New Resistance Distances with Global Information on Large...

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New Resistance Distances with Global Information on Large Graphs

Canh Hao Nguyen1 Hiroshi Mamitsuka1,21 Bioinformatics Center, Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto, Japan

2 Department of Computer Science, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland


We consider the problem that on large ran-dom geometric graphs, random walk-baseddistances between nodes do not carry globalinformation such as cluster structure. In-stead, as the graphs become larger, the dis-tances contain mainly the obsolete informa-tion of local density of the nodes. Many dis-tances or similarity measures between nodeson a graph have been proposed but noneare both proved to overcome this problemor computationally feasible even for smallgraphs. We propose new distance functionsbetween nodes for this problem. The ideais to use electrical flows with different energyfunctions. Our proposed distances are provedto be metrics in Lp spaces, to keep global in-formation, avoiding the problem, and can becomputed efficiently for large graphs. Our ex-periments with synthetic and real data con-firmed the theoretical properties and practi-cal performances of our proposed distances.

1 Introduction

The graph Laplacian is a popular tool to extract in-formation from graphs for various purposes. It is ameans to utilize global graph topology for classifica-tion with kernels (Smola and Kondor, 2003), graph cut(Shi and Malik, 1997) and clustering (von Luxburg,2007; Bühler and Hein, 2009). It is particularly usefulin semi-supervised learning (Zhou et al., 2003; Belkinet al., 2006; Chapelle et al., 2010) where graphs en-code unlabelled data distributions in learning. It is astandard tool in manifold and high dimensional datalearning (Belkin and Niyogi, 2003), where only near-est neighbor graphs would give reliable information of

Appearing in Proceedings of the 19th International Con-ference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS)2016, Cadiz, Spain. JMLR: W&CP volume 51. Copyright2016 by the authors.

the underlining distributions. Beyond these learningtasks, it also finds applications in other areas such aselectrical networks (Klein and Randić, 1993; Bollobás,1998; I. Gutman, 2004), random walks (Lovasz, 1996)and collaborative filtering (Fouss et al., 2007). Thekey point is that the graph Laplacians are the infor-mation bottleneck to find distributions. It is of greatimportance to be able to extract the right informationfrom the graphs to have the desired distributions.

The common problem is that, given graphs represent-ing unknown distributions of data, the task is to re-cover the original distributions using graph topolo-gies. In case that graphs encode similarity or neighbor-hood relationship, a continuously high density regionof the original distribution usually contains many well-connected nodes. In order to recognize these nodesbelonging to the same region, in the framework of dis-tance or similarity-based learning, these nodes shouldhave small distances to each others (compared to theother nodes of different regions). In graph embedding,these nodes should be close to each other in terms ofthe distances in the embedding space. Therefore, thedesirable distance should contain global information ofgraphs such as cluster structures, bottlenecks and den-sity of the region in between nodes.

For this aim, many similarity and distance functions ongraphs use the idea from random walks (Lovasz, 1996;Bollobás, 1998) with the intuition that nodes from thesame clusters can be reached by many paths of highprobability. However, it is found that, in large graphs,distances based on graph Laplacians differ from the in-tuition, converging to some noninformative functions(Nadler et al., 2009; von Luxburg et al., 2010, 2014).This is usually attributed to the fact that long ran-dom walks tend to forget where they start (the mixingof random walks) (Lovász and Simonovits, 1990). Tocounter the effect of long random walks (Fouss et al.,2007), many methods give more weights to short walkscompared to long ones (Yen et al., 2008; Wu et al.,2012; Chebotarev, 2012). However, these methods arenot proved to overcome the problem.

It is proved analytically for resistance distance (alsohitting and commute time distances) on random geo-


New Resistance Distances with Global Information on Large Graphs

metric graphs (Penrose, 2003) that as graphs becomelarger, the distances converge to a function of localdensity (von Luxburg et al., 2010, 2014), losing globalinformation. This is called the global information lossproblem. This is a problem for all methods basedthe graph Laplacians such as (i) the graph Laplacian-based embedding and graph kernels (Smola and Kon-dor, 2003), (ii) random walk-based measures (Kleinand Randić, 1993; I. Gutman, 2004; Fouss et al., 2007)and (iii) spectral clustering (von Luxburg, 2007). Un-fortunately, the only known method that provablyovercome this problem, p resistance distance (Herbsterand Lever, 2009; Alamgir and von Luxburg, 2011), iscomputationally infeasible even for very small graphs.

