’tlike being touched get some energy work. There are many people out there who can help you. Trust you will find the perfect support. Talk with your connection to Source, God, the earth, the universe, daily. Whatever your spiritual belief, it is here to

support you. 4. Allow yourself. Beeasyonyourself.Don’tblameyourselffor the circumstances that are before you. Try not to separate yourself too much. Often we have what I call the “perfect model syndrome.” It is the idea that we have to be the perfect employee, lover, student, or parent, etc. It is the idea that we have to bespiritual.Youarehumaninthisbody,experiencingeverythingpossible.Allowyourself to be and you will find the gift. Each path is unique, and we are all on this mind-blowing journey together. No part

of change is bad or good. It just is. Remove the labels to the particular emotion, and justfeelthefreedomoffeeling.Youarethebudding cherry tree ready to be awakened toitsfullflowering.Youarealreadyperfectin the eyes of divinity.

Tyler has a unique way of accelerating consciousness and awakening your gifts. He is an emerging talent in energy transformation. Tyler grew up in Edmonds Wash. and currently resides in Hawaii. He can be found on his website:

Four Steps to Allow Change to Come and Go with

costs.Thetestingisextensiveandlastsforthedog’sentirelifetime. Robbie’svetencouragedustoparticipate.Hesaystodothevarietyand number of lab tests they do on a yearly basis would be cost-prohibitive for the majority of dog owners and you learn somuchaboutyourdog’shealthandcondition through the testing. To start with, they have your vet collect urine, stool, hair, nails and 60cc of blood for the initial round of testing. I really don’tknowmuchaboutwhathappensafter that but I will keep you updated from time to time. If you are interested in signing-up your dog for this study, they must be a Golden Retriever and less than two years of age to qualify. To register go to or you can call 800-243-2345. Speaking of cancer, I just found out there is now a blood test that tells whether or not your cat or dog has cancer. This is quite a breakthrough in veterinary medicine, allowing the very early detection, which is crucial in most successful treatments. The test can be beneficial in two cases. One, if you suspect your animal friend has cancer and want to easily confirm or deny the suspicion. Two, if your animal friend has had cancer, it is an easy way to test whether or not they have remained in remission. FYI,herearethe10cancerwarningsigns: 1) abnormal lumps or swellings thatcontinuetoexpand,2)bleedingordischarge from any body opening, 3) sores thatdonotheal,4)unexplainedweightloss,5) loss of appetite, 6) difficulty eating or swallowing, 7) loss of stamina or hesitation toexercise,8)persistentlamenessorstillness, 9) offensive odor, 10) difficulty


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Calling all Golden Retriever owners. If you have one or more Goldens two years of age or younger, you need to know about this. Golden Retrievers are prone to developing cancer. In fact, in the research I just read, they are the first breed listed on the cancer-likely list of dog breeds. That is probably why they were chosen for studies by the Morris Animal Foundation Canine Lifetime Health Project. They call it “a Golden opportunity to fight cancer.” The foundation is looking for 3,000 pups to be part of the most groundbreaking study ever undertaken to improve the lives ofdogs.MAF’sGoldenRetrieverLifetimeStudy,tracksvolunteerdogs’healthforlifein order to gain insights into preventing and treating cancer and other canine diseases. It is the largest and longest study ever conducted to advance veterinary medicine for dogs. They hope to determine risk factors for canine diseases. The genetic, environmental, and nutritional data from participating dogs will help them learn how to prevent cancer and other diseases. They believe that what is learned from the Golden Retrievers in the study will give all dogs a brighter, healthier future. I have signed-up my dog, Robbie, to be part of this study. It is all done online to begin with. It is easy but time-consuming to fill out the entire questionnaire. Registration is free and they cover pretty much all of the

breathing, urinating, or defecating. Of course, most all of the above could be indications of other not so serious and treatable conditions, like arthritis, for example,sononeedtopanic,butavet check would be a good idea. If cancer is suspected, now a simple blood test can be run. In cats, signs of inflammatory bowel disease can be very similar to lymphoma, a type of cancer. The signs are

diarrhea, lethargy, weight loss, vomiting, loss of appetite, and

depression. This blood test can determine which one it is. The blood test is calledVDI-TKcanine+orVDI-TKfeline+.It

is done by Veterinary DiagnosticsInstitute,

They are working with the National Canine Cancer Foundation (NCCF), a nationwide nonprofit dedicated to eliminating cancer

as a major health issue in dogs by

funding grants for researchers. A portion of

the cost of the blood test is donated to NCCF,

our AnimalFriendsby Martha Norwalk

Latest Developments in Animal Health Next,therearenewstridesbeingmadein spaying and neutering. Now, a handful of nonsurgical sterilization treatments are emerging, led by Zeuterin, which could be commercially available in the US by the end of this year. This drug sterilizes male dogs without the removal of their testicles, thus preserving some testosterone production. It is quick, painless, and noninvasive. The drug is injected directly into the testicles, killing the sperm and then shutting down the passageway through which it would normally travel. The results are permanent, the process takes only a few hours, poses little risk compared with surgery, and works in 99.6% of dogs. I am assuming some sedation or anesthesia must be used to make itpainlesswhichwouldexplainittakingafew hours. Ark Sciences, the company that will be marketing the drug, says they will make it available at clinics for as little as $15. Another potential option is a vaccine known as GonaCon. It was developed by theDepartmentofAgriculturetosterilizedeer and wild horses. A single injection has shown to sterilize most cats and dogs for up to four years. These new products do sound encouraging but I am wondering if there are any known side effects or longterm negativeconsequences.Becausewearenowlearning that traditional surgical spaying and neutering is causing some serious health repercussionsforouranimalfriends,let’shope these alternatives will offer a better and healthier solution.