In this work, we propose two distance functions,named Rp and R12 distances, that (1) provably over-come the global information loss problem and (2) arecomputationally feasible for large graphs. Our pro-posed distances would be the first to satisfy both con-ditions of overcoming the problem and being practi-cally applicable. The idea is to use electrical flowsas in resistance distance, as the flows contains all theinformation from the graph, and can be computed ef-ficiently for all pairs of nodes altogether. To preventthe global information loss problem, different energyfunctions are proposed, giving higher weights to theglobal part of the distance functions. Global infor-mation of the graph is proved analytically to be kept(in the same manner as p resistance distance). Thedistances are also proved to be metrics, resulting inembeddings of the graphs into Lp spaces. In our ex-periments, our proposed distances consistently showedthe cluster structures in large graphs while resistancedistance failed.

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, weanalyze the problem of global information loss in ran-dom walk-based distances and show how to overcomethe problem using variants of resistance distance. Wepropose the two distance functions for this problem inSection 3 and show their useful properties. We showexperimentally the merit of these distances in simula-tion in Section 4 and real data in Section 5, and thenconclude the paper.

2 Problem Setting and Terminology

2.1 Distances on Random Geometric Graphs

Random Geometric Graph. Random geomet-ric graphs are generated from a distribution in somespaces (Bollobás, 1998; Penrose, 2003). They areused to investigate whether statistical estimations ongraphs can retain properties of the distributions thatare desirable in learning processes such as cluster/class

structures. The objective is that, from the graphs,clusters, classes, and bottlenecks should be detectedbased solely on the graphs’ topologies. Nodes of graphsare sampled according to the distribution (Penrose,2003). Edges between nodes are generated by con-necting either ε neighbors or k nearest neighbors. Theweight of an edge w(xi, xj) determines if it is a simi-larity graph (e.g. conductance) or dissimilarity graph(e.g. resistance) with different weighting schemes suchas: w(xi, xj) = 1 (unweighted), w(xi, xj) = ‖xi − xj‖or w(xi, xj) = exp(‖xi − xj‖2/δ2).The problem setting is that a random geometric graphG = (X,E,A), where X = {xi}ni=1 is the node set ofn nodes drawn randomly from a smooth distributionp (Alamgir and von Luxburg, 2011), and E is the edgeset with ‖E‖ = m. Let L−1 be the pseudo-inverseof L = D − A, which is the graph Laplacian, with Ddenoting the degree matrix with node degrees on thediagonal, and A is the edge weight matrix.

Distance on Graph. A distance function d on graphG is defined as d : (X,X)→ R. For any pair of nodes(xs, xt), some examples are:

• sp(xs, xt): shortest path distance between xs andxt.

• ht(xs, xt): hitting time distance: the expectedtime passage from xs to arrive at xt.

• ct(xs, xt) = ht(xs, xt)+ht(xt, xs): commute timedistance.

• res(xs, xt) = 12mct(xs, xt): resistance distance.

• pres(xs, xt): p resistance distance generalizingresistance distance (Alamgir and von Luxburg,2011).

Flow and Energy on Graph. Many distances andtheir properties are derived from flows from one nodeto another on a graph defined as follows.

• Y : a flow is a set of real values assigned to edgesof the graph: Y ∈ R|E| (Bollobás, 1998).

• A unit flow from xs to xt is a flow with a totalflow 1 coming in at xs and going out at xt.

• Ip(xs, xt): p flow from xs to xt satisfying:Ip(xs, xt)

def= argminY

∑e∈E re|ye|p for p ∈

R, p ≥ 1 and Y = {ye}e∈E being any unit flowfrom xs to xt (Alamgir and von Luxburg, 2011;Herbster and Lever, 2009).

• I2(xs, xt): (2 flow) the electrical flow from xs toxt.