Martha Norwalk is an animal behavior Therapist and host of Martha Norwalk’s Animal World, Sunday mornings, from 9 a.m. to noon on Alternative Talk AM 1150. She can be reached at Martha’s Canine, Feline and All Creature Counseling at (360) 217-7258 or For a free, no obligation telephone evaluation or to make an appointment for Martha to work with you and your animal friend, give her a call.

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Visit to submit your events. Listings are due the second Friday of the month for the following month’s issue. Event listings are free of charge. We include as many free ads as possible each month. For guaranteed placement, listings are $30 for up to 50 words. Send your event listing by the 2nd Friday of the month to krysta@newspiritjournal.comEvents • Classes • Workshops

APRIL 1, MAY 6, JUNE 311:30 A.M. - 1 P.M.GooD CoMPANY NETWoRKING LUNCH. Join us for lunch and network-ing. cost is the price of your lunch. sILveR sPooN THAI ResTAuRANT, 3828 196th St. SW, Lynnwood, WA 98036 • For directions only: 425-967-3255. see menu at You don’t have to eat to join us but please do not bring in any outside food or drinks.

SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 7:30 - 9 PM, CHRIST LIvES IN THE HoLY LAND & IN YoU! - An oratorio, Ananda Meditation Temple, 23305 Bothell-everett Hwy, Bothell. This contemporary masterpiece is a powerful meditation in music. Feel the universal christ presence through music, lyrics, and sacred vibration., 425-806-3700

APRIL 5, 2014 3:30-6 PMS.H.E.S. oRDINATIoN CEREMoNYcontact dakara 425-267-9738, 425-267-9738 dakara@dakara.comAre you ready to become an ordained Minister spiritual Healer or earth steward? Full details at Beautiful ceremony to honor you and your ordination. Register today! south snohomish county Location

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 6-8 PMFREE PRoGRAM INFo SESSIoN. spend an enlightening evening exploring a variety of our non-credit programs. Meet the instructors. Ask questions. enjoy mini-workshops on two of the topics of your choice: aromatherapy, hypno-therapy, medical qigong, craniosacral and indigenous wisdom teachings. Pre-registration required. 425-602-3152.

APRIL 16, 23 & 30, WED, 6-9 PM INDIGENoUS WISDoM TEACHINGS: ELEMENTAL HEALING - MovING ENERGY & RESToRING WHoLENESS. Fuel your body and feed your soul with the elemental Healing™ Method. our energy body codes our experiences in its energetic architecture where there is a complete record of all our past experiences and emotional wounds. Healing those wounds is one of the primary rewards of one’s Inner Journey. $155-$205 425-602-3152.

APRIL 21, 2014 6:30-9:30 PMA-N-G-E-L-NETWoRK A NETWoRK GATHERING enriching Lives. Third Monday of each month. speakers to empower and enrich your life! door prizes and mini psychic readingscontact dakara 425-267-9738, 425-267-9738, dakara@dakara.com

SATURDAY MAY 3, 2-6PMSPRING oPEN HoUSE: PRIMAvITA FAMILY MEDICINE, eylan Health, daniel Abney, LMP! Informational presentations, interactive events, refresh-ments. come acquire new perspectives, inspiration and renewal for the upcom-ing season! door prizes, face painting, fun. Free parking. Renew, Refresh, Rejuvenate! 15446 Bel-Red Rd., #B-15, Redmond, 98052; Ph:425-273-0741,

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APRIL 10, THURS, 6-9 PMARoMATHERAPY & ESSENTIAL oILS: MEDITATIoN, YoGA & PRAYER. Incense, resins and aromatics have a deep history of use in religious and spiritual ceremo-ny. expand your own spiritual and phil-osophical potential with essential oils. $55-$95 425-602-3152

SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1:30 - 4:30 PM,YoGASANA INTENSIvE: HEALING FRoM THE INSIDE oUT: Yoga and the chakras, Ananda Meditation Temple, 23305 Bothell-everett Hwy, Bothell, WALearn to use yoga postures with breath and affirmations to affect healing energy flow within the chakras. 425-806-3700

APRIL 12-13: SAT, 9:30 AM -5 PMANIMAL CoMMUNICATIoN: YoUR ANIMALS ARE TALKING, ARE YoU LISTENING? Telepathic animal commu-nication is the process of listening to and talking directly with animals through thought dialogue, body sensations, emo-tions or pictures. Anyone can learn how. $265-$310 425-602-3152

APRIL 15, MAY 20, JUNE 17 11:30-1 PMGooD CoMPANY NETWoRKING LUNCH! Join us for lunch and net-working. cost is the price of your lunch. cHAIN BuFFeT, 14561 chain Lake Rd., Monroe, WA 98272. For directions only: 360-217-8226. chinese buffet and lunch specials. You don’t have to eat to join us but please do not bring in any outside food or drinks with you. No reservations required. For more information visit

APRIL 22, MAY 27, JUNE 24, 11:30-1 PM GooD CoMPANY NETWoRKING LUNCH. Join us for lunch and network-ing. cost is the price of your lunch. Bring your own or purchase a delicious lunch at east West. EAST WEST BooKSHoP, 6500 Roosevelt Way Ne, seattle, 98115.

SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 9:30 AM - NooNRELIEvE STRESS NATURALLY WITH HERBS, AYURvEDA, & ACUPRESSURE, Ananda Meditation Temple, 23305 Bothell-everett Hwy, Bothell, WA. Learn simple, sustainable, and effective ways to manage stress through energy medicine including chinese, Ayurvedic and acupressure. Taught by Melissa Yaden, eAMP, LMP, AWc. 425-806-3700

APRIL 27, 2014 6-7PMNEW MooN MANIFESTING CALL - live on the phone - replay available. Powerful New Moon in Aries. Take a journey through the energy of this new moons energy. Astrology information, healing and guided meditation. contact dakara 425-267-9738, 425-267-9738, Full details

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In small doses, hope is not toxic.Itonlynipsorstings.When our home team loses, when no one asks us to dance, when we tear-up lottery tickets, ourhopesaredashedandwe’releft to survey the space between ourexpectationsandreality.That space grows into an abyss for those attempting to stall reality with hopeful thoughts during times of peril. Thoughts eventually dissolve, while reality stands pat. We blink, andit’sstillthere.Raysofhopemeant to banish our darkest fears in the end only illuminate them, and we crumple into a state of surrender. Anyway, I did. Surrender was where I stumbledintopeace.Ididn’tgive up on life, I just stopped trying to outwit it. Surrender meant discarding the idea that life is always supposed to be wonderful;it’sjustsupposedtobe life. Time spent hoping for happier days is time spent turning away

from life in its infinite poses of glory: the elegant curve of mywife’snewlyhairlesshead,the game smile poking through herfatiguedexpression,themountain of get-well cards rising above a sea of orange pillbottles.Beautybornefromtragedy acquires a sacred dimension that can only be witnessed by a surrendered mind,amindthatisn’tchasingafterthenexthappy-facemoment. To picture my wife with hair again, to imagine her digging in the garden or strutting back off to work, is to add time where none is needed, to ignore the beauty right under my nose, and to allow futile hope to intrude on an otherwise peaceful day.

John Ptacek’s essays demystify the teachings of our great spiritual leaders so that more may be transformed by their power. They appear on his website, On Second Thought,

The Trouble with HopeContinued from front page

By Johanna Ryan, N.D.

Why is it that at times we cling with desperation to those things that are not serving us? I’mreferringtorelationships,jobs, beliefs of self; those things in our lives that stand in the way ofourhappiness.It’ssuchaninterestingphenomenonthatwe’veallexperiencedorthatwemaybeexperiencingpresently. Haveyoueveraskedyourselfiflifeshouldbesodifficult?Haveyou settled for a life of unhappiness believing that there is no way to change your circumstances? Here’swhatI’velearnedonmyspiritual journey: The key to life is to learn to let go of the things that are not serving us so that what needs to find us can.Byreleasingourholdonwhatis not helping us, room is made for the arrival of those things that resonate with and support our ultimate happiness. Our purpose in life is not to be plagued with despair and feelings

of victimization. It is about focusing on self. When we find time to go inwardly, we are able to get well-acquainted with ourselves. Contemplation and reflection become favored activities. This work requires facing our demons. Is there a purpose to such madness you may be asking? When we name that which is no longerservingusandexploreitshold on us, we are able to release it freely. Then what has always been intended for us is able to find us. Wearefreetoexperienceourbliss.We know when we are off course becausewe’renotcontent.Theantidote is to realign ourselves with what makes us happy. Hereareafewsuggestionsofwhat I do daily that help me stay connected to my purpose. Beginyourdaywithsomequiettime. Choose an activity that helps you feel centered and grounded. It could be yoga, breath work, reading a passage from your favoritespiritualtext,orjournaling.Thosearejustafewexamples.

Letting Go To Let In Pick something that works for you. When you are able to be more centered,youwillexperiencethepresent moment more fully. Our busy lives distract us from our innate knowing and this quiet time will help us reconnect to it. Beforebedtime,reflectontheevents of the day. When did you feel most content and peaceful? When were you not feeling this way?Bespecificinyouranalysisof the day. This information is a beginning step in determining what is really serving you in your life. When you do this type of activity morefrequently,you’llbeabletotap into those things that make your life whole and easily release those things that no longer serve you well.

Johanna Ryan, ND, specializes in helping people evaluate their health through the lens of their emotional and spiritual well-being. She is committed to assisting people in bringing forth a life that has meaning and purpose despite challenges they may be facing. For more information about Dr. Ryan and her practice, please visit her website,


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To advertise in this section, please visit Deadline is the second Friday of each month for the following month’s issueThe Classifieds

Astrology Churches andSpiritual Homes“AMPLIFYING DIvINE LIGHT IN ALL” CHURCH, kirkland, WA. A unique, inde-pendent gathering of peaceful starseeds. Rev. Alia Aurami, 425-466-4001.