Canh Hao Nguyen, Hiroshi Mamitsuka

• Ep : R|E| → R: p energy function. For any flowY :

Ep(Y )def=

e∈Ere|ye|p. (1)

p energy function is related to the distances as fol-lows: res(xs, xt) = E2(I2(xs, st)) and pres(xs, xt) =Ep(Ip(xs, xt)) as Ip-s are unit flows (Bollobás, 1998;Alamgir and von Luxburg, 2011). From here on, weuse energy (of unit flow) to refer to resistance distance.

We define global and local parts of energy function Ep(: R|E| → R) for later proofs as follows. For (xs, xt):

• Elocal: the set of edges incident to either nodein the pair: Elocal(xs, xt)

def= {e}xs∈e,e∈E ∪

{e}xt∈e,e∈E .

• Eglobal: the set of remaining edges:Eglobal(xs, xt)

def= E \ Elocal(xs, xt).

• Elocalp : local energy function of Ep. For any q ∈ R:

Elocalp (Iq(xs, xt))def=


re|Iq(xs, xt)e|p.

• Eglobalp : global energy function of Ep. For anyq ∈ R:

Eglobalp (Iq(xs, xt))def=


re|Iq(xs, xt)e|p.

According to definitions of local and global set, Elocalp

and Eglobalp are local and global parts of energy func-tion Ep and Ep = Elocalp +Eglobalp . Please note that thisis a slightly different version from the one defined in(von Luxburg et al., 2010; Alamgir and von Luxburg,2011) without changing its results.

2.2 Global Information Loss problem

Global information loss problem is that distances orsimilarity measures do not contain the global informa-tion of graphs such as clusters or bottlenecks. Globalinformation is necessary for learning purposes such asclustering and classification. Even though this phe-nomenon is known experimentally for large graphs(Nadler et al., 2009), it can be proved rigorouslyonly for resistance distance on large random geometricgraphs. Resistance distance does not contain the in-formation of the area between the nodes (global infor-mation), regardless whether between them is a low orhigh density region (von Luxburg et al., 2010; Alamgirand von Luxburg, 2011):




=∞, limn→∞

E2(I2(xs, xt))

1/ds + 1/dt= 1. (2)

where ds and dt are the degrees of node xs and xt.As resistance distance only contains information of lo-cal density, it has global information loss problem. Ademonstration is shown in Figure (1).

3 Rp and R12 distances

In this section, we propose two distance functions thatgive higher weights to the global part of total energyto reflect global information of the graph. We thenshow their metric, embedding properties, computa-tional analysis, and phase transition by changing pa-rameters.

3.1 Definition

The desideratum is that the two nodes should have along distance if they are from different clusters. There-fore, the distances should reflect not only geodesic dis-tance (like shortest path distance), but also the densityof the space in between the two nodes. Following thesame principle as p resistance distance (Alamgir andvon Luxburg, 2011), we wish to design distances thatcan be decomposed into global and local parts. To re-flect global information such as clusters, the distancesshould have the global part at least of the same mag-nitude as the local part.

The global information loss problem on large graphsoccurs due to two issues. The first issue is that largegraphs divide a unit flow into many paths, resultingin small flows on edges in the global part (ye > ye′

for e ∈ Elocal, e′ ∈ Eglobal). The second issue is thatelectrical energy function E2(I2) =


2e , quadratic

on flows on edges, further reduces the weights of energyon the global parts (rey2e >> r



Our solution to the global information loss problemof resistance distance is to address the second issue,electrical energy function. We propose to use Ep forp < 2 to define energies (distances)1 based on electricalflow I2(xs, xt) ∈ R|E|. Ep with p < 2 can give a higherweight to the global part of the total energy. That is,for smaller p, the difference between rey2e and r



not be amplified as much as p = 2. We propose twodistances: Rp distance and R12 distance as follows.

Definition 3.1. (Rp distance).

Rp(xs, xt)def= (Ep(I2(xs, xt)))


= (∑

e∈Ere|I2(xs, xt)e|p)

1p . (3)

1For unit flows, resistance distance coincides with en-ergy.