CHURCH oF SPIRITUAL TRUTH. sunday services 11:00 a.m. cAMP edGeWood NsAc - 1228 26th Avenue ct., Milton, WA 98354. everyone welcome. 253-927-2050.

CHURCH oF DIvINE MAN is a non-profit organization focused on spiritual freedom. The emphasis is on teaching spiritual techniques to allow spirit to awaken and create consciously in the physical world. These techniques and teachings are based upon ancient wisdom and presented in a modern-day format. Take charge of your spiritual cre-ativity by meditating with purpose. or call 425-258-1449.

UNITY is an open-minded, accepting spiritual community that honors all paths to God and helps people discover and live their spiritual potential and pur-pose. A positive alternative to negative religion, unity seeks to apply the teach-ings of Jesus as well as other spiritual masters. 800-248-6489.

WICCA: Aquarian Tabernacle church, open to all. Free monthly Lunar cele-brations, classes, other events. For more information call 360-793-1945.

SEATTLE GNoSTIC CENTER - spiritual Psychology & Meditation, Transforma-tional study & Practice, Wednesdays 7-9pm, kabbalah, Alchemy, Mindfulness, Astral, 206-365-0826

ANANDA CHURCH oF SELF -REALIzATIoN founded by swami kriyananda, direct disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda is a movement based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda that helps you bring God into your life through meditation and spiritual living. offers classes, services, Living Wisdom schools, and spiritual communities in the united states, India, and Italy. call 530-478-7560.

AMoR SPIRITUAL CENTER - We are a community of love where all spiritual beliefs are welcome.When we love ourselves and each other with our hearts and stay mindful of our thoughts, we experience unlimited freedom and joy. come celebrate life; yours, mine and ours! 2528 Beacon Ave, seattle, WA 98144,

Churches andSpiritual HomesTHE THEoSoPHICAL SoCIETY encour-ages open-minded inquiry into world religions, philosophy, science, and the arts in order to understand the wisdom of the ages, respect the unity of all life, and help people explore spiritual self-transformation. offerings includes classes, workshops, and bookstores named Quest Bookshop. 630-668-1571.

CENTERS oF LIGHT teaches christian mysticism and finding truth through experiences, not dogma. one-on-one teacher/student relationships offer the personal counseling and love that is rarely found elsewhere. spiritual communities support each other with integrity, honesty and joy.

Counseling and Other ServicesCoUNSELING & cat saunders (206) 329-0125 orvisit <>. see testimonials at <>. Professional support with a personal touch!

HYPNoSIS FoR HEALTH & WELL-BEING! specialized Programs andPersonalized Workshops. Appointments only 206-280-5322.

PAST-LIFE REGRESSIoN, MATRIx RE-IMPRINTING, eFT, emotion code Therapy, Hypnotherapy, and spiritual counseling. call dennis dossett, Phd, at (206) 321-2808 or email

DEATH DoULA / CoMA WoRK. clickon “end-of-Life care and support” or call cat saunders at(206) 329-0125.

Energy Work JAY THoMPSoN,CERTIFIED HYPNo-THERAPIST,EFT ExPERT. Tap Into Bliss live your dreams share your gift with the world. call 206-579-0106. Free consultation

Massage/ Mind-Body HealingPSYCH-K® brings peace of mind in your relationships, raises confidence, and more by changing subconscious beliefs. Allow your beliefs to transform your life experiences. complimentary consultation.

Ongoing Events YoU ARE INvITED To A FREE PRoGRAM for new and experienced meditators who wish to deepen their practice of meditation. For more info: 206-459-4680.

FREE SAHAJ MARG MEDITATIoN for human perfection through yogic transmission. Ph (206) 522-2502.

SPIRITUAL HEALING-FREE. Thursdays, 2 PM with Pranic healing, ascended mastered with channeled information and more. camp edgewood NsAc, 1228 26th Ave ct , Milton, WA. RsvP 253-845-4907 or 206-878-4079

YoU WERE BoRN To BE HAPPY – ULTIMATE METHoD To THE ETERNAL HAPPINESS! Maum Meditation presents free introductory lecture: 5pm & 7pm every Thursday. Recover True universe Mind within through unique mind-sub-traction methods. Find out the true purpose and reason for your life. RsvP: 425-336-0754 or visit

CENTER FoR SPIRITUAL LIvING - SEATTLE. SUNDAY SERvICES AT 9AM AND 11AM, WED AT 7PMcsL is a trans-denominational, inter-generational, not-your-usual church. We provide a safe place for “the rest of us” who are looking to connect with God/Higher Power/universal Presence, but don’t really fit in with any one religion.

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Psychic Fairs Massage/ Mind-Body HealingENERGY AND CRYSTAL HEALING, Bach Flower essence therapy. call karen dossett, BFRP, at (425) 402-3790 or email

HypnotherapyLISA CRUNICK, Hypnotherapist & eFT practitioner specializes in moving you from emotional pain, to humor, to desired behavior. call 206-941-1287 for immediate relief.

Life Coaching BRENDA MILLER, RADICAL AWARENESS® CoACH, assists people to feel fulfilled and at peace as they journey toward peak performance, better rela-tionships, job satisfaction, and forgive-ness of self and others. call to discover what’s possible: 206-529-8282.

Massage SchoolsAFFoRDABLE MASSAGE TRAINING in reputable school with most reasonable pricing. classes forming now in Mountlake Terrace for full 510-hour licensing program, offering weekend scheduling. Also workshops accommodating therapists transferring from outside Washington. continuing education available. www.AnandaMassageTraining.com360-301-6260

Ongoing Events MAKE A DIFFERENCE THRoUGH the practice of Transmission Meditation, the most potent service you can do for the world. Groups meet throughout Pacific Northwest. call (347) 455-8287 or visit

REIKI CLASSES AND CIRCLE. Free Reiki circle 2nd sunday of every month. Level I & II classes plus 3-month Master and one-year Master Teacher Training programs. Free Mini-sessions. Northwest Reiki center (425) 736-6980.

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AutomobileServicesHoNEST MECHANIC. QUALITY SERvICE. one-man shop with 30-plus years experience. By appointment. seattle. call John (206) 325-5377.

Churches andSpiritual HomesFIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH oF PUYALLUP sunday service 11am ,314 second sT se Puyallup WA 98372 253-845-4444 All are Welcome, A spiritual Pick me up every sunday. come as you Are. Just Behind city Hall in downtown Puyallup or on facebook at puyallup spiritualist church

LIvING INTERFAITH, Lynnwood, WA, gathers to share and celebrate our diverse spiritual paths. We are Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, christians, Humanists, seekers. our services cele-brate holy days from our many spiritual paths, and deal with timely Interfaith topics. We come together not to convert or convince, but to share. All of good will are welcome. 425-343-3915.

UNITED CENTERS FoR SPIRITUAL LIvING based on the teachings of ernest Holmes. offers classes, workshops, ser-vices, and fellowship focused on positive living within a spiritual framework. 720-496-1370.

Churches andSpiritual HomesAMAzING GRACE SPIRITUAL CENTER is a New Thought church where we honor the universal Truths taught by all religions. check out one of our sunday services: great music, great message and great community. dynamic, progressive, open and affirming. Find us online at

Publicationsdevoted to goodwill dialog, ChRiStiaN* New age QuaRteRly explores the differences between and common ground of christianity and alternative spiritualities. Top-quality articles, sound scholarship and lively columns make this a genuine interfaith bridge — entertaining and thought-provoking. visit or send $3.50 for sample to Po Box 276, clifton, NJ 07015-0276.

ReadingsSPIRIT GUIDE PoRTRAIT WITH MESSAGE - Medium Ginny ciszek and spirit Artist susan McAliley. 206-408-7190,

REAL CLAIRvoYANT PSYCHIC MEDIUM - Rev. Jordyn Morrison clason - documen-ted skills. excellent references. Real clairvoyant Psychic. Real Results. National. International.

WantedPRACTICE TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATIoN (TM)? Looking for TM practitioners for regular group meditations, sultan/Gold Bar. Phone donna Murphy 425.346.7077. Let’s Meditate!


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Be sure to join us on Wednesday, April 2. We’ll be interviewing Rich Bach about his new book, Illumination II: The Adventures of a Reluctant Student. Richard Bach is an American writer. He is widely known as the author of the hugely popular 1970s best-sellers Jonathan Livingston Seagull and Illusions. Richard also has new ebook, Jonathan Livingston

Seagull: The Complete Edition, just released from Scribner. On Monday April 14, we’re excited to have a conversation with Gary Zukav, to talk about The 25th Anniversary Edition of The Seat of the Soul. Gary is an American spiritual teacher and the author of four consecutive New York Times Best Sellers, including The Seat of the Soul.

We’ve expanded our reach worldwide. We are now being broadcast on The Radio Ear Network at, M-F 12-1pm EST and 5:00 am GMT in Europe. Let everyone you know in the U.S. and World there is another opportunity to hear Conscious Talk.

As a soul proprietor you have many tools with which to build and grow your business, such as email, a blog, advertising, educational content, search engine optimization, and direct mail, among many other marketing and promotion tools and strategies. Even though social networking has been around now for nearly two decades, many soul proprietors are just discovering the power of this marketing and promotion tool. Now that we have giants like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, people are finally starting to pay attention. And this means that participating in social networking is a tremendous opportunity to promote your business or practice. Socialnetworkingallowsyoutoexpandthenumberofyourbusinessand/orsocialcontacts with individuals with which you share things in common. Beforeyou begin to consider social networking as a tool to promote your business, you want to make sure that your particular audience actively participates in social networking. A bit of research and some time on various social networking sites will tell you what you need to know, and chances are high that you’llfindyourpeopleparticipatingaswell. Social networking gives you the chance to meet and make new friends along with a unique opportunity to demonstrate your value, establish your brand, and sell your product or service. Whether your business is just starting out, oryou’vebeenaroundforawhile,addingsocialnetworkingtoyourmarketingmixwill undoubtedly help you promote and grow your business, often faster than by more traditional means. The most popular and powerful ways to use social networking to promote your business include: • Share Lessons and Experiences – Social networking is about connecting. If you have something relevant to your particular field to share, then go ahead and share it. Start conversations and participate in others. • Share Pictures, Audio and Video – There is no doubt that a picture enhances thesocialexperience.Mostofthesocialnetworking sites embrace this visual form ofsharing.YouTube,ofcourse,isavideosocial networking site but now Facebook and Twitter both encourage you to link to

and post audio and video messages. On all platforms today it is also easy for people to share your content, which is something you want to encourage. • Share Information – Post interesting and relevant statistics, quotes, or headlines and start a conversation. When appropriate, link to your company website. • Drive Traffic to Your Blog or Website – Post a curiosity-generating or attention-grabbing headline and include a link to your website. • Promote – If launching a new product or service or program, announcing it via social networking is a fast way to spread the word.Youcanalsoletpeopleknowaboutdiscounts you may be offering or special

promotions, butmixthis

approach with the other more relationship-building aspects of your social networking. Nobody wants to follow someone who is simply