New Resistance Distances with Global Information on Large Graphs

Definition 3.2. (R12 distance) For a given α:

R12(xs, xt)def= αR2(xs, xt) + (1− α)R1(xs, xt) (4)


e∈Ere|I2(xs, xt)e|2)

12 + (1− α)

e∈Ere|I2(xs, xt)e|.

One unique feature of our distances is that, we canuse the information of I2 in the same way as sparsity-inducing norms in Optimization. The distances haveparameters p and α to interpolate, containing R2 =√E2(I2) and R1 = E1(I2) in their spectra. For p→ 1

and α→ 0, they both converge to R1: the total flowson all edges added together. They have interestingproperties as follows.

• Consider the case that flows between the twonodes can be separate paths as in Figure 2. E1(I2)is the harmonic mean of the lengths of all paths.It is equal to the shortest path added with theamount of flow outside of the shortest paths (theshaded region).

• Rp and R12 distances are different from p resis-tance distance, randomized shortest path distanceand others in the sense that they do not convergeto shortest path distance. In all spectra of theirparameters, they contain the information of con-nectivity in between the two nodes present in I2(taking into account all paths, instead of only theshortest path).

3.2 Dealing with Global Information Loss

Intuitively, E1(I2) energy function overcomes theproblem of E2(I2) by giving more weights to globalpart. Any s, t min cut would contain the edges withthe total flow weight of 1, having total energy of thesame order of magnitude as that of the local part ofE1(I2) (containing only one s, t min cut). Hence, theglobal part, consisting of many disjoint s, t min cuts,dominates the local one. We prove that, in E1(I2),the global energy dominates the local energy for ε-neighborhood and knn graphs as follows.Theorem 3.3. For connected ε-neighborhood randomgeometric graphs constructed from a valid region X inRd (von Luxburg et al., 2014), the global part of E1(I2)

(Eglobal1 (I2)) dominates the local part (Elocal1 (I2)) al-most surely (for any pair (xs, xt)) as n → ∞. Con-cretely, the following statements hold:

1. For unweighted graph wij = 1: limn→∞Eglobal



→∞ almost surely as n→∞ and ε→ 0.

2. For Euclidean weighted graph with wij =

d(xi, xj):Eglobal



→ ∞ almost surely as n → ∞and ε→ 0.

3. For Gaussian weighted graph with wij =



δ2 ): Eglobal1


→ ∞ almost surely asn→∞, ε→ 0 and O(δ) > O( ε√

− ln(ε)).

Theorem 3.4. For connected k-nearest neighbor (ran-dom geometric) graphs constructed from a valid regionX in Rd (von Luxburg et al., 2014), the global partof E1(I2) dominates the local part almost surely asn → ∞. Concretely, there exist constants c1, c2 thatthe following statements hold:

1. For unweighted graph wij = 1: limn→∞Eglobal



→∞ almost surely as n→∞, k > log(n) and k

n → 0

with a probability of at least 1− c1n exp(−c2√nk)

(converging to 1).

2. For Euclidean weighted graph with wij =

d(xi, xj):Eglobal



→ ∞ almost surely as n → ∞,

k > log(n) and kn → 0 with a probability of at

least 1− c1n exp(−c2√nk) (converging to 1).

3. For Gaussian weighted graph with wij =



δ2 ): Eglobal1


→ ∞ almost surely as

n→∞, k > log(n), kn → 0 and O(δ) = ( kn )1d with

a probability of at least 1−c1n exp(−c2k ·log(nk )d2 )

(converging to 1).

Please find the proofs in the supplementary mate-rial. The valid region definition is the same as in(von Luxburg et al., 2014), but in fact, we only re-quire that distribution p is bounded and the graphsare connected. Note that the conditions of parametersin these theorems cover all the conditions for hittingtimes and commute distances to lose global informa-tion (von Luxburg et al., 2014). Hence, our proposeddistance can retain global information in the cases thatresistance distance cannot.