“selling” all the time. Remember

the active word in social networking is

“social.” • Advertise – Many of the social networking sites also sell advertising space. Facebook has run a successful advertising program for quite some time, and Twitter and Linked are now in the game as well. They all offer very highly-targeted opportunities to advertise your business, evenifyou’reonastrictbudget.Andnow,Facebook has a program that allows you to boost any post you make for a very small rate.“Boosting”isamuchmoresubtleapproach to advertising. As a soul proprietor you are naturally all about honoring people as unique individuals and engaging with them so as to be of service. Facebook offers an incredible way to attract and interact with the very people you most want to hang out with and get to know better either as friends, clients or both, and that is through “groups.” YoucancreateyourowngrouponFacebook and make it as private or as publicasyouwant.Havingyourowngroupnaturally puts the focus on you. Even as your members interact with each other and do their own posting, you, as the leader, will always stand out.

soul Proprietors

by Marty Marsh,Soul Proprietor

The Social Soul Proprietor

Continued on Page 15


Continued from Page 16

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14911 Chain Lake Rd., #431, Monroe, WA 98272 • • (425) 356-7237Publisher and Co-editor: Krysta Gibson •

Designer and Co-editor: Rhonda Dicksion • Rhonda@newspiritjournal.comAll content ©2014 by New Spirit Journal • ISSN: 1930-370X

Columnists: krysta Gibson; Marty Marsh; deanna Minich, Ph.d., cN, RYT; Martha Norwalk.

New spirit Journal is a monthly publication dedicated to self-empowerment, joyful co-creation, and thoughtful earth stewardship so that everyone can reach his or her maximum potential. Readers are responsible for their own decisions when reading the publication, contacting advertisers, or otherwise pursuing their path through life. Advertisers are responsible for the claims they make and are expected to operate in good faith, tell the truth about their work or products, and treat their clients and customers fairly.

Articles are due by the first Friday of the month.Ads are due by the second Friday of the month.

New spirit Journal is distributed the last week of each month for the following month. Advertising rates and writer’s guidelines are available upon request or can be viewed at www.newspiritjournal. com. sample copies will be sent for $2. visa and Mastercard are accepted. subscriptions are available for $25/one-year bulk rate. Washington state sales tax is included.


physicalbody,avortexofenergysoslowanddense that it is bound by gravity. While it is only an idea, an unknown dream, what is the attraction?Howwillyoubenefit,andwhatwill be the drawback of physicality? As your urge for a physical body grows, so does your desire to seek adventure, new information,thebrassringofyourhero’sjourney. A portion of your spirit begins to form as a soul that has the potential to extendintothephysicalrealmsandbeembodiedinthatdensevortexofsensualityandexperience.Itiswondrousandexciting;your hopes accelerate with the idea of the potentiality of this event. What do you know about that potential? What are the hopes and dreams of your spirit as your soul begins the plunge? What treasure do you anticipate will be returned to you? In what way do you yearn to shape your spirit differentlythroughthisexperience? Thoughtfully contemplate these questions, and take the time to make notes in your

journal. Allow the imagination to fly and the words to flow. No thoughts or ideas are too fantastical or too mundane. And then, focusing inward, return, once again, to the perspective of your spirit. From that viewpoint, observe the portion of your soul that has incarnated into this present body. What are the hopes and dreams it has for you, as you move through this life as the hero in search ofexperienceandknowledge?Howareyou carrying out its mission through the adventure you call this lifetime?

Mary Lee LaBay, Ph.D., has authored five books, two on past life regression. She offers private sessions and professional training in hypnotherapy, past life regression, and spiritual awakening.For details, please visit, or contact her at (425) 562-7277 or

Hypnotherapy TrainingClinical - Past Life - Transpersonal

with Mary Lee LaBay, PHD, CIat Bastyr University and Other Locations

No Previous Experience Needed50 CEUs/module •

Your Hero’s Journey

What makes a Facebook group work really well for your business is encouraging as much participation within the group as you can. It is an ideal way to create a community of like-minded people, and attract people who are more likely to be potential clients for you. Youmaywanttojoinmyown private group where you’llfindalivelygroupoffolks – all soul proprietors – who are all interested in

developing a business that serves the greater good of the world: Visit and ask to join.

Time to Get Social! Dabblingwithsocialnetworking has become, for many, a time sink. Hoursandhourswastedon various sites liking, commenting, and playing games, is a distraction that business owners cannot afford. So you must create a strategy for how you will

use social networking to grow your business and follow that strategy daily. Remember, you are not engaging with social networking just to play (you can do that during your off-hours), but rather to create connections on a more casual level that could turn into business for you down the road. Start with one social networking site and stick with it until you are comfortable before adding any other sites to your marketingmix.Andpay

By DS Clark

I have been on my spiritual path for a long time now. It is the path of awakening, deepening, and growing into a conscious being, and that is how I raised my now 19-year-old daughter. People are always asking me how I did it.Howdidsheturnouttobesowiseand so deep? The answer is simple: I let her make choices that were right for her. That involves letting her have tremendous freedom, and giving her my trust.

Iwantedhertoexperiencerealfreedom,the type that lets you soar and go forth to do exactlywhatyoucameheretodo.NotwhatI think is right for me projected onto her, butwhatwouldawakenhersoul’scalling.Let her be the manifesting generator of the people and events that would support her growth into being the amazing person she is on this planet. The surprising part about using spirituality when raising our children is that no controlling, no grounding, no projected guilt, and no punishment is needed. Why? Becauseweallnaturallywanttohavefreedom, and we all naturally do not want to disappointourparents.Butaskingforthistype of respect requires the parent to be a

good role model. The only real tool in my arsenal has been communication. My daughter and I talked about everything right from the beginning; drugs,sex,andyes,evenrock-n-roll.(Ihadtoexposehertoclassicrock,andlet the music speak for itself.) Even as a small child she would ask me if she could go do things, and almost always, I let her. Our conversation would go something like this … “Mom,canIgoovertoSarah’shouseand play after school? And will you pick me up?” “Who else will be there?” I asked.

The Social Soul Proprietor attention to your return on time spent. If you find that social networking is more of a distraction than a help, then you’llwanttoputmoretimeandenergyinto other forms of marketing. Butgivesocialnetworkingatryand see what happens. At the least you’llmakesomenewfriends.Andasabonus,you’lllikelyfindsomegreatclients, too.

Marty Marsh believes that your successful business is the catalyst for creating massive positive change in the world. To that end, he specializes in helping you, the entrepreneurial change-agent, to attract your perfect clients and to grow your business quickly and with ease so you have the resources to truly make a difference in the lives of the people you serve. For more business development and marketing strategies for staying in touch with your ideal prospects, visit

Continued from Page 14

Spiritually-Based Parenting: The Soul Requires Freedom “JustSarah.Hermomispickingusupfromschool.” “Soundslikefun.I’llpickyouupafterworkandwe’llhavedinner,andthenyoucandoyourhomework.” “Thanks, Mom!” An unconscious scenario would go something like this … “Mom,canIgoovertoSarah’shouseandplay after school? And will you pick me up?” “Youneedtogetyourhomeworkdonefirstbefore you go play.” “ButMom,IwilldoitlateronwhenIgethome.” “That’snotveryresponsible.Don’tyouwanttogetgoodgrades?Don’tyoucareaboutschool?” See the difference? All that guilt projected in the second scenario is accusatory, and shows distrust. It also sets upthechild’snaturaldefensestoretaliateandforms a lot of resentment. Now,I’mnotsayingIdonothaveboundaries. I do. And they are clear, and I communicate them so my daughter understands that with freedom comes great responsibility (just like Spiderman). In the abovescenario,Ididn’tthreaten,noruseguilt.No need to. She understood the boundary and happily adhered to it. The ground rules are simple, if you leave the door open and give them a safe place to come and talk, they will. No need for secrets, no need to lie. I tell my daughter to make choices that feel right for her and her body. I tell her to recognize limits, and be smart in her choices. With good communication and clear boundaries the results are always the same: the soul grows and deepens with freedom.

Diana Clark (DS Clark) can be reachedat, or (425) 653-9462


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For information about Good Company, call

Now you can participate in the monthly Good Company Club marketing support call sponsored by Marty Marsh, marketing coach, author and speaker ( Join in this call either by telephone or computer and network with other soul Proprietors. For details and to sign up for the free calls, go to

GOOD COMPANY: A relaxed network-ing lunch where we gather to share great food and even greater com-pany. We visit, network, and make referrals. Find out why some people say this is their favorite networking group! Sponsored by Krysta Gibson and Rhonda Dicksion of New Spirit Journal

Join us for lunch and good company!A Monthly Gathering of People Of Positive InfluencePeople of Positive Influence (PPIs) are those who are living their lives in such a way as to be a positive influence on the world around them. It doesn’t matter what kind of work you do or where you do it. If you are helping to make the world a better place, if you are reading New Spirit Journal,you are a PPI! Join us for a monthly network gathering.

LYNNWOOD First Tuesday: April 1, May 6, 11:30-1 p.m. SILVER SPOON THAI RESTAuRANT 3828 196th St. SW, Lynnwood, WA 98036 For directions only: 425-967-3255. • See menu at

MONROE Third Tuesday: April 15, May 20, 11:30-1 p.m. ,NEW LOCATION! CHAIN BuFFET, 14561 Chain Lake Rd., Monroe, WA 98272 For directions only: 360-217-8226

SEATTLE, EAST WEST BOOKSHOP Fourth Tues.: April 22, May 27 11:30-1 p.m. 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115.

Mary Lee LaBay, Ph.D.