3.3 Lp Space Embedding of Graphs

We show that Rp and R12 distances are metrics in cor-responding Lp spaces. Therefore, the distances natu-rally lead to embeddings of the graphs onto Lp spacesthat preserve global information. The idea is to utilizethe formulation of I2 from L−1. Let ei ∈ Rn denote avector of all zeroes except for the i-th position havingvalue 1.Lemma 3.5. Let V (i) = L−1.i denote the i-th columnof L−1, respectively. Then,

V (s) − V (t) = L−1(es − et) (5)

is a possible potential assignment to the nodes of thenetwork that makes the unit flow from xs to xt.


Canh Hao Nguyen, Hiroshi Mamitsuka

20 40 60 80 100




















100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800








800 0






Figure 1: Heatmaps of pairwise resistance distances for a two-cluster distribution (details in Section 4.1) with different numbersof data points sampled: 100 points (left) and 800 points (right).Block structures of the distance matrices, indicating cluster struc-tures, were lost for large graphs.

Figure 2: Composition of E1(I2) in a sim-ple network: shortest path distance (to-tal flow in non-shaded region) plus theamount of flow on longer paths (shadedregion).

Theorem 3.6. (Lp space embedding) The followingembedding f of the nodes of graph G into an Lp space:

f : X → R|E|

xs → f(xs) = {· · · ,V

(s)i − V (s)



, · · · }T(i,j)∈E (6)

makes the p-norm of the space coincide with Rp:‖f(xs)− f(xt)‖p = Rp(xs, xt).

Proof in the supplementary file for brevity.Corollary 3.7. Both Rp and R12 are metrics.

R12 is also a metric because it is a convex combinationof two metrics.

3.4 Computing Rp and R12 distances

We show that these distances can be computed effi-ciently for all pairs of nodes in large graphs, as opposedto p resistance distance even in small graphs.Theorem 3.8. Given the inverse Laplacian matrixL−1, the Rp and R12 distances between any pair ofnodes can be computed in O(m) time.

Proof. The formulas (5) and (6) allow us to computeRp and R12 distances in O(m) time complexity fromL−1 as computing the p-norm in an m dimensionalspace. Therefore, the total cost of computing all pair-wise distances of a graph is the time to inverse thematrix L plus O(mn2).

This is different from p resistance distance, which isobtained by solving an O(n2) number of optimizationproblems, each with m variables and n linear equalityconstraints.

3.5 The phase transition

Rp and R12 have trade-off parameters p and α respec-tively. When p = 1 and α = 0, the global energy

dominates the local one as both distances converge toR1(I2). When p = 2 and α = 1, the local one dom-inates global ones as both distances converge R2(I2).Due to the the continuity of the distances as functionsof p and α, there should be phase transition pointsp∗ and α∗ that separate the dominant sides: local orglobal. The exact transition points are hard to com-pute (Alamgir and von Luxburg, 2011), but can be es-timated roughly. For example, let β∗ = 1 − α∗, then,with the usual definition of local and global parts as in(Alamgir and von Luxburg, 2011), the transition pointcan be characterized as follows.

O(β∗) = O(E2(I2)


E1(I2)global) (7)

The phase transition points are necessary in the casesthat we wish to have local information having the sameor higher weight compared to global one.

3.6 Comparison with p Resistance Distance

Our proposed distances and p resistance distance aredifferent in the flows used. p resistance distance usesIp to address the first issue of E2(I2). However, forall pairs of nodes (xs, xt), Ip(xs, xt) is computed inde-pendently by solving an optimization problem, mak-ing this method computationally infeasible even for asmall. On the other hand, our proposed distances useI2, which can be computed for all pairs of nodes alto-gether, are computationally efficient for large graphs.

Our proposed distances and p resistance distance aresimilar in energy function Ep to address the secondissue of E2(I2). For small p (< 2), Ep gives moreweight to the global part of corresponding flows (I2 andIp), making Eglobalp larger. This is key to have globalinformation not to be dominated by local information.Fortunately, addressing the second issue is enough toovercome the global information loss problem.


New Resistance Distances with Global Information on Large Graphs

4 Simulation

We showed simulated experiments in which graphswere generated with known cluster structures to showthat our distances can overcome the global informationloss problem. The distances being compared were: (i)R2 (square roots of resistance distances), (ii) R1, (iii)Rp with p = d+1

d , (iv) R12 with α = 1 − 1k·n1/d , and

(v) the shortest path distance (sp). These values of pa-rameters p and α were set to be around the transitionpoints (these are recommended values). Note that,p resistance distance, the only method that provablyovercome the problem, cannot be experimented due toits high computational complexity even for very smallgraphs.

The distances are compared by the quality of theirclustering solutions using clustering accuracy. Clus-tering accuracy measures how clustering results agreewith the known labels (each label corresponds to acomponent in the distribution, expecting as a clusterin graph). To compare metric distances for clusteringpurpose, in all our experiments, we used k-medoidsalgorithm on these (precomputed) distances and re-ported the accuracy of the best assignment of clustersto the (given) classes of data. Distances were also visu-alized in heat maps for intuition (supplementary file).

4.1 Two-cluster case

We designed simulations with clear cluster structuresto show that our proposed distances take into accountglobal graph information. The experimental setup wasas follows. Mixtures of two anisotropic Gaussian com-ponents fi(x) = c · exp(− 1

2δ2 |x −mi|2), i = 1, 2, withx,mi ∈ Rd were generated, having standard deviationin any direction of δ = 1. n/2 points were sampledindependently from each component, then all the npoints were used to construct k ≈ log(n) nearest neigh-bor graphs (random geometric graphs). Data pointsfrom the same component are expected form a clusterin graphs, stored in each half of the data set. Dis-tances taking global information of graphs into accountshould have short distances for the pairs of points inthe same half. A demo of the global information lossproblem for resistance distance is shown in Figure 1.

4.2 Data size effect

In this simulation, we set d = 7, |m1 −m2| = 4 (being4 apart from each other) for different sizes of graphs:n = 50 to 800, with the corresponding numbers ofnearest neighbors of k = 5 to 9 (namely, k ∼= log(n)).2

Clustering accuracy of the distances were shown inFigure 3 (a). We could observe that clustering ac-curacy of R2 decreased as n increased. However, clus-

0 100 200 400 800Data size0.75


















5 10 15 200.4











g A








Figure 3: Clustering accuracies for the distances at(a) different data sizes (upper, for dimension 7) and(b) different dimensions (lower, for data size of 200) ofthe spaces (x axis).

tering accuracies of our proposed distances remainedstable and significantly higher than that of R2. Theresults of our proposed distances were also much morestable (low variances) compared to that of R2. Thisalso confirmed the merit of our proposed distances.

4.3 Dimensional effect

We also found experimentally that as the dimensionof the space (d) increased (with a fixed data size), re-sistance distance also lost global information in thesame way as data size increased. We showed simu-lations over different dimensions d = 5, 10, 15 and 20for n = 2002. We showed clustering accuracy for dif-ferent dimensions in Figure 3 (b). We could observedthat, as the dimension became larger, our proposeddistances were still able maintained high clustering ac-curacies while R2 could not. Our proposed distanceswere also more stable, having much lower variances.This also confirmed the merit of our proposed dis-tances. However, in too high dimension spaces, nearestneighbor distances are not reliable, making neighbor-hood graphs and all distances based on these graphs,

2The heat maps of the distances are shown in the sup-plementary file for intuition.


Canh Hao Nguyen, Hiroshi Mamitsuka

Table 1: Clustering accuracies of the distances for different data sets.

Clustering accuracy (in percentage)R2 R1 Rp R12

idian 69.4±2.9 65.8±2.1 64.7±2.4 65.5±1.7pop 86.5±8.9 59.8±6.4 62.8±6.4 61.4±9.2spect 72.2±6.7 57.4±5.0 57.5±3.5 60.3±9.8ecoli 77.4±10.7 67.9±8.4 74.1±6.4 73.8±9.8iris 60.1±9.1 87.9±7.5 71.9±17.3 78.6±7.1

column 69.7±0.0 73.4±1.7 72.6±2.0 73.2±1.8breast 93.7±10.7 89.6±12.0 79.6±12.2 88.1±1.3

ionosphere 60.3±2.6 65.2±0.0 65.2±0.0 63.6±4.5user 44.2±3.0 49.4±2.4 49.1±4.4 49.0±4.3

including our proposed distances, meaningless.