“Not everyone has a destiny... only the hero who has plunged to touch it, and has come up again with a ring.” – Joseph Campbell

Stillness everywhere, bathed in neither light nor darkness. A vast yawning, yet nothing. No awareness, no thing of which to be aware. No consciousness. No existence. Out of nowhere, and of nothing, a movement. A ripple in the still pool. A nudge, infinitesimal while at once infinite. A gentle rhythm develops. Force and resistance. Friction. Reaction. A vortex. Swirling masses. A storm. Out of the storm bursts forth the consciousawarenessofexistence.Reflection and wonder. Thirst for knowledge.Hungerforexperience. With the dawning of self-awareness comes the birth of separation. Awareness of self conjures the recognition of other. Curiosity. The lust for survival. Competition. Knowledge, and the wisdom of its use, provides the fundamental means of survival. Self-awareness becomes the instrument for aspirit’sfurtheringofitsexistence. In its primal quest for survival, the spirit seeks a hero. It requires a chivalrous servant who will plunge to the depths single-mindedly in search of its personal brassring:life-extendingexperienceandknowledge. Our soul is the champion of our spirit. As our soul descends into the dense medium of a physical incarnation, itembarksonahero’sadventure.Itcrosses the threshold, leaving the gates of the eternal community. It accepts the challenge of seeking out truth, morality, virtue, growth, and ultimate survival throughtheexperiencesofphysicalincarnation. Upon death, the soul returns to the spirit,

bearing gifts of memories, character, and change. More pieces of the character find placesinthespirit’sarchitecture.Thealterations in its structure demonstrate movement;theexpansionandcontractionof the spirit is as if it takes a breath. Memories are all that remain of the sensual experiences,relationships,andadventuresthatgivecolortothespirit’sperceptionsand imagination. Awaken to the reality that you are the heroofyourowntale.Youaretheonlyhopethat your spirit has of ultimate survival. Although there are infinite aspects of you existingthroughouthistory,markedbyyournumerous incarnations, the present aspect of you is the culmination of all the others. Youaretheresultofallyourexperiences.You,inthismoment,representalltheexpansivegrowth,minusallthecontractivemovementthatyouhaveeverexperienced.Youarethefull,andsingular,representativeof your spirit. Bethehero.Plungedeeplyandseizeyourring! Theforegoingisanexcerptfrommybook, Exploring Past Lives: Your Soul’s Quest for Consciousness (Trafford, 2008). While there are other ordinary, and not so ordinary,reasonstoexploreyourpastlives,let’sfocusforamomentofyourownhero’sjourney. Youmaywanttofindaquietplacetorelax,whereyouwillbeundisturbedfora while, and open to a blank page of your journal. Takeinadeepbreath;exhaleandrelax.Clear your mind of the busy-ness of your life, enjoying this time that is just for you. Imagine, for a moment, taking the perspective of your spirit, formless energy encapsulatingyourconsciousness.Yourperceptions are obtained from your subtle body. Without eyes and ears, nerves or tongue,youexploreyoursurroundingsanddiscern the nature of life. With childlike curiosity, begin to imagine what it would be like to contemplate incarnating into a

Your Hero’s Journey

Continued on Page 15

Reviews • 8 Events • 12 Our Animal Friends • 11 Soul Proprietors • 14

Continued on Page 12

Tips forManifesting


Repetition is a Power Tool - Use it or Lose It

7 YourHero’s Journey 16

Eating ForYour Inner Chi 9

I had a strained relationship with hope before my wife was diagnosed with cancer. To me, hope was a high waiting for a low; a fix with a nasty flipside. Far from the precious entity exalted by legions of poets and philosophers, hope was just another coordinate on the pain/pleasure cycle existing in infinite balance with its opposite. In the same way that happiness alternates with sadness, or desire with loss, hope alternates with fear. One requires that the other exist. Hope was for

The Trouble with Hope

suckers, and I was no sucker. Or so I reasoned... thetimesIdidn’tneedhope,thatis.But

when life would clobber me over the head with misfortune, there I was, clinging to hope like a dear, misunderstood friend. Sincemywife’s

diagnosis, however, my relationship with hope is no longer

strained.It’sbeen severed

completely. I’veabandoned hope, and in

the process have met a new friend: peace. To abandon hope is to trample the plotline of feel-good movies, to renounce the rhetoric of sweating preachers, and to earn puzzled looks from hoperseverywhere.Hopesoothes and inspires. It builds churches and sells books. Hopeiswidelythoughttobethe last coin in our pocket, the one thing we can never afford to lose. Butwhatishope,exactly?What does it look like away from the flickering glow of votive candles? Isn’thopejustwishfulthinking?Isn’titjustslappinga happy ending on an unhappy beginning? We want to be happy all the time, and why not? It beats sad, lonely, and a host of other unpleasant but inevitable humanconditions.Whenwe’renot happy, we hope. We paint a bright future with our thoughts and wait for it to materialize. Howeverrickety,thislogicmakes just enough sense to ease a frightened mind. Implicit in hopeful thinking is the mistaken notion that we are separate entities existingoutsidetheflowofanexquisitelyconnecteduniverse, that we are as in control of our destinies as we are our individual retirement accounts.Hopeisoursilentprayer that misfortune is meantforoneoftheothersix-and-a-half billion people in the world, but not us.

By John Ptacek