5 Experiments

We showed experiments on real supervised data withknown classes2, to see whether our proposed distancescan discover cluster structures corresponding to classesmore effectively than resistance distance. We selecteddata sets for classification from UCI Machine Learn-ing repository3 with numerical attributes and the sizesthat the global information loss problem might occur(> 100 nodes). k nearest neighbor graphs were gen-erated with k > log(n). We grouped nodes of graphsaccording to their class labels to see if they formedclusters. We showed clustering accuracy for each dataset in Table 1. There were two scenarios. The first sce-nario was that the classes formed clear cluster struc-tures, even when resistance distance failed to capturethe cluster structures, our distances were expected toshow them. The second scenario was that the classesdid not form cluster structures, therefore, the graphsdid not have clusters corresponding to the classes. Inthis scenario, it was reasonable to expect that all thedistances failed to show cluster structures.

The clustering accuracies indicated that our proposeddistances performed well in practice. It could beobserved from Table 1 that clustering accuracies ofR2 were never significantly higher than those of ourproposed distances. Especially, clustering accuraciesof R2 were significantly lower in iris, column, iono-sphere and user data sets. It is possible that ourproposed distances had higher clustering performancesthan resistance distance (R2) because they overcamethe global information loss problem, as in the first sce-nario. It was also noteworthy that our proposed dis-tances did not always guarantee performance improve-ments. This could be the second scenario that the datamight not suffer from global information loss problem


that we were targeting. Given that this was superviseddata and classes might not coincide with clusters, thisresult was very encouraging that our distances couldshow cluster structures.

We show the heat maps of distances on real data toshow how clear cluster structures can be seen by us-ing our proposed distances compared to resistance dis-tance in Figure 4.

6 Conclusion

We proposed two distance functions, Rp and R12, thatovercome the problem of global information loss inlarge graphs. Our proposed distances are proved tohave global information dominated local one if the pa-rameters are properly set in the same manner as presistance distance. The distances are metrics, natu-rally leading to embeddings of graphs into Lp spaces.They can be computed efficiently for large graphs. Insynthetic and real data experiments, they were shownto be effective in capturing cluster structures while re-sistance distance failed even for simple cases. Futurework includes elucidating more theoretical propertiesof edge space embedding, scaling up the distances formassive data sets, transforming from distances to sim-ilarity measures such as kernels for classification andother tasks as well as applications.


This work is supported partially by Japan Scienceand Technology Agency (JST), Strategic Basic Re-search Program, ACCEL, "Reinforcement of Re-siliency of Concentrated Polymer Brushes and Its Tri-bological Applications", JSPS KAKENHI #24300054,#16H02868, ICR’s fusion and pioneer grant. H.M. isalso supported partially by FiDiPro (Finland Distin-guished Professor Programme) by Tekes, Finland.


New Resistance Distances with Global Information on Large Graphs

100 500





100 500






100 500



500 2468

100 500






100 500






100 500



500 0


100 500



500 0



100 500



500 0



50 250




50 250



250 0



50 250



250 0


50 250



250 00.511.5

100 300

100200300 0

100 300



100 300



100 300

100200300 0.5


50 150




50 150



150 051015

50 150



150 0




50 150




100 300




100 300



300 051015

100 300




100 300



300 0



200 600


200 600




200 600



200 600





100 300




100 300



100 300





100 300

100200300 0.5


50 250




50 250



250 0



50 250



250 0



50 250



250 0
















Figure 4: Results on real datasets from UCI Machine Learning repository. The datasets were for classification.We grouped the nodes according to their classes to see whether the distances on the generated graphs could showcluster structures by having diagonal blocks with shorter pairwise distances. The first three datasets showed thatno distances could discover cluster structures, probably because the classes did not form clusters. For the restof the datasets, our distances could always show clear cluster structures. On the other hand, resistance distanceeither not clearly showed the cluster structures, or completely failed to show them.


Canh Hao Nguyen, Hiroshi Mamitsuka

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